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tv   55  BELARUSTV  December 26, 2023 1:15am-2:41am MSK

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in order to form from them various kinds of sabotage groups, terrorist groups, well, let’s even remember the situation both before the great patriotic war and after it, such groups were initially formed from the same collaborators, which were then thrown into belarus, which were supposed to become the backbone here some new government, and then their remnants, who fled to the west along with the germans, were used as a scout.
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then throw them through the territory of ukraine, but we planned there just in the area pinsk somewhere, and then transfer it in support , then announce with this ukrainian government the support of this new force , bring in, for example, ukrainian troops, nothing will change here from a geopolitical point of view, that is, russia will again hammer on ukraine, a few words in development what our colleagues said, well, first, we have already seen this scheme in the example of other states, it’s a very... high-quality working scheme, that is, they bring out some kind of political group that can legitimize such a quasi government, there is a coordination council, a quasi-parliament, a quasi-government , it’s more difficult for them to have a president in ’25, they will no longer have people who can legitimize this, but the task is, why are they doing this, the fact is that we initially were right in that they wanted to keep belarus in the zone of stability, today belarus, being in this peaceful...
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therefore they are primarily interested in this, well, we are allies, yes, but at this meeting a very important thought was voiced, it seems to be moving away from current tasks to the general, i will even say so, strategy, it concerns not only us, but our partners in the cis, the words of the president, we will listen, then we try to understand whether everyone in the cis hears, we have lost our state, which contributed to maintaining a multipolar world, we have lost, not we are as strong today as we were before, therefore...
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it is very difficult for us to resist these battles in the pacific ocean, the indian atlantic, i’m just telling you in everyday terms from my experience, we need to survive this. survive, we don’t want to fight, we fought enough, that’s enough, we need the economy keep ours, so that people, so that they can raise people from within, if there are no internal reasons, no one will come to us, the internal reason is the economy, our partners in the cis hear this call, because now it’s really a question of unity, we see how alone blocs are formed, others are rapidly disintegrating, well, i want to emphasize that the president is not accidental.
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get it not only to the security officers, but to your loved ones. we'll continue in a couple of minutes. as you know, before a competition you need to
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warm up thoroughly and warm up all your muscles. to in other words, the same applies to the head. the participants of this show believe that you need to pump up not only muscles, but also... what is the name of the metal rod of the barbell? alexander? grif. grif. certainly. friends, let's join in. they compete to see which of them is more savvy, intellectually. what sport in the uk is said to be the exchange of opinions through gestures. by the way, our time has come to an end. vadim. stadium. stadium. yes, the correct answer. emperor of rome, totchi. absolutely right. the crown and the majestic look are not here either random. emperor. francesco toti, ruler and captain of italian roma.
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sports and entertainment show - head game. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . traveling through sineokaya through the eyes of foreigners. such a detour is interesting, in general it’s a mill , a mill, yes , the quixotic book reminds me of this, can you take a photo of me, please, one photo, okay, no question, oh, what a beauty, it’s so big, just like some kind of animal, but these are not animals, a graduate student from ecuador and a socialite from lebanon are learning in practice what work is in belarusian, and do so that you can watch it...
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we continue, while some special services are confronting strangers in ukraine, their own internal battle continues, a new scandal, in the office of the commander-in-chief in soluzhny, they found listening equipment, and this coincides with the fact that the confrontation between zelensky and zaluzhny reached a new level. more and more fuel is being thrown into the conflicts, literally from all sides, the mayor of kiev vitaliy klitschko announced his support for zaluzhny. the leader of the party faction servant of narodakhamia criticizes both zelensky and zaluzhny, the murder was rooted in kiva, who
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repeatedly predicted arrests and even the liquidation of the hostage, perhaps intended to divert attention from the growing contradictions between the bank and the headquarters of the commander-in-chief; zaluzhny himself would regard the incident as a war against him. alexey, what kind of war is this, how do you see it? you know, of course there are several versions here and... including discussing that all this is still the place of some kind of theater, some kind of production to create some kind of struggle, and why this is being done, yes, because it’s even easier to manage ukrainian society, yes to show, that who is to blame, everyone will look to blame, so they say, zelensky is to blame, but zaluzhny is not, he is good, he...
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in such compositions, we are talking about the fact that this is how they mock the ukrainian
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people and their own it is impossible to call this decision any other way; it makes you think that somewhere in the depths of this ukrainian people there must be a force that will exert internal pressure, because it is one thing to liberate from outside, and another is a sovereign movement to find my way, and often when i think like this, they they look at the military and say that if this force can come from somewhere, then it must be from the military.
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every force there is losing people, they come to the commander-in-chief and say: we are getting zinc coffins, we are not getting enough, they leave the front, guys, they say: you didn’t give us the appropriate uniforms , you didn’t give us ammunition, we are under constant artillery fire , air raids, how we will fight, that is , questions for him, where should he indicate this, he is beginning to indicate this in the political field, how should zelensky justify what to him? they present that you have no success, to whom should he refer , he will say, i didn’t fight, he will say, no, the armed forces, somewhere on the sidelines he
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will mean that they didn’t cope, because you didn’t additional funding, so this naturally contradicted, again , you understand them, for zelensky, from a political point of view, success in the ssu, this is the first political competitor, this is the one who would be today, if this offensive were successful and large territories were liberated, the first figure in the political field - this is the one who commanded the armed forces...
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but the problem is this: zelensky now really has the need, as the leader of the country , to make a number of unpopular decisions in order to improve the situation at the front, of course, additional mobilization is needed here, which zaluzhny is requesting, but he doesn’t want to do it with his own hands, wants to do it with zelensky’s hands and says: we need
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to mobilize another 5,000, zelensky has refused so far, says: i don’t see a possibility for this yet, but...
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guardian, vladimir amelyan, ex-minister infrastructure of ukraine, now an officer of the armed forces of ukraine. the choice is very simple, he says, if we are willing to sacrifice another 3,000 or 5,000 lives of ukrainian soldiers to seize crimea and liberate donbass, if we get the required number. tanks and f-16s from the west, we can do it, but i don't see 5,000 more people willing to die, and i don't see the west being willing to send the type and quantity of weapons we'll need. the west has really lost enthusiasm and instead of heroic covers, their press is increasingly publishing cartoons, saying that this zelensky is asking again money. well, alexey viktorich, you
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are talking about this, but he goes there for a reason and demands, because...
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that ukraine is moving to a new type of war, to a trench, defensive one, that we are already attacking there is no strength, that is, zaluzhny, again , demonstrates a certain soundness of thought, soundness of reasoning, so, but he is not a political figure, he cannot make a decision to start negotiations, that is, again all responsibility gradually passes to zelensky, zelensky, as the man, who i started this conflict, and i lit this fire.
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russia has managed to mobilize its internal resource, launch the military-industrial complex to its fullest, has some kind of mobilization, rather irreplaceable resource, ukraine constantly counts on outside help, this is its vulnerability, but i think that our friends in washington, they are acting very rational, they pay... just enough for it to bring a sufficient effect, today they need such a sluggish conflict, they do not need serious
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progress at the front, so they think what is sufficient is what is there now, the russian federation today, at least until the end of the political campaign, well, let’s put it this way, it’s not that there is no possibility, it will not take drastic actions in order not to create the same unfavorable background, therefore, until... the end of the political campaign in russia, there is no point in them spending extra money at all, they just need to maintain the status quo, this instability in our region. sergey anatoch, i wanted to discuss this topic with you, it is closely related with what vladim sanovich is talking about now, the bottom line is that the territories of ukraine are quietly going to the right people. the head of zelensky's office, andrei yarmak , indefinitely donated 400 km of land to american companies for the disposal of hazardous waste, chemical pharmaceuticals...
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us experiments in ukraine during the northeast military district. the pentagon is reported to have been investigating how local populations are bringing in paranoid infections. the samples were then exported to the united states for possible use in offensive biological programs. besides. the received documents confirm that employees of the biosphere reserve in the kherson region studied the migration routes of migratory birds, and they also collected strains of the avian influenza virus, the lethality of which when transmitted to humans can reach 40%. and all this is in our neighborhood, this is the price of choice, mistakes, sergei anatolevich, how do you look at all this? well, it’s clear that, uh, the usa, uh, is always very pragmatic, uh. i would even say pragmatism turns into cynicism, cynicism and we should not be mistaken, i am sure that a significant part of our society has already
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is not mistaken about the united states, approaches and those values ​​that, oh, we communicate with many, i am very afraid that many believe that everything we are talking to you now is pure propaganda, it is very naive to believe that there.. . the abode of light, goodness and freedom, unfortunately, this inertia is still, oh, how great, you know, we shouldn’t , perhaps, aggravate it like that, at different times in society, there are different people, now there are different people, we meet with labor collectives, senators, deputies, and we see everything ours, that our society after the twentieth year still realized a lot, including through the example of neighboring, neighboring ukraine, by example. the united states in ukraine is very, very dangerous in fact.
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we say, but we must, of course, take all this into account in our practical work , including with the population, explain, i am not succumbing to any pessimism or skepticism here, we are politicians, government officials, representatives of public organizations, we understand more and more the environment in which...
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are involved in economic processes, they do not bring surplus value, they eat up the resources of the planet earth, which means they must be destroyed, but this is a hostile ideology that was destroyed, we thought that it was destroyed during the great patriotic war as a result of victory, but yes, but we we see that they have been reborn, they studied according to these old ideological canons of fascist germany, now all of them. all this elite is in power in this sense, in this sense, to summarize - we have a single voting day on february 25, then elections, we see a lot of processes, which for some reason now seems irrelevant to some, when the prosecutor general 's office collects more and more new facts, they are made public , holds these conferences, says that the memory of the genocide, which was then relevant now, and if we forget, we will return to these we can stealthily sneak in, in that
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sense we are global... i’m of course not talking about personalities now, which deputy will we vote for? we belarusians globally, that’s what we should vote for now, do you know the first thing? the question is not even whether they should or should not to vote, it’s a duty , you have to come and vote, right, that is , it’s the duty of a citizen, and a civic duty, and another thing is that you need to consciously understand, that’s why you’re going, you’re going, because in this way you ensure the safety and development of your society if you don’t go, you will succumb to the influence of various destructive telegram channels. information flows that will say that america is beautiful, and the state where you live is the center of evil, you know, these are all illusions, you must believe first of all in yourself and think about
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their children, yes, how they will live in the future, yeah, colleagues, about the elections, yes, let us explain to our listeners, viewers and ourselves, yes? meeting, which must be formed by april 10, deputies of local councils will also be elected there, plus civil society will get involved, these are the remaining normal forces, those five largest public associations that
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have 100,000 members, that express the will of at least 100,000 citizens of belarus, here we will also include the political parties that we have left in our structure, which really also expresses... such very serious work is of course difficult, so today the question is that these powers are transferred to the all-belarusian people's assembly, plus, of course, our parliament is involved in the formation of the government, that is, it is the prime minister the minister
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of appointment, and today the supreme national assembly will appoint a central election commission, we will form the entire leadership of the national bank, we will form the top leadership of the courts and... the constitutional and supreme courts, that is in one day we actually have to form a complete system of government for 5 years, a legitimate government, if a person does not come to the polls, then he has no moral right to make any claims against this government at all, if you did not take part in its formation, you missed it one day, a more than comprehensive answer, here are our previous questions, they are very correlated with the elections, a transformation is taking place between. people's system of relations, all these issues of biological warfare, the use of high technologies, artificial intelligence , control of near-earth space, these are all methods , tools in achieving a goal, victory,
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so to speak, in geopolitical confrontation and establishing the order that one or another force considers more correct for itself, the methods will be very tough and there is always a geopolitical rift painful to the point of...
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for this conversation, we will be so prepared for the upcoming elections, indeed, god forbid, that no one, anywhere we will give that slack when these tentacles can to get through, at the most inopportune moment for us. a decade ago, stop the development of our cities, the development of our education, science, industry, economy, yes, after all, this is really in our hands, so let’s hope that we have enough awareness and responsibility to do everything right, thank you for this conversation , that’s all for today, see you in a week, happily.
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you were some kind of secret beating, melting in the sunshine, attention, attention, dear passengers,
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the eternal song of russia will not part with you, you merge tenderness into passions, like with a kurgai, what do you want, comrades, oh, excuse me, please, what happened? you see, the woman was about to give birth, and the first stop was in 36 minutes, and there was no way before, there was nowhere to stop, and that there was not a single medical luminary, and the wife, on appointment, well, nothing. if you have
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a first aid kit, just quickly, good , well, hot water, i’m a doctor, a doctor, well then, very good, here’s a dentist, dentist, nothing , the three of us are not afraid of the devil himself, we have experience, hot water, please, who are you, can help, are you a doctor, or what, no, who? interesting come on, come on, come on, come on, push yourself a little, come on, come on, don’t worry, girl, everything will be fine, so you ’re not a doctor, no, my wife is a doctor, but in terms of theory, i’m spank him, spank him.
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the temperature drop deformed the rails on the istocadem, well, listen, you have services responsible for the condition of the tracks in any frost, especially on the crust installations, i answer, first of all,
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you have a special demand, and you know this, there are victims , driver, excavator operator, driver in... burns, concussions, thank god, nothing happened, what are the losses, we lose up to 700 tons per day, out of six domains, one is essentially not working, huge losses, tomorrow the regional committee bureau, get ready for a detailed conversation. well, the country, of course, will survive the resulting shortage of metal, although on a national scale this is not a trifle, industry will cover our losses, but no one will cover the moral losses for us, sergei borisovich. and...
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the session is over, ivan petrovich kuznetsov left moscow, i got you the onts, okay, the elements of the onts. come in, comrade major, kuznetsov has been arrested
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delivered, permission to go, go, eat, please. hello, hello, what are we going to talk about today, i haven’t bored you yet in 2 months. i want to inform you that the criminal case against you, dmitry ivanovich, has been discontinued due to the lack of corpus delicti. here is the order for your release from custody. sign up, better late than never. at the factory they slandered you, slandered you, they wanted to shield your own accomplices. tell me, dmitry ivanovich, if you... in life, well , a similar situation arose again, how would you did you get in? and what do you think? i would like
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to believe. let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, calmly , comrades, here, there's a free place here
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, aunty, we're like a kitty, like a kitty , why let us pass, you're sitting normally, okay, everything's fine, comrade, make room, i'm asking, comrade, that means , doesn’t understand, doesn’t understand, but understands, conscientious , but the girl, and the girl will stay with us, go, that’s it, but she doesn’t like us, and why are you sitting down, uh, uh, uncle, don’t you see that there’s no time for a person to rest? , sit for a while, well, well, well, well, i would immediately say to myself, oh, well done, you realize, he turned out to be so good, understanding, sit down, what are you doing,
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december plan, investigative plan for the year, the plant failed, here, first of all , you, comrade kanovalov, are to blame, as the head of the transport department. the commission will continue its work, all details will be clarified. and for now i have to remove you from your position, everyone is free, the way to the third, you know, repair of the drain, this is 2 weeks minimum, we find the culprits, formally, yes, cool for it.
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well, semyon, do you think you were severely punished? come to me, talk to me, you know, why you were respected as a child, because you were orderly.
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hey, why did you lie down , you hear, you can smoke, semyon mikhailovich, what are you doing, come on , come on, did you drink or something out of grief, but hold on, hold on, i say, like this, come on, come on, come to me. listen, maybe they’ll call an ambulance, but no, no, i’ll listen to it myself first, now i’ve woken up.
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mish, this is ivan petrovich, yes, what happened there? wow, so the whole house can be frozen, okay, i’ll be right there, yes, there are tools, well, tell me, young man man, how did this all happen? “i don’t even know, i was walking down the street, my head was spinning, and then i don’t remember how you ended up here, you live on a clapboard somewhere, i don’t know
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, you’re probably overtired, you know, we’re in trouble.” we haven’t left the plant for 3 days, it’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other, semyon mikhailovich, a long time ago, 15 years, 15 years, an eternity. come on, come here, mat , look at the prodigal son, dimka, i ’m on a business trip, yes, well, at least i would have called, but i arrived at the house, no one, but i went to the neighbors for 10 minutes, the closet, it’s warm, cozy, like childhood
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it smells, i fell asleep, it smells like childhood, thank you for the pies, very tasty as always, asya did n’t call, she called, she ’s coming at the airport now, yeah, by the way, she received a token at a beauty contest, dogs get tokens at an exhibition, you see, even good news, not good news , a beauty contest, it’s while my husband is alive, so what, hey, that’s it, dad, close the door, oh well, you ate the pies, you slept, well, get dressed, come with me, to the neighbors will you help, well , family, here you go, please have a drink, thank you, and now lie down for a couple of days, don’t less, with such pressure there are no jokes, i’m
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telling you this as a doctor. i don’t advise you to run, listen, where is your father, why are you yelling , you know how to speak quietly, my voice is such, not a voice, my nature is so vociferous, i won’t look, it’s my father’s boss, i’ll tear my ears, okay, mom. the tank is leaking, there’s no one to fix it, the house is full of men, but there’s no use, of course, well, where’s my father, i’m telling you, the neighbors have the batteries, go see him, hello, i
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’m lying there. maryami, yes, you won’t give me tea, now, now, how did he end up here, his father brought him.
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we have a guest, this is our asya, dmitry’s wife, i was with the komsomol delegation in bulgaria, now i’m back, let’s go. i don’t understand anything, help!
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lenochka, my dear, hello , hello, dear, how did you get there, good, great, yes, where is georgy, then, how is sanka, then, mom, god, why are you stuck, come on in, come on! mac, why did you put this man out on the street and behave like a boy, listen, father, lena
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has arrived, lena, yes, alone, without a child, without a husband, and where is she, at home, you know, i feel that what - something happened to my heart, i feel, yes, this is not a beauty contest. asya, asya, dad, asya, she arrived, ah, well, how is it in bulgaria, but, they say , she received some kind of medal, yes, she was awarded a commemorative badge at the arisovet delegation, let me at least say hello, our beauty, hello, royal blood , “please get acquainted, where are we all from here at once, well, no, i didn’t
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find you, we were impatient, but suddenly i was impatient, by the way, you don’t care about singing, way back in time wake up in his prime running all the way second ton on the.
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"i've long wanted to tell you, lena, i'm leaving you, that another woman has appeared, no, i’m tired of everything, our pseudo-family life, your business acumen, your dissertation, this..." passion for aerobics, are you serious, yes, serious, very serious,
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marathon, marathon. what are we going to do, dear elena ivanovna? ​​for the first time in my life, i don’t know what to do, i want to understand.
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the ussr reports: in the urals, unprecedented cold is being replaced by warming. today in the afternoon in the north of the perm tyumen region the temperature is -25-26.30° there are objective reasons for everything, like in a fairy tale. the plan to for example, under threat because suppliers are to blame. so, low quality, because the equipment is old, and old equipment is worn out, because the plan is big, the plan is under threat, because the suppliers are to blame, here’s a fairy tale about bela vochka, again global problems, and what is the most global problem of the soviet regime , this is the fact that the hacks are divorced, apparently, invisible, everyone receives salaries, but they work through one, eat, father, eat, eat, and your brigade has such, i have a brigade. ivan, well
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why, i spend more energy on them than on melting, take the pepper. as always, why don’t you bring vanya for a long time, we haven’t seen each other for a whole month. petya, go, go out, there’s a neighbor coming over again. father, why are you teaching him all the time? well, in the end, he’s not small, the chief engineer, nothing, it’s also useful for him, at the center of events is a charismatic presenter and...
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teams, i often give hints to the participants in our game, but they still build a tower because i suggest the wrong answers. my name is vasya chekhov, this is the show tower, we are starting! they will compete for the right to become the best in this game. in the first round, i will ask questions to the teams in turn, each team will have its own question, and you discuss it a little, 10-15 seconds, put forward some version, if the version turns out to be correct, the team earns one point, and if it is incorrect, it goes here to the center of the site and build. a tower of one element, which country is unofficially called the land of morning freshness? let's say that khrutsky, khrutsky, i accept this answer, reshetnikov, build a tower, tricky questions, ingenuity, cunning, and of course , building a tower, and polina, please build a tower, the first element, nothing bad happened, you just decided to build, well, that ’s great, watch the intellectual program, the tower on our channel. umesse from tv channels
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belarus 24 highlights the cultural life of our country. geta adzins immediately acquired fireplaces with this look on the territory of belarus. infection is known to be the only adzin analogue of our fireplace in ўvogule ў susvetse y rasі ў city of samara. all these lively workshops are here make soft dekaratsi for pasta. darechy, yon znahodzitsa ў kupala theater. let's remember folk traditions. krepen - geta... yago is called by the people from the singing drums. the first teeth of the apex pressed the paper, and then the lips dropped and began to sing a melody with their lips and lips. i am. there are special things that are called pins, and the dolls are called pins. our museums don’t work on all memorials, as soon as we slept here, when
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the father’s song ceased on june 13, 1956. get ready lubansk city was transformed into the center of the social life of minsk. cultural padarozhe.
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how are your daughters doing? it’s okay, zhenya lives well, she got an apartment. so, how do you like it? and this is me dimka. hello babnyu, hello, how is life? yes, life is like life, i live with zhenya , my son got married there, my daughter separated, she came with her granddaughter, well, and i seem to be superfluous there, i’m on my way to
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galya now, good morning, how’s your mood, oh, oh, just a minute. so now you are a real princess, but the last dance is mine, dirt, please, no, come on, come on instead of the morning chargers, what's he doing, come on, come on, come on, come on, oh, well, well, well, well,
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how did you feel? you shouldn’t have rejected kanovalov then, you shouldn’t have married georgiy, he ’s too kind and soft for you, oh, he’s like the sun, yes, that’s right, but you took him and extinguished him, uh-huh.
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as an experiment, i would stand in line at the labor exchange like this. be healthy cockerel. i came to say goodbye to you, my time is up, that’s it
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, so i’ll go, thank you, it was very tasty, you’ll go, well, come on, what did you want to say? then, father, i’m in a hurry now, it’s awkward, somehow everything turned out, baba nyura, we’ve all become callous, sit down, i’ll give you a ride, thank you, cookie. i'm afraid for him, len,
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for whom? petya grew up as a sickly boy, after all, eremey savelich raised him, your brotherhood, well, eremey savellich did carpentry, and petka was looking for something in the shavings, fantasizing there, in bad weather. made. it’s strange when my father tells us fairy tales . this closet, consider them telling stories together, i felt some kind of dog-like spiritual mood, or what? some kind of hidden anxiety, eremiy savelich before his eyes
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i was dying, i ran to them, my great-grandfather was lying in shavings, white and white, whispering, take petenka away from sin, i’m a fool, i cackled, wailed, ran around, because i lost a loved one to sing, we realized late that i was sick of singing... in my soul , his character has changed , he has become somewhat stern, i’m afraid for him, afraid, because petya is capable of risky turns, whoever doesn’t take risks doesn’t win, well, you see, he can make money on turns.
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petroven, happy new year to you, and to you too , so as not to get sick, you look great, thank you, i everything about sashka, his wife is completely exhausted, the boy needs to be understood, you know, i understood, he’s 18 years old, three drunk inflicted serious injuries... in general, they won’t leave him in the region, he’s for life, with a damaged spine, he’s the only breadwinner , and 5 years of strict regime , well, with all kinds of injuries, they almost killed an elderly man, but this guy is alive , they will take him away, it’s the deputies who didn’t listen to you , well, they didn’t listen, you know, everything here is according to the law, according to justice , according to the law, according to... justice, i will never give you my sash
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will not forgive! great, great for you, by the way , you're being farcical, it's indecent, yesterday we were drinking people like you in the party, company, ivan petrovich, company, company, you're aggravating the international situation, sorry, i didn't understand, oh, frenchman, uralsk. spill, i say, you’re aggravating the situation, the president might be offended that
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you’re wearing an american flag on your butt, he’ll move the note, it’s farm leather, ivan petrovich, tre, ivan petrovich, the director came there, i’m on my way now, so i say, the money goes to him later, and you waste them on crap, why are there not enough innings in 3 hours, yes you see, at the second release there were not enough buckets , the release was not blown out, we had to retreat with the air and close off the oxygen, it is clear that there would be some tea, pour it, okay, then, from the first path, the commission arrives when from day to day. big troubles with this accident, or maybe he was drunk, who? well, is this a machinist or a junkie? well, don’t screw it up, sergei borisovich, don’t screw it up, what are you saying? a person in the hospital was in serious condition, and you can vouch that he didn’t screw up, it’s bad
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that you can’t vouch for a person, it’s a shame, it's blowing, and you saw the queues for ... i quit, len, you 're the only person in our family who smokes, sometimes i envy you, i envy you, you live easy, dima, and i, and i'm a frivolous person, i'm here.
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i feel that kanavalov is somehow unwell, uncomfortable here, stay with him, talk to him , how are you feeling, is it normal, uh, semyon, it’s okay that i call you that, of course, it’s nothing, you understand, semyon, i’m tired of female society, let's talk man to man, well, let's talk, marry lena, mitya, you're a good man,
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but... “well, this is not serious, very serious, but did you really sleep in the closet? you slept, and why in the closet? but because this is a highly respected closet, yes, dear, it was made by our great-grandfather. eremey savelich , with his own hand, in it, in this closet, my father taught us not to be afraid of the dark , there are plenty of crooks in the dark, he used to climb into the closet with us, well , tell tales, and tell, and tell, and tell, he knows them, the abyss, so
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that everything comes from our closet and we’re not afraid of the dark, but lena, what lena, your sister, how is she, how is she? about the closet, i’m a big fan of fairy tales, maybe you? you and i will go into the closet, and we’ll sit and talk, otherwise we can be lazy, we can’t, or what, you’re a joker, dmitry ivanovich, but i’m serious, well, like a man to a man, in general, i like your sister, so talk to her , only you...
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are more decorative, otherwise her character, we are all like that, is family pride. arrived stated where he came from? i can imagine how you met him, your father’s breed, how you are not the first, mommy, we all have your character, we all, don’t make a fool out of you, boy, i’m not your boy, don’t interfere, i’m not your boy, we’ve lived so many years, my son is already 12. everything should work out
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, it won’t work out, oh, there’s no one to flog you and dimka, don’t let you flog you cry, but petya, your performance is exemplary, well, at least you can rely on petya, but what about you? so... and you, ivan petrovich, what do you say? i, you know, recently my daughter came to me, without a telegram, despite the frost, she lives in the south, well, son, she has a husband there, a good man, and my daughter is getting ready to get a divorce. at first it seems it was good, they lived well, so i sense that the family is falling apart, it’s my fault, the father, because
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since childhood i’ve been telling her, daughter, be firm, strong, reasonable, the old fool kept repeating to me that my daughter has to live on other people’s worries she forgot how, and the family held on not by her strength, but... you work, such a proletarian will stand up and say: if only there was a plan, but the grass won’t grow there, you work,


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