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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 26, 2023 12:15am-1:16am MSK

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well, actually i agree, yes, of course i agree, you know, this is all so unexpected, excuse me, but what magazine are you from? and i, i’m from the magazine, sweet life, is it really sweet life, from moscow, great, yes, i’ll definitely be waiting for you, come, oh, only you know, please dress warmly, it’s very cold here, thank you for your concern, see you. come and take it for your soul and as you wish, happy new year, happy new happiness, i will not give a leg from a man, permission to trade, please show me the permission yes, so i’m santa claus, beard made of cotton wool, i didn’t bring permission, well, they don’t give it to them in the north, why weren’t you so prepared, grandfather, documents?
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i’m showing, we don’t separate, documents, please , comrade hare, present the documents, a second , please, passport, open the passport, hare, we read, new year’s chocolate bunny, made at the slastin factory, made according to the state from selected natural cocoa, don’t disperse, made according state selected cocoa, natural molasses of the best butter, by the way, guys, everything is fine, go, try, read, smell, yes, yes, with you everything is clear, we’ll pass, so why should we pass , come on, maybe we can agree right on the spot, a bribe, in execution, what kind of bribe, where do you see the bribe, this is, well, the road. for the first time, here, here, here, thank you, thank you, at least one kind woman was caught, she didn’t leave grandpa in trouble, by the way, would you like to buy a chocolate bar, natural cocoa beans, would you like to buy one? well, yes, but what
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about wholesale discounts? i’ll think about it, but tell me, grandpa, where did you get this suit and bag? this suit, bag, i took from one office, crappy suit, synthetic beard like glassy, ​​all itchy already, why aren’t we going, huh? and because i work in the very office where these costume gifts are given out for free, and you stole them, i’ll now turn you in to the police for fraud, understand? i, i understand, i understand, i would have handed it in too , i was the one who stole, i didn’t steal anything, i don’t trade at all, no one will see it, i eat, i eat, because, because it’s delicious, very tasty chocolate, by the way, i... yes, no less tasty,
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well, in the sense of healthy, yeah, and this suit, by the way, is made of natural silk, and the bag too, i spent 3 months choosing them, and the boss really liked it, he said that it was very creative, but what am i saying, very creative, i also really like it, red on white is nonsense, so it can be , we’ll let grandpa go for part of the new year, but well? go, but as i understand it, you have nowhere to go, and you probably need money, otherwise, as you say, your name is useful, me, garika, is not ready, not ready, what is this, yes, wait , what is this, explain to me. be careful, be careful, what?
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what is this, what is this? and what is it? what it is? what it is? and berchika, what is it? meditating, tan, but meditating , huh? valet ivanovich, the main thing is don’t worry, we will put your remains, oh, the remains of your lukomorye on the paste, verochka, what’s wrong with the paste, it will be, everything will be ready for the opening, i promise you, and this, yes, if something will happen, nothing will happen to them, what can happen to them, to lukomorye, ipolit ivanovich, please go to prague, relax there, take a calm walk. don't think, celebrate christmas, and if tomorrow the paste will not be ready, then i’ll take this lukomorye to myself, save it, don’t drop it, why don’t you, of course not, oh, excuse me, please, hello, hello, yes, olev alekseevich
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, hello, hello, you’ll come, oh, no, no, no, no, andrei will of course be very happy, and i will be glad, yes, yes. yes, yes, i remember. okay, i'll buy you all the food for your diet. when will you arrive? we are waiting for you. lev alekseevich. goodbye. andrey lvoevich, the designer sent sketches for. aleni, here he suggests taking hares for the base, and the horns separately, well, hmm, listen, this is some kind of i got a hare with a horn, i’ll try my best, rearrange it, sign it, come on, well
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, here you go, great, light, oh, what’s in this form, well, tomorrow the christmas tree rehearsals begin. vitaly pavlovich , santa claus, well done, and you little white salmon, i guessed it, listen, you look after my daughter, she will play the main snowflake, yes , of course, oh, such a role is probably rejoicing, andrei lbovich, and my son, bunny, that’s good too, oh, mikhalych, it’s okay, it’s okay , you don’t participate in the christmas tree, why doesn’t he participate, he we had to play a snowman, we didn’t wear a costume... so this year we have a snowman petka, petka, do you hear, you’ll be a snowman, okay, mikhaloch, go, get ready for next year, lose weight, light, help, hello, i i’m listening to you, oh, hello pavlovna,
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hello, are you coming to us soon, huh... okay, goodbye, what’s up, mother-in-law? this is not so bad, but my father, this is a quiet horror, remember, beetic food, pillows made of natural material and endless lectures about artistic culture, mom, oh, a wonderful suit, barinka, your dad, olev alekseevich, at least an intelligent person, that’s mine.
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“varenka, this is impossible, i’ve already agreed on everything with the director, little lady, look how good you feel in the snowflake costume, isn’t it? no, it’s not true, mom, well, can i at least tweak something in this costume, oh i have an idea, shishkin is listening, what does it mean to get bunnies with horns, this is impossible, this, listen, the customers demand deer, deer, deer only deer, i don’t know , come up with something, think, come on, come on. let’s make a decision together, derchikovle, please, i need snowflakes, like snowflakes, and the whole dinner is burning in the little snowflake, of course you can, you ’re smart, yes, well,
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here we are, nonsense, they don’t have room. “i ’ll arrange everything now, look, learn, go ahead, dad, daddy, daddy, don’t, don’t touch, this isn’t necessary, listen, can’t you see who i am, there’s no room, and you, apparently, snow maiden, there’s no room , well, maybe we can come to an agreement somehow, i actually came from moscow, and even from africa, i said, there are no places. “i’m sorry, can i try, i
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i'm sorry, good evening, good, can i get closer to you, i would just like to apologize for this woman, because i don't really like her either, and i react to her the same way as if she were not my mother, she gave birth me at 14, all we need is just to spend the night, of course, of course, top floor, thank you, thank you, dad, i repeat again, what did you tell her? thank you, god, the italian is not a stalemate for you, tomorrowgiev will not be in the city, oops, unexpectedly, yes, it was not in vain that i
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took it for you, at least it’s of some use, okay, the suitcase is in put a corner and come on, blow to yourself, i’m already at my place, number one, the only one, like you are the only one, what does the only mean, listen, garik, what were you counting on, and what did you say to this aunt, what did i say , and i said that you are my mother. that you were born to me at the age of 14, and then you were deprived of parental rights and an evil aunt sent me to a grandfather’s home, and then, when i grew up, i found you, lonely and unhappy, and brought you to this small quiet town so that you could start your new life , oh, no, well, i'm serious, what you didn't say is he said, yes, this is nonsense, who would believe this at all, these are soap operas, only... there are such things, do i look like your mother, lonely and unhappy, in general, i’m like that, don’t
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wake me up until twelve, in case of a fire, take me out first , goodnight, what twelve, i have a meeting with shishkin tomorrow at 9 am, what impudence, mom, it’s very interesting you talk about your factory, but maybe you have something special? the most important recipe, you know, well, the most ordinary recipe, well, cocoa beans, so, cocoa butter, yes, we we use only natural ingredients, and most importantly, please write that we work by hand, but in general, you know , the main thing is that our city is special, so our chocolate also turns out to be something special, and maybe this has something to do with it? some kind of special story , but a family tradition, and as you guessed, indeed
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, yes, indeed, the fact is that the recipe for our chocolate was invented by my great-great-grandfather, can you imagine, it’s a kind of, well, family heirloom, you know, i think this is perfect for an interview it’s not interesting, how it is, how it is, no, that you , opposite our readers, are precisely this that interests us most of all, all sorts of myths, legends, traditions, recipes. tell me, is there any way i can take a look at it? i'm sure it's in your factory, framed in your office, right? no, he is not at the factory, no, not in the office, he is at home, at home, at my home, i repeat, this, this is completely unimportant, and the main thing is that, as i already said, our city, a lot is connected with it traditions, legends, myths. do you want me to shall i show you our city? you know, i want, i really
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want, show me, please, well, let's go, let's go, forgive me, you forgot your notebook, thank you. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has a question for an adult. is taking off a rocket similar to taking off an airplane? what's scarier for you? launch or landing? either unfortunately or fortunately, i was not present at the time when they flew to the moon, but at least alexey arkhirovich leonov
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said that yes, they had a flight, they were there .
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could cloud the real project objectively, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24
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tv channel. you know, nekrasov stayed in this house, yes, yes, well, i hope you remember these legendary ones - once in the freezing winter i came out of the woods, it was severely frosty, and he wrote them exactly here, what are you saying, here in this, here in this, neatly, and also, for example, it’s frosty sun, a wonderful day, you’re still dozing, lovely friend, that pushkin is also here, no, no, what are you, pushkin is in another place, just neat, okay, really, okay, well, let's go,
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let's go, we have a lot of interesting places , i'll show you, let's go, let's go, oh , oh, everything is fine with you, carefully, so, where , oh, let's go to the sofa, like this, oh, are you comfortable, no, oh do you think that windshield wipers in the city don’t work at all, like i do now with this ? oh, now, maria, maria , you will forgive me, please, all this turned out to be very inconvenient, i feel that this, well , is my fault too, yeah, i don’t know what i can do for you, but really, what can you do, but i know, yes, and now i’m going to
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i’ll come to you all the time, yes, i’ll visit you, you know, inquire about your health, i’ll bring you groceries, but now, with such a leg, you won’t even be able to walk to the store, right? and come , well, oh, and go, juice, i’ll pour you some juice, come on, oh , now, excuse me, now, hello, yes, i’m listening, what new horns, well, tell me, branches from fir trees instead of horns, who are they? came up with, well, this is, this is a madhouse, well, this is some kind of nonsense, of course, this is impossible, now one second, one second, we are now let's continue the conversation, maria, yes, uh -huh, thank you, me, excuse me again, it’s very inconvenient, i’ll probably go already late, they’re waiting for me at home and go, yes, well, as we agreed, i’ll come and visit and
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bring groceries, uh-huh, hello, i don’t know , negotiate with the designer as you wish, garik, garik, yes garik is obchki, oops, there is, that’s it, what are you, what are you doing, lord, haven’t you heard anything, no i heard, everything, i heard, how do i know, maybe this is such a new plan, your leg is in a cast, this is on purpose, no, plan a failed, now we need to come up with a plan b, plan b, where is the dossier on shishkin, where is the dossier on it under his bed during half a day off i read, we need a plan b, but i have one idea, tanya, tanyusha! varechka, are you home? andrey, hi, hi, these healthy products for your father really strengthen the body. i can really feel how my
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muscles have grown while i was chasing them around the market. have you just arrived? yeah, a minute ago. the accident, did she sit at home alone all evening? so tan, tanyush, i thought that you stayed with her. oh what is this something familiar? oh, but she's your daughter, after all. where have you been? just imagine, a journalist came from moscow. varya, and i say, the plan is a great plan , it will work, and i say, this is nonsense, these are your soap operas and no one will believe in it, whoever doesn’t believe in it, everyone will believe in it, you should watch tv more often, there’s only such believes
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, galina semyonovna believed, who, who, who galina semyonovna, our administrator, but if galina semyonovna herself, well, you have a different plan, but no, no, then we act strictly in my opinion. yes, in my opinion, you’re not really overexerting yourself here, this is just your opinion, and in general this is a dream, any other dream, no worse than mine, like your recipe, this, in
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general, i ask you not to interfere with me, i get into the steering wheel. eh, owners, hello, hi, is daddy home? no, he's at work. and who are you? and i'm going to dad? why are you removing snow so wrong? and
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my parents forced me to do it because of the snowflakes, it would be better if you didn’t let me play on the tree, but for the hangings you became even more beautiful, why they were upset, i don’t understand. so let me show you how to do it here for about half an hour. actually, my mother said that you shouldn’t let strangers into the house, but although she didn’t say anything like that about a fool. “mom said it right, then let’s get acquainted, i’m garik, that is, igor, and i’m varya , it’s very nice, come in, just like that, look, you need to work the shovels as follows, give me a lace, what kind of lace, lace , let's!" i don’t have this lace, come here, pull it, the two of us pull it, and now the cap is so
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cool with a white bombon that turns into a super sniper, fire, snow people, and hello, why am i dying, i’m still here, i ’m here, hello, straightforwardness, hello, and for you guys, let’s go. excuse me, but on what issue? seriously? i understand, then, about the deer. listen, ears, that is, these horns, they hold up very well. yes, the shapes are valid of a hare, but i assure you, you will not see any difference. no, i’m coming to you on a personal matter, not about horns. personally? well. thank god, then what,
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come into the house, varyusha, show the guest off, okay, let's go, please, thank you, be careful, please be careful, this the central exhibition exhibit, i understand, let’s bring it home, put it there, it will be safe there.
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new year, his mother warned him that he might not remember anything, they drank a lot that night, they were tired, in general, here is the result, wait, 20 years ago, so, so, so, so, it was 1980, no, 90 oh, this was when i went to see my mother in saratov, this is new.
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"by that time we had already parted with her for a long time, well, you know, it’s new year, after all, the mood is festive, we drank, then, then we drank some more, then we drank and we also drank, tanya, nothing happened, sorry
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, “it seems to me that there was something after all, because after 9 months i showed up, andrey, it’s true, tanechka, you cheated on me, no, tanechka, what are you saying, no, well, firstly, it was before the wedding, and secondly, it doesn’t count, because i don’t remember anything, why did you, that is, you, you came right now, after all, 20 years have passed,
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yes . , the driver can’t do any maneuver at all. edinina pavlovna, and you ’re here? “i’m just framing our meetings, but i went nuts myself, so that means you’re really my brother, how great, and you and my mother said that i couldn’t have an older brother, varichka.” and then, there, my grandparents arrived, what? so, so, everything is clear, earlier we should have driven him away, wait , why drive me away right away, my grandparents have arrived, let’s go meet
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him, just a second, my grandmother is my mother, she has nothing to do with you, okay, i ’ll only meet my grandfather, maybe he ’ll be happy to have one more, no , no, grandfathers, perhaps, you don’t need to tell anything either, he is an elderly man, he has a heart, it’s harmful to him worry, but by the way, your dad will outlive... all of us together, but i won’t survive if my mother finds out about this illegitimate garik. garik is my brother, and we can’t kick him out. why are you standing? go meet me. no, well, it’s just not going to happen. why didn't they teach girls to skip ahead at school? allow me, but i won’t allow it. our dears, dad. denaid palovna , well, you’ve finally come to us, dad, dad, dad, carefully, dear, where’s pavla, come on, come into the house, come on, well,
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you’ve finally come to us, daughter, come on we won’t tell your grandparents yet that garik is your brother, okay? well, what will happen to me for this? whatever you want, remember , you wanted a bird , we’ll give you a bird for the new year, any bird, any bird you want, of course, andryukha, look after my suitcase, otherwise there are such people here, you need an eye and an eye, you you’re not on par with those people, tanyuha, did you enlarge your breasts with silicones or something, mom, what, our chief accountant also decided for herself, she took in the entire bonus. "hello, mom, grandma, grandpa, as you grew up, you somehow lost weight, gained weight , became prettier, something guests, decide to introduce yourself, lev alekseevich, it’s very nice,
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father, this is andrey, father, professor, art teacher at the milan humanities academy, and this is garik" .and this name, a name, yes, rare , well, it’s her, well, probably, she, what to write, you may have a son in common with her, and you don’t know what to write to her, i don’t know, you might think , you know, i don’t know, well, write to her and ask her
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if she has a son, gary, that wait, well, well, well, not so fast, well, well, what, well, well, what did she answer, listen, well, well, well, a person can’t answer so quickly, well, look, she’s not online at all, well, it’s okay, maybe he’ll answer this evening or tomorrow , or maybe the day after tomorrow, and this garik, that we ’ll have to live with us all this time, well, we can’t kick him out, but he came in a kind way, in a good way, he wants to meet me, after all new year, after all, is a family holiday, you know that you, please, define the boundaries of your family, otherwise maybe you’ll call masha, come here, everyone, look at the bird. varenko, daughter, maybe we
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’ll take the bird home, otherwise it might freeze. no, no, this bird is frost-resistant. garek, this is a cache. kesha, this is already a whole lot. can you imagine how much it drinks, and it’s okay, i think we’ll feed it, really, tanyush, well, you promised me any bird, so garik and i chose kesha. because garik is my brother, we immediately realized that kesha is special, yes garik,
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hello, we welcome everyone who is with us now, we talk a lot about safety, so he is threatening us today, that’s how it sounded at the meeting in minsk between the president and the heads of the cis security and intelligence agencies.
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methods are extremely radical, yes , which is what the president also talked about, that is, this is not just collecting
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information, recruiting, creating a certain network of their agents to influence the decision-making process, they are moving on to those methods that allow you to quickly achieve the goal, but how to quickly achieve goals, only by destructive force methods, which means this is active preparation. and transfer here, well, in their plans here, various terrorist groups, carrying out terrorist attacks, and of course, the tasks that the cis special services must now fulfill in order to block and prevent the possibility of implementing their plans are changing, that is, we are all talking about plans, it is not clear that they will be able to do this implement, if we are weak, then they will be able to implement, if...
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military, information control over these territories of the post-soviet space to create anti-russia along the perimeter of russia.
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subordinate to the us department of defense, the director of national intelligence is in charge of all this, and the director of the cia reports to him, that is, everything is seriously structured, thought out and they act very harmoniously , we can call someone enemy number one, well, enemy number one is, let’s say, the decision control center, washington, it is not enemy number one, it is the most serious adversary that coordinates this activity, in principle, the centers that we know were created in vilnius, which are in warsaw, in kiev, they are financed from...
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starting from the munich conference, clearly declared that we will follow in the footsteps of our national interests, you will not communicate with us from a position of strength, they have already set the task, so to speak, as they expressed it in some narrow circles, to break the backbone, that is, to force us to talk after all with the position of the satellites, they are satisfied with warsaw’s option: we’ll give you money and somewhere you can even express your point of view, but strictly in line with our policy, this is dangerous, why? because often...
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in diplomatic struggle, this is an indicator that they want to intimidate our society, not
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let him make his own choice, freely, first of all in february 24, well , preparations began for 2025, this is how i view the increase in these rates and the inclusion of aggressive methods.
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partners, something else, they have always been enemies, their task has always been, as alexey correctly said at the beginning, to establish control over our civilizational
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space, and we saw the 20th century, it was always an attempt to destroy a powerful rival, at the beginning of the russian empire , then the ussr, now russia, which began to revive, the russian federation, they have one task - this is the gradual dismemberment, the distancing of the peoples living in this civilizational space from each other again... you can also recall the seventh floor in the famous cia langley, there the leadership is also on the seventh floor, and accordingly
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this seventh floor in general, he is such an image, a meme, so to speak, which should evoke an association with all these special intelligence organizations, services and so on, of course they work for us, of course they have a wealth of experience, and vadim here i said that they... work using different methods, but here’s the question: in fact, the situation is really changing, they tried to carry out a strike on russia, first of all, in the twentieth year through belarus, an attempt to organize another color revolution, we are here the other day we also recalled attempts at a coup d'etat, there were attempts to seize the central commission in minsk, in different periods we...
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assumed responsibility for the future rebellion of belarus, where they really cut down the bloody tasks of lustration, of destroying the highest
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leadership, just the other day... another initiative of our fugitives appeared regarding the democratization of higher education in belarus, where in the first 50 days they actually again face the question of a complete change of leadership, rectors, of the so-called democratization, through the restoration of everyone who when they slammed the systems for unprofessionalism and so on, but they have a multi-vector task such as the destruction of us all.
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intelligence research, this is a very serious service, they create questionnaires for diplomats, they basically carry out recruitment, there many tasks, we worked in the usa for many years, they recruited you on the seventh floor, admit it, they didn’t even try, but i want to say, the seventh floor of the state department is slang, this is jargon, this is the leadership of the state department on the seventh
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floor in the southern part of the state department building. this is the deputy secretary of state for global affairs the third - this is the deputy secretary of state for working with information with the media for public relations i want to remind you it was interesting so to speak, i think that this hint was very, very subtle and fair why in the time of hillary
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clinton, when she was deputy secretary of state, i want to remind you. the threat was not only external from the seventh floor of the state department, it was even internal, the fbi was trying to uncover the alleged conspiracy of the seventh floor, which was attributed to the shadow government of the united states of america, well, let me probably say that well, victoria, of course, has a very extensive biography, a great specialist in our field.
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about the shadow government, precisely on the seventh floor back in 2016 - this information popped up when proceedings were also underway in in relation to obama, then in relation to the democratic party, then under the freedom of information act they asked just about the goals and objectives of this seventh floor, the fbi
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requested, conducted an investigation, in the sixteenth year. which was typical, some of the employees on the seventh floor were fired based on the results of the investigation, so we can say that inside. from the mouth of the head of the state security committee, another specific example that was heard, let’s listen to it. there are currently seven so-called harukras in poland, who are preparing for a terrorist attack to seize objects on belarusian territory, the most aggressive haruga is in bialystok,
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she trains at cardinal wyshinsky street, building 6a, she is headed or led by asadullaev, this is our former citizen of the ninety-first year, who ran away, was once studied. vadim said that they are trying to manipulate them for different reasons, some are interested in money, some in power, some in some kind of ambition, some in recognition, some in resentment, and good psychologists work
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they are preparing them, instilling in them some kind of holy idea so that they would do something like this, yes, a destructive thing against their homeland, yes, against the country that...
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of course, we must understand that the west has always tried to use these collaborators , traitors, people who seem to know the area, know some peculiarities, in order to form from them various kinds of sabotage groups, terrorist groups, well, let’s even remember the situation before the great patriotic war and after it from the same collaborators were initially formed.
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it gets into their head that some kind of ephemeral democracy should be here, for the sake of this ephemeral democracy, they are ready here to carry out a bloody massacre to destroy any political opponents, physically.


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