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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 29, 2023 1:05pm-2:05pm MSK

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respondent questions in 40 countries, it is clarified that the zone of optimism has finally moved from the west to the south and east, so the highest level of optimism among the population of saudi arabia is 82 points, also a positive charge was recorded in india, iran, afghanistan, malaysia, indonesia, the philippines, the residents of bosnia and herzegovina have the worst vital tone - 42 points. negative moods are also recorded in italy, bulgaria, poland and austria. dreams come true, especially on new year's eve. and this was once again proven by the employees of the ministry of internal affairs, failing results of the competition for children. boys and girls from all over belarus recorded dozens of video messages to the country's chief police officer with their most cherished wishes. minister ivan kubrakov met with the winners. the guys talked about their hobbies and shared their plans for life. five-year-old ulyana loves dogs very much. and
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would like to see how he prepares four-legged police assistants. her older brother kirill plans to enter the lyceum of the ministry of internal affairs and, even before the start of the entrance campaign, would like to be among the students for one day. seven-year-old denis dreams of joining the ranks of omon employees in the future; right now he wants to go to training with trained fighters. and the ten-year-old barbarian has an unusual dream for a girl - to become a sniper. she wants... to test her accuracy in shooting, as i understand it, the tables are great, of course, without the help of her parents, as i understand it, it couldn’t have happened, well done, we did our best, i want to congratulate you on the upcoming new year, i wish you all your dreams, all your wishes definitely came true, i wish you good luck in your studies, i also wish good luck to the kindergarten, that’s all, all the best to you, and i want to say huge words of gratitude to the parents for their upbringing.
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she was always safe. on new year's eve, the minister of internal affairs announced a challenge called dreams come true. according to the conditions, children from different parts of our country aged from 4 to 14 years old had to send their video message, in which they indicate their cherished desire. a prerequisite was that the desire must concern the activity internal affairs bodies. each video message was personally watched by the minister
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of internal affairs, and it was decided to grant not one wish, but four. arriving at the police units, the guys fulfilled their dreams, which they talked about in video messages, young talents also received gifts, soft toys, someone a bicycle, and their parents received memorable souvenirs. congratulations on the upcoming new year come from afar; i send my warmest wishes to all residents of our country, to my loved ones.
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take care of yourself and your loved ones! happy new year! belarus! we will tell you about the developments at 15:00. all the best! good evening, on the air of economic environment on belarus one satellite tv channel belarus 24. trade turnover within the eurasian economic union. in less than 10 years
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it has doubled with other countries by 60%. this was announced during the eu summit in st. petersburg. at the meeting, 21 documents were signed, including a declaration. economic path, the document determines the direction of the task of developing the economic processes of the union in the medium term. in in 24 europe will face a fiscal crisis. according to financial analysts, the new budget rules of eu member states will lead to a sharp reduction in government spending. this will negatively impact economic growth opportunities. italy and germany will suffer the most. overall , economists have cut their forecast for eurozone economic growth next year to less than half. this is almost twice as much as the current one. according to the director of the fund, the volume of financing for credit leasing transactions has been growing for several years; resources for self-employed and individual
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entrepreneurs for the transition period when registering a legal entity. there is a wave of bankruptcies in the uk. in the twenty-third, the country's tax authority filed applications to close almost. the eurasian development bank will finance projects worth half a billion dollars in belarus. according to the chairman of the board, the indicators for belarus in the strategic period will definitely be met. the bank mainly invests in projects in areas such as transport, energy, and technology. and financial sector programs. the growth of investment in fixed capital has accelerated in belarus, belstat reports. thus, the growth rate of construction and installation work over 11 months was over 107% compared to the same period last year. the increase in the acquisition of machinery, equipment, and vehicles
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is over 32%. belarus reaches record levels of exports to russia. the growth rate of physical supplies to this country in the twenty- third year is 131%. this was announced by the ambassador of belarus to russia dmitry krutoy. let us recall that earlier the head of state instructed the diplomatic missions will identify 75 main commodity items, which cover approximately 70% of belarusian exports to russia, and organize monthly monitoring of the situation on them. what other economic results did belarus achieve in 2023? did everything planned manage to be realized? we will discuss with competent experts what prospects open up for belarus in 2020 right now. today we have experts in our studio who
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are well versed in the economic results of the past year, maxim ermalovich, deputy head of the presidential administration of belarus, deputy chairman.
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one of the centers of economic development in the state in his report, yaas should become an economic complex, as the head of the world designated, a global center to show the highest
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level and speed of integration processes in the economic sphere, other spheres of social development, and military-political . development, therefore the task is very important, the task is ambitious, again, there are clear guidelines, head of state and... last year. yes, congratulations, great new year's news. dear colleagues, 4
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days remain until the new year. 4 days. in 4 days we will sit with you at the new year's table. please tell me whether you managed to achieve all your personal goals for this year, or whether these two remaining working days, thursday-friday, will be especially stressful, inna viktorovna. you know, it was a very successful year and we managed to realize everything we had planned.
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as an organ to which many, many tasks are assigned, here in response to your
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question, i want to say that in professional terms, probably, the main tasks have been completed, but in personal terms, as you posed the question, of course, this means that there is still a lot that needs to be done, a lot of things to be done, although in the last few days, this has happened, but for myself i’ll leave the question of responding to citizens’ appeals, there are many like that. a fundamental appeal that requires interaction with local authorities, well, at the end of the year we are devoting time to this, but probably a lot still needs to be done, i propose moving on to the essence of our discussion, inna viktorovna, you and i know that statistics know everything, in particular the national statistical committee under your leadership, of course, economic indicators. it’s too early to sum up the twenty-third year; we will probably do this at the beginning of the twenty-fourth, but
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the preliminary results are already clearly and clearly visible. please tell me how our economy performed in the past year, what results were achieved? this year, economic indicators show very positive trends, starting with the volume of domestic product, which for 11 months at a rate of 103.8%. and those components that are part of it, for example, industry grew by 7.9%, wholesale goods turnover, which is tied to industry by 13.5%, passenger turnover increased by 8.4%, the volume of construction installations increased by 7, 2, at the same time , investments increased by 13.9%, but most importantly, the most important thing is that we have seen an increase in the well-being of the population. for example, real disposable cash income over 10 months increased by 6.1%, this is in
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certainly comparable, and the components of real disposable cash income are real wages, real pensions of the population, they increased by more than 10%, while the poverty indicators are the lowest in the entire history of their observation - 3.7%. security and the actual unemployment rate, which we consider according to the methodology of the international labor organization to be 3.5%, this is one of...
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3% growth in gross domestic product, we specifically, so i spent the whole evening re-reading the forecasts of various structures in at the end of the twenty-second year and in january 23 of the twenty-third year, in terms of gdp, we announced, in terms of inflation, well, i won’t give everything, the most negative is the imf 13.1%, the most positive is from the eurasian development bank. 8% , and the forecasts of the so-called independent analysts, mainly from among our fugitive, self-appointed economists, were extremely pessimistic, as they themselves called them , alarming forecasts for belarus, well, a summary of what they predicted for us, they predicted for us a decline in the economy, double digit
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inflation, lack of assortment on store shelves. there will be a difference in the future , so i would say that the forecasts are inaccurate, you agree, they are not accurate, yes, i would say that this somehow discredits their authors to a certain extent, these are institutions that do not bother to dive into assessing the situation, studying trends, they form such forecast figures based on some
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opinions, some symbols, the forecasts are inaccurate, to put it mildly, roughly speaking, erroneous, they buried our... economy in the past and in the year before, this probably indicates that we can live and develop, increase the well-being of our citizens, but what ’s interesting is, let’s discuss, and at the expense of what we managed to achieve such economic results this year, here’s inna viktorovna i have already named the key parameters that contributed to the growth of the domestic product, and above all, industry. but again, returning to these forecast estimates of our opponents, and above all , international structures that are quite objectively tried to do this, but also not accurately, they all said that two parameters would influence the future level of gdp: the first is net exports, depending on how it develops, so such an impact will be had
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on the level of gdp, the second point - it was they who predicted a weak internal
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... at each level a decision was made, at each level a mechanism was developed, or even tools for solving the problem of circumventing these sanctions, entering other markets, searching for new supply chains, and this made it possible to sell products today, the products went for export, enterprises are busy, they are working, which means they can pay wages to people, and since they can pay wages to people and not... just pay what they were, but they have increased production volumes today, which means they can increase , here is the internal demand, when a person understands that
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he has come, he has received a decent salary, he is busy, please come to the store, buy, the assortment list has not deteriorated, my receptionists work every week in the store, they see and they say that absolutely any product can be registered, product narrowing.
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jumps and thank god, and this is also important, we did not adopt any new revolutionary laws, we did not sharply change our
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economic policy, we are improving within the framework of the socio-economic development program, which was approved by the all-belarusian people's assembly, clear tasks were established there , mechanisms and... their achievements have been developed, we go from life to produce products of appropriate quality, in demand by the market and sell them profitably, this is the main event that gives us the opportunity today to talk about results based on factors. i would also, as already mentioned here, highlight the decision to curb prices.
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the work of industry, agriculture, trade, access to foreign markets affected the influx of currency into the country, as a result , a number of these factors influenced that even such a decision, strict in limiting price increases, became an addition, an important addition to everything.
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our year was wonderful, our grandmother recovered and we are so happy she received a transplant kidney this year , simashka transplant center, increased salary, recovered after surgery on the leg, for example, i also think it’s very good, yes - snowboarding came back, the job changed, the direction completely changed, that is, it really was such a fateful year, we had very
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... i worked with the government in the summer, i received money for the first time , i started playing the guitar, i want some positive emotions and also give these emotions to others, i finally came to my sister, i tried, and now i’m trying to start a new job in new specialty, if not now, then when in november of this year the first thromboextraction operation was performed in our interdistrict center, we have... laparoscopic stands that work on minimally invasive operations, this type of operation has grown by more than half compared to last year, more than twenty tire stations have been repaired, i have a network of tire shops throughout the city, and i serve not only the enterprises of the city of novogrudok, but the entire region, state farms, collective farms, agro-industrial complexes, all these complexes, they are also serviced by me in terms of tire fitting, the result of this year, one might say, saw a little
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profit, and there was a certain kind of construction, so this motivates me to further my actions, to further work in the same direction. we are leaders in the production of metal furniture, metal cabinets, shelving systems, we are also leaders in the production of security systems, compared to last year, our revenue has increased by 25.
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more than 50 types of products, our production volumes will increase by a quarter this year, for the first time in post-soviet times, after nineties, we reached a million gas cylinders per year. we plan to achieve a 105.5% increase in the industrial production index by the end of the year. we will introduce two dairy commodity complexes, we will commission one complex in its entirety for 777 heads, the second we are building in the first phase, and the second phase is underway in january. we consistently provide increases throughout the year. in terms of milk production at the end of the year, we will produce about 6,400 liters per head. but not always our viewers, our people can identify an economic event or a non- economic one, they can be understood, someone i bought a car, someone’s child entered a university, someone has other events, they consider them significant, and so on. tell me, what
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economic event is 20? insurance of financial risks, that is , we have worked quite a lot and what is gratifying is that this year we see that these measures that we laid down, yes, they were not just any kind, that means they are the same, so to speak, the consequences that are necessary to run somewhere
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just not to stand, but what really helped us, helped us in general in our work and means that we, in general, are not reduced the amount of support for any industry. and so in general, if we speak without specific specifics, we thought we were planning a deficit budget, and today we will implement it without a deficit, i cannot but make me happy, as for any specific event, then we are in this in general period , we came to the conclusion that we have an agreement on common principles for collecting indirect taxes from the russian federation, which means we have determined the appropriate norms and defined approaches. passed means the corresponding inter-ministerial, one might say, tax a committee that can resolve controversial issues, of course, these things are for me personally, well, let’s say the result we were going towards, in principle we wanted
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to achieve it, in general, i think we succeeded, thank you, valery ivanovich, and for you, the main economic event of the twenty- third year is what? well, dmitry avitovich, it’s so difficult to single out any main thing, there were many signs.
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we discussed the tasks that were set today right at the beginning of the program, they have actually been solved, and this very important, it is difficult for me, like my colleagues , to single out
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just one from a series of economic events, i participated in the preparation, or took part in the events of the head of state throughout the year such... for the future development of our country, how to compare the launch of the second power unit at the belarusian nuclear power plant is the most important event for the domestic energy sector and or an event for the development of land reclamation, also an important area of ​​work, there are no trifles in economics, my colleagues from the creative group of the economic environment also thought, well what kind of event is this? we will call, well, the most striking, and so we came to the conclusion that one
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of the most striking events of the current year was the economic block of the message of our president to the belarusian people to the national assembly, i mean the deep thesis that the strategic condition for the sovereignty and independence of our country is , first of all, the economy, as the head of state noted, give me the economy, i will do everything else without you, let ’s remember, give me the economy, i will do everything else without you. for three decades now the foundation of our state policy is a socially oriented economy. this policy is successful, the people support it. according to all indicators characterizing social inequalities, belarus is one of the most prosperous countries. we created a state without an oligarch. “we didn’t allow it,
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the question is not the difference in mentalities, not the differences in the political systems of the west and the east, everything is much simpler and more primitive. you know, not a sovereign belarus, not a sovereign russia, no one needs a strong economy, the possession of enormous, primarily natural resources, by a people with a high level of industrial production and serious scientific competencies, is the reason for the desire to eliminate us. as competitors , namely competitors, but today i am absolutely convinced that it won’t work out, we will stand, it won’t work out, we will stand, well, in fact, this is what the belarusian model of socio-economic development demonstrates, valery ivanovich, if we talk about the model of the belarusian economy, on your opinion, what features, advantages... maybe disadvantages does it have, and what tasks will
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it face in the twenty-fourth year? of course, that is, we chose our path once under the leadership of the head of state, and this provided us, well, probably, against the backdrop of the poverty that we experienced, first of all, i tell everyone, i want to emphasize once again, the head of state gave us back our self-esteem, because the poverty we experienced is the worst. humiliations, now there is already a fine adjustment of the economic mechanisms that, well, have been formed on a large scale, in two thousand, in the second decade, in this century, the younger generation doesn’t even know what you’re talking about, they can’t even imagine what the standard of living was there at the beginning, in the mid- nineties, now this is the story that. .. so you imagined, interviewing
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our citizens on the street, here it is, it seems to me, despite what people talk about, what interests them, they are interested in how many cars they bought, indeed, for them this is an indicator of well-being, by the way speaking, this year the number of new cars acquired, it set a record, exactly , which means the number of loans that were taken out for the purchase of housing set a record - that is, this is very important when people do not think about a piece of bread, but think about something important, like going, changing jobs, profession, arrange your personal life the way you want, because there is somewhere to live, for example, for many this problem was solved in early youth, this indicates the effectiveness of the implemented socio-economic model, it is aimed at meeting the needs person, she...
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the accuracy of macroeconomic forecasting, remember, we once gave you assessments of the chinese economy, yes, and there was one of the characteristic features that in the overwhelming majority all forecasts were always fulfilled, all planned targets were either exceeded , this was a feature of our chinese partners, now
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approximately the same assessment can be given to our macroeconomic forecasting system, but judging by the fact that we... see the forecast of socio-economic development and those are the results that inna viktorovna announced to us today fair? yes , well, maksimich said that our forecast is a target forecast, this is actually a possible task, which, based on the available resources, the economy can provide, we are developing several forecast options depending on the current situation, including on international markets, that affect our economy, well, probably this is how...
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nikolai gennadievich, come to our program as an expert, we invite you, yuri mikhailovich, can we provide? financing all of our, i mean , government obligations in future periods, next year, there in twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth. dmitriytovich, don’t even doubt it, we can definitely do it, because the social orientation is, in general, not the same, not the direction that i or someone came up with, well, let’s say, maxim leonidovich, yes, with whom we worked together at the ministry of finance, this was the case, which means that everyone is generally ready for this and we understand. yes, next year, if there are several numbers, 42% budget expenditures, this is about 12.5% ​​of gdp, these are social expenditures, and here it must be said that it is important that we do not just scale these figures, yes, there are parameters, there are growth rates of wages, real incomes of the population,
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they are certainly that means they are maintained, and as you know, such an example, it has been known for a long time, but nevertheless, even in covid, even in covid, yes. those people who were on the front line, which means that the salary level that was included in the five-year plan for doctors was achieved in literally 2 years, which means that we thought what we would do for 5 years, we maintain this level today, but i think that the advantage is not yet that we , roughly speaking, can withstand this and that means we don’t take steps, life is multifaceted, the question is about the need to further update ambulances and school buses.
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won't be the same. so, the first vector is a new balance of power in the global economy, an indisputable fact, which, however, went unnoticed by many, last year the total production of the brics countries, and this brazil, russia, india, china, south africa, attention, for the first time exceeded the total gdp of the seven countries, including the usa and canada, and the seemingly european giants germany, france, great britain, and also japan. obvious, incredible, but this redistribution of economic weight will only take place... new major super-economy players will appear on the world market, as they say about countries that control from 1 to 2% of world gdp and have
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technological potential and key resources. once upon a time this is exactly how we started india, china, brazil, after malaysia, iran and turkey, now the time of the arab largest african countries, as for the world economy as a whole, it is predicted to slow down in growth; according to various estimates, global gdp is unlikely to be noticeably higher than 2%. tough. monetary policy and high inflation will not allow the global economy to accelerate. by the way, the forecast for planetary price growth has been raised, the debt burden is expected to increase, its danger should not be underestimated, experts warn. it was the debt problem that triggered the global crisis of 2010. and although it was then decided to reduce the debt burden, it turned out exactly the opposite, from a level of 36%. in the first decade it rose to 70%. the size of debts is becoming a growing problem. for central banks of many countries. another trend for 2024. the world is entering a technological race. the largest countries will make technology
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the factors of economic dominance. medicine, digitalization, artificial intelligence, space, including low-orbit installations and real-time earth sensing. battle technologies will go in different areas. another similar story is the reaction to climate change and the associated transition to green technologies. they are ready too. understood as a factor of competitiveness. individual countries will likely face barriers to trade in so-called dirty products such as coal, oil, chemicals or fertilizers. let's move on, next year will bring the widespread introduction of artificial intelligence. experts talk about the pros and cons. there are many concerns about the impact of artificial intelligence on workers places. the domino effect, companies want to minimize costs, implement such applications everywhere when designing, developing new products and services, and this is not from. inevitably leads to massive layoffs of engineers, designers, creative workers, and so on. on the other hand, artificial intelligence will
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revolutionize customer service, provide personal interaction, product recommendations, effective problem solving - these are new business opportunities, more effective prevention of cyber attacks, automation of chains, supplies, warehouse operations, acceleration of verification of applicants, vacancies, personnel selection, even disease research, discoveries... what is significant is that artificial intelligence is called the main reason for the growth in smartphone sales in the new year. as examples , they cite the explosive sales of individual models; analysts believe that this is all due to the presence of expanded support for artificial intelligence technologies in them. and in the near future there will be applications that will take on the function of virtual consultant assistant in all matters. from the immediate perspective - improving algorithms for photo processing, text and speech recognition , increasing information. security is perhaps the most noticeable effect of the pandemic; the increase in the number of remote workers will continue in the new year. remote work is back in fashion.
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enterprises will use different models so that employees can work from anywhere in the world, this will help maintain productivity. companies will also be able to access a broader talent pool without geographic restrictions. so there will be peace in the new year as a first approximation, what trends for next year would you bet on? this artificial intelligence is ubiquitous, by the way, we also asked the artificial intelligence what economic events in our country they considered the main ones in 23, there were different options, there were three results accordingly, the first model highlighted the approval of the parameters of socio-economic development for the twenty year, the second model noted the conclusion of an agreement with turkey in the summer and...
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security and we now see that what is happening is food security issues, medical safety issues, they are taking on new importance in african countries, in asian countries and, and this will have a very significant impact on the overall world economy, i think that we will also see an increase in prices for fertilizers. rising food prices and here belarus, which is 100% self-sufficient in food, almost 100%, ensures its own food security, is ready to reach a different level of competitiveness in the world market, expand the boundaries of food supply not only to the countries that we currently supply, but increase the volume of
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product supplies. in the new year 's edition of the economic environment, a new section is not a child's question, we asked our young viewers what economic questions they would like to ask high-ranking experts and prominent economists, systematized them, highlighted the most interesting ones, please, hello, my name is emelia, i am studying at sixty fourth school in third a grade, i have a question: what is economics why do so many people say this? valery ivanovich, can we address this question to you? economics is the science of managing an economy, if so in a literal translation, therefore economics is a set of material goods that a society has, a set of rules for their management, so i
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would say. hello, my name is... marke, i study at secondary school number 64 in minsk in the third grade, i have a question: how can a child choose a profession? here, of course, a big deal will depend on the parents, who should pay attention to the inclinations or talents that the child has, and of course, at his age you always want some kind of courageous professions, yes, they were cosmonauts, these were pilots. yes, firefighters, that is, in any case, today we have a lot of opportunities open for our children, there are open days that you can attend, you can read on the internet, if you are interested in something, so you can choose in any case, in the same sunday school, at your school, ask the teacher,
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and of course this is a family that... hello, my name is vlada, i am in third grade a at secondary school number 64, when i when i grow up, i want to become a veterinarian, i have a question, when i grow up, i need to know mathematics, of course i need to, because in any case, in any case, when the child grows up.
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and dear colleagues, how did you earn your first money? maksimich, do you remember how you earned your first money, i remember very well when i studied, there was also the practice of students working on collective farms, and the first money i
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received was for harvesting, we, i don’t remember, of course, what kind of work there were, but we did everything, picked apples, it was the highest paid job in the summer, well ...not from summer to autumn, you and i are closer to agriculture than we thought before, we raised flax, collected vegetables, but the most frequently used, frequently used labor of schoolchildren was in the assembly, at least in the vitebsk region, where i am from i was born to collect stones for harvesting potatoes. yuri mikhailovich, and you remember? well, dmitrievich, if we proceed from the fact that... for me everything is exactly the same as for maxim leonidovich, when there were holidays between the eighth and ninth grades, i was in the vitebsk region, by the way, in the tolochinsky
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district, in a labor camp, and we weeded carrots and beets, so i received the first money, i couldn’t tear myself away from you, this was also my contribution to the development of agriculture and of course. i proudly gave it to my mother, first, probably, my money was earned in agricultural work, i’m from the village, and there we spent every fall assistance to the subsidiary farm in harvesting, and of course, we also collaborated with the harvester, selling there, for example, manhole, it was such an interesting project, and rowan ash, apples, which otherwise would have been lost. so with the help of schoolchildren, so they brought in the first money, well, not bad , by the way, pay attention to how much we have in common, next, studio, a question for you,
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what subjects do you need to know in order to study economics well and is it difficult to study it in general, as yuri mikhailovich said, you can’t do without mathematics, mathematics is rather not a subject, but a discipline that... a logical way of thinking, and mathematics is important, well, besides mathematics, in order to be an economist...


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