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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 25, 2023 11:35am-12:01pm MSK

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hello everyone, you! my name is sasha larius, i
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came to belarus from the united states of america, and i have been living here for a year and a half and am studying at the faculty of chemistry at bsu. i came from the united states of america, my mother is belarusian herself, she is from jaudin, so i am partly belarusian, and partly latina, my parents met in new york, approximately. 20 years ago,
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i don’t remember the first time at all, because i was here for the first time, i was 2 years old, since then, about every summer, except during the pandemic, i came here on vacation to study, in general, the education systems themselves between the states and belarus are very different, but here from the first to the eighth grade they teach everything, everything, but it is at a very basic level. in principle, the difference is that we teach, but it covers everything very superficially, not as in-depth as in belarus here, during my visits here very often i had trips to different cities, and i grandfather himself is a very big fan of history, he knows a lot, and we always in the summer we chose one city to go to, we went to polotsk, to the temple.
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polotskaya, and we went to brest to the brest fortress , the most recent was a trip to nesves, when i came back to new york, and i told my teachers at school, friends about my travels, i had one question that came back to me: is belarus, because they themselves don’t know the country itself, like belarus, i always tell you with interest that... it’s a beautiful country, a very beautiful country, there’s a lot to see and of course, there’s still time to live, it’s very, very interesting to live here, basically i’m very good at mathematics, so i mainly focused just for myself, i learned mathematics more at the level of school education here, and then, well , around the eleventh grade here in
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... so 12 grades of study, and somewhere around the eleventh grade i decided - after i took a course in general chemistry, i decided that i wanted to enroll in chemistry, at the beginning of the twelfth grade in our states , applications for universities, we have the directions in chemistry are different, we have forensic chemistry, we have biological chemistry, physical chemistry, as if everything related to chemistry as a direction we have everything. i applied to different universities in different states, i applied in new york, and even in washington, then at the same time the idea came, why not go somewhere, my parents and i decided to look at different options, but then we understood from a more logical point the view that since we already have relatives, they live here, they live in minsk, they live in zhodeno, why? i wouldn’t mind entering bsu as
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a foreign student, and at the same time taking my brother with me, they brought my brother too, he is now in the sixth grade at the twenty-seventh gymnasium in minsk. i... i have parents, well, more precisely, a father, he was initially a little indignant, because how can you, well , send your first daughter to another country, mom and dad came to a general agreement, they realized that on the contrary, it would be very good for me with brother, but because it gives me the opportunity to become closer to my brother, and also at the same time - to get used to, well, living on my own without parents, after a year and a half since i’m already here... living, i’ve already adapted to, well, using public transport, the metro here is very beautiful, especially the green line, which is now being built, in general it’s beautiful, compared to new york, gorkov's steam in the spring is very beautiful, when everything is in bloom,
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you can hardly walk around, walk through everything, like a city, it’s a second home to me. what distinguishes a national leader from a politician? the fact that the leader thinks about the next generations, and not the end of his tenure and the united states and the west are always hooked on their technologies, then sanctions are imposed, they deprive us of technology, and thus force us to act the way they want. the transition to a green economy is also a technological needle. we are in parliament all the time.
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in the trend of reasonable, normal countries and states, everyone, of course, wants to do business with us. don’t miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel. as you know, before competitions you need to warm up well and warm up all your muscles, by the way, the same applies to and heads. the participants of this show believe that you need to pump up not only your muscles, but also your brain. what is the metal rod of a barbell called? alexander, vulture, vulture. of course, friends, let’s join in, they are competing to see which of them is more savvy, intellectually. what sport in the uk is said to involve the exchange of opinions through gestures? and by the way,
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our time has come to an end. vadim, stadium, stadium, yes, is the correct answer. emperor ruma, totchi. absolutely right. the crown and the majestic look are not here either random, emperor francesco toti, ruler and captain of italian roma. sports and entertainment show, head game. watch on the tv channel belarus 24.
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we are now on the building of the belarusian state university, our university is very large, they have a very wide variety of specialties, but i am personally very interested. i really want to study pharmacy here, and my specialty is the chemistry of medicinal compounds, i really like my faculty for the reason that i have access to everything, we have a wonderful library, we have wonderful teachers who can help with any questions, a lot of knowledge is given here. they told me personally to my face that you have been accepted, come this first of september. initially, when they told me this, i simply took it as an ordinary fact that it was done, but oh well, from the moment i left the building, i realized that like
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wow, i got in, the first thing i did, i i wrote to my mother, called her, i also wrote to my relatives and told her, for me personally this there was a very great achievement at bsu. they give very sophisticated types of specialties, and not only in the faculty of chemistry, but in the faculty of biology and the faculty of physics, because they consider these three faculties... the most complex faculties at the university and specialties, they are also somehow interconnected. the chemistry of medicinal compounds is approximately the same as pharmaceutical chemistry. the only difference is that our program itself is slightly expanded, which means i study for 5 years, and pharmaceutical students, they only learn 4 years old, they have a more abbreviated form, they seem to have more workload than we do. mostly for me. specifically, that not only can i engage in pharmaceutical activities, i can also
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learn there how to work with medicines, i can work in factories as an internship , i can work in factories, in principle, this is all a physical specialty and a chemical one, i didn’t expect that, well , regarding, say, laboratory tests, i didn’t expect that there would be so much time... in the end, everything that i learned in 2 years studying chemistry, it was completed in three
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lectures, these are three lectures, it was in 2 weeks of study, i already realized that something was going badly, i had such a big dead end for a very long time, i didn’t know what to do, in the end i just decided that i needed to focus on the language while studying at the same time, but then i realized that it was kind of very difficult to balance. because while i’m still learning the language, i also need to study theory, and our theory is very, very detailed, very detailed, very deep, and well, it’s all together it was impossible to combine balance, so i went with my own method, which is better, although i study in russian, i still also study in english, because i’m trying to learn to perceive both languages, although i’m used to studying in english, because... well there is a difference between spoken languages ​​and academic languages, i have a lot to strive for,
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because the level of our guys, specifically in my subgroup, my entire subgroup consists of olympiad students, olympiad students in biology and physics and chemistry, they know brilliantly chemistry, they know very well how to teach it all, how to perceive it all, in principle, well , i would say like geniuses, the level of education in belarus is much higher now. even, well, in principle, not even just now, even before, the system itself is so advanced compared to the states, i can’t even explain this, because in the states, if i study mostly very basic things, then what is now on lectures are held, in general, these are different levels, hello, good afternoon, alexandra, how are you? this is our alexander
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zuraev, the dean of the faculty of chemistry, he is for me personally, he is like a curator, i respect him very much, at the moment, 26 foreign students are studying at the faculty of chemistry, well , as already noted by alexandra, we have students from the united states of america, we have students from turkmenistan, from china, that is. well, there are russians too, firstly, we are the only university in the republic of belarus that trains specialists in chemical specialties, you know, with any student and it’s simply difficult for everyone i need an individual approach, what principles do i use, i have one principle, it works for both employees and students, it’s called the open door principle, that is , any student with any problem can come to me, this is a foreigner. this is not a foreigner , say, a citizen of our country , they come absolutely calmly, these can be personal
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questions, personal problems of some kind, where you need to support, suggest, perhaps, guide somehow, it all depends on how you feel about your business, to your profession, if you love students, come to an audience with sparkling eyes, generally ready to work with them, it seems to me that there is not much difference, for us they are all one. the student body between the states in belarus is very diverse; there are a lot of student organizations in belarus. in the form of the brsma, the court council, the sudsoyuz, the community council , but this is more like a direction for foreigners, but let’s say, for locals, basically what i noticed is that all the events are done so that the students themselves learn somehow communicate with each other, have a good time, basically just
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to develop a cultural ratio, in the states... well, to put it mildly, it is not so close to this, it looks more vulgar, it was very difficult for me in my first year, because i came alone with my brother, although to visit a relative, but that’s all i also felt as if i was here alone, without parents, without anyone, thanks to the fact that i also found the council of fraternities, it helped me a lot in adaptation, only this year i was enrolled as a member of the council of compatriots, i mostly did it last year i was just... taking photographs, shooting footage from navruz, i i was filming footage from a football match , it was more like not being part of the squad, now i’m part of the squad, thanks to our new chairman, i am now the head of the communications department, that is, translators, we mostly communicate there, discuss various topics
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, mostly we just help others for foreign students, who find it difficult for various reasons, the council of earthlings is... a foreign version of the brsma, such an equivalent, i can put it this way, our main task is to help foreigners upon entry, when applying for documents, submitting documents with language, because there are many foreigners who cannot communicate quite adequately, and in addition to this informative help , in addition to... and entertainment, well, we try to balance educational and entertainment, because it is clear that education always comes first, we we are planning to make such a more or less balance between them, of all the events i have been to few, a small number of events simply due to lack of time, but the thing that is my favorite is
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navrus, there are also exhibitions of each fraternity, we have everything eight communities and... everyone comes, looks at it all, they are interested in it all, even the children themselves who participate, they tell more about themselves, talk about their culture, it’s more like such a good development for the locals, but because i think , that many local students are very interested in different cultures, as if we are the first sources of our homeland, they can learn about this without leaving the borders of their home, for our... university, it is important from that point of view that somehow our university needs to know that this the university exists because , let’s say, i, i came from the states for the reason, well, because my mother is belarusian, i have been to belarus many times already, i, well, i know where, what is, and i knew
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about this university, even a couple of years before i entered, i have friends in the states who cannot even imagine what kind of belarus is as a country, let’s say, as an activist for studying abroad, this is for me a reason to start spreading all this, and not only for locals, because well, these are let's say, the relationship between foreigners and locals is very, very important, not only for the university, but for the children themselves . the fact that i study with local children, considering that i am the only foreigner in my group, then this is generally very kind of an important relationship that i think everyone should have this, this opportunity to have, no matter where it comes from, maybe there’s a student from turkmenistan, a student from france, someone will come, it’s still interesting to know about it, because you will find out at home.
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university takes up a lot of my time, besides all this, i find time to indulge in my hobbies, mainly i like to draw, and i like... in principle, i’m interested in traveling, but i didn’t really
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have an idea to live abroad, because that i visited different places, but for me it was mainly like a vacation, and the fact that they decided to move abroad is generally very good and it worked in my favor, because it gave me the opportunity to reveal my own... i really like the specialties here, if they want to work, we can also easily get a job, and if it’s just for tourism, then there are many places, even not in
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minsk, that you won’t get bored of visiting, as i like to say. the belarusian balcony, it is the most important for western countries, they will not leave us in peace, so we need to prepare, consolidate within
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the state, hold our elections, and most importantly, understand that as for the external, our western countries still do not recognize the elections, we are choosing in twenty than the year of people who will largely determine the future of the country for a decade, these are truly popular elections belarus is a beacon...
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the news is broadcast at noon, in the studio yulia pertsova, good afternoon and short. the main thing. air force one is met in st. petersburg. the president of belarus is on a working visit to russia.


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