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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 1, 2024 9:30am-10:36am MSK

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he then africa, equatorial guinea , kenya, you know, there were a lot of really memorable events, a lot of strategic decisions were made that were important for the country, and while preparing for our meeting, i identified several topics that ran like a red thread throughout this whole year, i propose now look at my story , remember what the year was like, how we got through it, what tasks we set and what we still have to do, well, let's see, in 2023 we passed under a year... of peace and creation without shocks, despite the colossal external pressure and economic pressure. and contrary to pessimistic forecasts from outside, the compact country showed very good results. the issue of our energy independence has been resolved, and the nuclear power plant has begun to operate at full capacity. all social obligations to people were fulfilled, salaries grew, pensions and benefits for families raising children were increased , prices were seriously regulated, housing was built for the military, large families and doctors, and new clinics and departments were opened. in hospitals, and
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this is all thanks to a clear strategy, here is our the president began by solving economic problems. we simply must provide ourselves with technology. the current situation has taught us a powerful lesson on how to neutralize sanctions pressure. all our best belarusian minds, scientists, designers, must work not just for import substitution, but for the country’s import independence. we also worked to improve quality. of life in small towns and settlements, the village of the future project was taken as a model; food security issues were resolved when the dry summer left many states without the expected harvest. large meetings were held on the most popular issues: medicine, education, the quality of assistance from medical centers to the supply of equipment , they decided on the rules for admission to universities, extremely concentrating on internal issues, and at the same time repelled threats from the outside. an unacceptable blow in the event of aggression is what the concept of our national security is based on. by the way, this year the document
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was prepared and submitted for public discussion; 2023 will be remembered for the fact that the territory of belarus is now nuclear weapons. our fugitives, of course, were unable to track how the nuclear warheads were moved, where they were moved, they were moved in such a way that neither you in the states, nor mi6, not in germany, did not notice it anywhere, this was the plan, despite the aggression of our closest ones.. neighbors, an increase in nato troops near the belarusian borders, ongoing exercises, an armament trend, the president has repeatedly stated that we are not aggressive people and are not going to fight with anyone, the games of individual politicians are one thing, but ordinary people should not suffer, belarus accepted hundreds of people into its ranks, providing citizenship not only to ukrainians, and was also the first to extend visa-free travel for residents of lithuania, latvia and poland for the entire next year. yes, now we live primarily at the expense of the east, russia, china are cooperating, but not...
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africa, the middle east, asia, new projects, an agreement to develop cooperation and agreements worth billions of dollars. we took part in summits where we promoted initiatives in the ias, cis formats, while belarus successfully spent a year of chairmanship in the csto, and also completed necessary.
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the new party "belaya rus", the election campaign has begun: on february 25, for the first time in the history of belarus, a single voting day will be held, when the country will elect deputies at all levels. the new year 2024 has been declared the year of quality. the president says in this regard: we produce a lot of good products, but we can do even better. however, adding quality is about all areas. task number one in the new year. let us have it in the new year. achievements, all your plans will come true, may all your dreams come true in the new year, may all your dreams come true in the new year every year miracles happen. i wish you all a merry christmas and a happy new year. in the new year, i wish our actions to be kinder and our hearts to become purer. let 's have someone to hug and lean on in the new year. our fate is in our
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hands, we create all this for ourselves, so it is important not just to say, but to do, and children will appreciate that the country has been preserved and passed on to future generations in its proper form. these holidays... they are shrouded in a special atmosphere, filled with bright performances, children's matinees and, of course, gifts. an action for goodness is taking place in the country, our children, during the month of the charity marathon, more than a million children receive gifts of warmth. each of them has their own dreams, which they are fully capable of realizing in sports, in creativity, which means that in the future they will be able to attend this magical holiday. the new year's ball at the palace of independence brought together several hundred young and talented people.
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there are a lot of memories from her, what thoughts did you come back with? did you want to leave? no, we really missed home, but we didn’t really want to leave i wanted to, when they started separating us into carriages, into buses, it was somehow sad , i wanted to cry, i again got used to
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the broken windows, to the booms, to the arrivals, you know, i’m afraid of both departures and arrivals, this trip began on july 4th, and the third was independence day in belarus. boys and girls, and let it always be so , sang and danced carefree and without a hint of fear, waited for the fireworks. 121 children born in the twenty-third year, now combine their day with independence day, mothers and babies belarus congratulated on the new year, in the first minutes of 2023 three girls and a boy appeared, remember what they told then in belarusian, it had an anesthetic effect... i asked the anesthetist girl to turn on a live broadcast of our president’s speech, great, i was listening to the speech when the chiming of the chimes, then that’s it, and the anthem , that’s the first second of the child’s game,
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alexander lukashenko once said, the first child of the parents, the second one too, and the third one and a little bit of parents, absolutely all conditions have been created in our country. children are wonderful motivator, don’t believe me, look at the olimbek smolsky family, olympic mother dinara is training, and yes, now the whole family is skiing, i thought it would be difficult for me, i would sit at home, i would be depressed, it would be hard for me, i it won’t, i won’t find the time, but in fact , her grandmothers helped a lot , there are no other people’s children, we said this already in the fall, meeting children, our compatriots from israel and...
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who today do not have such an opportunity to gather in a beautiful hall to talk with his president, came to us and felt at home. there should be no children fleeing the war, warming and making happy those who, alas, in belarus at the beginning of the journey were let down a little by adults, which is why throughout the year and on holidays, especially throughout the country, people of different ranks. gifts: orphanages, shelters, family-type homes, hospitals, a gift of attention to absolutely every child. i'm in a good
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mood because i came to minsk for the christmas tree. it's fun, the new year lifts the mood, the new year is a holiday when santa claus gives you gifts. i wrote a letter, my dad. i sent it to santa claus by mail, our children's actions have been under the patronage of the president for more than 20 years, this is a new year's tradition, it unites us all and warms the little ones. this year they changed the format a little, the action started at the residence of father frost in belovezhskaya pushcha, and then was picked up by all regions. i congratulate all the children in this world on the new year, i wish all the children goodness, happiness, health, and that they celebrate the new year with their parents, and that everyone were very healthy. beltelerokpaniya has our children, now there are 143 pupils of the ulukovo special boarding school. the battalion officers are familiar with many of them and say the most valuable thing is to see how they grow, become
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more conscious and at the same time can have the right to be children. the section plan b in 2023 was often thematically acute, too adult. our dear children, let your successes give us only positive information reasons. you know, it’s gratifying that we are used as an example when it comes to children, with special control over them health, some simply incredible life-savings, as a result of complex operations from belarusian surgeons, what is this, if not a miracle, we have been following them all year. every child is important, by the way, without delving deeply, but in november they talked about increasing child benefits, all this is an investment in the future. i can just feel the future breathing. behind us, we give the talented group a place on the stage, a short musical pause, and we will continue
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further. one year, dreams come true, miracles happen in the new year. and every child adults are waiting, the best to give birth in the new year. the new year will come soon, it will bring a fairy tale to everyone, the city will be drowned in lights, on the best holiday of the new year, red-colored snowflakes, and at 12 o'clock they are drinking new year's toys, all the children are waiting for a miracle, for sure. under the tree, we will be waiting for everyone’s gift, because it won’t be long,
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you just need to make a wish, in the new year, peshli come true, in the new year miracles happen, every child is waiting for adults, the best holiday, new year, and new year, peshli come true. these future young talents are taking over the stage in in the good sense of the word, her eyes are full of confidence that everything will be fine, and the key to the country’s successful existence is its economy. the president has emphasized more than once , we have already talked about this today, if... it happens, then everything else will happen. who would have thought that one product
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could cause so much noise among our closest neighbors. as it turned out, the best gift in russia for the new year is a refrigerator full of eggs, but if you take away the notes of humor, how could just one product item cause such a stir. it's simple, it's strategic product, and even more so, a serious increase in price in russia occurred just before the new year. it immediately becomes clear why this is so. however, the economy is, of course, not only food, as our special correspondent for the economic news department ilona volynets, who joins the main broadcast, will probably say.
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ilona, ​​hello happy new year, tell us with what indicators we are finishing the current year, it is clear that the main figures will be at the beginning of 2024, but still, to you, colleagues, happy new year, everything is stable, what can i to say, no matter how annoying it may be, the gdp maintains a stable position, and industry is in the black, that is , nothing is lying in warehouses, definitely not, moreover, the ministry of industry claims that some. customers even have to wait for their products, i don’t want to burden you and tv viewers with numbers, i’ll just say that our industrialists produced products worth 170 billion rubles. everyone knows that belarusian... kenya, colombia, kuwait, japan. but ip specialists cover thousands of such headlines, how should one treat such information? that's it, strangled small businesses in belarus , how could it be otherwise, but our viewers are literate,
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educated people who have probably been watching the main broadcasts for a whole year, so they know that... the number of individual entrepreneurs is really decreasing, but new legal entities are appearing, all because belarus is relying on scaling its existing business so that it benefits not only themselves, but also the country as a whole. if the project of the year in economics is in your opinion, what is it? of course, the second unit of the nuclear power plant, which was launched this year, is now produces more than 55 million kilowatt-hours of electricity every day, we are moving towards the fact that belaes will... cover more than 40% of the country's needs. our journalists shot a lot of reports this year, covering the program one region one project. we know that you had such materials. yes, the essence of this program is to breathe life into small regions. for example, i didn’t know that in the small village of rudinsk they produce led headlights for the entire domestic mechanical engineering industry, and not only domestic ones.
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blue cheese is produced in naroch, deep dozens of titles.
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what do you think are the belarusian products on our neighbors’ new year’s tables? well, you remember that the owner of next year, the dragon , loves natural products, well, in belarus all products are natural, so i think that milk, our cheeses, and sausages will definitely appease the predator. in the new year, don’t skimp on the most important things, appreciate every minute. spent with your loved ones, loud laughter, smiles and a lot of joy, may the new year 2024 bring you a lot of luck, success, happiness, and may the old year 2023 take away all the troubles and failures, and of course, a lot of joy and fun in the new year 2024, i wish you
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peace, kindness, reciprocity, fulfillment of desires in the new year, be happy, happy new year, and may all your dreams come true, and we, pavel lazovik and during this time, victoria senkevich managed to intercept the broadcast from her colleagues, but it is no secret that people themselves, first of all , are the engines of the economy, and how it functions can be traced to the farthest corners of belarus. the belarusian leader has repeatedly focused attention on village residents. the task is to ensure that they are provided with everything necessary and about... one young engineer and one smartphone, life in the village turns into a fascinating series. belarusians from different parts of our homeland continue
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to join the dance marathon, which was launched by the famous belarusian tiktok agroblogger from krutilovich, and today he is celebrating this new year with us.
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what we’ll prepare for next year, these are the trends we’ll set in belarusian tiktok, thanks to people as active as you, we can set them right now, and why not, i’d like to suggest on the main broadcast this is our main challenge, which we had in the third country, but it wasn’t there yet, so now we’ll dance the pada geta, and in the new year we’ll come up with hundreds of new ones and we’ll come back to you, the viewer who’s watching now.
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the heroes that will be discussed below are not visible, but their work definitely deserves a special like. yes, these are people who simply treat us, simply teach our children, and simply come, if you dial 101, i hope you won’t have to do this today. now there will be a simple story about people who, if they stop working tomorrow, we all won't know what to do. katerina krutalevich will continue. in general, i planned to enter the university of economics. a civil matter , but it turned out that something changed there, the same parents convinced me something, and i applied to a civilian university, and i am a candidate for master of sports and
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photocondo, probably just for me... maybe it was easier physically than others, the first time i entered the barracks, well, i said, wow, at first it was very it was hard, because it was as if you had to get used to this daily routine, you had to somehow adapt to it, it was hard, but interesting, prevention and liquidation - this is what liquidators are directly trained for, that’s how it is here in the fire-emergency-rescue unit at one of the leading positions is the head of the duty shift, you have 13 people subordinate to you, each of them doing their own thing. here are all colleagues, all comrades who support each other, here is a close-knit team, the third part seems to be considered a combat unit, a mobile unit, here there are seven departures per day, there are eight, and there are also fires, well, an unlimited number, that is, you can have units arrive, just get out of the car and leave again, after this hour there may be another one, and two three emergencies, there are a lot of different things that we do, fire fighting, water rescue, also now,
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especially, which is important in the winter... so the fishermen are sitting on the ice, where in some places there is no 7 cm of ice, stepping on every day on duty for a day, risking his life, maybe go into an apartment and well, it’s the same apartment, a private house, and he doesn’t know what will happen there, again i repeat that no two fires are the same, so how it will be is already fate, it seems to me that the fact that i will be a teacher was... decided before i was born, because as far back as i can remember, i always wanted to be a teacher. the work of a teacher is generally not easy, and i always understood this, but i am not so afraid of difficulties, so i walked forward confidently, and as a student i already worked at school, these were the fifth and sixth grades, the whole fourth or fifth year i worked confidently, definitely not shouting, definitely not an authoritarian style, but this is a mixed style, probably the ability
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to finish.
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that the center does a lot a day, according to family legend, it seems like already at the age of five they already said that i was already going and saying that that’s it, i’ll be a doctor, and then i really liked it when i was at school, the young doctor club, in fact, this was the first acquaintance with the hospital then, we then worked as orderlies in the third hospital, still old, then they studied with us at the medical university, we we saw these students, for the first time we came across this in the anatomical museum, which of course, well, being there for 14-15 years makes quite a serious
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impression, well, somehow. find a solution, well, no matter how cold you are, you still always work with people, you can’t be cold with people, you still have to be a doctor first and foremost , so i don’t know, it seems to me that while working you should be confident in yourself, confident in the team you work with, but it’s still not a cold heart, it’s still constant communication, constant contact is not a cold heart , on the contrary, it seems to me that the warmer, the more well, the better it turns out, when you therefore say how much you work, sometimes it’s 2-4 hours a day, this is normal, i don’t see
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any . questions, it hurts, we help , it doesn’t hurt, he says, everyone’s heart hurts, it can’t wait to rest, so if we feel that it hurts, it means we feel something, that’s great. to give due credit to the year, which was full of events and the last week is proof of this, that’s what these 7 days will be remembered for. alexander lukashenko listened to reports from the heads of law enforcement agencies, chairman of the state security committee ivan tertel reported to the head of state on the operational
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situation developing around belarus, as well as the situation within the country. first of all, the focus of the department’s employees is on ensuring the safety of citizens in relation to the area of ​​responsibility of the committee. department. works in an intensive mode together with colleagues from other law enforcement agencies. the situation on the outer circuit does not allow you to relax even a little minute, even, it would seem, on the eve of the new year holidays, the situation in our country is under control, the head of state and security forces have their finger on the pulse, we know that the situation, issues of security of belarusians and guests of our country were discussed with the head of state, what tasks were set by the president ? the head of state held a hearing with the state security committee on issues of current activities, which should be laid down as a basis.
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draw the attention of parents to minor teenagers from 14 to 18 years, which, as a rule, at such moments are at increased risk. the head of state has set the tasks of enhanced control over the operational situation, prevention of emergencies, planned joint work with the ministry of defense, the state program committee regarding the protection of the state border, maintaining high standards,
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and work to ensure public safety on pre-holidays and public holidays . the president instructed the ministry of internal affairs to ensure the transition to an enhanced security regime. this means that the task that was set by the head of state is to ensure the safety of our citizens, the personnel of the ministry of internal affairs have been transferred to an enhanced version of service, those tasks set by the head of state will be completed in
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full and with high quality. at present, as i have already said, the personnel are working in an enhanced version of duty, the operational situation is completely under control, and in the last 3 days before the new year we are noticing an increase. influx of citizens from other countries who came to us to celebrate the new year and not only, someone comes to our shopping centers to buy goods, citizens who come from other countries are russia, lithuania, latvia, poland and germany. currently, we have created operational sectional headquarters throughout the republic; in the regions, in the ministry of internal affairs, the operational sectional headquarters included not only law enforcement officers. affairs, but also other services, these are the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of health, emergency services, so that, if necessary, we could quickly work ahead of the curve. on new year's eve, more than 1,500 places for celebrations have been designated in the republic, and public
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order will be fully ensured. the personnel will serve to protect public order not only in places where festive events are held, but in the border areas and in all populated areas of our country. currently, the operational situation, as i said, is under control, those responsible for the ministry of internal affairs were determined on new year's eve, the minister of internal affairs in the regional centers. these are the heads of the internal affairs department in the city of minsk. i repeat once again, the operational situation is under control. i would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all citizens of our country on the upcoming new year and say: don’t worry, relax, order and security will be fully ensured. the minister of emergency situations, vadim sinyavsky, reported on the measures taken to prevent emergency situations, including with an emphasis on fire safety and other life support issues.
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so that citizens of belarus can safely celebrate the new year holidays. at the request of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces , the president of the republic of belarus, i reported to the head of our state the situation developing around our country, as well as the activities that are planned and carried out by the armed forces as part of ensuring the military security of our country. the commander-in-chief ordered to intensify activities. so that our citizens can safely celebrate the new year
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holidays. in short, i would like to point out that the level of military presence of the united states, nato countries, eastern europe, as well as in the countries neighboring the republic of belarus, poland and the baltic countries, remains at a high level. we have planned a set of measures to increase activity, namely the protection of the state border in the airspace was planned by the most prepared crews in a reinforced composition, and the introduction of reconnaissance was organized by a reinforced staff of the most prepared crews, for this we used all the modern means that arrived at weapons of our... armed forces, such as valar, rosa rb, vostok, su-30
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sm aircraft, 35m helicopters, as well as the s-400 triumph anti-aircraft missile system. in addition, in order to avoid provocation on the southern border, the best units of the thirty-eighth airborne assault brigade, the 103rd airborne brigade were withdrawn to the task area for... with the ministry of internal affairs,
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the state border committee, the state security committee, will ensure a quiet weekend , holidays for our citizens. the chairman of the state border committee, konstantin molostov, in his report to the president, focused on strengthening the protection of the state border. considering the acute situation in neighboring countries, border guards, despite holidays, carry out security measures in full. state border, suppression of attempts of illegal actions. this work is carried out, among other things, in cooperation with law enforcement agencies, the military, and local authorities. konstantin gennadievich. tell me which one what is the situation at the state border? the situation on the state border of the republic of belarus has not undergone any drastic changes, however, a certain tension remains, especially in the belarusian-ukrainian section. despite the new year's eve, queues of cargo
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vehicles at road checkpoints remained. on the state of affairs at the state border, as of december 31. 2023 was reported to the president of the republic of belarus, on the basis of his order, the tasks of the formation and military units of the border service. border control units perform tasks in an enhanced mode as border control services. operational and tactical reserves are in constant readiness to carry out tasks when the situation changes. the president also asked the heads of law enforcement agencies to congratulate him personally on his behalf. composition of ministries and departments, happy new year, and especially those guys who will serve on the festive new year's eve, about our safety in new year's holidays, veronica buta, alina lopo, alexander oleshko and vladislav lopatin. we continue the main broadcast together with polina
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shuba and maxim uglyanitsa. after all , everything rests on ordinary people; newcomers and guests are ready to make their contribution to the future of the country. from abroad and new citizens of belarus. our country, by the way, has extended visa-free travel for another year. at first , more than 785 thousand foreigners traveled to belarus under the visa-free regime. these are poles, latvians, and lithuanians. how many are left in the country? by the way, more than 66 ukrainians arrived thousand since the beginning of the year. this was reported to us by the state border committee. today with us are those who chose belarus as their new home. this is the borunov family from lithuania and family. from ukraine, it’s snowing, it’s snowing, for having you in my destiny, thank you, good evening,
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we welcome you to our new studio.
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i can say that we are at home , that is, not even at home anymore, just at home, already at home, already at home, our house is full, bright, decorated for the holiday, just tell us how you plan to celebrate the new year in belarus here, of course, here already here, of course, and we’re waiting of course, you don’t want to go anywhere to see you, it’s beautiful here, there’s a lot of light, and there’s places to go, but anyway, i wonder what your impressions are, i like everything, everything is wonderful. everything is super, i’ve already managed to make new friends, yes, yes , i have very good friends, already yes, everything is fine, vladimir gennadievich, what became one of the reasons for your move, let’s say it’s that you were leaving those pseudo-values , yes, from which, to put it mildly, many europeans are already shaking, now,
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what do you think will be the future of those who remained there, ugh, it’s hard to say, everyone has their own choice , but we chose -
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well, in 5 years, i plan, firstly, to be as young and beautiful, in 5 years my son will finish his studies, the middle son will go to study, that is, the children will also all receive higher education here education, well, maybe it’s necessary for the children to confirm, yes, otherwise we speak for them, you really make plans, but i’m going to our country. to graduate from university, but parents would like their children to continue building their lives after university here in belarus, well, it’s important for us that they stay here, that they leave somewhere, that they continue their journey in this country that we came to, that is, take root in belarus, that they stay here, there are a lot of prospects here in terms of training, free of charge, and in terms of work.
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well, thank you, i think that today you are the best personification of those family values ​​that vladimir gennadievich spoke about, yes, and not even in full force. thank you again for coming to us, we welcome you to our congratulations studio we continue to sum up this year. in fact, it is the actions of these characters that drag behind them a chain of migrations of peoples. it is impossible to count how many refugees american exceptionalism has created. in the coming year, biden and trump really want to take on the great mission of being a monopoly in world politics. i must say that. the task is no longer feasible; in fact, us presidents compete, except in falling ratings, which invariably collapse over and over again.
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if you ever feel like you're you are doing the wrong thing, just remember: the united states spent four presidents, trillions of dollars, thousands of lives and 20 years to change the taliban for the taliban in afghanistan. how many more wars is the us funding around the world? therefore, security issues are coming to the fore... becoming almost a key topic for all states. belarus could maintain peace on its land. alexander lukashenko has repeatedly stated that we have already exhausted our limit on wars. therefore, we are engaged in economics, but also global we don’t lose sight of the situation. it's better to learn from other people's mistakes. the modernization of the army is taking into account the experience of conducting modern conflicts. but our colleagues andrei sych and yana will talk about which of them became key and why. in 2023, a significant part of our materials was devoted specifically to regional
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conflicts; they broke out in completely different parts of the planet. hundreds of thousands of human lives were thrown on the altar of strategic superiority. the struggle for dominance in macroregions sets the tone for international relations, financed conflicts with the powers that be. ukraine still remains a hot spot on the planet’s map. here. only the military power of the west has weakened, as well as its interest in square. kiev will be left without american money for an indefinite period. the us senate previously released a statement on postponing discussions on the aid issue next year. zelensky was reminded that he does not live in a fairy tale and miracles do not happen. we don't have a miracle pot of money to draw from if the bill doesn't pass congress, so we have to clear up the mess... cooked according to a western recipe, you have to make it yourself. the kiev regime has taken up human resources, some of the captured conscripts on the eve of the new year are immediately sent to
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the military registration and enlistment office with harsh escort, what are you doing, i beg you, i beg you, don’t do this, regional conflicts in the post-soviet space are, to one degree or another, connected with territorial disputes that arose with the emergence of 15 independent subjects of international law, azerbaijan and armenia for a long time... were in a state of heated confrontation that erupted around the disputed territories. in 2023 , a compromise solution was reached, the territorial integrity of azerbaijan was confirmed by nikol pashinyan. from an international legal point of view, i also spoke about this, all these territories are an integral part of the azerbaijani republic, while a peace treaty between the two countries has still not been signed and about... the negotiation process will continue in 2024, maintaining the situation in in a suspended state. it bursts where the subtly
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explosive 2023 did not bypass and near. east. exacerbation of the palestinian-israeli conflict and the phase of war. hamas attacked israel on october 7. the military operation was called the alyaksa flood. in response to the attack, tel aviv launched its counter-terrorism, iron swords. since then, there have been incessant explosions, tens of thousands of dead, a bloody scarlet sky illuminated by fire. the day before, the israeli prime minister noted that the country was expanding its military operation in the gaza strip and would continue the war until victory over the boor. both sides are ready to go to the end. it will take time, but we are united, soldiers, people and government. we are united and determined to fight to the end. the gas sector was particularly vulnerable to the war without supplies of water, electricity, food and medicine. local residents are on the brink of survival, and the world is split apart. the planet was rocked by large-scale demonstrations, both in
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support of palestine and in support of israel. it is worth noting that the situation in israel was preceded by a serious internal political crisis. netanyahu's reforms led to mass protests, which only came to an end with the start of the war. similar situation unfolds today in poland. the new prime minister donald tusk has launched a vigorous activity, which is one way or another directed against his political opponents. even though i am unwell, i came because tusk wants to destroy the poles and does not want to hear the truth. poland found itself divided into two irreconcilable camps: the first president of the country, leg walesa , is confident that there is a risk of a civil war, at least now everything is developing according to the classics, the telegraph is taken. the year 2023 turned out to be rich in conflicts, and also
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once again pointed out to us the importance of dialogue. we wish that in the new year conflicts of any level are resolved peacefully, at the negotiating table, and if there are explosions, then only such peace in the new year, i would like to wish every family in the new year that everyone is happy, may everyone have a peaceful sky above their heads , love your children, 3, 2! one with the upcoming year, i want to wish everyone peace, health, prosperity and stability next year, i want to wish you peace, good health and happiness in the family, i wish everyone great family happiness, take care each other and so that everyone gets the gifts they want, hurray, no matter what intrigues
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our foreign ex-partners weave, they only make things worse. people in their right mind understand that not allowing food on the market or our athletes to compete is akin to real genocide. meanwhile, this year , not for the first time, belarusian wrestling has become the sport that breaks down any barriers. our national team achieved real olympic justice and was invited to the world championships for all ages, including the most and the main olympic licensing planetary forum in belgrade. from there, the belarusians brought one medal and two licenses. the heroine of the year is vanessa kaladinskaya, who won silver and a pass to the olympics in paris. on the eve of 2024, our guests are the chairman of the belarusian wrestling federation alim selimov and the titled vasilisa marzalyuk. to you in
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the dark blue sky, only in the sky, blue, good evening, we welcome you to our studio, happy new year, and to our guests, vasilisa, you look great, right away i have a question for you, what do you personally prefer in a sporty, comfortable uniform on the court, or like today in such a wonderful evening look? oh, i’ve already lost the habit of sportswear, in fact, and sometimes i even scold myself for it, because it wouldn’t hurt to go to the gym, which i recommend to everyone, but tell both guests the question will be remembered for 2023, some of the same for you, you know, milestones, the admission of our athletes to the international arena, and this, of course, cannot but rejoice, maybe there are some achievements on a personal level, we are everywhere
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we are opening new schools, the cis games were held in our native one. not in soligorsk, two olympic licenses in fact and a medal at the adult world championship. it was a great year, very difficult in terms of work, everyone worked hard and many people helped us. and our state , the ministry of sports from the pack, the presidential sports club, the national olympic committee, so we can only rejoice here that we have such great support, we ourselves would be uncomfortable if something didn’t work out for us, like do you think when he could have taken off these stupid let's face it, sanctions from ours, you know, from a larger point, in our sport, the international wrestling federation met us halfway. uh, just a week ago, yes, vasilisa alexandrovna, we received an official letter from the international wrestling federation about the admission of our athletes to the olympic games. the fact that we have already competed at
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the licensed world championship this year in belgrade in serbia is already a slight warming and leaves us with hopes of participating in the olympic games. for every athlete, the flag is first and foremost of course, this is patriotism and pride. it was a very successful season, in your opinion, why are belarusian wrestlers so strong in spirit? there is continuity of generations , and this of course affects the results, of course, we, as maximalists, we always
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want more and more, as i always say, we always strive for the maximum in order to get our minimum, we work further in the new year, if we also talk about the spirit of our athletes about the flag, there is a cool tradition, after any victory, and this year our athletes, wrestlers did this... and i remember from myself, when you win such big international forums, you run with the flag, you know, it’s such an additional experience of this drive, when you run with the flag motivation, as i already said, you understand that behind this flag is huge, a huge crowd of, let's say, your fans... who are watching you, and of course, why not raise the flag over your head once again, this is essentially diplomacy, to show everyone that we are belarusians, that we also know how to win and we will
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continue to do this, well, let it be in your new this year there will be more opportunities to give such drive to ourselves, but, of course, to us fans too, in general, to all residents of belarus, thank you for coming, once again congratulations on the upcoming new year and new victories , stay in the ranks. thank you, thank you very much , happy new year. dear residents of our beautiful, beloved country, allow us, on behalf of the sports community, to congratulate you on the upcoming 2024. we wish you inspiration, fortitude, bright impressions of great victories, and may everyone’s muscles be strong.
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tv news agency, immediately after musical break, we would like to give the floor to our colleagues who will continue the new year's relay race to belarus-1. see you in the coming year, happy new year, all your wishes will come true, i know,
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i have the power of expectation, dream, all mine. desires with i will be, the power of expectations. i have me, dream, lesya, kogata, mikuta, whatever, take it, a heart like mine, you can never dream of it, no. you can climb like
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water into nowhere, like fire-kali, let them shine like the moon, you can never dream of stars, it’s never too late, all my desires. come true, i know, dream, the power of expectation, i have it, you have it, all my wishes will come true, i begin.
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i have the power of expectation, i have it, stick like water, into nowhere, like naked fire, into the heat, the light of this shit, a starry dream. it's never too late to climb like water into nowhere like fire galli called skelna it's never too late to dream to the stars.
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i don’t know people at all who are happy about the fact that... this war seems to be going on, no one is happy at all, we ourselves have given the opportunity to our enemies, as if yes, not only to dismember us, but also to force us into to fight with each other, behind the lines behind everyone they rub their hands like this, they , so to speak, slavs, kind of forced us to kill each other, but we didn’t have enough inner wisdom to avoid this, in war you already understand, that there is nothing more important than a person, you, despite the fact that you have no resources, are built on maximum justice, justice is not something that is in trend now, but...


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