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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 26, 2023 7:10am-7:20am MSK

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it was found that the insulation in the attic was installed in a volume of just over 20 cubic meters. the major repairs did not add comfort, the residents sounded the alarm, the investigation revealed the cause of the cold in the housing, and the customer signed the transfer acceptance certificate, indicating deficiencies in the document, but the contractor i didn’t communicate with him. after the intervention of the prosecutor's office, the contractor was given 2 days to eliminate the defects. in fact , the work has not been completed to date. although all the work was paid for, they repeatedly demanded that the contractor fulfill the paid work, but our demands were ignored, the problem with unfinished work is being eliminated, all materials are at the site, in a day or two everything will be eliminated. the financial police continue to check the campaign; the actions of officials of the contractor company will be given a legal assessment. over 80 thousand tickets were sold to the main one.
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country this year, the large stage of the palace of the republic will launch the new year's time machine 36 times, the same number of showings of the children's musical in the playbill. the first starts on the catholic weekend. today hundreds of artists rest so that tomorrow they can create a fairy tale again. the organizers would like to draw your attention to the fact that due to technical nuances, several shows have been cancelled. this is a show at 11 am on december 28th, all performances are on january 5th. today , visitors can exchange tickets for another convenient time at the palace box office. for the first time we will see a complex action, it will not be rich in interactive activities, new decorations will appear, the most important question is that our belarusian modern heroes will appear, which has never happened before, and this is actually a huge plus. for the first time we will see not only crowd scenes, but we will see them in a certain collaboration with the interpretation of new belarusian heroes, and this is also in essence.
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for the first time, new musical compositions will be heard that have never been heard before; they will be used directly during the performances, even when they come to the faye of the large hall, crossing the threshold, children and adults will see new installations that were made by the hands of the workers of the palace of the republic. it is in the palace of the republic that the country's main father frost stores new year's gifts. will it be possible? can the insidious schnoops interrupt the delivery of the desired gifts, will santa claus win? the outcome of the story depends on the help of the post office. the exclusively handmade glass factory in berezovka prepares an exclusive collection of souvenirs for the holidays; the symbol of the new year 2024 is made only by experienced glassblowers; specialists shape the molten glass using air; it takes no more to make one figurine.
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therefore, all the time in advance, you know what you will do in the next operation, this is as quickly as possible. tradition of creation new year's souvenirs from the glass factory go back several years. first, local artists work on the images, creating sketches on paper, only then master glassblowers get involved. dynamo returns to minskarena for a short time, where today they will try to break an unsuccessful streak of two defeats in a row in the regular khl competition. in rivals.
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uzubov sixth team of the east motorist. the belarusians round out the eight strongest clubs in the west. this season, the teams have already met in yekaterinburg. dynamo outperformed the opponent 4:1. we will find out whether we will be able to repeat the success today from the live broadcast on the belarus 5 tv channel, starting at 19:00. economic news will continue to broadcast; you can also follow developments on our social networks or in the mobile application qr code on the screen. see you at 8 o'clock on the first button. belarus and russia will begin to cancel permits for road transportation, the moratorium on tying leases to foreign currency has been extended, europe has predicted a multi-year period of high gas prices, you are watching the news. belarus and
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at the end of the year, russia will achieve a record trade turnover, according to our ambassador dmitry krutov, plus 9 points - this is about 6% of goods. will add services: construction, transport and it. this year, the volume of trade between our countries in the services sector will exceed $5.5 billion in equivalent. the past year also recorded historic activity in regional cooperation. more than 100 delegations of various levels from russian regions visited belarus. continuation of the theme of allied partnership: from 2024 belarus and russia will begin to cancel permit for road transport. at the moment, the cargo flow in this direction is about. 90% of all international transport of the republic. the move to a permit-free system is expected to increase this figure. the abolition of the permit system for international cargo transportation between two countries to a third country is gradual. complete abolition is planned from january 1 , 1930. the moratorium on linking rent to
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foreign currency has been extended next year. the ministry of economy analyzed and came to the conclusion that tenants are positively assess the impact of the moratorium on the formation of rental rates in belarusian rubles. without reference to the currency equivalent, especially in conditions of volatility of foreign currencies. the introduction of a moratorium allowed tenants to defend their interests; they gained greater flexibility in adapting to changed conditions. almost a quarter of investment in fixed assets occurs in the minsk region. statistics for the period from january to november. in second place is the capital, followed by the gomel and grodno regions. in general, over the 11 months of this year, investments in fixed capital of belarus. increased by almost 14% to $9.7 billion at the national bank exchange rate, the money was mainly spent on the purchase of machinery and equipment, the volume of investment in construction and installation work increased by 7%. chinese residents increased the amount of contracts on the belarusian universal
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commodity exchange by more than three times to nearly $76 million, figures for 11 months of this year. the contract amount increased mainly due to. belarusian products, mainly supplies of lumber, rapeseed oil, dry milk, products of the petrochemical complex. belarusian bidders purchased mainly products made of ferrous and non-ferrous metals from china through btb. in this regard , the exchange plans for the next year to further increase export sales and expand the range of chinese-made goods. the ministry of taxes and duties plans to completely switch to electronic interaction with payers. the department has been around for many years. pays special attention to the development of digital interaction tools. next year the ministry of taxes will also announce the start major modernization of the payer’s personal account. it will be made more informative and visual. in november, the yuan reached fourth place among world currencies, displacing the yen. the share of chinese in international payments
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exceeded 4.5% in november. and it rose so high for the first time since january 22. for comparison, in october its share was 3.6%. japanese. dropped to fifth position, the use of the dollar and euro continues to slowly decline, but is still in the lead. the top 10 also includes canadian, australian, hong kong, singapore dollars, as well as thai baht. the share of each of these currencies exceeds 1%. now about the exchange rates that have developed as a result of trading, the dollar and yuan have risen in price, the russian ruble has fallen in price. so, for an american dollar they ask for 3 rubles 20 kopecks. euro at the national bank rate - 3 rubles 53 kopecks. 10 yuan costs 4.48, 3 rubles, 48 ​​kopecks are asked for 100 russian rubles. europe was predicted to have many years of high gas prices. this applies to both industrial enterprises and ordinary citizens. the forecast was compiled by analysts of the moody's rating agency up to thirty
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first year experts predict that high gas prices will continue in the region despite record fuel reserves for the heating season of 2023 in local underground storage facilities. such dynamics will be influenced by the series. factors including increased geopolitical tensions in the world. this was the news of the economy, successful transactions and productivity in business. see you. the morning broadcast continues with the program zone x. i am violetta sokolovich. hello. they introduced themselves as bank employees and stole 80,000 rubles from pensioners. in krupsky district scammers deceived a sixty-year-old woman out of a large sum. already at the police station, the villager
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told that the scammers reported that someone was trying to withdraw money from her account; she should transfer all the funds to another reserve account. the woman did so, but these were the details of the scammers. later, the scammers forced the pensioner to hand over the gold to the pawnshop and also transfer money to them. the attackers didn't stop there. their next call was that realtors had put her apartment up for sale. that the woman should sell it herself first and transfer all the money for it. here the pensioner decided to seek advice from her son, who stopped his mother. later, the police got involved in the case. well, we continue our review of criminal and emergency incidents. next in the program. tragedy in vitebsk. last day, four people died in a fire. rescuers found a five-year-old child and his mother in a burning apartment. and in the next room. the 62-year-old owner and his wife have everything


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