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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 1, 2024 9:00pm-9:41pm MSK

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let you love.
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my broadcast is summing up the first results of the first day of 2024 in the studio sergey lugovsky, hello, happy new year. belarus celebrated 2023 and wished that the coming year would be peaceful for all of us, and also of high quality, the president congratulated him on the holiday and outlined the shape of our future. we also preserve historical memory today, 105 years since the formation of the bssr. in fact, this is the foundation of ours. statehood and, of course, we are developing and moving forward, belarusian television is celebrating its birthday, we will tell you about the unique collaboration of creativity of modern technologies on bt. watch your belarusian and this is what we will show today in the program. grandiose, musical and noisy belarus.
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we celebrated the new year 2024, the holiday unfolded in every corner of our country, we see off the outgoing year, we welcome the new year in the panorama of what the coming year has brought to us, the basic minimum wage has increased, we are waiting for an increase in family capital and many other benefits. we have collected the most noticeable innovations of 2024 in one material. in the west, the new year will not be happy at all, analysts unanimously they declare total instability, disunity and mass distrust of eurogardeners; today’s heated battles on the streets of the eu are direct confirmation of this. the hockey brotherhood of belarus always supports its own, we’ll tell you about the new scout of dynamo minsk nikita ermachkov and the unbroken will to win and the support of this strong man. there will also be a lot more on the new year's sports day broadcast. belarus celebrated
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the new year according to tradition, a few minutes before twelve, the president warmly, sincerely and sincerely congratulated all of us and the guests of our country on holiday. alexander lukashenko recalled what a year of peace and creation was like and outlined guidelines for the coming 2024 year of quality. mentally, the belarusian leader is convinced, we have already drawn the shape of our future, the main thing is that 2024 should be peaceful both for us and for our neighbors, and in general for everyone, in every corner of the earth. the opportunity to live in peace is worth a lot. there is no peace without creation, and there is no creation without peace. we want to see them tomorrow as loving couples. becomes families,
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congratulate parents on the birth of babies, rejoice for friends and relatives who have grandchildren and great-grandchildren. it is important for us to be healthy, to see how children happily go to kindergartens and schools, yesterday’s students become real professionals. it is important to know that our elderly, and those in need of special care, are surrounded by care and attention, so thanks to everyone who devotes themselves without reserve to the most difficult work, to working with people, day after day justifying the trust of millions of their compatriots. this is our path, the path of creation, the life-long road along which we go day by day. warm words of gratitude were addressed by the president. everyone who works
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to maintain stability, who makes our lives more comfortable, peace and security in the country , food on new year's tables, clean well-groomed streets and parks, more and more comfortable... life in the outback, technological breakthroughs, important projects and structures, all this the merit of the belarusians who choose the path of creation. last year they tried to bring us to our knees, to strangle us economically, but we not only survived, we developed comprehensively, moving towards our goals. and we can do even more, knowing that we live behind a reliable back. everyone who faithfully serves their homeland and loves it, because there is no stronger incentive for development than confidence in the future and confidence in the safety of the people. people in uniform. thank you for the peace. dear compatriots,
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2024 is coming, the year of quality. we will do everything to make our country even more beautiful. more comfortable and stronger, this is our home, for everyone it begins with their own threshold and beloved family, and for everyone together, for a single nation it becomes an insoluble fortress. year quality - the president noted - is the lifestyle of belarusians, our national trait. in 2024, we will continue to create and cultivate respect for the country’s achievements through the continuity of generations. revive traditions, and you know, it is very symbolic that alexander lukashenko addressed us in the hall of ceremonies against the backdrop of soviet standards with our modern symbols. standards were awarded for fulfilling and exceeding economic plans. landmark
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2024: work hard and efficiently. the president announced, we will again appropriate a badge of honor for the best producers of goods and services. the country is on the verge. important election campaign, for the first time we will elect deputies to local councils and the house of representatives, reviving the ancient tradition of democracy. 2024 is marked by another important date, the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. yes, the coming year is full of significant events, and what this year 2024 will be like depends on each of us. a powerful foundation for us to look into the future with confidence was created in the past 2023. in the year of peace and creation, we managed to preserve peace on our land, maintain stability and increase our national wealth. well, let's now remember the brightest moments that
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we lived together. all our best belarusian minds should work towards the country’s import independence. never before in the history of our country
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has the issue of sovereignty and independence been so pressing. low bow to the eternal memory of the winners.
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what is very important now is the unity of the special services, the power bloc of our people, then it will be easier for us.
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i am sure that each of us is ready to work hard and efficiently for the benefit of the family, for the benefit of the homeland, and such confidence, no matter how strange it may sound, is based on our ability to relax, we celebrated the new year brightly with songs and dances, but did you notice , that the quality of our holiday is already different, more cultural, joyful, sincere, some celebrated the holiday with their family or at a party, others in the city. workshops that were noisy in every corner of the country, christmas markets, holiday hits, gifts and a lot of
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congratulations. what did belarusians wish for? new year's eve, karina gurevich found out. all your wishes will definitely come true if you make them on new year’s eve, and it turned out to be truly magical. the holiday unfolded in every corner of belarus; in minsk, the main christmas tree of the country reigned. a real extravaganza: round dances, songs, smiles and congratulations. and everyone, of course, was waiting for the president’s new year’s address. here the seconds were counted down until 2024. this is the long-awaited moment, the clock struck 12. the new year 2022 has arrived. may he be generous with pleasant meetings, good events and bright moments, but let the dreams of all belarusians come true. this night everyone thanks the passing year and, of course, voices their dreams.
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i want peace, warmth, kindness, smiles, so that we all feel good, i starred in my first film, we wished that all our dreams would come true, that we would be bolder, that... there would be peace and tranquility everywhere, no less grandiosely lit new year's open air at the sports palace, the audience was captivated by belarusian artists, both modern new year's tracks and retro hits were played. and he was responsible for the taste of the holiday carol kirmash, belarusian, russian, armenian and uzbek cuisine, and also tea.
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the magical new year's eve united the whole country, the festive baton was picked up in mogilev, the mood was warmed by creative groups and pop stars, as well as interactive activities and congratulations competitions. i find it very interesting and fun here, we always celebrate the new year at home. with our family in the circle of our loved ones, and then we all go under the christmas tree together. this year magilev simply grew, he is simply beautiful, i just shed a tear of delight, because this is really childhood memory. and in gomel , lenin square became the central location. the first hours of 2024 were celebrated on a new year's scale, singing, having fun, receiving gifts
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non-stop. happy new year friends. the fact is that miracles do not end with dawn, how long the new year's mood will last depends only on ourselves, we believe that even more bright , memorable moments await us about the coming year, karina gurevich and ivan mozgo, tv news agency, celebrated the new year with the whole country. mass celebrations took place in more than one and a half thousand festive venues in the country, the largest in minsk and regional centers. guarding our festive mood. all operational services were involved in security, as reported by the ministry of internal affairs, there were no emergencies or incidents at the venues of mass events. the main attention was paid to ensuring law and order and the personal safety of people on the roads. the operational situation in the country was under complete control.
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employees of the internal affairs agency and military personnel of the internal troops continue ensure the protection of public order in an enhanced mode. policeman. focused on immediately responding to incoming messages and providing assistance to people. the ministry of internal affairs also thanked belarusians for understanding cultural behavior in places where mass celebrations are held. traditionally , the new year brings a number of innovations, for example, the labor code has been updated, and new norms in the tax code will also come into effect. the minimum wage, base amount and rate will also increase. employees of budgetary organizations will receive an increase. january ministry of education will increase salaries for teachers and teachers, pensions will increase from february 1, many new things await us throughout the year, the most important and interesting things have been collected by anton malyuta. indeed, the new year always brings something new, let's start from the base, or rather from the basic value. it has been decided to increase it to 40 rubles. just yesterday she was 37. this is an important indicator, because it
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affects the amount of benefits, scholarships, taxes, fines, and other payments. and also y. the base rate will increase, now it is 250 rubles. the previous time it changed in september, it also increased, and if we take 1 january last year, an increase of almost 10%. the wages of public sector employees directly depend on the base rate, so this is really very good news. and about the numbers that are going up, the minimum wage has increased in belarus, now it is 626 rubles. an immediate increase of 72 rubles, that is, 13%. agree, a solid increase. of course, innovations are brought not only on the first day of the year; they come into force gradually, so that employers, and every belarusian, can adapt to them. so we will find out the new size of family capital closer to the end of january, when we calculate the exact level of inflation. in general, support for motherhood and childhood in belarus is never forgotten. benefits for families raising children
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are increased several times a year. next time in a month on february 1st. let me remind you that today the indicators are as follows: at births. but from july 1, we will see big changes in sick leave; they will now be assigned only at the main place of work, taking into account earnings from all employers. the basis will be the average daily income for 18 months, including all payments, including even one-time but the social protection fund told us why they took such a step . it was necessary to comply. they plan to spend about 10% on the expenditure side, in particular, in the twenty-fourth year it is planned to allocate about 2 billion rubles in the fund’s budget for these types of benefits. therefore, the new
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calculation formula will increase the amount of payments that employees currently receive in case of illness or pregnancy. despite such good conditions, of course, it’s better not to get sick, but take a break from work on your vacation and weekends. by the way, in... in the new year we will go on long weekends twice in may in connection with the rainbow, which falls on may 14, although for monday the thirteenth we will have to work on saturday, in november we will celebrate the day of the october revolution, which falls on thursday, instead friday the eighth we will work on saturday november 16th, in january we will go to work the day after tomorrow on the third, we will work according to the updated labor code, my colleagues will talk about this in detail they told and of course they will tell in theirs... we have collected the main changes of 2024, we are convinced that the green wooden dragon brought only good news, i want it to continue like this, happy new year, in
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the west the new year is no longer happy, new year's eve in eurosado there were traditional unrest, in the german cities of berlin, frankfurt, lepzig and...
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stability, this is the forecast given by new york times experts. they predict the risk of escalation of the conflict in the middle east in ukraine, as well as a simply crazy electoral marathon, after all, elections this year will be held in approximately fifty countries, including the united states, 27 eu states, india, indonesia, mexico, and south africa. several billion people will be involved in the process. about the upcoming election campaigns, total instability. the onset of a new world order within the democratizers, plot by evgeniy belousov. recently, the new york times published a database and told what threats await
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the whole of humanity and even linked the elections to everything. but this material is naturally with an eye to the well-being of the west, and all the rest of the world is just an appendage that can hit the hegemons of the world economics and politics very painfully. however, foreign politicians, journalists, economists. and other analysts almost unanimously declare that this year has been very difficult in their countries, but the next one will be even worse. i think it will get worse, i think it will be a very difficult year politically and creating a lot of uncertainty for corporations. i don't know what the tax framework will look like, what the regulatory framework will look like, what the do we have all these renewable energy subsidies for an electric car? they could be eliminated, but the wisest thing for managers of corporate employees would be to refrain from spending. according to the new york times columnist,
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the consequences of the pandemic, the war in the middle east in ukraine , of course, leave their mark on the foundation of the global financial machine, but the upcoming election campaigns can completely change this machine, more than 2 billion people in about 50 countries, including india, indonesia, mexico, south africa, usa and... will take part in the elections. in total , the participants in the 24th electoral olympiad will account for 60% of global economic output. and here there really is something to be afraid of: elections in countries with stable democracies, that is, the very collective west, will be held against the backdrop of growing distrust in the government. the electorate is sharply divided and there is deep , ongoing anxiety about the economic outlook. i can't, i can't walk. shopping this year i can't afford myself christmas gifts for the kids, i just can't, i can't, what do they want, they want sneakers and i'm waiting for sales so i
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can give them later. gifts, and there are millions of such people in all prosperous democracies, they are clearly tired of the fact that budget billions are not going to support the population, but for some reason into the pockets of kiev officials who are waging war to the last ukrainian. it is not surprising that the author of the same material comes to the idea that in many countries angry populists will come to power, hello to hungary and slovakia that tightens controls on trade, foreign investment and immigration, but most importantly, such people at the helm... can lead the global economy into a completely different world from the one we are used to. but not europe alone; the largest elections next year will be held in india. 26 opposition parties have united against the current prime minister modia, from whom the west would really like to see victory, because india is now the fastest growing economy in the world, and its friendship with russia, both economically and humanitarian spheres, many clearly do not like it.
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presidential elections. in taiwan in january could lead to increased tensions between washington and beijing. the relationship between these two countries is already on the verge of a complete breakdown, but if this does happen, beijing will finally unconditionally side with the kremlin. the new president of indonesia may also remain a friend of moscow, although washington is actively making moves on candidates. true, two out of three possible leaders are definitely not going to change the foreign policy vector. and of course more everything in the west is worried about. elections in the usa. donald trump's victory could, in a second, undermine the foundations of democracy in the united states around the world. the victoria of the former head of the white house will have a strong impact on nato and the general rhetoric of the united states, since trump during the election campaign quoted putin, praised the north korean leader kimjong, and hungarian prime minister viktor orban. in general, such rhetoric from the us presidential candidate not only frightens, but horrifies all those who believed that a unipolar world was a thing.
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forever. evgeny belausov, telenews agency. breaking news has been coming from japan all day today. earthquakes of magnitude 5.7. and then 7.6 with a difference of several minutes occurred in the west of the country. a tsunami threat was declared and people were urged to immediately leave the coastal area or immediately move to the roofs of buildings. big waves didn't take long to arrive. some reached coastal areas just a few minutes after the first underground rumblings. according to incoming information, no less, according to at least two people died, about 32 houses were left without power and water, and
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a decision was made to stop traffic. three earthquakes from 3:50 to 4.5. after the tremors began, panic began among the local population; many rushed to buy fuel and spent the night in their cars. there is a very good new year tradition in belarus. giving gifts to provide support to everyone who especially needs it. a striking
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example is such a sincere one. the belarusian hockey brotherhood is once again helping. on new year's eve it became known that minsk dynamo invited nikita ermachkov to the position of scout, whose injury is known to all sports fans in our country. because of this , our president is personally overseeing its restoration. from the very beginning, a lot of effort was made to get the hockey player back on the ice. and even though this cannot be done so far, nikita will continue to discover new talents in ours. side as a scout. andrey kozlov will tell you about a kind, beautiful, indicative new year's story. today i signed a contract with the hockey club dynamo minsk, and now i will work in the club as a scout. yes, welcome. thank you. this event in the history of the hockey club dynamo minsk became touching for christmas and at the same time once again showed the strength of the hockey brotherhood of our
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native country. that's exactly what they presented. there was a lack of a complete set of interested professional competencies, who love, love hockey, and on new year’s eve, the hockey club dynamo minsk in its cozy office signed a contract for the position of scout with nikita yarmachkov, he always fought on the ice to the end, but everything was once crossed out by an injury in seemingly harmless situation, eremenko, not even eremenko, wow, what a fall , unpleasant, the doctor immediately appears, this episode, which happened almost 2 years ago, is scary with... watch after a while the match against the youth defender novopolotsk chemist nikita ermachkov could not keep his balance after a long pass and fell into the boards, fell into a crack in the ice somewhere, perhaps my ankle turned out a little and i was thrown into the boards, so of course the moment
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was unpleasant, one might say out of the blue, according to there was sensitivity and movement in the chest. followed by long-term rehabilitation, which did not work. the desired result, but nikita did not lose heart, as he was not used to doing in hockey and continues to fight today. even during that ill-fated series, the youth chemist, hockey players constantly supported their teammate. the support continues today, because behind the scenes in hockey they are always ready to provide help to those who need it, and next to him is his wife violeta, who has literally become a support for her chosen one. he held on to the bed, he was swaying in different hand, i say: just sit, don’t touch anything, sit up straight, and now go on your own. the house itself, our colleagues often showed nikita’s rehabilitation process in news releases, became a real fitness room, with the help of the belarusian hockey federation, senator dmitry baskov. president of belarus alexander lukashenko has been closely monitoring the process of
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nikita’s rehabilitation through his hockey journey all this time. and even then , with such colossal support, ermachkov became a scout of the hockey federation to help to look for our absolutely rich in talents in the country of young stars. i feel great happiness and joy. well, on the eve of the 2024 hockey scout, nikita ermachkov opened a new page in his hockey biography. at the dynamo hockey club i will use my acquired experience in the federation as well as my playing career. yes, this year we have a lot of young guys more than ever, and the belarusians are playing for dynamo. and i know many hockey players, the younger generation, who perhaps in the future we will attract dynamo to the hockey club. such strong traditions in hockey are helped by the example of our president, who
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is now taking to the ice, and spectators can watch from the stands a truly men’s game, and this sport is not for weaklings. over the years of the sovereignty of belarus, the strength of the hockey family has become even stronger; it is not customary to give up or turn away from the chosen path; different people played side by side with the head of state. a generation of hockey players studied and gained experience. on new year's eve representatives of the hockey industry traditionally hold a number of beautiful events, including a friendly match of the dynamo junivers school, as well as visits to a number of children's institutions. last week, we were happy to see dynamo players and managers visiting us - children who are at the republican scientific and practical center for pediatric oncology and hematology. immunology it is our direct responsibility as adults and responsible citizens of our country to cheer up these brave boys and girls who are struggling with their illnesses this new year's eve. congratulate them on the upcoming holiday, create some positive emotions for them,
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add some positivity, so that they still have even more strength to overcome their illnesses. i hope that meetings with their favorite athletes will help them with just this. in january, dynamo minsk, in whose system it will work. nikita iermachkov will play many matches on home ice, in total spectators will have the opportunity to see our representative in the khl seven times, and this is a great opportunity to become part of one of the most exciting sports. andrey kozlov, telenews agency. the most difficult trials befell the heroes of our next story: their parents, small children whose health from an early age was incomparable to life, but our doctors were able to save them.
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the boy is already seven, he still needs a heart transplant, the doctors are waiting for the guy to gain over 30 kg, and only the backpack on his back reminds him of the operation, where he has a device that allows him to live in peace. we worked with turkish colleagues, in a similar way in this case, they jointly operated on four-year-old ulyana; her weight reached 13 kg. in order to implant this device, we had to place it, partially instead of the left lung, to slightly compress the lung, because it... is
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a lower located fragment, an abnormal hemivertebra, which provokes the development of an arch deformity. these stories are about the impossible and a real miracle. in these pictures the baby is only 14 days old, she doesn’t even weigh 2 kg. the tracheal stenosis, which formed a millimeter in diameter, did not allow breathing. such a threshold is simply incompatible with life. in addition, i was born with pneumonia. the surgeons did everything they could. due to the displacement of two. semicircles
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, the lumen was doubled and now this lumen is about 3-4 mm, which, in principle, fits into the age-related diameter of the trachea lumen and this has made it possible to ensure spontaneous breathing now, that is, the child is now breathing on his own, in september of this year, three children with a rare genetic disease, spinal muscular atrophy , injected with the most expensive... drug in the world zolsma. the procedure itself is not the fastest; okola was administered intravenously for an hour; specialists were trained for this. the most important thing is that the drug prevents the disease from developing. she began to notice that she was losing her skills, and as if at first she didn’t seem to attach any significance to this, well, you never know kids, this miracle just happened, well, it’s hard for me to find words now. the only one in the country, one of the few in the post-soviet space, where such procedures can be done is this.
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today marks 105 years since formation of the bssr, this is an entire era in our history that laid the foundation for modern belarusian statehood.
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history in an interview with a panorama guest, hello, i’m interested in your opinion, what is remarkable about the period in the history of the bssr for belarus? well, this is a very significant period. first of all , it must be said that it was on the soviet basis that the first belarusian national state arose, the socialist soviet republic of belarus, which later became known as the belarusian soviet socialist republic. it is too key point because here. national belarusian statehood in real life.


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