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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 3, 2024 4:50am-5:36am MSK

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pulp and pulp and paper mills, supplies, after all, this is our pilot project of tongs, because they don’t have enough. trade turnover with the arkhangelsk region is still modest, just over $40 million, but as the governor noted, there is every prospect of increasing it. according to alexander tsybulsky, sanctions not only stimulate the work of domestic production, but also develop regional ties. so in 24 , a whole business mission is planned to belarus. region, participants will discuss forest development, supplies of belarusian buses and even construction cable cars. your belarusian entrepreneurs came to me, who are engaged in the construction of transportation systems based on jet technology, this is not a cable car, on an iron rail, and for us this could be a solution to ensure communication between the island territories and the city of arkhangelsk. cooperation with balkaria is growing, trade turnover has increased by 60%.
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another important event of the new year, on which the future of our country depends, on february 25, within the framework of a single voting day, we will have to decide on the people who will represent our interests in the house of representatives and local councils of deputies. the new convocation will have to work in the context of global foreign policy challenges, this is one of the compelling reasons that fuels public interest in the current election campaign. belarusians have something to compare with.
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process, the deadlines for registration of initiative groups have been completed, in fact, an application has been submitted to the house of representatives ; 164 initiative groups have been registered for the nomination of candidates to the house of representatives by the local council of deputies a little more than 11 thousand initiative groups have been registered by individuals who will collect signatures in support of their nomination. but speaking about activity in various election campaigns, the methods of promotion used.
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seem to be different, and the candidate who registered the initiative group has the right to use other methods of nomination, the nomination procedure is still ongoing, until january 15, territorial and district election commissions will accept documents for registration of candidates, accordingly there is still time to use all methods of nomination provided by law. i would like to draw your attention to the fact that, as far as i understand, our parties have the opportunity to nominate their delegates to the chamber. representatives, for example, but many of these people choose the way to go, communicate with people, collect signatures, picket and so on, how do you generally assess the activities of political parties in this election campaign? political parties, for example, enjoy all the rights that are granted by law, they have the period of holding elections of deputies, in particular, political parties sent their representatives to the territorial district election commissions, by the end of january a precinct election commission will be formed, i think they will necessarily include...
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well, probably, with the exception of, perhaps, a larger number of ballots that will be offered to the voter in rural areas . in essence, these are elections of the deputy corps and the electoral system is optimized by and large, and we save, well, our time, including the time of the voter for organizing
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elections. in your opinion, the current election campaign will be remembered for some, perhaps, innovations that are currently being implemented, because i see that the central election commission, for example, is actively involved. with an educational structure, he actively travels with lecture materials, in general he has become quite open, i see that excursions are conducted to you, in this regard, what can you say? some new powers of the central commission have been introduced into the electoral code, this is what you are talking about, yes, we are actively interacting with the electorate, we involve, let’s say, young people and students in constitutional law, in electoral law, we explain what elections are and why they are organized in the country. is carried out so that young people understand how important this is, in principle, for each of us, as citizens of our country. as for innovations in some procedural aspects, they probably concern more the election organizers and do not concern our voters; optimal conditions will be created at the polling stations
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to make everything simple for the voter, it is accessible, let’s say, convenient, and the electoral legislation does not contain any innovations or complexity in this regard. in japan, the new year clearly did not start as expected, with an earthquake and tsunami, and now a plane crash. while landing at tokyo airport, a passenger airliner collided with a coast guard aircraft and caught fire. there were about 400 people on board, all of them were successfully evacuated. the liner almost completely burned down, like a transport ship. the coast guard says the plane's pilot was able to escape, he received serious injuries, and the other five crew members died. nsf in the united states
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, many explosions occurred near roosevelt island in new york. there are many helicopters and special equipment in the area. the number of victims is still unknown, and no one can name the exact cause of the incident. so the local police, after checking, rejected the version of a terrorist attack. there is no confirmation of information about a power failure. some eyewitnesses claim that the explosions occurred in sewer manholes. there was also a version about a small earthquake of magnitude 1.7. and this is the latest report from the new york post. biden spent more than a third of the past year on vacation, the newspaper reports. the owner of the white house took 138 days off, or 30.7% of the entire year; by comparison, former us president donald trump spent an average of only 26% of his time outside the white house each year, or a quarter of his term as president. analysts from major corporations have prepared their forecasts
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of economic and geopolitical threats for 2024 . belarus, as a state with an open economy in the center of europe may also feel the consequences of certain trends, but we are clearly following.
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on the contrary, the imf revised the scenario to a positive one. the growth of our economy, the fund's specialists expect, will be 1.3%. this is lower than approved by the decree of the president of belarus, but from imf experts. nothing else should have been expected. meanwhile, we have set ourselves a different bar: gdp growth is projected to be 3.8% due to large-scale investment and production programs, the sale of belarusian products to foreign markets and the expansion of domestic demand. an international analytical organization that is part of the economist group, in a series of global horror stories, identifies the following: a protracted recession, tightening monetary policy, high inflation in a number of regions, and also... world trade wars, natural disasters and the growth of expropriations. a number of trends
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are associated with a series of elections on the planet. electoral campaigns will be held in countries where a total of over 4 billion people live, which is more than half the world's population. voters in the united states and beyond have already stocked up on popcorn, awaiting the outcome confrontation between biden and trump. the outcome of this mess also determines the states’ relations with china, and this is already a story about world architecture. our country is also preparing for elections. calmly confidently, while the west is profiting from military conflicts, including at our side, we are following our long -chosen right path, counting on ourselves and our strength, choosing reliable partners, relying on quality, it is no coincidence that 2024 will be under our sign quality, like back in 2010, but belarus is different today, we we strengthen cooperation in the union state. the final figures have not yet been announced, but economists have no doubt that 2023 will happen again. will become a record level of trade turnover between belarus and russia. at least $55 billion is expected in the piggy bank.
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we are confidently increasing the share of localization in joint production and actively developing import substitution. we strengthen relationships with partners in the distant arc. recent landmark visits of alexander lukashenko to the united arab emirates, china, and the african continent confirmed: belarus is reliable a partner they want to work with. and if the west, which is so used to counting money, relies on sanctions. then these are his problems, the west’s, not ours. the global scenarios drawn by overseas analysts may seem frightening and gloomy to some, but we believe that for belarus 2024 will be just as calm and stable, although this largely depends on each of us, on our daily choices, on our productivity at work place, from the warmth we give to our loved ones, from small and unnoticed deeds for someone and honest actions that are the foundation of our peaceful. in belarus, the labor
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code has been noticeably updated to include payment of wages at least twice a month, an additional day off and a new format for remote work. the changes affected more than 80 articles of the document. we talked with the guest of the panorama about the innovations that came into force on january 1. the two parties must agree on a specific day or days of medical examination depending on the age
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of the employee, that is, the employee must notify the employer in writing, the employer must agree on this day for medical examination. innovations have affected our vacation, previously it could be divided into two parts, now today employers, if they want to provide such an opportunity to employees, enshrine it in any local act, this could be... internal labor regulations, this could be a provision on vacations, that yes, in our organization, vacations can be divided into three parts or four parts, here it is still important to register a specific number of parts so that employees do not abuse their right and were not split into more parts, and if a person urgently goes on vacation, let’s say for family reasons, in this case, when vacation pay is paid, payment of average earnings, the so-called:
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these requests, appeals, were certainly reflected in the legislation, today there is such an opportunity, to establish remote work temporarily for a period of up to 6 months in a calendar year, and such a format of remote work as combined was also in demand remote work, which consists of the employee being partially in the office, a certain part of the working time, and part of the working time of work... will work remotely, remotely. tatyana , thank you for the interview, happy holidays. thank you! happy new year. belarusians work for the good of creation, many live for the good of their homeland. one of the winners of the special award from the head of state, the belarusian sports olympus,
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this year was the head of the department of cycling, speed skating and equestrian sports of the bsu fc, mikhail dvoryakov. second. january the master of sports turned 74 years old and despite his age he continues to do his life’s work. stanislav lipsky will continue. well, here is our workplace and mine, everything is in place, it seems to be tidied up, clean, the tree is standing. but today there was a conference, we prepared programs that took a couple of years to write. with this one. olympus, it was with this discipline that mikhail dvoryakov ultimately connected his entire life. i have been in
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cycling all my life consciously, as i started, in general i started with skiing in mogilev.
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headed the republican federation belarusian cycling, i’ve been involved in cycling all my life, and it’s somehow inappropriate for me to part with it. modesty is something that immediately catches your eye in a conversation with mikhail ilorionovich, but the people with whom he worked or with whom he taught eventually became world champions and olympic medalists, glorifying our country at the highest level. the most important thing, i can proudly say, already once...
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but i owe the head of the department to the young people and the rector with pleasure to help while i’m here as a lecturer, if left.
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2023 was neither easier nor harder than the previous year, it was simply different, but all sane people, observing the events of the past year, analyzing them and rethinking them, understand, we understand that the world will never be the same, but this is different, i’m with you, ksenia lebedeva, hello. today in the program we will look at some high-profile events, statements from a different angle from the position of what it gave and what it really was
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. the first item on the list is something else - a ukrainian counter-offensive. the tougher the confrontation on the real battlefield, the information attacks are more serious. the fewer shells the enemy has, the angrier and more careless he is. in your statements and forecasts, since the main task is to show off, and then the card will fall, and the main thing is to let everyone, both our own and others, really assess the counter-offensive in the ssu in 2023 can only be one of the main failures of the past year , however, in order to whiten their renum in kiev, they made a statement that an offensive was not planned, and these were just tricks of the information and psychological center operations.
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this is precisely the pace of the offensive, so he told the truth, when in the near future this did not happen, everything became clear to everyone what was happening. the second issue is
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israel's policy of genocide against the palestinian population. in almost 3 months of bombing of civilian areas and infrastructure, including hospitals and schools, almost 22 thousand residents of the gaza strip were killed, the number of wounded exceeded 56.
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after such statements, it is not surprising that, in principle, the entire legislative system of the eu is degrading, and the application of humanitarian law is becoming variable, although in all international acts it is written in black and white that the murder of the civilian population of unarmed children is a war crime, but this well-fed european official treats the residents of the gaza strip in the future as dead people, as for shelling before...
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and european officials are accomplices in the crimes of the kiev regime, and it is against them that the international criminal court should open cases. new year's eve for residents of donetsk passed under shelling from side of the ukrainian armed forces militants. the very center of the city suffered significantly from the fire of the ukrainian
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rszz. many residential buildings came under attack, including the donbass palace hotel building. large-scale casualties were avoided only due to the absence of crowds and the cancellation of public new year's festivities throughout the city. the degradation of international law and its variable application - number three on the list - is something else. fourth place - preparation for war of the european union countries under the guise of
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a build-up. defense capability, but given the nature of the weapons, the number of military contingents in poland near the belarusian borders, it is clear that they are preparing for something completely different. lithuania, in an attempt to protect itself from the inside, began self -cleaning, fugitive belarusian zmagars are beginning to be expelled from the country, and the head of the lithuanian state security, darius jaunichskis, said that the activity of belarusian kgb spies in lithuania is record-breaking, he called “
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100,000 belarusian spies - this is a very case when fear has big eyes, and its owner is bad with statistics through migration services. and, by the way, the last train to return the fugitives to their homeland has left. it will no longer be possible to return to repent, since as of december 31, 2023, the return commission has stopped accepting applications. in fifth place on our list.
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there were two wires coming out of the wall, one wire was connected to the genitals, they poked me in the heel with the second wire , they gave me an electric shock, well, no questions asked... i’ll do it like this, well, i passed out, then they dragged me into the refrigerator, there was a t-shirt, so they took the t-shirt and they strained their heads, how long it took, as they say, they didn’t walk either
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spotted, well, that’s how we came out of the house , they took me straight, then they stopped, they pushed me in the back, go, i went, failed, fell down, that’s it. to escape from their bullying and torture, and he is not the only one in 2014, when azov came to mariupol, people began to disappear, people are now
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being found in mass storage with mutilated bodies after torture. before 2020 , little was said about this in belarus; it seemed to us that the war in donbass, revived nazism, an extreme... form of fascism was something unreal and distant, but 2020 showed that that the same events could be repeated in our country. if it were not for the strong hand of president lukashenko, god only knows what would be happening here now, but it certainly would not be the corner of peace and stability that belarus is now. let's appreciate our belarus , our truly people's president, because good things show. from afar, to destroy is good, it’s easy, but it will take time to revive, so let’s together preserve peace, belarusian stability, as the foundation for our development and security, happy
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2024, dears, i was with you, ksenia lebedeva, see you in the next program. the information picture on tuesday will be complemented by sports day. hello! victoria! zarinka has successfully started the new competitive season, this morning the belarusian made it to the third round at the wt500 series tournament in brisbane with a prize fund of almost $2 million. in her first match on the australian courts, the minsk resident surpassed the russian anna kalinskaya.
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details and confrontations in the plot of alexander yakubovsky. celebrate the new year at australia is a familiar thing for tennis players, because it is here, but not in brisbon, in melbourne that the first tournament of the season will begin in mid-january. the last time was 11 years ago, a small, small out in the country, and this is footage of the fight between victoria sarsyanka and anna kalinskaya, despite the rating of her opponent, she is eightieth in the planetary table, and the belarusian is twenty-third, experts assessed the chances of winning as equal, but in the first set azarenka will give up just one game to kalinskaya and will end it... with a confident victory 6:1, again kicking the sitter, and with her drive she completes this set, our tennis player will start the second set with a break, and the russian woman will make the reverse only in the tenth game, restoring
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parity 5:5, however, she will immediately give up her serve and azarenka will come out to serve for the match, unsuccessfully, it will come to a tiebreaker, and here in a tense fight, victoria will not miss its goal, 10:8, it is noteworthy that... they are already working on the playoffs of the president's cup.
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the northerners lost a little of their stability at the end of december, but the team is still among the leaders in the standings, so the bears are only two behind first place point. during the pause, we were largely focused on individual actions, on functional training, and moved away from some things in order to achieve the results we have today. and to the detriment of this, we deliberately carried out additional work on some components, yes, this work is visible to those who understand hockey, we understand that work on the playoffs has already begun in 18, and as the saying goes, spring is already close, for 2 months already, a long interview with roman yupatov, watch the sports frame in the program, the episode is already available on youtube channel belarus 5, and now not...
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conditions raubichi is completely ready to host the third stage of the commonwealth biathlon cup, the head coach of the belarusian national team yuri albers assured the film crew of our tv channel of this even before the new year. a fairly warm december did not prevent us from making snow; rain and even downpours also caused difficulties. about 25 thousand cubic meters of snow were collected from last year, but it’s covered with sawdust. over the summer period, 30 percent conceals it like this, if
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so, but we managed to, then use the moment, when the temperature was below zero in november , we shot, well, maybe about 15 thousand more cubic meters of fresh snow, there will be enough snow, we have a little more in stock, we have it and we will prepare for each race, we will seriously prepare the track as it should be at -3 and below. the guns are working, making snow, i hope that we will prepare as much of it as we need for the future. the weather is favorable to the complex's employees; in the days before the start of the commonwealth cup , temperatures down to -14° celsius are expected. the competition starts on the fifth day with sprint races on saturday in the program pursuits and big races for christmas. by the way, the commonwealth biathlon cup is one example of a competition that was jointly organized by belarus and russia. so as not to lose in their athletes in conditions
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of sanctions and exclusion from major planetary tournaments. vice-president of the national olympic committee dmitry dovgalyonok believes that the policy that the countries followed in the current situation was correct, and the functionary also speculated about our future. let us recall that under the conditions of maintaining a neutral status, practically all summer sports federations allowed belarusians and russians to compete on the world stage. but in any case , you need to tune in further, because i , as a former athlete, can say that the more you are at home, the more you forget what is going on there next in world sports, so the first moments when they come are already after the so-called this state, it will be difficult, difficult to get back into shape, because people there do not sleep, and of course, from the side of western sports, they certainly like it in the current the situation is not serious.
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the egyptian improved in the second half of the meeting. he has a double and an assist, the result is 4:2. the clubs scored all six goals after the break. now liverpool is on the table. three points ahead of aston villa, newcastle suffered a third defeat in a row, behind the magpies, ninth line, and even more sports in the nightly edition of the program , kristina kamysh worked in the studio, see you.
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