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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 23, 2023 2:35am-3:11am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] it’s always a big problem for me to create something, what to call it, when we started, my daughter helped me with this, my eldest helped, by the way, this name, in fact, she came up with when we were just starting to think about it , what to generally call these dolls, new year's toys, of course we laughed, we were probably there for two or 3 days, nothing worthwhile came to mind, and well, that is... there were of course, like little short kids, something... then this is it, yes, but in the end somehow this is the name it is just once something came up, we were playing with words and it turned out to be furfuriki, but in principle my first toys that i started making were made of wool, in english fur is fur, wool, and well accordingly, it’s like fur-fur, here’s the fur, but for me everything in a toy is important,
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that is, probably this is the most... a pleasant stage for me is when i start decorating a ready-made toy, that is, adding details, all the beauty is in the details me, that is, i like some brooches, some buttons, some squirrels, here birds, there is something like that, so that there is a little thing, and that little buckle, so that it is a miniature man, so, of course, a toy begins with an idea, but in
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general... toys always dictate to the master what kind of maybe every toy has a soul, especially those toys that are made by a master with his own hands, such a soul, firstly, of course, you can even take toys whose faces are made from the same mold, cast from the same mold, but each toy will have its own facial expression, and it’s so amazing, it’s so me... until now for now, this has been very surprising, and my toys, i really believe that they carry positive energy, because i create my toys with great love, i love every one, sometimes even if i’m standing at a junction when it’s so big the number of toys and people come up and start picking them up, but it seems, well, it’s true, when there are a lot of them, it’s like there’s a color in your eyes, you start to take each one in your hand and you understand that this is, well
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, this is some kind of separate personality. so they ask me, how do you part with them, are they like children? i was also asked this question, i said, well, with a light heart, because i create them for this purpose, in order to please other people. there is at least a piece of the master’s soul in every toy.
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i was born in the arctic circle, i am a northern girl, yes, this is the morman region, a polar city, that’s where i was born, i lived until the year eighty-six, that is, i was 11 years old, when we moved to belarus. purely brought him to some professional level, who does this professionally, and my dad worked for mine, my mother was an engineer , an electrician, that is, in general , the profession is completely unrelated to creativity, and from
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childhood i was fascinated by doing something there , drawing, sculpting something, sewing something, embroidering something , i really liked it, but i brought it, showed it, they said: oh, well , it’s beautiful, beautiful, everything, that is, as if they never focused attention on it, that is, in general... in principle, this was never in me they didn’t develop it, and well, for a long time, in general, i lived, it was my hobby, i was there i painted, i went to a drawing studio , this was already in adulthood, it was some kind of conscious decision of mine, my needs, when i went and was taught to draw, that is, to paint with paints, not even to draw, but to write, my parents did not encourage me to i don’t care about this, you know, i grew up at that time, well, in
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general, i am a child born in the soviet union. that is, i also really liked biology, everything is under a microscope, this whole life, i was also very attracted to it, but in the end, when i had already finished school, i studied economist, i am an economist by training, and i worked for some time in the tourism industry, in the field, which means television too, but in
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the end i came. in some very beautiful clothes on some themes, that is, i created some kind of image in my head, then i realized this doll, that is, i made it, sculpted a face there, fingers there, exposed arms , that’s all, but specifically making dolls, creating dolls, it’s difficult, a doll is not easy, yes, that is, a doll in general should, and
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a person should have some feelings. something about the costume somehow didn’t fit right, and it really exhausted me , purely emotionally, that is, when i made one doll, i positioned it like this, and it seemed like that was all the result. it made me very happy, but for some reason it was very strong for me , emotionally it devastated me, so i quit this business, because i realized that, well , somehow emotionally it was a little hard for me, that’s one thing i at one time i but i made gingerbread cookies, that is, as if, but again, these were beautiful gingerbread cookies, these were gingerbread cookies, and gingerbread designs, that is, i already there seemed to be some kind of houses there , some kind of sleigh, i don’t know. something like this, me too, this is a big period
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of my life that occupied me, and well, i think that i also achieved quite a lot of success in this, i also had them, i participated in exhibitions with gingerbread cookies, i in general, they filmed stories about me and, as it were , published them in magazines, that is, well, i think that i also did this quite successfully, but somehow walking through the exhibition i... well, well, the internet, in fact,
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this is a fairly large area where you can get some ideas and see how other people do it, that’s all, and i just disappeared, that is, i realized that i wanted to do this, i realized that i could do it, i decided to try, that’s when i tried, and well, actually, i am very critical of what i do, i always do, it seems to me that it is not beautiful enough, but i have very good friends, i have, in general, a lot of relatives to whom i can show who i am i know for sure that they won’t lie, they will tell me objectively that i don’t tell them that i’ll forgive you if, for example, he does something bad , they’ll say it’s good, and then in the end, well , it turns out that it’s bad, they know that you can’t do that, when i showed it and they said, oh my god, this is it very beautiful, i understand that yes, yes, yes, it’s real, that is, we need to develop in this regard. i haven’t been working on specific
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miniatures for very long, a year and a half, maybe a little more, a year and a half, and when i look at my first works and what i’m doing now, i understand that there is progress, but i’m also still i understand that this is just the beginning of the journey , that in fact, well, to reach some level, that right here, really, really, i need to work a lot, i need to work a lot, i need a lot... a lot what to learn, and i have two daughters, mm , the eldest daughter, i’m already an adult , she’s married, i love her very much, she’s a very calm, good person, and this is my friend, my girlfriend, and we have very gentle relationships, but my youngest is a little more complicated, she is a teenager, at a very difficult age, she is 15 years old, of course, these
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everything ... it’s so black and white for him, that is , he doesn’t seem to have any shades, but he supports me very much, he likes what i do, thank him very much for this, and i have a good family, strong, friendly, we love each other, support each other, that is , with us, if some situation happens, it’s unpleasant, because well, like when some pleasant situation happens, then it’s very easy to experience it, it’s natural, but when there's some kind of trouble in the family and it affects everyone, then it's already more complicated, that is, here it is very important
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to support the person who is close, this always happens with us, it never happens with us that someone blames someone and says, it’s your fault, it’s your fault, this never happens at all , that is, with us, if something happens, especially if it concerns children, then we all unite, we are all, we are all our family energy, it is all aimed at solving this problem with some minimal costs, that is, this is what
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happens in our family. because there is probably no clear definition of success, a universal one that would be suitable for absolutely everyone, but this is what success means, for some, success is that , for example, he has achieved some career heights there, for for some it is success in some material acquisitions, for some it is success in being recognized as professionals in some
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activity, and for others it is success to be. i had time, i didn’t have time, no, i have time for everything, in general, everything in my life comes when it needs to come, and i’m very i’m happy with my life, of course, i believe that success is working on yourself, because luck is a very unpredictable quantity, let’s say, yes, that is, maybe it ’s luck, now you’re lucky, then you ’ll be unlucky, for that counting, of course, is the same as buying a lottery in the hope
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of some huge win. i don’t have physical hunger, i probably need to eat first, then create, i’m generally a dreamer, i spent most of my life in dreams, probably this is not entirely correct, because as it turned out into a person’s brain, he perceives all dreams as reality, that is
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, a situation arises when i dreamed, dreamed, and it seems like i don’t need this dream anymore, because i’ve already lived it in my head. well, but i’m a dreamer, yes , unfortunately, or fortunately, i ’m such a dreamer in life, i’m a happy person, i’m a very happy person, and i’m grateful to fate, to life for what it gives me, every morning i wake up, i'm looking forward to the next day coming, i really love living, i love life, and even if something bad happens in life, it’s life and this is normal, this is normal, everything, all emotions, even bad, negative ones, i also really like the statement, i don’t know, i don’t remember who said it, but rejoice even at the bad moment in your life, because when you die,
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you won’t even have this, so i rejoice, i rejoice at everything that life gives me, yes, i’m happy. and i have a collection of dragon toys, this collection is not accidental, i made it especially for the new year, 2024, this the year of the dragon, everyone already knows this, of course , this is a very powerful sign, it symbolizes strength, power and i... i really wanted everyone to have their own dragon this coming year, definitely their own inner dragon, those who
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don’t, definitely buy. year, i wish everyone happiness, great happiness, i want to congratulate everyone on the upcoming 2024 stability in the soul, and so that all dreams come true, on my own i want to congratulate the tv channel belarus 24.
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we recognize you with the architectural memories of belarus from different eras and centuries. here we are laughing lynxes of the french baroque with elements of saxon embellishment. the palace itself is unpainted, great jumpers. byzantine architecture, which had passed its time with a bang, inevitably floated to the old people. this is the name of the ancient russian style, and all that is rightly known from the people of the 19th century, this is also the main palette project. let's look at their history and basic facts. gets cartouche, not looking at changes in time, wars, different penal codes, could acquire two heraldic plots. the softening of such a cartouche was given just by the business card of senna,
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yayulenne, hto gaspadar, chy geta budynak. at the 2023 session of the house of representatives, parliamentarians summed up the results of the legislative year; in total, about 100 bills were adopted; they are aimed at ensuring national security, economic development and social protection of our citizens. the main priority in the work of the deputy corps was to bring legislation in accordance with the updated constitution. today, all the necessary bases have been created for holding elections of deputies at all levels and conducting all-belarusian people's assembly. speaker bottom. chamber vladimir andreichenko drew the attention of the deputy corps to the fact that it is necessary to consider before the end a number of draft laws that
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are within the authority of the current convocation. this is primarily a draft code of civil procedure, bills on the responsible treatment of animals, on the chamber of commerce and industry, on genetic resources and a number of others. in addition, the head of state approved a plan for the preparation of draft legislative acts for 2024. of course, the deputies did a thorough job. company, some as candidates for deputies, chambers, representatives, others will simply work in constituencies
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with our population, that is, the task for all deputies is to increase their work and work for the development of the country and ensuring its security. today is energy day, one of the key sectors of the economy makes a significant contribution to strengthening national security, to external challenges, the energy system of our country continues to function stably, of great importance pay attention to the issues of import substitution and the introduction of new technologies, and therefore belarus is one of the leaders in the cis in terms of digitalization in the energy sector. this year is historic for the industry and the country as a whole. the most important project was the commissioning of the belarusian nuclear power plant. now the station operates in two blocks. soon the nuclear power plant in ostrovets will provide 40% of the country's electricity needs. in order to further create conditions for increasing power consumption, solving another important problem, this is the reliability of power supply
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consumers, is carried out systematically. housing, work is also being actively carried out to transfer individual housing to citizens based on their requests for the use of electrical energy instead of solid fuel. the past year has been successful for scientists at the institute of fruit growing of the national academy of sciences of belarus. so this year, despite the drought, domestic varieties of cherries have proven themselves to be excellent, and for breeding work on this crop
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, samokhvalovich scientists were also awarded a prize from the national academy of sciences. this year became effective in the development of domestic varieties of pear, apple and peach. peach trees can withstand severe frosts. hazelnuts are also popular. in general, breeding work on fruit growing is carried out on more than thirty crops. in recent years, we have created cherry varieties with a fruit weight of more than 9 g. for example, this year we submitted two varieties for variety testing, antaris and regula. this is not the work of one breeder. this is usually the work of previous generations, so thank you for assessment. next year we also plan to transfer a new variety of cherry to test, an even larger-fruited one, with a fruit weight of up to 12. this year , our created new variety of peach-loika was patented, which is zoned in 2023. four gold medals, one silver, two
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bronze plus two special diplomas, the winners of the 16th delphic youth games of the cis countries were congratulated in their homes. creative youth in belarus exceeded the results of previous years in terms of the number and quality of awards won. the winners were presented with memorable present. delphic games, an important creative forum where young people under 25 can show their talents. belarus was represented at the competition in bishkka by 17 people in nine nominations. evidence of high professional skill, of course, first of all, of our teachers. well, evidence of that. that our students are interested and i am sure in the future they will acquire a profession that the cultural sphere provides, and in the future they will also adequately represent the republic of belarus in the international arena. excessive demand: belarusian sanatoriums are already 100% full on new year's holidays, approximately half of the vacationers are foreigners, these are usually
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russians, but at the same time many people come from lithuania, latvia and poland. our figure will also be at the level of 30% growth compared to last year, and will amount to about 300 million rubles. charity campaigns by trade unions for children are taking place throughout the country. on the eve of the christmas holidays , about 60 schoolchildren whose families found themselves in difficult life situations received gifts. interactive, intellectual games, communication with animals, and circus acts. a new year's
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marathon was organized for the children on the basis of the capital's 204 school, except. the trade unions of the moscow region of the capital have prepared the most necessary sweet gifts for children for the whole family. grocery packages, personal hygiene items and stationery. not a single child will be left without care. in general, there are about 200 children's institutions across the country under the patronage of trade union organizations. i am sure that every teacher, when entering the profession, takes great pride in himself. responsibility by example to instill in my students an understanding of the importance of peace and creation, once upon a time, my grandmother wanted
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to become a teacher of the russian language, but she lived in a village under... i entered a pedagogical technical school, studied while it was warm, until september october, well when the slush , the frosts began and... she needed shoes, there was no money for shoes, she was forced to leave and go to the collective farm to work, it always seemed to me that history is such a very easy simple subject, but you can sit on a chair and take book, wrap yourself in some kind of blanket and read, read for hours, i think the most important thing in the profession of a history teacher, a historian in general, is to be able to tell stories, to captivate children with you, and not only to transfer knowledge,
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to inspire them to do it themselves... on social networks, if children they spend a lot of time there, for example, playing basketball, football, they need to play basketball and football in history lessons and get them interested in this, and the teachers work, probably with the best representatives of humanity, yes, such a person, he himself becomes better, and one way or another this the light he receives at school, he then reveals that the secret, well, perhaps my secret is that i remember what i was like as a child. and i remember what i wanted at the age of 5, 10, 15 years old, history is, well, you can compare it with memory, with family memory, yes, that is, if a person does not know his roots,
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he cannot determine who was there his relative two or three generations ago, yes, then well, he simply loses his roots, breaks away from these roots, from the earth, and it has been scientifically proven that sport has a positive effect on brain function. our program, by the way, also questions and answers ingenuity, intelligence and intelligence. the correct answer is 5
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points, the wrong answer is minus 5 points. what kind of sports equipment did the wolf drop on his leg in the fourth episode of the cartoon, just wait a minute. this is the wrong answer. he was called a professor, which is where the academic robe came from. roger federer, roger federer is a twenty-time winner of grand slam tournaments, participants in intellectual programs collected all this in their heads, where the victory of the brain is important, it is called the second oldest toy on earth after a doll, we have a version, a version, yes, a degree of responsibility remember, we remember, we remember, and yo-yo, what yoyo, well yoyo. this is yoyo. immerse yourself in logic with intelligent programs on the belarus 24 channel. in the new episode of the fashion for
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cultures project, we will visit where no human foot has ever gone before, we will see the only unique relict forest in europe. we’ll also go skiing, go for a ride... watch this weekend on the belarus24 tv channel in our republic, they haven’t forgotten what november 7th is, this holiday of social justice remains important. in the state for the people. and there is always a parade of gifts on this day. a country received its own nuclear power plant on a turnkey basis. from now on, we, in the ranks of the leading powers , implemented the largest strategic


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