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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 25, 2023 4:50am-5:36am MSK

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suffering, stuffy, we are the spoiled european people, we would slaughter you and you, we howled our feathers, we say our land is our light.
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forever living belarus, friendship of the people, strength of the people, our victorious, watery paths, our woe, serpentine heights, fear is possible. and the joy of the saints, our bright name belongs to the land, the glory of the people of the great union, our beloved mother, slave of everlasting belarus.
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freedom of speech, no, we haven’t heard, the polish purge came to the house of the warsaw media, according to the patterns of the kiev maidan, let’s go through the script holes in the plot of western sponsors, holiday traffic is officially in finnish lopland, catholic christmas is just around the corner. you look around the planet, we are on the air on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24.
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belousov. it seems that the residents of serbia have something new within the law. about color scripts eugene pre-holiday entertainment, or rather, a small part of them. the leaders of the local opposition have again taken out sharpe's manual and are trying to stir up a people's revolution. it just turns out bad. the results were the reason for a new showdown. out of order
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elections. seeing that aleksandar vučić’s coalition was outperforming the serbia anti-violence bloc by a large margin, the pro-westernists immediately declared some kind of falsification of the results. however, this story has a fairly long time interval. in 2000 in serbia they also shouted about falsification. then the first color revolution happened in the country. true, beautiful names had not yet been invented for the supposedly planned spontaneous outbursts of popular anger in those days. and further events were named. bulldozer revolution, in honor of the bulldozer on which the gates were broken belgrade television center. that revolution has just begun with the presidential elections, in which none of the candidates, neither the current head of state milosevic, nor the oppositionist kostunica. did not receive
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more than half of the votes in the first round. milosevic insisted on a second round, the other camp shouted that the calculations were incorrect and their candidate had already won, to prove that he was right, protesters in... stormed the parliament building, then seized the television center, the next evening milosevic resigned, and pro-western forces celebrated victory and a new path countries to europe, along which serbia continues to go, but does not get closer to the end of the route. and now, 23 years later, history repeats itself. different people, times, not even presidential elections, but the essence is the same: the coalition of the current leader of serbia, vucic , received an absolute majority in parliament in these elections. and in general. it makes no sense to argue with these results at the national level, but in the local elections in belgrade there was a reason: the republican election commission stated that vučić’s bloc received a majority there too, however the opposition predictably did not agree with this, insisting that there was a draw in the capital, and
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the victory of the ruling party was falsified, and here, as they say, it all started. it is now abundantly clear that from start to finish the electoral process was compromised from start to finish.
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i was attacked by people from the street, attacked me, what was it, i fell, fell, maybe i injured my spine, maybe you saw the faces
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of the attackers, what could i see, when 50 people attacked me, what could i see, the hooligans were promptly detained and one of them admitted that since february he had received money from the opposition for organizing unrest, 150 euros a week, and, of course, he was far from the only one. in fact, the current protests on the streets of belgrade are not so spontaneous; the ground for them has been prepared for more than six months. back in may, after a series of mass shootings , spontaneous rallies took place across the country in memory of the victims, but pro-western parties actively participated in the protests and quickly became the leaders of the crowd. the rallies themselves became politicized and the protesters began to first demand the resignation of the head of the ministry of internal affairs. intelligence services, and then a change in the entire government. in early november, vučić dissolved parliament and appointed early elections for december 17, but neither the expectations of the opposition nor their curators came true, and the west, to put it mildly, is not
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happy with the sluggish revolution, too much money has been invested to simply accept defeat in the elections, and therefore, as expected , the international community has become more active, for which, in general, the entire protest picture is being made. new elections are required in... evgeniy belousov, around the planet. big
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washing in polish gosmi. the new government of warsaw intends to steer not only the country's political course, but also become editor-in-chief for the public. legal journalists. menkult has already said goodbye to the top officials of polish television and radio, and the printers have parted with their warm jobs. the official reason for the spread of party propaganda. in the global index of press freedom, thanks to the light hand of the pisovtsy, the polish-lithuanian commonwealth slipped from eighteenth line to fifty-seventh. resolution of the sejm on the restoration of legitimacy and the impartiality of public media, the right to justice, was expectedly greeted by protests. the redistribution of power in poland after the fall of the dudomorovetsky regime in warsaw is a thorough cleansing of the political field. first , they expelled all the heads of the special services and replaced the diplomats. abroad, now it’s the media’s turn. however, this is not something new, but only
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a mirror reflection of the purges that the once ruling peace began against its opponents back in 2015. having won the next election, right and justice, they themselves are exactly like that they dealt with unwanted journalists, tusk, who lost then, and began a thorough cleansing of the media sphere. the first procedure was beheading. since then, the polish state has controlled approximately 80% of local publications in the country. the opposition called the deal a dark day for press freedom. regimerovsky’s opponents were mixed in with the dirt, they were simply destroyed.
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most importantly, the conditions under which you can punish someone are very vaguely defined there; even if you tell the truth, but someone doesn’t like this truth, you can start a criminal case against you, so this is truly an absolutely anti-democratic law. now the tusk government intends to change the situation, promising that from now on the media will work for interests. polish society, among experts, and among the residents themselves, this at least causes skepticism;
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they have observed similar purges in the information field more than once. the fired administrators tried to organize a fight back, but the picture turned out not so much heroic as comical. supreme leaders came to the tv channel building to protest pisovtsy. the pathos of resistance also suffered from the fact that retired politicians were published in the publication without respect for the merits of past ranks. compared to december last year, trust in the government decreased from 52% to 26, and
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distrust increased from 19% to 44. unexpected revelations of a german deputy from the cdu party. on local tv, the official admitted that europe does not so much want ukraine to win as it wants access to raw materials. the main interest is lithium, which is necessary for the production of electric motors. the deputy noted that russia has control over donbass. i am convinced that most of the european union
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is deliberately living the war in ukraine in a big lie. in fact, ukraine is only being used for geopolitical purposes to weaken russia economically and internationally, and this serves as a golden calf for arms companies, merchants of death. in the name of these geopolitical goals, i fear the west will fight russia to the last ukrainian soldier, and we are not far from this goal. of course, no one openly admits to these immoral purposes. kyiv on will remain without american money for an indefinite period, the us senate published a statement on postponing the next year, discussion on assistance to ukraine, to return to it only in mid-january, and even then under the most favorable set of circumstances for kiev. the pentagon has about a hundred million dollars left for current military support of the armed forces of ukraine, which is expected to be transferred to ukraine by the end of the year. zelensky was reminded that he does not live in a fairy tale and miracles do not happen. we don't have a miracle pot of money to draw from if
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the bill will not pass congress. government funding doesn't work that way. there are financial ones. flows that we can use, and we've already used them, we've almost exhausted them, they're going to dry up completely over the next few weeks, so we need congress to act. the eu simply gets rid of objectionable opinions: they close the urns. in order to conclude an agreement on financing ukraine, eu countries want to deprive hungary of voting rights. according to the financial times, it plans to apply the seventh article of the agreement on in the european union, it allows a country to be deprived of its voting rights due to a violation of european law. i appeal to the commission, to the leaders of the council, let's start thinking about the procedure for suspending hungary's voting rights. our lawyers must find legal ways to stop the destruction from both the outside and the inside. who does orban work for, putin, why are you not
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doing anything to stop him? don't you see how the eu is being destroyed from within? we see. unfortunately, the tools to stop it are too weak. thus, the priority option is still the desire to convince orban to change his position on ukraine, explaining all the costs of isolation. the united states authorities are not abandoning attempts to prevent former president trump from re -occupying the white house. the colorado supreme court has ruled that donald trump is barred from running for president in the state. reason: the ex-owner of the white house allegedly took part. in rebellion against the people of the united states. it is noteworthy that the investigation into the january 6 riot is still ongoing, and no one in trump’s court i have not yet recognized the order as a rebel. but after the state of colorado banned trump from running, 16 more american states are going to do the same. the corresponding lawsuits have been drawn up and are being prepared for filing in the courts. it is noteworthy that
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joe biden himself illegally invaded the capitol in his youth. then he was only fined for this, but there are many other examples. and this is another example of how people’s destinies are easily controlled in a country that has proclaimed itself a symbol of freedom; a miscarriage of justice in the usa cost a man 48 years in prison, he was convicted for the murder of a woman in an edmunds liquor store in 1974, a man from the start. claimed his innocence, he said that at the time of the murder he was in another city, but he was accused, first sentenced to death, then the sentence was changed to life, now he is 71 years old, now the judge’s decision gives him the right to compensation of 175 thousand dollars for an erroneous sentence, but it will take a long time before it is paid, now the innocently convicted person has cancer and
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lives on donations, a mass execution in center...random townspeople became victims of the shooting. the tragic incident happened on the territory of charles university. it is known that 15 people were killed and at least 25 were injured. with a high degree of probability, the killer was a certain david kozak, a graduate of one of the faculties. before appearing at the university, he killed his own father. as it turned out, he kept an online diary. in which he talked about the preparation of the crime, apparently, kozak was a native of one of the republics of the former ussr, his diary was in russian, the killer liquidated by the police. with tensions in argentina, new president javier miley has declared a state of economic, health and social emergency until december 31, 2025. this is necessary to
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justify the adoption of a radical package of reforms. protests broke out across the country, with police in cordoba using batons and gas bolos. dispersed the protesters. clashes with security forces began after demonstrators blocked the road. police officers and protesters were injured, and there were some arrests. let me clarify: miley signed a decree on more than 300 economic reforms, including the abandonment of price regulation, the reform of customs rules to facilitate international trade, and preparations for the privatization of the state. companies are prohibited from introducing export restrictions. and another western whim. joseph biden has a unique opportunity to fight the houthis. another american one. will hit the middle east again. the us authorities have launched the operation guardian of prosperity in the red sea will play against yemen. the task of the collective west and allies is something
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like putting a stop to the houthi attack on the courts and stabilizing the traffic of the suedian channel. the details of the tactics are secretly kept under seal. remember, france and great britain have already used weapons under the pretext of revising the red sea. the attacks did not stop. all this is truly bad news for the servant of the people. the more. chagov on the geopolitical map of the world, the fewer investment bonuses for the kiev regime. about the maritime audit, olga davidovich. the guardians of prosperity have arrived in the middle east. a multinational coalition led by not surprisingly, the united states. the declared mission is certainly good - to protect ships in the red sea from militants of the yemeni rebel movement ansar allah. people call them houthis. the latter actually managed to not only add fuel to an already burning region and bring down the global one. trade, and in just a month. back in mid-november, they announced their intention to attack any israeli or israeli-bound ships at sea until the operation in the gas sector was stopped.
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and yemen's armed forces say they will prevent the passage of ships heading to israel, regardless of which country they belong to. if the gas sector does not receive the food and medicine it needs. such ships will become a legitimate target for our armed forces. in total, the houthis carried out several dozen attacks on ships in the gulf of adon, the red sea, and they targeted ships not only flying the israeli flag, including a norwegian tanker, a french frigate and a german container ship, they attacked with drones, cruise missiles, and even boarded them. with the houthis seem to have achieved their goal; four of the five largest sea cargo carriers on the planet have already refused to enter the red zone.
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met with retaliatory attacks, we will make american warships targets for our drones and missiles. military experts warn that if the united states takes such an unwise step, it will face serious problems, especially in the region where iran has a dominant position, then the planet is already facing a major geopolitical conflagration. however, americans hardly think about the consequences; we should not forget that everything what is happening now in yemen is a long echo of the arab spring that they created. olga davidovich, around the planet. so far , the postscript of cop-28 mobilizes over
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$80 million on climate change. state authorities are counting losses; the cost of the disaster is estimated at $700 million; the us national weather service is at a low start. a dozen states froze in the face of fatal floods, along with 60 million people. about the wave of water emergencies, tatyana volkova. states of america just before
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christmas, when millions of people go traveling to celebrate a holiday with relatives. a year ago, plans were interrupted by heavy snowfalls. this time, due to windy precipitation , about 60 million residents of the northeast were at risk of flooding. as the storm moved across maine and the new england region, air hubs in new york, washington and boston began experiencing flight delays and cancellations. forced savings in the face of rising costs of living, it’s cheaper, much cheaper. last year was a real nightmare because of all these cancellations and delays, we were flying from
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airport, in the baggage claim area all passengers were directed to one terminal, it was very cold there, we never saw the bags, they were given to us three or four days later, it was a terrible trip. getting behind the wheel has also become risky, with severe weather warnings issued for more than a dozen states. along the southern new england coastline , winds increased to 90 km/h, with gusts up to 113 km/h. as a result, throughout the northeast, the hurricane left... more than 600 thousand households without electricity, in some places more than 15 cm of rain, flooding began, in the city of montpelier, the capital of vermont, water flooded warehouses and basements of enterprises, the governor called the hurricane a blow to the gut for the local community, this is the second major flood in the city in a year. in mid-july , the state received two months' worth of rainfall in two days of heavy rain. i came here.
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6am to see how things are going. the water reached the middle of my thighs, it just slowly rose further. this is much worse than what happened in the summer. in the summer we were flooded, we we were able to open only at the end of october. just in case, we raised the floor by 30 cm. i kept thinking, it’s good that we at least have a reserve of this height. heavy rain not only flooded basements, but also washed out roads. the cars went under water. there's an elderly woman in south carolina. stuck behind the wheel of a sinking car, despite the efforts of the police who tried to help her, they could not save her. in pennsylvania , a seventy-three-year-old driver suffered the same fate. in two more cases, the cause of death was trees falling due to wind. in total, the storm took the lives of six people. in maine, massachusetts, pennsylvania, south carolina and new york. according to experts, the flooding in this region has become the worst in
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recent decades. authorities. this is now the new norm. days of isolated storms, when we have a snowstorm or a downpour, are followed by more dangerous events. i think you know that what we are seeing they occur very quickly gaining great strength. thus, we are dealing with more than just one cataclysm, these include snowstorms, wind, torrential rains, as well as coastal flooding and beach erosion. all this makes it difficult to react.
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as a consolation, american meteorologists predict warm weather without precipitation for californians this christmas. thousands of animal species are under threat of extinction, this is the picture of biodiversity in the world painted by the coop-28 conference. sea turtles die in trawl nets after eating polyethylene, and they appear less and less often. rising sea levels
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simply drown the nests, and warming large waters deprive them of a balanced diet. the fate of cold-blooded centenarians india's defense research and development organization is concerned. wheeler island missile tests suspended by sodium. to avoid the threat of extinction of olive sea turtles. about climate prisoners of global warming nikita makhodkin. with an ancient lineage dating back some 220 million years, sea turtles play a vital role in maintaining the delicate balance of marine ecosystems. these magnificent creatures serve as the cornerstone of other marine life, having significant effects on health and their stability. there are only seven species of sea turtles on our planet, all of them are endangered. of course, it was not without human hands, there is the accidental catch of turtles due to the use of inaccurate fishing methods and
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the development of tourism, which prevents animals from laying eggs and hatching turtles from reaching the water, and finally, the consumption of turtles by humans and despite the legislation. these animals are illegal in most asian and indo-chinese countries, japan and some american states. the trade in turtle eggs, meat and shells is still not eradicated, but the end of the year surprises with unexpected results: a record number of sea turtle nestings was recorded in different areas of our planet, the situation exceeded all the forecasts of scientists, for example, it was registered at british bases in cyprus. 282 clutches, this is the best figure in the last 10 years, the situation is no worse in some states of america, records were broken in south and north carolina, alabama and georgia, and in florida, which is considered one of the most important
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hatcheries worldwide, there are more than 130,000 sea turtle nests, the highest number since 2016. this is amazing. we have recorded more nests than we have ever seen on local beaches. we monitor 9 miles of coastal area in northern palmbeach county where we have had over 25,000 sea turtle nests, yet statistically only one in a thousand baby turtles will survive to adulthood. to the above reasons, it is worth adding one more change.
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with climate change, the reproductive output of all these nests is actually quite low compared to what it should be. experts say that over millions of years , turtles have gradually adapted to a changing climate, but today's conditions are changing so quickly that the animals simply do not have time to evolve. one reason is temperature, which affects more than just what sex the skulls hatch. but on how mobile and fast they will be, on which their survival directly depends. in addition, we observe a large number of nests are affected by temperature changes, approximately 30-40% of our
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nests reach the so-called lethal temperature, which hovers around 33-34°, which can lead to turtles not hatching at all. this is just one of many stories where populations that have existed for millions of years are put at risk of extinction by humans. nikita. hot season for winter wizards, heavy traffic at santa claus's residence in the finnish lopland suggests christmas is already on the threshold. and it seems that during the audience with the kids in their native village, the kindest grandfather forgot about how the kids behaved all year. guests here are not divided into good and bad children; for kids, a trip to wonderland is not just an opportunity to chat with santa, but... on a reindeer sled and even storm improvised icy heights.
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the main location of the wizard’s habitat fascinates with finnish landscapes. its coordinates are not far from the arctic circle. the snowiest place in the world and the landscape symbol of the new year annually takes about 500 thousand travelers. and in these fabulous settings , everyone can believe in a real miracle. age limits are not written. what else happened over the past 7 days, what events will not leave you without emotions, which is definitely worth finding out about. yana mendeleva has prepared a special selection for you. santa bikers, where the wizards' race took place. training before the new year , an unusual race took place in the suburbs of paris. to the delight of sharks, how the inhabitants of aquariums are delighted on the eve of the holidays and which city was decorated in eco-style. let's find out together in the next few minutes. santa bikers in
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germany held their annual christmas ride. the mota marathon gathered hundreds of participants. during the rally, they stopped at two institutions: a children's center and a homeless shelter, to deliver gifts purchased through donations and proceeds from their activities. this tradition is 26 years old and i think it's a great way to bring some christmas cheer to the city by seeing some smiling faces. for the sake of a charity ride , not only the bikers themselves are transformed, but their motorcycles, their they decorate with garlands, ribbons, even deer fur is included at the entrance. training before the new year , a traditional festive race took place in the suburbs of paris, thousands of people. took part in a race dressed as santa.
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the organizers provided the opportunity to choose their own distance, the longest of which was 10 km. our brother-in-law signed us up, he surprised us, of course, we all have our own suits, i’m 75 years old, yes. on the eve of christmas, the madrid zoo has traditionally installed an installation of a biblical scene at the bottom of the aquarium. what's happening on for half an hour we observed underwater inhabitants, turtles, and fish. giant groupers and even sharks. we dived to a depth of 4.5 m with a water temperature of 23°. for us it could , of course, be a little warmer, but for sharks it is ideal. according to the staff of the madrid zoo, the tradition of installing a christmas nativity scene at the bottom of the shark tank has been going on for 28 years. a special new year's program was prepared for sharks from the delphine center for oceanography and marine biology in novosibirsk. a diver dressed as santa claus dives to the bottom of an aquarium every day and
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distributes gifts to its inhabitants. christmas in eco-style, the streets of the argentine city of capiove were decorated with recycled materials for the fifteenth year in a row. local residents collect rags, deodorant balls, and powdered milk bags all year round and turn them into decorative items in december. hundreds of tourists come to kopiova every year to witness a green christmas. we know that people have arrived. from germany, usa, central america, france and brazil and other neighboring countries, from all over the world. we even we were worried about how to conduct christmas master classes for so many people. the tradition of decorating the streets with recycled materials began here in 2009, after volunteers decorated the city church in a similar way. local residents supported the initiative and now decorate the entire city this way. emergency replacement on set. oleg dalia made this actor the main playboy of soviet cinema; as a teenager
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he was published in komsomolets of turkmenistan. from the debut fable, the first fee swings to the director's chair, storm the full meter went to moscow. it didn’t work out with ovgek, but with shchoki’s acting department it worked out fine. after graduating , i was hired to join the coveted taganka theater. on the academic stage he sounded the cherry orchard, the master and margarita, aka horace from shakespeare. hamlet. imi earned money at the soviet cinema box office in the film "crew". the role of the loving flight engineer was close only on the screen. a novel of melodrama and at the same time a film the disaster became about... a story with 70 million viewers. the folk syllable of the fairy tale about aphidot of the sagittarius, from dolov’s fellow, seasoned with satire and sharp aphorisms - this is also the work of the people's artist of russia. the date of the week is december 24th. birthday of soviet cinema captain leonid fillatov. you looked around the planet. thank you for being
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and staying with us. visit the website and watch your favorite tv news agency projects online. goodbye, okay, wait, wait, just wait , please, since you're such an idiot, please, i'm making you an offer, what an offer, what do you mean, what, are you kidding me, i suggest you marry me get married, such a proposal, and you know, i also want to propose to you, leave me and never come near me again, understand?
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting
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