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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 29, 2023 9:30am-9:51am MSK

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watch the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel . our whole earthly life is the path to the kingdom of heaven. earth diocese in polotsk, we have been given a life span of time so that we show who we are before the face of god. teacher of homeletics at the moscow theological academy, the first master of theology in modern belarus, winner of the prize of the president of the republic of belarus for spiritual revival. life turned out this way, the confidence of my inner life told me that this was my path, it would tell me how much choice should be aware.
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god never forces, does not force, does not demand, he only stands at the door of the heart , knocking, when a person opens this heart, then the lord is with him. watch today only on our tv channel.
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this is an area of ​​interest and we continue, now the results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange, our ruble has strengthened against the dollar yuan. so, the following rates have been established: dollar 3 rubles 18 kopecks. for 10 yuan at auction they gave 4 rubles 44 kopecks. it costs 3.50. 100 russian rubles. and the euro exchange rate according to the national bank is 3 rubles 54 kopecks. christmas tree decorations from belarus will soon be presented in moscow goma. in our country, they are produced by only one capital factory. the assortment includes hundreds of designs from symbols of the year to national symbols. and all this is handmade . now the company is in a busy time, shipments are scheduled by the hour. among the clients are belarusian trading companies. and russian
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marketplaces. anton malyuta looked into the production and found out everything about the non-toy business. in december we see a lot of orders. what kind of balls are they anyway?
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come up with some new toys, because there is some set of, you know, standard ones, already existing images , this is a bunny, in fact this is a big dilemma, every year there is a squirrel, there are snow snowmen, santa claus, but the consumer wants something new, so our designers try to please consumers with some new sketches, some new forms toys, new balls. andrey, what is more in
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this matter of business or enthusiasm? this is probably a symbiosis, because after all , christmas tree decorations are a small business. global, but on the other hand, probably no one can imagine without christmas tree decorations new year, and accordingly, in this business there is absolutely no place without enthusiasm, we started literally from a small room, 20 km away, three people, but now we already have, well, not a plant, probably a small factory where about 30 people work, and these people can provide almost the entire country with christmas tree decorations, moreover, we supply our toys to the russian... federation, this is a huge market, and we see how much we can reach our small, small enterprises with our products, almost in the far north we are closing all points of russia, now, now it exists as a global marketplace market, with the help
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of it our belarusian toys end up on the christmas trees of our russian partners, you have no competitors in the country at all, why? and business is so, you know, unique. after all, it seems like it’s not seasonal, but we only receive money for literally a couple of months a year, january-february we need to live on this amount, survive until the end of the year, somehow develop, buy some equipment, increase volumes production, so probably not everyone gets into this, you know, unpopular business, but on the other hand we have competitors, chinese comrades, chinese toys are supplied to the belarusian market, many... retailers, many state-owned stores themselves stock chinese goods, they come to us it’s normal to compete with them , it seems to me that competition is the engine of trade, but in general, this thought warms us up, giving people a holiday, undoubtedly, you know, it’s such a special feeling when you realize that you are involved in the new year a huge number of people, because hundreds of thousands
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of our toys have already scattered over the years, probably even all over the world, perhaps every second belarusian has our toys on their christmas trees, you know, it happens... in some social networks - you even pay attention looking at strangers where there are christmas trees and intuitively looking for toys from our production, it’s very pleasant that more and more often i notice more and more of our toys. there is very little time before the new year, but of course there is time to buy a new toy for the christmas tree, and gifts for loved ones there is. a wonderful holiday bustle is coming. we are the project team. area of ​​interest and economic news, we wish you a successful new year 2024. the new year always brings something new and i really want this new to be only positive. everything is in our hands, but a little luck, of course, won’t hurt. let all this be with us, and the green
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wooden dragon does not swear, only helps. happy new year. let the financial news in the new year only please you: profits are growing, but risks remain minimal. every the invested ruble will increase by multiples and our salaries will also increase by multiples, may there be no insurmountable obstacles in the new year, may you not always have to stand at the crossroads to the main road, your loved ones, dear people , may it be with you along the way, with the coming one, i wish you new year of warmth, kindness and love to you, may all your dreams come true as the chimes strike, may your wildest ideas come true, and long-awaited goals be achieved, rich... fruitful and, of course, happy days to you in the new year 2024 . open up new areas interests, attract success like a magnet. and do what you really like. have a productive new year. and may 2024 be
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warm, bright, interesting, active, inspiring for you, when everything works out and you want to take it to new heights. exact calculations for you and of course. mood and love, where would we be without it, happy new year to you. well, i remind you that we will talk about the most noticeable things in the economy in the area of ​​interest next year on january 3. we are on air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday. see you. adventure of foreigners in belarus, what is this or it’s also unclear, no, i don’t take those kind of mushrooms, i don’t take mushrooms that i don’t know
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, well, we probably have enough for tomorrow, enough for breakfast, you have here yu, and you sell, a guy from ecuador has lived here for 8 years. she tells us about the most colorful places in the country, here, because it’s close to the city , that is, you can easily drive, she said, 40 minutes, and in fact, here there is everything you need to live comfortably, in ecuador somehow the village does not exist, i don’t know why even the internet doesn’t like it there, here nature has its place, it’s so cool, because i there are so many palm trees, i haven’t seen so many palm trees here in belarus for a long time, belarusian people are good, there’s always something that bothers me about us : take potatoes, throw away everything you bought, it tastes better here, i’ll believe it, because the potatoes are so huge , also there,
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the pepper is also cool, watch the travel project white dew on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. at the beginning of russia’s special military operation in ukraine, it became clear that after its end ukraine would never be the same. here it’s not even in russia’s interests, not for the purposes tasks of the nwo, denocification and demilitarization , in the gluttony of european jackals, who , sensing carrion, began to express their wishes for a piece of the pie, not realizing that they themselves were pawns in the hands of the united states, which actually pushed ukraine and the european union to one degree or another to participation in these hostilities. on the one side. they allegedly demonstrated that the eu is an equal partner of the united states, but in fact
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it is the same partner as ukraine, with the rights of “give it, bring it.” in the meantime, the anglo-saxons poles, hungarians, and romanians and even turks lay claim to part of ukraine after the end of the northern military district. the latter previously looked at crimea, now at odessa, but this is probably different. and i’m with you ksenia lebedeva. hello, since the goals of the northern military district did not include expansion of territories, but rather disarmament, suppression of radical sentiments towards the russian population, taking them under control, then having freed the territory that had already become part of russia from enemy armed forces, russia will once again offer public negotiations.
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the only chance, if they don’t take advantage of it, will be a complete collapse. bary said, yes, in the european union that russia is almost going to attack nato, that is , now we’ll sort out ukraine, we’ll sort it out, listen, well, this is nonsense, this is a bad person , you know, he’s a fool, they have nothing to do with politics relationship, if he were smart, he would have thought so in a businesslike way, god forbid that russia and i can sort out these problems, why are we layering these problems on top of them?
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the americans whispered in the ear of an european union official that russia would not stop at ukraine, russia will go to nato. but as always, the loudest voice is the one who steals, and so it is... with the eu and the usa. moreover , our countries have been organizing wars all over the world for decades in order to make money from them, so first of all you need to look for who benefits from the conflict, the third world war, if you like. and the beneficiaries are not on the eurasian continent. by the way, russia
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has never refused peace negotiations with ukraine. this is not russia, but ukraine. publicly announced that she was withdrawing from the negotiation process, and moreover, was a decree was signed , a decree of the head of state, prohibiting such negotiations with russia, i understand that this is a war, the loss of life cannot but shock, the bloody coup in ukraine in 2014, followed by the war of the kiev regime against its people in the donbass, this is not. ..amazing. from my sources it became known that the west is already dividing up the remnants of ukraine, without waiting for the end of a special military operation. in principle, they are no longer interested in the latter, because the outcome is clear. ukraine has already lost. but this one fertile land, the land will be given to the west for use, but not the territory itself.
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despite this, the barrel is frightening everyone with a new war, probably shifting the emphasis of flirting with russia. as for the territories that may go to the eu, these are transcarpathia and bukovina , their legal successors may be hungary and romania, i am sure that no one will resist, and zelensky too, because he did not take advantage of the opportunities that russia offered him, and is unlikely to take advantage , because it is under the complete control of the anglo-saxons, specifically their british intelligence services let me remind you. this will be such a transitional moment, on this platform we will coordinate positions on a number of fundamental things with a number of countries, we will begin to prepare the corresponding document, when this document is ready, then we will be able to transfer it in one format or another to representatives
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of the russian federation, when all countries of the world will unite around our document. putin has quietly signaled that he is ready for a ceasefire in ukraine. the article goes on to say that sources close to the kremlin report that behind-the-scenes negotiations in which putin initiated that russia is ready to stop
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at existing borders. yes, it is, but it’s not a secret to anyone. and european officials came to bow, his words about negotiations sound even more confident, i quote an american newspaper: we will not give up what belongs to us, putin promised, dismissively adding, if they want to negotiate, let them negotiate. i believe that, having a weak... it is unlikely that this phrase would sound exactly like this: as a result of the northern military district , territories will most likely go to russia along dnieper, along the lines of chernigov, sumy, poltava regions, nikolaev and odessa will be added to this, since they are considered primordially russian. i mentioned the probable situation in bukovina and transcarpathia,
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but what about the rest of the territory? most likely, to maintain a balance of reducing radicalism , it will be divided. into two countries - ukraine and western ukraine. residents of the latter will only be happy; they have been dreaming about this since the beginning of the 2nd century; it is practically a paradise for bandera. at the same time , the territory will most likely exist under the protectorate of poland. subsequently not it is possible that a referendum will be held there and western ukraine will become part of poland, but that is if the poles forget the historical enmity and the volyn massacre. but in general the serpentarium looks like. free and independent western ukraine, poland should cause maximum discomfort. central ukraine will remain under the protectorate of russia, yes, kiev and zhitomir will remain from it.


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