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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 23, 2023 5:55pm-6:41pm MSK

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this is a punk nobody. don’t lean forward, but don’t lag behind, what are you teaching him, okay, okay, well, healthy, great, hello, hello, new girl, buttons, class, buttons, farm, cut everything off , if you want to play, otherwise you can sew them all on , thank you, thank you. along the carriages, faster,
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faster, guys, well, come on, hold on, all the best, i’ll write, goodbye.
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you see, how rude, how rude, don’t burn him, don’t burn him, i’ll wait, oh, well done, you, come on, let’s go!
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its history, its nature, its culture and... its
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faith, its people and its generosity. you will feel it once and never forget it again. then, here everything is for real, you and i are tic-tac-toe, we will kiss on the windowsill, again i will give in, you will win, you and i are tic-tac-toe. you and i are like bonniklay, i found you, you are my treasure , your outfit kills dreams, although without it you are just garbage, you tell me all sorts of stupid things, it’s so sweet, i didn’t miss a single one, i
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walked you by the hand to the entrance, because you one of these, i forgive you, we are tic- tac-toe, on the windowsill again i will give in, you you'll win, you and i are kesiki, moliki, you and i are squares of toe, i'll put salt on the windowsills, again i'll serve everything , you'll win, we're tic-tac-toe, i flew into you like oncoming traffic, i lost peace, i lost sleep, i already see you in wedding this life as an attraction is unique, you are like the maldives, it’s warm with you, and you are so beautiful, let’s be the happiest in the world, you know , everyone sings like that, you and i are crosses and toes,
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i’ll kiss you on the windowsill, i’ll give in again, you ’ll win , we are with you, we are with you, we are with you crosses and toes for you.
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merry christmas and happy new year, this is the show tower, we are starting, well, let's get acquainted with the participants in today's game, although they look confident, they are convinced and worried. well, for me i definitely hope for our tv viewers it will not be a secret that you are connected with music, this is absolutely certain, there are no other questions here, but we want to get to know you as you are outside of music,
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outside of your professional activities, in those crumbs free time, when you take a break from it all, nikit, what you like engage in some kind of hobby outside of music in general? sleep, that’s the only thing there’s time left for, well, basically, yes, yes , well, go out with friends, and listen to music, play music, sing music, great, anya, take turns, well, i’m not associated with music at all, except that i’m a fan these wonderful guys who are associated with music, that is, you have more free time, no, i don’t have it, in my free time i raise my daughter, this is serious, football. carefully, to my right is the taste of victory, your applause, andrey vasilisa victoria, hello to you , good afternoon, tell us about yourself, passion, how i want to know, your hobbies outside of music in your free time from childhood you loved to fish, fish, finally at least someone i ask, what do you like, in my free time
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, says fishing, yes, this year i went once, they caught a pike, they caught a pike, yes, yes, because i usually catch some kind of victims of experiments, so small already. suitable for life, it seems that someone is planting them there for me, yes, like in the movie, remember, yes, yes, yes, ah what are you doing, tell me, i’m a wrestler, a former professional athlete, now i’m helping my team. perform effectively in competitions , you look great, i can’t imagine you in wrestling, really, thank you for being in the middle, and not close, and not close to me, usually everyone who practices boxing is placed next to me, well so just in case, so that it’s not about us at all, but to rein in, yes, i hope, victoria, and in my free time i really like to play crazy board games, videos, yes, so it’s possible call it my little passion, isn't it great, thank you very much, team? happy new year, merry christmas, with all the warm, family, cool holidays, i wish you
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good luck, may another of your dreams come true today, and we begin our first tour. rules of the first round in the first round, i will ask questions to the teams in turn, that is, each team will have its own question , you will have 10, maximum 15 seconds to discuss this question, find some answer in the palaces of your mind, voice his, if the answer turns out to be. you go out here to the center of the site and build a tower, you need to build from any element that you see here on the site, 30 seconds are allotted for construction, believe me, this is enough, if you don’t behave like girls in clothing stores, and it takes a very long time to choose and try on and so on, took an element, put everything, the round will last either 10 minutes or until the tower collapses, the tower falls, the team that hits the tower loses all the points earned for the entire game, good luck to you,
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a question for you: this english writer created many philitons, plays, novels, but in the world he is known as the author of a fairy tale about a bear cub with sawdust in his head, name him, i mean the author, he didn’t write this, yes, one surname in general will be enough, i think he we have a festive program, that , well, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s the name , it’s flying out of your head, who came up with, in other words, winnipooh, suddenly this ornate question could remind you of some other literary person, you immediately realized that it was vinipuh, the last name is of course difficult, because after all writers, okay, if it’s so difficult for you with the last name, i allow you to tell me his name, original 3 2 1 time,
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what is the name of the conventional line on the globe and map dividing the globe into the northern and southern hemispheres, do you know? it seems to me that vasilisa knows and dominates a little. probably the equator, this is not a line, wait , why not a line, a line, northern and southern, north is probably, well, northern is on top, southern is below, it was like that before filming, vasilisa, what will happen now i’m not the equator, yes we think so. it seems to me, yes, the equator. victoria, what? does it bother you? no, i don’t know, everything, everything, everything. this is
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absolutely the correct answer. well, of course, equator. well, what else? i see that you are doing well with fairy tales and literature in general, generally excellent. therefore, the next question is for you, but this one will be a little easier. as in the fairy tale by hans christian andersen, the name of the boy who was captured by the snow queen was called. what was his name? kai. absolutely correct answer. ball for your team. you are avoiding construction, just nikita, you look like kai, let’s continue the topic, yes, so as not to go too far, and what word did kai put together in the castle snow queen, remember he had?
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so everything is clear with them, the answer is: eternity, this is the correct answer, the word eternity, the word eternity, absolutely true, that’s it, they morally beat us down, we are gone, everything is fine, born to win, the name of which winter clothing coincides with the name of the figure skating element? you won’t think, no, we won’t, this is the correct answer, of course, yes, i said that you, a little bit, how are you with sports, normal, normal, good, in what sport does the ball weigh 2.7 g? 2.7 g, this is not enough, but table tennis can be louder, more confident,
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table tennis, absolutely right, of course, table tennis, but where is the applause? name the brother of the month in the book 12 months, who gave the main character snowdrops, snowdrops, april, april, april, march, april, and that is, for us, yes, march or april, well, look, they are right after winter, which means march, well, with in our belarusian winter, perhaps june, even progress in march, let it be march, let it be march or april, not well, right after the winter. tell me, march or april, probably march, according to the classics, march, build a tower, nikita, it’s april, and the associations were with april, of course, i gave you a chance to change your mind several times, no, well, you could have confused me, so maybe 30 seconds for everything about everything, thank you, come back to the team , this is a warm-up round, this is a round
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to get acquainted with the mechanics of our game, so there is nothing wrong with the fact that you answer incorrectly, as if something will change in the second round. a beautiful tower was actually built columbus discovered america in 1492, where he sailed, sorry, initially, the discovery of america was accidental event, where he was sailing, maybe to africa , i don’t know where he was sailing, a specific place, this specific one, yes, street, house number, apartment, where he was going, i know that he was sailing towards india and three, india, one, india, absolutely correct answer, absolutely correct. andrey just doesn’t want to build, that’s all, it’s not his thing, so he has to answer my questions correctly, let’s continue, what pseudonym did the american louise ciccone take for herself? madonna, nikita, madonna, no, what if it’s april, i don’t know, madonna, absolutely correct answer, a ball to your team, as with
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geography, well, it was , it was, you did it, then in... the main thing is in such a way that the tower does not collapse, install the third element, it will be a shame to lose the points you earned , and you earned them, by the way, for the first round, okay, okay , just carefully no no , they blocked us on purpose, i think andrei
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knows that you will answer afterwards, that ’s understandable, but we are in the middle, time, we need to put pressure on him for 15 seconds, then put it here more slowly, carefully, in england, except christmas trees, the house is decorated with other plants, usually in in the form of a wreath, that’s what kind of plant it is, a wreath, there are leaves, from what, a wreath, spruce, no, no, lord, since ancient times people have believed in the magical properties of this plant.
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how did you install it? anyway, well, this is generally a setup, the tower survived, the time of the first round has come to an end, and therefore, we need to take stock, with a score of 5:4 in the first round , the team wins the taste of victory, well done, they coped with the warm-up, got acquainted with the mechanics of the game, now in each next round there will be more and more points for the correct answer, but there will also be responsibility for incorrect answers will grow, get together, i believe in you. meeting in the second round. rules for the second round the second round will be slightly different from
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the first. remember, in the first round, after i asked the question, you had the opportunity to confer, discuss the question and express some kind of general answer. now the answers will be individual; you must write down your answer, or sketch it, if appropriate, on the cards that are in front of you. each correct answer is worth two points, each incorrect answer is worth one element. into the tower, this is where the fun begins: one question can bring the team a maximum of six points if each team member copes with it, but there is a flip side to the coin, if each team member is wrong, this is three elements in our tower at once, so the game can end on the second question, when the tower will have six elements, that’s all i’m talking about, i can’t stop you from writing it off, we don’t have special booths that would somehow prevent this, i s... i know that you will look at your friend’s card if your team doesn’t know what to write, well , you don’t even know the answer to the question, this happened often, in the first round we saw a tower, write different
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words, write if i ask what dish, three different dishes, for example, and which writer, three different writers, then there is a chance to guess, you understand that at least one of you will get the correct answer, and so, if you copy incorrectly, you will anyway go to the construction site, build three elements, the tour will be completed in... 10 minutes or if the tower collapses, we don't have that yet checked, and let's not check, the team that dropped the tower loses all the points earned, good luck to you, we are starting the second round. time has passed and the first question , born to win, you are a little behind, i want to give you a chance to recoup, thank you, or build the largest tower in the world, what is the name of the day before christmas, time, write, no need to voice anything, just write down your answer everything, and if it’s wrong... we all, well, i’m talking about this too, if it’s wrong, you’ll build a tower of three elements, it’s quite sad, we show everything, but already nikita, christmas eve, show your answer to our tv viewers, we have them there, christmas eve, anya
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christmas eve and sergei christmas eve, unanimously and absolutely correct, your team has six points, great, look how easy and simple, how easy and simple, the main thing is not to be mistaken, which singer sang the song, i like it in eldar ryazanov’s film the irony of fate. maybe by your voice you can , this is the second round, please write your answer, if you identify, you can’t discuss, friends, you don’t know, remember what i told you, write three different ones, write everything to the singers already, some of you will probably get it , guess, three, two, i didn’t watch one andrey, andrey refuses, well, any singer, write madonna, please, that’s it, let’s stop at this ariana grande, yes, write, time is up, andrey
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, please, show your answer to our tv viewers, i have a smiley face, we have them over there, well , for the smiley face, thank you, pugacheva, pugacheva, why didn’t you write pugacheva, because it’s her, because it’s not her, because it’s her , she, and you mocked, imagine, andrey, how offensive, how offensive and awkward, a responsibility that grows with every tour. let's move on. damn, i was sure it would be easier, something simpler.
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i chose just such a question for you. recognize the character of slavic folklore by description: an old grandfather with a blue or red nose, his hair and long beard are always covered with frost, slavic folklore, a difficult question, look, well, the point is that this is not santa claus, we are not discussing anything, nikita, are sure why, but santa claus is slavic, slavic, we need something folklore, who in slavic folklore we had instead of a grandfather frost? you understand that when i say folklore , i mean before santa claus, well, obviously something more ancient, which may have become the prototype, no one argues, but time, lord, you know, maybe i didn’t describe the rules of the second one accurately enough tour, no , yes five, who, four, three, no, two, i like your version, one, born
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to win, okay, nikita, no, this is a little different, i’m sorry, show our viewers, thank you, this is to me, it's not that, don't remove your answer, let tv viewers enjoy it a little more than completely, it just jumped out of my head, well, i understand, of course, okay, i just wrote st. nicholas, well, i don’t know, but st. nicholas is accepted and another perun, sorry, but he also played an important role in folklore, in any case , anya, scientists say that a scientist... they say that in order to remember something, you need to do physical labor, then the word will definitely pop up in your head, it’s zyuzya, zyuzya, zyuzya, anya, build a tower, i ask for three elements three at once, any three, whichever you like best, for everything all you have is 30 seconds, 30 seconds, oh, he weighs 50 kg, i would take it in honor of the holiday, good, bet god bless him, left, left,
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one, anya, hurry up, 22 seconds left, three elements, anya, three, two more, why aren’t you warning me, it’s wrong, thank you, be careful, look, there’s another one on the left, what are you doing, why, otherwise it was possible, please , one more element, return to the team, or you can - put it on someone else, it’s no longer there, on the contrary, no, that’s it, it’s already gone, the past won’t come back, i’m quoting the classic, give me a kiss i want to, how do i know this? come back to the team, thank you, it’s good that i am, i’m tall , at least, yes, the taste of victory, everyone is fine, you understand how high the price of a mistake is, yes, and if there are three mistakes, then this is generally class, i don’t even know, is this real, this is a dirty game, what lake adam mickiewicz sang in his poems, lake, our lake.
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we are not discussing, but writing down what we heard, came up with, remembered, mickiewicz, and where he lived in general, and do not forget that if you are not sure of your answer collectively, write different lakes, well, not them there are so many, and there are just a lot of famous ones, even less, damn it, it seems to me, so, andrey, shine.
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it is stable yes one more element everything small small take it carefully there is still you can take more crush it no there is another 18 seconds yes as you think i believe no no where 12 everything is quieter itself 11 now
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carefully leave carefully be careful, better slowly, time no longer works, you have installed the element, return to the command. but i believe that the game will soon end, please tell me, born to win, it’s us, not to build, what minerals are mined in mikashevichi, granite, oh , please write your answer, anya, who i was talking to at the beginning, explaining to whom, nikita discusses each question, anya shouts her answer to the whole studio, only sergei understood the task correctly, thank you , i reason out loud so as not to knock anyone down. show your answer: granite, granite, granite, this is the absolutely correct answer, yes, granite, six points, the jackpot is hit by the team born to win, the taste of victory, we are ready, the official mascot of the second
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european games held in belarus in 2019 year, there was a little fox, remember, yes, this talisman, here he is on the screen, little fox, what ’s his name, oh, oh, how easy, so dishonest, i beg you. the absolutely correct answer is it, yes, six points for you, what is the name of the belarusian dish made from rye flour, wild berries, sugar or honey, baked in the stove or oven, lina, no, again made from rye flour, what is the name of the belarusian dish made from rye flour, fox berries, sugar or honey, all this was baked in the oven, the time for the second round was up, but i managed to ask your team a question, all that remains is to answer it, just answer, it’s just a matter of small
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things, take a marker and write one word, let ’s, what is it, it’s five, four, write, write, how is it written in general, three, two, no, that’s not , one, everything is also complicated. and we, well, who, and all we do is that we can recuse ourselves, no, let ’s try, three elements, i can’t reach it, but what if, what if we need a ladder, and if nikita takes me in his arms, we’ll see about it , and sergei, just in case, look at that one,
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first try how many cubes you need, we we can allow nikita, i think it will be fair, nicky has no cubes, i see that you don’t have any, you can’t stand still , build, well, try less, i have twice as many.
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nikita anya, help him, help him, so , thought, come on, come on, come on, there is still time, come on, so, 15, 14, 13, we are not physically 12, however, try to throw this element, 10, up here, nine, eight, seven , if you want, we’ll help you too, six, here we go, five, come on, four, that i wasn’t here, three, two, one, come on, well, try
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not torture, it’s good that the snow is not like that, yes, oh , the tower collapsed, let’s sum up the results of the second round, i can’t there, with a score of 17:0, in the second round the team wins, the taste of victory, i assure you that it’s okay. in the third round, each correct answer is worth as much as five points, moreover, in the third round you can make your opponents' tower also fall, a task that is also welcome, ahead. the third decisive round of the tower show awaits us, the score is 17:0, the decisive third round of the tower show, the rule of the third round, the third round is very is very different from all previous ones, now the questions will be general, i will ask a question, it will be a question for both you and your team. each team, in pursuit of the correct answer, but in turn, can... do the following: ask me either three leading questions that i can
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answer, yes, no, i don’t know, suppose it’s edible, i say no, right away i’m leaving for the opposing team, even if you know what it’s about, you’ll have to wait for the move to return to you, or, suppose, you have enough questions, or you’ve already asked one leading question, everything became clear to you , you say, we know, this is a washcloth, i accept the answer, washcloth, i say that it is wrong, you go out to build a tower, you build only when you give versions. leading questions don’t cost you anything, as soon as each team runs out of these leading questions or voluntary versions, the team is obliged to put forward a version, even if you don’t know what they’re talking about, the second usually happens more often with us, you just say something that is a noun, i accept it as an answer, build a tower and after that i give a hint, a hint, after which everything should become a little clearer, but most importantly, after the hint you again have the opportunity to ask me leading questions, that is, we seemed to...
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called them plates on the ribs or records on bones, what these records were recorded on, the born win, you dropped the tower, so i want to start with your team to give sergei wants to answer ahead of schedule, he has completely you understand that we understand everything perfectly, on x-rays did, did, recorded a record on the x-rays on the x-rays, therefore on the bone, therefore on the ribs. yes, bravo,
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this is the correct answer, yes, x-ray blueprints, so on the bone, the score is 17:5, nothing bad happened for you, and you start , we do, so to speak, doh , dial, inhale-exhale, and we play again into the tower, but the chemists of jenjian university, no, ask me to repeat this again, found out that the composition of the solution that holds the stone blocks of the great chinese...
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no, no, no, it doesn’t bake, you have it again there is an opportunity to ask me either a leading question or a voluntary version, like, wait, the trick is that it should not be baked, it should be edible, but if it is. pay attention to him, there is very little of him, he, this is also important, let’s call him, let’s call him, well, let’s call him he, and that we will build just this one thing, yes, yes, in general it’s nonsense, and they will continue to answer this question, of course, starch, starch, no, no, yes, yes, yes, you generally inform victoria about which versions, but i didn’t think that they would get out, yeah, starch, i i accept the answer, karakhmal, this is the wrong answer, victoria, you are building a tower. one element now we need time for now yes
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while she is building and think please think about the leading question think about the version 23 seconds left to drown there is nowhere to rush there is nowhere to take a bath drink a cup of coffee come on 18 seconds left egg for what else 13 beautiful very this is the best the tower that i saw born to win, yes, we need a little time to discuss it there, you had this time while i was talking with the opposing team, while they were also discussing it that time, remember? i was building a tower, i remember, now, pay attention , they are not wasting time, they are discussing, this is some kind of derivative, that is, it is a powder there, i don’t know, that is, there is something loose there , well, let’s just one the question is now you 're loose, loose,
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loose, doesn't bake, edible, let's think, sprinkle, what is it, you, come on, hush, hush. the opposing team is listening to you, although they pretend to come up with a leading question, yes, vika, well, are you taking a risk, yes, the score is 5:17, tower one element, in case your answer turns out to be incorrect, well, you build a second one, well, here ’s the problem, vika, yes, this, this is sugar, i don’t even know, sugar, its sugar is the same, well, it’s sticky.
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but close not close have no idea or less idea have no idea what it could be this one near you this one flour or the biggest 22 seconds we have time normally you can on the other hand that this is a more direct map any 15 center was in the middle center not in the middle yes normal 10 let's hope everything everything everything vika is beautiful oh don't say anything at all, please, you have another leading question, there is a voluntary version, of course, of course, yes, so it’s loose,
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it’s masculine, this is your leading question, this is your version, the tea version, the tea version, how could it help hold the stones together? swells, swells and so they mixed and he made some kind of dense so sticky and what properties does tea have, well, yes, it swells you wanted to ask me here i’m asking questions i want to ask you i accepted the answer tea thank god in the tower of everything two elements sergei please build a tower this is the wrong answer this is not tea this is you you can put it, it’s worth this one, this one, yes, which stands like that, yes, for now, no, you can put it, no, put it like this, stand, yes, but i wouldn’t say, i wouldn’t say, it’s a very flat, convenient surface for installing only one element , here comes the mandatory version, alas, your team has run out of the opportunity to ask leading questions, we started with you , so you were the first, and now we need to
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put forward a version, put it together, loose , used, well, for cooking , edible, yes we are you...
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collapses, then you won’t need to answer, it’s not a small problem, seryozha contributed a lot, it’s strange that the team with the most points substitutes the team with the least, but oh well.


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