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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 23, 2023 2:40pm-3:01pm MSK

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the most highly productive machines work here, which work with great power , it turns out that all the comrades understand one another, they constantly help out, ask for something somewhere, they always help with something, we come to work, we even have shift changes on a regular basis. friendly, for me peace and neighborliness means working in a large and friendly team; if there is no peace in a large and friendly team, we will not be able to achieve good results. the belovezhskaya pushcha national park was created to preserve in its natural state and comprehensive study of reference unique natural complexes and objects of the belovezhskaya pristine. biological and landscape
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diversity of the territory, restoration of disturbed natural complexes and objects of special ecological, historical, cultural and aesthetic value. the territory of the park is divided by the state border into two parts - the belarusian and polish. and the length from north to south is 65 km, from west to east from 20 to 52 km, the area is 150,000 hectares. currently , the park territory includes four functional zones, 17 forest areas and two forest and hunting farms. all this is necessary for better protection and rational use of the resources of the national park. the most stringent protection regime in the protected area, designed to preserve natural complexes in their natural state. all activities except conservation and scientific research are prohibited in this zone.
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occupies about 40% of the territory of the national park and includes most of the high-aged natural forests of belovezhskaya pushcha. according to the number of plant species and animals, belovezhskaya pushcha has no equal not only in belarus, but throughout europe, and many representatives of the flora and fauna of belovezhskaya pushcha are listed in the red book of the republic of belarus. about sixty species of mammals live here in their natural environment. 250 species of birds out of 310 recorded throughout belarus, this is more than in any other national park in our country, seven different species of reptiles, 11 species of amphibians, 27 species of various fish and more than 11 thousand invertebrates, but the most famous animals, the bison, one of the oldest and most majestic animals on earth, has become a symbol of belovezhskaya pushcha. which
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was constantly hunted in the middle ages, in the 20th century the bison population was practically destroyed; active work to restore the population continues in the reserve to this day and now the bison is not in danger of extinction. such a vast protected area has its own caretaker. no, this is not a mighty bison, but the chief forester of the pelovezhskaya pushcha national park, with whom we are... talking right now, here we are we are in a protected part of the national park, we are going through a brutal trek along the tourist route, then the route is arranged here and you see how beautiful it is, but if people came a little, they usually ride bicycles, rested, everything is their convenience, gazebos where you can remove the garbage and relax, enjoy this beauty, in the reserved part we don’t
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have anything to do with what we have, but we have this best, mind you, we must do this, this is all our property, we can preserve and increase everything, there is still such an opportunity , basil vasilievich, tell us where we are now, well now... renewal, natural and our task is to preserve everything, here we are here before this section, you noticed it took a very long time, yes, because it is very difficult to access, this also applies to the protected area parts here, it is here that access is limited, we do not allow anyone in, that is, the foot of an ordinary person does not set foot here,
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about 70% of the plants growing on the territory of our entire republic, more than a thousand species of higher species, are found on the territory of the national park... vascular plants, about 270 species of flyformes, more than 290 species of lichens, 25 species of trees, many of which are listed in the red book. the average age of the forest is almost 90 years, but there are trees that are much older, here you can see oaks that have been growing for six hundred years, ash trees planted three centuries ago, luxurious, spreading spruce trees that have exceeded... the two-hundred-year mark, the predominant conifers are scots pine and norway spruce. there are deciduous species: english oak, birch - drooping and fluffy, alha - black, common ash, aspen. there are
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red book plants, which are sometimes deliberately dispersed to increase the population. one such example is astrantia, this species is also protected in the russian federation. belovezhskaya pushcha is a pearl in the world treasury. here you can enjoy the supernatural silence of the ancient forest, meet representatives of the belovesz flora and fauna, stroll along the cascade of lakes and breathe in the purest forest air. from minsk is home to the pearl of the belarusian lake region, the berezinsky biosphere reserve, its territory is home to 58 species of mycofatals, including the famous european big five: bison, elk, bear, wolf and lynx, and more than 240 species
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of birds nest. it was possible to restore the number of beavers, which had completely disappeared by the beginning of the 20th century. at the moment their population is 1500 individuals. today the reserve is a unique center for eco-tourism, active and other types of recreation. there are tourist facilities here routes of varying complexity and length, walking, cycling, water, horseback riding, driving, skiing and combined routes. on the territory of the berezinsky biosphere reserve there are several museums that can interest tourists, young and old. among them is a nature museum. a museum of myths and a honey beekeeping museum, there is also a forest zoo. in addition, there are ecological and mythological trails; a petting zoo for domestic animals opened here in 2020. how does the reserve manage to remain
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one of the most popular visited areas nature in our country, we learn from its director andrei mikhailovich prokoshin. andrey mikhailovich, good afternoon, good afternoon.
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we also draw certain conclusions and , of course, are ready to welcome visitors at all
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our facilities, which are prepared today and are waiting for guests, these are museums, our trails, this is our house of environmental education, this is our delicious cuisine , everything else that we have, in the fall, in spring and winter there is always something to show in the forest, nature always has its own, well, unique processes, awakening in spring, blossoming in summer, autumn.
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this is no longer surprising when people rested somewhere, packed up and took everything with them. even this moment shows that people have become truly cultured and they understand that what is around us is pricelessly unique. each season is attractive in its own way. in winter, the berezensky nature reserve offers a varied program, both for lovers of active recreation and for those who want to immerse themselves in quiet contemplation of the magic created at. about where to meet the most awaited holiday of the year is worth thinking about in advance.
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the new year season here began in early december. spending your winter holidays in the berezensky nature reserve, you will enjoy almost all winter activities, ice fishing, sledding, skiing, snowmobiling and winter biking, which have the fancy name katraki. we’ll find out what else the reserve does during the winter from a specialist in his field. tour guide of the tourism department oleg shafarovich. oleg, good afternoon. oh, good afternoon. we are in the forest zoo right now we are passing near the enclosures with bears. tell us why your bears don't sleep. oh, our bears don’t sleep for one very simple reason, hibernation for a bear is a very necessary measure, because for the european subtype of the brown bear, 95% of the food is plant food, and bears need to eat something, not plant food. as far as you understand, it is not easy to find in winter , so bears in the fall produce
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the so-called fattening, that is, they eat as much as they can, fill up, accumulate a huge amount of fat, then go into hibernation, the interesting thing is that these bears get enough food, that is, they have balanced diets , there is a lot of stuff there, for this reason, they actually don’t need hibernation, if you look to the right, look into the distance you can see a wolf, that’s why a couple of wolves live, what’s interesting is that wolves are simply unprecedented animals, firstly, we have such an interesting thing that wolves have weddings during the period of february 14th of ours, that is, in fact, when we have a holiday of love, wolves also begin a great celebration of love, the rutting period, golovapvone hormones, but personally, wolves surprise me with this: as i already said, the reserve is a mass of swamps, there are really a lot of swamps here, 60% of the territory, this is one and a half times larger in size than the city of minsk, all of it is covered. continuous swamps of absolutely all types , in these swamps, of course, our favorite cranberry grows, wolves rely on vitamin c, they
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, in fact, also experience all sorts of health difficulties, they have vitaminosis, and wolves come in winter, dig up this cranberry from under the snow and they are digging up azima in order to combat this shortage, here in minsk there are also a lot of animals in the zoo, and the same bears and wolves, but you probably have some others here, we have the same wolves, we have different conditions, you know, our enclosures with animals... which is set up in a forest zoo, they invented as a minimal natural habitat in nature, that is, this is the territory that an animal needs in the wild to live, so the animals that live here in parma regularly breed.
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the mythological trail is called in the land of myths, that is, to find yourself in the land of myths and in the summer it’s quite an interesting spectacle, every year we hold a festival with the mythology of the szlacht moka, where you can walk at night, along the navy paths, see what it all looks like, get acquainted with living myths, but you can meet them in winter, day and night, that is, when it is comfortable and your soul is not you want to meet such comrades, in 2016 an ecological trail was opened here, called in the land of myths, this is the only one in its... trail in the republic of belarus, which represents nature through the images of slavic mythology, that is, it is not the path that shows us the installations is a path that reveals how our ancestors saw this world, this is, first of all , the world order and the perception of the nature of the surrounding world, that is, slavic mythology is actually much more interesting than it might seem, because if
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you ask people , they know a lot about greek myths, but when it comes to the slavic world... what activities does the reserve offer in winter? the winter period is quite an interesting time, at least the main activity is this winter a fairy tale, that is, you can look at it in completely different ways, this is a walking tour in the form of various ecological paths, this is a skiing trip, we have such an excursion called the white book of the forest, these are, of course, iconic walks, because of course it’s good to get acquainted on foot, but you can also do it on horseback. and of course , if you want to learn something new for yourself, try such an incredible experience, there is such a thing called a kotrak, it’s a winter bike, i’m sure that sooner or later you will get acquainted with it, that is, a thing that you should try just to check the box, yes i did it, and it also looks good on instagram, but what about those who are not a supporter of such activities, what do you offer for them? well,
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for those who like more passive relaxation, that is, those who don’t want to spend a lot. time skiing, on hiking routes, we have at least three museums, and we have the same forest zoo, that is, we can get acquainted with both the nature of belarus and the reserve, we can get acquainted later we live with these animals, feed them, then you can get acquainted with the world of myths and what our ancestors, the ancient slavs, believed in, only in a small building of the museum of mythology, and you can also get acquainted with the history of honey, beekeeping, find out what bees are already doing. the fabulous magic of the new year holidays and the beautiful winter nature reserve are unforgettable combinations; celebrating the new year in the berezensky nature reserve can subsequently become a good tradition for you.
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live news with you elizaveta lakotka, hello, in this episode. bursting into the holiday like an officer , the residence of the general father frost opened on the stalin line.


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