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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 26, 2023 1:05pm-2:01pm MSK

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the third and fourth danger levels are in effect. they had to evacuate to the village of thuringi, where due to the flood the sewage system stopped working and the electricity was turned off. in the northern region, the troubles were added by a strong wind, which knocked down trees and tore down advertising brushes. and in hamburg there was a powerful landslide, and the slope collapsed right next to the restaurant. fortunately, no one was hurt. a severe storm hit the northeast coast. in australia , two people were killed, dozens were injured, the weather affected all three eastern states, more than a hundred thousand houses were left without electricity. sydney airport has recorded its wettest christmas day on record. local government officials called the intensity of the storm unprecedented. the wind tore power poles out of the ground, and hundreds of thousands of lightning strikes caused significant damage to energy and power grids throughout the southeast of the country. and in belarus there will be no work during the short working week.
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significant temperature changes: cloudy with a steamy wind, mar humidity, but without a snowy winter. the weather pattern on the pre-holiday period is predicted to be positive. tomorrow in the daytime until 5:00 it will be warm, at night with clearing it will reach -6. it will become even warmer during the day on friday. there are conditions on the roads, you should be careful; in some regions of the country there may be ice and fog. in the coming week, we expect that weather conditions in the republic will be determined by atmospheric fronts and humid, unstable air masses will arrive. the end of the outgoing year will be without snow , in some places there will be rain and sleet , the temperature background will remain the same, the weather is plus and above the climatic norm. that's all the news for me, my colleagues will continue at 3:00 pm, stay tuned...
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hello, we welcome everyone who is with us now, we talk a lot about security, so what threatens us today, this is how it sounded at the meeting in minsk, the president and heads of security and intelligence agencies of the cis. we see the activity of foreign intelligence services on our territory, the forms of their work are becoming more and more aggressive, they are sending not just spies to us, but terrorist agents, they are trying to create extremist cells, they are forming. some regiments of our fugitives
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attract mercenaries, again they don’t suppress anything, on the contrary, i can’t say everything, you understand me, and alexey, what kind of enemy is still opposing us, how should we imagine him? well, first of all, you need to very clearly understand that the intelligence services of western countries do not act independently, they have the corresponding tasks of the political establishment, corporate ones.
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creation of anti-russia along the perimeter of russia and information control over these territories of the post-soviet space for things like ukraine or poland and the baltic countries, yes vadim, how do you see this for yourself , what is their main goal? well, naturally , the main goal is disintegration in the post-soviet space, the principle of separation of powers has not been canceled. a serious department in the united states has its own intelligence service, nine intelligence services are subordinate to the us department of defense, the director of national
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intelligence is in charge of all this, and the director of the cia reports to him, that is, everything is seriously structured and thought out and they act very harmoniously, enemy number one can call someone that, well, enemy number one is... let's say, the decision control center, washington, he is not enemy number one, this is the most serious adversary who coordinates this activity, in principle, those centers that we know were created in vilnius, which are in warsaw, in kiev, they are financed from washington and, in principle, their activities are determined in washington, they did not succeed in this, such a softer scenario of first a coup d'etat through a high-quality political campaign, they her transferred to a radical channel, the radical channel did not work, this is the scenario ala.
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gurus, sometimes they recently organize such meetings together, they talk about a coup d'etat, about lustrations, this is not a fantasy, this is a specific task that is set before them and which they will try to implement one way or another, any special operation has a maximum task, and there are a number of tasks that we achieve the minimum result, such an average result and the maximum result, naturally, the moreover, you see, certain goals were set after the signing of the yalta results. conferences for decades were moving towards the final goal, the collapse of the soviet union, therefore, from the moment when lukashenko defined his internal foreign policy as independent, when putin, starting from the munich conference, clearly stated that we would follow
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the path forwards of our national interests, you will not communicate with us from a position of strength, they have already set the task, so to speak, as they expressed it in some narrow circles, to break ridge, that is, force.
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very competently acts on internal contradictions, on some kind of envy, on some kind of grievances, a desire for revenge, that is , sometimes a politician, being under external control or a financial group, they act, often being confident that they are independently carrying out this action, this a method of recruitment and coercion to
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certain actions. sergei antonevich, i propose to bring our analysis closer to the realities, to those political realities, that is, explicitly. from the fourth year, well, preparation began for 2025, this is how i view
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precisely the increase in these rates, the inclusion of aggressive methods, terrorist methods, as a serious factor in preparing the participation of the west in political campaigns here in our country, so speaking of those who are trying to muddy the waters in our country, the head of the kgb ivan tertel mentions ... the seventh floor of the state department and so significantly adds, specialists know what it is, i suggest listening to the fragment, then we will figure out what is happening, i emphasize, on the seventh floor of the state department, specialists will know what it is, we know, and what there are being formed, and what plans, in this regard, work is being done to try to consolidate everything under one umbrella, allocate funds, distribute these funds, projects, attempts to somehow influence the situation, everything is being built
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for the twenty-fifth year, what is this seventh floor of the state department , let’s say yes, returning to the conversation about the special services, our special services, they also exist, they are great, they work, that’s it, but we also have the special services of our enemies, that’s exactly what we were talking about here about some... then the ussr, now russia, which became to be reborn, russian federation.
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they have one task: this is a gradual dismemberment, alienation of the peoples living in this civilizational space from each other in various ways, including diplomatic ones, including behind-the-scenes games. these are all the special services, the knights of the square and the daggers, as they are called, yes, but specifically in the usa, when we talk about this seventh floor, then if we take a photograph of the state department. there are visually six floors actually, and the seventh floor is supposed to be the headquarters, firstly the fbi in this very building, and the hidden offices of the management are located there, but you can also remember the seventh floor in the famous langley, the cia, there the management is also on the seventh floor, and accordingly this seventh floor, it is generally such an image, a meme, so to speak, which ... should evoke an association with all these special intelligence organizations, services, and
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so on. of course they work for us. of course, they have a wealth of experience, and vadim said here that they work using different methods, but here’s the question: in fact, the situation is really changing, they tried to carry out a strike on russia primarily in the twentieth year through belarus, an attempt to organize.
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they are primarily focused today on terror, terror that threatens not so much the leadership of belarus, the leadership, political, or military, but terror that will affect ordinary citizens, that is, you will go, suddenly there is something in the trash will explode, and a person who has absolutely nothing to do with anything will suffer, of course we need to be wary of such terrorists,
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because the fight against them takes a very serious place and... in terms of time, in terms of costs, they have very little control. about the seventh floor, after all, the state department also has a good service. the bureau of intelligence and research is an intelligence and research bureau, this is a very serious service, they create questionnaires for diplomats, they, in principle, carry out recruitment, there are many tasks there. sergei antonich, we worked in the usa for many years, and we were on the seventh floor, they recruited you on the seventh floor, admit it, well, no, no, they didn’t try. haven't tried, but i want it to say, the seventh floor of the state department is slang, this is jargon, this is the leadership of the state department, on the seventh floor in the southern part of the state department building is the office of the secretary of state of the united states of america of his closest assistants, as a rule, deputy secretaries of state, but there is
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such a concept pgr, pi - this. there is the now famous secretary of state for political affairs , mrs. victoria, i think that probably ivan stanislavich also meant this, the subtext is this, the second person is the deputy secretary of state for global affairs, the third is this is the deputy secretary of state for work with information, with the media, for public relations, i want you...
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are being prepared and implemented in relation to belarus, of course, those plans that exist and they, of course, are formed here on this floor, even though this and a figurative expression, but there are specific people sitting there, russophobes, people who sleep and see how to turn everything around here, fit
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us into the geopolitical trend that... national interests of the united states of the west, the main thing, the main thing is that we must comply with that we must understand that at such a high level are so closely involved in our issues , absolutely right, this is a corresponding challenge for us, alexey, if you add anything to this, well, yes, about the shadow government, it was on the seventh floor that this information popped up back in 2016, when proceedings were also underway regarding obama, then in relation to the democratic party and then under the act. they asked about freedom of information precisely about the goals and objectives of this seventh floor , the fbi requested an investigation and...
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there are republicans and democrats, we can perhaps soon we will also see something interesting from this seventh floor. another concrete example that came from the mouth of the head of the state security committee, let's listen to it. on the territory of poland, there are currently seven so-called harugrs who are preparing for terrorist attacks and the seizure of objects on belarusian territory. the most aggressive haruga is in bialystok, she trains. at the address cardinal vyshinsky street, building 6a, it is headed or directed by asadullaev, this is
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our former citizen of the ninety-first year, who ran away, once was, studied at the military academy, he hides behind the call sign shlyakhtich. that is, this is what happens, the head is in washington, and the tentacles are where, we have already discussed ukraine, poland now. these are deadly battalions, they themselves are those career cia employees who work very closely with such a contingent, that’s right, vadim said that they are trying to manipulate them for various reasons, some are interested in money, some are interested in power, some are interested in what kind of ambitions something, some kind of recognition, some kind of insult, and they work good psychologists. and prepares them, instills in them some kind of holy idea so that they do something like this, yes, a destructive thing against their homeland, yes, against the
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country that raised him, trained him, and the most important thing is that you need to understand that for employees the cia or nato intelligence services, such, such a contingent, it is a bargaining chip. they definitely know that if they give them a command, they will enter this or that territory, these are suicide bombers, yes, but for them this does not mean anything, they must to complete the task, in principle, is a global task for the cia, but life is worth nothing. i would like to note that on our territory polish and ukrainian detachments are not preparing, which will then be dropped on the territory of kiev , and ivan tertel said about this that we do not practice and...
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they are various kinds of sabotage groups, terrorist groups, well let us even remember the situation both before the great patriotic war and after it, such groups were initially formed from the same collaborators, which were then thrown into belarus, who were supposed to become the backbone of some new government here, and then their remnants, who fled to the west along with the germans, were used as scouts, saboteurs, and were thrown into soviet territory.
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groups can be sent across the border, literally in the border areas they can proclaim the creation of some new belarus there, and
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nato troops can be invited here under this banner. as support, we see that there is precisely a danger on the territory of ukraine, yes, today ukraine, we we know, it is fighting with the russian federation, but nevertheless , they are holding 120 thousand people on the borders with belarus, and these 12,000 people are not being sent anywhere to the front there near kharkov or somewhere else to the south, why yes, that is, for what - they need these 12,000 people at the border. we need those who are superior to the belarusian army, we must understand this, this is where western curators can try to use not so much nato forces, so as not to get involved in a direct confrontation with nato, because there is a fifth article, this is a large-scale war, and the russian federation warned that any attacks on the territory of belarus will be perceived as attacks within the framework of a union state on the territory of russia, with everything appropriate,
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including a nuclear response, therefore. than to involve the same poles, we are from the territory of poland, where there are conditions, where it is possible to train nato instructors, that ’s what alexey is talking about, representatives of the cia and other intelligence services, to train these saboteurs, then throw them through the territory of ukraine, but we planned there just in the pinsk area somewhere, and transfer it to support and then announce this ukrainian government ’s support for this new one. forces to bring in, for example , ukrainian troops, nothing will change here from a geopolitical point of view, that is, russia will again hammer on ukraine, a few words about the development of what colleagues said, but first, we have already seen this scheme in the example of other states, a very high-quality working scheme, that is, they bring out some kind of political group that can legitimize such a quasi government, there is a coordinating council, a quasi-parliament, a quasi-government, it’s more difficult for them to have a president in
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’25, they will no longer have people who can legitimize. the russian federation is 100 km further from smolensk, well, of course. smolensk to moscow, and accordingly, here we supply some critically important products, again to the russian market, that is, for them , the destabilization of the situation in belarus is a direct blow to the interests of the russian federation, so they are primarily in we are interested in this, well, we and our allies , yes, but at this meeting a very important thought was voiced, it seems to move from current tasks to general, i’ll even say so strategy, it concerns not only us, but our partners in the cis, the words of the president, we let's listen, then
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try to understand, is that all? we have lost our state, which contributed to maintaining a multipolar world, we have lost, we are not as strong today as before, so we have to resist these battles in the pacific ocean, the indian atlantic, very it’s difficult, i’m just telling you from my own experience, we need to get through this, get through it, we...
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and we saw and listened to the speeches of our colleagues, which became more concentrated, more meaningful, all delegations were present at... really, well at a high level, there are questions, of course, regarding the csto parliamentary assembly with the armenian delegation, but the ambassador was present, participated , that is, heard, and the documents, of course, the process, the process is underway, so i believe that these are constants, like a guideline for our president, he, he, he works, then let's move on, let's move on. but before completing this block, of course , happy state security officer day, to everyone involved, how important your work is, we all see, well, what is it worth, your families, of course, know best of all, so peace, goodness and prosperity , not only
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to the security officers, but to your loved ones, we will continue in a couple of minutes, we continue while some special services are confronting strangers in ukraine, perhaps intended to divert attention from the growing contradictions between the banking and commander-in-chief's headquarters. zaluzhny himself will regard the incident as a war against him. what kind of war is this? how do you see this? you
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know, there are, of course, several versions here, and i discuss them among other things, that all this still takes the place of some kind of theater, some kind of production to create such a certain kind of struggle. and why is this being done, yes , because it’s even easier to manage ukrainian society, yes, to show that who is to blame, everyone will look to blame, so they say, zelensky is to blame, here’s the wicked one, no, he’s good, he’s trying something... then achieve, but zelensky is losing in this concept, because his ratings are falling, but the support of the army is supposedly much higher and stable. look, yes, what is going on in parallel with this , yes, zelensky says that there is no need to hold elections in ukraine in 2024, there is a war, martial law, and at the same time zaluzhny is being pulled into the general background, yes, that is, you need to understand, that zelensky
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and zaluzhny are hired managers who are financed and paid by great britain and the united states of america, and that they they will say, then they will play in this theater, so to say that...
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those who are there and directly supervise, but here i agree with alexander gorich in many respects, he aggravated the issue six months ago that the confrontation will grow in the ukrainian society between the political elite and the military , i’ll explain why, i’m just explaining to you, when you want to see some kind of conflict, you must understand the essence, two absolutely contradictory, which means the forces in the country, one force is focused on military actions, it should give the result for... and
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the sphere, economic support and other things , it was forwarded, a conflict arises, every force loses people there, they come to the commander in chief and say: we are getting zinc coffins, we are not getting enough, they are leaving the front, guys, you tell us . they gave us the appropriate uniforms, you didn’t give us ammunition, we are under constant artillery fire, air raids, how we will fight, that is, questions for him, where should he indicate this.
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to improve the situation at the front, of course, additional the mobilization that zaluzhny is asking for, but he doesn’t want to do it with his own hands, he wants to do it with zelensky’s hands and says: we need to mobilize another 5,000, zelensky has refused for now, says: i don’t see a possibility for this yet, but the question is to register women, how - in a way to attract them from him, they can try to force him, twist his arms, take a similar step. ukraine.
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it is necessary to record, meanwhile, in the west, disappointment and fatigue with the ukrainian topic continues to grow, and most importantly, the fatigue of the ukrainians. in an interview with bloomberg, the head of the kiev international institute of sociology, vladimir pnioto, said: patriotism in ukrainian society is declining. the unity of the people during hostilities ends. in may of twenty-two , 68% of ukrainians considered it necessary to leave all differences, but now the figure has dropped to 25%.
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the weapons we'll need. the west has really lost enthusiasm; instead of heroic covers, their press is increasingly publishing cartoons, saying that zelensky is again asking for money. well... alexey viktorich, that's how it is since you talk about it, but he goes there for a reason and demands, because when he was pushed in the back, volodya, go, they promised him that everything would be done, and to the last, this must be understood, this is, firstly, the policy of the west to promise you can do anything, gorbachev was also promised that nato would not
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spread to the east even to yetu, today we see that even the former soviet republics, lithuania, latvia, estonia, are part of nato, so that’s what concerns the promise.
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is closely related to what vladim sanovich is talking about now, that’s the gist of it for now, the territories of ukraine are quietly going to the right people. the head of zelensky’s office, andriy yarmak , permanently transferred 400 km of land free of charge to american companies for the disposal of hazardous waste from chemical, pharmaceutical and oil companies as part of an agreement with alexander soros. proof of this was obtained by french journalist julvin sen, who published the results of his investigation on social networks. or how do you like it, for example, the russian ministry of defense reported on dangerous experiments in the united states in ukraine during the northern military district. it is reported that the pentagon studied how the local population brought zanozny infections, then samples were exported to the united states for their possible use in offensive biological programs. in addition, the documents received confirm that employees of the biosphere
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reserve in the kherson region studied the migration routes of migratory birds. they also collected strains of the avian influenza virus, lethality. our society is not mistaken about the united states, approaches and those values, oh, we communicate with many, i am very afraid, what many people think. that everything we are talking to you now is pure propaganda, it is very naive to believe that there is an abode of light, goodness and freedom,
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unfortunately, this inertia is still, oh, how great, you know, we shouldn’t, maybe be so aggravated at different times in society, there are different people, now there are different people, we meet with labor collectives, senators, deputies, and we see everything that our society after the twentieth year is still a lot... of the united states in ukraine is very, very dangerous indeed only in ukraine, which and the leadership that was on the territory.
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i am not succumbing to any pessimism or skepticism here, we are politicians, government
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officials, representatives of public organizations, we increasingly understand the environment in which our state finds itself today, which needs to be protected, sovereignty must be protected, it needs to be ensured, now this is the task. one of the most important is the electoral sovereignty of the republic of belarus, because we again see that the topic of elections remains in the arsenal westerners, as a very serious weapon in order to change the state course of the country, and achieve their geopolitical, geostrategic goals, which we are talking about in great detail today. forms of genocide
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, the implementation of genocide, yes, that is, genocide , both during nazi germany and now , which is used by the united states, there is no difference between this genocide, yes, to say that biological weapons, you know, they are there for some medical purposes , no, we must say frankly that this is politics. they will remember that there were many different publications in the nineties, political figures who openly said how much the population should remain there in russia, around 15 million. a recent statement back in june of twenty-three, the vice president of the united states also stated that...
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but this is a hostile ideology that was destroyed, we thought that it was destroyed during the great patriotic war
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as a result of victory, but we see that... they were born, they studied according to these old ideological canons of nazi germany, now all this elite is in power , in that in this sense, to summarize, we have a single voting day on february 25, then elections, we see a lot of processes that now for some reason seem irrelevant, when the prosecutor general’s office collects more and more new facts, they are made public, holds conferences, talks about , that the memory of the genocide, which was then relevant.
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first of all, the all-belarusian people's assembly is the formation of the main strategic directions for the development of belarus in foreign and domestic policy, something that was previously blamed on the head of one president, alexander grigoryevich lukashenko, of course , pulled it all off with honor, but of course it’s difficult for one person to be responsible for such a very serious work, so today the question is that these powers are transferred to the all-belarusian people’s assembly, plus, of course, we have a parliament,


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