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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 2, 2024 3:50pm-5:06pm MSK

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the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience. what is strength for you? well, the common expression is that there is strength in truth, i will say that there is strength in justice. the main task is to honestly answer all original, and sometimes awkward questions. can you show me a working technique that can help someone hit someone from above, and then i throw the person, and just like that, what advice can you give to modern youth, based on your own experience, to love the land where you were born, see the project 100 questions for an adult on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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president of the republic of belarus alexander grigoryevich lukashenko. i ask you, dear friends. today we have. nice, happy day , please take a seat, we will start this evening a little unusually, our santa claus and snow maiden, as always, have a lot of worries, but also a lot of friends, so i thought it would be nice if we from my and your name to begin with, so that it would be more fun for them to present us with a new year's fairy tale here.
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so that they are in a good mood, we give these gifts.
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you have very joyful, happy days, which you are experiencing, but most importantly, we older people also participated and experienced such moments. holidays are the happiest, most fun time, and no matter what problems we have, we always rejoice at this holiday, holiday.
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our main gift of this performance, we will give you small gifts from the president as a souvenir, and the most important thing is the new year's magic that our wonderful artists have prepared for us today, including father frost and the snow maiden. but first of all, you are great, i want to say again how yesterday, to your older peers, there are no random people here, here are the guys who deserved to be present at this wonderful holiday, there are 3.00 of you here along with the teachers.
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but in order to be healthy, and i want to wish you, ask you to continue to please your parents, your teachers, your educators, you adults, those who came here, teachers, educators, teachers, parents, especially teachers and teachers, thank you very much. thank you for our belarusian children, you really you have that gift, it seems to me that other people, other continents , other countries do not have such a gift as the belarusian woman, our real men, who from morning to
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evening think about our children, raise them, teach them, i know that the children who have gathered here... different destinies and different lives, i know that some have problems, seemingly in this life, due to different conditions, so i just want to advise you, as a person whose childhood was also difficult, everything is in your hands, if you want, you will be strong, real belarusians, someone somehow... now will go into it, someone will become a real plant grower, will love their land, someone will become a teacher, someone will be a great scientist and so on, everything is in your hands, you just need show more patience and perseverance.
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this applies to everyone, so live peacefully, calmly, don’t worry too much about what you don’t need to worry about. dear friends, my special thanks to all those who organize the event, our children’s charity event, it originated a long time ago, they talked about it a lot, it’s a great holiday, the holiday is primarily for our children. thank you to all of you who support this tradition, surrounding children with attention and care.
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if only those children who today do not have the opportunity to gather in a beautiful hall to talk with their president would come to us and feel at home. there should be no children fleeing war. we must pick up these kids on time, bring them to our homes, warm them up and make their childhood happier. i... have said many times and i will repeat that there are no other people’s children in belarus, they are all ours, they are relatives, belarus has been and will be open to we have provided and will continue to provide
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assistance to all those who have lost peace in their countries, to children from whom the war is trying to steal their childhood. today our children gathered in the palace of the republic. ours , belarusian, russian, ukrainian, palestinian, latian and many others, all of you, on behalf of us, adults, and on behalf of... all the children of our country, i want to welcome you to this hall, congratulate you on the upcoming new year, congratulate happy new year to you, always be healthy, happy, smile more, believe in the power of good, and we will be by your side, happy new year, dear friends,
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a magical moment will come soon, the holiday will come and light up. lights, hands, clocks will turn quietly, surprises await us all, because santa claus is here with miracles, and magic masters are preparing a bright holiday for us, new year's gifts, santa claus is here with miracles, and magic masters are preparing a bright holiday for us , new year gifts. hello guys,
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hello, let's see how our masters prepared for the new year? yes, we'll start with soft toy rooms. so that everyone has their own friend, we work from morning to morning, we create a wonderful fairy tale, with joy and kindness, bunnies, dragons and bears, for you, girls and boys, the best gift will be, all these soft toys, bunnies, dragons and bears, for you girls and boys, boys as a gift. all these toys, toys,
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toys, toys, toys will be the best , the dragon turned out very good, well done, masters, my assistants, hurry up, we still need to make a lot of toys, so who do we have next, yeah, the room is wooden. toys, the christmas tree smells like pine, the pieces are piled high, we don’t sit idle, we make crafts together, no dolls, no swords and no firecrackers. we give toys made of wood, we just have to work a little, and soon we will, soon
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we will, soon we will have fun, snow maiden. all tasks of santa claus are completed, wooden toys are made and sent to the new year's time machine. well done, masters. and now it’s time to go to the most fabulous room, the room of christmas tree decorations. we are ready! let's let's start soon! balls, squares, diamonds and
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christmas trees! bring your fairytale shelves to life! on new year's night, we turn the dark forest into a wonderland. by midnight, we still need to have time to put the christmas tree in the frame , to put on a crystal glass silver pattern , beautiful and radiant on the cones, on the ball, like a hut, like a comer on a toy. rustal glass, silver, the pattern is beautiful and radiant, on the cones on the ball, like every little girl’s izgushka,
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the performance turned out to be... wonderful, but the star for the christmas tree should be brighter, before grandpa sees it, add even more shine, even more shine, it’s already burning brightly, okay, assistants, quickly follow me, where is santa claus? and, it seems, i know, in the sweetest room. "grandfather, good evening, hello , granddaughter, try it, the marshmallow
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turned out very tasty, with the taste of joy of cranberries. sugar, thank you, grandfather, where is the master of sweets? well, i think, where the sweets are, it’s logical, well , is that possible, children are waiting for sweets, and now someone won’t have enough, well, okay, okay! well , don’t swear, snow maiden, all the sweets are already ready to be sent, and i made this one for myself delicious tangerine cake. grandfather, we urgently need to get to the toy designer, something happened there. of course, of course, granddaughter. hmm, i don't understand, what
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should i do? yes, what happened? i don’t know, i don’t understand, it still worked. come on, show me. yes, business, business. so what this time? apparently there will be no new year. no matter what, you won’t have a new year. yes. so, what happened, master designers, dear santa claus, trouble happened, all the fairy-tale compasses went bad, this means
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that the children will not receive gifts, wait, granddaughter, now... let's get started, where are the instructions? here, here, here are the instructions, yes, yes, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, wow, yes, no, i'm afraid that i won't be able to fix the fairy compass, i don't understand. what is the problem? the new year's time machine is never wrong. mira, hello,
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snegurochka, how good it is that you came to us. well, of course, new year's holidays. why is the situation so tense here? santa claus! mira, hello, you haven’t been with us for a long time, snegurochka, you show the guest to her room, while the masters and i will try to figure out the compass. grandfather, let mira look at the compass, she is a genius of modern technology, she can probably help us, this is a good idea, then you are here. get ready, and i'll go check the new year's time machine. compass, instructions,
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complete instructions, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, everything is clear. this is a very difficult problem, the compass confused summer with winter, and autumn with spring, this is a magic compass, which means it needs to say magic words, we can ask the guys to help us fix the compass, guys, you will help us, right? the way nature works is that time moves in circles, each a couple of years invariably takes its turn, oh, this
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is known to many, so remember, friends, that this strict order cannot be violated. here the snow is shining like the sun is warming, it’s getting warmer around, the birds ’ voices are ringing, it means it’s coming to us, and and there are more and more flowers of the sun , you can even swim in the river, however, everyone really loves
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this time, yes, yes, and this time will begin , summer! if he’s on his feet on the sidewalk, we’re jumping through the puddles along the path, if all the trees have shed their leaves, then let’s say it’s autumn, folks. the snowbirds fell silent outside the window the sparkle is spinning, oh beauty, if the new year is in a hurry at home, it means winter has come to
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us, and thank you, guys, you helped us fix the fairytale compass, how cool you are, now we know how to fix the rest of the compasses, but can i take one compass for myself , suddenly come in handy, of course, where does this noise come from? from grandfather frost's office, he probably turned on the new year's time machine at full power, let's run, check, assistants, about... and
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finish it off, grandfather, grandfather frost, grandfather, where are you? santa claus is nowhere to be found, but he can't just disappear, maybe someone stole it, or maybe it got lost, maybe we can watch it on the surveillance camera? exactly, we need... a remote control, remote control, remote control, remote control, remote control, quickly bring the remote control, what kind of equipment do you have, i haven’t used this for a long time
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, in the office, but it’s not here, but we understand what it is there, grandfather it was just frosty , the button is lit in red, these buttons show what time it is outside, winter, summer, here the summer button is lit. but this is impossible, what a summer, the new year is about to come, the new year's car time is broken, everything is gone , there will be no holiday, all our gifts will not get to the children, so everyone should calm down, masters, go to your assistants and get ready for the holiday, the new year will come on time, yes. mira, what should we
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do? ca n't you just fix the new year's machine? i think we need to get inside it and look for the cause of the breakdown. i’ve never been there, but santa claus told me that this is not just a car, a real fairy-tale world. deep... caves, dense forests, high mountains, we won’t go there alone, we need real superheroes, i know only one, grandpa, but he himself needs help, how can i help, professor, alpha, i’m calling my friends, the first team, request accepted.
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if you need to fly to the sun in an instant, accelerate and rush faster than the wind, if you want to conquer all the mountains, find secrets in the dense forest, it’s simple and easy, for you, when you have your friends with you, your team, yes, kind, strong, brave, not obbasis master and pilot, if necessary, then the team is the first, everyone will come to your aid, we are a team, we are a team,
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when it seems to you that... you are alone , it is absolutely necessary to save the whole world, you are the first to join the team, feel free to come, because you are definitely also the very first in something, it will be simple and easy, for you, when with you, there are mine friends, your team, we are a team of kind, strong, brave, peace-based with mastery. pilot, if necessary, then the team of the first, everyone will come to your aid, we are a team, be a team, we are a team of the first, wow, a superhero!
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real and very big, hello, world, i miss you already, hello, pilot, snow maiden, meet me, this is... my friends, this is the basis, he the largest and most important transforming robot , glad to meet you, snow maiden, this is the master, the most mature, sometimes, of course, boring, experience and age are never boring, well, this is the pilot, i thought snow maiden is only in a fairy tale, you.. yes, this is a real snow maiden, and we must help her find the real santa claus. class! and save the new year? yeah. wow,
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we haven’t saved the new year yet. basis, master pilot, is rescued. new year. well, that's enough guys, there's only one day left until the new year. santa claus has disappeared. new year's time machine broken. mira, what do you call a new year's time machine? well, here she is, in front of you. this is where santa claus collects all the children’s wishes, and this is where gifts and sweets are loaded. and here the new year's route is being formed. but this old guy. can’t be called a machine, i’ve seen such machines in museums, these are ancient and very interesting mechanisms, now let’s see, we
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need to get inside to find the reason, and what kind of button is this? well, team of the first, go ahead, mira snegurochka, stay close to the pilot, children, are you ready for the journey, yes! hey, master, the car is not that old, what do you say? take your time, pilot! basis, what's ahead? the closest department to us is the snow
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clock department! great, let's start with it! i’m kind of scared, wow, how beautiful it is here, yes, and very colorful, a real kaleidoscope, tear your eyes out, everything i love, guys, where did the doors go? well, here the adventure begins. so, master, pilot, go around the entire room and check the walls for other exits. mira, what do you see? i think this
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room is one big mechanism. these colored glasses are not simple, they are different watches. which for some reason are standing, yes , look, the snow combs don’t work either, if all the clocks have stopped, then the new year’s time machine will not work correctly, that’s the reason, it seems to me that everything is connected here, if you start the clock, the snow mechanism will work , then we will find a way out, and the car. as before, maybe we’ll see why our watches don’t work, let’s see if these are someone’s tracks, but i’ve never encountered anything like this,
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and this is interesting, we need to get an encyclopedia of tracks of animals, birds, reptiles and fish, pilot, fish don't leave marks, they're in the water. is that why you always argue with me? so, guys, let's get down to business, there's very little time left, let's ask our friends. from the audience to help guess who left their traces on our watches. we have been waiting for this holiday for a long time to share the celebration, but it seems that our new year’s magic was stolen from us, but we will be able to fix everything, because traces have been left here. let's figure it out together. let's figure out together who
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wants to harm us all, he has big ears, he's an arrogant coward, what is this little animal, who can tell? yes, this is a bunny, he gallops around wildly, loves cunning tricks, hides nuts in a hollow tree, who is this? if there were long sharp points, on the river
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, trees were being felled, who, tell me, what good guys we have, this lake is big and formidable, it loves to eat honey, and then in the frosty winter, you’re in a den, who, that’s right, it’s a bear, two green little frog, singing songs loudly, they are waiting for their girlfriend, not the princess, but, this bird is biting with a hook, has a big head, is afraid of bright colors, hoots loudly, yes, he is walking in the ancient thicker, looking for where the grass is thicker, he is threatening to wind, well, wise, our symbol is fattening here,
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what good guys we have, we have one more trace left to guess, guys, do you know whose traces these are? oh, what is this? robots, prepare to protect all children. tea, who are you, what kind of animal or bird, maybe it’s a fish? and i’m not a beast, or a bird, or a fish, i’m a great and insidious schnoop, oops, i’m a schnoop, and i ruined the new year’s car. “i sent santa claus
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to the summer, that’s it, there won’t be a new year this year, and you won’t catch up with me, what or who it is such a schnoop, maybe it's some kind of robot that we don't know about, no, it doesn't look like it, look, the clock comes to life, his schnoops..." the traces have disappeared, cool, snow clock, look, they're starting to move, how cool is that , here is the way out, we need to hurry in order to catch up with the schnoops, yes, the world is right, we need to hurry, the first team is behind me, oh, what awaits us
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next? don’t worry, we’ll figure it out completely. hold on tight.
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that’s it. stop , the holiday is over, no one cares where we are, master, in this way we build bridges of friendship with these round balls, well, maybe we’ll ask them if they’ve seen a schnoop? look, they know the word schnoops. dear balls, please tell me, have you seen the insidious schnoops? my name is mira, this is snegurochka and my friends, we want to find shnups, fix the new year's time machine and
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save santa claus. they apparently only understand their own language. pilot, i need your help. you've raced a lot, and you know all the languages ​​of the world. well, it's finally time for me. come on, let's try. bim, bim, babadam. they say they like me. class. you will ask. what's happened? b. booba! they prepared all the children's addresses to draw up the route of santa claus. how the insidious schnoops appeared and mixed up all the balls with addresses. we can help our balls return everything to
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its place. glug-glug. they say that their names are not balls, but underwater multi-colored ones. bubbles, excuse me, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug, so let's help collect our balls and send them to the addresses, to find the solution, let's count to five, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, how can we collect the bubbles , i figured out how we should be able to catch all the bubbles and send each other a song together, sing the bubble-bang, funny language, bumble-bumble , red, green, if we get together together, then
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we can figure out the problem bubbles are fun. let's correct all the guys on the holiday, congratulate us , we congratulate the team of the first oye, i 'm friends with numbers, i'll tell you everything i know. we don’t know the riddles, we’ll always solve them, i have secrets, no, no, there’s only one answer to everything. 1 2 3 4 5 together have fun playing bull-bang bubbles
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funny bull-bang red green if if we get together together, then we can figure out the problem. the bubbles are cheerful, pink, and yellow. thank you, thank you guys, bubbles, we helped you, help us too, where did the insidious schnoops go? snoops, he went to the ice caves to the snow giant, no
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surprise, today technology can do everything and even learn the language of bubbles, the team of the first, go ahead for the snoops, bubba, glug-bull, bye, friends, wow, yes, what technologies, whoever could you think? all this thanks to grandfather frost! it was he who created the new year's time machine, at least everything was fine with him? i feel the cold, that is! on the right track, i turn on the turbo heating, i honestly thought that
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the new year's car consists of different mechanisms, and this is a whole fairy-tale world, yes, otherwise it would not be a magic car, santa claus... the main wizard in whom children believe. if they stopped believing in the new year, then there would be no light from the best holiday. and i, can i write a letter to grandfather frost? he will bring me a gift. if you sincerely believe in this, then your wish will come true. i wonder what it means to believe? well, do you
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believe that good should win in this world? and if we defeat evil heroes and bring peace to this world, then we are also good. you can do evil, that’s your genetic code, do good deeds in the name of peace, yeah, we got treacherous schnoops, pilot, master, we’re getting ready for battle, green lights, now we’ll show them how... to ruin our cave, wait, snowy giant, wait, listen to us, we are not shnuvsy,
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i am the snow maiden, we came to save the new year's time machine and return santa claus, snow maiden, well, i heard this one, if you are real, then answer my question, ask any question, what is santa claus’s favorite sweet? marshmallows with the taste of joy and cranberries in sugar, snow maiden, well, cool, now let's get down to business, you said schnoops, so he is not alone, there are many of them? yes, new year's chinups, yes their... crowns are about to be sent, when suddenly
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all my lights stopped warming up, all the sweets froze. snow giant, how can i help you? i need to warm up all the green lights. well, we can do that. you need to move yourself fiery dance. my first prototypes always danced. great idea, master. let's do it together! with our guys we will help the snow giant, we will make friends with winter, the secret here is very simple, we will play a little to warm our palms, all roads are
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sweet, only together. we feel warm, clap our hands loudly and stamp our feet , come on, let’s have fun, we don’t spare smiles, we warm our little hands, warming everything with warmth, it’s not difficult to perform a miracle, you smile in a circle, just give it to someone else. share your warmth, we are not afraid of frost, we will dance along the road, the bruise and cold will micro-melt, everyone will become warmer, we hug each other, this holiday is coming, the lights will light up around us, miracles.
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let's start, let's have fun , friends, we don't regret smiles, we warm our lilies of the valley, warm everything with warmth, it's not difficult to perform a miracle, it's not difficult, you smile in a circle, give a hand to another, a ready hand, you were good with your warmth, hurray , well, i told you it would work out, thank you very much, now you are my friend, if you need to save the world, come to me, we’ll look for sweets together, well done, master, you always love to work,
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well, friends, it’s time for us to move on, but where? snow giant, maybe you can help us? well, i won’t go with you, i need to look for the lights, but i heard that the schnoops said something about new year’s mountains of gifts. judging by the map, it is very far away. follow the fairy compass, it will lead you along the fastest road, just be careful, schnoops, they are very treacherous. when the road calls you forward, don’t waste time in vain, push the weights, they will help you, and don’t retreat from your goal, with a reliable friend and a cheerful song, the path will not be difficult for the brave
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be, always, when you go with friends, any kind. you can win, come on, there are many different things in the world, but you can’t forget, no matter what the road, true friends will always help, friends will be able to solve any issue, friendship has no secret.
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whatever the road, true friends will always help, true friends will help. this is beauty, how i love the mountains, you get up early in the morning, climb to the highest point and bask in the sun, but i have never been to such unusual places. wow, train, carriages, gifts, through the mountains from gifts, along the road from a dream, along forests,
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fields and parks, straight from a mountain height, a christmas tree with a bright star, i’m taking the kids with me, trailers. they rush after me on the road , i spin my wheels, i chug-chug, i fly there quickly, just a little, just a little, i always chug , just a little, i want to congratulate everyone, just a little- i feel like i’m in a time machine, i’m getting into full swing, they immediately entrusted me
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with delivering the new year to you, i’m coming from afar to give you gifts, so that i’ll probably have time to give joy to the children. i knock on cities and knock, chu-chu-chu, on the streets i quickly knock, chu-chu-chu, and i honk and honk, just a little bit, i want to congratulate everyone, just a little bit, the carriages are standing still. where is this mountain from? she was standing in a different place. maybe we can help you? no thanks, we can handle it ourselves. maybe we can
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help? i can handle it myself. sorry, please step aside. mom, what else is this, robots, i need your help, let's go, let's help, well, let's go. here are our schnoops, now we
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are listening carefully, who are you and what do you want? we are the helpers , cursing, our task is further, well , you clearly have your task. failed, where is yours main? dear schnoops , why don’t you want the new year to come, because they won’t give us to the children, i remembered in these very toys that santa claus came up with, but i didn’t have time to add a kind heart to you, yes, so he postponed us until the summer so that have time to make kind hearts. clear, but not clear, why break the new year's time machine? i know, because there is one main place where goodness always lives, this is
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the heart of the new year's machine, and the heart of any machine is the engine, the engine, well, yes, faster, we need to hurry. faster faster, faster, let's fly! basis, how to get on the team? you are the first, it’s just snegorochka , you need to be honest, fair and brave, help in trouble and believe in goodness, then i will succeed, of course, everyone can get into the team of the first, that’s the heart of the new year’s machine, quiet, there’s someone here... that is, we’re hiding behind the snowdrifts, a christmas tree was born in the forest
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, it’s growing in the forest, for a fun holiday, we’ll take it for ourselves, but let’s dress it up, the yaroshnuvians say, shine with bright lights. while the kids are sleeping, i am a cunning and clever schnutz, everyone must remember, if i want it, the holiday will be mine, i don’t need fairy tales, without any sweet fairy tales, we will celebrate the new year, and santa claus will bring gifts, we will bring others to me, we will not bring them. well, my assistants
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, the time has come for us to become the main new year's gifts for children, for this we need to heal the christmas tree, that's right, light this tree, everyone has a christmas tree, so, one, two, three, the tree is burning quickly, uh, 3, 2, one, the tree is burning like a fireplace, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, why doesn’t it light up, because you you say it wrong, right, because you are not home. kind, because you
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did a bad thing, yes, i did it, but i can’t be without the new year, this is my most important holiday, and i can’t get to the children as a new year’s gift, because i don’t have a kind heart. schnoopsies, we will help you. we have a room full of adult children, they all have a good heart, this is not a secret, everyone is given a good heart from birth, by nature, just don’t be afraid to cast doubt aside, and kindness will open. it is, trust those who
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are here next to you, for help, try ask, because you can melt the ice in the heart with a kind word, a kind look, let it. in the south-dark surroundings, we give the warmth of our soul to others to keep warm, because in order to change something, just put your hand on the baking sheet, share the warmth of a kind heart, you share the warmth of a kind heart.
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look, something has caught fire inside me, i feel like i’m becoming kinder, and we are real and kind, look how our hearts are burning, guys, there’s very little time left, if we don’t bring back santa claus, then the new year’s car... father pilot, good idea one two, three, the christmas tree is on fire,
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hello guys, hello granddaughter, peace, and these are your friends, yes, grandfather frost, these are my bravest and coolest friends, the first team, wow, a real santa claus? yes, the real one, and this is who is hiding there, what familiar faces, schnoops, grandfather frost, grandfather frost, grandfather frost, grandfather frost, hello, grandfather. frost, thanks to the guys, we have become kind and will never do dirty tricks again. that's right, you need to enter the new year only with good deeds.
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be brave, honest, kind, and you will definitely be on the first team. new year, happy new year, serene silvery light, the stars shone outside the window, with quiet steps like a snowy fairy tale, the new year comes to every home. this is the most important holiday of childhood, a magical, bright time, sincere, wonderful, and from heart to heart we send good wishes, we succeed, the stars
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burn, people smile. let's slaughter it, may you piss on us, may the new year bring all the best to each of us, may the new year bring all the best, the white snow is dying in silver, istimki lead a round dance, if everyone gives the go-ahead, a miracle in the world will come to life again, will come to life, this time is given to us by fate , to say the main words to each other, a fairy tale
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will open the door, bring with it, a time of kindness and fraud. successes are hidden, the stars are healing, people are smiling, a fairy tale is coming to us, pray 12 times, let the new year bring all the best for each of us. the new year will bring all the best, the new year will bring all the best.
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together three times, let's say thank you to him, three, four, thank you, saved! thank you, dear alexander grigorievich, thank you
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very much for this new year’s magic, guys, happy new year. to become one of the people in a foreign country, you don’t have to be born there, what a cute
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town, and the name is so cool, parisov, read the flight of parisov krata, i think you’re right and perhaps there is that same boris, it’s enough to behave at a party like the host of the show like home, here is ailos. here two foreign students will discover belarusian customs and introduce belarusians to cultural features.
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enterprises of the people's republic of china, if we talk about closer cooperation , then we are implementing three educational joint programs with three universities, the people 's republic of china, and northeastern university - this is the city of shinyang, and we are working on scientific and technical cooperation on this basis. that is , he was able to help us open the confucius institute.


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