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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 23, 2023 7:55pm-8:46pm MSK

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belarus on the tv channel belarus 24. i am a multiple world champion, i gave all my strength in order to adequately represent my country in international arenas, i would like to wish all of us belarusians to live in peace and creation. he was young, a small, energetic boy , a lot of energy, his parents understood that this energy needed to be directed somewhere, so they put him into sports, at that time it was taekwondo, then he was already practicing dakwando at thirteen , then he chose moytai, saw him, i’ve had a long career, more than 20 years in battles, so i don’t have just one important victory, there were a lot of them. it’s very cool when
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you’re a small country and you’re in some kind of competition, you represent it and you understand that here they already know it, they know it, it’s like you’re for everyone, you’re one for everyone, especially in our sport , after all, it is an individual sport, and especially there or a professional tournament, you come only with a coach, you have a flag, a symbol, symbols and you are like everyone else, everyone will recognize this country, that there are people like that the guys from there like this... show such a level, such a lobe, it was great for this, there was never a thought that damn, everything was tired or they were leaving everything there, there was never that thought, despite the injuries, difficulties, losses, already you need to understand that you have, roughly speaking, a weapon of some kind, just that skills of this kind are, of course , a very complex, well, tough thing, so you need to understand that this does not need to be applied outside, but to be honest, when you ’re working out here 100%, that's who you are
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kind fluffy outside this gym , because there is no aggression, children look up to someone, of course, when you are a good athlete, you train them, of course, they look up to themselves, they want to reach the same heights, the same victories, who - then, if you already understand, it’s not possible in something, so that at least there you can be the same person, and i wish the guys, if you see this goal, then the path is difficult, the sports path is in any, in any sport very difficult, and you need to understand that he will not... always come right away, when you want it, it can come much later, they understood that this is a difficult, difficult job and you need to be very disciplined, strong and, of course , set a goal, not give up, go towards your goals. watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus24 tv channel.
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this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of countries: finland, sweden, norway , denmark, the netherlands, germany , france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8, tv channel signal. broadcast in
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the clear and available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus. assia, good evening, good evening, athlete, komsomol member and just a beauty, well, they usually say that this is a hackneyed phrase, yes, but in your case this is a real compliment without irony. you returned to the sport from maternity leave, and after disqualification, you lost your coach.
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experienced a postponement due to the pandemic, now sports sanctions, difficult athletics, mironchiki ivanov, with all these introductions, it is not finished yet. well, first of all, i want to thank you for the compliments, and i want to say unequivocally that i have not yet put an end to my difficult athletics, my great work lies there, i have been going to these results for a very long time, so i would still like to put a bold point, show standard, in quotation marks, olympic, later we will return to this question, why in quotation marks. i’m preparing myself for our internal competitions, this is the national cup, the national championship, where you can fulfill the standards, so i concentrated all my strength there, yeah, and i think that yes, of course,
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athletics is not easy, but the queen of sports will never take off her crown, it will go to the end, class, they wanted to make a sprinter out of you, yes, but you wanted to fly, and one day... you jumped all the way to 7:22, yes, that’s right, but the result was not counted due to a tailwind, i am i really i looked at your results at all competitions, it’s really 7:22, without wind, it would have been a colossal result, in the top three in the world, and once you were not given a medal guaranteed for such a result because your hair touched the sand, yes it was such. it was, this is how you manage to perceive all these ironies of fate not as a tragedy, let’s say so, but as an incentive? well , i want to say that if these situations had not existed, there would not have been such a strong anastasia, as you see now, all these
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situations blinded me as a person, strong personality, i don’t stop there, and there is also a very wise parable, a servant , when the king told him: what, you are facing execution, and let’s walk along a thin rope, carry a jug of water on your head, and never don’t spill this water, if you spill it, we will shoot you, execute you there, and so on, this servant was walking, stood on a rope, took the water on his head, carried the jug over his head, and began his movement. his thoughts were focused on carrying the jug from a to z, from beginning to end, then the king’s servants began shoot arrows, bomb drums, all sorts of immunity to interference was
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in this strong man, i can probably compare him with myself, probably not exactly, i see my target, and it doesn’t matter what kind of arrows are flying there, what kind there will be...
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when already showed when i came out after the jump, they showed a result of 674, and the athlete feels, you know, feels when the jump is far, yes, that is, i was already happy, everything, both the coach and the fans even buzzed from the stands, that it was such an injustice, and there it was far the jump was very much over 690, and i was ahead of the american then, apparently some people didn’t like my jump, some...
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the world championship was not the main task for me, that is, well, i didn’t win the world championship, i became third, let’s move on, turn the page, move on, well, for this you need to have character. character, goal , definitely, the goal was the olympic games, but not only the olympic games, my goal was to show a world record, to show that they forge world records in our country, it is here that they forge world records, to show that we have the best coach , who trains me in technology, in creating this whole result, in principle i succeeded, i showed a world record, but... for training, the best trainer is your husband, yes, but also those
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trainers who worked with me before him, of course, me i am very grateful to them, this is my first coach, anatoly antolyevich koranevich , whom i trained in the city of slutsk, at the sports school of the city of slutsk, the next coach of the minsk olympic reserve school, trakhimchik joseph fedorovich, and of course moisey chyurvikenich, who also took part in my long jumps , that's how times... such 7:22 - this is his result, our overall result, well, you are the only daughter of your parents, how they let you go to the olympia at the age of 15, it was very hard for your mother, very hard, but there was such a moment, i remember i will remember it for the rest of my life, even when i was studying in my mother ’s class, she is a primary school teacher, and my behavior was so-so, but in class i sat like a mouse, she says, but during recess i stood on my ears, on my head, you can so to speak, when she told me at that moment... bring me the behavior diary 2, i say, mom, how come, not mom, but tatyana
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sergeevna, then i already realized that strictness was guaranteed to me in all, in all manifestations, somewhere in my wrong step, so there was such a moment, of course, mom had a hard time with dad to let his only daughter go, and i came to the olympic reserve school, settled down, started making new acquaintances, communication, everything and... one moment, i think this happens to all the guys, maybe i didn’t cope a little somewhere, but with this whole rhythm, because i was 14 years old, i had to do this come and get used to it, i come home to sluzk on a minibus, and i say: mom, that’s it, i’m with my things, i came home, i don’t want to go there, to which mom and dad made a sharp statement back on the minibus to minsk, that’s it, and i i left, and i am grateful to them. simply, firstly, for my life, and secondly, for that moment, because , it seems to me, there would not have been such a strong
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person, such a strong athlete, if it were n’t for that case of life, good heredity, really, here today it is very fashionable to talk about balance in life and place emphasis in different areas, here i am i hear your voice more and more often in the political arena, and i see you on the presidium, for example, of the all-belarusian people's assembly. and what percentage share is sport, family, and politics today? i don’t like to talk about numbers, but i will say one thing: in any matter i give my all, 100 percent, and i love both politics, sports, and family, my beloved family, well, i can’t do without it, this is the main support, that’s why everything works out for me when i have such support.
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this will be completely funny, my grandmother bought a cabinet for the sink in the kitchen, this is the cabinet for now i stood until this sink was there, so i imagined myself as a politician, stood behind this cabinet, banged my fist, and i’ll explain, my mother and i remembered this moment, and i remember that my parents at that time were watching tv there, gorbachev, what’s his name? statement, everything is clear, i copied his action at that time, and i also remember the moment when... my parents really loved to plant vegetable gardens there, gardens were very fashionable at that time,
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so i promised them, i say, we will have a good harvest, everything will work out as it should, well then there is in this sense, and uh, of course, this played a big role when my parents watched tv, were interested in politics, were interested in news in the world, of course i copied this, probably this state brought me. so tough now , yes anastasia, well, your mother at the same time said that you wanted to become a doctor, and this is somehow connected with the story when... the father of the famous oleg rumo saved your life, of course, another person in my life, to whom i am grateful oleg vasilievich rumo, who saved my life, and i still remember, to this day , just trembling in my body, his strong hands, when he came to me after the operation in the ward, i told him chuikovsky’s poems
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by heart, then i was 2 years old, he says what you were interesting, he says, you walk into the room and... you immediately imagine, millionaire anastasia sergeevna, my name is, and she recited some poems, i remember his strong hands, that tired look, after all these operations, after hard work , this is really a huge job, like a teacher’s work, so medical work, so i am very grateful to him for saving my life, from that moment, probably, that’s how long i was in the hospital, this trouble happened to me, uh... i wanted to become a doctor, save lives, help people, and why didn't they? i never even asked myself the question, but still, sports was closer to me, now they tell me, go to medical school, well, what’s the point of having three higher educations, but in principle it’s never too late to study, yes, but still sport won in me , this month it became clear that
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belarusian and russian athletes... will not take part in the olympic games in paris, said the president of the world athletics association sebastian colot. before this, there were auctions, sometimes without a flag, sometimes not in the law enforcement agencies, but how did you react to this decision, what concessions were you and anastasia ready to make in order to participate? well, in general, i already expressed my opinion a long time ago.
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is an indulgence, the athlete can only represent himself and compete not under the state, but under a neutral flag, and maybe even with an lgbt tag, as has become fashionable now, yes, how is this argument for you? i also asked myself this question, and even when i was in peak shape for the olympic games, maybe a little younger, i would still refuse, refuse such olympic games. we don’t need them at all, but why not? because i am a patriot, i want my country to be seen, i want, as we said before, that people saw my work, the work of my coach, and all this was recorded on my chest in my heart, okay, that is, if we are born in your professional categories, then half measures
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are like jumping over an abyss in two leaps, but we will still fall, but they will demand even more from us, but we will fall, right? and what else could they demand, what else could we face in this situation and what we will face is already the edge, all the conditions that they dictated to us, this is already the edge, and i believe that we need to step over this edge to create their own alternative system, without leaving that one, to create strong global competition, then let the athletes both the scales will be compared, where it is better for them to perform in our system, fair, honest.
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we observe - all russians, belarusians are involved in doping, but not, and with obvious facts, yes, when americans are americans, yes, look at their body structure, see what fantastic, well , results, it’s clear that you can show it like that, and we show worthy, associates, you know, i will honestly say that for me the very fact that if an athlete, a man , feels like a woman and starts competing in women’s competitions, this has already become completely nearby, and this is perceived as the norm. this is not the norm, it’s scary, it’s just that they, men , must compete in the categories of men, women, i would also introduce sex control , which we don’t have, but what does that mean, sex control is a test. women for sex, these are all the accessories , because in soviet times, as far as i remember, there was one, now we are talking
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about it so clearly, so i would introduce sex control, which determines gender , and let’s say, excess testosterone in the blood of female athletes, is this somehow a criterion, of course, of course, a mandatory criterion when athletes compete under a neutral flag when they compete? even with your flags, you were faced with the fact that through your competitions, where you participated , they tried to impose some kind of ideology, other people’s values, well, the same lgbt values, yes there were such competitions, it looked like we were performing on the competition platform, according to -my stage of the diamond league or some international tournament, there was a platform for the long jump near the administration building there on...
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i had another case when a medal from the world tagus championship was returned to me. so she came with an lgbt ribbon, again , putting an lgbt ribbon on my neck is a waste of time for me, we say completely, it’s just an edge, i cut off this ribbon, now i have it without a ribbon, so i often come to the children at school, and they ask questions, why do you have a medal without a ribbon? i answer that belarus stands for traditional family values, it so happened that i received a medal with an lgbt ribbon, which... had to be removed, but how did they react the way children react , well, there are very young ones, they don’t understand this yet, yes, but older ones, teenagers, they are already
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aware of all this, they have a reaction of rejection just like that, that is, they are in solidarity with you, of course. we know exactly how to start the morning right. my secret is to wake up with a smile, then the day will go positively. olga, what are we going to cook today? today we will prepare rice pancakes with a delicate vegetable filling. i can't wait to start cooking. we will prepare a delicious breakfast with you. let's cook the breakfast of champions today? let's try. i want you today.
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serve with yogurt sauce, your home champions will love this breakfast. see the champion's breakfast on the body. we were probably born into song, somehow it’s more fun from song, i have two folk groups: gryamota and dobroslavochka, good afternoon to you, we know that you have great
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sacredness, hard work, resourcefulness, passion, the main quality of these people , here is our tool, this is how our ancestors did it, it turns out that we can do it on both sides throw a berry, there used to be shinies in every house, it could be from... but you talked about the politicization of sports long before the twentieth year, and why did you...
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i’m sure that they felt the competition, not only there is the fact that nato is there yes, it is creeping up to the borders of russia, but they felt this call in sports , sports competition, so it was precisely his statements that they heard not only politically, but also in sports, this moment, i think that yes, exactly this
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moment, well, how they say, with athletes. with you, everything is clear, but in this situation, and the paralympians, how ethical is it to talk about the very possibility of their removal from competitions, and let’s be honest, what term in this situation would you choose for those who initiated this decision? i would choose the term for them not too much, they are not too much for anything more than to suspend our athletes, in the future... they are also boomerang grabbers, because offending such strong people as our paralympians is simply very low , really, that's why mine the term is not small, but in general, i will honestly say that i call this action bestiality towards people, excuse me for such a term, and accordingly, those who make this decision, i am glad that our olympians are strong in spirit, that they left the olympic games with the anthem.
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with the flag, they put an end to it and just packed up and left, it’s just ugly, and well, a terrible, low act, just god sees everything, in any case, i won’t hide that i was delighted with the head coach of the national teams russian, irina winner, who clearly stated that to humiliate themselves in front of mok, they will not perform without the flag and anthem of the country. they won’t, i give a standing ovation to these words that were spoken publicly, yes, my deep conviction, sports functionaries who apply sanctions to athletes for political reasons, and even more so to paralympic athletes, yes, it is necessary to consolidate a lifelong ban on entry into our country, this is for life, this is my deep conviction, and to publicly declare this, i am not too radical, no, and i...
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it’s not spelled out in the fifth chapter about the sacred truce, that is, during the olympics this is not spelled out, that’s what the mooc is doing , they would have spelled out that let’s, according to the traditional sacred truce of this change, stop all this, all this politics and let’s revive the olympic movement with peacefulness , some kind of honesty, transparency, but unfortunately this is not
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absent. there will be this truce in the olympic charter, well, there is an expression, sport is not politics, this has always been at the forefront, but unfortunately, this is a huge lever now political is political , sport is political, absolutely right, one of the conditions could be the refusal of the security forces, and you are an officer of the internal service, and i ’m proud of it, and the sports team of the ministry of internal affairs, yes, that’s right, and if god forbid you had to fight, or we would have to fight, right? the whole country for its independence in the war is real, but where was mironchik ivanova? any place, any task, i would answer like this, by order of the commander in chief, be it in the information sphere, be it in the rear, i am ready to serve my country, class, some perceives this military rank, yes, as something nominal for athletes, as
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a postscript that means nothing and... should not influence anything, but how do you perceive it? this is absolutely not true, we must be responsible for this title of serving our country, did you take the oath? you meet with schoolchildren , you know, i looked at your instagram, i won’t hide it, i was amazed at this diversity - your interests, well, you participate in public exercises, and were on the presidium of the supreme national assembly, and the
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corresponding badge, i see you on your chest, if i very often i ask guests the question of how to be a patriot outside of the norm, well , it feels like i’ve found the ideal adviser, i even... from the conversation i feel it, what is the secret of a whole dynasty of people who truly love their homeland, in fact , in general, patriotism in our family is a way of life, it’s our way of life, my dad and my mom took me to state events as a child, my dad served in afghanistan, he told me a lot and what he experienced at that time in... to spend 19 years in a war, ah, it’s very difficult, that’s probably what it’s like genetics, the winner was still passed on to me , so this is our way of life, i love my job, i love to conduct folk exercises,
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communicate with children, uh, bring the right ideology to people, children, i love to charge people with positive energy, this is my favorite thing , this is my way of life. you give the impression of a person who does not doubt what he is doing, i have no doubt , you should not have a drop of doubt, under no circumstances, if you doubt, you will lose, you will think, guess something, you need to go clearly forward, believe in your strengths, actions, be confident, be stress -resistant, resistant to interference, then everything will work out, but when our son got into a trot, we were invited by the management of 3214 to do a little warm-up with the kids and talk, so we came with my husband, took our son, because he was already interested , it was all military , there was a machine gun for that time, and after the warm-up we were given a tour of unit 32:14, and he
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was drawn into it, he liked it, and my husband and i unconditionally decided that he would still be a military graduate -patriotic club lynx, he still goes with pleasure, i even want to. in this club, however, it was an impressive sight, the eyes are burning , it’s real, they are doing what they really like, and the most important thing is the reverent attitude of the military towards them, oh, no, they enjoy it, i saw how these guys
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- indeed, those with red berets, they are interested in working with these girls, boys, and they are delighted, of course, with this, that is, these are good people growing up, just good people, that is, you need to get high from what you do from your . yes, let’s plunge into the physical, intellectual world of sports, where everything is important. oh, what a blow, 1:0, dynamo takes the lead, he... actually created football in our country, the dynamo brand, and from this brand, from this club came the whole history of belarusian football, victories, defeats, emotions and swiftness, minutes and seconds, we try
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to help each other, help, and this is a very positive, good competition, well, thank you for inviting us, of course, we always came, every year and will continue to come, i recommend athletes and coaches not to lose heart, on the contrary, to seek, fight for their place in sports and prove it with their victories, bright victories, significant victories, and with their friendly team, it seems to me that this should bring us together even more. only sports, only belarus 24. we will take a tour of the main enterprises of our country. there are a number of blocking positions; the automatic control system stops the workshop if there are any deviations in the work of the workshop. we carry out 100% control so that these products complied technically with the regulatory legal act, and complied with the standard model. let's learn the history of production development. production of thalium hydride
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no longer exists in belarus. in 1974 , the management decided, as they say, to build and launch this workshop. 70-80% of our products are exported. and, of course, we’ll talk about achievements and work results. the difference between our equipment is that they have very large capabilities, this is knitting in a regular way. this is a wide range of possibilities, we are the only one of the enterprises in the iis market we carry out the deepest processing of raw materials, we produce resins from what we produce in talevangrida, resins produce the final pigmented varnishes , paints, about belarusian organizations about the people who work there in the quality mark project, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. okay,
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that’s more than fifty thousand you have subscribers on instagram, yes, that’s the media , apparently, the haters in the twentieth year could not kill them, and open persecution, yes, it happened, i know it, and at the same time they continue to live on the page glamorous photos in swimsuits and patriotic posts nearby. but how do you manage to combine these things while maintaining this platform? in the twentieth year it was a large amount of work with my subscribers, just a huge piece of work. i talked with everyone, with negative comrades, with positive ones, with our patriots, and tried first to convey what we should unite to do for the country.
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information, idea and convinced me, i want to say a lot of replies, i had to convince and well , it seems to me that i finally conveyed it, conveyed it there were, yes, a lot, a lot, a lot , yes, i didn’t bring this up, unfortunately yes, but i shared many, i think that we need to somehow sit down at a common table, unite and express our ideas and still convey these are all my own ideas, but with these replies, this is really some kind of childish nonsense,
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not enough, because i know athletics from beginning to end, to the top, i know every athlete, i know who breathes what, who controlled telegram channels.
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the neighbor athlete lives from olympics to olympics, well, as they say, yes, but the politician lives from elections to elections, and the time period is approximately the same, moreover, everyone begins to prepare not a month before the race, but essentially during the electoral or sports period, this period is just
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between the olympics and between elections, athletes say, that he is in excellent shape, well, we first have parliamentary days ahead, a single day. voting, yes, then the presidential elections. how do you then evaluate the form of our updated constitution and updated electoral system, the optimal form suitable for peak, one might say, as we say in our athletics sports language, in full combat readiness, this makes me happy, i liked our changes, you understood them, yes i did. definitely , some made me very happy, this is, first of all, a single voting day, this makes it easier for our people not to go there several streams, and on a single day they voted and went about their business, the age of a presidential candidate has also increased to 40 years, and this is very important , i
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think, because the president should to become a person who has already matured , matured in every sense, a mature person, at 40... years old , i believe that this is the most optimal age when a person is ready to accept the country and be a leader and lead his country in the right direction. anastasia, let me ask, perhaps, a somewhat awkward, incorrect, maybe even cynical question. now you understand that because of the sanctions against our countries, it is possible that there will be no more olympics in your life. yes, i understand it, i understand it, i accept it, but... we need act, we need to act by holding our own olympics, i once spoke out a long time ago from this position that we can hold our olympic games together with the russian federation, we have a lot of wonderful sports facilities, we can, for example,
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hold athletics we have the winter olympics there, in the russian federation, join us, i think that our friendly countries, this is... beyond the result, a world record, or the olympic record standard, how it will be recorded, how significant it will be and accepted as a world record, we are already talking about our system, within the framework of our competitions, if this happens, of course, it will be very pleasant, it
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will begin a new page in history, i’m talking about athletics, let’s say this a new page of history will begin, they will be rewritten and... i’m trying to convey a simple idea: here in belarus you show the result of a world record, everyone will clearly know that you are the best, of course, even your rivals, how to perform.
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ninety-one, it's a change in attitude state to the church, amazingly, again , this is a spiritual upsurge, we felt a shortage
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of churches, a stone was laid on this place and this place was illuminated by bishop, metropolitan philoret, the essence of this temple is to help those people who need this help. metropolitan philoret, of course, noted this, then this was conceived... his commitment to spiritual revival, then we...


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