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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 1, 2024 3:00pm-3:21pm MSK

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tv news agency congratulates you on the new year 2020. how the country and the world turned
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the calendar upside down began a new report, i, lyudmila kazak and my colleagues will tell you, look in this issue, quality, which has long become a way of life in belarus, we will do everything to make our country more beautiful, more comfortable and stronger, the year of quality has come to the life of every belarusian. new year's eve united people all over the world, we will tell and show how we celebrated 2024 in the country. and the world. it was noted with a twinkle that mass unrest took place almost throughout hundreds of cars were burned throughout germany and in france. the green dragon brings good news for belarusians. major changes, new base salary, salary increases and more. the historical path from the film era to digital technologies. today is the 68th anniversary of belarusian television, let's remember how...
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it all began. belarus celebrated the new year 2024, a few minutes before the chimes, the president warmly and sincerely congratulated the belarusians and guests of our country. alexander lukashenko recalled what a year of peace and creation was like outlined guidelines for the coming year, the year of quality. mentally, the belarusian leader is convinced, we have already drawn the shape of our future. the main thing is that 2024 is peaceful for us too. and for our neighbors, and in general for everyone in every corner of the earth, the opportunity to live in peace is worth a lot, there is no peace without creation and there is no creation without peace, but tomorrow we want to see how loving couples become families, to congratulate parents on the birth of babies , to be happy for friends and relatives who have grandchildren, great-grandchildren,
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it is important for us to be healthy, to see how children happily go to kindergartens and schools, yesterday's students become real professionals. it is important to know that our elderly, and those in need of special care, are surrounded by care and attention. therefore, thanks to everyone who devotes themselves without reserve to the most difficult work, to work with... day after day, justifying the trust of millions of their compatriots. this is our path, the path of creation, the life-long road along which we walk day after day. warm words of gratitude from the president were addressed to everyone who works to preserve stability, who does our life is more comfortable. peace and security in the country, food on new year's tables, clean well-groomed streets and parks, everything.
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but we didn’t just survive, we developed comprehensively, moving towards our goal. and we can do even more, knowing that we live behind everyone’s safe back. who faithfully serves the homeland and loves it, because there is no stronger incentive for development than confidence in the future and confidence in the safety of the people, people in uniform, thank you for peace, dear compatriots, 2024 is coming, the year of quality, we will do everything to our the country has become even more beautiful... more comfortable and stronger,
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this is our home, for everyone it begins with their own threshold and beloved family, and for everyone together, for a single nation it becomes: an insoluble fortress. the president noted that the year of quality is a lifestyle of belarusians, our national trait. in 2024, we will continue to create, cultivate respect for the country’s achievements through the continuity of generations and revive traditions. symbolically, alexander lukashenko addressed the belarusians in the hall of ceremonies against the backdrop of soviet standards with our modern symbols. standards were awarded for fulfilling and exceeding economic plans. reference point.
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depends on each of us. the capital celebrated the new year in a magical mood with shining lights. some are with family or visiting, some are at the main christmas tree of the country in the center of minsk. the program includes retro hits from belarusian musicians, a christmas market and a festive atmosphere. what did belarusians wish for on new year's eve? karina gurevich will tell you a secret. all your wishes will definitely come true if you make them on new year's eve, and it was truly a wonderful one. magical. in minsk, at the main christmas tree of the country
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, there was a real extravaganza, round dances, songs, smiles and congratulations. and everyone, of course, was waiting for the president’s new year’s address. here the seconds until 2024 were counted down. that night , everyone thanks the passing year and, of course , voices their dreams, expectations for 2024 , i had a wonderful super weekend on the minsk sea in tents with friends, it was great , it was a good impression, yes, whatever you want to happen in '24? i want peace warmth, kindness, smiles, so that we all feel good, i starred in my first film, we wished that all our dreams would come true, that we would be bolder, that there would be peace and tranquility everywhere,
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the new year's open air at the sports palace was no less grandiose , the audience was surprised by belarusian artists on stage; both modern new year's hits and eternal classics sounded. and the taste of the holiday was provided by carol kirmash, belarusian, russian, armenian and uzbek cuisine, as well as tea in samovars, gingerbread, new year’s decorations and themed souvenirs, great new year, friends, good company, we wish you. i wish you all happiness next year, may all your wishes come true, and good health. new year is a huge event for people, it is joy, a holiday, it is luck , people, every person wishes other people and themselves the most intimate, kindest, purest,
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brightest thing that can be wished for people, the mood is super, we wish everyone new achievements, i would like to wish you new victories in the new year. the mood is quite good, especially now we are walking, very it’s beautiful, the city is decorated with many different beautiful places, you can walk around and take pictures, so it lifts your spirits. olga minibaeva is celebrating the new year for the first time in the belarusian capital, together with friends. just a few months ago she moved from lithuania to our country and received a residence permit. i was amazed by the atmosphere, beauty and people here. the goal for 2024 is to travel. from belarus: my dad is belarusian, i am ethnic belarusian, i moved here, that is, this is your first new year here, the first, awesome, it’s just, to be honest, i didn’t expect, firstly, decorations, secondly, people, such a broad soul, so i’m in awe, the year of the green
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wooden dragon was generously and noisily celebrated in all districts of minsk, an incredible atmosphere reigned at every festive location . the main magic is that miracles do not end with dawn. how long the new year's mood will last depends only on ourselves. we believe that in the coming year there will be even more bright, memorable moments. iziya. to spend the first hours of 2024 with new year's
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on a grand scale, that night they sang, walked, received gifts, were in no hurry to leave, there were thousands of townspeople with their families taking to the streets , a sign that how you celebrate the new year is how you will spend it, happy new year, friends, you need to have fun, and of course, take a walk with your best friends, i wished you a good session, a big scholarship, our beloved belarusians. we congratulate you on the upcoming new year, we wish you fulfillment of desires, love, good health, smiles, warmth of happiness, happy new year everyone, i wish you success, health and a lot of money, happy new year, happiness, health, and so that everyone's desires are aroused, cultural institutions have announced a dozen new year's performances for adults and children in the first days of the new year, there will be enough impressions, magic and goodness for everyone. the telenews agency team is in a hurry to convey to all belarusians warm congratulations from
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the athletes, sincere words addressed to the belarusians from the two-time russian artistic gymnastics champion svetlana khorkina. our dear friends, brothers, sisters, our loved ones. belarusian athletes - all those who live on the territory of the republic of belarus, with all my heart, i want to congratulate you on the new year, merry christmas, be healthy, happy, peaceful skies above your head , victories, victories in all directions, success, happy new year, winners of the ministry of internal affairs competition dreams come true, continue to fulfill their cherished desires with the help law enforcement officers, denis klyuchanok, having gone... to the base of the capital's riot police after training on the tatama with employees, admitted that he felt like
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a real fighter. with great interest the boy listened to the exploits of the detachment representatives in the room of military glory, carefully looked at the weapon and, of course, gladly accepted the offer to try on the equipment. kirill and ulyana ovchinnikov had an equally exciting time when they visited the service dog kennel of the minsk city administration of the security department. children watched with delight the four-legged law enforcement officers and even reconciled. to become a sniper, the schoolgirl deftly navigated the obstacle course, impressing not only her parents, but
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experienced fighters with her dexterity and shooting accuracy. varvara’s emotions were also aroused by the meeting with the symbol of the trotting brigade donated special forces uniform. today in belarus alone, watch the television version of one of the most beautiful celebrations of the past year, the new year's ball in the palace of independence. he gave a lot of emotions and impressions to the participants, and this is more than 300 people, including those who glorify the country with... their talents and successes. on our air at 20:00! new year's eve is something that unites millions of people around the world. with family,
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colleagues or friends, people celebrate the main holiday of winter. were heard all over dubai fireworks roared, the sky, following the bursh khalifa, lit up in colors symbolizing the preservation of various types of nature; portraits of uae leaders. on new year's eve , two world records were set at once, the longest chain of aquatic floating fireworks and the longest live drone display. and... the count to midnight sounded in the main square in mexico city, where thousands of people celebrated the arrival of the new year together. a twelve-minute fireworks display marked the beginning of january in brazil. thousands of people gathered on the beach. at the cop cabana in rio deaneiro, many adhered to afro-brazilian rituals, so they were dressed in white to attract the world into the new year. new year's eve was not crowned with a holiday for everyone. riots broke out in some eu countries after midnight. in german cities, berlin, leipzig, zollinger, frankfurt and many others, hundreds of pro-palestinian
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protesters took to the streets. over 230 people were detained, dozens of people were injured, including children. some explosions of firecrackers tore off my fingers. the night was no less stormy in france. in the first hours of january, vandals across the country a total of 745 cars were burned, and over 380 people were detained in various incidents. on the first day of the new year. slovakia celebrates education day. the head of the belarusian state congratulated the people of the republic on the holiday. alexander lukashenko noted that traditionally friendly contacts between... belarus and slovakia have been successfully developing for many years; such partnerships have contributed to the prosperity of our states and increased well-being of the population. minsk is ready to resume a full dialogue on principles of mutual respect and support for peaceful and creative work with bratislava. in the new year, an
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electronic queue waiting area in front of the kozlovichi checkpoint will begin to operate. this is provided for by a resolution of the council of ministers. the waiting area has been calculated for now. for 140 cars, but the number of parking spaces will be expanded, the necessary conditions for the stay of drivers have been created here, electronic boards with information about the movement of the queue have been installed, there is a store with an equipped sanitary zone, and for safety purposes there is a 24-hour service video surveillance, it has been put into operation in test mode since december 26, this is already the ninth checkpoint at which such a system will be implemented. the new year traditionally brings a number of innovations to belarusians ... for example, the labor code was noticeably updated, the changes affected more than eighty articles of the document, and the base value, base rate and minimum wage also went up, and the salaries of teachers increased. managers from among pedagogical workers, teachers of children's art schools, teachers, defectologists, teachers of extended day groups and other categories plus 15% of salary. but teachers
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of general, secondary and special education institutions will receive 22% more. from salary. many new things await us throughout the year, for example, on february 1, labor pensions will be increased by an average of 10%. and what else? anton malyuta collected the most interesting things? indeed, the new year always brings something new and let's start from the base, or rather from the basic value. it has been decided to increase it to 40 rubles. just yesterday she was 37. this is an important indicator, because it affects the amount of benefits, scholarships, taxes and fees, and fines, as well as other payments, and the base rate will also increase, now it is 250 rubles. the previous time it changed in september, it also increased, and if we take it from january 1 last year, it grew by almost 10%. the wages of public sector employees directly depend on the base rate, so this is really very good news. and more about the numbers that are going up in
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belarus, the minimum wage has increased , now it is 626 rubles. an immediate increase of 72 rubles, that is, 13%. agree, a solid increase. of course, innovations are brought not only on the first day of the year; they come into force gradually, so that employers, and every belarusian, can adapt to them. thus, we will find out the new size of the family capital closer to the end of january, when we calculate the exact level of inflation. in general, support for motherhood and childhood in belarus is never forgotten. benefits for families raising children are increased several times a year. next time in a month. from february 1. let me remind you that today the indicators are as follows: at birth the family will receive almost 3,700 for the first child, and more than 5,000 rubles for the second and subsequent children. but from july 1, we will see big changes in sick leave; they will now be assigned only at the main place of work, taking into account earnings from all employers. the basis will be the average daily income for 18 months,
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including all payments, including even a one-time payment. but they told us why they took such a step. social protection of the population, it was necessary to maintain this threshold of social justice and raise the level of these payments for these types of benefits , annually the social protection fund plans to allocate about 10% in the expenditure side for the payment of benefits for the appearance of pregnancy and childbirth, in particular in the twenty -fourth year it is planned to allocate about 2 billion rubles in the fund’s budget for these types of benefits, so the new formula : the calculation will make it possible to increase the amount of payments that employees currently receive in case of illness, or the occurrence of pregnancy and childbirth. despite such good conditions, of course, it’s better not to get sick from... from work on your vacation and weekends. by the way, in the new year we will go on big weekends twice. in may, due to the rainbow, which falls on...


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