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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 2, 2024 9:00pm-9:41pm MSK

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panorama, tatyana korol is with you. hello, let's sum up this day together. the first ones are trending again; even a failure on youtube did not prevent the growth of views of the president’s new year’s address to the belarusian people. vivid comments on our broadcast. the future depends on our choices. the elected representatives have a responsible mission to work in the face of foreign policy challenges. with the guest of the panorama we will talk about a single voting day about those who will represent our interests. and indestructible. decisions and a year of important international meetings. how did 2023 turn out? let's remember together in panorama. 2024 definitely.
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there will be a lot of surprises for everyone, elections in more than 70 countries promise to be extremely interesting, because the economy will depend on political decisions, global social upheavals, political crises and an increase in strikes are predicted for the world, will belarus face the predicted threats, let’s figure it out on the site. from vladivostok to kaliningrad, belarus is increasing cooperation with all russian regions. counterattack, denazification and degradation.
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on the australian courts, hockey vitebsk is already preparing for the playoffs of the president's cup araubichi, frozen in anticipation of the third stage of the commonwealth biathlon cup, the sports day program is under the curtain of the release. belarusians celebrated the new year on a grand scale, but the weekend is over and we return to everyday life, however, the new year’s vibe still doesn’t let go, youtube doesn’t let us forget the 2024 meeting.
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does not illuminate values ​​as much as the president of belarus, and many will say these words: no, he proves by deeds what the law is, order and rigor, take care of your leader, dear belarusian brothers, this is a diamond , only a few in this world can rule the way your president does, happy holiday to you, our dear neighbors and slavic brothers, happy new year belarusians, congratulations to you from germany , happiness to you and peaceful skies above your head, what a beautiful speech,
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old man, you are very smart, i respect you very much, because you were able to maintain peace in the country, keep it afloat, playing not with the best cards, everything will be fine with you for the belarusian people, as long as such a great politician leads belarus, long life, strength to overcome all adversities , happy new year, mr. president lukashenko, best new year wishes from poland, beloved belarus, and i apologize for... i am from latvia and i am proud that i have such friends and neighbors, we are peoples we have always been together, we have nothing to share, we have thousands
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of belarusians living with us in latvia for years, i respect the hard work of these people, i have a wife with roots from verkhnedvinsk, good luck to you, good people. and indeed belarus is entering the new year 2024 with great challenges and opportunities, which appeared thanks to important political decisions of the head of state, both in the international arena and at the national level. among the significant events of the past year, the anniversary of the palace of independence, the message of the president, the people and parliament, a whole series of international visits of our leader and government, as well as important guests who came to us.
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states like us, zimbabwe, belarus, to subjugate and receive corresponding benefits from this. i have already said this, zimbabwe is a storehouse of the most promising mineral resources, without which the world cannot exist and never
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existed. you have everything in the bowels of the earth. africans came to us. exchange at different levels goes on without interruption, and that’s the same. a symbol of the fact that the neo-colonial world no longer works, now the algorithm is not us taking everything for ourselves, which was made in the usa, but we are working on mutually beneficial terms of belarusian manufacture, and china, the president flew there twice in a year when i was preparing for this visit and interrogated his colleagues about what needs to be done, what is not moving, to tell the chairman about it, but we have not found a single issue on which... history will remember these words of the president of belarus at the climate summit in uae. we have gathered here to
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once again express our concerns. and those who, even here, performed in the first births, concerned about their grandchildren, they are leading. until now, we have tried not to burden the children of our grandchildren, the executioners who came to our land with a sense of guilt, to finally resolve the issue with us, the eastern slavs. we have not previously emphasized that most
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western european countries have come under the banner hitler's germany, and world capital paid for this approach. they are introducing sanctions against us today, they have unleashed an economic and information war, but we have not forgotten to remind the heirs of the punishers. another important facet of belarus is openness. while alexander lukashenko is called the last dictator of europe, the first one is extending visa-free travel for his neighbors, saying, come yourself and see what ’s going on. the president does not shy away from communicating with foreign media; the president answered directly and openly with representatives of the usa, great britain, austria, france, and japan. but more in total, the cash register was disrupted by a conversation with a ukrainian woman. only on youtube.
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fragment from the message of the president, people and parliament. i’m not trying to intimidate or blackmail anyone, i’m saying this again. the lord is with them. i want to secure the belarusian state and ensure peace for the belarusian people. in their history, with their entire existence, my people deserve this. we no longer want to live under the whip and we will not be slaves. repeated meetings with heads. cis intelligence services, rethinking our place in the world, no more, let's live
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together, if they don’t want to, we have the teeth to stand up for ourselves, for our ally, a vivid example is the march of pmc wagner on moscow, they stopped it together, lukashenko and putin, under no circumstances make me a hero like putin and prigozhin, because we missed this situation , we missed it, and then... when it began to develop, we saw and thought that both i and putin would resolve, well, i to a lesser extent, to be frank, but nevertheless, and it did not resolve, and the eac summit, and the informal meeting of the cis in st. petersburg, we already there is a familiar format, there is understanding in the union and commonwealth, there is a desire to work on shortcomings too, which means that prosperity and good luck will not leave us aside. already in the new year. alexey volkov and pavel poznyakov, telenews agency. 2024 will be
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marked as an anniversary year for the union state. strong relations between belarus and russia will be 25 years old. our time-tested union. today the driver is development and a reliable shield. since the creation of the union state, trade turnover between the countries has increased sevenfold. in 2022 they reached their maximum. it's almost. we expect $50 billion, a new record, when the results of 2023 are summed up. the implementation of 28 union programs brings concrete economic results; they have already been completed by 95%. and now we are waiting for a new package of integration projects. the past year can confidently be called a year of discoveries. joint assembly plants for agricultural machinery were created in the novosibirsk region and tatarstan. a new plant was launched in bashkartastan. kador in the krasnodar territory began assembling combines and grain carriers at the base chassis mas. the construction
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of our multi-brand center for the sale and repair of belarusian equipment also started there. this is not the entire list. in 2023 , 87 delegations from russian regions visited our country, and the number of belarusian official business trips was almost 100 and 136 visits from business circles. a number of significant documents were signed. the union council of ministers did not slow down, more than forty new legal acts were adopted, the tasks for 2024 are to increase belarusian exports to russia by 8%, with which russian regions in terms of trade turnover we are reaching an economic maximum, but where are the sprouts of allied cooperation still just emerging? daria belousovo-petrovskaya visited the international forum russia and studied the potential for regional cooperation between our countries. today, to see all of russia, it is not necessary to buy expensive tours. all 89 regions are
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in one place. so, at the same time here you can learn about the national traditions of the chuvash and immediately fly to ulyanovsk on a virtual plane. but these days, diplomats and ministers of the union state do not need to fly anywhere. all negotiations take place on the sidelines of the russian forum. current and future joint projects are often discussed literally on their feet. moreover, in parallel you can see the achievements of each russian region, for example, in the twenty-third year, the trade turnover of belarus in the pskov region doubled. our light industry comes first, we deliver. city ​​buses, construction materials, we make joint lifting machines based on the mass chassis, we build roads, social facilities , we participate in the clean water pilot project. we you and i hold the record for the number of contacts and the number of joint events; these are important systemic, fundamental programs for business interaction and solving the problem
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of import substitution and economic sovereignty of our large union state. in any case, next year’s basic task is to increase belarusian exports in general to russia by 8%, we consider the pskov region as one of the growth points. karelia is famous for its forests and paper production, even in the region.
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the structure of agriculture is one of the most pleasant topics - tourism development. the belarusian direction is one of the most popular among russians today. the statistics speak for themselves. a month before the new year , all tickets for high-speed trains were purchased. therefore, one of the important issues today is the opening of new flights and the launch of additional high-speed trains. daria
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belausovrovsk, alexander lyubitelev, tv news agency, moscow. another important event of the new year, on which the future of our country depends. already on february 25, as part of a single voting day, we will have to decide on the people who will represent our interests in the house of representatives and local councils of deputies. the new convocation will have to work in the context of global foreign policy challenges, this is one of the sharp reasons that fuels public interest in the current election campaign. belarusians have something to compare with when choosing those who will continue.
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the deadline for registration of initiative groups has been completed; in fact, an application has been submitted to the house of representatives ; 164 initiative groups have been registered for nominating candidates for the house representatives. according to local councils of deputies, a little more than 11 thousand initiative groups have been registered by persons who will collect signatures in support of their nomination, but speaking of activity, in
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different electoral campaigns, the methods of nomination used are different, and the candidate who has registered the initiative group has the right to use other methods of nomination, the nomination procedure is still ongoing, until january 15, territorial and district election commissions will accept.
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there will definitely be representatives from political parties as well. now the nomination process is actively underway, congresses are being held by political parties, meetings and organizational structures are being held, including on nomination, finally, let’s say, the level of activity, yes. there may be a larger number of ballots that will be offered to voters in rural areas, in essence these are elections of the deputy corps and the electoral system is optimized by and large, and
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we save, well, our time, including time voter to organize the elections. in your opinion, the current election campaign will be remembered for some of the innovations that are currently being implemented, because i see that the central election commission, for example, is actively involved in the educational structure, actively. he travels with lecture materials, in general he has become quite open, i see, and excursions are conducted to you, in this regard, what can you say? some powers have been introduced into the electoral code, new central commissions, this is what you are talking about, yes we we are actively interacting with the electorate, attracting, let’s say, young people and students to constitutional law, to electoral law, explaining what elections are, why they are organized and held in the country, so that young...
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in japan, the new year clearly did not start as expected, an earthquake with a tsunami, and now a plane crash. during landing at tokyo airport, a passenger airliner collided with a coast guard aircraft and caught fire. there was order on board. 300 people, all of them were successfully evacuated, the liner was almost completely burned out like a transport worker, the coast guard reports that the pilot of the plane managed to escape, he received serious injuries, but
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the other five crew members died. nsf in the united states , many explosions occurred near roosevelt island in new york. there are many helicopters and special equipment in the area, the number of victims is still unknown, and no one can name the exact cause of what happened. so the local police after checking. rejected the version of a terrorist attack. there is no confirmation of information about a power failure. some eyewitnesses they claim that the explosions occurred in sewer manholes. a version also appeared about a small earthquake of magnitude 1.7. and this is the latest report from the new york post. biden spent more than a third of the past year on vacation, the newspaper reports. the owner of the white house rested 138 days or 37% of the entire year. by comparison, former us president donald trump spent an average of only 26% of his time outside the white house each year, or a quarter of his
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presidency. analysts from major corporations have prepared their forecasts of economic and geopolitical threats for 2024 year. belarus, as an open economy in the center of europe, may also feel the consequences of certain trends. but we are clearly following the chosen path, strengthening ties in the union state, expanding cooperation in the distant arc and setting serious goals for the year of quality. our author’s column “site” is about what the world and belarus are entering the new year with. there is no money, but you hold on, this is roughly what analysts of the largest financial institutions mean in their scenarios for 2024. this is how the organization of economic cooperation and development worsened the annual forecast for the dynamics of the global economy, tentatively its growth will slow down
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from the previously planned almost 3%. from 2.7%, a figure lower than the imf previously calculated. osra secretary general tias korman explains it this way: the global economy continues to face problems of both low growth and high inflation. an interesting fact: for belarus, the imf, on the contrary, revised the scenario to a positive one. the growth of our economy, the fund's specialists expect, will be 1.3%. this is lower than approved by the decree of the president of belarus, but from imf experts nothing else should have been expected.
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waiting for the outcome of the confrontation between biden and the united states, and not only they have already stocked up on popcorn, trump. the outcome of this race also determines the states' relations with china, and this is already a story about world architecture. our country is also preparing for the elections with calm confidence. by chance, in 2024 we will have partners under the sign, we are betting on quality, not quality, like once in 2010, however, belarus is different today, we are strengthening cooperation in the union state, the final figures have not yet been announced, but economists have not they doubt that 2023 will again be a record year for
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product levels. we strengthen relationships with partners in the far arc. recent landmark visits of alexander lukashenko to the united arab emirates, china, and the african continent confirmed: belarus is a reliable partner with whom they want to work. and if the west, which is so used to counting money, relies on sanctions, then these are its problems. the west, not ours. the global scenarios drawn by overseas analysts may seem frightening and gloomy to some, but we believe that for belarus 2024 will be just as calm and stable, although this largely depends on each of us, on daily choices, on dedication in the workplace, on the warmth that we give to our loved ones, on small and invisible deeds and honest actions that are the foundation of our peaceful life. in belarus
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, the labor code has been significantly updated, wages are paid at least twice a month, an additional day off and a new format for remote work. the changes affected more than 80 articles of the document. about the innovations that have entered in force on january 1, we spoke with a guest of the panorama.
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about a specific day or days of medical examination depending on the age of the employee, that is, the employee must notify the employer in writing, the employer must agree on this day of completion. vacation, previously it could be divided into two parts, now today employers, if they panserization of innovation touched ours , want to provide such an opportunity to employees, enshrine it in any local act, this may be an internal labor regulation, this may there should be a provision on vacations that in our organization vacation can be divided into three parts or four parts, here it is still important to prescribe a specific number of parts so that employees do not abuse their right and do not split it into more parts, and if a person urgently goes on vacation, let's say, for family reasons, in which case, when will vacation pay be paid? payment of average earnings, the so-called vacation pay, must
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be made no later than two working days from the date of the start of the labor leave, but at the same time the employee must express in writing such consent to the payment of vacation pay during such a period. tatiana. than to say that he is obliged, well, that’s impossible. i also know that changes in the labor code also affected the so-called remote work; in theory, during the pandemic it was very popular, but then this format still required some changes, both
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on the part of employers and on the part of the workers themselves , which ones? there was such a request from both employers and employees to temporarily switch to such a remote format of work, these are the requests, appeals. certainly reflected in the legislation, today there is such an opportunity, to establish remote work temporarily for a period of up to 6 months in the calendar year, and such a format of remote work as combined remote work, which consists of the employee being partially in the office during any period of time, has also been in demand. -a certain part of the working time, and part of the working time the employee will work remotely. tatyana, thank you for the interview, with holidays. thank you! happy new year. belarusians work for the good of creation, and many live for the good of their homeland. one of the winners
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of the special award from the head of state, the belarusian sports olympus this year, was the head of the department of cycling, speed skating and icon sports of the bsu fc, mikhail dvoryakov. on january 2, the master of sports turned. he is 74 years old and despite his age, he continues to do his life’s work. stanislav lipsky will continue. well, here is our workplace and mine, everything is in place, it seems to be tidied up, clean, the tree is standing, here it is today there was a conference, we prepared programs that took a couple of years to write. it was with such a mini-tour of the department that mikhail i...
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that mikhail dvoryakov connected his entire life. i’m in olympus, it’s with this discipline that i’ve been involved in cycling all my life consciously, as i started, in general i started with skiing in mogilev, winter is over,
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success largely depends on the team, so thank you, says colleague mikhail dvoryakov, and previous awards on against the current background they still fade a little, because now he will be awarded personally by the president of belarus, of course, it’s nice, whatever it was, first of all, i didn’t expect it, i think that maybe there are more worthy people, they should judge who nominated me. that he stated, well, naturally, as for me, i am pleased, i am very grateful to my fate, the department, the athlete, everyone i listed, that to this day they congratulate on the holiday, and not only me, but the staff of the department comes, and for us this may be the most precious thing. stanislav libsky and alexey sosnovsky, television news agency. these are the main events of this day, i say goodbye with this, the broadcast will continue with the ksiny lebedeva program, this. other. stay with us, it will be very interesting.
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2023 was neither easier nor harder than the previous year, it was simply different, but all sane people, observing the events of the past year, analyzing them and rethinking them, understand, we understand that the world will never be the same, but this is different, i’m with you, ksenia lebedeva, hello! today in the program we will look at some
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high-profile events, statements from a different angle from the position: “what did it give and what was it?” business? the first item on the list is another, ukrainian counter-offensive. the tougher the confrontation on the real battlefield, the more serious the information attacks. the smaller the enemy’s armament of shells, the angrier and more careless he is in his statements and forecasts. since the main task is to show off, and then the card will fall, and the main thing is to let everyone in, both friends and foes, the counter-offensive in the ssu in 2023 can only be realistically assessed as one of the main failures of the past year, however, in order to whiten one’s renuma in kiev made a statement that they did not an offensive was planned, and these were just tricks of the center of information and psychological operations of ukraine. what they said about what was happening.


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