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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 30, 2023 9:00pm-9:40pm MSK

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on the threshold of the holiday, the events of the year, its failure, what to watch on tv, we will talk about trends in predictions, shame and the person of the year, prizes in nominations, the experts of the editors club sum up the results of 2023, immediately after the panorama. the kiev junta does not even allow its disabled people to go abroad and shoots civilians . russia requested un meetings after
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the terrorist attack. see also in the issue. the year of the green wooden dragon is upon us. what the new year 2024 promises to be like, to whom it will bring good luck, and how to celebrate it, we will tell you in the material. clear and transparent principles of trade markups for retailers and importers in belarus , a new regulatory system will be in effect from january 1. price all the details are first-hand from the relevant ministry. whether there is a lot of care, more and more adults are becoming fairy-tale wizards. the charity event our children visited the molodechny district. without ties, but in bow ties, accompanied by a musical band. the main final information and analytical program for belarus-1 is being prepared for the 2024 meeting. why is it worth turning on the first button. busy year
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for belarusian athletes, despite all the restrictions, our athletes climbed to the podium, including at the world championships, we’ll talk about the most high-profile victories of 2023 very soon. the pre-new year bustle and excitement in shopping centers in belarus are preparing for the holidays, how the residents of our country decorate the main coniferous symbol and what is new. trends on social networks have gone viral, we will tell you in the report. there is very little time left until the main night of winter; 2024 is already on the threshold of the time of final preparations and new year's bustle. what should be on table, which outfits are best to choose and which new year's tv has been prepared for you on the first button. we’ll look at the ingredients today in a panorama, but right now the most important thing. give good. the charity
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marathon our children embraces more and more little hearts day after day and goes around every corner of belarus. santa claus snow maiden in the company of the mysterious moon astronaut. today we visited the children from the molodechensk children's social shelter. "fox snowflakes, spider-man, dunno, outdoor mouse, chess queen in the company snowy and other fairy-tale characters aged from 3 to 13, danced in circles, traveled around the planets, shared magic candies in a dispute for the title of the most generous, and themselves gave their adult guests a sea of ​​positivity and smiles. and the head of the presidential sports club, dmitry lukashenko, came to visit the guys, with his wife anna and..." we would not be without sports equipment,
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better yet, they will be useful for winter activities. brand new skates, ski boots, we would like to congratulate you all. upcoming holidays, i wish you to have a lot of happiness in the coming year, a lot of smiles, a lot of...
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13 concerns primarily the optimization of the work of manufacturers, retail chains and sellers. thus, the concept of fair pricing, advocated by the head of state, continues to improve. for example, retail is allowed to raise prices by a maximum of 3% monthly. this
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step was not agreed upon anywhere. prices for vegetables from the so-called borscht set, as well as apples, cucumbers, and tomatoes are regulated separately. they can be promoted. by a maximum of 3.5% compared to the same month last year. such measures should eliminate chaotic pricing for these products in the off-season. a separate group of goods, including, for example, some auto parts, is taken under the special control of the ministry. in addition, a maximum limit of premiums is being introduced for importing companies for those goods whose analogues are produced in belarus in sufficient volume. 49 product groups are being introduced for them. the maximum limit of import markup is not more than 15%. this will allow truly domestic producers promote in the domestic market, 17 goods have also been added to the list that will also be subject to regulation, they were not there before, this is a small number, we are
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simply bringing it into line, it concerns some types of dairy products, freezers, some types of automobile spare parts, if we speak specifically for each of us, because we are interested in these percentages, but... it’s quite clear that if we come to the store and this is the permitted step that it exists today, this is a real change in a few kopecks, the consumer won’t even really feel that the price has changed in any way. there is no rush observed, everything is working as planned, business entities, both manufacturers and the trading link, knew about these changes and prepared in advance. as reported today by the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade, inflation at the end of the year will not exceed 6%. the same level is included in forecasts for next year. more information about the new price regulation rules will be available in march. will work there tomorrow hotline from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. details on the ministry's website. and more rules: how
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to celebrate the year of the green wooden dragon. according to chinese mythology, this figure is a symbol of power, honor and nobility. what does the year promise to be like, who will it bring good luck, what should we celebrate it with? this. by the way, these are the main questions that people asked during the new year's eve. my colleague victoria sharkova also looked into astro forecasts. this year, stylists recommend choosing bright colors, primarily green, red and gold. catchy accent along with it wouldn't hurt either. it could be sequins, slits or a full skirt. and if for a corporate party it is appropriate to dress from head to toe in singing suits, then for home gatherings a cozy suit will be quite enough. the main thing is your favorite colors. dragon a little secret: to attract wealth next year, you need the item in your look to be new, you don’t have to buy a completely new set, but just one thing is enough, let it be earrings, let it be some other interesting jewelry, but definitely something new. it is believed that
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under the auspices of the dragon , perhaps the most successful times always pass, but 2024 will be a leap year and it will make its own adjustments. it's worth waiting. with marriage or married life, you need to be careful with investing money, and you shouldn’t invest money anywhere, because this year it will be associated with the fact that people should learn to count, plan, while jupiter is in the same sign with uranus, it will be, uranus will be provoke jupiter and people to, ah, for easy money, for quick money, and it's better not to do this. to appease the dragon, you should pay special attention to the new year's table. it is mandatory to place a vase or plate of fruit on the table. orange red shades. the predator will also rejoice at well-cooked meat, to which spicy sauce will add piquancy. you should not serve a rabbit dish. it is believed that the future patron will be unpleasant to see on the table the animal that, according to legend, he saved. by the way, it is the rabbit who passes the baton to the dragon,
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so in the new year he will take up his reins board on february 10. when it comes to gifts for loved ones, this time experts advise giving money, and preferably something you can keep. hands, it is best to put some amount, albeit a small one, in a golden or red envelope, but what cannot be given is everything that concerns the flame, for the dragon, the fire element is only its privilege. and what the new year 2024 will be like, we will find out very soon, and the main thing is to believe that the wishes made on new year’s eve will definitely come true. victoria sharkova, andrey novgorodtsev and anzor tuzhaev, television news agency. traditionally, we accept congratulations on these pre-holiday days; greetings to belarusians from russian stars. alexander olezhka wishes more joy and harmony in everyone’s life in the new year.
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dear respected belarusian friends, shanovnye sebras, i sincerely greet you and congratulate you on the new year 2024, on my own behalf, from the vakhtangov theater, where i am now in the center of moscow, i wish you energy, health, continuation of life, faith in the future, i know for sure that everyone has us. like in a fairy tale, everything will be fine, because we know what real communication, true friendship, mutual respect, support are, because we know what values ​​and traditions are that we must cherish, i really want to wish us all peace, i i really want to wish us all harmony and pure joy, well, in the new year, as is customary, good mood, please live long, be happy, healthy, with all my heart. happy new year, your alexander olezhka. on december 31
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, create the magic and atmosphere of the main night of the country there will be tv channel belarus 1. in primetime the first button is a festive concert. everyone's favorite retro songs performed by the finalists of the most popular domestic music project factorby. the main new year's compositions in a modern way in a new design of bright and... unusual productions from honored people's artists of belarus. we invite you to sing along and recharge your spirits immediately after the main broadcast. new year is not only on the first button, a festive marathon, on the youth double. tv channel belarus 2 will take viewers into the scenery palace of the republic, and the show my family will offer actives.
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the presenters of the project, together with the heroes of the media agenda, will sum up the results of the year. for such an occasion, i had to change my usual studio and move to a more spacious belarus film pavilion. what surprises is the main information and analytical program preparing for belarus? 1. festive menu in the report by nina mozheika. our favorite dish on the holiday table is olivier salad. like the new year's main broadcast in good quality, the ingredients are familiar, and each housewife has her own recipe, here are the main analysts on
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first button, the final issue was done in its own way and spiced up too, it definitely won’t be boring, but you’ll keep your figure, new year’s dreams come true, the main broadcast decided not to put off the most delicious things for the holidays, a change from the office driskod, a floor-length evening dress and stiletto heels, so i have there is always a life hack for this case, some comfortable shoes today are these boots, it seems to me that they suit my cheerful image, a tie is also not useful. on december 31st, gentlemen will prefer butterflies. there was certainly a butterfly, but until now i haven't used it yet. we would like for us not to be a little out of such a strict information format in these few hours before the new year, yes, when everyone is probably already at the festive table or completing the last preparations, in such a comfortable, cozy, again bright atmosphere, to remember these events.
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any high-quality product is one that is interesting to watch, i really want to re-watch it, i hope that this is how our new year's pre-new year's main broadcast will turn out. for a high-quality picture the sincerity of the plan is answered by the director of the project
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ilya krevchik, this is through his eyes throughout 2023, you watched the broadcast from the ceremony. cheeks, a beautiful interior, a beautiful studio, naturally, this element of some kind of voyeurism is also present. the heroes of the new year's broadcast will be those who created exclusive content, like agricultural bloggers from krutilovichi. the twenty-third year is probably for us, if in general, this is probably the brightest year in terms of blogging, in terms of some kind of media, absolutely all tv channels visited, here is your very first first
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belarus opens alone, everyone else , the country fell in love with us, we launched this right i... this is the most important thing, we succeeded, we are at home, and if suddenly the broadcast catches you far from belarus, it will be at home together with the belarus24 tv channel, it will the satellite will be shown a special broadcast. the broadcast of the main broadcast , it seems to me, beats all possible ratings, because this program is at the top among projects in belarus, well, on belarus 24, a satellite
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tv channel all over the world. the main new year's gift that tv viewers deserve ether. politicians, we’ll season everything with congratulations, we’ll add a spoonful of tint in the form of a western battle with bright performances with a dragon, and of course, children, we wrote new
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songs especially for you, they’re about kindness, a fairy tale, for them this is the most important thing in the world. so, december 31, 9 pm, belarus 1 and belarus 24, take your seats in front of the screen in your apartment. it’s never too late to dream, to hide as far as possible in the new year, this is what many ukrainian men are likely to do. because of the upcoming law on total mobilization. security officials warned that general raids were coming, the curfew will be strictly enforced. violators will be taken to heaven by police departments, and military registration and enlistment offices are actively interested in such persons; this, by the way, is a direct quote from the national police. in other words, because of the new year’s table there is a risk of going straight to the front;
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there is already a real collapse on the western borders of ukraine. eyewitnesses report on social networks that from now on... public services and the coolest thing is that you will have restrictions on the use of your personal funds, so you will come to the bank, i want to withdraw my money earned, and the bank will tell you: military id, please, jumped, great, everyone who jumped and jumped for these clowns, please, now you have the opportunity to show your patriotism,
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fight, yeah, as a result in the ukrainian-polish huge queues of passenger buses and other vehicles have formed at the border; even truckers are not allowed out; on the ukrainian-moldavian border the situation is similar; neither the authorities nor the speakers of aggressive propaganda are commenting on what is happening. and this is the next one terrorist act by the kiev regime. the center of belgorod came under massive shelling this afternoon. according to the russian ministry of emergency situations, 14 people died, including three children. another 108 residents were injured, 15 of them minors, four children are in serious condition in intensive care. judging by the nature of the attacks, their purpose was purely terrorist in nature. according to official sources, the strikes were from the ukrainian armed forces. the military facility was not damaged. civilian targets were hit, but not a single one the city center, where there are many holidaymakers on holiday. one of the shells fell on the skating rink,
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which is located on the cathedral square. about twenty houses, power lines, and a sports complex were damaged. 100 cars were destroyed, emergency services are now on the scene, eyewitnesses report that this shelling was the strongest during the entire special operation. the russian ministry of defense clarified that the kiev regime attempted to launch an indiscriminate combined strike on the city with two alha missiles in prohibited cluster ammunition, as well as shells multiple launch rocket system. czech production, in connection with this, russia requested a meeting of the un council obliging the czech republic to come there, as stated by the press secretary of the russian foreign ministry maria zakharova, behind the terrorist attack in belgorod is
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britain, which, in coordination with the united states , incites the kiev regime to terrorist actions. these words are confirmed by irish businessman chey bowes, who was in the city during the attack. quote: ukrainian army, financed, led and armed. nato just bombed the peaceful center of a russian city belgorod. they made a direct attack on the city center to kill innocent civilians, no. there is no military infrastructure here. i 've been here myself. this is murder, bulls writes on his twitter. the past year has been the worst for the dollar since the pandemic. bloomberg gives this assessment of this currency. in 2023, the american index lost almost 3%. this is the sharpest. decline from 2020. the decline occurred mainly in the fourth quarter of the year amid forecasts of policy easing and the us federal reserve due to a slowdown
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economic growth rates. at the same time, according to bloomberg forecasts, the dollar will remain weak in 2024. earlier, the mudis rating agency downgraded the outlook for the us credit rating from stable to negative. and whose expectations were met by the departing person? year from the point of view of politics and economics, the experts of the editors club sum up the results of 2023, and also give new forecasts, what has our country distinguished in the international arena and what do our people remember in this difficult time? yes, our women collect endlessly, i am grateful to alexey, because he helps us pass on our humanitarian aid to the donbass, yes, there has never been such a thing that it was necessary to call on someone or force them, these children will forever absorb our... his failure,
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prediction, shame and the person of the year who sorted out the calls in the nominations of the club of editors , we’ll find out today immediately after the panorama. and what are the results of belarus’s chairmanship of the csto in 2023? partners rate them highly. during this time , the military-political bloc even more closely synchronized interaction in matters of building a security architecture in the zone responsibility of the organization, a unified air defense system of the csto countries has actually been created. in an increasingly complex global environment, the authority and relevance of this association is growing. it is without a doubt part of the global security system. moreover, experts believe that the peacekeeping potential of the csto in... will be in great demand. evgeny gorin on the results of the organization’s work in 2023. to organize a collective
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security treaty in 2023. became one of the most difficult in the entire history of this military-political bloc. and belarus, as the country presiding at this moment, was perhaps able to show the most positive example of effective governance, as well as the existing potential of the csto. on the internal contour of the organization’s zone of responsibility, minsk worked for maximum unity, in case of difficulties arising with participation in the work of the armenian bloc, on the external contour to increase the authority of the csto in the world.
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sitting at the same table means that we are adequately responding, assessing the challenges of the time and are ready to confront them together. i am convinced that, no matter what, we are able to cope with all the difficulties in our area of ​​responsibility, and we do it. at the autumn csto summit in minsk , a concrete fact was stated: we, contemporaries, are not only witnesses, but also active participants in the breakdown that once existed in the world.
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advocated peace negotiations on ukraine, and adheres to this position, as she stated that she would be faithful to allied agreements, would not allow nato to shoot russia in the back, this is how she shows herself to be a responsible partner. 2024 will bring new challenges, but many of them were answered in 2023. in this regard, such a young military-political bloc as the csto is showing itself better and better. evgeny gorin and the january blizzard was ringing, three white horses were flying and even a gypsy was performing shamanism on a factor buy. the new year's carnival, without the help of choreography, unfolded live on the stage of the talent show. and they take me away, they take me away, the swine snowy
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yes. potolovok, svititvarskaya, ibnik is all a miracle worker, if the snowflake doesn’t melt, doesn’t melt into your palms, call me.
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the fact that you were here is already a miracle, no, of course, this is already a miracle, i am very grateful to this project for a lot, however, for believing in myself, for receiving such great support from both my mentor and the audience, it’s a shame, well, nothing, the nostalgic musical has its own a climax filled with tenderness from the muse of joseph prigogine, people's artist of russia
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, how is my husband, what a chewer i have turned out to be, it's just some kind of horror, he i say, well, you're just taking it so close to your heart, the participants inevitably drop out and here everyone is possible to say the loss in the team , he simply takes it very close to his heart, i really feel sorry for him, i think it would be possible to leave everyone, how good it would be, an amazing show, the level of participation. it seems to me that it is getting stronger, this year it seems to me to be even stronger than the previous one, it’s just nice to listen, watch, follow, it’s such a knockout game, yes, it’s just like cool concerts and shows
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that are just fun to watch from beginning to end, i am happy for belarus, i am happy for your television, for the fact that such a project a cool project has appeared, where not only those who live here want to get there, right? from other countries, and this, it seems to me , speaks for itself, the broadcast on high symphonic notes can be re-watched right now, the show is on the youtube channel factorby, there are four live broadcasts left and six finalists who will continue the vocal competition in the new year, with new year, a spectacular show with dragon tractors was organized by mtz, bright illumination and winter... objects decorated the main site at the minsk tractor plant. traditionally here they are unfolding a new year's interactive cord for the recreation of residents of the region and the entire capital. this year, the main photo zone was a composition of tractors in the form of a symbol of the new year.
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factory workers hand-decorated the flagship equipment with carved light patterns. the year of the dragon is coming. therefore, we decided that we would present a family of dragons on the square. we call them belarusian tsmoki, our largest tractor is a forty-five dad, there is a mother, there are also three children, all these compositions, of course, are tractors, and additional ones elements, such as wings, for example, tails, this is the lighting, even the pasting, all this was made by the hands of employees of the minsk tractor plant; on the site near the tractor plant there will be mass celebrations with live music from belarusian performers. there is also a fair and a food court with dishes of national cuisine. the singer slava joins in congratulating the belarusians: in the new year there will be more warm moments in life, and most importantly, good health. dear friends, girls
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and guys, tv channel belarus 1, i welcome you. happy new year, happy new year year, all the warmest , kindest, best, most glorious , most positive to you, may everything be very, very good for us in 2024, and most importantly, we all have the strongest, strongest health, and of course, lots of love to us, sea, happiness, always yours, kind, beautiful, positive, glory, love you, happy new year! to create a festive atmosphere, some people need a christmas sweater and tangerines, others need new year's films to lift their spirits, and others need a decoration from an evergreen beauty. it was the head tree of belarus that entered the top 10 tallest new year trees in the cis.
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elizaveta sinyak learned how belarusians decorate their houses, the main symbol of the winter holidays. the excitement for the silver rain from soviet times has covered. residents of different countries, a whole instructional video appears on social networks on how to properly hang and choose sparkling jewelry, but for children of the ussr such videos are no longer innovations, an opportunity to feel nostalgic. this is exactly the kind of tree i will have and soviet toys. everything new, well- forgotten old, i immediately remembered my childhood. a i like them, they are so homely, cozy, dear. the silver waterfall sparkles at the most popular new year's location in minsk in one of the shopping centers. looks nice, modern. it's pinterest vibes, straight up. tv presenter yulia pertsova also follows the trends. together with the children, we decorated the green symbol of the new year in three
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directions at once: shining rain, bows, and unique diy toys. this year i decided to give the children the opportunity to decorate the christmas tree. the main highlight is the balls. why? because i watched the program say no silent, in which the main teacher of the year participated. and he makes toys out of light bulbs. this is an amazing idea that is just lying on the surface. we made our own toys out of light bulbs. i collected from all my friends and pasted them once. beads , balls, residents of the capital have a special approach to decorating the green beauty , i have toys on clothespins like a chicken, a nesting doll, a house, i make small snowflakes with cotton wool, there are a lot of different balls, we hang them, we sometimes write something on them, wishes each other for the new year, with balloons, sweets, it is imperative that children pick, that sometimes they themselves want to pick candy from the christmas tree, this year only on street...
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various locations of the city were decorated, including along the avenues. the main christmas trees in all regional centers of belarus have already sparkled with multi-colored lights, and people are choosing which one is better in the comments on social networks. i really liked brest out of all those presented. definitely grodno. in minsk, the best. well done, everyone, everyone has a beautiful, worthy one, but the most beautiful thing is at home, which creates comfort. to create the one comfort, and also to please the symbol of 2024 green wooden dragon, you should choose three main colors: gold, red and green. decorations include compositions made from natural materials or edible ones, such as sweets, nuts, dried oranges or cinnamon sticks. there are many options, so everyone will choose according to their taste.
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and in the medal standings , only the russian team was put ahead by the hosts. belarusians climbed to the podium 236 times, the national anthem of belarus was played on 48 occasions, 78 silver medals and 110 bronze medals.


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