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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 1, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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this question, you are in a super game, something like this, something like this, girls, there will be no more questions, you can relax, don’t worry, all we need to do in a super game is build a tower, this tower should consist of this number of elements , how many times your team made mistakes, maybe you can tell us how many, well, two times maximum , i understand, i understand, optimistically, guys usually exaggerate, girls usually say less, seven times, your team made mistakes seven times, that is. somewhere from the first to the third round you gave seven incorrect answers, you managed to earn 10 points, these 10 points turn into 10 seconds, let’s summarize: you have 10 seconds to build a tower of seven elements, and according to our rules, only one person builds, but new year, christmas, the holiday is coming to us, you are so beautiful, charged, not so much, don’t go too far with magic, please, i can allow you to build.
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count 3 2 1 let's go let's go 10 seconds seven elements times 2 3 4 5 stop stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, oh, girls, definitely pleased, maybe with a tower you didn’t cope with the super games, but...
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you lifted our spirits, thank you very much for coming to us, today you are one hundred percent winners of the showbn, this symbol is confirmation of this, these applause sounds in your honor, well, we will meet with you in exactly a week here in the show -tower, bye , bye, russian winter, all its little things, all the details, some are so beautiful that they take your breath away, some are awkward, but together they are one whole, together they are harmony. looking at them,
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you feel aesthetic pleasure, you feel that belarus is closer. maxim, if if you created a sculpture of your life, what would it be like? i think that all sculptures, dear valery, are sculptures, but mine. life, the artist always appears before you openly, like any other person engaged in creative activity , the writer writes about himself, about his life, the director films about himself, about his life, the composer writes music about himself, about his life, about his feelings , just like me, an artist, i create all my works about my life.
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my guest is a very unusual person, his name is maxim, consonant with the direction in which he works, maximalism, he takes art to the maximum from life, he does not agree to anything less. today my guest is the sculptor maxim petrul. maxim, hello, hello, dear valery. maxim , i noticed that journalists, speaking about your works, most often use adjectives such as amazing, unexpected scandalous, you consider yourself a scandalous sculptor, you know, i don’t know, yes, yes, well, that is, i ’ve been doing this for over 20 years sculpture professionally, that’s what scandals are, that is, there’s nothing here like this, now is the time of hype in art, and if you can hook the viewer, then you immediately fall into the trends, but what can hook you now? i just
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don’t have it in my conceptual apparatus, i apologize, i just misunderstand this term hype, because the creative process is concentration in solitude, communication, so to speak, with higher powers, with the creator, the discovery of some new meanings, ideas and translating these ideas into the language of sculpture, into this plastic language, the language of form, material, relationships between empty and filled, and so on, we have our own codes, we study them, you started studying them more than 30 years ago at the akhremchikov school. then i entered the minsk state art school named after glebov for a course with vladimir ivanovich zhbanov, this is my teacher, who, well, influenced me to a certain extent, we were already friends with him, after i finished my studies in glebovka, that’s just i began to create several of my sculptural works, in particular under the leadership of
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vladimir ivanovich shbanov, this sculptural work elephantus, this sculptural a work of creation, and this sculpture of a bird, all these three works have a very good fate, so...
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in textiles, artist, teacher, this work was again noticed by experts, the national art museum invited the expert commission of the ministry of culture to purchase it for the collection museum, it was purchased, and then, it was also
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donated in the courtyard since independence, where since the eighteenth year it has been in the collection of contemporary belarusian art, what an amazing fate, and what’s more, in 2009 i submitted it... to a competition in the chinese city of changchun, which is a sister city of minsk; out of 2 thousand proposals, they chose my sculpture of a bird, out of thirty, this very one. maxim, how was it created? it was created as a kind of symbol of consent, friendship, unity, which would seem, perhaps , more natural, an egg and two birds, reminiscent.
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this is the grushevka metro station - this is a pear, again created during the period when i lived on grushevka, look, this is my contribution, my contribution, this is my world, i have peace when i i was little, but i lived on grushevka, i wanted to go to kindergarten, to school eighty-
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third, these are my childhood impressions that i then, well, sketched, created sketches, created such a decorative ponno from 342 pieces of fireclay mass weighing 11 tons per... in the wall 50 km with a bend and a bronze pear cut in half - weighing about a ton, installed at the station and 12 weights in a circle, like 12 months, yes. malinovka was the next station, because the grushevka station, again, caused a very wide resonance, and so he invited me again minsk metro project, here's to work at the malinovka metro station, in malinovka there is a world of artistic expression and the world of everyday life, this is what comes out of this, also yes, i was present at the opening, if the president of the republic of belarus opened the pear, then the prime minister was present at the opening of malinovka, so we exchanged it in a nutshell.
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no one pays me, no one is waiting for me there, no one demands anything from me, it’s of my own
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free will, day after day, month after month, year after year, already from decade to decade, i come create, create, create, every day, invent, communicate, with some kind of inner voice of mine, to be in this harmony with this universal energy, and as for the viewer, and i am pleased when someone...
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i was very pleased, i called him, and he offered me a very serious big project, this is a memorial to children dedicated to the great patriotic war, any interesting project, it always evokes the most unexpected opinions, the most unexpected views, so to speak, so that it’s downright shocking , well no, so to say that this is some kind of scandal, i wouldn’t say, but in general, interesting architectural and artistic solutions always cause resonance, this is normal, returning a little to vladimir.
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a very personal story: after vladimir ivanovich left, after some time, about 40 days, maybe i had a dream, this is a park near glebovka, early. autumn , such pleasant, fresh air, yellow leaves, and we are walking ahead in our group, and vladimir ivanovich is walking a little further away, i look at him and say: vladimir ivanovich, it’s somehow strange that you are no longer with us, he looks at me and says: “yes, max, i’m no longer with you.” you
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defined the direction of your creativity as maximalism, but the idea of ​​classical maximalism is that more is better, but what is more? mine, maximalism is a kind of opposition to american minimalism, conceptualism, this is the art of the second half of the 20th century, the ideological inspirers of which were donald judd, sol lewitt, and others, they argued that their simple geometric bodies do not mean anything other than to be simple geometric bodies, as i say, that my transformed simple geometric bodies into...
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such an interaction arises, the same thing actually happens with sculpture, so you come to a sculptural work, you may resonate with it, you may not resonate as with a book or a film or a piece of music work, these are the most abstract things - this is a piece of music, the work of a sculptor, it is inevitably connected with commissioned works, this is how your maximalism is combined with the desires of the customer, do you have to follow the lead? artistic tastes? in those who pay money, i do not produce creativity in order to sell it, it is born simply from inspiration, and i do not treat it as some kind of consumer goods in order to sell them as much as possible, no, i can convey the rights of a person who has matured and wants this, we can work something out with him, like , say, an example of working with
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the minsk transplantology center, this is oleg olegovich rumo, our famous surgeon and...
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inevitably, how difficult it is for you to leave with your works? well you know, after all, no matter how they are made, they exist, and rather it’s some kind of necessity, you know , that’s inevitability, that’s the other side, that’s the same paradox, you invent something, but the way life works is that, well, you need keep a workshop , pay, pay for everything, everything, everything, it just seems that... i often heard before, but now people have sobered up a little, that i can do this too, i also have people drawing there, what can i do? and so on, but you understand, these are colossal expenses, someone says expensive. play tennis, no, guys, it’s expensive to do art, i heard that one of your works became a symbol of china, how did this happen, just starting at the age of 25, i
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went there, lived there for a total of 2 years, if you do the math , i was there 15 times in different cities of china, here is the first sculpture - elephantus, this is an elephant, this is a symbol of happiness, this is again very conventional, transformed into such an amorphous form - your recognizable style, a play on plastic forms, this is the result of a long search, or this , what has it always been with you? naturally , because a work is a reflection
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of a person’s inner world, so you search, search, search, and in order to come to consciousness, in order to somehow quantify all the developments that you produced annually, monthly, daily, yes, to collect some , comprehend, write, turn into text that is very easy to read.
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well, growing up in an artistic family is not easy,
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because it inevitably entails some comparisons, maybe even criticism, but as was customary with you, you often consulted mother, at some stage and at the beginning, when i started studying at the akhremchik school, when we consulted a lot. then , when i had already entered vladimir ivanovich zhbanov in glebovka, we somehow stopped consulting with her, you know, again, these are periodic things, there were some projects that we very actively discussed, elephantus, about which we talked today, when i transformed it from such an educational work of composition into a serious adult work, i am also with her i consulted, yes, well, it’s not all the time, it’s from time to time, but it’s very good when... you have a person, a like-minded person, and a relative, the closest relative, who is engaged in the same business with you, a desire to continue the family
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dynasty, was this solely your decision, or was it still, as it were, the result of your mother’s influence? i think that this is the result of my mother’s influence, for which i am very grateful to her, you see, because children, yes , it seems to me, until a certain time they don’t even realize that it’s good in childhood, how... you have a person who will guide you, but he sees what abilities you have, he doesn’t force you, he guides you, and my mother was the one who guided me, she didn’t force me to draw, she didn’t force me there to do something that i don’t want, so you helped me , contributed, asked me, yes, no, in one of your interviews you said that sculpture takes up all your free time, yet how do you prefer to fill your free time , i love? world and
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the east, so i study, read, watch movies, i love cinema, by the way, do you have your own place of power? when soha takuhan was little, he came to the densky temple and asked kisen, osho, where is the land of shakyamuni, in the same place as the amidas, where are they, show me them, to which the answer.
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does it exist, the same with gravity , we don’t see gravity, but it is there, it holds us, this is both a physical phenomenon of gravity and a metaphysical phenomenon, but some people are attracted to each other in such a way that they cannot be pulled away , you see, some events attract me, your life, everything is attracted, here we are in some kind of field of attraction, in a field of gravity, this is attracted to one, this is attracted to the other, and i’m thinking about all this, expressing
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gravity through sculpture. that is, i’m trying to make visible what is not visible , that is, this must be done through an artistic image, of course, so i solve this topic, that is , through volumes, through material, through form, through the relationship of these volumes, through the relationship in space there from a distance , close-up view and so on, here’s me this year i was very excited about the phenomenon of gravity as such, that’s how physical is so literal, our program is called the meaning of life for you , what is it? i know that your program is called the meaning of life, dear valery, that’s why i came to you, well, the meaning of life, as you understand, is to create works in order to discover these new meanings for yourself, as an amazing psychologist and philosopher wrote xx century, viktor frankl, that man is in search of meaning, we all look for this meaning, discover it, it keeps us on
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the surface, captivates us. make our lives filled, when we understand ourselves every time as a person seeking meaning, this was the meaning of maxim petrul’s life.
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