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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 23, 2023 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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live news with you elizaveta lokotka, hello, in this episode: i burst into the holiday like an officer, the residence of father frost, a general, opened on the stalin line. the results of the outgoing year for
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the german chancellor were a disappointing rating for scholz, and accusations of corruption appeared; everything was like at the olympic games, only in a mini format, a parade of teams, flag raising and competitions, a sports festival in the capital’s school. our children took part in new year's quests and winter flash mobs, a regional holiday as part of the marathon of goodness in slutsk today.
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with games, quests and dancing, as well as creative workshops and ambient photo zones for guests of the holiday. on these holidays , i especially want to believe in a fairy tale, both for children and adults, the complex of stalin’s line is enveloped in magic. the residence of not just santa claus opened there, with the officer rank of general. the wizard arrived on a soviet tank, his usual fur coat resembles a ceremonial uniform, and there is a red star on his cap. at the residence , every child can take part in winter fun, specially prepared tests, so in order to receive a gift, you need to knock out enemy equipment, shoot with an air rifle, and of course, recite a poem to general santa claus. hello, santa claus, cotton wool beard, you brought us gifts, the guys are really looking forward to it, quite a lot of people came, and there were different tasks. you could, for example
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, be in the mood for skittles, and you can bask near getting into a german tank, or shoot at targets, you can always find your new year's warm fire to eat delicious pancakes, i would like to wish you a happy new year, health and peaceful skies , we can do everything else ourselves, we tried at least a little, but we already brought snow, and of course we prepared gifts for our children, well... the age of the children also does not matter, whether he is five years old or 50 years old. we congratulate everyone, we will be glad to see you at our residence, adults and children, so no one will be left unattended, we are always waiting for everyone. the doors of the residence of father frost on the territory of the stalin line complex will be open until january 7, inclusive, a festive program awaits guests every day, as well as fairy tale characters. belarusian carols are celebrated for... the original tradition of our
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country was supported at the cultural center in istanbul. the festive event was held with the support of the belarusian consulate general and the local mayor's office. the holiday opened with an opening speech from our consul general. the nativity of christ is the time of the sacrament of the warmest prayers to the lord. churches greet parishioners with lush decorations, decorated fir trees, burning candles and nativity scenes that reproduce biblical history. we are preparing to broadcast an exclusive interview with the head of the catholic church in belarus, archbishop joseph stanevsky.
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watch today at 19:00. christmas is a time of miracles, the greatest miracle in the world. god becomes man, therefore. god, of course, could not present a greater miracle, a greater gift like this to man, and today, of course, everything depends on us, how we accept this miracle, how we accept this gift from god, the second congress of the belarusian party belaya took place in minsk russia, about five thousand delegates from all regions of the country... to sum up the interim results defining tasks for the electoral period. at the congress, a unified candidate program was presented, and the party’s own analytical center was involved in its development. the leadership of belaya russia is confident that this approach will make it possible to have a unified system of meanings on which
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party candidates will rely when working with citizens during the campaign period of the election campaign. we are actively working to nominate our fellow party members as candidates for deputies at various levels. this is... local councils, deputies, this is the house of representatives the republic of belarus. in addition, we are members of election commissions, we have nominated our fellow party members to election commissions at various levels, from precinct to district, and in the future we will work to form a pool of observers, the so-called national election observers. thus, our party will be an active subject of the election campaign for 23-24 years. belaya rus does not rely on quantity, but on quality; priority in nominating candidates is given to those who were able to win the respect and trust of citizens in their districts. the party will nominate 72 people to the house of representatives; also, following the results of the congress, an updated party charter and the personal composition of the supreme political
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council were approved. new year, time to sum up the results for the german chancellor, they have become completely gloomy. according to spiegel magazine, olaf scholz is bigger in december. the rest sank in the approval rating of german politicians, according to the data, the chancellor took only fourteenth place out of twenty possible, and not without reason, as the publication explains, 45% of citizens believe that their budget in 2024 is likely to worsen, and 2/3 of respondents believe that too many migrants have come to germany. in addition , information has emerged that the chancellor, while still the mayor of hamburg, may be involved in corruption, we are talking about his assistance in writing off a debt in the amount of 47 million euros to a banker. europe is rapidly losing influence in africa. thus , paris officially completed the withdrawal of its military contingent from niger. the day before , the last french soldiers left the african country. approximately 1,500 soldiers were stationed in niger for 10 years.
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their official mission was to fight terrorist islamist groups in the sahel. however, after the coup in july of this year, the new government of niger demanded that paris withdraw its own. troops. the new government in poland plans to further strengthen the fence on the border with belarus, and this despite the fact that the opposition criticized the allocation of huge funds that were allocated for these tasks. martin, head of the ministry of internal affairs and administration of poland, announced plans to continue the business. kirvinsky. according to him, the fence does not fulfill its purpose of ensuring complete security. in addition, the head of the ministry of internal affairs announced plans to strengthen the podlaskie unit.
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media employees are fired alphabetically, donald tusk remembers all the grievances from hell ya . however, the total purge of the media field is an old polish tradition in which there has never been a winner. poland has been very cleaned up, there was no democracy and freedom of speech there and there is no, there is a showdown between two political centers, one is american.
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105 years old. the president congratulated belt's employees and veterans on this important date. every day , about 200 informational notes and analytical articles are published on the agency’s news feed. for more than a century of history, news materials and photographs have reflected all the events of the era and the life of the belarusian people. a little more than a week before the start of the new year, but this is not the first day for all of us in the holiday bustle. and it has always been like this, summing up the micro and macro results of the outgoing. however, watch the most nostalgic episode from the atn project in open access, suddenly
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you recognize yourself, your family or loved ones in these archival footage. the tv news agency presents: in the public domain, we have no secrets from our people. the holy christmas tree is approaching. and our cameraman couldn’t help but visit the minsk craftsmanship and gallantry factory, where they create joy for their activities. then 2 55 miles of jumping traps fly on the wing, and when you have a christmas tree at home, remember those who created this treasure. in the shady cossack forest, we are with the heroine of the cossack sunny days, ganna gaurylain nikulskaya, the famous pig saugas of the dzyarzhyn kapyl district. khochazza shmat raskazat ab getay vydatnay zhanchyne. yana, work like a beacon for many years of the republic's wishes. kudos to you, ganna gaurylaina, for
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your thoughtful, heroic work. christmastide belarusian capital. and i am not glad that in the recent new year of our native republic , the general secretary of the central committee of the kamunistychny party of savetsk was honored with high honor.
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in the new year, new haste, a lot of joy.
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small olympic games, that’s what they called it its big sports festival: students and teachers of the capital's secondary school number 56, where the country's first olympic classes were opened last year, and therefore the theme is appropriate. the olympic torch relay, the parade of teams participating in raising the flag, this is the opening ceremony in the program, and then the sports components. elements of athletics tabletop. starting next year, we are opening a resource center for olympic education in general secondary education institutions on the basis of the school. and in general and teachers, guys, they are very interested in this direction, because the olympic movement is a very effective means of educating our younger generation on the achievements of our athletes, we have something to be proud of, next year the belarusian olympic academy, the national olympic committee, you have set yourself the task of creating such resource centers.


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