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tv   -  BELARUSTV  January 3, 2024 1:35am-3:31am MSK

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three times since then, several hundred thousand toys have been distributed throughout belarus and , probably, around the world, and my child has grown up, i already take her to work during the holidays, teach her to do some kind of banal work, she works in my warehouse, that - she packs there, i even pay her a salary , maybe in 20 years i’ll grow a replacement for myself in some way from the other... side, i’m glad that this is such a new year’s, new year’s business, and my child is also involved , yes, we have a good tradition in our family, or rather, i have there is a good tradition, every year i give my child a christmas tree toy , with which i associate the past year, i write a small note, put it somewhere so that it is impossible to find it right away, i hope that after some time, when already my...
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child will have a big christmas tree, she will decorate this christmas tree with these toys, when she finds these notes she will understand what dad was thinking about at one time or another in her life. every year we live a year ahead, if the year of the dragon is just beginning, it will be in china, probably, in my opinion, in february of twenty-four, then we started producing toys with dragons in january.
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we, of course, bring toys to life so that they delight our residents of our country, as if, you know, sometimes i feel like santa claus, because, probably, on every belarusian christmas tree there already hangs products from our production, if from our christmas tree decorations, our toys are created largely by hand, yes, of course, there is some kind of mechanical application, there are some other methods, but practically, probably all toys give the warmth of the hands of our artists. when we created our factory, we had to stand out with something, of course, and i noticed that there was such a demand, you know, for something like this, not just a retro toy, but toys of this kind of belarusian , with belarusian images, this on the one hand, there are some soviet symbols, santa claus, the snow maiden, but on the other hand, these are some belarusian landscapes, some belarusian ornaments, well, which people miss and which people actually want to hang on their new year’s eve. trees, and we have this request
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fulfilled, and we place emphasis, in fact , on the fact that our factory is belarusian, even our brand grai is translated as sereshami aichina’s ambitions, and i sincerely want our toys to have their own belarusian flavor, and of course, the traditions of celebrating the new year in my family, they probably go back to my childhood, when i was still little, and my parents were young, and my grandparents, my mother and i decorated the christmas tree, you probably know, these are the associations with distant childhood, when are actually trees were not yet so big, and there was still some kind of faith in santa claus, maybe a new year's miracle, it remains in our hearts, so this new year holiday, it is so sacred for probably for probably for all residents. of our country and
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, of course, on the eve of the new year, i would like to wish our tv viewers of the belarus24 tv channel to successfully celebrate the new year and enjoy the new year.
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the belarusian balcony, it is the most important for western countries, they will not leave us alone, so we need to prepare, consolidate within state, conduct our elections, and most importantly, understand that as far as external matters are concerned, our western countries still don’t recognize the elections, we are electing in 204 people who will largely determine the future of the country...
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my mission is to strengthen the light of the coming love from the people of the earth, that is, i always wanted the holidays that i spend to be...
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the peoples of the earth, some options vary, some join hands, some do not join hands, but this is it walking in circles, it has always existed and still exists, there is circle dances of the world, if you look at the african peoples there, they jump around the fire, ground with drums, stomp there, and if we take the baltic
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baltics, then this round dancing culture is also very widespread there, and so on and so forth, i even see the response of modern people... to those holidays that i and my students celebrate, it resonates with everyone, regardless of the language, regardless of the country, it resonates with everyone, it is held in russian, or it is held in the language of the country in which is carried out as if there is some kind of genetic memory that hears, sees , the round dance and play tradition is turned on automatically, we have already conducted it many times somewhere... the language of a smile, the language of laughter is understood by all peoples of the earth, in every person
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there is inner child, games are about childhood, this is the awakening of the inner child, the children are all good friends with each other, so it responds now and was originally. well, if you take the story, then the names are different, but the essence is the same, for me the new year holiday is a kolada, when a new sun is born, then there is december 21-22 karachon, the day - the old year dies, a new sun is born, the day begins to increase, the new year begins, the carols are ours, the calendar, yes, that is , it begins with the carol, so for me this is a new year, as for 31, december 1. at this point i like to be in the family circle, i travel a lot, i constantly spend some holidays, i always go somewhere, and i really love the thirty-first with my parents, with my children, i wish us all peace in the new year soul, in the family, in the country, in neighboring countries and all over the world, and let
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the round dance game holidays, the round dance game tradition help us in this, if someone does not know how to create peace in the soul, come to us at our round dance holidays, we learn this in the holidays. then we live like this in life.
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o memory of the heart. you are stronger than reason in your sad memory and often in your sweetness, you spit on me in a distant land, you accept me in a distant land, i remember the voice of sweet words, i remember blue eyes. i remember golden curls,
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carelessly curly hair, my shepherdess, incomparable, i remember the whole outfit is simple, and the image, sweet, unforgettable, is everywhere. wanders with me, travels everywhere with me, guardian, my genius with love. for the joy of separation, it will cling to the head of the bed, sweeten a sad dream, sweeten a sad dream.
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oh, good morning,
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hello, please.
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dunyasha, dunka, yes, here i am, why are you digging around, i overslept again, you can’t see, it’s crazy, it doesn’t light up in any way, why is it, well, not at the fur, and i noticed the styphonid. ours wants to trample on the coolness of the danube, but doesn’t want the mankina, was it just my imagination, or what? are you off the hook? no, young lady, i called you a thousand times, but will nastya ever get you, just like you, like
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a small child? the lord is with you, again for your own sake, as soon as you settle down, it’s boring, nastya, so boring that you don’t even want to live, then let’s wash up, you see, it will become more fun, huh? take some soap and wash the stigmas, take the handle off, soak it, and i wished for
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something on my mustache, and that’s it. lei thickly, it will come to gifts, to treats, to a date, to kissing, oh, there’s no urine, give it here.
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"now talk about the suitors, but what kind of we are a fiancé, except that our son came to our neighbor, they say he studied science at the university of derb, is it to berestov, my dear, or have you forgotten, ivan petrovich beristov is my enemy, a bear and a provincial, like the world has never seen them? i don’t go to the neighbors with my dinner, i’m painfully proud, ivan
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petrovich, he takes me for a fool, no, neither him nor his son, i don’t want to know. the bolder kusar, your gaze sparkles with courage and
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the heart of the maiden is already a young gentleman of the swamps , the blood is jumping like a goat. turn away, shameless one! drown,
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or what, the most, eh? was it true what they said that madame was de stael a spy for boinaparte? oh, have mercy, matant, well, how could she , persecuted for 10 years by napoleon, barely escaped under the protection of the russian emperor, friend of chatabrian and byron, suddenly a spy, bonoparte, it could very, very well happen, well, napoleon was such a beast, yes, and madame desalles is a delicate little thing, i heard that once... she asked bonaparte who he considered to be the first woman in the world, and what do you think he answered? the one who gave birth to more
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children. bonoparte hit not the eyebrow, but the eye, after all, madame de stael had no children. nikita stepan get dressed.
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what a terrible difference there is between the ideals
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of grandmothers and granddaughters. well, what do you think lavlas and adolf have in common, and yet i am not changing the role of women. there is no doubt that russian women are better educated, read more, and think more than men. that’s why life is dear to me, i’ve lived for the last time,
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knowing how... i’m a treasure of the world, great for you, love with it only warmed me, as i understand you, i’m also afraid, how boring it is here after the capital, and you after student brotherhood.
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which of the girls caught my eye, all of them are gimmicks , but for me, our rural young ladies, who grew up under apple trees and between the stags, brought up by nannies and nature, are much nicer than the capital’s beauties, you can’t please me, dear, dressed up, god knows how, father, i need to talk with you, well, let's go, let's talk, tell me, alyosha, what are you thinking, father, let me be blunt, well...
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let go of military service, oh , why did you let your mustache grow, in the hussars, that means you're aiming, yes, in the hussars , after university, after university, my dear, they go to the civil service, and not into the military, i was young and stupid, now i want to be a hussar, but did you know that landowner... ranks are the same service, managing thousands of souls, whose welfare depends on you is much more important than commanding a platoon or rewriting a diplomatic document dispatches, i know, but you know , so why don’t you want to continue my work, my soul doesn’t rest, alas, i’m not a scrap of deshans, after all, i didn’t try
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to manage, i can’t understand why the main effort of most of our nobles is not to make your children people, but... in order to quickly make them guard non-commissioned officers, i don’t want to be like them, well, why, father, because, because military service today is wine, cards and debauchery, not like in pavle petrovich, the kingdom of heaven, then there was order, but now there are hussars, but it’s too much to drink champagne, but i won’t let him hunt for skirts. you really are depriving me of a choice, in fact, this is my father’s will, you know me, and you, father, know me, i
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will achieve my goal, good afternoon, hello, guests, dear, hello , pies of all kinds, i can barely breathe, well, for your seafood treat we have prepared craquet , a european game, better than whist, ordered from st. petersburg on the recommendation of miss jackson, splendit and miss jackson, try it,
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pavel petrovich, dad , we will go to me, go, go, you have your own business, natalya fedorovna, please! oh, lizonka, you can’t imagine how funny these girls were dressed, they had some kind of dried mushrooms sewn on their dresses , along with, well, oh, what a flourish, so in russian, and your will, grigor ivanovich , our towns are better, you hit them there, you hit them, favor them, thank them. we would have to do everything right, we need to learn restraint, restraint and accuracy, the british will give us 100 points ahead in this, in the economic method, by the way, it is very, very possible, but
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russian bread will not be born on someone else’s money, i don’t remember who said that, let me find out who beristov is not fighting. peter the great bequeathed to learn from europe and yes, russia has its own path, just imagine, he enters, glances at everyone’s faces and edek indifferently turns away, and valdemar asks him if you are bored? beristo put out his. ring, he has it in the form of a death’s head, can you imagine, he put out his ring, rubbed it on his sleeve, looked at voldemar so indifferently , i just couldn’t yawn, he was as proud as his father, uh-huh, well, just chald harold, and what
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he didn’t follow anyone, didn’t even look in our direction, and there are reasons for this, now i know why he doesn’t look at anyone, olenka kovbina presented me today. copied from a letter by alexei berestov, that is not from a letter, from an envelope, to dotya petrovna kurochkina, in moscow, opposite the alekseevsky monastery, in the house of the metalsmith savelyev, i humbly ask you to deliver this letter, go and guess now. god bless you, let me
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go on a visit today, if you please, to tugilovo, to the beristovs. the cook's wife, they have a birthday, and today he invited us to dine, here are the gentlemen in litter, servants of each other. forgive us, what do we care about the lord? besides, i’m yours, not daddy’s. this is your daddy with a sogiloskimbar, and you haven’t armored it yet young, i’ll fight, as soon as i see him, i’ll fight right away, just to see how, let the old people fight, as long as they’re having fun, and your business is young.
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try, nastya, to see alexei beresty and tell me well what kind of person he is and what kind of person he is, and whether he wears a mustache, well, what are you talking about, nastya, what kind of mustache, so you made a wish for the mustache, you said it yourself, nothing i didn’t say, you never know what i said, i said, but i forgot. go to your forests and do whatever you want there, burn and burn clearly so that it doesn’t go out, eat the bliss!
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with blood, it was he who, after the death of the barn , went crazy in the english fashion , became poor, or something, the oats are not from poverty, the weight is healthy for health, but the horse is healthy , there, the young master galloped up, oh, look at the master.
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fastened to the hem, catch, take a walk, go to the stables, now i ’ll burn, oh, gone, nothing, he can’t catch up with me, burn, burn, clearly, so as not to extinguish the bells, the bells ring,
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2 times, fire, burn, and come on, someone is hungry, do some grappling, fight for work, get on your feet quickly, push him forward, it’s light to fly away, what, i already have you. hood is like this, i don’t know you , priluchenskaya, i’m grigory ivanovich muronsky
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, your neighbor, this crazy anglomaniac, how he’s not crazy at all, he’s good, and his dick is just a sight for sore eyes, but i know the local young ladies, they only have books in your head, you simply can’t say the words, the dzhimanitsa is not like you, have you forgotten this chant, let’s get this burning, burning, hot, what are you doing, start , you caught up with me first, and you first, so get a reward, here’s for you instead spice.
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young lady, nastya, finally, tell me, well, with lizaveta grigorievna i saw the young nobleman, i had enough of a look , we were together all day, tell me, tell me in order, if you please, so we went, as you allowed the cook’s wife to celebrate her name day in tugilova, i, annie sigorna.
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i can’t bear to listen to these eternal details, but how impatient are you? every week we review the main topics that aroused the greatest interest among our viewers and followers on social networks. we offer you to learn the belarusian language while walking with our tv guides. we also introduce you to amazing people. who live in belarus and do everything for its development. broadcast 24/7. a project that everyone should see. watch us every friday on the belarus24 tv channel. we
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will introduce you to belarusians who deliberately exchanged the city for the countryside. about 10 years old, just a simple country house. and one day just... that’s what helped, probably, after all, the desire to be together, and a miracle, the presenter from the capital will have to experience all the delights of rural life, apparently a tv presenter with experience in performing construction work, well, i have a wife, i have a mother-in-law, i think, as a man, you
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understand what it smells like, they’re still mocking, i don’t know, you can’t see it, they’re sticking out their noses from there, they’re watching, and the city guy is cleaning up after us, okay? the project i'm from the village, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel. well, we left the table, and we sat for three hours and the lunch was delicious. nastya, we left the table and went into the garden to have tea, and the young people began to play burners, and dunka and i did too. well, young lady, listen to what happened next. as soon as our devil came to run, here then the young gentleman appeared, rode up on a horse like a hussar, and what, really, he is so good -looking, amazingly good-looking, handsome, one might say, tall, streamlined, blush all over his cheek, mustache, such a cute mustache, strange,
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right, but i thought his face was pale, well, what did he look like to you? it’s impossible to run with us in the burner with you in the burner, it’s very possible, what else did you come up with, he’ll catch him kissing, and his antennae are tickling, your will, nastya, you’re lying, your will, the lambs aren’t lying, i got rid of him by force , all day long with us he was fussing about, but how do they say that he is in love and doesn’t look at anyone, well, i don’t know, he really looked at me, and at tanya. the clerk's daughter against pashka olbinskaya, so to speak, did not offend anyone, not even our dunka, such a lover, but what did he find in dunka, a wonderful sword.
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how i would like to see him, well, what ’s so tricky about this, the tugilovs are not far from us? three versts. go for a walk in that direction or ride a horse, you will surely meet him. every day in the morning he goes
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hunting with a gun. no, it's not good. he can think i'm chasing him. and our fathers are at odds. likewise, i still won’t be able to meet him. well, let's see again. morning evening wiser ah nastya, oh my god , you know what, i’ll dress up like a peasant woman, oh parashnya, really put on a thick shirt, and go boldly to tugilov, growling at you that beristov is not calling you , yes, i
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can speak the modern way very well, ah, nastya, dear nastya, what a glorious invention.
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dunya went out onto the road, having prayed to god, dunya forgot to cry, and said goodbye to her friend. friend went to a distant foreign land.
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why not a villager? so it’s not that girls walk like that, as if in shoes, it doesn’t happen like that, and that’s it, but sometimes barefoot, barefoot, sometimes barefoot, oh,
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oh, kulitsa, it’s unusual for you to be barefoot, your feet are tender, they told you to bring your paws, so it’s not on your foot find it, it’s too small, so order it to be woven, kutra, to be,
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strafim, trafim, trofimushka, according to this measure, you need to make bast shoes, if you please, i’ll make it so that it’s something expensive, who needs these children’s shovels? i'm busy, i'm not slow, i'm just working, bring the kutra so that they were, they did it right, it would cost a lot, i’ll buy it off or else, for quick work, they pay in advance.
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then say in our way, whoever gets a wound, god gives it to him, but it’s better this way. expect it yourself well young lady, i can’t repeat someone like that, well, at least give me a hard time, don’t forget to pay, scarf, yeah, oh, good girl, thank you, nastya, how nice you are, what would i do without you, but on the side, oh, don’t forget a piece, you ’re going mushroom hunting.
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but you’ll let me walk beside you for now, right? who's stopping you? free will, but the road is worldly, zbogar!
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where are you from, honey? from prilochin, i am the daughter of vasily the blacksmith!
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you, how inferior you are, what are you, if you want us to be friends in the future, then please don’t forget yourself. who taught you to say that, god have mercy, isn’t it nastya , your friend’s girlfriend, what’s her name? lizaveta grigorievna. what do you think, i never go to the borsky yard, don’t be afraid, i’ve heard enough of everyone. but it’s not samali, it’s elizaveta grigorievna who is disseminating education among the peasantry.
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go kabarin one way, and i’ll go the other way, i ask for forgiveness, but what is your name, my soul, your name is akulina, akulina, akulina. “soon i’ll be visiting your father, wait, what father, to vasily the blacksmith, whatever you are, don’t come for christ’s sake, but what if at home he finds out that i chatted alone with the master, then i’ll be in trouble , my father will beat me to death, but i definitely want to see you again." but someday i
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’ll come here again for mushrooms, when, yes, even tomorrow, dear kulina, i would kiss you, but i don’t dare, so that means... so, here tomorrow at the same time, isn't it? yes, yes, yes, let go master, it’s time for me to go home, and you won’t deceive me, i won’t deceive you, promise me, i’ll come to you on holy friday.
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nastya, are you here, nastya, what, ugh, how you scared me, you can’t sleep, well, i’m sleeping, but what should i do, i have no one to be nice to in the morning , let’s quickly get dressed, well, tell me, young lady, have you seen yes, we met him, well... and that’s okay, but what did you think? how is it, he kissed you, but how dare he, he really would have dared, otherwise i don’t know, no, nastya, he didn’t touch me, and i didn’t give in if only she had come up with such a quick idea, she should have kissed her right away, we just talked and parted ways, that’s all! that’s it,
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we’ll meet again tomorrow morning, it would have been so long ago, otherwise congratulations, thank you.
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don’t drink vodka at all, that’s of course, and where were you walking, in the tugilov grove, that’s in vain, you shouldn’t go there, remember lizok, ivan petrovich beristov, the enemy of our family. the lord will see you on his lands, you won’t end up in disgrace, okay, daddy, i promise you, that’s okay.
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him, but move, sickly, they also promised rest, and she promised him, oh, lord, how what to do? yes, who will know, you want it, and what you want, you ask for? no, dear nastya, don’t live as you want, but live as god tells you, but does he tell you? your daddy is great, and whose daddy is not the lord god, but wait, you're fed up, young lady, you're limping, you should be reforged when we go past the forge, well, whatever you order, do as
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you know, uncle vasily, i'm coming, fedor you , god save us. he’ll teach you the back seat, i can already see, in your goddaughter, vasil’s shark daughter, but go ahead and don’t lose your paws, okay, yes, i know, but berestov, not finding you in the grove tomorrow, will run to the forge and see you. let him understand that you deceived him, but catch him, catch him, he can, he’s like that , he’s intercepted again, so you think he should go, otherwise, they called themselves a milk mushroom, so climb into the back, what’s that, well then for the last time,
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i'll pick some nettles. and what kind of proud memories can you expect from a people whose monument says to citizen minin, prince pozharsky, do you have time, alexey? yes, what kind of prince pozharsky? and what is citizen minin? volokolnichiy, prince, dmitry mikhailovich pozharsky. and the tradesman kozma minich sukhoruky, an elected person from the entire state. “the fatherland has even forgotten the real names of its saviors, the people are pitiful for whom the past does not exist, father, let me say
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that alyosha, you don’t agree, but no, that’s not what i’m talking about, my horse has unshackled.” well, they told me to shoe him, he was there, stepan shoed him, but badly, apparently he was drunk, he was drunk, flog him, but i don’t really believe something, stepan was drunk, he shoed him in such a way that it would be expensive, well, okay, they showed him reforge, and don’t interrupt over trifles. what am i talking about in the area, they say, there is vasily, a good blacksmith, in the area, yes, at muromsky, how dare you even think
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such a thing? you know how he recently spoke about me, khlupin, davicha said, a provincial bear, we are fools for him, uncouth, skinny, and he, that means, he is hewn, in an english way, hewn, smooth on all sides, and don’t even think about it, kind night, father,
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they told me to wake up the barite early. master , the gun is not loaded, he forgot to load the gun. full of namiy si there is an important conversation ahead.
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akulina, my soul, has come, i’ve been waiting for this morning, get up, master, why are you right, why are your eyes sad, what happened, and what happened, master, that we will see each other for the last time. “i came today, i couldn’t help but keep my promise to you, but i won’t come again, i don’t care, why, because these meetings can’t lead us to anything good, we can’t see each other, this is not good, what’s bad about it “, dear kulina, believe me, i don’t have anything bad in my thoughts.” no, guy, secrets are always a sin, then
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you will certainly have to repent, god forbid, whoever finds out, the master is dating a peasant woman, and you will not be happy, but for me, wait, wait, don’t rush. we are embarking on an expedition in the depths of our country. you are also well aware that we are gathering a friendly campaign to save the charg van, getting acquainted with our talented fellow countrymen, saving the agul cultural decline, the current world and the world people. things will happen again and again in the past in the aktsyabrsky district. let's follow the history and myastsovaya abrady. here your ukrainian lankans got a drop of joy plowing shukevich 19.
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tserka, when she put the candle, and that daughter-in-law, who first put the candle, got married, and she jumped on the pasak for herself, she raised it, she weaved something, and she added new ones to these old traditions tsyo, yak yay yay. a thousand miles, and hell came for 3 rubles pasychy, just with the project for the broadcast last night on the tv channel belarus 24. we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science. according to experts, on average a modern person eats about 13-15 kg of this product per year. someone claims that it is harmful excludes it from the diet. today they are used, one might say. absolutely everything, regardless of gender and age, and not only people, separate
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lines are presented for pets, including, more recently, for rodents. let's share interesting facts. the very first mention of sausage dates back to 500 bc; it was made in china, babylon and greece. already in the middle ages, europeans developed their own traditions of sausage production. in the north, raw sausages were prepared by drying their smoke. in the south they dried the sun, what else people treated their hair with thousands of years ago and how the world's first shampoo appeared, we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. we need balance so that our hair is beautiful, shiny, our scalp feels comfortable, and we get a good lather and enjoyment from washing. watch in the science nearby project on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. now listen to me, i have never met such a girl like you, god is my witness, it was he who sent you to me, i assure him and you of the complete innocence of my desires, i promise never to give you even the slightest reason for repentance, i will obey you in everything, just don’t deprive me, don’t deprive me... from now on, the joy of seeing you alone, at least , well, at least every other day, at least twice a week, today is the last time, never say the last time, it’s not for us to decide which
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time is the last and which is not, “give me your word, give me your word that you will never look for me in the village, or ask about me, give me your word not to look for others with me dates, except for those that i myself appointed, i swear on that friday, i do n’t need an oath, your promise alone is enough."
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well, it’s time for me, already, yeah, and you, master, how long you’ll be in our place, i don’t know yet, i ask my father for military service, but he doesn’t let me in , he doesn’t favor the current military, i don’t see the point in civil service, but who do you want to fight with, a hussar? the hussars are all flighty people, who told you that, isn’t it your young lady, isn’t believe her, well, master, remember your promise.
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nastya, are you here? nastya, nastya, nastasya, you are here, i hear, again or something
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fell asleep? let's get dressed quickly, yeah, quickly, this is us, this is us now, nastya! i’m in love, well, good, that’s what they wanted , they swooped in, and he’s in love, nastya, uh -huh, he won’t believe where they got this from, but he kept pestering me all the time, i think i don’t understand, i firmly ordered him don’t talk about love, it’s in french, you know, we live, what is it, i love you in french. “oh, nastya, what should we do now, this is where i brought myself, now we can’t back down,
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i’m ashamed to admit to him, and our family is at enmity, i'll have to break up for him though. she’s a peasant woman, and he can’t have serious intentions, but i, but i would like, i would really like to see the master on his knees in front of the village blacksmith’s daughter with a marriage proposal , zhavouzem, you know, chewing. zem, captain, my daughter, don’t go for a walk, remember,
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i live here, ah. give your regards, my dear , and say: we will certainly be there. i will do everything, master. hello, lizok. rosshchiny sent an invitation. tomorrow the supreme apostles peter and paul. pavel petrovich has double name days. so get ready. we'll go in the morning. a now let's go have breakfast.
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oh, good morning, balin, how i felt, i felt bad, dear akulina. “where, how bad, yesterday it was like that, i didn’t die at all, but why didn’t you come, we ask for forgiveness, yesterday was peter and paul day, so my father got drunk , i had to sit with my little brothers, so you have brothers, you should have sent whoever had the sense to write a note to me, i wouldn’t suffer , i would write an answer to you too, and i’m a master. illiterate fool, there’s something to lament about, yes, if you want, i’ll teach you to read and write in an instant,
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oh, oh, master, is it really true, yes, i'm afraid i can’t overcome it, but why not try, i would really like to learn how to write, if you please, honey, let’s start right now, look, this, this is the letter az, it says a, these are beeches. it says b, b, b, you understand, b, that, look, beeches, az, b, a, b, a, well, add up what happened, b, woman. that’s right,
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now write it yourself, the basics of the burqa, well, the trouble has begun, but there are sybuki, there will be an alphabet. natalya came home and thought of nothing else but a young man in... a blue caftan with
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gold buttons, kulin, you are simply a miracle, our training goes faster than the polancaster system, don’t you hurry up, master, now we will correspond, akulina, my soul.
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dear master, i read your book this evening, but it doesn’t come to my mind, i thought about my fate, why do you need me as a simple peasant girl, when all the young ladies are pining for you, your unfortunate shark. i remember the voice of sweet words, i remember blue eyes, i remember golden locks of carelessly curly hair. my shepherdesses are incomparable,
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i remember the whole outfit is simple, and the sweet, unforgettable image travels everywhere with me, with theme let me hug you my soul, bastya, how good, how happy i am.
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greetings to the neighbor. i wish you hello, good hunting, an easy field, what a hey! we didn’t hurt ourselves, grigory ivanovich, it’s my fault, most humbly, i ask you to forgive me, i’ve already embroidered my spirit, i’m getting old, alexey, help me, yes, yes, of course. grigory ivanovich , please come to me, you need to catch your breath, and your leg should be examined , my doctor is a magician, he went through the war, but i ’ve already let go, whatever you want, grigory ivanovich, i won’t accept any refusals, i
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i see you are not very well yet, and it’s closer to my house than to yours, vakhtank, warn the doctor, consider, grigory evanovich, that i have taken you prisoner. and the real, old russian erofeich is done like this: we take eight spools of mint, onis and orange nuts, coarsely crushed. we fill it all with damask, yeah, refined on birch coals, vodka for two weeks in the attic, under the eaves in the warmth, and in the winter in the oven, you will knock over the little bag of such erofeich, the gate from a visiting
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field, straight into the heart of paradise, hello, home darling, oh, dear ivan petrovich, what raspberry... i listen to you, dear grigory ivanovich, and my heart rejoices, i must admit, i thought that you were drinking some kind of gin, or scotch whiskey, or jamaican rum, but now i repent , i repent, because i see that you are truly russian. tell me what you drink, and i’ll tell you who you are, thank you for your kind words, ivan petrovich,
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i don’t feel good with you, but it’s time, daughter, don’t be afraid, i can’t find a place for myself. ivan petrovich, and you, alexey ivanovich, give me your word of honor, that tomorrow you will come to us in priluchino, dine like a friend, respond with my liqueurs of tinctures, thank you, little guy, we accept your invitation with pleasure, dear grigory ivanovich, alyosha, order the droshky to be laid for our guest, it will be difficult for him to ride, well, on the road , as it happened to me, i think it was god’s will, i’m taking a parina, it happened, chavoyka,
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thanks to the timidity of my short little dog, your old father fell to the ground in disgrace, and beristov helped him, invited him to his place, fed him , gave me something to drink, his doctor fixed my leg, and in general, ivan petrovich turned out to be not
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a bear at all, as i imagined him, but a sweetest person, all the evil tongues will be with us tomorrow for dinner, what? you say , birch bark father and son, tomorrow we will have dinner, naturally, no, daddy, as you wish, and i will never seem like you’ve gone crazy, how long ago have you become so shy, or do you have a hereditary feeling for him ? hatred, like a romantic heroine, full of it, don’t be foolish, no, dad, i won’t show myself in front of the birch trees for the world, for any treasure, well , you know what this attack is about... misanthropy will not last long, and you’ll still change your mind, i’ll go and rest, how are you , little dress, how... what happened,
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young lady, we’ve finished the game, i told you, it ’s all you, come, let’s fall into the grove, i’m so and i knew why i wouldn’t understand this, tomorrow berestvo will come to us for dinner, both and alexey will see me, oh gentlemen, go understand them, you better tell me what i should do now, what he will think, take me into what it’s like he will have an opinion about my behavior and... don’t you come out, tell me, you’re sick, yes, you’re sick, but you think i don’t want to see how i show myself to him, well then i don’t know, and so it’s not like that for you, and the eater is not an eater, and you change clothes again, only in reverse, and vusi doesn’t recognize how it’s the other way around, but like madam, well, wall, well, clever, and mothers, outfits are in chests everywhere and once
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, congratulations, thank god, well, lizok, do you still intend to hide from the birch barks, if you please, dad, i will accept them if you want, but only with an agreement, yes, with what kind of agreement, no matter how i appeared before them, and no matter what i did. you won't book me you will and don’t give any sign of surprise
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or displeasure, again some kind of pranks, okay, okay, i agree, do what you want, my dear minx, and those are the ones with the mustache? welcome ivan petrovich, glad to see you, alexey ivanovich, when we got there, i wasn’t shaken, our roads are rough, we still can’t reach it, don’t worry. good afternoon, i
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read in the senate gazette that this picture will change very quickly, according to the calculation of philosophical tables in 500 years . i was already in st. petersburg for the turkish company, so i didn’t have the chance to fight with the turks , which i regret to this day, but i had to, under the hand of prince kutuzov, lepasha fought under ruschuk, in slobodeya, and from there immediately with mikhalarich. as soon as possible,
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bonoparte will enter russia. eh, what times were right, so he asks to become a hussar. well, tell me, grigory ivanovich, are the current hussars comparable to the old ones and there is nothing to say. you, alexey ivanovich, ask around at your leisure. he will tell you this, but where is my lisa, where is my beauty? this is miss jackson, my daughter's teacher, from yorkshire county.
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well, my dear, we are happy, ivan petrovich beristov and his son alexey ivanovich kindly came to us. welcome guests,
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please come to the table, what do you prefer? beef or fish?
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after university, in what branch do you intend to serve as a civil servant? the military man is eager to join the hussars, but i don’t let him in, and i adore the military, one hussar looked after me, you remember, dad, how, how, in st. petersburg, at the princess vygodskaya’s, i remember, there was a gallant hussar. we know exactly how to start the morning right. my secret is to wake up with a smile, then the day will be positive. olga, what are we going to cook today? today we will prepare rice pancakes with a delicate vegetable
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filling. i can't wait to start cooking. we will prepare a delicious breakfast with you. we'll cook breakfast today. champion, well, let's try, i want to surprise you today, they usually eat cheesecakes there, and i'll make greek pancakes, is there a place in your life for a hobby, mash, i learned a long time ago to relax at work, work on vacation and we will get the boost of necessary energy, on pancakes, add nut-vegetable pate, roll them in straw, serve with yogurt sauce, your home champions will appreciate this breakfast. watch the champion's breakfast on the belarus 24 tv channel. together with the belarus 24 tv channel, we will plunge into the cultural life of our country. now they would say the opera and ballet theater. because look, our stage is quite high, you see the bars
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below, but from there an artist could unexpectedly come out and say: hello. magileo is a city in which harmonic sleeping and healing. we are blessed with rich history and bright present-day life. let's remember folk traditions. there was an outstanding garad tradition going on here. it's daytime for the skin, and the days are filled with the sounds of belarusian fanfare. geta is a trumpeter, like all the people of grodzen, who are so good and calm. all this theatrical pabudova, hellish ў belarus since 19.
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alexey ivanovich himself would be very suitable for the hussar mandir. “i drink to your health, neighbors, to our good relations, to peace and friendship, mother’s outfits are just right for you, eh! marya vasilievna should have seen, and what is this for you i wanted to fool them, i should have at least warned them,
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it was very funny, i’m glad that you liked my joke, well, some people didn’t like it at all, miss jackson. well, i’ll beat her up, be sure to do it lizok, i can see she ’s not herself, i’ll go and ask for forgiveness right now, i’ll just change my clothes, good girl, who ’s there, miss jackson.
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“miss jackson, you will forgive me, really, forgive me, i was ashamed to show myself like a black man in front of the guests, i did not dare to ask you, but i was sure that you would forgive me your freedom, i so wanted to be beautiful like you, i thought me, what are you, what are you, miss jackson, my dear, i relied on your kindness, forgive me if you want,
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how kind you are, thank you, so grateful to you. “you were the baren at our gentlemen’s evening, what did our young lady seem like to you? yes, somehow i didn’t notice her, it’s a pity, why? but because i wanted to ask you, is it true what they say, and what do they say? is it true what they say, maybe, maybe i look like a young lady, what nonsense, yes, yes, your young lady can hold a candle to you?” "it’s no good, oh, master, it’s a sin to tell you this, our young lady is so white, so smart , how can i compare to her, and on her
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face, the whiteness on the inch is almost crumbling, her eyebrows are black, apparently she doesn’t have any of her own, but she says, forgive me, lord, and what does she say, i adore the military , the uniform would suit yours, it’s just affectation and stupidity, that’s stupidity. stupidity? where did you see the stupidity? yes, everything that he doesn’t say is stupid, even in english. this means you will never go to priluchi again, ever. you really didn’t like our young lady at all. yes, you are the umpteenth time, akulina, where are you going, well, yes
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god bless this young lady of yours, forgive me if i said the wrong thing. pom-pum-pom, purum-pum-pum, pum-pum, come in, pom-pum, what did you come with, pal alekseevich, will you complain about the cook again, no way, ivan petrovich, a gift arrived for you, from whom? grigory ivanovich, muromsky, please accompany me with a personal letter. tsa, tsa, tsa, tsa.
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well, what is he writing here? thank you for your noble deed, in honor of your upcoming name days, please accept, anglomaniac, small fry, wonderful to get married, wonderful, grigory ivanovich knows a lot, fr. what about pavel? alekseevich, he really is a close relative of count pronsky, like tax, a nephew, the count’s wife, a count, a pronsky man, noble, strong, he alexey can be useful, do you know what i’m talking about, how can you not
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understand? ivan petrovich, i understand perfectly well that muromsky will be happy to give his daughter to our alyosha. grigory ivanovich, grigory ivanovich has a lot of english stupidity, but he’s an inverse person. he was the first among the landowners of the province to think of putting his name on the epicon council.


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