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tv   100  BELARUSTV  December 25, 2023 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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once you hear it and you won’t forget it again, it’s all right here.
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hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer all your questions. andrey dmitrievich, why do you think children ask strange questions? children ask strange questions, primarily because they still have a lot of their own and not so much. why is it more difficult with children than with adults? because they are spontaneous. are you ready to come out to your children? yes, definitely. well, then i wish you a successful conversation. so, today our guest is the rector of the belarusian state university andrey dmitrievich king.
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andrey dmitrievich, i want to warn you, according to the rules of our program, you have the right to refuse to answer a question three times, and be attentive to the questions, at the end of our conversation you will need to choose the best one, now, according to tradition, tell us what you think is necessary about yourself , you have one minute, time has passed, i am the person who teaches you to ask questions more than to give answers to them, the one who teaches -
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how long will you have time to answer? so, first question: red sector. hello my name is nastya. what ritual does your rector's working day go by without? there are many rituals, many, many meetings, but perhaps one of the main rituals is to always listen to different points of view on the same issue. what is the most unusual thing in your office? it depends on who looks with what eyes. for unusual things, perhaps a certain cube, one of the folding type, which consists of anatomical drawings in english, may seem unusual , even when i was a teacher for foreign students in the subject of medicine biophysics, he has always accompanied me for about twenty years now. next,
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the purple sector, hello, my name is hello, is it true that now higher education is no longer as important as it used to be, experience is becoming more important than a diploma? i would say that something is always changing, but in relation to education, i would say that it is always the investment in yourself that is the most reliable, even in comparison with the most reliable bank and...
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they take many parameters assuming the vision that is formed by the founder of the ranking himself, so i really like the point of view that in the rankings, in general , the leaders are those who create them for themselves, as they say, how to make the belarusian state university come first? well, create your own rating, i already answered this question. why do all the people say that all the students are hungry? i can assume that the roots of this go back to those times when a student, they say, is so poor, has a low scholarship, does not have the opportunity to afford something that
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can afford, for example, those peers who are either already working, or older ones are engaged in their craft; this is not always the case, for example, at our university. in the second and third year , students develop their own startups, then they implement them and can afford very, very much, more, for example, than their teacher or rector, this is also the reality of our day. but please tell me, students on a budgetary form receive a scholarship, is there enough money to live in the capital, but i can do this to say that at the moment the university has developed, i think, this is not only at our university, an entire system has been developed in order to support those students who need it, and these are different levels of support, and of course, a lot still depends on how the student himself perceives his condition, if he
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understands that this is the beginning of his path, and he will value much more the part of the time that he spends for... he invests in himself, because otherwise value never will be formed. next, the black sector, you will have to turn around, a person is always scared by something new. what scared you when you were offered to become the rector of bsu? i think that the usual things, first of all, whether i can cope or not, and whether i will let them down or not. people who have hopes for me, especially since i am a perfectionist in life, i need, if i do, then do everything as it is at its peak, at its maximum, on the one hand this is good, on the other hand it is a little bit of myself too destroys, that's what the school system is is assessment different from university assessment?
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well, of course, they have their own points, their own scales, but in general, a student also shows how successfully the content of a particular educational program has been mastered, why does a graduate with a gold medal at the university become, can become a good student or even an average student?
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an example of a typical school excellent student who absorbs everything that is given to him under recording, so he, to some extent, learns to think. think according to a template, but life is not template, at the university teachers try to build the learning process in such a way that the student is not just interested. well, while i was a student, i had
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to skip classes, so i don’t know whether this is recklessness or not crazy from the point of view of today, i remember once, when i was still studying, i spoke at a military school, it was the first year, our group was sitting in audience in the evening self-preparation everyone somehow really really wanted to eat, and...
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in a big city and a small city they are able to help each other, and it was measured
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the rhythm of time, how many seconds it takes, for example, to pay at the cash register, how long it takes to cross a pedestrian crossing. naturally, the rhythm of time turned out to be higher in big cities, but the ability to help other people, that is , the same kindness, it turned out to be lower in big cities than in more...
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faculty of international relations, faculty of law. you are the first rector who did not graduate from bsu, why did you decide to go to another university after school? but the fact is that after school i wanted to be either
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a military doctor, or a military engineer, since i have doctors and military men in my family , and i chose just... to transfer without additional payment to the budget, subject to passing the difference, the academic difference in the second year, which , in fact, i managed, that’s all , and i had no special plans there at all to become a rector, not even close. i heard the following words: students live happily from session to session, but how did you live when you were a student? i will say this, in the interval between
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sessions, and during the session we also lived funny. fun - this does not mean that we recklessly, recklessly spent every day, without thinking about anything that was happening around, even in the student anthem it is written, have fun while you are young, because life goes by very quickly, i am against stereotypes here, there are those who study every day, it’s a pleasure and it’s also fun . the session is approached completely without any ...
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this discipline, i studied practically for higher mathematics, mathematical analysis, i liked it very well, but before the exam itself, during the session, i had an outfit, i couldn’t prepare for a day, i went without reading just one section, i, of course, came across a question on this section, so i, since i answered the first question well, solved the practical part there, but apparently it was that i swam like that, in general, without...
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cheat sheets, well, i used them a couple of times, yes, and do you think you’re good at cheating? no, i think it’s bad, and i’m an amateur compared to those who do it regularly, as in general in any other craft. club of editors, what distinguishes a leader national, from the politician, the fact that the leader
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thinks about the next generations, and not the end of his term, and the united states and the west are always hooked on their technologies, then sanctions are introduced, we are deprived of technology, thus forced to act the way they want , the transition to a green economy is also such a technological needle, we in parliament are constantly considering bills related to this. economy, we proceed only from our national interests, we never ruin enterprises for the sake of europe and let’s not, global elites exploit the resources of the earth, suck these resources , exploit other populations, yes, that is, this is a classic of the most advanced, wild capitalism, no one takes anyone into account, the main thing is to earn for the sake of this profit, there is no isolation, and there will not be maybe for one simple reason that we are in the trend of reasonable, normal countries and states. and , of course, everyone wants to do business with us. don't miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel. we will introduce you to belarusians who
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deliberately exchanged the city for the village. years 10, simple, just a country house. one fine day, just in winter, we arrived in minsk, stayed for 2 weeks and realized that it was very noisy. well, this is how the circumstances developed, we already lived here, well, that is, we already came here, we liked it. despite the fact that our apartment was on fire, they believed in themselves, their strengths and achieved results in their favorite business. the main goal of our farm is not to earn money, but to provide ourselves with good quality products, how to build a house and not get divorced, that’s what helped? maybe, still, there is a desire to be together, and a miracle, the leader from the capital will have to experience all the delights of rural life.
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let's move on to the purple sector, this is to your right, hello, i'm ivan, often belarusian education is somehow underestimated, they say that it is not practical-oriented, give reasons in which belarusian education will be better. more promising than foreign ones, firstly, a lot of attention is paid to education, and attention to the quality and standards of curricula,
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the textbooks themselves, we do not follow some seven-minute trend, fashion , which many countries later abandon, in general , we have retained this progressiveness , let’s say, the evolutionary development of education, fundamentalism, that is, today we actually have a specialist at universities, if he has been trained, he is oriented in very different areas. secondly, we have practice-oriented training, starting from the first, from the second year, there is an opportunity to study subjects in production, in cultural institutions, in the social sphere, that is, to feel, touch, how it is in general everything is working.
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this is already an established habit, that is, well, this doesn’t mean that someone is chasing me, i simply don’t like wasting time on things that don’t need to be spent on, i’d rather
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spend it usefully on the most important resource. person for something else. the next question is from the red sector. who is your ideal student? describe his portrait. hair color, eye color, height? no, i'm kidding. for me, the ideal student is one who tries to get to the bottom of things on his own. using different means, such students are few, but the ideal same. this is not what it is in reality, another question is, who do you consider the best graduate of bsu? this is about 180 thousand graduates, but many of these graduates, they are really familiar, familiar to people who are far from education, from science, these are famous scientists, these are well-known public figures, university graduates are working today...
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them, naturally, that we from the point of view of our obligations, we are preparing and bringing to the release of people who want to see. characterized by amazing curiosity black sector, what does bsu have that no other university has? very good question, there are things that do. a student is involved in not just what surrounds him, he is involved in his family, in the fact that later in life he very often turns with pride and says: i am a graduate of the belarusian state university, no university in our country, for example, has such track record of their children,
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so to speak... that is, of those universities, those institutes to which the belarusian gave life state university, as a parent, for example, at the turn of the twenties and thirties from the bowels of the bsu. in the form of separate faculties they were separated, and then received , let’s say, the status of institutes, in the future universities, 12 modern universities, you can imagine, 12, this is a pedagogical profile, economic, national-technical, so bsu stood at the origins of the creation of the national academy sciences, i’m not even talking about the structure, the structure of the university. includes six, for example, research institutes, these are, for example, those technologies in the field of radiophysics that today allow us to develop our own satellites, nanosatellites and launch them for educational and scientific purposes, in the world,
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for example, there are no more than 100 universities in total that can say that they have developed from a to z your companion, bsu is one of them, so bsu is much more than just couples, an educational process. yes, couples, the educational process, audiences, they are in any of the 50 universities in our country, but there is a single university, a leading university, a certain patriarch who in general, he can say that he does this, that, and that, which no one else does, hello, hello, they often write on the internet that you are the most open rector in communicating with your students. is it true that you respond to all student messages on social media? i would say that openness does not mean presence on social networks, although i actually have accounts since 2009, the tenth year on
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facebook, vkontakte, and sometimes conduct classes there, so i always want, in general, somewhere reach the level of communication.
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some other kind of, well, defenselessness or something, childishness, which was read behind him, the meaning of the messages being conveyed, so this is what i remember, there are also business proposals, sometimes they come there, say, from publishing houses, this is a common normal practice, i have the following question for you: more often than not, a university is chosen by parents, and not... not by the child himself, but how to make such a difficult decision about a future profession? well, first of all, you need to really clearly
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ask yourself and still try to answer essentially the most important question, yes, what do i want, this is probably the first step of the algorithm, the second is to look at how... this is looked at, of course, by parents, those people who are, well, the closest people to the applicant, and whose opinion, even if it is somewhere impartial, he must trust, if only because these are the people who love him, of course, you need to collect information, so to speak, from your immediate circle, friends, girlfriends and others and others, take it all together and then determine it alone with yourself, everything -what do i want more, because...
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overcoming oneself, although a person is initially i could probably realize myself more effectively, with a greater efficiency, in another specialty, at another university. we are moving to the black sector, to your right. how do you feel about grades? are grades an indicator of intelligence? i am, of course, a supporter of having an assessment system. another thing is how it is supported, what is part of the criteria that evaluates us.
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every week we review the main topics that aroused the greatest interest among our viewers and followers on social networks. we offer you to learn the belarusian language while walking with our tv guides. we also introduce you to amazing people.
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hello, my name is masha and i.
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do you have an act that you consider the most romantic? are such actions enough? for example!
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answers the question how? what or who do you love most? well, your family, loved ones, your favorite thing, a lot of things. further, the purple sector is to your left. hello, my name is roma and i don’t know where i should go, what direction or specialty i should choose, here’s how you do you think which professions will be most in demand and promising? in the future, and which ones will probably disappear altogether? the world is becoming different due to the fact that the speed of data processing and the volume of data processing are increasing; they seem to expand man, but at the same time they close man’s path to himself, and man is slowly becoming a robot, more and
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more dependent on robots in reality, from the very bots with which we are somehow dealing, in my opinion. convinced that professions that are one way or another are important otherwise connected with helping a person find himself in this world. yes, some routine professions that with a high degree of probability may disappear, for example , they say, the profession of a dispatcher will no longer be needed, but the profession of a doctor, because please, you can ask a question and get an online consultation, they say, yes, the profession will not be there, i don’t know, some kind of courier. well, because it will be replaced by means of telecommunications, but i am absolutely convinced that i agree with the expression of a fairly famous philosopher who said that the 21st century is a century, it will either be a humanitarian century, or it will not exist at all,
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we are moving to the red sector, it is to your right, tell me, how much free time does the rector have? you know, in mathematics there is such a thing as the limit of a function, but in the limit, it tends to zero, in fact very little, so answering one of the previous questions about the profession, and the future, i believe that one of the future professions, true, maybe not in 10 years, but in 30 years, taking into account the dynamics of changes in our world, yes, exponentially everything strives to create this.
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tuition fees, it is many times less than what they pay, for example, in countries,
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even in neighboring countries for the same specialty, this means that it is not because we somehow value education cheaply, because the state is the opposite , invests its funds in order to support a person who studies on the so-called paid form of education, if the state has its own, so to speak, stake. yes, in training a paid person, then why shouldn’t it have certain rights? logical, that's the answer to your question, but at the moment there is no solution yet, so whatever you are told or heard somewhere out there, always trust trusted sources and your own inner voice and opinion. to your right is the purple sector. hello, my name is egor.
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education in universities of the republic of belarus, i ’m not even talking about our university, the belarusian state university, which, well, in general, stands higher according to a number of criteria, again the same international rankings, than the top universities of the russian federation, education is no worse, the point is , sorry, shoot yourself in the foot, go to who knows how many thousands of kilometers away from... your home, i know how much it costs to study at good universities in russia, it is more expensive than in the republic of belarus, and this is
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due to then not having again, for a paying student there the opportunity to gain their professional skills, i don’t see, in principle , a single advantage, someone who believes that this is beneficial for him, please, what questions, but this was not the case en masse, and i hope that it will not happen. and the fact that students have some individual preferences, well i repeat once again, there is the right to choose , no one prohibits this, i hope there will not be such a ban, everyone bears responsibility for their actions, for their decisions, responsibility on their own, what comes first for you , family or career? well, of course, it always comes first for anyone. a person is a family, i would say so, so the question is that today the world is such that, for example,
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my wife, she is also no less busy than me, well, maybe less busy, but at least at least she doesn’t sit at home, so she’s not waiting for her husband, when will he return, so when this happens, this huge work of communication, so as not to put my interests in... ahead of the whole planet, take into account the interests of the person close to me, when this work happens, then this is love, and there is mutual understanding. and if your wife asked you to leave your job at the university, would you agree to it? i know that she will not ask for this, otherwise she would not be my wife. to your right, red sector, the question comes from there. what is your deepest dream? in fact, maybe i sometimes dream, but i never write down my dreams there on a piece of paper, i don’t let them go somewhere, my dreams turn into goals that i
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write down, which i... well, something like this: the time for the hero’s questions is running out, andrei dmitrievich, you must choose the best question now . so, what question stuck with you the most today? there were a lot of questions, so i already noted the question that the young man alexey formulated for me, i then said that this question is quite very, very deep, right? please remind me what is in bsu that is not in what other, other university, perhaps, i would probably highlight this question. great, according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question is you, alexey, receives a special gift from our guest, go to the site, this is
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a thermal mug with the bsu logo. and these are two books from the author, which i think will be useful, one of them is heuristic fairy tales, despite the fact that these are fairy tales, they are read before the age of twenty for sure, i hope that i will see them as a student at bsu. andrey dmitrievich, now you have the opportunity ask the audience your questions about what your superpower is.
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you, that means i don’t have a superpower, yes , i need to find it, i need to find it, okay, i’ll start after the program, these were great questions , very interesting answers, bsu rector andrei dmitrievich king, today we are visiting the program with 100 questions for adults, i’m waiting for you at the entrance to the playground, thank you guys, i ’ll ask you to stay here, tell me which of the children’s questions puzzled you? some questions that were raised, in particular regarding how bsu differs from any other university, regarding the possibility of choice , for example, by the decision of people close to me there,
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for whom this somehow completely insurmountably interferes, but were there? he answered questions in detail and seemed to give us some advice, and this is the rector of the belarusian state university, who told us about any details of studying at this university, because many people would like to go there. i was very glad to listen to a little more of his life than was written,
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say, on the internet. who thinks that andrey dmitrievich was a little disingenuous and didn’t tell you the whole truth? i think that in many moments, when asked about personal life or about situations that occurred over many years of experience, we were told in general terms, but not told the situation itself and moments from life, i would have listened more about this, an interesting opinion that maybe. no, in fact , i tried to answer in a way that was clear, but i will take it into account, as i already said, for the future, well , perhaps i need to tell you somewhere, maybe in more detail, we have such a rule, the last word always belongs to the hero, sum up the conversation that took place, i said more than once that it sounded like this, in general today, probably one of the main, dominant points in the content,
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time is the main resource. now , after this meeting, i’m starting to think that the main resource is sincerity and emotions during communication, which opens up and enriches you. rector of the belarusian state university andrei korol was a guest today at the program 100 questions for adults until the meeting in a week. look in next issue. we meet honored artist of the republic of belarus ruslan alekhnov. you were born in belarus and live in russia, which country do you consider yourself an artist of, and what is more important to you, audience recognition or the financial side? what do you like more, being a contestant in
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a vocal show or being a member of the jury? you have a song called guilty , sorry, in life, you often apologize at all, have you ever had the desire to give up everything and try yourself in something completely? my extraordinary how is the life of foreign guests in belarus, i am lithuanian, i came here from vilnius now... i live here very happy with it, a wonderful country, good people, by the way, very similar in mentality to kazakh people, that is,
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open, friendly, kind ones, i am the artistic director of this circus, our circus is perhaps the only circus in the world that is located in the very center of the city, our women's club, and we are for the sun to shine, for the children to laugh,
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evening prime time and this is a panorama, with you tatyana korol, hello, let's sum up this day together. the union of the strong hosts st. petersburg. eac summit with the participation of alexander lukashenko.


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