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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 27, 2023 9:00pm-9:45pm MSK

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this is a panorama, a live broadcast, i, sergey lugovsky, will tell you about the main events of wednesday, december 27th. hello, informal dialogue
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in st. petersburg and biting accents on topical topics from our president. the media field continues to seethe, experts discuss alexander lukashenko’s working visit to st. petersburg. but the border is now buzzing, literally. poland and lithuania are not being neighbors, they are doing shit, they have created many kilometers of queues for motorists. what could all this lead to? and the buy-in factor belarus alone became the most watchable television project in country. we will tell you about everything in detail, and also in our issue, one of the most beautiful traditions of belarus, the new year's ball in the palace of independence, this is a must-see in the panorama. a marathon
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of good deeds throughout the country, the kindest action our children continues to unite belarusians, we will tell you about new stops on the charity route. the bel tv and radio company spoke about the extermination of belarusians as a nation without cuts, which turned out to be a weapon against the revival of nazism. project genocide without the right to life, the president noted special prizes for cultural and art workers. more than half a century of successful exhibition activities about the best exhibitions and...
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the evening is filled with sophistication and unforgettable moments: the new year's ball in the palace of independence, a long-standing and very beautiful tradition of modern belarus. once a year, the hall of ceremonies turns into a large parquet floor, here, as always, you can’t take your eyes off the participants and guests of the evening, especially debutants, for them this is a premiere appearance. more experienced dancers, mazurka polane, shared the floor with them. waltz, however, not only the classics, the guys today showed her real rock and roll with fiery hits. and if we talk about them as about golden youth, then only from the point of view of achievements. scholarship recipients from the president's special fund to support talented youth, winners of various competitions and olympiads, public figures, their homeland is proud of them. according to tradition, the president of the country congratulated the children. the brightest and most memorable moments are...
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amazing atmosphere, delicious food and plenty of photos to capture it all happy moments of this unforgettable evening. this is the very event when it is difficult to say whose pair is better. the beauty of girls delights, as does the beauty of gentlemen. the evening is a fairy tale that you can only dream about. by the way, guys often talk about this in interviews. in terms of achievements, they strive to be noticeable throughout the year, so that later they will be invited here to the palace of independence. at such a young age, they have already achieved a lot, exceptionally high
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results in studies, sports, scientific, social activities, and how much more they really deserve this holiday ahead, a feeling of some lightness, beauty, incredible aesthetics, all classical music, classic outfits, you feel like a real gentleman, a man from the cover, there are beautiful ladies nearby with whom you can immerse yourself in a world of dance and a wonderful evening. it’s not easy to find a dress, in fact, it was all done two, three months in advance, so that it all really looked beautiful in the frame and in the picture, in principle, so that a wonderful atmosphere was created, every the girl prepared for a very long time, carefully and scrupulously for her. we trained about 2 hours a week, so i’ll answer you right away, your partner’s legs will be guaranteed to be safe. all the attention is on the debutants to open this graceful evening, of course,
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they are very worried, starting from the banal fear of mixing up the movement, and the girls generally have their own phobia that their dance partner will step on the dress, plus such a huge responsibility in the hall is the president. it’s difficult to cope with the general feeling of excitement, although we rehearsed for a very long time. we are very grateful to the university for such a wonderful opportunity to be here, we also want to say a big thank you to the tutoring staff, because they did a great job, because the amount of work was incredible, people came completely unprepared and in literally eight rehearsals, they did about everything they could and everything looks wonderful. i don't know. in other states, and indeed, in my opinion, this is very significant for students to feel that the president is walking on this floor and there are heads of other states, that is , these are truly indescribable emotions , to be here is a very great
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honor for every student, but not everyone is given such an opportunity to feel this atmosphere, this beautiful tradition is always supported by the head of state, no matter how busy the eve of the new year schedule
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, no matter how we think about something, don’t think about surprises, we always say, some with sadness, some with joy, another year has arrived, another year has passed and we meet with you on this new year’s holiday, this suggests itself, since more than 90% of you were not here in december last year, another very important story related to ours suggests itself...
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of such a level as drawing a lucky ticket, the guys will remember this day, of course, for the rest of their lives. the day has come, the only day of the year, when our creator of independence radically changes his image. just
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a few hours ago, in the offices and halls of this building, important issues of politics, economics, and security were being decided. now here... there is an atmosphere of music and dance, the atmosphere of youth, the important thing is that i repeat all this, it happens once a year, and then... based on what your parents presented to you, don’t forget about it, you must respect those who
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made you like this today, there are no random people here , you are better, and if this palace , independence is a symbol of our statehood, then you are a symbol of the future, well , that means the future is in your hands, whoever is not ready for this yet, has not realized, get ready,
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and the rules, there is a manager and a dance master, they are in every possible way help the guys, including telling them the sequence of numbers, rules of ballroom games, but what would a score be without guest performances of classical dances.
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bravo, bravo, ladies and gentlemen, next is disco, rock and roll, mamba, boogiewooge, this is a real drive. there will be a christmas tree soon, there is a lot of harvest, i’m together, madam, i know what i can do. for a person who is at the palace of independence for the first time, these are very vivid
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emotions, a lot of experience, including dancing, my mother is very proud, she constantly calls me back, asking how i am there , how are the rehearsals, how is everything going, have you seen president, all this is of course very exciting, you can watch it forever, during the rehearsal, in 2 months, have you already become real? with events like this, it develops us culturally. new year, new hopes, dreams and
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goals, and there is something to say thank you for to the passing year, these young people still have to create a new history of sovereign belarus. everything on their path will not always be easy and simple; they will have to make every effort to achieve the desired heights, but they are already on the right path. ilona krasutskaya, veronica buta, ivan martynovich and ilya puchko, television news agency. well, the global media field continues to actively discuss. alexander lukashenko's working visit to st. petersburg, where the results of the year of work in the eu were summed up and an informal meeting of the leaders of the cis countries took place. our president, in his characteristic manner, became... one of the main news makers, on the approaches to the meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council, the president was surrounded by russian journalists. we are the most advanced, neither shoos nor brix has such close ties, does not speak the same language as all of us, without translators, and the most important thing in the economy does not have this single
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economic space, such a space, we have been for 10 years... important, but political, they do not have what we have, material that can be touched, although there are plenty of us, i’m talking about our economic organization , not about the csto, not about the cis, although the cis is a colossal reserve of our economic union, so we just need
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to move in this direction, alexander lukashenko clearly noted at the enlarged meeting of the council goal...
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with the president of azerbaijan, alexander lukashenko also had an eventful meeting, they talked for more than an hour, and received a report from the ambassador of belarus to russia dmitry krutov. moscow is a key ally, but the pace cannot be reduced. this applies to both joint work in international structures and belarusian exports. in general, the st. petersburg meetings
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aroused genuine interest among analysts and even the final point, an informal meeting with the leader. of the cis countries dealt with personnel issues. the cis platform, within which moscow, and minsk is the main center of cultural attraction. a very popular platform, only in the format of meetings of leaders, heads of the cis, today direct negotiations can take place between states that until recently were one step away from a direct armed conflict. the fact that.
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belarus passed the test of strength with dignity. our economic growth rates are higher than the world's. we predict that by the end of the year, gdp will increase by 3.8%. this was stated by the prime minister. roman golovchenko presenting state awards today. according to him, the past year has been difficult. turbulent processes take place both along the perimeter of the borders
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of our state and in the world as a whole. but we managed to level out these processes. it is especially gratifying that the state’s investment activity is intensifying, that is , investing financial resources in new facilities, new production, and new technologies. over the 11 months of this year, the growth rate of investment in fixed assets increased by 14% compared to the same period last year. is it a lot or a little? well, probably not enough yet, but still much better than it was before. what does this mean? that is, we will have new production facilities, new sectors that will generate profits for our economy, new jobs will be created, conditions for recreation will improve and...
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the result will be doubly valued, but remember how international organizations and so -called independent analysts they predicted a recession for us, but no, the economic model of belarus demonstrates to the whole world its stability and high adaptability to external shocks. have we already achieved everything we planned? we will discuss what prospects are opening up for us in the new year with competent experts in the talk show “economic environment”.
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growth, that is, we probably have, uh, the indicators of the current year are, well, indicators of the highest quality, next year we have declared the year of quality, so this is such a good threshold for next year, the main thing is to see those bottlenecks that appear promptly in life decide by allocating public funds to this, but if we say whether we can cope, then if we approach budget expenditures prudently, then all goals of the task are feasible. i think that we will see an increase in prices for fertilizers, an increase in food prices, and here belarus, which
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provides itself 100% with food, almost 100%, ensures its, undoubtedly, its food security, is ready to reach a different level of competitiveness in the world market , and experts will also sum up the personal results of the year and answer very un... questions from our young viewers, new year's edition of the economic environment, watch today, immediately after the panorama. belarus 1 confirmed status the most watchable tv channel in the country, we are the leaders in tv ratings in belarus. on friday the 22nd , about 830 thousand people watched the live broadcast of the factorby project, this is the best result of the friday broadcast on all tv channels in the country from a share of 21.9% and a rating of 3.6%. if any of you... haven't quite
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realized this news yet, just turn on belarus 1 on friday at 20:45 and you yourself will understand what the most watchable tv show in the country means? watch factorby on the official youtube channel, enjoy the best voices and decide who has the one buy factor? these days are filled with sincere emotions, joy and empathy for every belarusian who takes part in the marathon of good deeds. on these pre-holiday days, we give gifts, attention, care to the pupils of social centers, shelters, orphanages, these are our children, these are new points on the route of the charity marathon.
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have you figured out what you and i will draw? christmas tree, christmas tree, let's draw a christmas tree, and tell me, do you already know how to write? yes, i can write my name, just as long as it’s a name, right? but how did you write a letter to santa claus then? this is for me sister i wrote that six-year-old kostya asked for a toy that he could hug, how much does this say, in the summer he moved to a social and pedagogical center with a shelter, from a new temporary home, i would like to believe, in... the minsk region, he went to school for the first time, while he is drawing a christmas tree, he remembers, how he loved to celebrate the new year with the whole family, he lives here with his sister, she is 10, his older brother, already a student, also visits, and his parents, all eighteen children of the orphanage have similar stories. our institution educates children who are selected from disadvantaged families, children they are placed in our institutions, where an atmosphere of childhood and joy reigns, and parents,
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meanwhile, with our help... with the help of other preventive agents , overcome the problems that exist. the fulfillment of the main desires of these children, from the eldest, who is 15, to the youngest, who is four, depends only on their parents, but on these holidays they are not left without care and attention. near the new year's tree, they danced in circles with the senators. the council of the republic has a long-term friendship with the center; they visit each other. this time the guys were given certificate. for computer equipment , sweet gifts for everyone, we have made it a rule for ourselves that every time we meet here in this pedagogical center with the children to hear about what their dreams are, what they want, what they want to do in this life, it is very important , that in our country there are quite a lot of people who do everything to not only work in such centers, but to take these children and raise them, give them an education, give them the warmth of their souls,
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18 children who... stayed without care parents at the orsha social and pedagogical center, together with teachers , were surrounded by the care of little belarusians and the chiefs of the ministry of defense belarusian, thank you for organizing such a beautiful and cheerful holiday, i congratulate all the children in this world on the new year, i wish all the children well , happiness, health and to celebrate the new year with your parents. this year. the military helped make repairs in the institution, and today they gave us gifts, certificates for household appliances, and sweets. today, thousands of members of the armed forces have joined they go to this event, congratulate the children , give them gifts, of course, wish them joy, and so that, of course, there is a peaceful sky above their heads, so that no one dares to take away the joy of childhood from our children, but we adults must ensure that this is done. and
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our betelerok. not only mentally illuminates the most touching new year's marathon, but also joins in. tv crews visited the ulukovo special boarding school with gifts and new year's spirit. there are 143 students studying in the sponsored institution, most of them orphans. they grow without maternal love, but how much good is in their wishes? i want all people to be happy all the time, for the world to be kind, for all their wishes to be fulfilled. all people, i believe in magic, we went to belovesskaya pushcha, we saw animals there and even saw santa claus, a real snow maiden, i want in the new year that everything works out for me, that i have a good future, gifts from bt, household kitchen technology and a multifunctional sensory system to make the learning process easier and more
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fun, of course with a special feeling. we come here every december for many years in a row, the tradition remains unchanged, we communicate with teachers, see familiar faces in classes, watch how children grow, develop, how they... improve their skills, some do better, some are a little worse, but i want to believe that all these guys will cope with the difficulties that befell them, we all hope that this magical, wonderful new year’s atmosphere, an atmosphere of joy, kindness and long-awaited new year's gifts. a special thrill these days and to those who had just come into the world, after two daughters, ekaterina samusivich had a long-awaited son, named alexandra. well, this is happiness for me number one, although i am a working mother, i always work on maternity leave , and i don’t relax, but my children are always in the foreground, this is when, when there is not a lot of happiness, when happiness
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comes, it needs to be corrected. the minister of health came to the republican scientific and practical center mother and child with gifts for newborns. since the beginning of this year , over 3.00 boys and girls have been born here. and the most important thing for doctors is save everyone's life. health care system. the maternal and child health service has something to be proud of, as in previous years - very low, quite low , indicator mortality, quite low, we are talking about the fact that this is one of the top ten indicators in the world, eco, those children who were born with the help of our medical assistive technologies that could not solve these problems, well , let's say, naturally, more than a thousand children were born within the walls. home, this maternity hospital. charity marathon will give joy to those who especially need it until january 15, the name of the action our children speaks most eloquently about belarusians. vladislav, daria, andrey yastrebov and natalya
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ignatenko, tv news agency. multi-kilometer queues formed on the western borders of belarus. people record hundreds of videos and share their impressions on social networks, i’ll say right away that our border guards and customs officers work professionally, quickly, accurately, they don’t detain people, but the neighbors on the polish side are just crap, and that’s probably the softest comment under the videos , and what’s worst is that warsaw is doing this all on purpose, the queues of cars on the polish border stretch for more than 13. people are in cars for several days, dozens of hours in cars, no dry toilets, no water, among expecting children, pregnant women. the queue was terrible,
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we had never had a queue like this before, it was about 11 km, this is to shlakbam, to the entrance to the polish courtyard. well, at the moment we are passing the border in 41 hours, honestly the feeling is indescribable, how many hours stood for a day and a half, as the conditions were organized, no way, just stood there, no way , that is, no dry closets, nothing at all, nothing, there was nothing, several hundred vehicles were waiting to cross the border at the terespol checkpoint on the belarusian side of brest, more than a day, this connected, firstly, with the big weekend, when belarusians... visit their relatives, and tourists want to get into our country, and secondly, the neighboring side not only does not take any action to speed up the movement of transport, but also does not work v full force.
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lithuania, of course, joined the polish eurochallenge on bullying people. privalka - 56 hours of hell. medyaninka and kamenny lok from lithuania - 37 hours and have not arrived yet.
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with serbia, the democratizers planned to organize an orange revolution there, this was admitted by the french politician florian philippot, leader of the patriots party, who drew a direct analogy with the maidan. the politician stressed: the atlanticists could not stand the victory of aleksandar vucic, and also added that nato has been threatening serbia for several months in order to establish vassal regime. the fact that street protests in serbia are being implemented using templates from western manuals was stated in the russian mit. the official representative of maria zakharova emphasized that the so-called activists, mobilized by various people, acted as instigators according to established practice.
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serbia is an option for resolving interstate contradictions using the mechanisms of the maidan using the mechanism of a coup d'etat, this is exactly what serbia was prepared for. and what is currently not yet succeeded, this is a merit of the state, and in a timely manner.
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in short, it is as follows: unity,
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work for the benefit of oneself and the country, and most importantly, to doubt what they are trying to bring into our minds, that is, information must be perceived in doses, it must be sifted, in the end everything else is for us there is this, there is a country, there is a consolidation of the people, there is prosperity, there is a good economy, and everything else. it's just because some people don't understand what they can lose. 10 times we need to think, what can we lose? new and good from color there will be no revolution for anyone. we also have our own vaccine against fascism. new information about the crimes of the nazis during the great patriotic war formed the basis for the investigation into genocide. belarusian people. the prosecutor general's office initiated
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the publication of criminal cases, but there are few paragraphs in textbooks. the bel tv and radio company supplemented the story with visual stories from those who witnessed the punitive operations, and this turned out to be a very strong and powerful weapon against the revival of fascism. the project genocide without the right to life was awarded a special prize president. lydia zablotskaya met with those who. put it as if everyone were now bathing in liters
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of german beer. 80 years ago there were liters, but blood, say, 18 plus, there were no age limits for the nazis, not to mention regret, sympathy, humanity. there was an orphanage near the pit on zaslavskaya street, all the children were stabbed to death, not killed by bullets, but stabbed to death with knives. you see, then they said somewhere that the lithuanians slaughtered it, so someone knew. or a soldier takes a child by one leg, tiny and with both heads. 16 series that talked about all the methods of exterminating belarusians as a nation, 75% without the right to life. incinerate, tear apart
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by dogs, shoot, mock even corpses, all this is in german sources, which the film crew of the belarus tv channel studied in detail. feeling, we recorded someone in the hospital, and somewhere we waited for the person’s blood pressure to stabilize, but people, i think, also accomplished their feat. 2 per byte of the original video, a revelation of a generation that in 50 years
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they will speak only through video, our colleagues managed to record and compare fascist reports with the memories of concentration camp prisoners and the unconquered. at the time of filming , at the time of recording interviews with productions, none of the colleagues remained indifferent, everyone felt the pain of these stories, horrors, and there were moments when after the interview they left simply with tears in their eyes, you should carefully watch some fragments of this film every person, every belarusian. irrefutable facts that have arisen from criminal cases, weapons against reviving nazism, will there really be any stronger ones? arguments against the extermination of humanity, already in january the reward will be in the hands of the defenders of the truth. lydia zablotskaya, alexander oleshko, television news agency. listen to everyone
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and help solve a pressing issue. today , chairman of the council of the republic natalya kachanova held a live meeting. telephone line , talk about their situation, people called from all over the country, the problems were very different, work with housing and communal services, medicine, land labor disputes, employment, many questions about the quality of roads in populated areas, individual the appeals were immediately forwarded to the relevant ministries and local executive committees, according to the speaker of the upper house of parliament , it is important not just to hear the person, to find a solution, by the way, they called with words of gratitude and... those who have already been helped by appealing to the council of the republic. such high trust of citizens in the council of the republic is due to the fact that the work with appeals in the council of the republic is structured in the most serious manner. in total, about 300 direct telephone lines, 600 personal receptions of citizens, about 2,000 meetings with
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labor collectives, citizens at their place of residence, more than 6,500 citizens' appeals have already been considered. with the population is one of the priority areas of activity of the upper house of parliament. the practice of on-site receptions has also proven positive. all issues that belarusians bring to personal receptions of citizens at the council of the republic are brought to a logical resolution. it is also very important not to miss a problem, for example, due to lack of time, callousness or even honor. these are the principles that should be followed be guided in working with appeals from belarusians. this was noted by the head of the administration. president igor sergeenko during a personal reception of citizens in braslav. two dozen people took advantage of the opportunity for personal communication, and these were residents not only of the braslov region, but also of vitebsk, polotsk, and molodechno. a farmer from the village of zarechye, on behalf of the villagers, made a request for construction.


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