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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 31, 2023 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

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live news at noon, on the last day of the passing year, i am with you. belarus
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is preparing to celebrate the new year, gifts for those on the road. the number of victims of the terrorist attack from the country of ukraine has increased to 24, with more than a hundred injured. in belgorod , the siren sounded again. serbia will continue its path to the eu, while maintaining friendship with russia and china is still against it. in the sanction, vučić declares the unconditional victory of his coalition. alexander lukashenko heard reports from the heads of law enforcement agencies. chairman of the state security committee, ivan tertel, reported to the head of state on the operational situation developing around belarus, as well as the situation within the country. first of all, the focus of the department’s employees is on ensuring the safety of citizens, in terms of the area of ​​​​response.
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current activities are based on the developing situation on the eve of the new year's christmas holidays, the head of state was informed in detail about the situation developing at the external office within our country, the plan of action of the state security authorities on holidays. we state in general that the situation remains under control, we are working in an intensive mode together with our colleagues from the ministry of internal affairs, the border committee of the ministry of defense, i would like to emphasize. one point is to draw
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the attention of parents to minor teenagers from 14 to 18 years old, who, as a rule, at such moments are in a high-risk zone. the head of state has set the task of enhanced control over the operational situation, preventing emergency incidents, planned, joint work with the ministry of defense and the state border committee regarding the protection of the state border.
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ivan vladimirovich, during the holidays the police switched to an enhanced version of their service. we know that you reported this to the president, what tasks did the head of state set and how will order be ensured on the streets of the country? that’s right, i reported to the head of state about the operational situation in the republic; after listening to the report, the head of state set clear tasks. some areas of professional activity the president took control, first of all, the task that was set by the head of state was to ensure the safety of our citizens, the personnel of the ministry of internal affairs were transferred to an enhanced version of service. the tasks set by the head of state will be completed in full and with high quality. at present, as i have already said, the personnel are working in an enhanced version of duty. the operational situation is in place. completely under
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control, the last 3 days before the new year we we note an increase in the influx of citizens from other countries who came to us to celebrate the new year and not only, someone comes to our shopping centers. to purchase goods, citizens who come from other countries are russia, lithuania, latvia, poland and germany. currently, we have created operational sectional headquarters throughout the republic, this is in the regional ones in the ministry of internal affairs, the operational sectional headquarters included not only employees of internal affairs bodies, but also other services of the emergency ministry, the ministry of health, emergency service so that if necessary, we will promptly. could work ahead of the curve. on new year's eve , more than 1,500 places for celebrations have been designated in the republic, and public order will be fully ensured. personnel serve to protect public order not only in places where festive events are held, but
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in the border areas and in all populated areas of our country. currently, the operational situation, as i said, is under control by those responsible in the ministry internal. affairs are determined on new year's eve , these are the heads of the department of internal affairs in the minister of internal affairs in regional centers, the city of minsk. i repeat once again, the operational situation is under control, i take this opportunity to congratulate all citizens of our country on the upcoming new year and say: don’t worry, relax, order and security will be fully ensured. minister of emergency situations vadim sinyavsky reported on measures taken to prevent emergency situations. in including with an emphasis on fire safety and other issues of ensuring the livelihoods of citizens within the framework of the specialized areas of the ministry of emergency situations. vladim ivanovich, belarus lives with the christmas and new year holidays, an atmosphere of joy, even carelessness, which cannot be said about people in
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uniform. we know that you reported to the head of state, the commander-in-chief on the state of affairs, what interested the president most and what you could tell. the president traditionally listens to reports at the end of the year, in which he is interested in the state of affairs in the ministry, including what results we are ending the year with, and of course he was interested in the readiness of the forces of the ministry of emergency situations to ensure the safety of people on new year's, weekends, and christmas holidays, it was reported that the ministry of emergency situations had been transferred to an enhanced version of service, we have strengthened our outfits.
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khrenin reported to the commander-in-chief about the situation around belarus, including on the border with neighboring states. alexander lukashenko instructed to increase vigilance so that citizens of belarus could safely celebrate the new year holidays. at the request of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the president of the republic of belarus, i reported to the head of our state the situation developing around our country, as well as about the events that were planned. and are carried out by the armed forces as part of ensuring the military security of our country. the commander-in-chief ordered to strengthen activities so that our citizens can safely celebrate the new year holidays. in short, i would like
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to note that the level of military presence the united states, nato countries, eastern europe, as well as those adjacent to the republic. belarus remains at a high level in the polish and baltic countries. we have planned a set of measures to increase activity, namely the protection of the state border in the airspace was planned by the most prepared crews in a reinforced composition. also, the introduction of reconnaissance was organized by a reinforced staff of the most prepared. accounts for this we used all the modern means that came into service with our armed forces, such as the valar, rosa rb, vostok, su-30 sm aircraft, mi-35m helicopters,
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as well as the s-400 triumph anti-aircraft missile system. in addition, in order to avoid provocation on the southern border, the best were withdrawn from the mission area. a unit of the thirty -eighth air assault brigade, 103 airborne brigade to carry out missions and provide cover. interaction with the state border committee of our southern borders, also duty units with reduced terms have been appointed at permanent deployment points readiness to build up forces in the event of sudden challenges. in general, i think that the set of measures that we have planned in cooperation with the ministry of internal affairs and the state border committee. state security committee will ensure quiet weekends and holidays
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for our citizens. chairman of the state border committee konstantin molostov, in a report to the president , focused on strengthening the protection of the state border. given the acute situation in neighboring countries, border guards, despite the holidays, are fully carrying out measures to protect the state border and suppress attempts. queues of cargo vehicles at road checkpoints remained.
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the state of affairs at the state border as of december 31, 2023 was reported to the president of the republic of belarus. based on his order, the tasks of the formation and military units of the border service authorities were clarified. border control units perform tasks in enhanced mode border control services. operational. technical reserves are in constant readiness to perform tasks when the situation changes. the president also asked the heads of law enforcement agencies to congratulate on his behalf the personnel of ministries and departments on the upcoming new year, and especially those guys who will serve on new year's eve. the death toll in belgorod as a result of the terrorist attack by the kiev regime increased to 24 people, among them four children, more than a hundred were injured. ukrainian armed forces attack on belgorod is a pre-planned terrorist attack against a peaceful city, this was stated
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by russia’s permanent representative to the un at a meeting of the organization’s security council convened in moscow. don't create illusions and don't pretend. brussels, along with washington and london, as well as most countries of the european union, are accomplices in the crimes committed by the kiev gang. once again, i want to emphasize: we are not dealing with a strike on military targets with consequences, with possible consequences. for the civilian population, but a deliberate act of terrorism aimed at against civilians. all organizers and perpetrators of this and other crimes of the kiev khurta will suffer inevitable punishment. it is noteworthy that the czech republic refused to send diplomats to the un security council to discuss the attack on belgorod by czech rsso missiles in empire. the serbian authorities will continue to pursue an independent policy. the president of the country stated this. aleksandar vučić stressed that belgrade will not leave the entry route. but will maintain traditionally friendly relations with russia and china, vucic also
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assured that the color revolution in serbia is not will succeed due to weak support from citizens for the opposition. 2024 is just around the corner and in less than an hour the world will begin to celebrate the new year. it will be celebrated first on christmas island in kiribat, in the central pacific ocean. the coming year according to the chinese calendar is the year of the green wooden dragon, these are mythical. according to numerous legends, creatures are practically omnipotent, control rain and wind, influence the weather and productivity, personify unearthly strength, luck and vital energy. katerina strikha tried to find the most enduring strong dragon, got acquainted with the basics of chinese writing and discovered the world of martial art wushu. a step on the stolon, another on the belt, let ’s do it, two, yes.
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will be seen on the holiday evening at 21:00. a fascinating spectacle, the dance of a dragon from heaven, a tribute to ancient traditions, and another of the important rituals of celebrating the new year, which. in china it will come a little later than in belarus, on february 10. our children have already begun, they are beginning to study, this is the art of dance. at our kanfusia institute, there are special wushu masters working there. allibin discovered the world of chinese writing many years ago. for 3 months now he has been sharing his experience with.


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