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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 26, 2023 12:00pm-12:11pm MSK

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midday news for belarus 1. in the studio , vladislav bonder, hello, briefly about the main thing for this hour. flowers for iconic monuments on the eve of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus in st. petersburg, the results and future plans of the cis will be discussed by the leaders of the countries. elections in fifty states in the background.
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mistrust in governments and escalation of conflicts. disappointing forecasts for the global world economy for 2024. a split between democrats and republicans, problems with negotiations and a minimal number of laws passed. current us congress called the most unproductive. feed and count. seasonal menus help with cleaning in the reserves, and the population is tracked using thermal imagers. results of the year and plans for the future. an informal meeting of cis leaders will take place today in st. petersburg. the pre-new year summit of the heads of state of the commonwealth has already become traditional. this is a good opportunity to exchange views on current issues. as a rule, events take place in the city on niva. the place is special and this day begins for the belarusian delegation with an important symbolic gesture. the minister of foreign affairs is the ambassador of our country to russia on behalf of.
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on the eve of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus, the belarusian people, on behalf of the president , laid flowers at the iconic monuments at the peskorevsky cemetery. the day before, the economy was discussed in detail at the highest level. alexander lukashenko took part in the eac summit. accents. the president emphasized that integration is open to equal cooperation with leading economies and is not isolated from the outside world. a high level of food supply has been achieved in yas self-sufficiency in belarus is almost 100%. the main achievement of the union is the stable functioning of the common internal market and the common customs space; the interim results of the union’s activities have been summed up, they are impressive, this is a two-fold increase. trade turnover,
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our trade turnover with the outside world increased by 60%, there is a significant increase in industrial production, in agricultural products , the last council of the agro-industrial complex of the union concluded that the ias has become absolutely self-sufficient and self-sufficient in terms of the main types of agricultural products, for most types we are 100% self-sufficient, 90%, and have significant potential for export, that’s why. in every sense, yes, the eurasian economic union demonstrates positive trends in sustainability, economic growth, ensuring technological sovereignty, both for the union as a whole and for the member countries. as a result of the summit, a number of documents were adopted , including a declaration on the further development of the eurasian economic union until 2030. period until the forty-fifth year. the focus is essentially on the image of the future of integration. details of the second day of negotiations in our next issues. 2024 will be difficult for
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the global economy, the world will face wars and instability, this is the forecast for next year given by new york times experts, among the challenges are the risk of escalation of the conflict in the middle east and the war in ukraine, as well as an electoral marathon, elections in about 50 countries, including india, indonesia, mexico, south africa, the usa and 27 eu countries, which is more than 2 billion people, and in many countries companies will pass on... against the backdrop of growing distrust in the government, a divided electorate and constant anxiety about economic prospects. people's incomes and living standards are decreasing, inequality is growing, so they are skeptical about globalization. the activities of the 118th us congress turned out to be the most unproductive in the last 30 years, as reported by cnn; if previous congresses adopted approximately 300 bills, the current one approved only 27. including. main problems are the split
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between the democratic senate and republican house of representatives under a democratic white house. this has happened before, but this year, according to experts, the situation is worsening. that in congress there are people who do not know how to negotiate at all, and cnn warns that in january, when congress resumes work, the situation will become even more difficult, including the agreement on financing of ukraine, as well as the security of american borders, among the controversial issues. freedom of speech in latvian, in this baltic country they began to open letters and parcels sent to russia and belarus. local media were outraged, emphasizing that article 96 of the constitution guarantees. private correspondence, inspection is limited even in prisons, not to mention letters from people at large. in response , representatives of the latvian post office stated that they were acting due to sanctions imposed by the european union. they allegedly search for money, bank cards, and sim card chips in the mail. earlier, german human rights activists
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criticized sanctions on new year's parcels from russia. according to them, some customs offices confiscate personal belongings with particular zeal, intended as gifts, including even mittens. socks. investigators seized 3 kilos of psychotropic substances from an international courier and his friend. the special operation was carried out by drug control officers from the vitebsk and gomel regions. according to the police, both suspects are from the brest region. one older twenty-two-year-old guy had been working for an online market selling datura for several months. the second, a twenty-one-year-old youth, helped a friend transport synthetics from a neighboring country. in december men left. to the territory of the russian federation, where they took 3 kg of the particularly dangerous psychotropic substance paramethyllophidrone from a cache and returned to belarus to distribute the goods into caches. on the territory of gomel , operatives found in a cache 1 kg of a psychotropic substance left by drug couriers. in a specially equipped
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hiding place of the car, employees discovered another 2 kg of miphidron, the suspects were detained. a criminal case was initiated for drug trafficking as part of an organized group. those involved can go to imprisonment for up to 20 years. an additional day off for medical examination has been provided to working belarusians since the new year. this norm is included in the updated labor code. it will come into force on january 1. depending on age, the employee will be allocated from one to two days to undergo a medical examination at an industrial clinic or at his place of residence. for example, if you are under 40 years old, you can use this right once every 3 years, older than once a year. within 5 years before retirement and even twice a year, the employee will to be released from work, during this period of time he will retain his average earnings; he will have to agree
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with his employer about the day on which he is going to devote the employee to undergoing a medical examination. in this case , the employer decides for himself whether he will require proof of medical examination or not. over 80 thousand tickets have been sold for... the main christmas tree of the country, this year the large stage of the palace of the republic will launch the new year's time machine 36 times, the same number of screenings of the children's musical in the playbill. first starts in catholic weekend. today, hundreds of artists are resting so that tomorrow they can create a fairy tale again. the organizers note that several sessions have been canceled due to technical issues. this is a show at 11am on december 28th with all performances on january 5th. today , visitors can exchange tickets for another conveniently. time at the palace box office. for the first time we will see a complex action, it will not be full of interactions, and new decorations will appear. the most important question is that our belarusian modern heroes will appear, something that has never happened before, and this is actually
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a huge plus. for the first time we will see not only crowd scenes, but we will see them in a certain collaboration with the interpretation of new belarusian heroes, and that too. in essence, for the first time, new musical compositions will be heard, which have never been heard before; they will be used directly during the performance, even when they come to the faye of the large hall, crossing the threshold, children and adults will see new installations that were made by the hands of the workers of the palace of the republic. it was in the palace of the republic is a warehouse for new year's gifts from the country's main father frost. will the insidious schnoop manage to interrupt the delivery of the desired gifts, will santa claus win? the outcome of the story depends on. the fairy tale has already been saturated with led screens. winter is the time for large-scale decorations to help feed the bison for 250 km. in belarusian nature reserves, food for giants is laid out in certain places to which the animals have long
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been accustomed. this makes it possible to facilitate the survival of the main inhabitants of the forest during a period of limited food availability, as well as to keep the tooth in within the habitat. the damage caused is also reduced. from the enterprise, the menu for wild animals includes hay, feed, micro and macroelements contained in table salt. we have more than twenty sites where we lay out, in a year we get 500 tons of silage, 50 tons of beets , 50 tons of apples, 50 tons of hay, 80 tons of waste, constantly salt, we also sow fields, distracting, so that in winter they don’t go to the asphalt, that is, there were no accidents; at the same time as feeding, specialists also count bison, study tracks, observe visually and with the help of thermal imagers, from pictorialism to conceptualism, chronicle angles of vadim... cochin was registered in the center of contemporary arts, the master of artistic frame was born in


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