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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 1, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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this could be art classes , designing with sticks, drawing with sticks. much attention is paid to instilling patriotism in middle senior group students. this is necessary so that our children feel part of our country. the child absorbs it into himself.
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in the vitebsk region, artyom, come on, that’s right, gerg in the mogilev region, maryana, come on, that’s right, well done, in a modern kindergarten there are no random people, because this work requires creativity, and so that all teachers keep up with the times , this is a modern educational process,
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here on the screen there is magic paint, let us still activate the green color for it and paint the christmas tree, so the first tier, the second and well done, these similar games were developed by our creative teachers, creative, we have a series of coloring games, and we also have a lot of games created for blocks and sticks. blocks and sticks, our kindergarten works in various directions, and one of the directions in which we work is cognitive development of students, doing something that has been invented for a long time is not interesting, so we are always happy to participate in various regional, republican, district projects and improve our professional level, somewhere we try to create something new. after class
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, a mandatory element of preschool childhood is a walk. it is a walk that allows you to relieve tension, everything received during classes, fatigue, unwind, cheer up, improve your health, and simply get positive emotions. we take a walk every day.
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a magnificent, wonderful, magical time of year, and children also love this time of year, because it is active recreation on the street, it is physical education, the belarusian people are a very sports nation, we, starting from kindergarten, promote a healthy lifestyle. as part of the continuity of the kindergarten and school, we are picked up by physical education teachers; in the future , our children, starting from kindergarten, this is the foundation that we are laying, they will become athletic, dexterous, brave, skillful, after
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a walk... the guys return to the groups, getting ready for dinner, creative, look, there is a diniska, and sleepyheads, of course, a must, an important point is duty, the guys are irradiated in a specialized uniform, they help the adults on the bed. tables , it disciplines and also lifts their spirits, because they are helpers, they do a very important job, they set the table , then they also help parents at home, guys, bon appetit, don’t
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forget to take bread. the first half of the day is always bright and intense for the guys, their emotions are overflowing, they really want to sleep by lunchtime, timka, the time when adults are forced to do work is the most productive working hours, lunchtime for children, rest time, pens, well done, and so that
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good dreams come to you, now we’ll read a fairy tale before bed. snow maiden , there lived an old woman, an old woman, and they had a cow, a lamb, a chicken, a cat on the stove, but there were no children, they were very sad, they were sad, one winter there was a lot, a lot of snow, all small children.
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we know exactly how to start the morning correctly, my secret is to wake up with a smile, then the day will go positively. olga, what are we today? shall we cook with you? today we are with you. serve with yogurt sauce, your home champions will love this breakfast. watch the champion's breakfast on the belarus 24 tv channel. together with the belarus 24 tv channel
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, we will plunge into the cultural life of our country. now they would say the opera and ballet theater, because look, we have quite a stage. rich history and bright reality. let's remember folk traditions. there was an outstanding garad tradition going on here. it's daytime for the skin, and the days are filled with the sounds of belarusian fanfare. geta is a trumpeter, like all the people of grodzen, who are so good and calm. this whole theatrical pabudova, adzinaya ў belarus since 19 centuries, what a waste.
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sunechka, why are you passing by the rug? let's go, let's go, let's go, boriska, well done, the children are waking up gradually, the guys get up, walk on massage mats to the group, change clothes, hygiene procedures, washing, braiding, combing. preparation for the afternoon. a teacher is a universal person.
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he can not only explain a new topic in a bright and colorful way, but also hug, regret, braids, straightens the dress, fastens a button , has a heart-to-heart talk. many children have siblings, but this is not enough to be successful. socialization in the future, children's council lays the foundations not only for friendship, but also instills many cultural and hygienic skills, the ability to communicate, and the ability to get out of conflict situations. it is very important for a child to go through this stage of childhood in order to understand that it is possible to reach an agreement, everything is resolved in a peaceful way, and the child also learns to interact with adults, because if it is possible with parents somewhere to show oneself as... a slightly spoiled, selfish child, then in a preschool institution interaction is aimed at ensuring that at school the child
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understands how to behave both with peers and with adults. our kindergarten is modern, it is the newest in the city of vitebsk, it is only 5 years old, the group rooms are large, separate bedrooms, and a separate sports room. music hall, plenty of space in the hallway, spacious halls, corridors, resource centers are provided for teachers, which allows them to plan and conduct their work a little more intensively, more complete than in those kindergartens where there is no such opportunity, also in our preschool institution there is a swimming pool, the children enjoy visiting it, their mood increases while swimming, they are always happy, satisfied, always smiling, it is impossible to see a crying child in the pool,
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let's have some water , got some water, washed my face so that my eyes would shine, as they used to say in ancient times, that he doesn’t know how to do anything. stop swimming, children begin to swim from the age of 3 here, well, this is prevention , first of all, of flat feet, we have mats special for this, this is hardening, this is the first, most basic thing, many are afraid of water , we will look at the water, we can get some water in person, i instill in the fact that water is interesting, it is not dangerous, our... children cry loudly, dropped in the river is flowing, quieter, quieter
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, don’t make noise, it’s better not to sleep on the balls, stay quiet, be careful, we always support the child’s faith in miracles, magic, on the eve of the new year this is most noticeable. together with the parents , we came up with a way to please the kids this time. some groups have created a wish tree, santa claus's workshop, santa claus's mail , which allows children to express their desires in the form of drawings, while they are still unable to write, seal the envelope, put it in the mail
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, hope and believe that the letter will fall into those very cherished hands that will be brought to them. gift under the tree. new year's theatrical performances have become a good tradition in our garden. hello, dear viewers, teachers and parents. on the eve of the new year, we would like to show you the fairy tale of amadeus hoffmann, the scrambler of the cows. i invite you into the world of fairy tales, fatness and... guys, are you ready? yes, that’s it, you’re great , have a successful performance everyone, there are tears and tenderness
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at every performance, say, thank you! fairy tale, come, tale, come, the guests are in a hurry, let ’s quickly meet and dance together, parents are always touched, happy for their children, we don’t forget every matinee, we don’t repeat it. childhood is very fleeting, it passes so quickly, and we try to make sure that the child remains in the world of childhood, in the world of magic, much longer. tell me, please, what holiday is today? new year, right, who is the most important?
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in no way do we take away his faith in gifts , in magic, in santa claus; on the contrary, we support the idea that everything comes true, everything comes, miracles happen, after a busy day in kindergarten the child again finds himself alone with his parents, he is released.
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in consolation, we always tell the child that dear, we will meet tomorrow , we will see each other again in the morning, we send him home with a light heart, this is an indicator that i am doing my job, probably, as my heart tells me, the children feel it all, and if children love their teacher, this is the most important thing. watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts
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of particularly important events, and live broadcasts. events, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands , germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria. switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish. satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with
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the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. we follow the sporting life of our country. shakhtar reached the top division of the russian basketball championship 3:3. in the second stage, which passed. we were allowed to participate in the licensed world championship and we hoped and believed that we would still be able to compete at the olympic games, this cannot but please us. we review the most interesting event. the other day the belarusian cycling federation summed up the results of the year, which, despite the ban, turned out to be a busy and fruitful one. sports of a new reality. the second stage of the republican tournament on digital banking of the game of the future has ended in minsk. we are listening to the opinion of competent specialists , there should be a stronger player in some position, now we have signed a big one, because we
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feel that we are a little lacking under the ring, at least this is a difficult game, i would say, the carnage showed, what do we have team, and it’s not in vain that we worked for a whole year, so to speak, all this in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. hello, this is the main broadcast, there are only a few hours left of the outgoing year, how it turned out, it’s time to take stock, let’s spend this hour in a good way quality with an eye to the future, especially since it promises to become high quality. the entire 2024-2023 was a landmark year for our country; being under pressure from the west, the economy, in spite of it , is demonstrating a growth trajectory. and now we are becoming a home for residents of neighboring countries, who are tired of putting up with the policies of the local authorities, we are establishing contacts and calling on even the most radical neighbors to be prudent. and, of course, we will not retreat from our position of independence; no dictates will work here. and in the new year, our sovereignty will again have to be taken into account. on such a difficult path, our great friends always lend a shoulder. and we are not in debt.
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together in sports, in culture. in short, we are making this world multipolar, no matter how much the west wants it. by the way, about our closest allies, next year according to the chinese calendar we have year of the dragon. therefore, we give up this stage to the symbol and begin the main broadcast.
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well, this year of peace and creation turned out to be such, at least for belarus. our country built hospitals, kindergartens, we built bridges not only within the country, but tried to become that same bridge between warring countries, calling for peace. the important thing is that... behind the words there was always action. the most important topics were raised at various platforms, including summits, climate change left a mark in the hearts of many inhabitants of the planet, if only because no one decided to say what the president of belarus said publicly. it depends on you and me what the future will be like and what choice to make also depends on everyone. major political events await us ahead; we are moving towards major electoral campaigns. single voting day. february 25 is coming up, when deputies of the house of representatives and local councils will be elected, then elections of members of the council of the republic will take place, the nomination of delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly,
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and in preparation for the main political results year we will talk with our columnist ilona krasudskaya. only in the sky, in the dark blue sky, only in the sky, in the dark blue sky. ilona, ​​hello, happy new year , tell me, happy new year, colleagues, you look amazing, olya, the dress is simply gorgeous, thank you very much, it’s absolutely mutual, we really don’t see each other very often in such evening dresses, definitely, really, really in fact, this is very unusual, because we have a thing among political observers: if there is something about the president, then there must be a strict dress code, but today you know, we’re going to have a very interesting experiment, so let’s get into
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the topic smoothly, tell us - what has this year been like for you personally and professionally? well, i want to say that this year began for me with a very pleasant, personally professional moment with the gratitude of the president, this is very honorable, it encourages me to work even better, well, what can i tell you, our work is more than a calling, everything- however , not everyone gets this opportunity to work next to the head of state. i agree with you, ilona from the point of view of an already experienced political observer, tell me, maybe some kind of event this year with the participation of the head of state? most of all , it is a very difficult question, because there are many events, they are all important, they require very serious preparation and development at the top level, and of course, i think not only belarusians will agree with me that the most important thing is the work of our president, the entire power bloc on ensuring our peace of mind, peace is now in short supply, the fact that our leader manages to save our peace for today tomorrow is priceless, it was there were many meetings on this topic, there were many business trips, we watched the maneuvers of our
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army. we looked at domestic equipment, we started producing our own ammunition, and we placed nuclear weapons on the territory of belarus, as our president says, we must work proactively. yes, indeed, we all have something to cherish and appreciate; it is probably very important that everyone at their workplace does everything for peace and creation. yes, but the president often says that the main thing is the economy. and it seems to me that now it would be logical talk about economic results, taking into account sanctions pressure, taking into account the gloomy, pessimistic forecasts that... did our other opponents prophesy about belarus? well , they can’t wait, the president said at the beginning of the year that the government passed the test of financial stability, of economic stability, and we all see these results, exports are growing, wages are rising, we had an inflation corridor there of 7%, but at the end of the year 5.5, and we adjusted the prices, you know, from january 1 a clear order from the president so that all the rules of the game are absolutely clear for us, for suppliers, for manufacturers, at the suggestion
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of our president, this is very interesting... the thesis has emerged: import independence, and of course, the whole country is working on this, we have joint programs with russia on import substitution, but let’s not reveal all the cards, why should our opponents give unnecessary information? this year we saw that the president had a lot of foreign business trips, air force one crossed three oceans, and of course we all followed distances, counted hours in the air, kilometers, watched the bright reports, for example, it seems to me that we literally rediscovered africa this year, yes. indeed, you know how much i work, i am simply amazed at the energy and efficiency of our president, because how can one maintain such a crazy schedule. you remember, at the beginning of the year it all started with a bright visit to zimbabwe, there was a very colorful reception, then we had the emirates, china, iran, of course, negotiations with putin, which made a lot of noise, there were a lot of summits, then we again had the emirates, the memorable speech of our president at the un climate summit, then africa.
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equatorial guinea, kenya, you know, there were a lot of really memorable events, a lot of strategic decisions were made that were important for the country. and in preparation for our meeting, i identified several topics that ran like a red thread throughout this whole year, i propose now to look at my story, remember what the year was like, how we got through it, what tasks set and what we still have to do. well, let's see. in 2023 we passed under a year of peace and creation, without shocks. despite enormous external pressure and economic pressure. and contrary to pessimistic forecasts from outside, the compact country showed very good results. the issue of our energy independence has been resolved, and the nuclear power plant has begun to operate at full capacity. all social obligations to people have been fulfilled. wages grew, pensions and benefits for families raising children were increased. we got serious price regulation, built housing for the military, large families and doctors, opened new clinics and departments.


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