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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 3, 2024 6:20pm-7:01pm MSK

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my love, may i love you for the bright hours that you give me every now and then, for the most intense, dear daughter, may i love you.
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the belarusian chamber of notaries, which has been working as a base for the last year and a half , received enough from representatives of notaries and, what is important, the ministries of justice and states...
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we went through the practices of notaries within the framework of the work of notaries in legal education and analyzed the types of activities of notaries within the framework of legal education, in what formats is this legal education by notaries is carried out, because this is also an important component, not only notarial actions are performed by notaries, in the notaries of our states, one of the main tasks is the formation of a respectful attitude.
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therefore, we do not set the task of unifying legislation, we do not have such a task, even within the framework of a union state, and even more so in the cis, but nevertheless, you know, you see the best practices.
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when visiting, for example, kazakhstan, when visiting the same uzbekistan, which i spoke about today, because, look, we even in the cis there are states in which only today a state notary exists, in other countries there is a non-budgetary notary, in general there are different, different, so to speak, forms of organizing notarial activities, so we use our experience, for example, the republic of belarus has its experience...
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information and analytical project current microphone on air on the belarusian radio, tv channel belarus24, with you the presenter andrei sych, as well as our guest, editor-in-chief of the minsk courier kirill kazakov. good afternoon, good afternoon everyone, happy new year , we were talking on air about how it seemed that one year had ended, all the troubles
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remained there, but in fact, just by watching the information agenda of the first 2 and a half days, we can talk about that, in principle, at least a year awaits us... well , as our president says, it’s interesting, there ’s interest in different stories, good or evil, we’ll see, of course, of course, we are happy to welcome everyone to our workplaces, everyone who survived after these feasts, salad, mayonnaise, jellied and chops , let's say, on the first of the month the anniversary of the formation of the bssr slipped by, while everyone at the tables was celebrating, say, the new year, it crept up so unnoticed, i would like... just a couple of minutes to discuss the role of the history of the bssr in the formation belarusian statehood, in your opinion? well, i think that in fact the belarusian soviet socialist republic, as many historians say, is such a center for gathering
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belarusian lands under a single territory, under a single leadership with a single, let’s say, kind of habitat for all belarusians, well, let’s say. so historians always have a lot of opinions when they talk about this or that event, and so when they talk about the creation of the bssr, then many say that it actually existed initially for a short time, then, if we remember, the lithuanian-belarusian ussr was created, which also existed for a little while, then the bssr appeared in the form in which it existed until the thirty-ninth year, then a reunification with western belarus, but unlike, for example, the bpr, which was formed.
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who lived there in two or three rooms of one small house in minsk, and the bssr is really like a country in which there were all those modern... that moment trends, like socialism, really a world revolution, a lot of things that came from petrograd, remained here in minsk, in fact, entrenched for a long time, when we talk about the fact that the bssr is, well, maybe a state alien to belarus, like many of our oppositionists or enemies, they are called that, try to imagine that time, then completely, well , this is not so, because the bssr formed. according to the elite that appeared in belarus and
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essentially the scientific, pedagogical, and industrial wars, and after the war, indeed, within the framework of the bssr, the modern territory of belarus that exists now was formed, it was the bssr that joined the un as a separate member, well, actually speaking, we are saying that even the flag of the bssr is now the state flag of the republic of belarus in a modified form, that’s why as a matter of fact. we have a lot left from the belarusian soviet socialist republic, when they say that during the soviet union the past history was forgotten in the bssr, then this is also completely wrong, because again, in the works of both historians and writers, we remember the same lbas opego, francisco skaryna, all this existed in belarus and the fact that now the modern republic of belarus is like a continuation of that policy. ussr, which existed during the soviet union, which, strictly speaking, began
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its existence on january 1, 1919, well, this has a great advantage, firstly, because at the end of the 19th century the belarusian nation as a nation began to take shape precisely as a nation, a nation differs from a nationality in the presence of economic ties that existed between these people, well and the most interesting thing is probably that you remember, probably, the history of the settlement of belarusians, which...
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the statehood of that time, modern modern history just begins on january 1st of the nineteenth year, it’s also interesting to think, in your opinion, why we were able to preserve that very historical memory of those events and not slide into the moment that our closest neighbors are engaged in, this is such decommunization, de-sovietization, revision, and what was good and what was bad , there was probably more bad than good in this period, why? we are not so immersed in the search for this negativity, why don’t
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we continue the existence and development of our state in confrontation with our past. you know, i'm certain for myself symbol has already repeatedly drawn and written about this and spoke, a symbol of this tolerant attitude towards each other, towards each other, first of all, i call the coat of arms of the late thirties, namely the bssr, on this coat of arms it was written about ... polish, and the village they spoke belarusian, that is, this is the history of that nation that
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absorbed the culture of four states at once, and well , many now give an example, look like in switzerland, there are several state languages, there are completely different canons, there are completely different approaches to some religion, some traditions, so here we are, well, i don’t know whether this is a good comparison or not, eastern european switzerland, located at the crossroads of several civilizations. we lived history side by side living with these peoples, therefore , perhaps, we have the traditions of belarusian nationalism or nazism, which appeared after the ninety-first year, after the collapse of the soviet union in many republics of the former ussr, it did not take root here, and the coming to power of alexander grigoryevich lukashenko is again such
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a collective image of a belarusian who is tolerant of everything foreign and everything of his own, why the president. very often says that the poles are our poles, russians, we belarusians are russians with a sign of quality, because we really lived here at the crossroads of many roads, this is the belarusian concept in rostan, and this is the concept in rostan. just such a definite national idea of ​​​​the territory called the republic of belarus, we have never looked at a passport in our lives, we have not looked at what nationality there yes andrei syrill kazakov, we didn’t think about it, we have never... artificially implanted it, because if we have that europeanness that they are trying to see in europe in its pure, normal form, in those positive trends, this is
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the absence borders, this is tolerance towards nations, this is true when the belgians live in holland, the dutch in germany. when their traditions can be preached absolutely normally by different people, including emigrants, we have this europeanness, we are a european nation, from that point the view that we live at a crossroads and have an absolutely normal attitude towards it all, thank god that none of the groups of people that exist in belarus with their own, even radical negative tendencies, have seized power, we are in power a national leader who treats belarusians absolutely equally, that’s how...
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we still haven’t slipped, this is very important, because according to the latest data, i think, 183 regional conflicts were published. according to statistics, closer to the end of the year, so i’m interested in your opinion , taking into account the statement by comrade musk that the twenty- fourth will seem quite sad and depressing to everyone ? well, the mask can be considered a practical science fiction writer, there are theorists, there are practitioners, he really predicts a
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certain future, he is periodically called yes, but that’s it. the story is that science fiction writers have actually become real inhabitants of the planet, they write their blogs, they talk about how it will be, very often these things coincide, that is, when you understand that the most absurd ideas, they are suddenly suddenly realized, then you begin to believe in it, but oh well, i think that the world, oddly enough, is where i have a very negative attitude towards many.
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some things, well, i don’t know what they’ll come up with, it seems to me, from the point of view of global politics, unfortunately, i don’t know, because to predict the same attack on belgorod on the thirtieth, well, well, this is great stupidity - this is a great tragedy, but for some reason it was done, a thousand experts have already written in order to receive a retaliatory strike from russia against ukraine, in order to arouse pity from the world community, so that once again... they forgot, they said, they forgot about mobilization, that is, you can predict anything you like, but i want to believe that everything - the power of the people, this is normal
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, human, to some extent, i can even say, soviet, it should at some point, at some point, be stricter, consider it really good, let’s hope that it will happen this way, as for twenty- four, then i still think it’s the confrontation will continue, and the only thing for today...
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years when the dollar was no longer backed by gold, america did everything possible to ensure that the dollar was backed by oil, with the help of saudi arabia it made such a move that all transactions in opec were carried out through the dollar . saudi arabia became a member of brix on january 1, that is, in fact, the country that allowed america in the seventies to earn most of the money that it now has; it is precisely the printing of empty dollars that is ensured.
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saudi arabia is a country that the seventies of the last century influenced america to be what it is now, and like many experts. they say that it was thanks to the decision and agreements of the united states and saudi arabia that the soviet union collapsed economically in the eighties precisely because of low oil prices. what will be difficult to predict now, but the trend is very indicative: saudi arabia has not lost less oil, the fact that saudi arabia is starting to move towards the global east, then maybe this really entails a certain
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redivision of the world, we just need to. to observe this, it’s about the same thing when they say whether the third world war is going on now or not, so in 30 years historians will write what was the beginning of the third world war or whether it was, because well, again, september 1, 1939 year , no one said that the second world war had begun, this was deduced a little later, so the same thing: january 1, 2024 may turn out to be a very radical day, but for those people who, for example, will remember this day, in general this is a decision. after 15, but it seems to me that some kind of definite pull towards the fact that the redivision of the world from an economic point of view, and then from a political point of view, because the economy pulls politics along with it, happened, this is absolute history, the most important loser of the year twenty-four will be the president of argentina, javier mileik, who simply refused to include his country in this union, and just today
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before the broadcast i watched a video on telegram channels... now they are actively spreading how he moves around the streets of the cities of his country, two dozen security guards, and the funny thing is that before that he said that it was necessary to streamline the funding of such structures and so on, but it all looks like they are leading some kind of drug courier, i once talked with one latvian journalist, he told me how they filmed a social video, again i won’t say - the mayor of which latvian city, then?
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on armored vehicles, just like miley, you just need to be honest, well, for god’s sake, you are the president, you have the right to this, and most importantly, a nation has the right - so that its head, a person who makes decisions for millions of people, is healthy, alive and feels safe, this is normal, but there is no need to lie, that’s all, just don’t lie it is necessary, a very good transition to the events in germany, scholz again has another
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problem, they remind him again. corruption scandals, tax scandals, when he allowed certain companies not to pay additional taxes to the budget, while he was an official and now... today they say that most likely the chancellor will retire ahead of schedule, i doubt this, of course, but these corruption scandals, they are very interesting to me from the point of view of how this is treated, for example, in the post-soviet space, if if the leader of some state in our location ended up in such scandals, but they would raise, to put it mildly, panic, because well, this is the first person in the country, who actually makes the decision, as we have decided and...
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it all looks like everything, this looks through our fingers, on the other hand, we are fine we understand that zelensky is stealing, well, everyone knows this and is already talking about it even at the highest level, the russian president spoke about this at a press conference more than once, our president spoke about this more than once, that is, the story is, in principle, not new, and corruption is - if this is our corruption, as they say in europe, then this is normal corruption, because everyone there knows, for example, ursula’s husband very well. forden, who is also involved in the specifics of the business that his wife oversees, and this seems to be normal. if this happened in belarus, how many times has our president said: guys, well, find the accounts, you will find money for corruption across borders, they are all yours, this is and
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every time the wave that rises, it goes away, it rises, it goes away. so, in europe they are simply accustomed to the fact that corruption is not really corruption when it is, uh, in the hands of those in power. after all, sarkozy, who took money for his election campaign, in principle became the president of france, but after, when he had already left the presidency, he suffered precisely due to the fact that someone sponsored him, and above all , muammar kadafi sponsored him, yes, who in the end was easier to bomb, because when you know that you stole somewhere, it’s easier to kill the person who you stole from or who helped you steal, therefore, as such, corruption in germany, corruption. they don’t think it’s business, it’s just business, this is the inhuman face of the libertarian economy, when you steal, well, due to this you can kill a large number of people, the british empire, when it colonized
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countries, when they killed millions of indians, only because it was profitable for england, they didn’t consider it a crime either, churchill is a national hero of great britain, that’s normal. therefore, scholz can steal as much as is convenient for him as long as he is, let’s say, convenient for those people who rule germany, for example, i don’t believe that scholz rules germany, so as long as he is needed, perhaps we we talked to you on the air of our program, yes, that is, about corruption the scandal is a hook, they let it down a little, showed that we can detain you or we can unleash all the dogs on you in the press, because you once stole something somewhere, you agree with our opinion. the camp is a little free, well, let us crush you, oops , they picked you back and no one touches you, it’s an element of control, so there is no honesty there, again, the european elites live in their own way and are far from independent, as
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for example, this happens in russia or in belarus, here the elites rule and make decisions, there the elites don’t even rule and also don’t make a decision, they are just like the queen of england, they simply exist because it is a tradition. stole, stole from these, yes, i also remember the story here, just somewhere , what difference does it make, nothing depends, in the middle of last year they tried to directly install a citizen of the united states into the governing bodies of the european union, but they had already begun to panic, we must pay tribute to the french politicians, who were probably among the first to bear this. public space said: well, guys, well , it’s already enough to put your hands in decision-making center, have a conscience, but citizens of the european union are not founders or officials in the decision-making centers of the united states, but fear
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of god, well, the colony is returning, after all , the united states of america, whatever one may say, despite the fact that it is basically there were european colonizers, and this is a european civilization, but it was a colony of great britain, now it is returning, well... just in the new year, the problem is not even that there are a large number of migrants there, the problem is that they no one is engaged in socialization , no, and people are forced, including to take some dishonest ways of obtaining some means of subsistence for themselves in different dimensions, there is europe for the elite, there is europe for the middle class, europe for migrants, and there is the only class that exists everywhere is the lgbt class. let me remind you that we had an informational broadcast.
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every week we review the main topics that aroused the greatest interest among our viewers and subscribers on social networks, we offer to learn the belarusian language while walking with our tv guides, and we also introduce you to... amazing people who live in belarus
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and do everything for its development. broadcast 24:7, a project that everyone should see. watch us every friday on the belarus24 tv channel. the belarusian balcony, it is the most important for western countries, they will not leave us alone, so it is necessary. to determine the future of the country for a decade, these are truly popular elections. belarus , a year of people who in many ways will be a beacon, has for me a more mature, wiser tradition, a greater some kind of civilizational reserve, wisdom, must be a clear picture of the world. so that no illusions, promises, promises of very
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cunning politicians, figures, especially western ones, can cloud the reality, the project is objective, do not miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel. the belarusian winter, all its little things, all the details, some are so beautiful that they take your breath away, some are awkward, but together they are one whole, together they are harmony, looking at them you feel aesthetic pleasure, you feel that belarus is closer.
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live news in the studio.


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