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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 3, 2024 5:05pm-5:41pm MSK

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due to the change in the geo-economic situation in belarus , last year it was possible to achieve gdp growth of 103.8%, this figure increased per capita. in general, belarus is included in the group of countries with a high level of human development, we are in sixtieth place, with a total of 191 states in the ranking list. residents of finland called the situation in the country's economy gloomy, as helsingend writes, the level of confidence of finnish consumers. continues to fall on it, the financial situation of the finns themselves also affects it, the indicator is the most negative for for more than 20 years, due to high inflation we have to save even on toilet paper. according to official data from the statistics center , almost 3,500 companies declared bankruptcy, this is the highest figure in the last 25 years. the situation is similar in sweden, local companies cannot withstand the crisis, and as bloomberg writes, last year the number of bankruptcies jumped by 29%. high level since
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the nineties. at the same time, experts believe that this situation is just the tip of the iceberg against the backdrop of persistently high inflation and interest rates. rates. the terrorist attack in iranian kermen killed more than 80 people and injured about 200. two explosive devices detonated during a mass funeral ceremony. on the occasion of the fourth anniversary of the death of the commander of the elite alkut special forces , sqasem soleimani. he was killed in iraq. as a result of the strike, the us armed forces was considered one of the most influential officials of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, a key strategic leader in iran. who is behind the terrorist attack? while unknown, it is reported that the devices were brought into action remotely. by this time
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i have everything, see you at 19:00, we are the only ones in the world, you and i, who stand up to our full height, to say, no, it is the role of the teacher that comes to the fore, it is the teacher who must study, sort out the material and to convey to children the main thing, people who... risking everything, can stand up to their full height against a huge conglomerate, the west - these are people whom only those who have never experienced anything serious and terrible in their lives can disrespect. fascist foundations, they are very deeply incorporated into the very spirit of western civilization. that system that is collapsing, it ... included us in the mechanism of robbery, but in
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the end i am convinced that we will win. project say don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel . 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has a question for an adult. is the takeoff of a rocket similar to the takeoff of an airplane? what's scarier for you? launch or landing? well, i guess?
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happy new year, thank you dad.
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they were once considered a medicine and were called ready-made drugs. today there is a lot has changed, but still in limited quantities. the product is an excellent source of glucose and a supplier of various nutrients if made with high quality. in addition to their nutritional value, they have become a symbol of most holidays. it is impossible to imagine new year, christmas, or birthdays without them. i’m talking, of course, about candy, and i propose to continue the conversation about them in the next half hour to once again make sure that science is close to you on this topic. my name is ekaterina beretskaya. from dried fruit mixtures to proline , let's explore the history of candy together. not only taste, but the benefits are how sweet recipes are developed in our country. but when this
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caramelized milk is added to the composition, the chocolate acquires a very interesting characteristic caramel taste and color. accordingly, here is the working name: caramel chocolate. when chocolate and caramel flow like a river, the sweetest report of the program is straight from the workshops of a confectionery factory. this refrigerator is 53 and then our candy layer falls on the site. the first sweets appeared about 3,000 years ago, and completely by accident. read more about history of the issue right now. honey, figs , nuts, these are the products that once upon a time in ancient egypt people completely accidentally mixed and left the mass for a while. the frozen mixture turned out to be not only
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pleasant to the taste, but also healthy. therefore, in limited quantities, the first sweets, or rather the prototype of modern sweets , were considered medicine. a little later, in the east , crushed almonds and honey began to be added to the delicacy, and this is how the very first grilled meat appeared. in russia, sweets were made with the addition of wedge syrup, dried berries were also included. well, chocolate-covered sweets similar to modern ones were created in the second half of the 16th century. the french ambassador to belgium in 1671 instructed the chef to create something elegant and unusual. for the monarch louis 14 and maestro clemento, from the rare and expensive ingredients of almonds, sugar caramel and chocolate at that time, he created a dessert called proline. the monarch, who at that time was only 5 years old, was
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delighted with the delicacy. a little later, scientists created a press, thanks to which it became possible to extract butter from cocoa beans to ultimately obtain solid chocolate. it has become. as a new stage in the development of confectionery art, masters experimented with shapes, then the first candies appeared in the form of circles, rectangles, squares and, of course, hearts, only while they were without fillings. this situation was corrected at the beginning of the 2nd century by the belgian jean neuhaus. he opens a confectionery factory where the soft, sweet composition is coated with hard chocolate. peter ii brought chocolate to russia. but it's already towards the end.
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centuries, large confectionery factories began to open on the territory of modern belarus, only now, so that our sweets were not only tasty, but also safe, both for adults and for children. which is created by scientists within the walls of the scientific and practical center for food, we will talk about this with our guest, ksenia nikolaevna , hello, hello, ekaterina, so let's start right with the recipes, how... they appear, how who creates them, although it would seem that everything has already been created. in fact, from the idea itself to its implementation quite a lot of time passes. the idea appears as a result of research into new types of raw materials, analysis of the confectionery market, as well as research into consumer preferences, for example, through questionnaires. after which we proceed directly to laboratory research in our testing laboratory. if we use a new type of syria, then we will explore the influence of its different types. dosages on the quality indicators of finished confectionery products, the creation of a new production technology is
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a more complex task, it takes into account the influence of different ratios of recipe ingredients, as well as the influence of technological parameters, for example, the duration of kneading dough or the duration of churning, the duration of baking of finished drying products. the final stage is the assessment of the quality indicators of the finished products , which we also carry out in our testing laboratory, that is, you have such a complete cycle, then you do all this... yes, absolutely right, the final stage is testing the experimental sample in an industrial environment, ready the industrial design is also examined from all sides in terms of quality indicators and safety indicators, including during the storage of confectionery products, which definitely will not be in our sweets, should not be according to the standards, in fact, it seems to me that we have some of the most stringent standards, well i will probably not be wrong in the world if i say that all the raw materials that are used in our domestic factories... but regarding the application, i want to draw attention to the fact that the consumer himself carefully reads the label,
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all the necessary information is always written on the label, in regarding prohibited or permitted products, i would like to note that if the product label says that this is a product for baby food, then you will not find preservatives or prohibited food additives here; if this is a product for diabetic nutrition, then in terms of total sugar content it will correspond to certain requirements and, accordingly, can be safely used in the diet of such people. in more detail about the development of technologies itself, that is, also within the walls of your laboratory, and then already for production, that is, do you somehow cooperate with manufacturers on this issue? yes, we work very closely with our domestic confectionery enterprises, and i would like to express my deep gratitude to them for this; all our laboratory samples are subsequently tested under industrial conditions to confirm for sure that this sample has the right to life. but it happens that it doesn’t fit. parents say no, or you say no, such cases also happen, so in such cases a sample or
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one ingredient is being finalized, or one ingredient is being replaced, for example, by a second one, that is , it is being further refined, what a large-scale process, it seems to me, i really want to look at all this already, my colleagues visited one of the confectionery factories in our country, let's take a look like belarusian sweets are made today.
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club of editors, what distinguishes a national leader from a politician, what the leader thinks about the next generations, and not the end of his tenure, and the united states and the west are always hooked on their technologies, then sanctions are introduced, we are deprived of technology, and thus forced to act the way they want. we in parliament are constantly considering bills related specifically to the green economy, we proceed only from our national interests, we never ruin enterprises for the sake of europe and will not, global elites exploit the earth's resources, suck these resources, exploit other populations, yes, that is this is a classic of the most advanced wild capitalism, no one takes anyone into account, the main thing is to earn money for the sake of this...
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stagodzia, geta uzho tsalka palitichny project. let's look at their history and basic facts. gets cartouche, not looking at changes in time, wars, different penal codes, could acquire two heraldic plots. such a cartouche gave softness just like a business card . uyaulenne, who is the gaspadar, who is
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the geta budynak. the pseudo-russian style gives such people their own meta, the theater as a center. the public month clearly showed that the racial empire was serious and necessary here. glyadzitsa in the foreground of the architecture of belarus on our tv channel. the future candy of the minsk confectionery factory begins its production journey from a place where any child of a candy and chocolate workshop dreams of visiting. and today the most
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famous, popular candy in soviet times is tomboy, soft rice. container for 15 minutes, and then the sweet mixture falls onto the belt, where it is placed in a large layer. our candy mass is cast onto a belt, a candy layer is formed, then it goes into the refrigerator for cooling. refrigerator 53 and then our candy layer hits the site cutting, it is cut immediately with circular knives along and then across with ultrasonic knives , goes through a turn, if you need to glaze, then we glaze our candy product, today we have soft rice, we do not
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glaze it, then we come to this section, and already here the candies pass through a magnetic metal detector. and if something is discovered, but this almost never happens at the factory, the candies do not reach the next stage of packaging. the last production stop for sweets is the tape, where they are, as they say at the factory dress. and then. when buying candies from the minsk confectionery factory, the consumer does not have to worry about the safety of the product. the factory carries out multi-stage quality control of products. it all starts with incoming control of raw materials and auxiliary materials. laboratory specialists
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monitor the accompanying documentation certifying the quality and safety of incoming raw materials and carry out. tests in accordance with regulatory documentation. further, control of semi-finished products and finished products at all stages production. laboratory specialists monitor physical, chemical and organalyptic indicators in accordance with the control scheme. microbiologists monitor microbiological parameters in accordance with the control schedule. in parallel , the chief technologist’s service monitors compliance with technological discipline and, accordingly, all technological parameters. also. some of the indicators, namely safety indicators, are checked in accredited laboratories on a contractual basis, and final acceptance each batch is carried out by the quality control department, which controls the packaging, compliance with labeling and appearance of the product. this combination of product quality and its excellent tastes has become the main
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distinguishing feature of domestic sweets. apparently, this is why our sweets are loved not only by belarusians, but also by foreigners. our assortment portfolio currently includes more than 300 items, yes, these products are sold both on the belarusian market, the russian market, and the chinese market. in general, it is very important for us to have such a stock of assortment, yes , to satisfy the needs of any buyer, because in any case, the consumer preferences of residents of, for example, the republic of china, they are slightly different from our consumer preferences, so we certainly have to develop an assortment that will be suitable. somewhere niche for different markets. to release a new product, enterprise marketers conduct analysis and literally draw a portrait of the main consumers. of course, it changes the target audience.
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to new unique technologies , using caramelized milk, when this caramelized milk is added to the composition, the chocolate acquires a very interesting characteristic caramel taste and color, accordingly, such a working name as caramel chocolate, which is not yet on the belarusian market, is almost ready to launch. by the way, new recipes for the factory technology are developed every year, i take a saucepan. i go to the workshop and brew that very new type, then there is a tasting of these new types, right in our department, in the marketing department, then new types
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are finalized, mass tasting takes place, that is, we let our customers try our new product either in the store, or we have tastings on excursions, that is, we let them try, fill out questionnaires and... of course we analyze what we have prepared. and then the specialists collect all comments from customers after tasting, analyze the information and refine the product to perfection. you are watching the science project nearby and don’t miss out on the final part of the program. the sweetest news for 2023: candies made from powdered milk, what is the secret of the recipe? regarding powdered milk candy, i would like to note that this
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product is new and absolutely innovative for our country. our sweets and ingredients too. a course towards import substitution from domestic confectioners. if you want something sweet without harming your figure. recipe for healthy sweets. very soon in the program. in addition, such products have a lower calorie content, since the calorie content of the sweetener is lower than the calorie content of sucrose, but they are not recommended for nutrition children. and who decides what candies will be in traditional, sweet new year's gifts, we'll tell you soon. it’s very gratifying that our gifts do not contain caramel, only delicious chocolate candies are collected here. we know exactly how to start the morning right. my secret is to wake up with a smile, then the day
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will go positively. olga, what are we going to cook today? today we will prepare rice pancakes with a delicate vegetable filling. i can't wait to start cooking. we will prepare a delicious breakfast with you. let's cook the breakfast of champions today? well let's try. i want you today. surprise, they usually eat cheesecakes there, and i’ll make greek pancakes, is there a place in your life for a hobby? mash, i learned a long time ago to relax at work, work on vacation and we will get the boost of necessary energy, put nut-vegetable pate on the pancakes, roll them into a tube, serve with yogurt sauce, your home champions will appreciate this breakfast, the breakfast of a champion, look on the belarus 24 tv channel
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for those who have just joined us, i’m telling you that this is a science project nearby, today we understand one of the most delicious sweet topics, these are sweets, and we do this, of course, with a specialist in our studio. ksenia nikolaevna. probably the loudest sweet news of 2023 is candies made from powdered milk. tell me, did you also develop the recipe? regarding powdered milk candy, i would like to note that this product is new for our country, absolutely innovative, and has not been produced before. and we tried it together with specialists from one of the capital’s confectionery enterprises, develop these samples on an industrial scale. and they turned out quite good. results, therefore this project is promising for implementation, i would like to note that the advantage of these candies is the ability to use a large amount of
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domestically produced milk powder. 100 g of milk powder contains almost the daily intake of calcium and phosphorus, and also has a high content of magnesium and b vitamins, which will allow it to be consumed by various categories of the population, including to compensate for the deficiency of these vitamins. in addition, the advantage of the production technology is the absence of high-temperature treatment, which allows these products to be enriched with various biologically active substances. so, gradually from candy and powdered milk we... turned to candy in general, which is generally healthy, yes, well, the worst thing for those, for example, who watches their figure in candy, is of course sugar, yes, but now it’s already there and sugar-free candies that you can eat without worrying about your figure, tell us about them, also your development, in fact, how to eliminate sugar, this is one of the most frequently asked questions, but it is thanks to
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sugar that our confectionery shops. products exist, they are called sweets. the sugar content in confectionery products varies quite widely, from 10%, for example, in cookies to 70-80% in candies, marmalade, marshmallows, caramel, so eliminating sugar is actually a difficult task, one way is to use modern sweeteners , they allow you to completely eliminate sugar from recipes, and such products can be used in diabetic nutrition, and since they do not... increase blood sugar levels. in addition, such products have a lower calorie content, since the calorie content of the sweetener is lower than the calorie content of sucrose, but they are not recommended for children's nutrition. regarding baby food, we can offer a replacement for sugar, for example, with concentrated fruit juices, which contain natural sugars, and thereby determine the sweetness of the finished products. we use this approach in the production cookies. in addition, modern ingredients are inulin olichofructose.
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these are soluble dietary fibers that have a sweet taste, can partially replace sugar and add functional properties to finished products. that is, children can also have your candies. yes, children can too. the course towards import substitution, as i understand correctly, we are trying to make our own sweets using our own ingredients to the maximum, as work is currently going on in this direction. when developing any new technology, we try to use as much as possible domestic raw materials. i would like to use this as an example. i would like to cite marmalade, which is made on domestically modified starch in combination with gelatin. scientific research was carried out, the optimal dosage of such starch was established, which ultimately made it possible to obtain new chewing properties for marmalade. and also in the future, together with the institute of microbiology of belarus, it is planned to develop a domestic technology for the production of invertase. is a food ingredient that is used for slowing down the ripening processes of confectionery
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products. i would like to note that a full production cycle for this ingredient will be developed here, which means it will last longer, and invertase is traditionally used in the confectionery industry, for example, in the production of marshmallows or fondant candies, and this ingredient is imported to us, so the development of domestic technology will allow us to replace the use of domestic ingredients, but what we can’t do, then i think we’ll buy from friendly for us countries, what else can children eat today or will they have soon? one of the latest developments is biscuits for feeding preschool and school- age children. the cookies contain fortifying additives that contain b vitamins, vitamins a, e, d, calcium, magnesium; these are micronutrients whose deficiency has been identified in the diet of children in the republic of belarus. we enriched the cookies with domestic fortifying additives. in addition,
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it is included as a fat component in cookies. domestic rapeseed oil in combined with butter. rapeseed oil is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acids, which must be included in the diet, including for children. thank you very much for this useful sweet conversation, i think we have covered the topic. meanwhile, my colleagues wondered: who decides what candies to put in traditional sweet new year's gifts? it turned out that this is also a whole science. a few months before the new year at a minsk confectionery factory they begin to analyze what belarusians liked most of the sweets, these sweets end up in new year's sets, and the factories try to ensure that the assortment is varied, but still the emphasis is on what everyone loves - chocolate, we always have all the gifts for different tastes different price categories, look, here are gifts of 2 kg,
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and one and a half. kilograms, kilograms, we know that we now have such small gifts that customers really like , 800 g. it’s very gratifying that in our gifts there is no caramel, only delicious chocolate candies are collected here. for the smallest belarusians there are sets with the characters of their favorite cartoons, and of course these little ones for our smallest customers , 300 g each. very interesting ideas, there are gifts, for example, here is a new year's gift, look, then it will be a piggy bank, i think that children will have an incentive to strive for something, a soft toy, look, this is also a soft toy, it comes as a separate toy, you can also get a package here, that is, it’s very convenient. but we ate the candy, it’s a toy there are still some big toys left for the baby to plant here, look how beautiful it is, it just really creates a new year’s mood, and also of course the bags
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are very popular, these are the kind of new year’s bags we have, we also have buyers year after year regular customers who even collect a collection of such bags, some are red, some are blue... packaging for any kind of weight, look, wooden packaging, you can put everything here, including candies and chocolate, well and the eldest generation may have something else, this box is absolutely magnificent, and
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we also have this option, here’s a new year’s package, here’s a tube, you can open it, here you can also do something with a smaller option, that is, again - for different ages, for different price categories, maybe... someone just loves their favorite deer, why not put half a kilogram of their favorite deer here. well, if you want to prepare an exclusive gift for a loved one, you can order handmade chocolate, the artists will make it the drawing you bring. they say that you can tell by your favorite candy. drink even the character of a person. it is believed that romantics prefer strawberry filling, creative people prefer coconut filling, decisive people prefer cherry filling, shy people prefer nut filling. it’s difficult to say whether this classification is scientifically confirmed, but without science
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we simply wouldn’t have the kind of sweets we have today, that’s for sure. at our enterprise we produce products that ensure food security for the entire country, which allows support peace and creativity in our society. i am a hereditary engineer, my father worked at the mine as an engineer when he was little. all the time we drove past the plant in a car and my father kept saying: remember, son, stick to this pipe, it will feed you, it will give you a start in life. i listened to my father’s advice and followed in his footsteps, just like my older brother, just like our children will most likely follow in those
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footsteps. for the first time when i got there, well, i was actually surprised by the scale of the enterprise, that is , how large an enterprise it is, how that is, a very large territory, a very large number of pipelines, how many people work. this is a city within a city among themselves grodno residents the night before, when there was no barrier, drove up here, well, at night everything glows, everything floats among the common people, so behind the eyes they called the city of the future, my responsibilities include monitoring the equipment, monitoring the process, going around the equipment, also during shutdown repairs, first of all, he conscientiously performs his work, that is, in terms of some kind of assembly, disassembly, preparation of equipment, because people’s lives also depend on this in the future, now they have switched to a new modern system, so roughly speaking, the entire one shield fits. now in two monitors , it is developing in this direction, the enterprise is not standing still, it is moving in the development of new technologies, i am the chairman of the council of young workers at azot, a young organization, that is, this includes young workers of the enterprise under the age of


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