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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 30, 2023 7:15pm-8:16pm MSK

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already that something is wrong, well, i’m trying to switch to some other area, i really like to walk in nature, for example, i love hiking, and i love the dacha, i love going to the forest, to mushrooms, berries and i like to fish, that is, i switch, i need, i need to rest, switch, let’s say you play rock music, yes, switch, a lot of academic music, a lot of jazz, switch to... folk, well, choose some other direction , then it becomes a little easier. do you consider yourself a patriot of belarus and what does it mean to you? patriotism? well, i don’t know what meaning you put into the word patriot, i love my country, i make friends for the good, so that our country prospers, so that specifically in my case, so that the presidential orchestra.
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adequately represented our country on the international stage, so that our people would be proud that we have such a team. let's go to the purple sector, turn left. conductors can sing, of course, they can sing, but you know, a conductor, a professional vocalist and a conductor, well, there’s no need to compare, but there are conductors who purposefully conquer this and study vocal art, of course, but can you sing any song? toy apple trees were scattered, fog was over the river, the main thing was to properly organize the work on the bank of katyusha, on the high bank on the steep bank, and we move on to the yellow sector, imagine?
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unlimited magic wand, great wish, thank you for your answer. vitaly, this signal means that the time for questions to the hero has expired, now you have to choose the best question of this program. well i think it is the best question about family, who asked this question? please, introduce yourself, i am angudinova varvara, i am a student of the eleventh a grade, and i study at kolodyshchansky secondary school number two. according to the rules of our program, the author.
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well, here’s a memorable gift from our team, thank you very much, applause, an absolutely well-deserved gift, now you have the opportunity to ask the children. to become one of the leaders, not only in art, but in and therefore i believe that our country can science and other areas. yes, ours belarus is developing. she strives for
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a good future, i personally am also involved in this, i do programming and promote the city of minsk. our generations , we are becoming more open to the world, we are very versatile people, we are developing in completely different directions, i believe that our belarus has a wonderful future, because the people who live here, we are young, we value our country, we love her, and we want only the best for her. thank you very much, vitaly, it’s time to say goodbye to our audience, goodbye, so, chief conductor of the presidential orchestra vitaly kulbakov, today i’m visiting the program with 100 questions for adults, i’m waiting for you to leave for the site, here i’ll ask you to stay, what was the most important question for you today... for me today the program went
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in one breath, of course i didn’t want to do push-ups, but i promised, now we’ll make up for it behind the scenes, what’s the question? whoever thinks so, raise your hand. i believe that the hero was as frank as possible with us today, because there was honesty and sincerity in his voice and in his eyes. i personally i think that vitaly said everything honestly, because from him you can understand that he is a cheerful, kind and smart person. he
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told us everything very well and was very confident in his words. i believe that vitaly was as frank as possible, because if he told us something wrong. his daughter would definitely correct him. vitali, we have this rule: the hero always has the last word, sum up the conversation that took place. i tried to fully convey in simple language everything that the children asked from me, i hope that they i succeeded, but of course, children and tv viewers will evaluate me. chief conductor of the presidential orchestra. bakov was a guest today on the program 100 questions for adults, see you in a week. watch in the next issue. meet the aura group.
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what age are people? listen to your music , let's check how close you are to us, to young people, did you have complexes as a teenager, how does modern music differ from the music of your childhood, how do you feel about internet addiction in children, were you often punished by your parents, 100 questions for an adult, please tell me how many minutes you can compose? 100 questions for an adult, how to answer everything, adults answer, children ask.
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we follow the sporting life of our country. the miner qualified for the...
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republican tournament on digital banking of the game of the future. we listen to the opinions of competent specialists. there must be a stronger player in some position. now we have signed a big one, because we feel that we are a little lacking under the ring. at least it's a tough game, i'd say the carnage showed what we've got team, and it was not in vain that we worked for a whole year, so to speak. all this is in the sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. hello, we welcome everyone who is with us now, we’ve been thinking for a long time about where to start this time, but since the last days of december are traditionally about the holiday, then this story naturally asks for the foreground , there is little else that is joyful in it, i’ll say right away that in ukraine santa claus is banned, and if someone has forgotten what... the main enemy of ukrainian propaganda looks like, then there is a special memo to help. moreover, animators dressed as santa claus
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they promise to fine and beat. you will also have to answer for your granddaughter snegurochka. well, who instead of them? saint nicholas was appointed as the main symbol of the holiday, and as a sign of the times, this is not the first time he comes to children in an armored vehicle. i don’t know what emotions these pictures evoke in you? what catches my eye are the kids who want a holiday and believe in miracles. that's why they are children.
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or in europe, here we are saving donbass children, we have a whole program, alexey talay, dmitry evgenievich was involved in this, many who are involved in this, children come here, they they are being treated, they are resting, they are suing us for this, and thousands of killed children, children who were illegally taken out, who are being abused, no one cares about this, well, the belarusians really continue to accept children from the front-line cities of the dpr and lpr for rehabilitation. here is another group that has arrived in gomel, 35 people, plus educators
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are included in the same number, in the next 2 weeks, as reported, they will have a health-improving entertainment program, well, it’s a holiday after all, here’s dmitry evgenievich, when you look at this, you understand, what in in the heads of the same people who are frantically looking for someone to replace santa claus, their inflamed brain always throws out a version when they hear the news that another group of children has come to us, that they are stealing children, taking them away for... and organs and others, other nonsense of a madman, here you are, when you meet someone like that, because it’s part of your job to help those who need this help, how do you generally feel about it, how do you generally look at it, like the delirium of a madman, i’ll tell you , because well, you know, when a belarusian person will they say that in europe, civilized countries steal children in order to dismantle them later?
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i want to remind you that in all this time, not a single western ambassador, that’s how much we talk about this, has ever wanted to meet these children here in belarus, although
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we constantly call them, here i am a member of the international commission of the parliament, please come and talk to talk to them, no one wants to. not a single international organization, the so-called western human rights organization, wants to do this for one simple reason, if they arrived, they would immediately have to say that everything is a lie, but they don’t want to, you can’t do this, so such hypocrisy, such lies, it’s hard to imagine, at the same time these same people are already starting to talk about our elections , they already want to talk about our elections, they just started, as soon as the initiative groups were registered, then...
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we all watched how they, i don’t know, tried to arrange a dark one for you, and well, in my opinion, all the laws that may exist in the humanitarian process are, in general, started, you know, for the belarusian red cross, i think that this situation ended well, because you know, uh, well, i have experience and work in the international commission, when i worked... in parliament there was enough for that to create your own stereotype and idea about your opponents, but for colleagues who have worked for a long time in the red cross, who are now continuing to work, who were involved in international humanitarian law, communicated with european colleagues, to explain that they are simply trying to denigrate us, smear us in the dirt and
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to subjugate, it was difficult, but our colleagues...
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the address, what every red cross employee from all those states that are part of it was supposed to do, you are the only one, someone went and was punished for it, of course, because not only alexey konstantinovich talaev and i proved that every last child who vacationed with us is now at home and dreams of going on vacation to belarus again, but with my visit i showed that..
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financing from outside, naturally the international movement has been stopped, but i always tell everyone that the international movement has never allocated a single cent,
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not a single ruble, i don’t know what other currency, for the functioning of services aimed at helping belarusians, and the international red cross movement, of course, helped , firstly, during covid, yes, because this was a world problem and we... to die for the sake of democracy, they have one word for everything: let's talk about democracy, in poland a scandal broke out around the tvp television channel, in which includes an extremist
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editorial board that attacks exclusively belarus, it was like this: polish security forces in masks stood at the entrance and did not let anyone in, others went up to the floors where the office of the television company’s management is located, this is how the tusk government subjugates the media, they have already lost their posts heads of polish television and radio, the polish press agency. despite the fact that they can only be changed by the national media council. local media write that a warsaw man appeared in the office of the now former head of tvp the lawyer announced that he was taking over the management of television, a fight broke out between him and the deputies of the pis party, and the police had to literally throw away the fired propagandists and parliamentarians with their backs, and we see that what is essentially a coup d’etat within a very important sphere of the country’s activities, and without investigative court. and here... how to work and live, here andrei evgenievich, remember how
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we were regularly told that here we have, why are they silent now, why is there silence in this camp, because they are dividing the media the market understands that the struggle for the consciousness of polish society is just beginning, difficult times are ahead for poland, when there will be... society and take any honest polish journalist, he will tell you straight about it, the first purge, by the way, was started by the same tusk, just then acted more carefully with kid gloves, he and his party, his
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clique, they simply bought up, uh, the traditional editorial staff, turning them into the center of soros, connected by grant givers there with germany, with brussels and so on, then kaczynski came, realized that buy everything these centers, which have become all these instead of the editorial office... the journalistic community will not work, they broke through the knee, someone was captured, there a small part was pressed through orlin, there were other various business communities, but mostly they were captured, now here is the last attack, the capture of tvp, what he is talking about, he says that tusk and the team that came with him do not feel strong, they demonstrated their weakness with this brutal capture.
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not from washington who will not threaten tusk with sanctions, because their own, depending on who is in he'll sit down in washington, maybe they'll threaten him. naturally, yes, especially since tusk now corresponds to the interests of brussels and berlin, it was not for nothing that kochinsky called him a german agent right in the sejm building, but i want to say something else, i want to say that since such a leapfrog is happening in poland, it is no longer clear who to believe, i suggest that poles, including our citizens and citizens of poland, listen to international radio belarus, watch it on youtube, where my polish colleagues and i cover our relations in polish.
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activists of the serbia movement against violence. of course, the main weapon is discontent. they are not embarrassed that twice as many serbs voted for vucic. every maidan, be it in kiev, minsk or belgrade, has one answer: the result was rigged, you give a recount. we leaf through the usual training manual, we remember ribbons, flashlights, car horns , etc., and of course, peaceful people who are against violence, the first thing they do is storm the city hall, break windows, break doors,
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fly to the police to...
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for their opinion, you know how only some of the european union countries have their point of view, which they are obliged to, have every right to express, and to their opponents, in order for there to be dialogue, in order for there to be common sense, this country immediately goes into oblivion, this situation that has now occurred, an attempt by the state revolution, and we must... everyone call a spade a spade, it clearly showed, yes, that the manual is a general one, it’s probably already dirty, so no one is going to not reprint it, not update it, and why does it work anyway, it works anyway, of course, that's what what’s happening now, look , government buildings have been destroyed, yes, a large number of them are being captured , all these rebels are being arrested, everything else is going on, and this is
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a classic and... so, in principle, europe shows that dear colleagues, we really recognize your neutrality, we really recognize your opinion, but it is not particularly interesting to us, because it exists and... and is worthless, and as soon as not only serbia, hungary, slovakia now, they will prepare maidans there, orban will also prepare a maidan, because he does not suit them, he does not wants war, he says that europe should be independent, and the point is not even in the war
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, as soon as a politician appears in germany, for example, the alternative for germany party, in france marie lupine, in austria, the freedom party, which spoke about this, a politician appears , who is not even talking about the war in ukraine, he says: listen, but... don’t you think that europe should decide its own destiny, don’t you think that we should build a policy not to please the white house, to please our national interests when someone is telling the truth that today europe is in a deep crisis, a migration crisis, look what is happening this week in slovenia, they found another camp with militants, refugees, which means that countries have begun to draw borders among themselves, germany is checking every car, which comes from poland, the migration crisis became uncontrollable after.
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and they will never be forgiven for this, until europe becomes independent, this will continue, the post-soviet space is no exception, look at all our maidans after the collapse of the ussr, all the maidans were due to geopolitics, torn away from russia, turned 180° in the other direction, no one thinks about the people anywhere, there is only one scenario: elections, democracy, they didn’t vote, they voted, they didn’t even look at these elections, they were preparing the maidan.
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that it’s time for the serbs to make up their minds , after all, what is happening now on the streets of belgrade, it should push the tenacious one to more confidently build interaction with truly friendly minsk and moscow, like you you think, well, of course i i think that this factor will influence, it’s another matter
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how to do it, because serbia is surrounded on all sides by nato and eu countries, it is very difficult to change its geographical position, especially since i see the following background in these events - let’s remember the recent statements by the leadership of the eec and barel and charles michel that the european union is going to expand to the next 10 countries, which include all the balkan states, that is, including serbia. this means that they are not going to stop expansion, they need to remove obstacles along the way, naturally, the vucic government, which is showing miracles of balancing act in this situation, makes it very difficult to be an alliance.
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this story, yesterday i talked with my serbian friends, here is gorn šimpraga,
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i know that he gave interviews to the largest belarusian television media, i asked what is going on there, will this maidan scenario, a coup d’état , be launched in serbia again, well, remembering the yugoslav ones events, and he said: “you know, it won’t work, but why? because belarus, our successful decision, repelling the coup attack, became kind of." here, you know, the role of such an antidote
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against these, this maidan virus, played a role in this, the merit of the belarusian system? let's check for a couple of minutes, after which there are two more important topics that need to be discussed today, stay with by us. we are on expedition in the depths of our country. as you know , we are gathering a friendly campaign for the sake of the slavic charg van, acquaintance with our talented fellow countrymen, saving the agul cultural decline now, today's worlds and sacred people. missed aktsyabrsky district in advance. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. here, your european farmers began to eat a happy drop of plowing.
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we, so to speak, slavs, were, as it were, forced to kill each other, and we did not
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have enough inner wisdom to avoid this, in war you already understand that there is nothing more important than a person, you, despite the fact that there are no resources, maximum justice has been built, justice is not what is trending now, but in our state, our people have a demand for justice, including for in the international arena, once you become the same beasts as your enemies, have you lost even if you have won? if we stop being people, we will lose , even if we formally win , this is our success, this is the fact that we are still holding on to this, markov’s project is nothing personal, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, we continue, ukraine, information from the chief of the russian general staff gerasimov, ukrainian losses. troops in six months in all directions amounted to about 160,000 people,
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against this background even colossal losses pale technology. at the last program, we discussed plans to call up women to the front, and in the meantime, ukraine, in search of new soldiers, intends to call up ukrainian men who are abroad from the reserves for military service next year. it's interesting how they look at this in europe. it is in the interests of germany to return ukrainians of military age to ukraine, says a correspondent for focus magazine. ulrich reitz, expressing the opinion of many, according to him, much fewer ukrainians work in germany than in other countries, therefore, they, quote, overstaying are stuck on civil benefits. well, one more opinion, before we begin the discussion: ukraine no longer exists, just recently the main singer of the imminent ukrainian victory, alexey aristovich, pronounces sentences on ukraine, let’s listen: ukraine no longer exists, that old ukraine, which is a project that was built at the same time monoethical and
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monocultural from the borders of the ninety-first year, it was initially an absolutely unviable project, it was only a matter of time, putin or pupkin or navalny, who? khristovich, my god, he licked from toe to toe the heads of vladimir aleksandrovich zelensky, sergeevich is right here, and the first betrayed, the first fled, i am sure that now in this, in this clique of ukrainian oligarchs, they are simply dividing these propagandists, which means who will sing from which bell tower, for which
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oligarchic clan and which ones to bargain after the war, preferences for this or that oligarch and his interests, what will they do next with this ukraine...
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but how did it all begin, where does it all begin? i remember all the time the words of our president, when he told many ukrainians the president, both before these events and after these events, said: the most important thing is that you do not lose the opportunity to decide your fate yourself, and this happened, this is the biggest tragedy of ukraine, the ukrainian people, there is no ukraine, they do not decide their fate, today the fate of ukraine, everything in ukraine is decided except by the ukrainians themselves. how did it all begin with the loss of sovereignty? this is a business project on the fate of a destroyed, destroyed people, it’s a tragedy that they don’t solve anything, and there will be negotiations without them, there will be negotiations, the white house, moscow, europe, no one will ask , and even more so ukraine, that’s what’s tragic , you know, i want to emphasize one
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point that was talked about, yes, but probably not everyone fully understands, this is the conversation that is now goes to european countries. in general, in 2.0 years of existence, this has never happened, this is a gross violation of human rights and freedoms, because if a person flees from a military conflict to another country, it must accept him, regardless of nationality, regardless of where he is from
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came, what religion and so on, his country must be protected by another country that accepts him, now, well, imagine, let’s take the same eritrea there, when... people come running to belarus, because there is a war going on there either with some another country, and what to bring them back so that they fight, yes , these are the people who are fleeing, fleeing, saving themselves, saving their lives, another thing is those who remained, they may share one side or another, they are determined in order to stay here, people are saved from the war in other countries, now, well, yes... of course it’s expensive to maintain, well, 4.5 million fled, yes, well, let there be three left now, germany, it’s hard, the economy, we, we declared the russian federation, sorry , sanctions. lost 102 billion euros in a year, the european union lost , we are bringing them back, i remember we said that
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the americans, the germans, no one will ever fight for the ukrainians, for no one, no one they have ever fought, so it’s natural, they will be like -solve problems, ukrainians are running out, what should americans do? they will go to war, they don’t need it, they have never won a single war in their lives, they lost in vietnam, they came to iraq when it was simply destroyed from all sides. and one more thing, our fugitives are mobilized, they are sitting there, let them wait, now they are sitting, and tomorrow they will be told to either go to fight in belarus, carry out terrorist attacks, they are already saying, and then go there, because what is their thesis, they they themselves said it, at the beginning there is the victory of ukraine, then the liberation of belarus, so go and liberate them, so soon they will be sent there too, because they are of no use anyway for the west there is no, there is nowhere to invest money, so they will send it to terrorist attacks in the war, alexey. well, first of all, i would like to say that those citizens of ukraine who chose belarus and russia, they acted wisely, this
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will not happen to them, the fate that awaits them in the west does not await them here, here they will be accepted as close, dear people , and they will help, including getting settled in a new life, if they really chose our state, and not the destroyed ukraine, well, about aristovich, well, comment here nothing, that is, extreme cynicism , he is that... there is no ukraine, he knew, in general, from the very beginning, but he played this role, there obviously for money, for some goodies, and what he says , the leadership of ukraine already understands this, but the contract was signed in blood, so in order to bring this drama to an end, and what is the goal, well , the strategic goal of the west does not change, to inflict maximum damage, not even to russia, but to the east slavic...
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of the key ones in 2024, macron said. europe's sovereignty is at stake. we are not we can allow russia to win,
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macron said, hastening to add that france is not at war with russia. the parameter of the wonderful garden does not lag behind in its assessments of the dope. jose borel, head of european diplomacy, sees it this way. europe must stand on the side of ukraine, because russia poses a strategic threat to the eu. well, these are already concrete steps: germany will deploy a new one... from the border with russia, a german unit of about 500 people will be stationed in lithuania, with such politicians neither the germans nor the french need enemies, it seems scholz, macron and barel will do all the dirty work with their own hands, and by the way, in st. petersburg, journalists asked the belarusian president about barel, that’s how it was, the topic is just spreading, that borel said, and in the european union that a little isn’t russia going to attack nato, that is, right now...
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we recognize you from the architectural memories of belarus from different eras and styles. here we are trotting the french baroque with elements of saxon embellishments. the palace itself is unpainted, great jumpers. byzantine architecture, which has passed its time with a bang, has floated on the ancient russian style. and that’s all that we know from the kansy 19th century, geta uzho tsalkam...
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the plot, softened such a cartouche was given just like the business card of sennya, yayulenne, who is the gaspadar, what is the geta budynak, pseudo-russian style like that m chynam dasyagaў svoy mety, theater as a center , public month in the city, said that the racial empire is serious and necessary here. gladzitsa ў prektse architecture of belarus on our tv channel. ecology of our the planet is under attack, and this was discussed a lot at the climate summit in dubai. alexander lukashenko spoke to world leaders with an inconvenient truth. this speech is already part of world history. those who even performed here during the first births, who are concerned about their grandchildren, are the ones who are fighting these wars. and wars mean terrible pollution of the planets. the european commission
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and the united states continue to sponsor belarusian fugitive extremists and swindlers. however. while the appetites of the latter are growing, trust in them is falling. one of the studies of liquidated offices press club belarus. according to all sociological studies conducted , the belarusian population supports alexander lukashenko. three visits in a week, trampling sanctions into the sand in different parts of the planet, synchronizing watches with the emirates and equatorial guinea. the east asian wind of change is like a lump in the throat for the west; there is nothing that does not work. this is about belarus and china. on the main broadcast, watch on the belarus24 tv channel. literally one line, well, you can’t even think of anything better here, about the fool barel, this is not only we think so, this is how we perceive the european, the head of european diplomacy,
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the most authoritative american building of politics. it means that she awarded bareilles the anti-dumbo award from diplomacy, it’s difficult to add anything here, that’s how they all see him, well, on the one hand, it’s comically funny, and you can evaluate the mental and political abilities of all these appointed, self-appointed, self-proclaimed leaders, the so-called european union, on the other hand, there is a dangerous overtone, this is already being spelled out in european such public space. they are starting to talk about what you know, the threats now facing the european union are such that, well, we need to take a few steps back in the issue of european democracy, yeah, that is, we have climate change, which means terrible changes, let’s introduce, that means , climate dictatorship, let's roll back on human rights, it didn't happen with covid, when
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they wanted to deprive everyone of social... they are thinking through the scenario in many ways, the european union elites are already somewhere . it seems to me that these dwarf, in real fascisation, real fascisation and denial of basic social political rights, well, listen, even these limiters. the baltic states say this: take estonia, where they say: well, yes, 70% of people want me to leave, but these same people did not elect me, they cannot remove me, regions that did not vote, did not vote will not receive european money , this is the most dangerous thing, because this fascisation, which took place at the level of symbols, meanings, rhetoric, the burning of the ban on books,
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authors, russian classical literature, it may simply become... a new political dominant reality, and how can we then coexist with it? of course, there is a big question here, here is mr. macron, who says that it means the sovereignty of europe is at stake, continues to destroy it every day, that is, lying under biden, and now let’s take history, russia has been threatening, since the collapse of the ussr, what russia has done for europe, supplied cheap gas, supplied oil, the best minds after the collapse of the ussr, europe. did everything in order to lure them, we remember this time, further, what happened, where all russian businessmen tried to keep money in europe, that is, russia fed this europe for almost decades there, and today they say that russia is threatening, russia simply said, guys, live at your own expense, belarus said, we we ourselves will decide our fate, that is, these people who
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macron, barel, the president correctly assessed have... abilities, these are people, it’s not even that the point is that he’s a fool, although he’s a blockhead, the fact is that people working not in the interests of europeans, not in the interests of the european union is not in the interests of the germans.
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