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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 30, 2023 8:25pm-9:00pm MSK

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everyone in the world likes the way we live and the fact that, unfortunately, we even just exist, so we all have good health, good mood and common sense, it never hurts, that’s all for today, see you next year, with upcoming, happy, everything that... modern belarus lives today, watch on the belarus24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, and captivating.
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for all ages, in countries: travel around the country, feature films azerbaijan, kazakhstan , turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan , georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish azer space 1 satellite . the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. teroszarosnik iura.
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the profession of a doctor is complex, it is not only communication capabilities, not only communication with patients, but also knowledge of all technological processes, provision of medical care, modern equipment that is in the arsenal of a doctor or specialist; only by combining, let’s say, all these issues can you become a good professional in your field. i believe that
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the profession of doctors, of course, is only by vocation, both our applicants and our students who study at our university, their main motivational factor is the opportunity to help the people of our country. my name is sergei rubnikovich, i am the rector of the belarusian state medical university. the main mission of our university is preparation. highly qualified, competitive specialists in the field of medicine and pharmacy. at the rector's. an irregular working day,
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for me it always starts at 7:20 in the morning, but it can end at 10:00 in the evening, depending on the planned events, a planning meeting with our heads of structural divisions, with projectors, speakers, heads of departments, where we clearly define with plans for this week, and we discuss the issues that were made last week. good afternoon. colleagues, today we are holding our next meeting, our rectorate, one of our most important issues is the practice-oriented training of our students, just today we will consider the issue of practicing these practical skills in our republican simulation center, at least once a week this is a visit to one of the departments at clinical sites, i work full-time, i lead a student group and give lectures to our...
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belarusian state medical university, well, in general it’s unique educational institution, our university is more than 100 years old, it was created in 1921 within the framework of the faculty at the belarusian state university, subsequently in
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1930 it was already reorganized as the belarusian medical institute, we are doing a lot of profit-making work with ours... 397 397 almost 400 points, you see, these are unique students, for admission to our university, depending on the profile, we have several admission systems, this is the target form of preparation at our
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university, according to which we are expanding it, if last year it was 60-80%, this year we also save the year, according to this, let’s say, algorithm they come and publish.
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international olympiads, international conferences, guys who are part of the bank of gifted youth, who have certain preferences and come to us without exams. our university has five main faculties, which represent five main specialties into which our applicants enroll and become students: general medicine, pediatrics, dentistry, preventive medicine and pharmacy. i am studying at the faculty of pharmacy fourth year student, since childhood i dreamed of becoming a pharmacist, i was fond of medicines, studied instructions for use, so i had no difficulties in choosing a future profession. it is quite difficult to study, because we interact with people, and people are
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different, and of course it is difficult to treat people, because there is a fairly large number of diseases that must be cured; it is also difficult to prescribe the right medicine.
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for one year they undergo an internship, the so-called on -the-job internship, under the supervision of a mentor, as as a rule, a medical department, an experienced doctor , a specialist, subsequently they are distributed to healthcare institutions of the republic of belarus, where they fully work out their terms of work, as a rule, these are all our city clinics, they are mainly distributed by general practitioners, and also specialized healthcare institutions.
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faculty. in the future, this subordination allows me to choose a narrower specialization, i can become a cardiologist, and i achieved my goal - i entered pediatrics nephrologist, you can become an endocrinologist , which i will like , depending on my choice, but at the moment i think that i would like to start with a children's infectious diseases hospital, i would like to become a pediatrician there, maybe in the future i will become a pediatric infectious disease specialist in order to work more closely with this category of diseases. at our university, all 100 pro...
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in the structure of the university there are 11 faculties, of which seven faculties work in undergraduate education, four faculties are engaged in the training of medical specialists at the postgraduate stage of their training, except this university has 122 departments, 34 theoretical or fundamental departments, where our students study, and 88 clinical departments, located at more than 80 clinical sites in our country. currently, the belarusian state medical university includes three institutes:
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the institute for advanced training and retraining of health care personnel, the research institute of experimental clinical medicine and the military medical institute. military medical institute in the belarusian state educational institution the medical university is a unified educational, methodological scientific center for the training of personnel officers of the medical service. for the armed forces, other troops, military formations and military organizations. the institute is the only educational institution in our country that trains military medical personnel. the military medical institute has four departments: the department of organizing medical support for disaster medicine troops, the department of military epidemiology, military hygiene, department of military field surgery and department of military field therapy. the situation is two victims in... tb , in which the car is in danger, yes, the maxima works, contact,
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just gets out of hand, cadets at the military medical institute are trained in programs in the specialty of general medicine, profiling, military medicine, then is available along with training on medical staff training plans. cadets and students of the military medical institute are undergoing additional study of the military, military medical disciplines, this is a fundamental difference: we prepare our graduates to work in absolutely any situation, from the battlefield to the organization of medical support, the functioning of military medical healthcare organizations.
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we know exactly how to start the morning correctly, my secret is to wake up with a smile, then the day will go positively. olga, what are we going to cook today? today you and i will cook rice pancakes to drink, we usually eat cheesecakes, and i’ll make buckwheat. oh, is there a place in your life for hobbies? mash, i learned a long time ago to rest at work, work on vacation, and we will get the boost of necessary energy. place nut and vegetable pate on the pancakes, roll them into a tube, serve with yogurt sauce, your home champions will appreciate this
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breakfast. watch breakfast of the champion on tv. let's remember the folk traditions, here we have the famous garadian traditions, skin day, and the day's beautiful dances , the sounds of the belarusian fanfare, this trumpeter, etc. thank you grodzen residents, everything is good and calm. this whole theatrical pabudova
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adzinaya in belarus since 19 centuries, which was greedy for these hours. we have more than 800 graduate teachers, these are our doctors, candidates of medical sciences, associate professors, professors , three academicians, five corresponding members of the national academy of sciences, a people's doctor, as well as honored scientists and honored workers and honored doctors of the republic of belarus work at the university, we are of course proud of the heritage that
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over the course of 100 years, it has been formed thanks to our professorial and teaching staff. composition, i have been teaching for many, many years, almost half a century, each student is an individual, in the first years it sometimes happens that they are so rough, like ordinary teenagers, but then they understand that we are on guard, in general their interests, we try to give them knowledge, help them get settled in life , we find a common language with them, yes, of course, every teacher here is engaged in scientific research, i, of course, have been doing it all my life, i have my own school, i have doctoral students, graduate students, there are already defended ones, well, of course, science, i can say that it takes up no less, and somewhere even more, in the life of any teacher, well, more, of course, free time, personal time , but without it it is impossible to grow, and the quality of the educational
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process without science, it certainly will not be good enough. without confirmation specifically from their medical councils, already working in clinical practice without confirmation from the ministry of health to which they come is of course, it is a dignity and advantage for us. i am from ecuador, i decided to study
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in belarus, because well, in our country they told us that... you have a very good education about medicine, i have already lived here for almost 5 years, but when foreigners came here, it is necessary to do preparatory department, well, we study russian for one year, and then we enter the university, the belarusian university of minsk, i really liked it, a good teacher, he has the patience to teach foreigners, so well, everything is good for me, actually good job medical.
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departments are taught in english, currently we, in fact , provide all our students, both our domestic ones and those studying from abroad, with a 100% opportunity to live in our comfortable dormitories of the belarusian state medical university. our university is developing, it is improving, improving, of course , to improve the material and technical base. we are located at the department of normal anatomy, in our department there are first- and second-year students study the subject of human anatomy, and one
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of the main tasks, the most important, is what we want to convey to students - this is not only to tell about a person’s mood, but also to ensure maximum clarity of what we talk about, what we demonstrate, that’s why in our department we have a rich museum collection. table, to remove unnecessary things, to show more, in which we can show all the structures, a reference to the microscopic structure of the organ, which students study with us at the macroscopic level. for our modern for students who have already grown up with a phone and a tablet, it is very important to have the option. and work and see on such three-dimensional models, on some new modern technology. any specialist, doctor, he must
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do science, and we students also develop the ability to do science, we have student clubs in all departments of our university, both fundamental and clinical, already from the first year our teachers motivate our students to do science, in our... students developed a special program applications for digitizing histological sections, which also allows for the most effective and timely diagnosis
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of various diseases. in addition, together with our students and teachers, we developed and demonstrated last year a special device for feeding after complex facial surgeries, and much, much more, which... made a special anti-snoring mouthguard that allows you to eliminate these stopping syndromes breathing, and often guarded, here is our
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the patient has already been using this mouth guard for more than 5 years, the mechanism of action of this mouth guard is that by making an individual mouth guard for the upper and lower jaws, when the patient sleeps, the lower jaw moves, this breathing tube, the upper respiratory tract... especially when the patient is sleeping on his back, it simply does not close, pushing the lower jaw to this given certain distance, which is calculated based on the x-ray data of the state of the dental system, let’s say, this moment of artificial closure of the airways is eliminated. of course , the main point of training our specialists, be it a student or a doctor , is of course practice-oriented, these are the main points of practicing all practical skills in clinics, all high-tech treatment methods, and
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of course, using. our modern simulation equipment that we have in our arsenal. we travel around belarus and discover new sights. every city has sculptures with their own symbolic meaning, and as a rule they are located in the center. meet, this is valentin and valentina , let’s get acquainted with the original belarusian traditions , i haven’t hit you yet, well, i’m immediately scared, you ’re not scared, i’m scared, hitting, of course, hurts, no, tell me, what could a woman in such an outfit do, probably, to control the work of the servants, the most important thing is that we experience vivid emotions, so, guys, how
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did i fit into your team? take it, i ’m really thinking about buying a jacuzzi, i’ll add milk and honey to it every evening and feel like cleopatra, the project route has been built, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel, as you know, i warm up all my muscles, by the way, the same applies to my head. the participants of this show believe that competitions need to warm up well and pump up not only the muscles, but also the brain. what is the metal rod of a barbell called? alexander, vulture, vulture, of course, friends, let's join in. they compete to see who is more intellectually savvy. about what kind of
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sport in great britain.
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thanks to the support of the head of state, our republican center for professional certification and simulation training.
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the center consists of a simulation clinic, where there are eight modules on anatomy, reflexology, surgery, anesthesiology, resuscitation, obstetrics, gynecology, dentistry, pharmacy and other areas, where all our educational basic programs are implemented in terms of practicing practical skills, but also certification of those skills , which our medical specialists and, of course, students must master, all
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of our... have worked out some basic skills, there were no excitement, respectively, so that we know what we are doing. this is a room for conducting alomethological activities, where our students, sixth-year subordinates of the belarusian state medical university, are practicing the skills of providing emergency assistance in
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various clinical situations, cardiac arrest, some other moments, loss of consciousness, and so on and so forth. further. you and i are in a hybrid cardiac surgery operating room, where we have. for training operations, performing open heart surgery using a cardiopulmonary bypass machine, this is the only simulator in our country that allows training at this level, in the same office we have a device that is used for training x-ray vascular surgeons, this is the second device in the country , well, specialists in x-ray endovascular surgery, they are unique and have the opportunity to study with us, in the republican...
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responsibilities, for this i have all the strength, i have the energy to provide everything the quality of the work of the rector at the university. one of my main tasks is , of course, i would like to preserve the level that has already been achieved by our previous generations, the traditions that have been laid over the years, to preserve our full-fledged team, a like-minded team, faculty, and of course also, to introduce new technology into our educational process, to introduce innovative methods, digital methods into the educational process, into management the structure of the university, well, i would like our university to always be in the top five
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best universities in the world.
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good evening, panorama is live, ekaterina tikhomirov is with you.


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