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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 3, 2024 1:05pm-2:06pm MSK

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because they are spontaneous. are you ready to come out to your children? yes, definitely. well, then i wish you a successful conversation. so, today our guest is the rector of the belarusian state university, andrei dmitrievichol. andrey dmitrievich, i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program you. you have the right to refuse to answer a question three times, and be attentive to the questions, at the end of our conversation you will need to choose the best one, now, according to tradition, tell us what you think is necessary about yourself, you have 1 minute, time has passed, i am the person who teaches to ask questions to a greater extent than to give answers to them, the one who teaches, tries to at least do this in ignorance, because ignorance is the most
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important knowledge, i try to teach silence as creation, and i wrote about 50 years ago 50 books , one of those life mottos, you need to think fruitfully, love, create, that’s it, great, you did it in one minute, we have 100 children in the studio, each has their own question, let’s see how much time you have to answer. so the first question is red. hello, my name is nastya, without which ritual does your working day as a rector not go by? there are many rituals, many meetings, but perhaps one of the main rituals is to always listen to different points of view on the same issue. what is the most unusual thing in your office? depending on who looks at unusual things with what eyes, it may seem so.
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hello, my name is, hello, is it true that now higher education is no longer as important as it used to be, experience is becoming more important than a diploma? i would say this that something is always changing, but in relation to education, i would say that it is always that investment in yourself, which is the most reliable, even in comparison with the most reliable bank, higher education is always something that... with a very such
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a sincere, inner desire to learn, to master, knowledge about the world around us, and above all about oneself, because a person is, perhaps, the main goal of education, to change so that he can realize his mission, this is in general will never somehow have a lower value than even 100, 200, 500 years ago, it all depends on how you feel about it. hello, my name is elizaveta, and i am interested in the following question: if you look at the national scale, is bsu the best university among others, as is the case in world rankings? the fact is that in each ranking, the belarusian state university participates in twelve world rankings, each ranking has its own criteria, for example, the number of publications that scientists make per year.
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published in a variety of magazines, the number the highest-rated publications , the number of students at the university, the number of nobel laureates who give lectures and much , much, much more, the reputation of the university, through the eyes of foreign experts, there are about a million of them around the world, there are english-speaking, russian-speaking employers , they even have their own rating, so based on the totality of parameters that the university...
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took first place, well, create your own rating, i have already answered this question. the students are hungry, i can assume that the roots of this go back to the times when a student , he is, they say, so poor, has a low scholarship, does not have the opportunity somewhere to afford what, for example, those peers who are either already working or older people are engaged in their craft, this is not always the case, for example, at our university, in the second and third year, students develop.
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support those students who need it, and these are different levels of support, and of course, a lot depends on how the student himself perceives his condition if he understands that this is the beginning of his path, and he will value much more the part of the time that he spends as a student as self-education. he invests in himself, because otherwise value will never be formed, then the black sector, you will have to turn around, a person is always scared by something new, what scared you when you were offered to become the rector of bsu, i think
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that familiar things, first of all, whether i can handle it or not, and whether or not i will let those people down, who have hopes for me, especially since... i am also a perfectionist in life, i need, if i do, then do everything as it is at its peak, at its maximum, on the one hand this is good, on the other hand it is a little bit of myself also destroys, this is how the school assessment system differs from the university one, well, of course, there are their own points, their own scales, but in general, a student, already at a higher level of the first stage you...
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it was the first year, our group sat in the classroom in the evening for self-study everyone somehow really really wanted to eat, but the regulations were such that you still had to wait quite a long time before dinner, and two classmates were sent to
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get food, but you couldn’t just leave the room, moreover, if you were caught and stopped, then that was minus one day from... the vacation was called goodbye vacation, and yet we went and bought apples and still warm buns for the whole group , i remember it well, it was really very...
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reacted to the student’s unfinished assignment, but really, i later apologized to before class, obviously, i try exactly the same how to behave with subordinates, but sometimes you have to raise your voice, it’s true, but you can now go ahead and shout loudly like that, and applause! we are moving to the yellow sector, this is to your right, andrey dmitrievich, there is an opinion that students from
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the periphery achieve greater success than students from the capital, why is this happening? our contemporary, he is really many years old, a very well-known world psychologist, he conducted a study on whether there is a connection between a big and a small city, and how people in a big and small and small city are able to uh. to help each other, and exactly the rhythm of time was measured, how many seconds it takes, for example , to pay at the checkout, how long it takes to cross a pedestrian crossing. naturally, the rhythm of time turned out to be higher in big cities, but the ability to help other people, that is , the same kindness, it turned out to be lower in big cities than in smaller cities, which is why, probably, that...
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they graduate from university, they well, recognized experts, which faculty currently has the
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highest passing scores? and the faculty international relations, faculty of law, you are the first rector who did not graduate, why did you decide to go to another university after school? but the fact is that after school... i wanted to be either a military doctor or a military engineer, since i have doctors and military men in my family, i chose one of the best military schools in the soviet union, very serious and quoted from the point of view of both diploma and competence at the exit, but life happened in such a way that in the ninety-first year the soviet union collapsed and i was forced, as and many others left there for gardening. from riga, go to my hometown, grodno , i was born there, there was an opportunity
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to simply transfer without additional payment to the budget, subject to passing the difference, the academic difference in the second year, which, in fact, i managed, that’s all, but specially i had no plans there at all to become a rector, not even close, i heard the following words: from session to session students live happily, but what about? recklessly, recklessly, spent every day without thinking about anything that was happening around, even in the student anthem it is written , have fun while you are young, because life goes by very quickly, i am against stereotypes here, there are those who study every day, it gives pleasure and it is also fun, the session is approached completely without
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any such shaking of arms and legs, because ah-ah. i studied almost perfectly, but before the actual exam during the session i had an outfit, i couldn’t prepare for a day , i went without reading just one section, the question about this section was for me, of course got caught, so i, since i answered the first question well, solved the practical part there,
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but it was clear that i swam like that, in general i didn’t have my bearings, then taking into account my previous... servants they gave me a b, well, it was a difficult exam and it was kind of not very pleasant. it's no secret that students cheat very often, and what do you think is the best place to hide a cheat sheet? in my personal practice, as a teacher, i then began my journey at the university in medicine.
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she somehow leaned over like this, the book forward got out, she cheated, when she saw the danger, she straightened up, the book disappeared under her robe, i was impressed by, well, let’s say, two things, the device itself, the device, the way it was done, the second was the impudence with which it was done , and in your student years you used cheat sheets, well, you used them twice, right? and you think you're good at cheating? no, i think it’s bad, and i’m an amateur compared to those who do it regularly, as in general in any other craft.
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belarus is a country with a rich and interesting history, behind there is a wall in the belarusian language, in russian, in english, a little description that, first of all , gratitude to the country, which gives peace and quiet and security here, all this could have been done... unique sights can be found literally on every step, the locals say that if you rub antonio’s palm, it will bring good luck and a lot of money, and such unusual cymbals are only available here in the stores, i will also try to play them, victoria poplerchenova plays, it’s a joke. all
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is, and the soul of the blueneck is people, and well, it’s based on the principle of these fire shows, yes these yes this is what the fire show is, maybe someone will grow up and be in the fire show, you can just spin it in parallel so that don’t hit yourself, but for now, travel with us on the belarus 24 tv channel, i don’t know people at all who are happy about...
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people we will lose, even if we formally win, this is precisely our success, this , this, that we are still holding on to this, markov’s project is nothing personal, watch it on tv belarus24.
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let's move on to the purple sector, it's on your right. hello, i’m ivan, belarusian education is often somehow underestimated, they say that it is not practical-oriented. give reasons why belarusian education will be more promising than foreign ones. firstly, a lot of attention is paid to education. attention to the quality and standards of curricula, textbooks themselves, we do not follow some seven-minute trend,
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fashion, which many countries later abandon, in general, we have preserved this progressiveness, let's say evolutionary development of education, fundamentalism, that is , today we really have in universities... a specialist, if he has been trained, he is oriented in very different areas. secondly, we have practice-oriented education, starting from the first, from the second year there is an opportunity to study subjects in production , in cultural institutions, in the social sphere, that is, to feel, touch how it all works, the third is the first place of work, the state takes yourself very big,
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using different means, there are few such students, but the ideal is also not what exists in reality. another question, who do you consider the best graduate of bsu? this is about 180 thousand graduates, but many of these graduates, they are really familiar, familiar to people who are far from education, from science, these are famous scientists, these are well-known public figures.
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of the republic of belarus, head of administration, head of administration, deputies, these are all graduates of the belarusian state university, this is a certain brand, this is a certain reputation. in beguu there are both budget and paid forms of education. why do tuition fees differ at different faculties? due to the fact that any cost, it has a basis.
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places they are strictly regulated by the request from the economic sector, the public sector of the economy, which comes to universities through the ministry of education, it is stupid, probably on a budget , to teach people who then, well, will not, say , work in a variety of places, be it industry, be it social sphere, for this reason there is planning. and the state
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has the right to finance and provide training in a particular specialty, so that in the future this specialist will then enter the state sphere, the public sector of the economy. why are there fewer budget places every year? well, i would not say that there is such a direct dependence; in some specialties, on the contrary, we are expanding the budgetary form of training. and there is, for example, such a variety as a targeted form of education, when individual government agencies, ministries, committees are interested in, for example, precisely at the faculty there the belarusian state university was preparing specialists who in the future will be assigned to them and will work for them, and it is natural that, from the point of view of our obligations, we
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are preparing and bringing to... what does bsu have that no other university has? a very good question, there are those things that make a student involved not just in what surrounds him, but... involved in his family, in the fact that later in life he very often turns with pride and says: i am a graduate of the belarusian state university, not a single university in our country , for example, has such a track record for its children, so to speak, that is, those universities, those institutions that the belarusian state
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university gave birth to, like... a parent, for example, at the turn of the twenties -in the thirties , 12 modern universities, you can imagine, 12, this is a pedagogical profile, economic, national-technical, bsu stood at the origins of its creation.
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therefore, bsu is much more than just classes, the educational process, yes, couples, the educational process, classrooms, they are in any of the 50 universities. of our country, but there is a single university, a leading university, a certain patriarch, who in general can say that he does this, that, and that, which no one else does, hello, hello, on the internet often they write that you are the most open rector in communicating with your students, it’s true that you respond to all student messages on social networks? i would say that openness does not mean presence on social networks, although i actually have accounts since 2009-10 on facebook, vkontakte, and sometimes conduct classes there, so i always
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want to, in general, somewhere and well to reach a level of communication beyond the purely businesslike, this is a completely logical platform for... in order to generally communicate with people, although this is not easy, since well, there are only 24 hours in a day, as a rule, i i answer late at night. which what's the most unusual message you've ever received? the most unusual message, well, i would probably say, not so long ago one student, a foreigner, wrote to me in such not quite correct russian, even with... a request for help, i explained to him that he needs to do this and that , this and that, so, he wrote to me a second time, thanked me, said that i did it, but somehow it didn’t work out for me, that is, we started a certain conversation with him, that’s it, but i
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was surprised on the one hand, the seriousness of this student, on the other hand, a certain some other kind of, well, defenselessness or childishness. which was read for its meaning of the messages being transmitted, so this is what i remember, there are also business offers, sometimes they come there, say, from publishing houses, this is a common normal practice, i have the following question for you: more often than not, a university is chosen by parents, not by the child himself , how to make such a difficult decision about... about your future profession? well, first of all , you really need to ask yourself clearly and still try to answer essentially the most important question, what do i want?
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this is probably the first step of the algorithm, the second is to see how parents, of course, those people who are closest to the applicant, look at it. people and whose opinion, even if it is impartial somewhere, he must trust, if only because these are the people who love him. of course, you need to collect information, so to speak, from your immediate circle, friends, girlfriends and others and others, take it all together and then decide in private with yourself, after all, what i want more, because there are cases when, unfortunately, already as a university student, a young man...
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in the end, of course, she completed her studies, but through overcoming herself, although the person initially could probably have realized himself more effectively, with a greater efficiency in another specialty, in another university, we are moving into the black sector , to your right, how do you feel about grades , grades are an indicator of intelligence, i am a supporter, of course, that there should be an evaluation system, another thing is how it is supported, what is part of the criteria that we evaluates when a teacher, for example , says to a girl, or in a class there, yes, girls, boys, here you draw the vase you want, when they drew it, she
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says, well, is this even a vase, it doesn’t look like it at all , you get a deuce , next time a girl will draw a vase like this, of course not, like this, such an evaluation criterion, of course, should not be, we must take into account not only what we see, for example, if we take a student, very often testing, but it is used, testing is checked. and that’s all, and he got what he deserved.
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hello, my name is masha, and i believe that a person who is closely associated with science has a fairly serious character, but you can call yourself a romantic, a romantic person, well, it’s hard for me to say, but i still consider myself not a romantic.
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in general, is this an act romantic or not romantic i think romantic i think yes, do you approach love from a scientific point of view or is it something more, a very deep question by the way, despite its apparent simplicity , love is actually different things here is falling in love as a slightly lighter form and here it is tied here now. uh, it’s quite understandable, it has
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very, very little relation to science. if we talk about a more profound, i would say , the deepest feeling in general, because, uh, man is a creator, created in the image of god, yes, whoever i am, there is love, uh, this, this is the basis of all sciences, i i would say, moreover... well, my family, friends, my favorite thing,
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a lot of things. next, the purple sector, to your left. hello, my name is roma and here i am i don’t know where i should go, what direction or specialty i should choose, so what do you think will be the most in demand and promising professions in the future, and which ones will probably disappear altogether? the world is becoming different. due to the fact that the speed of data processing and the volume of data processing are increasing, they seem to expand a person, but at the same time they close a person’s path to himself, and a person slowly becomes a robot, more and more dependent on robots in reality , from the very bots with whom we, well, one way or another otherwise, we are dealing, in my deep conviction, with those important professions that are in one way or another connected with... helping a person find himself in this world, and some
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routine professions that with a high degree of probability may disappear, for example, they are talking about the profession of a dispatcher there , it will no longer be needed, about the profession of a doctor, because please, you can ask questions, get an online consultation, they say, yes , there will be a profession in a different place, i don’t know, some kind of courier, well because it will be replaced by telecommunications. but i am absolutely convinced that i agree with the expression of a fairly well-known philosopher who said that the 21st century is a century, or it will be...
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i think that one of the future professions, although maybe not in 10 years, in 30 years, with taking into account the dynamics of changes in our world, and everything tends exponentially, it is the creator of silence, the seller of silence, there is little free time, and of course, you simply want to fill it with silence, communication with yourself, with nature, with loved ones, to be somewhere something with you, that’s simple. some cases, to completely get away from this
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informational, not even noise, screaming, in which we all live and turn somewhere to our own, well, primary sources. all students are afraid of the placement process, what’s scary about it and who should be afraid of it? distribution, some and those who are afraid, is perceived by a number of students, some students as, in general, a kind of duty, yes, which he must work off, as a rule, these are those students who do not have their own... namely, internal, let's say , goal setting, when a person understands what he wants in life, and already at this age, by the age of 22-23, of course a person understands what he wants, a normal person perceives distribution as a way to improve his qualifications, because there is
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, i repeat once again, a list of conditions that protect a young specialist from all the vicissitudes, i heard that students...
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it’s logical, that’s the answer to your question, but at the moment there is no solution yet, so what they tell you somewhere, hear, always trust trusted sources and your own internal voice and opinion, to your right is the purple sector, hello, my name is egor, if they start distributing payers, are you afraid of that?
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more expensive than in the republic of belarus, and this is due to the fact that then, again , for a paying student there, there is no opportunity to gain their professional skills. i don’t see, in principle, a single advantage, someone who believes that this is beneficial for him, please, what questions, but this has not happened en masse, and i
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hope that this will not happen, but that there are some preferences individual students, well, i repeat once again, they have the right to choose, no one prohibits this, i hope there won’t be such a ban, everyone is responsible for their actions, for their decisions. responsibility on your own, what comes first for you, family or career? well, of course , family is always in first place for any person, i would say so , the question is that today the world is such that, for example, my wife, she is also no less busy than me, well, maybe less busy, but at least she's not sitting at home and not... so she’s waiting for her husband, when will he return, that’s when this work will be, this huge work of communication, because in order
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not to put my interests ahead of the whole planet , take into account the interests of the person close to me, that’s when this work will be, that’s it then this is love, and there is mutual understanding, and if your spouse asked to leave her job at the university, would you agree to this? i know she won't ask for it? otherwise she would not be my wife. to your right is the red sector. the question comes from there. what is your deepest dream? in fact, maybe sometimes i i dream, but i never write my dreams down on pieces of paper, i don’t let them go anywhere. my dreams turn into goals that i write down and which i implement. somehow like this. time for hero questions. glass andrey dmitrievich, you must choose the best question now, so, what question bothered you the most today? there were a lot of questions, so
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i already noted the question that the young man alexey formulated for me, i then said that this question is quite very, very deep, but you remind me, please, what does bsu have that no other university has? now, perhaps, i would probably highlight this question. great, according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question is you, alexey, receives a special gift from our guest, go to the site! this is a thermocrush with the bsu logo, and these are two books from the author, which i think will be... useful, one of them is heuristic fairy tales, despite the fact that these are fairy tales, they are read by people under the age of
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twenty for sure, i hope to see you as a student bsu. andrey dmitrievich, now you have the opportunity to ask the audience your questions. what is the superpower of today, well, time. well, for... for me, a superpower is probably a person’s attention and his understanding of how he reacts to things, that is, well, maybe he ’ll give some advice somewhere, won’t swear anymore, will make a remark, well, it seems to me that the most important thing now superpower is the fulfillment of your dreams, or something, an interesting thought, but if i don’t have, for example, dreams, then it means that i don’t have superpower, yes, i should to find her, we need to find her, well... okay, i'll start after the transmission. these were great questions and very interesting answers. bsu rector andrey
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dmitrievich korol is visiting the program 100 questions for adults today, i’m waiting for you at the entrance to the site. thank you guys, well, this is where i’ll ask you to stay. tell me, which of the children’s questions did you ask? today you managed to answer 48 questions, tell me, if they call you again, will you agree to come? yes, with great
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pleasure. well, now i turn to our audience. do you think that our the hero was honest with you today. whoever thinks so, raise your hand. i think that he answered honestly, because there were a lot of specifics and details. he answered questions in detail and seemed to give us some advice. and this is the rector of the belarusian state university, who told us about any details of studying at this university, because. a lot of people would like to go there, i was very glad to listen to a little more of his life than is written, for example, on the internet. and who thinks that andrei dmitrievich is a little i was cunning and didn’t tell you the whole truth. i think that at many points, when asked about personal life or situations that have occurred over many years of experience, we
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were told in general terms. but don’t tell me the situation itself about moments from life, i would listen more about this. interesting opinion andrey dmitrievich, what can you say in response to this remark? in fact, i tried to answer in such a way that it was clear, but i will take into account, as i already said, for the future, perhaps i need to go into more detail somewhere. we have this rule: the hero always has the last word. summarize what happened.
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the program has 100 questions for adults, see you in a week, look in the next issue, honored artist of the republic of belarus ruslan alekhno, meet you! you were born in belarus, but live in russia, from which country do you consider yourself an artist? what is more important to you: audience recognition or the financial side? what do you like more : being a contestant in a vocal show or being a member of the jury? you have a song called guilty sorry in life you often are you apologizing at all? have you ever wanted to give up everything and try something completely new?
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extraordinary. just as you were holding a book in your hands, picking up one piece after another, sniffing at the words on your skin, the greatest creativity comes from all of this. the most valuable and useful books are these books. the books contain the thoughtful thoughts of the people, the reports and expressive chatter of people. everything that chalavetstva created, she ate up on old
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books, bytstsam witchcraft. read the chalavek perazhyvae stagodzi. read more close to the pack. we appreciate the past for our today. belarus 24.
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