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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 1, 2024 10:35am-11:00am MSK

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happy about the fact that this war seems to be going on, in general, but no one is happy, we ourselves have given the opportunity to our enemies, as if yes, not only to dismember us, but also to force us to fight with each other, there behind the lines, behind everyone just like that, these hands , they, so to speak, slavs , forced us to kill each other, but we didn’t have enough inner wisdom to avoid this, in war you already understand that there is nothing more important than a person, you , despite the fact that there are no resources, maximum justice has been built, justice - this is not what it is now... in trend, but in our state, our people have a demand for justice, including in the international arena, as soon as you become the same beasts as your enemies, you have lost, even if you won , if we stop being people, we will lose, even if we formally win, this is our success, this is the fact that we are still holding on to this, markov’s project is nothing personal, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. new year and christmas , a time of miracles, two of the most joyful and exciting holidays on the calendar, which are celebrated in all corners of the world. different cultures have unique customs associated with these events, reflecting local characteristics and values. each nation has its own fascinating history of celebration, its own traditions and a special view of the magic of this time of year.
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a few minutes before the start of our concert entitled christmas traditions of venezuela, at which the audience present will be able to know in more detail how we celebrate such a wonderful holiday of christmas in venezuela. it is clear that christmas is celebrated in any corner of the world, but it seems to me that since venezuela, it is not celebrated anywhere, because we celebrate it for about 3 months, starting with...
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three religions, traditionally the celebration of christmas begins in the city of bethlehem on as you know, palestine is the cradle on the western bank of the jordan, which is accompanied by a procession of scouts, these are students from all schools and gymnasiums in palestine. they begin their movement to yaselnaya square , accompanied by festive orchestras and drummers. on the nursery square near the church of the nativity of christ, pilgrims and tourists from all over the world with congratulations, and also in the center of this square the
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tallest spruce tree, sixteen meters high, on which the famous star of bethlehem is lit, awaits them. from this moment the celebration of christmas in palestine begins, which takes place in two stages; we celebrate christmas from the sixth to the 7th of january. there is no snow in palestine, of course , no, the whole association is precisely with this spruce, with the solemn lighting of the bethlehem star. yes, there are a lot of tourists there, so on the hall in front of the square there are tens of thousands of tourists in front of the christmas church, that’s why the holiday begins like that. this is a warm family holiday. which is accompanied by such quiet family , family evenings , at which close relatives should be present, we prepare seven lenten dishes, we prepare mansav, this is a meat dish to tell that yes, this is
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lamb in curdled milk with rice, and also molubi and traditional slas, this is stekataev, namura, for the new year we traditionally prepare a russian-belarusian dish. in the kitchen we have olivier salad and kiseledka under shuya, the tree is decorated, gifts are given, oranges, tangerines, everything is the same as everywhere else , we brought all these traditions, we brought them here, in the same way we gather for christmas with the whole family, celebrate this quiet family, cozy holiday, which then goes into the new year celebrations.
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please, what part of the bike are the wheels, pedals, saddle and handlebars attached to? more than 100 tons of the fruit are used in the famous annual spanish culinary festival on the last wednesday of august. the ancient greek goddess of justice, phimida, is always depicted the same. she has scales in one hand and a sword in her other hand. name the third distinctive feature of this goddess. and unexpected answers to them. ball, ball. i accept the answer ball. how does she hold the ball? but not a shiva, which has many hands, unfortunately , we are not strong in operas, we can therefore maybe, prince igor is clearly accepted, the correct answer, build a tower, watch in the intellectual show tower on the belarus 24 tv channel. the belarusian balcony, it is the most important
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for western countries, they will not leave us in peace, so we need to prepare, consolidate within the state, to conduct our elections. and most importantly, understand that as far as the external vector is concerned, our western countries still do not recognize the elections. in '24, we are electing people who will largely determine the future of the country.
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the armenian people have been celebrating the new year for a long time, even during the time of santa claus, it turns out that even we still use this word, kargant papi, that is
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, it means new year's grandfather, so it remains with us even in common parlance, with us, since new year is such a family holiday, it’s always traditionally, people gather and celebrate it at home, at the festive table; of course, there, festive pilaf is included in the festive menu .
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we have a christian place in syria called malula. we have many villages like maolula. our christianity is widespread and everyone celebrates this holiday. children adore him, children collect money, and parents also give them money. and in such situations the streets really light up. we would like to thank the republic of belarus
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for the help they provided to our children. thanks to this, our children can happy to celebrate christmas this year. here, the holiday is coming, the long-awaited holiday, the new year. we celebrate it in kazakhstan. it’s the same as everywhere else, for example, in relation to my family, i definitely prepare our traditional dish for the new year - it’s beshparmak, beshparmak, dough, meat are prepared. broth, wonderful, onions, it all smells great, i also cook herring under a fur coat, vinaigrette, uh, olivier salad, what we are used to eating since childhood, my family loves it very much, i have a favorite signature dish my family, it's called dungan noodles , i have a lot of blood, my dad
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is dunganin, and my husband loves the dish very much, it's called lume, dungan noodles, i pull with my hands, it's a very complex process, many different ingredients are prepared, different sauces, with vegetables, with herbs, a lot of greens, and i have specially brought juxai just now, this is wild garlic, it is not here in minsk, it does not grow here, but different fillings, and most importantly, i pull the noodles, these are long noodles, they requires... skill, dexterity, of course, i i cook it a lot, my family always eats it with pleasure, it’s very tasty and very healthy. regarding the new year, we have a traditional holiday in kazakhstan , it is called nauryz, it comes when the day of the vernal equinox comes, this is the month of march,
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it is celebrated very widely in kazakhstan, it is celebrated not only in kazakhstan, in many countries, it is very popular, it very... doesn’t like it, but it is usually celebrated for 3 days, it is traditionally prepared for naurys, there is such a dish, it is called naurys kozhe, and it is always prepared for the celebration nauryz and it includes seven ingredients, grains, dairy, salt, uh, something from fat, i cook for uryz, it turns out very tasty, always guests come to me, i cook a big... big pan, it's very delicious, very, very popular, i have children, i myself love this naurys very much, and i also add meat, that is, animal, plant food, grain crops, it turns out like a stew. the best tradition i have seen for the new year is that santa claus brings
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gifts to the children under the tree. the dish that the slavs prepare for the festive table, what i saw. this looks very tasty and i really like it. there is a difference between the new year, which is celebrated in iran and here. every new year comes at a different time for us. sometimes we celebrate in the morning, sometimes at night. it depends on where the earth is in relation to the sun. we celebrate on the first day of spring, here on the night from december 31 to january 1. this is the biggest difference. on the new year, which we celebrate in iran, women are always everything in the family.
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in india new year is more of an opportunity just to stay with family, with friends, and young people go to clubs or have some kind of parties. this is delicious food, some kind of night snacks, tea snacks, for the new year we have a day off, so it’s like a day off in the kitchen too, so we usually buy something unusual or buy a dish that we usually don’t cook at home , new years and as usual 31 to the first,
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but from a religious point of view. we have our own, like the new year, but it’s like with every transition to a new season there are different holidays, this is when winter begins, already there is the diwali holiday when summer begins, there is the holi holiday, then these are the most important holidays, plus, well, there are many more, like our country, there are holidays, so we probably have some kind of holidays every week. in india, of course, people know about the new year, christmas, because we also have a lot of christians , most of them are catholics and... if we read the percentage, then it’s small, but if we read the quantity, then it’s quite a lot, so people know, it is visible, decorations in
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the city in the market decorate the shopping center they decorate, leave the christmas trees, so most of our percentage is nationally hindu , otherwise they don’t celebrate, but they are still part of this holiday, in belarus we celebrate, as it should be here... i’m a person who loves family, i love spending time with family, this is a family tradition, it doesn’t matter here or in india, i really like it, it’s very close to me personally, so we always try to celebrate any holiday with our family, well, for the new year we have the usual belarusian new year’s dish of course we have olivia or others on the table salads. and meat dishes, well, i add a little of my own there, i usually cook some kind of english dish, everyone likes english
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cuisine too, so it’s like this, it’s a good contrast, the new year in turkey is, first of all, a family holiday. ah, families, as a rule, gather in one house , and as a rule, this is the house of the elder, this is the house of mom and dad, and definitely grandchildren, definitely relatives, and what dishes are you asking, but turkish cuisine is very diverse, you you know, in every family it is different dishes, it cannot be said that there is one dish that is prepared on all new year's tables, as is customary in our culture, in your culture. but it ’s definitely some kind of hot meat dish, it’s pilaf, it’s definitely cold dolma, i think these are the most significant, most
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recognizable dishes of turkey, which everyone loves when they come to turkey, they want to try, in fact, this is a difficult question, because the cuisine in turkey it is very, very diverse, these are sweets, for example, in our country baklava is presented, i would like i would like to say that on the new year's table... one feels such sweetness, but in fact , every housewife does not buy soup on a new nest, but does something with her own hands; in turkey , milk-based sweets are very popular, that is, some kind of milk puddings , sprinkled with pistachios or coconut flakes , and milk chocolate puddings, probably on the new year's table, the first thing that takes place on the new year's table is this kind of sweets, specifically happy new year, an association, probably, of any family... who have nets dress up a small christmas tree, of course, this is not on such a scale as, since this is still a muslim country, and there, first of all , they celebrate their own and some holidays, yes, that
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is, they are the biggest events of the year, my husband loves it very much herring under a fur coat, this is a mandatory dish on our new year’s table, i basically don’t cook it on other days, other months of the year, so that he gets an appetite for herring under a fur coat on the new year’s table.
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