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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 24, 2023 5:50pm-6:11pm MSK

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east from 20 to 52 km, area 150,000 hectares. currently, the park territory includes four functional zones, 17 forest areas and two forest hunting areas. all this is necessary for better protection and rational use of the resources of the national park. the strictest protection regime is in the protected area, designed to preserve natural complexes in their natural state. in this zone. all activities are prohibited except for conservation activities and scientific research. it occupies about 40% of the territory of the national park and includes itself most of the high-aged, natural forests of belovezhskaya pushcha. in terms of the number of plant and animal species, beloveshskaya pushcha has no equal not only in belarus, but throughout europe. and many representatives of the flora and fauna of beloveshskaya pushcha are listed in the red book of the republic.
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about sixty species of mammals and more than 250 bird species out of 310 recorded for the entire territory of belarus live here in their natural environment. this is more than in any other national park in our country. seven different types of reptiles, 11 types of amphibians, 27 various fish species and more than 11 thousand invertebrates. but the most famous animal that has become a symbol of... the bison is the bison, one of the oldest and most majestic animals on earth, which was constantly hunted in the middle ages; in the 20th century, the bison population was practically destroyed; active work continues in the reserve to this day to restore the population and now there is no danger of extinction. such a vast protected area has its own caretaker. no, this is not a mighty bison. a
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the chief forester of the pelovezhskaya pushcha national park, with whom we will talk right now, here we are in the protected part of the national park, we are passing along the tourist route, an animal crossing, the route is arranged here and you see how beautiful it is, but here are 10 people, people came a little , usually they go on volosved , they rested, all with their convenience, the gazebos where we... routes, everything else is natural, this oak grove, it is a typical oak grove, such an oak grove, according to descriptions and historians, such a forest has always been an oak grove, and what kind of forest is here? the oldest tree, tell me about the tree, on the territory of the pushcha we have a tsardub, to him.
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they say more than 600 years, well , this is accessible, there are still places where oak groves are older, they’re just less accessible for tourists, because of their soil conditions there is swampy soil, here we have trees and more even in diameter and height , and what do you feel being in such a place, in general, i am grateful to fate that it gave me the opportunity to work here, it’s indescribable, because this is pusha is pusha, so you and i came in right away. somehow you feel differently, really, yes, because you feel the powerful, magnificence of it all, we travel abroad, but we don’t see our own right under our noses, what we have, but we have it better, mind you, it’s we who owe it this is all property, this is all to preserve and increase, if there is such a possibility, vasily vasilyevich, tell us where we are now, well, now we are in a unique place, i think even this is one of the unique places in belarus, in our this place grows white fir, a tree listed in red...
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there are not many trees here, about three dozen, what is the meaning of this planting, we protect it, you saw, we came here through two fences, yes, because our task is not only to protect these trees, these, these, but also to get natural renewal from them and our task is to preserve everything, so we noticed here before this section, we drove for a very long time, yes, because it is very difficult to access, this also applies to the protected part here. access is limited, we do not allow anyone in, that is, the foot of an ordinary person, a person does not set foot here, about 70% of the plants growing throughout our republic are found on the territory of the national park, more than a thousand species of higher vascular plants, about 270 species of fly-like plants, more than 290 species of lichens, 25 species of trees, many of which are included. in
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the red book. the average age of the forest is almost 90 years, but there are trees that are much older. here you can see oak trees that have been growing for six hundred years. i. planted three centuries ago, luxurious, spreading spruce trees, having passed the two-hundred-year mark, the predominant coniferous species are scots pine and norway spruce; there are deciduous species, english oak, silver birch, black alha, common ash, aspen, and there are also red book plants, which are sometimes deliberately dispersed. to increase the population. one such example is astrantia. this species is also protected in the russian federation. belovezhskaya pushcha is a pearl in the world treasury. here you can enjoy the supernatural the silence of the ancient forest, meet
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representatives of the belovesz flora and fauna, walk along the cascade of lakes and breathe in the purest forest air. 120 km from minsk is the pearl of the belarusian lake region, the berezinsky biosphere reserve. its territory is home to 58 species of mycopals, including the famous european big five. bison, elk, bear, wolf and lynx, and more than 240 species of birds nest. it was possible to restore the number of beavers, which... centuries have completely disappeared. currently their population is 1,500 individuals. today the reserve is a unique center of ecological tourism, active and other types of recreation. there are tourist routes of varying complexity and length: walking,
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cycling, water, horseback riding, driving, skiing and combined routes. located on the territory of the berezinsky biosphere reserve. several museums that can interest tourists from mala to velika, among them the museum of nature, the museum of myths, and the beekeeping honey museum, there is also a forest zoo, in addition there are environmental and mythological trails, in 2020 a petting zoo of domestic animals opened here, how the reserve manages to remain one of the most popular visited places of nature in our country, we will find out from its...
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enlightenment, this is our delicious cuisine , everything else that we have, in the fall, in spring and winter there is always something to show in the forest, nature always has its own, well, unique processes, awakening in spring, blossoming in summer, our paths, this is our ecological home
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in autumn preparation for peace and in winter majestic white peace, we are interested there are winter trails, for example, a ski route, a white book of the forest, when our guide skis along an ecological trail and talks about all the traces of animals that are encountered along the way, i’ll tell you very interesting, i personally work in the field... brothers slavs in forest, after which they found mountains there, took out garbage with trailers and so on
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, and today this is no longer surprising, when people rested somewhere in a bag, collected everything with them, took everything with them, even this moment suggests that people have become truly more cultured and they understand that what is around us - it is pricelessly unique. each season is attractive in its own way; in winter , the berezensky reserve offers a varied program, both for lovers of active recreation and for those who want to immerse themselves in the quiet contemplation of the magic created by nature, about where to celebrate the most long-awaited holiday of the year , it is worth thinking in advance. the new year season here began at the beginning of december, spending your winter holidays in the berezensky nature reserve, you will enjoy almost all the winter fun, ice fishing, horse riding sleighs, skis, snowmobiles and winter bicycles, which have a bizarre on... katraki, what else the reserve does in the winter, we’ll find out from a specialist in his field,
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tour guide of the tourism department oleg shoforovich. oleg, good afternoon, oh, good afternoon, we are in a forest zoo, right now we are passing by enclosures with bears. tell me why your bears don't sleep? oh, our bears don’t sleep, for one very simple reason: hibernation for a bear is a very necessary measure, because the european... sub-type brown bear is 95% food is plant food, and bears need to eat something, and plant food, as you understand, is not easy to find in winter, so bears in the fall produce the so-called fattening, that is, they eat as much as they can, fill up, accumulate a huge amount of fat, then they go into hibernation, the interesting thing is that these bears receive sufficient food, that is, they have balanced diets , there is a lot of stuff there, for this reason, they actually don’t need hibernation, if you look to the right, look into the distance, you can see wolf, a couple of wolves live here, the interesting
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thing is that wolves are simply unprecedented animals, firstly, we have such an interesting thing that wolves have weddings on our february 14th, that is, in fact , when we have a holiday of love, the wolves also begin a great celebration of love, a period of gono and hormones, but the wolves personally surprise me with this, as i already said, the reserve is a mass of swamps, swamps here really. a lot of 60% of the territories - this is one and a half times larger in size than the city of minsk, all of this is covered with continuous swamps, of absolutely all types , in these swamps, of course, our favorite cranberry grows, wolves supply vitamin c, they actually also experience all sorts of health difficulties, they have vitaminosis and the wolves come in winter, dig up these cranberries from under the snow, dig up azima in order to combat this shortage, we also have a lot of animals in the minsk zoo, and the same bears and wolves, but here you have... probably some others, we have the same wolves, our conditions are different, you know, our enclosures with animals,
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which are located in a forest zoo, they were invented as a minimal natural habitat in nature, that is, this is the territory that an animal needs in the wild to live, so the animals that live here in pairs regularly reproduce, that is , they have offspring, we almost every year a family of deer brings a new fawn, that is, a rather pleasant sight, because who doesn’t rejoice at a little one. oleg, where we find ourselves now, as they say, the devil knows, somewhere in the forest, it’s generally very easy to determine the thing is, they say, if you judge by the trees, the christmas tree is the north, the palm tree is the south, so it’s very easy to determine where the north is, where the south is, we are definitely somewhere in the north, so you and i found ourselves in the forest, that is, this our mythological trail is called in the land of myths, that is, to find yourself in the land of myths and in the summer this is quite an interesting spectacle, every year we hold a festival with the mythology of szlachtmoka, where you can walk at night. navy paths, see what it all looks like, get acquainted with existing myths,
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well, but you can meet them in winter, day and night, that is, when it is comfortable and your dears want, you can meet such comrades. in 2016 , an ecological trail was opened here, called in the land of myths, this is the only trail of its kind in the republic of belarus, which represents nature through the images of slavic mythology, that is, it is not a trail that shows us installations, it is a trail that... reveals the way our ancestors saw this world is, first of all, the world order and perception of the nature of the surrounding world, that is, the slovenian mythology is actually much more interesting than it might seem, because if you ask people, they know a lot about greek myths, but when it comes to slavic mythology, they usually stop short, our mythology is much more extensive and voluminous. what activities does the reserve offer in winter? and the winter period is quite an interesting time, at least the main activity is this winter fairy tale, that is, you can look at it in completely different ways, this is
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a walk in the form of various ecological trails, this is also a ski trip, we have an excursion called the white book of the forest. these are, of course, iconic walks, because it’s good to get acquainted on foot, of course, but you can also do it on horseback, and of course, if you want to learn something new for yourself, try it - such an incredible experience, there is such a thing called kotrak, it winter bike, i'm sure that sooner or later you will become familiar with it, that is, this is a thing that you need to try just to tick the box, yes i did it, and it’s also good looks good on instagram, but what about those who are not supporters of such activities, what do you offer for them? for lovers of a more passive holiday, that is, those who do not want to spend a lot of time skiing, on hiking routes, we have at least three museums, and we have the same forest zoo, that is, we can get acquainted with nature itself belarus, as a nature reserve, we can then get to know these animals live, feed them, then we can get acquainted with the world of myths and what
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our ancestors, the ancient slavs, believed in, only in in a small building of the museum of mythology, you can also get acquainted with the history of honey, beekeeping , find out what bees are already doing. the fabulous magic of the new year holidays and the beautiful winter protected nature are unforgettable combinations. and celebrating the new year in the berezensky nature reserve can subsequently become a good tradition for you.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for everyone. ages in the countries: azerbaijan , kazakhstan, turkmenistan , uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey , iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up
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the azer space-1 satellite dish. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. hello, dear friends, on the calendar on december 22, friday evening is an excellent reason to relax after a long work week with your favorite tv shows. my name is yulia burlo and i propose to spend this evening in the warm company of the belarus24 tv channel. today on air we will discuss the key
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dates and events of the week. let's go on an educational journey to one of the most beautiful castles in belarus, as well. let's visit a gerontologist and get even closer to preserving youth and longevity. don’t switch, i promise the 24:7 broadcast will be interesting as always. on december 18, 1946, american film director, screenwriter, and producer steven spielberg, one of the key figures of the era of new hollywood, one of the most commercially successful directors in the history of world cinema, was born. december 19 at 195 light when we celebrate. unity in diversity. singer and actress edith piave appeared. at 15 and in the courtyards. on december 20, we celebrated the international day of human solidarity, the day she already sang on the sidewalks on her own . we’ll find out about other events of the past week right now.


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