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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 3, 2024 12:10pm-12:46pm MSK

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the school of mathematical modeling, with the support of rosatom, will open on the basis of the belarusian national technical university. similar engineering analysis laboratories will appear in other belarusian universities in the future. this is the development of the technological sovereignty of the union state, digital competencies and familiarity. with simulator technology.
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the natural solution here is to train specialists for such a complex industry as mathematical modeling and software development . this year we have already opened six such laboratories, six such modeling schools at various universities in russia, to train personnel and young people to work in our software, namely to obtain in-depth skills in. mathematical modeling. rosatom corporation actively interacts with belarusian educational institutions. the national children's technology park was equipped with nuclear power plant training simulators. and in february they plan to hold a hackathon on mathematical modeling forum in minsk that will unite young developers from belarus and russia. divers, special operations forces increased their level of skill at military training. they passed at the base of the 103. itebsk separate guards
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airborne brigade. during the course , divers learned how to make underwater charges, how to lay them and perform various blasting operations in winter conditions under ice. in the winter , the temperature is low, and in the winter there are peculiarities of the operation of diving equipment associated with humidity and temperature, and these are , in general, uncomfortable conditions for exercising. work, well, military personnel to ready to successfully cope with the assigned tasks. military personnel who successfully pass the exams will receive the qualification explosive diver. the new year's show in the emirate of aras elheim in the united arab emirates was included in the guinness book of records, and in two categories at once, as the longest line of fireworks on the water and as the longest similar line in the sky. the performance was staged on...
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next we have sports news, all projects of the agency, tv news are available on social networks in the mobile application qr code on the screen, new information at one o'clock in the afternoon, see you, arina sabalenka started with a victory at the tournament in brisbane, the prize fund of the competition was $1,700,000, the second racket of the world in the second round match in straight sets.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is
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news from foreign countries, broadcasts of especially important events. live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast
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in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and open it.
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design bureau under the heading. this is what will later be called the special bureau of the minsk automobile plant for heavy wheeled tractors and engines for them. it began its work in accordance with the adopted resolution of the council ministers of the ussr dated july 23, 1954. it was necessary to quickly develop a line of heavy super-
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heavy off-road vehicles and a prince engine for the needs of the army. machines of this class were not created in the soviet union. these are special tractors that were supposed to perform special functions, so the secrecy is also on the team. the future minsk wheel tractor plant for a long time functioned precisely as a bureau of the minsk automobile plant skb-1. the first project was the maz-528 wheeled tractor. it was introduced already in 1955, in fact, less than a year after the bureau began operating. according to the first assignments , the maz-528 engineering vehicle was created. the maz-529 is
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a special tractor for transporting missiles for their installation in a silo. both of these machines are absolutely unique, because design developments have already been implemented in them, and in ours. back in the soviet union, this was the first time. at the same time, the first four-axle car maz-535 in the history of the automobile industry appeared. it was intended to transport artillery systems weighing up to 10 tons. the engine produces 375 horsepower. this allowed him to move at a speed of 40 km/h. transportation. heavy army cargo, if that’s possible,
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was exactly what was implemented in these two models mas 535 and mas-537, one of which could transport tanks and other army cargo, the other could transport people and cargo . cars, among these, mas-535, they were also intended for transportation, for moving to the airport by plane. with the release of these machines, heavy in power, she had power depending on the weight of the aircraft, and made a special carrier in order to attach it to the front wheel and drag it from any angle, from left to right, to the aircraft parking area. the appearance of this car became a sensation. a real scientific and technological revolution in the automotive industry of the ussr, its
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technical content had no analogues in the world. at the time of production, the menchan people used an automatic transmission for the first time, which made life easier for drivers in general, because before that there were thefts, there were others, here he sits, poor thing, switching this speed, suffering, but it was so easy to work on this machine because it was a designer.
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it was on it that the formidable soviet missiles were transported across red square, the appearance of which so frightened the potential enemy. the capabilities of the unique machine expanded. in 1959, a new story began. the ussr began creating the first guided operational-tactical missile temp with a flight range of 600 km. a completely new car, the maz-543, was created at the minsk automobile plant as a missile launcher. he turned out to be so perfect, which is still mass-produced in different modifications today. they turned out to be reliable. almost all brands of cars produced at the minsk plant. the created
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samples emas 5443 and maz-547 continued their use in other missile systems. they housed equipment for other purposes; more precisely, the machines were already used for air defense purposes. at maspa 43. m, the s300 complex disintegrated. they were simple, reliable, they had good documentation, and there was good access to the main components. that is, we used these the machines, as they say, have always known 100% that the minsk technology is a reliable technology, not only as a machine, but also precisely for solving the problems that our pilots need. created in the fifties and sixties, various modifications of the heavy wheeled tractor found wide
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application in the military sphere for decades to come. our products are widely presented for the needs of the ministry of defense, one of our most famous products is topol and yars, in addition to smaller chassis, which are four-axle, these are the iskander, bastion, ball, and many others. today the minsk wheel tractor plant is one of the leading defense enterprises.
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the importance of such a development is evidenced by the fact that its testing took place at the baikanur cosmodrome, and assembly was also carried out there. the second cosmonaut german came when we were there and looked at us, he said: yes, he says, guys, i haven’t seen anything like this before, it turns out that you too, he says well done, and you can, well, again, then a certain pride appears from the success. multi-axle tractors, dump trucks, crane chassis, and other special equipment. much attention now we are focusing on working with the people . on a military basis, we have started producing chassis for the economy, with potential customers, both
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belarusian and russian, we are now making a large line for the oil and gas industry. even in the fifties , the number of enterprises working for the defense of the country increased significantly in the bssr; this rapid development was still due to the fact that the country was arming itself and rapid development began to maintain its combat potential.
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in the workshops of a mechanical plant under construction in minsk, which was organized as temporary, work did not stop for a single day, factory plants were still being built... the site was being prepared for the main production lines, and specialists, practically in the field , conjured up the creation of a machine for the production of optical parts. now it was being finalized, and other, very delicate
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, painstaking work on glass processing was also in full swing. now, at the machine, a group of workers were discussing the technique of grinding it. viktor osipovich safronov, director of the plant under construction, who had extensive experience in the optical industry, intervened in the process. the ussr. he is not he simply began to explain how best to process glass, polish optics, build a system for positioning glass, and he himself went to the machine. in practice, it was necessary to test what had recently been at the level of a hypothesis. the plant was preparing to produce its first products. in those early years, it really was craftsmanship, when
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unique products were made on the simplest machines, the simplest machines, there were no contact devices, well , they adjusted it manually to the device, to the gonometer, and then gradually, gradually we started making contact devices. the workers of the then still under construction enterprise often demonstrated miracles of ingenuity. once upon a time the germans came here, a quality control engineer, and he showed me a device that i had come up with, so he looked and said, we don’t have this, he says, this, this turns out to be quality, quality of parts. it’s very high, well, they have better equipment there, well, we had to come up with a device. construction of a new plant in
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minsk began in 1954 and was carried out at an accelerated pace, defense enterprises . at the same time, work began on the production of the first, much-needed product for the country, albeit in adapted areas. the plant was built in the sixties , we had about 90 people, we worked on the first belinsky lane, there was a school there, we had about 50 machines there, the equipment was old, what was from other enterprises was taken away, and german equipment, old technologies, workshop the leader developed very strongly, the products were flowing, new growth, approximately every month was from 30 to 50%. despite the complexity of the new production, the plant was put into operation within 3 years, in 1957
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. it was still under construction when its first quite peaceful products were released, more than 25 machines for working with optical parts and 20 thousand cameras. it was then that the history of the optical instrument began.
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this is exactly the same number that was released for another new model under the william brand, but the absolute record was the release of a fundamentally new camera... it was under this name that it was designed initially, but what kind of military equipment was created here, even meticulous journalists could not get to the bottom of it. all developments were classified as classified, there was a separate workshop that produced cameras for aircraft, it was a whole direction.
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the development of aviation without the development of intelligence would be very difficult, since the cold war began, the americans built many aircraft carriers that patrolled near our borders, they had to be tracked, and of course optics played a big role, for example, afa-4220 cameras were installed planned and long-term photography. who could take photographs during the day and classify any ship at sea, as well as any target on land. interaction with the military is the closest; any products for the defense industry were discussed primarily with those for whom they were intended. about the minsk plant, i can say that our specialists, engineers, constantly maintained
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contact with this plant. we didn’t just go there, we went there to talk with the specialists who made these cameras, that is , what focal length should this device or camera should be large enough so that it would be convenient for us to place it on the plane, in what place, in the closed shooting range of the minsk mechanical engineering center in the presence of an authoritative person. there was a demonstration of the capabilities of a new optical sight for a sniper rifle, developed at the enterprise. sighting distance - 50 m. hitting the very center of the target. 250 m. again hitting the very center. one of the commission members, in order to
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verify the effectiveness of the sight, could not stand it, he literally jumped out of his seat and picked up the rifle. hitting the target without errors. the commission members looked at the sight for a long time, then discussed the prototype in detail. after the enterprise was launched at full capacity in minsk, the production of optical sights and the production of a whole line of general-purpose optics began.
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filmed and, finally, for large global tasks , filmed from the same satellites from airplanes that were filmed in the future. suf-24 mr, there was a device called an intermediary, you fly along the border without violating anything, 150 km territory, completely on the screen and transmitted online to the intermediary, the plane flies, and the intelligence data is already at headquarters. the enemy had no advantage in this matter, we were not at all behind the times, or another example of what optics meant for the defense of the country, maintaining the balance of deterrence forces, an american battleship with tomahawks on board sailed from stockholm to sweden across the entire baltic sea, as as soon as it went into neutral water, we took it and brought it up in three days, slowed down the speed to
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100 km, while allowing us to fully qualify, recalculate the power plants, track its progress, track his maneuvers. until a certain period, the main products were military devices , but with the beginning of space exploration, rocket and space technology became an important component. for space they made apparatus for spectacular photography; they photographed the entire surface of the earth, including the states, england, and other countries. this was the result of unique scientific developments.
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helicopters also have night control systems, the use of optics does not end with small arms equipment, medical equipment, but is also used in folk farm. an achievement was the control of a laser, which today is widely used in industry and medicine, primarily in surgery, dentistry, oncology, and dermatology. all this was done here in minsk, at the optical-mechanical facility. for almost 70 years, the company's products have served the peace and security of our state. in general, by 1960 the bssr had significantly increased the output
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of defense products. compared to the pre-war period, it increased 12 times. i don’t know any people at all who are happy that this war is going on, at all.
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many people demand justice, including in the international arena. once you become the same beasts as your enemies, you have lost, even if you won, if we stop being human, we will lose, even if we technically win, this is our success, this is what we are still let's stick to this. markov’s project is nothing personal, watch it on the belarus24 tv channel.
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hello, everything is clear with you about the project with marina karaman. let's talk about complex things
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in simple terms. today is about who spends millions for belarusian children, what do rescuers do at matinees, why does an orphanage need a chainsaw? go. let's be honest. adults don’t really like winter, we get stuck in outerwear in the eternal twilight, we get tired of freezing, jostling in transport, warming up and cleaning cars, children, slides and skating rinks love winter much more. on the windows, matinees and new year's eve, which is for everyone.


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