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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 3, 2024 9:25am-10:01am MSK

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here in the summer the guys on wakeboards are very active, to be more specific, we opened on january 24, 2004, there was some very relief section of belarus, because well, a very small part of our mountain is an embankment, and the main part of it is in principle, we used the terrain well... as for this particular place,
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we managed to combine the level for those who are just now starting to ski or snowboard, and there are still a couple of elements on the slopes when you can fully feel the adrenaline , because the difference the heights are steep, well, so impressive, from time to time... buildings were set up, for example, a restaurant, it didn’t appear right away , there was a big one, just a tent-house, a conference room, this is a multifunctional room, mainly used for business meetings, seminars, training, the bulk of the employees are, of course, residents of the nearest settlements in the complex, but within the range of 70-80 people they work confidently. frankly speaking, the new history
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of skiing began with the advent of these ski centers, that is, earlier in in the seventies of the last century, our famous sports complex helped, then there was a pause in the development of the sport of alpine skiing, although amateurs did not stop practicing so... there was little of what we see now, now a full-fledged resort has fully matured, and of course , previously, there was
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a village here, a forest, nothing more, construction was completed in the shortest possible time since 2004 , the first stage was built, these are the first, second, third building of the hotel, part of the cottage and part of the baths.
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silishchi center is open! simultaneously with with the construction of a ski center here , the improvement of nearby villages is being actively carried out, so it was decided to rebuild the entire area here to help the people who have lived here for centuries. in 2006 , the northwestern slope was already commissioned, that is, they added to what we now have, this is a training complex, a skating rink building, later they were reconstructed and modernized, here, of course, there is a wide variety of tracks and the largest republican competitions , international competitions, because we have everything republican competitions are open, guests from abroad come to us for these competitions, they are mainly held in the powerhouse. since the start of
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the ski center, athletes have fallen in love with our center; in principle, from the very beginning, competitions have been held since 2005. we have 11 ski slopes, from beginners, they will practice on the educational and training slope on the children's slope, to professionals, since sports teams train here, we are constantly working to improve safety systems, well, at the same time on our slopes can accommodate up to 500 people, more than 1,500 people pass per day, of course , the culture of skating is changing before our eyes, the number of fans is increasing. of course , interest is increasing significantly, there have been many more people since then, and i will say that, probably, in the first years there were more people at the box office, now there are a little less of them, because belarusians have already bought quite a lot of their equipment, people
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are attracted to this, you can see how they are already trying to move on to more difficult slopes from the training slope, and not only guests come from our republic, but also from abroad. we are constantly not what we hear, we see how they write words of gratitude and directly how they see changes for the better, because we try for people so that they enjoy themselves here, so that they come here again and again for good things mood, charged with energy, positive emotions, i really want our belarusians, little children who have reached the age of five today. 5-6 years, earlier is undesirable, so just like in austria in germany, switzerland , they started skiing, had the opportunity to ride here, i absolutely authoritatively, as people say, i declare to you, i assure you that if your child starts skiing, he
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will never get sick, but what about the father’s mother? do you need more?
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the profession of a doctor is. this is not only communication capabilities, not only communication with patients, but also knowledge of all technological processes, provision of medical care, modern equipment that is in the arsenal of a doctor, specialist, just in combination with, let’s say, everyone these questions can help you become a good professional in your field. i believe that the profession of a doctor, of course, is only by vocation, both our applicants and our students who study at our university, their main motivational factor is the opportunity to help the people of our country. my name is sergei rublyakovich, i am the rector of the belarusian state medical university. the main mission
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of our university is to train highly qualified, competitive specialists in the field of medicine and pharmacy. the rector has an irregular working day, for me it always starts at 7:20 in the morning, but it can end at 10:00 in the evening...
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a week is a visit to one of the departments at clinical sites, i work full-time, lead a student group and read a lecture to our students at the faculty of dentistry, and of course, this is communication with our university staff, with people, with students, the main organizer of this thank you, thank you, and what motivated you to carry out this action, this is first.
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students for admission to our university in depending on the profile, and we have several admission systems, this is the target form of training at our university, according to which we are expanding it, if last year it was 680%, this year we are also maintaining according to this - let's say, algorithm they enter publish one oral examination in general medicine, pediatrics, dentistry, and medical and preventive medicine. they take an exam in biology, if for pharmacy, they take one exam in chemistry, and for everyone
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else who enters the budget form, classical, and also paid, they take exams in schools, as well as within the framework of a centralized exam or ce, also in biology and chemistry, present their certificates and tests for centralized testing and centralized... the winners of republican, international annually enter gifted youth, these are olympiads, international conferences, guys those who enter the bank are gifted, young people who have certain preferences and come to us without an exam. our
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university has five main faculties, which are represented by five main the specialties for which our applicants enter and become students are general medicine, pediatrics, dentistry, preventive medicine and pharmacy. i am a fourth-year student at the faculty of pharmacy; since childhood i dreamed of becoming a pharmacist, i was fascinated by it. the first 2 years are mainly in our theoretical fundamental departments, but even at the same time
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they are already immersed in work in our clinics, they undergo medical care, provide emergency assistance, from the third year already our students who are studying at our university, during theoretical training, they already combine their development of practical skills at clinical departments, at clinical bases . from the third year they undergo practical nursing practice, after the third year they can already work as a nurse or nurses in a health care institution of the republic of belarus in the fourth year. in the fifth year, they undergo medical clinical practice, also in healthcare institutions of the republic of belarus, generally the training lasts 6 years all of our main faculties, only dental and pharmaceutical, require 5 years of training. after graduating from the university, they go and are assigned practical healthcare by the ministry of health; for one year they undergo
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an internship, the so-called on -the-job internship under the supervision of a mentor. as a rule, the department of an experienced doctor, specialist, they are subsequently assigned to healthcare institutions of the republic of belarus, where they fully work out their terms of work, as a rule, these are all our city clinics, they are mainly distributed by general practitioners, as well as specialized healthcare institutions, hospitals of the republican scientific and practical center, this depends on the profile of our graduate. i am a sixth-year student at the faculty of pediatrics. i had no desire to enroll in this particular faculty. i didn’t even consider others, because initially i really wanted to work with children. it seems to me that children are such a special category of patients who charge themselves with some kind of energy and positivity. , they seem to be extending your youth, your youth, your childhood, so in general i achieved my goal and
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entered the pediatric faculty. in the future, this subordination allows me to choose a narrower specialization. this is an opportunity to gain a foothold in the workplace, of course, all target students are distributed depending on the region where they arrived, these are all our regional centers, interdistrict centers, clinics, hospitals, well, our budget students, who are also distributed across all regions, in the university structure has 11 faculties, of which
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seven faculties work in undergraduate... education and four faculties are engaged in training medical specialists at the postgraduate stage of their training, in addition, the university has 122 departments, 34 theoretical or fundamental departments, where our students study, and 88 clinical departments, located in more than 80 clinical bases of our country. currently, the belarusian state medical university includes three institutes, this is an institute for advanced training. training of health personnel, research institute of experimental clinical medicine and military medical institute, military medical institute in the educational institution of the belarusian state medical university is a unified educational, methodological scientific center for the training of personnel medical service officers for the armed forces, other troops,
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military formations and military organizations. the institute is the only institution. military hygiene, disasters, department of military epidemiology, department of military field surgery and department military field therapy. situation: two victims in an accident in which the car poses a danger and contact. the institute is trained in programs for military medical cadets specializing in general medicine and military medical specialization, that is, along with training according to plans for training medical staff, cadets at
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the military medical institute are additionally studying military military medical disciplines, this is fundamental. differences, we prepare our graduates to work in absolutely any conditions of the situation, from the battlefield to the organization of medical support and the functioning of military medical healthcare organizations. but what annoys me most of all is my son and my secretary, they submitted an application to the zak,
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i’m glad, i wonder, gerda, this shared bed with my son gives you the right not to work and to be familiar at the same time, but why are you tyrannizing the girl? girl, girl thinks that her statement, bzax, is the door to a fairy tale, good, beautiful!
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we have everything, watch the series new year's eve happiness on the tv channel belarus 24. we employ more than 800 graduate teachers, these are our doctors, candidates of medical sciences, associate professors, professors, the university employs three academicians, five corresponding members of the national academy of sciences, a people's doctor, as well as honored scientists and honored workers and honored doctors of the republic of belarus, we are of course proud of that heritage. which has been formed over the course of 100 years thanks to our teaching staff, i have been teaching for many, many years, almost
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half a century, every student is an individual , in the first years it sometimes happens that they are so rough, like ordinary teenagers, but then they understand that we are generally guarding their interests, trying to give them knowledge, help them get settled in life we find common ground, we find a common language with them.
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belarusian and foreign, they do not study like our students, domestic ones are different, they are uniform, all the standards are both in fundamental departments
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and clinical.
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who have already grown up with a phone and tablet, it’s very important to have the opportunity to work and see on such three-dimensional models, on some new modern technology. any specialist, a doctor, must do science, and we also develop students ’ ability to do science; we have
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student clubs in all departments of our university, both fundamental and clinical. already from the first year, our teachers motivate our students to study science; at our university, more than 90% of students are engaged in scientific research; this is not just about doing some kind of scientific work, but this is also work with the patients themselves, this is the management of these patients, and of course, the preparation of student work. our guys are winners of republican competitions. they participate in international competitions, our students have developed a special application program for digitizing histological sections, which also allows for the most effective and timely diagnosis of various diseases. in addition , together with our students and teachers, it was developed a special one was demonstrated last year.
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a device for feeding after complex periofacial operations, and much, much more, which we annually demonstrate as part of science days at our university, and so it was demonstrated at the republican exhibition, belarus intellectual. the worst thing is that with this disease, especially in severe cases, which...
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of course, the main point of training our specialists, be it a student or a doctor, is, of course, practice orientation, this the main points of practicing all practical skills in clinics, all high-tech treatment methods, and of course, using our modern simulation equipment, which we have in our arsenal. we
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talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science. according to experts, on average a modern person eats about 13-15 kg of this product per year. somebody. claims that it is harmful and excludes it from the diet. today it can be said to be used by absolutely everyone, regardless of gender and age. and not only people, separate lines are presented for pets, including, more recently, for rodents. let's share interesting facts. the very first mention of sausage dates back to 500 bc; it was made in china, babylon and greece. already in the middle ages, europeans developed their own. traditions of sausage production. in the north they cooked raw sausages, drying them with smoke; in the south they dried them in the sun. what else did people do with their hair thousands of years ago, and how did the world’s first shampoo appear? we ask the most exciting questions and look for
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answers to them. we need balance so that our hair is beautifully shiny and our scalp feels comfortable. and we got a good foaming pleasure from washing. look at the project. industrial breeding, that is, there are now several insects that are bred industrially, yes, that is, this is the property worm, zaphobus, crickets there and so on, even cockroaches are bred, without citruses it is more difficult for me to live to express myself, i wish all lovers,
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enthusiastic people, try to grow it though just one citrus tree and wait for the harvest from it, watch the belarus project on the belarus 24 tv channel . thanks to the support of the head of state, our republican center for professional certification and simulation training of medical and pharmaceutical workers was established. this center was built in less than 2 years. this center provides training and education for... students, subordinates, senior students, and all doctors from the republic of belarus, these are interns who just recently graduated from their first august began their work, these are students of advanced training courses,
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retraining, as well as interns, this center consists of a simulation clinic, where there are eight modules on anatomy, reflexology, surgery, anesthesiology, resuscitation,
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