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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 1, 2024 10:55pm-11:55pm MSK

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uh, i think he was as sincere as possible with us. come on, children, answer me, who thinks that ruslan was still cunning today, cunning and did not say something. raise a hand. well, i would like to say that each of us lies every day. therefore, perhaps ruslan did too, a couple of times, maybe not even by accident. ruslan, we have this rule: the hero always has the last word. summarize the conversation that took place. i'm absolutely convinced. that our generation, those children who are here today, and those who will watch us in the program one hundred questions adults, discover perhaps a new ruslan likhno with my principles in life, with my shortcomings, and the time spent with the children today, i will remember him for a long time, because this is the time... and i would like
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to communicate more and answer all their questions. honored artist of the republic of belarus ruslan alekhno, today's guest on the program 100 questions for adults. see you in the new year. i am belarusian, i am happy on this cossack land, between the forest and the forests of centuries ago , i am belarus, i am belarusian, that i know this name, and to the good glory of belarus i know it for good reason. i am a belarusian, i am happy
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that matsivova gave me, that i can smell the songs of my relatives from a distance, i am a belarusian, and even though today i am small, i will say, i come from a tribe of pakorny ones, and i will never succumb to hell. he had an established profitable business in the field of telecommunications, but at some point he decides to try his hand at a completely new area, the business itself is not for money, do you think many businessmen work for money, no, they don’t work for interest, it’s just fun for them to earn money, it’s like you know, like someone goes to a city there and reaches the top, they have an interest there, who races there, as it were, who will come first, for example, in a race, they have such an interest, an idea an old woman suggested him a new business.
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andrey bigon, a person for whom being a businessman does not mean having fabulous earnings, it means building a business from scratch that would bring inner satisfaction, the realization that you are doing something that few people in the world can do, and the results of your work bring people nothing but how incomparable emotions. if for an ordinary person the feeling of the coming year appears in december, maybe sometimes in november, then here it does not disappear all year round, at the only factory in belarus.
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christmas decorations, the hot season begins long before the onset of winter, here is our new product, such a cute bunny, on the one hand, the year of the hare, but this, i hope, is recognizable to everyone... stepashka and you need to understand that we all imagine stepashka like this up to the stomach, probably, because these are like doll toys, it was necessary figure out how to say it, or come up with the legs of the stephka, which he never had, we tried, let’s say, to come up with what kind of stephka could be there in the retter style, but i think it worked out, every year the factory launches several new toys, one of which is a mandatory symbol of the coming year, and the full range can be judged by these. showcase, there are samples of toys on display, from which one can judge the different stages of the factory’s development: plastic, glass, labor-intensive fusing techniques and current toys, original technology patented by belarusians. toys made from polyceramics are
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completely developed by our technology, our machines, our special mixtures, they are very light, the same as glass, but it is much easier and much better to create a texture. and you see, every stroke on this watch is visible here. andrey admits that it is still a revelation for many buyers that the creation of christmas tree decorations is a high-tech production. for many , christmas tree decorations are associated either with modern chinese plastic or the same glass toys dating back to soviet times. here at the factory everything is different, the machines, the gypsum-based composition, the technology itself. this is all auto and development of the engineering department, pours the composition into the mold, folds it and places the machine, and it rotates and the mass that is there in the mold is distributed evenly along the walls, when the product is ready, the employee takes it out of the machine and disassembles it according to the principle of a
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kinder toy surprise, that is, we take the two halves apart and take out a beautiful christmas tree toy, this is andrey begun today with proudly talks about the successes of his factory, shows: new machines, shares ideas for original toys, but he started this business in his own words without any special plans for the future. 10 years ago he was a successful entrepreneur who was engaged in the construction of telecommunications systems, a profitable business, good income, the opportunity to travel around the world, from each trip andrei brought souvenirs, but not banal magnets, but christmas tree decorations from different countries, that is, he wanted some some thing. which is trivial you can use it in everyday life, well, that is, a magnet on the refrigerator, it’s really not functional, having a christmas tree and before the new year remembering the countries you’ve visited seemed quite interesting to me. at some point , there were so many toys that it was already possible to talk about a full-fledged collection, and andrei
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decided, why not show it to the general public on the eve of the new year's celebrations? he makes an agreement with the national historical museum to open... an exhibition of christmas tree decorations on its site. andrey admits that’s it i did it on intuition, not according to the rules of classical museum exhibitions. on the first day after the opening, literally a couple of people came, and we thought it was just a failure, on saturday, mm, several thousand came, that is, there were actually queues, queues at the cash register, queues to get into the hall. the main message that we noticed was that many, uh, visitors asked, where? belarusian toys, why are belarusian toys not sold? and we thought: wow, actually why? just like that, completely spontaneously, andrey had an idea new business: he finds a technologist, assembles a team of artists, attracts people with disabilities to work
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, and plunges into a completely new business for himself. business colleagues are wondering where are the telecommunications and where are the christmas tree decorations? you know, here... it’s not about business, that ’s what we were talking about, as if about the soul, that is, what you yourself want, that you are interested in doing business, but business is not for money, you think many businessmen work for money , no, they work for fun, it’s just fun for them to make money, it’s like you know how someone goes to the city and reaches the top, they are interested in this, who races there, as it were, who comes first, for example, in a race, they have such an interest, i am interested in working in business, in blue ocean strategy, like such a direction when it is completely new. a new business, little competition and you set the rules of the game yourself, you set the tone yourself, you do something that hasn’t happened before, and in order to set the tone correctly, you first had to hear the internal requests of a potential buyer,
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what better place than a christmas tree exhibition toys you can’t think of anything like this, at first andrey himself introduced excursions, here we have very interesting toys, this is a kind of ferrari. toy business, these are polish toys from the komosi factory, yes they are modern, but they can be said to be almost exclusive, these toys are produced in limited editions, that’s if you sold toys this year. for a year you absolutely may not buy this thing that is there, they thereby become collectible. each of the characters is special, it’s worth noting that i have a growing collection... pomelo, which is noted in the guinness book of records as the heaviest citrus fruit,
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is called a bompiyu variety, which means that the circumference is about 90 cm and the weight of the fruit was about 5 kg. each has its own unique story, this is the most potentially promising insect for industrial breeding, that is, now there are several insects that are bred industrially, yes, that is, they are mealworms, zaphobus, crickets and so on, even cockroaches are bred, without citruses i ... watch the belarus project on the belarus 24 tv channel. andrey admits that the most interesting thing is to observe how people of different generations react differently to the same exhibits.
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those who are older linger for a long time at the display cases with soviet toys, remembering not just their childhood, but the history of their country. in the fifties - watches that always show 5:12, in the sixties - astronauts and rockets. this was not only the case here; christmas tree decorations have reflected this in one way or another since their appearance in the 19th century in germany. this is part of a garland in the shape of a banana, and we understand that at that time, well, it was a banana in fact, a very strange, strange fruit that was difficult to bring to europe, well, you know, what you want most is what you hang on the tree. by the way, a few years ago some factories began producing toys in the form of emoticons with masks, a throwback to obvious times, but andrei says he is not ready to go for such things. experiments, after all, a christmas tree toy is not just a product, it is , first of all, an emotion, an emotion of happiness, warmth,
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carelessness, and this is almost always a very personal story, a red star on a christmas tree, well, from my childhood, this is how it is, but i didn’t manage to make it, because very, how to say, ruby ​​stars are not very complex, but maybe we will make a tradition someday , this is ours, after all, i don’t remember that there were some other stars among us, well, i don’t remember, you remember other stars, as it were... it often happens, our hero admits, that he is promoting this or that idea in production, he is absolutely sure that it will work, that it ’s new people will like the toy and will probably buy it, but to make an accurate prediction in this matter almost impossible. on the one hand, they come up with toys, our designers are all young, they are in their 20s, and people buy toys.
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in fact, so that our domestic santa clauses stand under our christmas trees. today
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, the christmas tree decorations factory, managed by andrey begun, is one of the most successful enterprises in this area in the european space. but what is it worth? when you ask andrey questions about the new year, dreams, plans, he frankly admits. a strange feeling comes over him when everyone around him is waiting, when the new year comes, he waits for the new year to pass. i will say that yes, there is professional deformation, and on the one hand i’m looking forward to the new year, not because i want gifts for the christmas tree, i want everything to end quickly this year, as if...
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it’s been a long time since i thought about it to hold exhibitions, conduct excursions and promote his products, he currently has a quite successful business, but as he himself believes, any real business is always a story about the leader, about his personal desires and achievements. andrei himself admits that it is important for him to feel excitement and initially raise the bar. thinking about new peaks, he does not dream about them, he creates a plan to conquer them and confidently moves towards the goal. to emotions, to sensations , we have the same drive too, last year i worked in a warehouse until 2-3 nights every day, starting from november 15, until december 31, well, there weren’t enough people, i didn’t think there would be such a rush, there wasn’t enough drive, as if, well , in reality, everyone was changing clothes, the office was changing clothes, they were going to work in the warehouse, this drive
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is such that it seems like you see it later like, well, the results that you show there on those ... marketplace and it does n’t matter to me how much money it is, but what matters to me is that i’m in a fifth of the world, as it were, a third, at least, contrary to stereotypes, the christmas tree decorations factory operates all year round, here they create symbols of the most universal and beloved new year holiday on the planet, all in order to evoke those unforgettable emotions when we decorate our home with our family and friends. we decorate the new year tree, only once a year do adults become a little kinder and more naive, for a short time they remember that miracles do happen ; they believe, like a child, that the next year will definitely be better than the previous one. and the exhibition is very kind, i would like
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people to come to this exhibition, mm, and rest their souls, rest their hearts, remember some... their sweet, kind moments in the sky of their childhood, so that they can plunge into some wonderful feelings, and even if only for a short period of time, they were happy.
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there will be neither winter nor snow, because there is nothing there must be no snow, there won’t be winter , there won’t be anything, that’s evil, evil, everything, evil, there’s no need, there’s nothing needed, fascism won’t pass there will be snow, there won’t be winter either, snow is evil, that too evil, do you hear me, there will be no snow, there will be no winter, this is evil, this is also evil, do you hear me? hold the glass , please, it's lucky, nothing will happen, the sim won't be here, are you treating or injuring,
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it's called an ambulance, by the way, i save people, you know, you need to... keep an eye on him and give him a lecture, stop alcohol , i'll take a look, don't worry, please, this is evil, listen, this is all , this is all evil, that's all, where are you going, wait, where are you going, and who will look after you is none of your business, however, we will meet again, wait, fate.
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i never cry during sessions, yes, don’t cry, my clients during sessions share what worries them, we have already discussed this, nothing worries me, everything just irritates me, i can share this with you, yes. .. progress, you ask permission, and what annoys you? some of the staff, due to their low intellectual integrity, do not understand what it means to keep
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distance, and my deputy condones this, personally organizing some ridiculous gifts for the children of employees, why does this annoy you? is it normal to maintain corporate spirit, in a team it is quite professional, corporate spirit in a team? supported by salaries and medical insurance, and stas , my assistant, does not do this out of professionalism, for some reason he wants his subordinates to love him, isn’t this crazy, of course, who needs the sympathy of people with whom you work 10 hours a day, but most of all me my son and my secretary are annoying , they didn’t submit an application to zacks, i’m also upset by the packaging suppliers, they inflated the prices, although i can’t find any visible reasons for this, stop,
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your son is a secretary, can you imagine, a secret affair, a secret wedding, my son’s stupidity irritates me and the cynicism of a provincial girl, but no one canceled love, and love is your thing, a common mental disorder, you can’t lose control because of a minor illness, but i’ll deal with this quickly, mom, wait, mom, wait, mom, wait , i just in time... the proposal for financing, i was hoping that we would avoid this conversation, nikolai, yes, mom, wait, i figured it out that if we increase the budget of the advertising department,
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we will make an unforgivable mistake. and what's that? and this, this, this is an amount that will increase the efficiency of market research. sums, i ’m used to encouraging effective work, and not drowning them in unsystematic activity, without making me think once again that you’re too good for this position, son, you’re free. we work, we work, we work. all yours the problem, lydia, lies in the fact that you are trying to control everything. i'll give you a few settings to work through. your son is hiding the most significant event for him from you, simply because he is afraid of you. give him more.
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freedom, freedom in the hips, communicate with her, and by the word communicate, i don’t mean interrogation, but simple human communication, be more diplomatic, softer, softer, a little softer, plush, corduroy, i think, velvet, but what’s softer? good morning, lady pavlovna, today you are simply glowing, glowing, interesting, gerda, this shared bed with mine son gives you the right not to work and...
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returned it to the manufacturer, in general he is somehow defective, why is he defective, and then in our circle there are not many decent suitors, oh, how long have you been in our circle since i married a decent tsarev , you’re not the first, you’re not the last , hello girls, i’ll bring it now , they’ll bring our dessert now, our new one, as they say, knows how to do things, come on, bring your things. i’ll try, fill up, otherwise there are no suitors, no one to take care of myself for, so lorus, let’s just figure it out, but essentially, uh-huh, everything is very simple, that’s who we are, who , you’re an heiress, yes, you’re not some primitive business woman, that’s right, but at the age of 28, without a fiancé, it’s already indecent, you know, i kind of with your appearance and position, it’s indecent to marry any ethical people, but with your character
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and not your appearance, not your position... you can’t save it, what will you do then, so, as usual, i’ll ask my dad, he’ll buy me everything, option , lit, you thought well about the plant in lensk, it’s not just a plant, it’s a powerful plant with enormous potential, let me to ask why he went bankrupt then, so potentially powerful, because his owner , apparently, tried to reach a level that was obviously beyond his abilities, normal competition did its job, we will re-equip it and in 3-4 years we will reach greater profits. i never cease to be amazed at your self -confidence, yes, no, at least once i was mistaken in myself, take it away, okay, who will finance it, millions need to be invested there, calm down, stasik, there is one investor, and we
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will meet him soon, yeah. learn to use a coffee machine is not as difficult as you think, freely, excuse me, but why are you tyrannizing the girl? girl, the girl thinks that her application to zaks is a door to a fairy tale, i’m just trying to make her understand that this will be a terrible fairy tale, this is love, this is business, stasik, business. and my son is a promising groom, an icy heir, and this asset must be used wisely. snow queen, what
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do you understand about love? much more than i would like, or you’ve already forgotten, but i’ve been immune since then. why live in the past, think about the future. have pity on your son, he grew up without a father, you're always at work, it's clear that the kid wants normal human relationships, get out. gerda, please come to me, come in,
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come in, gerdar, excuse me for today, but this morning, this morning i have a monstrous headache. i’m just losing my composure , i understand, liza pavlovna, my mother also gets migraines, please go to the pharmacy and buy me something for the headache, again, forgive me, forgive me, please, i understand, lady pavlovna, be patient , be patient, now i’m running to the pharmacy.
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paleshuks are these people who live in harmony with nature, no one can paint a picture like nature, when i pass by, i see something so unusual, my hand reaches out to me.
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dad, dad, well, buy, well, buy, buy, dad, well, buy, then you will listen to your cousin, your immortal dad, well, buy, i’ve been hearing for a quarter of a century, what do you wear once the groom. well, i’ve prepared a list, please, good, beautiful, stylish, so that he doesn’t abandon me, don’t offer edward any kind, everything is like
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his mother, just as smart, beautiful, cynical and shameless, and you like them like that, there are no more like them. and i'm mommy, happy new year to you so you don't freeze? for these formalities? it’s just that my friends and i are going skiing, it’s the holidays, won’t you even open it? well, there’s still time before the new year, and before you leave with your friends, tell me what ’s going on with our latest sales, is the annual report ready? it says it will be on the table in an hour, but where is my ring? my talisman, my favorite, purchased? from the first major revenue, wait, your fort, well, yes, where were you last
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have you ever seen it? my fingers were swollen, i took it off and put it on the table, the best remedy for headaches, here, stasik, quickly come to me, here, and you here. quite unexpectedly, well , the police always appear quickly and unexpectedly, pockets, and so do you, i, uh, i don’t have pockets, will you pick them up yourself or call the security, fine, fine, her? no, no, not for her, for you. i'm fined by the snow queen
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because she has an icy heart, no, please, not art, not art, calm down, stas, art, this is angela nikitichna, she collected the kingdom of heaven, she loved beauty, you've gone completely crazy, what are you? brought us to kupyr? calm down, stasik! stasik, my boy, of those who knew me as a kupyr, there are only three people left alive, i wouldn’t want to suddenly lose any of you, my friends, come in, settle down, guest rooms have been prepared for you, lidochka, please! kohl is here! like in a palace or some museum, it looks like the owner
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of this museum is still an exhibit, like a living thing, hello, hello, larisa, nikolai, gerda, yes, and you’re okay, nikolai, you too, our parents have known each other for a long time, right? uh-huh, where from? did your mom and stas steal money from my dad? yes, maybe that's enough, huh? larisa, help yourself, my friends, she’s staring straight at you, she’s already gone all over your cheek. where is gerda? eh, secretary? i sent her to lunch. with another servant, nikola, can i
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call you nikola, of course, you can, but it’s better just nikolai, dad taught me to listen to your elders, my friends, let’s drink to the meeting, stasik, your beloved, if my memory serves me right, i’ve been here for 20 years already i don’t use it, but i can use some water, i took care of the blood, it’s useful, lyokha postman, remember, uh-huh, the one who became the european boxing champion, uh-huh, he had something to do with it, he didn’t use either, he died healthy, linochka, you didn’t succumb to this hysteria, it’s a great lifestyle, a separate nutrition system, come on, in every system there is a place for exception. one of them and you, borusik, let's drink to our
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exclusivity, surprise, stanislav sergeevich, i wanted to ask you for something. ask, ask, while i’m alive, you understand, i love gerda very much, i want to marry her, i understand, it’s just that only you can help me. i don’t understand, talk to mom , i’m afraid she won’t give us life, i won’t interfere in your business, please, only you can help us, she only listens to you , do you think she listens to me, i’m sorry, kolya, no i can, i’ve already let him down once,
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i won’t risk our friendship a second time, nikola, but please help me dress up? what is it? the servant can't help? what are you doing? what servant? you’re a christmas tree, it’s new year, i always decorate it myself, right? so can i really help? or maybe i’ll dress her up myself, because i had no one to dress her up with. well, in my opinion, yes, go, go, don’t strain the atmosphere , i can’t, i’m a geezer, we’re all walking on thin ice here, and these guys... it’s possible, i can’t , gerta is waiting for me, but she’ll wait half an hour, nikalya, dad, i’ve seen lida’s crazy aunts, but
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you have no equal, you’ve completely misled the coast, it ’s a compliment, but how can i say it, that is, for you... i’ll use it if something starts to happen , i didn’t bury my feelings, but good advice, shoals, no, not like that, if i feel that some kind of shoals will start again, i will contact you i’ll bury you with stasik, comprenda si, sir.
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rubbish, it’s you who haven’t had a drink for me, her, for so many years, but what happened to angela, to the owner? “they say i crashed my car a long time ago, about 20 years ago, i haven’t worked yet, i told you, i’ll learn the rules, learn to drive, get your license, okay, but you knew angela nikitishna, unfortunately, yes, i forgot “have you
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always been so brazen, or have you become brazen over the years, huh?” "you've been boryusik for a long time, you've been confusing self-esteem with arrogance, maybe it's due to age, as i remember now, you're a young and proud seamstress, i'm lost by heart map, from ryazan, in ryazan you even have mushrooms with eyes, yes, they eat them, but they look.
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money, nothing, reputation, but i went against all notions and left you alive, angelka, the kingdom of heaven. she asked for you whether she liked you, crazy, and at the same time she felt sorry for stasika, it was good, nikola, where should we
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hang this ball, here or here, but the main thing is that you like it, the correct answer. but we’ll feel nostalgic, it’s the 21st century, we’re lucky that everyone is alive, i think, having become wiser enough, you’ll agree to invest in my plant, you’re already doing well are going well, as far as i know, why do you need these problems? says the most, but i think if a business doesn’t develop, then it’s dying, convincingly, only i have one condition,
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not entirely commercial, let’s get our children married, i’ll bear all the expenses myself, you can rest assured, i’ll do my own i’ll insure the money, and you’ll get your business. you will provide with infusions, and most importantly, it’s time for lariska to get married, she’s completely out of control, she’s all like her mother, well, since i agree about the children, i agree, give me your paper here, i’ll see what kind of whore you are making me into you want to enter, you want, i’m struggling. and here you are, free, sorry, get out, stasik, why
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are you drinking, if you don’t drink, and old wounds are aching, but you are blooming with us. gave money to the ghoul? i haven’t given yet, but i made an offer, i hope it’s businesslike, businesslike, but i started with a marriage proposal, it seems to me, or are you crying? but how can i not cry, lidochka, that in 25 years i have not earned your forgiveness, but you are a ghoul? you just suddenly get married and get married, i ’m a ghoul, yes, you’re a ghoul, yes, i’m a ghoul, something
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’s wrong, it’s all right, i just needed money let's go ahead, who would say, your sudden romance with angela, your escape to the islands, deprive you of the right to suddenly emerge. i worked 25 hours a day to pay off how bored you were, while you were bored there, i’ll pay off our debts with you, it’s unfair, lida, did you want me to stay and pay with my life, but i had to hide for a couple of years, but there it was hot boring, finished off. what else to do? well, yes, i got married, but i got divorced, it’s all at the root of me. and you, by
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the way, also found a window in your busy work schedule to take and give birth child, suddenly. what a beauty, kolya, well, you are always at the wrong time, in my opinion, very on time, gerda, what am i gerda, kiss the bride, your mother has already agreed on everything, you are getting married, what? dad always knew how to predict my desires, what it would be like to get married, i love you, did we
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take the application to the legislative office? oh, why all these formalities? love, isn’t it in your passport, well, you’ll meet gerda in your free time if you want, what nonsense, this is just reasonable, this is nonsense, this is not the secretary, you’re crazy, i’m modern, i’ll go and talk to my mother, i think she ’s playing a little too hard, but you, i ’ll never marry you, okay, go complain to your father, i knew, what’s the difference anyway, i love gerda, i didn’t know her mother, but i’ll go and mine mother, don’t you understand, my dear, you’re a smart
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boy. think, think, what prospects this marriage opens up for us: merger of companies, business expansion, get married, expand, get married, develop, do whatever you want, leave gerda and me alone. and now i'm picking up gerda and we're going skiing together. does she like skiing? wonderful. i’ll open a branch in kamchatka, so people can ski to work there. she will quit. if he quits. i’ll present her as an embezzler and a thief, you won’t dare, so, nikolai, you agree to fulfill our super agreements with boriso lvovich. i figured it out,
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gerdochka, you know her, you and i will come up with something, and it will be before, after or during your wedding with larisa. by the way, she came up with everything wonderfully, we can see each other in her free time. gert, that mumu, kolya, they sold you like a bull at the fair, and tell your mom i ’m quitting. goodbye. and the character would be. i didn’t notice before , please open for me , there was no order to let me out, i’m not on orders , please open the gate for me, i can’t, i’m sorry, service,
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well, on the occasion of our unexpected joy, let’s drink champagne, and what is this groom, a bit gloomy some kind of vodka, but he’s daddy, he just can’t get used to his happiness, it takes time to comprehend such changes in life. so he’s young, he’s got plenty of time, for the young, and where is gerda? hmm, did i let her go? after all, we are having a family holiday, what should outsiders do? you know, mom, i used to think that you were too busy working , that’s why you were behaving like that, now i realized that you,
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you don’t have a heart and never had one... nikolai, okay, i’ll go, i’ll reassure the groom that- then he’s kind of nervous, i’ll go for a walk. we introduce you to the architectural memories of belarus from different eras and centuries. here we are trotting the french baroque with elements of saxon embellishments. the palace itself is unpainted, great jumpers, byzantine architecture, which has passed its hour with
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a bang, and a certainty floated on... this is the name of the ancient russian style, and all that is rightly known from the people of the 19th century, and this is the basis of the palitichny project. let's look at their history and basic facts. gets cartouche, not looking at changes in time, wars, different penal codes, could acquire two heraldic plots. softened like this elkartusha gave just like a business card sennya, yayulenne, who is the gaspadar, what is the geta budynak? the pseudo-russian style is given to such people by its own meta, theater as the center, public events in the city, seemed to mean that the racial empire was serious here. i need a look at the project architecture of belarus on our tv channel.
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answer, are you crazy? are you drunk? yes , and if i had known that i would have to be present at this shame, i would not have... sobered up, comfortable position, be silent, explain to me how that kind, sweet, cheerful girl i knew could turn into this monster, i don’t have to listen to this, no, answer me, when did you change so much, you sacrificed your own son, you hated your ice cream tray, you always wanted to sew, i, i wanted to be an architect, you remember that, at least we ourselves decided so, ourselves, and if gerda and i are in love, but they won’t be together, because you and the ghoul you yourself decided so, calm down, stasik , for what, steamship factories, why do you need them, you are like a shark
11:54 pm
, which if it stops, it will die, we devour more and more prey, you, you are still drawing sketches, it calms me down , and what makes you so nervous if you constantly need to calm down, and i’ll tell you money? “we spent the best years of our lives on them, they made you happy, you can use them to plug the hole in your soul, the hole in my soul, 25 years ago, you burned, you don’t need to teach me how to think, feel, take care of my son, the boy has love, you and i also had love, but that didn’t stop you.” make love with angela, and if you don’t like the way i do business, then as always you can leave, you’ve done this more than once, stand there,
11:55 pm
there is a crime, stasik, which has no statute of limitations, so i’m going to kill you now i will, oh well... boris lvovich, 25 years have already passed, calm down, stasik, this is no longer boris lvovich, he’s already a ghoul, let’s run, stop, ghoul, ghoul, ghoul, ghoul!


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