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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 24, 2023 7:50pm-8:51pm MSK

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suddenly, talking a year ago with dmitry fedorovich mezintsev, i mentioned that it would be great, we have a slavic bazaar, which takes place in the summer, but in winter there is nothing like that, so somehow in our conversation we came up with what was it would be great to do something like this between our two countries, under the auspices of nothing formal, nothing official, but being inspired by the union state. immediately dmitry fedorich voiced this idea in minsk, i contacted anatoly glaz, my colleague, it seems to me, already a friend, he did not become co-author, but he became a co-creator , the belarusian side immediately said that there is a wonderful children's music center, and then a composer and a wonderful young performer appeared, so on sunday 20. december 4 we are waiting for everyone for
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the presentation of this song in moscow, i really hope , that it will happen in belarus too, it’s always a holiday for us, well, probably for very many nations, but for us especially, it’s necessarily music, and so belarusian music, words written in russian with such an emotional connotation, not i’ll quote nothing now, listen to everything for yourself, super, we’ll wait, thank you, thank you very much
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, hello, we welcome everyone who is with us now, we talk a lot about security, so what threatens us today, this is how it sounded at the meeting in minsk president and heads of security and intelligence agencies of the cis. we see the activity of foreign intelligence services on our territory, the forms of their work are becoming more and more aggressive, not just spies are being sent to us, but now terrorist agents. they are trying to create extremist ones.
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services of the cis in order to block and prevent the possibility of implementing their plans, that is, we are all talking about plans, it is ambiguous that they will be able to implement it, if we are weak, then they will be able to implement it, but if, after all, we work collectively , i mean the intelligence services of the cis countries, then , of course, their plans will remain exclusively on paper, but what are their goals really, this is the main key goal, it is clear that there are tactical tasks. these are the strategic main goals, if we take the political elites and corporate elites, this is, of course , the establishment of control, if we take belarus or the post-soviet space in general, this is the establishment of political, military information control over these territories of the post-soviet space to create an anti-russia around the perimeter of russia, and like ukraine or poland and the baltic countries. yeah, yes, vadim, how do you see it for
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yourself, what is their main goal? well, naturally, the main goal is disintegration in the post-soviet space, the principle of division. - this is, let's say, a decision control center, washington, it is not enemy number one, it is the most serious adversary that coordinates this activity. in principle, the centers that we know are created in vilnius, which exist in warsaw, in kiev, they are financed from washington and, in principle, their activities are determined in washington, they didn’t succeed
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in such a softer scenario, first a coup d’etat through a high-quality political campaign, they took it into a radical direction, the radical direction did not work... this is a scenario ala the ukrainian maidan, today it is specifically staged task by military means, we must pay attention to the words of the head of state, he correctly said that if we have a normal, healthy economy here and do not create a social basis for an explosion, it will be much more difficult for them to implement their plans, and of course intelligence must work, we must have serious armed forces, vadimir, let 's record it once again for our viewers, perhaps when, for example, in kiev fugitives from belarus gather there, under the leadership of... boo, gura, sometimes they are lately they organize meetings together, they talk about a coup d'etat, about illustrations , this is not a fantasy, this is a specific task that is set before them and which they will try to implement one way or another, any special operation has a maximum task and
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there are a number of tasks that are minimal we we achieve this result, such an average result and a maximum result, of course, especially since you understand that certain goals were set after the signing. results of the yaalta conference have been moving towards the final goal for decades, towards the collapse of the soviet union. therefore, from the moment when lukashenko defined his domestic foreign policy as independent, when putin, starting from the munich conference, clearly stated that we would follow in the forefront of our national interests, you will not communicate with us from a position of strength. they have already set the task, so to speak, as they put it in some narrow circles, to break the backbone, that is.
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how the ukrainian nation is viewed, and it is viewed, just recently ivan stanislavovich absolutely rightly noted, when the minister of foreign affairs met with eu ambassadors, they said that it is much cheaper for us when ukrainians die, this is a more profitable option for us, why feed kiev with such a colossal set of internal problems, external problems, and also deal with several belarusian aspects, firstly, they are not independent, then it was, in principle, beneficial for kiev to eat.
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play, because americans, they act very competently on internal contradictions, on some kind of envy, on some kind of grievances, on the desire for revenge, that is, sometimes a politician, being under external control or a financial group, they act, they will often be confident that they independently carry out this action, this is a way of recruitment and coercion to certain actions. sergey nich, i propose to bring our analysis closer to the realities, to those political realities, that is. the stakes are clearly rising, geopolitical stakes, the west is losing its initiative, a strategic initiative, and belarus has entered into a specific political campaign, a single voting day on february 25, 2025
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is a presidential election, the transition to this tools in the political struggle, including the diplomatic struggle, this is an indicator that they want to intimidate our society, to prevent it from making its own, free choice, first of all. in february 2024, well , preparations began for 2025, this is how i view the increase in these rates , the inclusion of aggressive methods of terrorist methods, as a serious factor in preparing the participation of the west in political campaigns here in our country. speaking of those who are trying to stir things up with us water, kgb head ivan tertel. mentions the seventh floor of the state department and adds so significantly that experts know what it is.
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i suggest listening to the fragments, then we’ll analyze them. what is happening, i will emphasize on the seventh floor of the state department, specialists will know what it is, we know, and what is being formed there, and what are the plans in this regard. work is underway to try to consolidate everything under one umbrella, allocate funds, and distribute these funds.
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first the russian empire, then the ussr, now russia, which began to revive, russian federation. they have one task, this is the gradual dismemberment, alienation of the peoples living in this civilizational space from each other in various ways and diplomatically, including behind-the-scenes games. these are all the special services, the knights of cloak and dagger, as they are called, yes, well, specifically in the usa, when we talk about this seventh floor, then if we take a photograph of the state. department, there are visually six floors actually, and the seventh floor
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is supposed to be the headquarters, firstly, of the fbi in this very building, and the hidden offices of the management are located there, but you can also remember the seventh floor in the famous langley, the cia, there the management is also on the seventh floor, and accordingly, this seventh floor, it ’s generally such an image, a meme, one might say, an attempt to arrange another the color revolution, the other day we also recalled attempts
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at a coup d'etat, there were attempts to seize the central commission in minsk, in different periods, in our country periodically, electoral campaigns were always used by western services, which, on the one hand, through open methods of influence through various funds, through the creation of various so-called non-profit organizations of civil...
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cells, we see that they are primarily focused today on terror, terror that threatens not so much the leadership of belarus, the political leadership , there is a military man, and the terror that will affect ordinary citizens, that is, you will go, suddenly something will explode somewhere in the trash, and a person who is absolutely not involved in anything will suffer, these are the kind of terrorists we need of course, you have to be wary, because the fight against them is very serious... research, this is a very serious service, they create questionnaires for diplomats, they, in principle, carry out recruitment, there are many tasks there, they worked in the usa for many years, and have been
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to the seventh floor, they recruited you on the seventh floor, admit it, well... they didn’t try, they didn’t even try, but i want to say this, the seventh floor of the state department is slang, this is jargon, this is the leadership of the state department on the seventh floor in the southern part of the state department building the office of the secretary of state of the united states of america and his closest assistants, usually deputy secretaries of state, is located, but there is such a thing as pgr. pi is the deputy secretary of state for political affairs, now known as mrs. victoria, i think that probably ivan stanislavich also meant this, the subtext is this, the second person is the deputy secretary of state for global affairs, the third is the deputy secretary of state for
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global affairs working with information, media, public relations. i want to remind you that it was interesting, so to speak, i think that this hint, it was very, very, very subtle and fair, why during the time of hillary clinton, when she was deputy secretary of state, i want to remind you that the threat was not only external from the seventh floor of the state department, it was even internal, the fbi tried to uncover the alleged conspiracy of the seventh floor, which was attributed to the shadow government.
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consistent with the national interests of the us west. the main thing is that we must understand that our issue is being dealt with so closely at such a high level. absolutely right. this is a corresponding challenge for us. alexei. eat is there anything to add to this? well, yes, about the shadow government, it was on the seventh floor that this
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information popped up back in 2016, when proceedings against obama were also underway. then, under the freedom of information act, they asked specifically about the goals and objectives of this seventh floor, the fbi requested an investigation in the sixteenth year, which was typical, some of the employees of the seventh floor were fired, and as a result of the investigation, therefore, we can say that inside the united states there is still a lot going on strongly. biden, trumpt, republicans and democrats, we may soon also see something interesting from this seventh floor. another concrete example that came from the mouth
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of the head of the state security committee, let's listen to it. on the territory of poland, there are currently seven so-called harukrs who are preparing for terrorist attacks and the seizure of objects on belarusian territory. the most aggressive haruga is in bialystok. she trains at the address cardinal vyshinsky street, building 6a, she is headed or led by asadullaev, this is the ninety-first year, our former citizen, who ran away , once studied at a military academy, he hides behind the call sign shlyakhtich. our region through the eyes of foreigners. i am very happy that minsk is a clean green city and a safe city, this is now noted
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even by those foreign artists who come to our circus. when we flew here for the first time, what i noticed was that the air was crystal clear, i was thirsty, how did they end up in belarus and why did they stay here? i was born in the city of vilnius. it is the capital of lithuania, the family moved here to minsk, that is, my father was appointed here to serve in the military . i come from kazakhstan, from the city of almaty. by decree of the president of our country, my husband was appointed ambassador of the republic of belarus. project look at belarus. so i realized that i feel very good here, because, let’s say, living in belarus, i never felt that i was a stranger here, we are people here, we are not even artists. this.
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drop of plowing shukevich 19 stagodzia. here your ukrainian lankans were grazing the glad grass on their scythe. on pakrova i hope the couple gathered and left the church.
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that is, this is what happens: the head in washington and the tentacles where we have already discussed ukraine; poland is now the deadly battalions; they themselves are those cia personnel who work very closely with such a contingent correctly. vadim said that they are trying to manipulate them for different reasons, some are interested in money, some in power, some in some kind of ambition, some in
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recognition, some in resentment, and good psychologists work and prepare them, instill in them some a sacred idea for them to engage in such a thing, but a destructive thing against their homeland, yes, against the country that... raised him, trained him, and the most important thing is that you need to understand that for employees of the cia or nato intelligence services there , such, such a contingent, it is a bargaining chip, they definitely know that if they give them a command, they will enter this or that territory, these are suicide bombers, yes, but for them this does not mean anything, they must complete the task in principle .
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know some features in order to to form from them various kinds of sabotage groups, terrorist groups, well, let’s even remember the situation both before the great patriotic war and after it, from the same collaborators, such groups were initially formed, which were then thrown into belarus, which were supposed to become the backbone of some new power here , and then their remnants, who fled to the west along with
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the germans, were used as.
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these aren’t sent to the front near kharkov or somewhere further south, why? yes, that is, for some reason they need these 120,000 we need people on our border who are superior to the belarusian army, we must understand this, this is where western curators can try to use not so much nato forces, so as not to get involved in a direct
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confrontation with nato, because...
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the state has a very high-quality working scheme , that is, they bring out some kind of political group that can legitimize such a quasi- government, there is a coordinating council, a quasi-parliament, a quasi-government, it’s more difficult for them to have a president in the twenty-fifth year they will no longer have people who can legitimize this, but the task is, why are they doing this, the fact is that we were initially right in that we wanted to keep belarus in the stability zone, today belarus, being in this peaceful... in the forward work, it provides the russian federation with much greater assistance, because we are a reliable rear, we provide 1.00 km of a safe border for the russian federation, from smolensk it is further 100 km, well, of course, from smolensk to moscow, and accordingly, here we supply some critically important products, again to the russian market, that is, for them , the destabilization of the situation in belarus is
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a direct blow immediately to...
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peace, goodness and prosperity, not only to the security officers, but to your loved ones. we'll continue in a couple of minutes. we know exactly how to start the morning right. my secret is to wake up with a smile, then the day will go positively. olga, what are we going to cook today? today we will prepare rice pancakes with a delicate vegetable filling. mmm, can't wait to start already cook, together with you we will prepare a delicious breakfast, today we will prepare the breakfast of a champion? well, let's try, i want to surprise you today, we usually eat cheesecakes, and i 'll make greek pancakes, is there a place in your
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life for a hobby? mash, i learned a long time ago to relax at work, work on vacation and get the boost of necessary energy, put nut-vegetable pate on the pancakes, roll them into tubes. serve with yogurt sauce, your home champions will appreciate this breakfast, watch the champion's breakfast on the belarus 24 tv channel, to become one of your own in a foreign country, you don’t have to be born there, what a nice city, why the name is so nice, here’s the fly of paris krator. i think you’re right and perhaps there is that same boris, it’s enough to behave at a party like the host of a show, like at home, in kayla, look, shokhov’s
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tower, lord, jesus mary, i usually say this when something surprises me, and it really surprises how the two of them, like us, the main thing is, let’s do the pose together. here in venezuela you can’t even walk through swamps; in belarus you can’t even walk through swamps. shaking is good, it’s not scary, yeah, two or three, watch the project, like at home, on our tv channel. we continue
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while some special services are confronting strangers in ukraine, their own internal battle continues, a new scandal in the office of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny, listening equipment was found, and this coincides with the fact that the confrontation between zelensky and zaluzhny has reached a new level. more and more firewood is being thrown into the conflict, literally from all sides, the mayor of kiev vitaliy klitschko announced support for zaluzhny, the leader of the party faction servant of the people erahamia criticizes both zelensky and... the murder of doctor kiva, who has repeatedly predicted the arrests and even the liquidation of zaluzhny, is perhaps intended to divert attention from the growing contradictions between the bank and the commander-in-chief's headquarters. zaluzhny himself will regard the incident as a war against him. what kind of war is this? how do you see this? you know, of course there are several versions here, and they are also discussed that all this is not taking place anyway...
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they are mocking the ukrainian people and their leadership to call these decisions differently impossible, it makes you think that somewhere in the depths of this ukrainian people there must be a force that will exert internal pressure, because it is one thing to liberate from the outside, and another is a sovereign movement to find its own path, and often, when they think like this, vladim, they look at the military and say that if this power can come from somewhere, that is , among the military, that is, in this case it is definitely not tinned, it is alternative. there is some grain of rationality in that
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sense, says that alexey, it’s correct that the specialists who are there and directly supervise have great influence, but i largely agree with alexander horovych here, he aggravated the issue six months ago that the confrontation would grow in ukrainian society between the political elite and the military, i’ll explain why, i’ll just tell you i explain, when you want to see some kind of conflict, you must understand the essence, two absolutely contradictory ones -
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this is the first political competitor, this is the one who would be today if this offensive were successful and there were big the territories have been liberated, the first figure in the political field is the one who commanded the armed forces during the period, so this is a natural competition within the environment, despite the fact that they are, how do you like this, how do you like this, look, the situation in
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ukraine may worsen so much so that the mobilization of women will be required, these are the words of the verkhovna rada deputy from the voice party.
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is that maintaining this ukrainian state is possible only at the expense of external resources that were promised, but which were not given, resources were promised indeed, through zelensky, when they don’t give it to him, then this is a blow to his authority , this is a disaster for him personally, let’s develop this
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idea, now let’s develop this idea, because it really deserves attention when we are approaching elections and voting for politicians, we have to look carefully at whether we are able to... put aside all differences, but now the figure has dropped to 25%. an eloquent statement published in the english guardian by vladimir amelyaan, ex-minister of infrastructure of ukraine, now an officer in the armed forces of ukraine. the choice is very simple, he says he, if we are ready to give another 300 thousand or 500 thousand lives of ukrainian soldiers to
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seize crimea and liberate donbass, if we receive the required number of tanks and f-16s from the west, we can do this. i don’t see another 500 thousand people ready to die, and i don’t see the west’s willingness to send the type and quantity of weapons we will need. the west has really lost enthusiasm and instead of heroic covers, their press is increasingly publishing cartoons, saying that zelensky is again asking for money. well, alexey viktorovich, you just talk about this, but he goes there for a reason and demands, because when he was pushed in the back, volodya, go, they promised him that... this must be understood, this is , firstly, the policy of the west, you can promise whatever, gorbachev was also promised that nato would not expand to the east even to yoto, today we see that in the composition. lithuania, latvia, estonia, that’s why, as for the promises of the west, these promises are worthless,
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they do it situationally, the task was to start a conflict, and bring it to this point the hard phase, when russia was put in an absolutely unacceptable situation, absolutely no attention was paid to its red lines, to its concerns and was simply pushed into this conflict, and so it began.
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ukraine is quietly leaving for the right people. the head of zelensky’s office, andriy ermak , indefinitely donated 400 km of land to american companies for the disposal of hazardous waste, chemical, pharmaceutical and oil companies as part of an agreement with alexander soros. proof of this was obtained by the french journalist julvinsen, who published the results of his investigation on the social network x, or whatever you call it, for example, the russian ministry of defense reported on dangerous us experiments in ukraine during the northern military district. it is reported that the pentagon studied how the local population suffered from zanozny infections, then exported samples to the united states for their possible use in offensive biological programs. in addition, the documents received confirm that employees of the biosphere reserve in kherson. which, when transmitted to humans, can reach 40%, all
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this is in our neighborhood, this is the price of choice, mistakes, sergei antonevich, how do you look at all this, well, it is clear that the united states is always very pragmatic, i would even say pragmatism turns into cynicism.
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collectives, senators, deputies, and we see all of us that our society after the twentieth year still realized a lot, including on the example of neighboring, neighboring ukraine on the example of actions, including the west, here is the military-biological activity of the united states on ukraine has a very, very dangerous laboratory, in fact only in ukraine.
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and achieve our geopolitical, geostrategic goals, which we are talking about in great detail with you today. alexey, what is a biological weapon, yes, it is the same type of form of genocide, the implementation of genocide, yes, that is, genocide, both during nazi germany and now, which is used by the united states,
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there is no difference between this genocide, yes, to say that it is biological weapons, you know, there... back in june of twenty-three , the vice president of the united states also stated that our main goal - this made a reservation decrease in population, they quickly changed it, they said that she was talking about reducing atmospheric pollution, climate, but in the video you can hear in black and white that she is talking about the decrease in population on
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planet earth, so all these laboratories they don’t even.. ... made in order to harm us, yes, they are, either there in russia or belarus, they are solving a global problem, this also applies to china, this also applies to the countries of the middle east, africa, that is, they are sitting there in their metropolis, they think that no one will ever touch them, but this one is superfluous people, yes, superfluous people according to malthus, they must be destroyed, why, because they are not involved in economic processes, they do not bring surplus value. are eating up the resources of planet earth, which means they need to be destroyed, but this is a hostile ideology that was destroyed, we thought that it was destroyed during the great patriotic war as a result of victory, yes, but we see that they were revived, they studied according to these old ideological the canons of fascist germany, now all this entire elite is in power in
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this sense, in this sense, summing up. we have february 25th is a single voting day, then elections, we see a lot of processes that now, for some reason, seem irrelevant to some, when the prosecutor general's office gathers more and more...
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new for us, but a very important body, to which part of the powers of the president are transferred , part of the powers of the government, first of all, the entire belarusian people's assembly, is the formation of the main strategic directions for the development of belarus
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in foreign and domestic policy, something that was previously blamed on the head of one president, alexander grigoryevich lukashenko, of course , pulled it all off with honor, but it is of course difficult for one person to be responsible for such a very serious work, so today... the question is that these powers are transferred to the all-belarusian people's assembly, plus, of course, we have a parliament, he is involved in the formation of the government, that is , he is the prime minister of appointment, and today the supreme national assembly will appoint the central election commission, we will form the entire leadership of the national bank, we will form the highest leadership of the courts and the constitutional and supreme courts, that is, in one day... in fact, we must form a complete system of public administration, legitimate power, for 5 years, if a person does not come to the polls, then he has no moral right to this at all...


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