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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 3, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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variously in a timely manner in the required quantities. this task is set by the state, allocating a significant portion of budget funds for this. local authorities were actively involved in the work. district commissions went to each village to distribute reserves and forces. after the audit , more than one and a half thousand dispensaries and about 500 medical outpatient clinics were repaired. work to organize accessible medicine for the population will continue. thanks to the organization of village executive committees, we now have interaction. with enterprises, organizations in the region, from large to small, even individual entrepreneurs who themselves took the initiative, where they can help us in terms of ongoing repairs of our outpatient clinics and medical centers and also nursing hospitals, somewhere we carried out ongoing repairs of walls, ceilings, somewhere facades of the building, windows and doors were replaced somewhere, over the weekend more than 3.00 eu residents visited belarus without visas, most of them were lithuanian citizens in the thousands. 920 people, 531
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citizens and 126 non-citizens of latvia, as well as 440 poles. the belarusian visa-free regime has been extended until december 31, 2024. this demonstrates the openness of our country to the restoration of normal, equal interaction with neighboring states. how saints help believers with their invisible power. the saint himself is the source, he is the conductor of our prayers, he is the intercessor before god. why do people change their lifestyle and go to a monastery? something sounded in my heart that i must leave this social life, just as the grand duchess at one time left a luxurious, rich social life and devoted herself to monastic work.
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this is how faith gives strength and support in difficult times. our prayer requests to the lord, mother god and saints should be aimed at acquiring spiritual virtues, saving the soul, even when we ask for everyday needs. what do the lives of the saints teach a person? maria’s example teaches us that one on the right is to tear away affection from god, and the other on the right -
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i am belarusian, i am proud of this cossack land, between the forests and the bushes of centuries past , i am belarusian, i am glad that i have this name, ab good glory to belarus in the world i know it’s not for nothing, i’m belarusian, i’m happy, that...
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good day, the program “tell me not to be silent” is on the air. at the studio of svyatlana smalonskaya and tatstsyan shchurbina. and from now on , our colleague, television and radio journalist, and dachshund, publicist and writer, navum galpyarovich, depend on us from the state. yashche deserved dzeyach culture of belarus. good day navum yakaulevich. good zen. good day, kalega, i’m glad to see you, there you go, well, we dance at least once in a while, but we don’t fight so often. your crazy people have been on air for three years on the cultural television channel belarus 3. i today you will be with our sages, and our leaders, and our fathers. and what kind of bastard are you, how long have you been covered with gas in these last few hours? you know, the first thing to say
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, i want to say that of course, i just feel what the may surazmotsy feel, there is hell on the right, if you... that's what the may surazmotsy were, there's all this great bunch of people zey , and i want to say that this is a great program for me, where i appease my soul, where these are
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great people, these are great people, and i'm a good gavartsy, well, here's your first guest, you remember who it was, well, of course i remember. here you are , alexander mikalayevich karlyukevich, then to the former ministers of pharmaceuticals, and just like that, that’s how it’s going to be , it’s so good ў , what is he and a writer, and what is he to be the senior writer's union, and also the former ministers of pharmaceuticals, and well, you know, this is not the same as for such people...
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of course, playwright alyaksei dudar, geta paet well, you people, famous, famous , geta, ales badak, geta architect armen sardar, darechy, armen sergeevich may armenian karani, here i know that i am the elder of trade belarus armenia, but the belarusian movai is issued to you, and i was very happy with i'm a darling, darling, we've written a book together... we've written a crazy book, all this, that there are thousands of such famous, well-known ones, but i'm in a lot of trouble for hours, if i ask people from the so-called rulers, who are maybe i know a little , which is not so common
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i appear on the screen on a steel screen, and there are great noble people there, and now i am recording, writing... with such famous people as vasil kazachok, vasil kozachok from the great garden of brest region and, yon ganchar, yon ganchar, yon old school there gancharnage of the ministry, he brought with him these workings, and he is a member of the union of writers, uladzimir mazhylovski, he lives in the brasslau region, near glybintsa, dachshunds, and some... covers are used in karatkevich, and they produce several great books, apovests and ramans our great history, and all these people cry out to me, this is holy for them, and
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absolutely holy for me, where it’s a joy to be revealed, if i know myself, if i know other people all over the world these creators. creators who live not in the city , perhaps, there i understand that this is a great thing, because i myself am a bastard of prague not in the city, and i know how easy it is for a creative man to be happy, when he does not have access so easy on trams, on a trolleybus and redaktsy, we can’t go to makayonka 9, as well as to the national bible. and all the joy in hell is with these people, i yashche razdzilyaetstsa navat i gladachami, there that is extraordinary, their size is known, and fellow countrymen look with a distant look, as here is their countryman on the screen, there i could
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call the dastat what are many other people like? pyatro vasyuchenka, it’s a pity, i’m no longer with us, paet tsikavy. these other people who are, well, let's say, have grown up, have grown up as creators, have grown up , as creators, as... writers, as, let's say, masters, as teachers, well , absolutely, i love belarusian language , we let's pray in the name of the belarusian, in the air, and this taxa surasmotsy, this suchasniki, language and quotes, where we collect quotes, of course, i'm shaking. i 'm sorry, i'm sorry to say that i'm sorry for
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the crazy name of this program of natalya vasileina marynavay, that's where we talked about this program, that's a lot of other names, that's what i'm talking about i was confused, all this torture, you they said that the people of the gas people were from the right, there were such attacks, the kali gosti dropped the knot at your transmission. and then nejak geta dapamaglo i can’t easily give out a book or something else ? i have a creative career that has come to fruition, you know, amal every time, you know, well, we have such a thing, i’m already working for the best careers and many travels in the villages, in the districts and so far, people need a clear opinion , uh huh , that is, we are trying to draw attention to the eyes and... people look: yes, here we are, we are extraordinary, here is our man, and all of them are so
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good, they require the best respect, and of course, well, i don’t really care for them further forests, but it still happens often so, well, this data is not right, and this is exactly the truth, that... our programs and our zinasts as a journalist, well, pavinna yashche dachshund to help people get their meaning and others m people ubachyts that geta saprauda tsikavya people, here you are, for example, and tatstsyan and svyatlana did not know what a ganchar is from weights, but a yashche paet and an autar knizhak, here is this tsikava, i think, for many, and then for me. well, we understand you,
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there’s a joke on the very right, and i still know i’m in the mood for hell and treatment, more than 200 chalaveks, 200 gas, we have 500, so tatstsyana , but there are three of us, and you are an adzin, we want the gas sphere of culture, where we have different spheres, and the palette, and the culture, and the rural gas station. and gramadkast, and you have all the creativity, culture , everything, how many things do you have in your childhood nicknames, and i want to say so, in several tv seasons, i won’t reveal the secret of the nicknames, there what do you know, geta hai budze like this insignificant secrets, as you know, when it happened on the channel belarus 3, and here i am, i’m not there... a languid foreigner, i say that there were 150 people in the program, well, 150 yashche, i
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guarantee, so our geta taxama svedchanne, high geta without high pafasu budze, ale geta we know that we have many great people, creative people, and we don’t even know them for hours, but for hours people are busy, for hours people can be... well, some people can’t imagine themselves like that ts, i can’t promote myself like that , as it seems like a daily move, i’m sleeping, i’m sleeping, because i don’t want the bastards surely, in any case, it’s not like this is such an addiction, because it’s all taken out, no. and whoever you ask yourself for the first charge, there may be such people who are aware of the problems that create these schedules. i 'm sleeping, i'm sleeping, i want to sleep, let
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's not say that there are no people like that, so to speak, so i would like to ask, but i would like to say that, they haven't passed, i want to say differently on this torture, i spend hours in my surasmotsa program , we have such a torture, i’ll tell you who you... well, i don’t know this, with such distinguished, familiar people, unfortunately, i couldn’t travel with uladzimir karatkevich, i am not, so to speak, among the living, i couldn’t travel with some of maxim am tankam , i couldn’t talk to petrus brouk, to rygoram baradulin, well, the prince of yashche had
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a magchymastsya request for him, but there was no time for prayer, yago dachshunda... i didn’t have time to ask, here’s the thing about the fact that we’re in a sluggish slump yna , that we have a number of such people as we might know, but at the same time we reveal new old things, we reveal something from their lives, and it would be nice to say, this is right or wrong, that’s what to say, they wrote there and so on, well, it’s a pity, that’s just it. and i am sure that these people whom i am asking for the program will be accepted and will be our guests. you are registering your program in the national library of belarus, why did you change this lakatsiya? well, you know, it’s logical, first of all, the national library - let’s say it
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’s our pearl, both architecture and everything. interior, and then this... books, everyone, so to speak, people who mess with me, you know, there is such a term: people's books, yeah, this people's books, who read books what kind of books are created, and what yes, such a detail is very important, if we ask for a liaison with someone, then the library gives us not only the memory, we take the materials, we take thee... books, thee articles, which the national bible has iyates, and of course, yes ours state geta taxama velmi is important, he is a traveler, on the steel lie the books that the funds have the national library, first of all, is a succession, it is a succession, of course, not everyone knows that the national library is used to acquire everything that is issued in our
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land, and therefore, when we are young, pachynyuchy, from the same right... the writer is going on, and the book that is in the collections of the national library is now lying, so to speak, a certain mood, and then i want to say that i myself have a great interior, here we knew such a month, here it is you know, it’s such a shoddy bastard, that’s geta such a mess, geta taxama people praise the navat that the fall is bad, so i remember, as i was in china... i mean in shanghai, and there was such a folding fall, and below 250 m, as i was afraid to step on this fall, well, nationally our library everything is significant in this sense and above, and therefore the entire national library, i think, is such a great sign and logical, logical creative system
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, as we know.
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any and read, how to sit on the phone, on gadgets, and, of course, jump on them from the library, this is how to jump they are in museums, well, so to speak, you can have a lot of books, other than sapraidas, i think that this year’s library is this month, well, where do people go, not only to read books, not only to grazing nowadays the reading rooms, darechs, here whenever we record our program , it’s amazing... all the time, there’s a lot in the background where excursionists are walking, there’s a lot of people walking around, and in the early
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hours of the morning, we’re afraid that we’ll miss the hour to record, but well here you are not less than ignorant, that there are people, that there is justice the most varied measures, and these in response to these tasks, in my opinion, are the kind of thing that our libraries are doing. do you believe that you can often replace people with creative professions, journalists, writers, artists? well, do you know how you can replace the dough? how can you replace the smell of those close to you, the smell of some of these high spiritual vapors. machines can, piece intelligence can be written, they can. svartyts mozha, svartyts mozha byt i daskanaluyu rech, ale adchuts, shto adchuvae chalavek, geta treba byts
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chalaveks at the first chargu, i can’t say your word , i don’t believe you are in this place, so, and we will now take a short break, in the heat of the day we will return to this studio, please subscribe to our telegram channel, and all our releases are on the youtube channel belarus 1. we will take a tour of the main enterprises of our country. there are a number of blocking positions; the automatic control system stops the workshop if there are any deviations in the work of the workshop.
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this is the most potentially promising insect for industrial breeding, then there are now several insects that are bred industrially, yes, that is, this is the property worm, zaphobus, crickets and so on, even cockroaches are bred, without citrus fruits it is more difficult for me to live express myself, i wish all amateurs, enthusiastic people to try to grow at least one citrus tree and wait for the harvest from it, watch the belarus project on the belarus 24 tv channel. the
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“skazhy” program is airing. and today our guest, poet, writer, editor, honored hero of culture, navum halperovich. i yashche adna your pasada, you manager of the holektar channel culture belarusian radio. in your opinion, this is not the same as belarusian culture. nelga ўvogule say that, as it seems, no mjahy daskanalasci, ale kali gavaryts pa shchyrastsi, here in my opinion, what is thousands of our culture, what is thousands. our carnivore culture, then we would like to have great respect for our traditions, we would like to have great respect for our traditions, which we have, all this year the ministry of culture has adopted a whole range of new aspects intangible cultural spoils. akazvaezza, for skin rayon, amal in fact, in the skin of the small
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flesh there are...thy aspects of the sadness, which are a witness to our history, to our greatness, and napeina, kala their pavinna byts work, jumping young, telling great our culture, treba, cab in our opinion, most of our culture, which is connected, let’s say, with the dance hall, with the theater theater, has been created for the national... repertoire, you know, at the same time with the opera and ballet theaters of our ijo, well , let’s say m, dzikae palyavanne karala stakh, opera , and ўvogule of belarusian operas, in belarusian there are not so many national operas, but if you remember, there were tsikotsky operas , and there were yashche operas, so people
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say... we know the state, we know from the repertoires of our theaters, and of course, it would be great we learned about our culture, we learned about the creativity of our campsites, our playwrights , the entire national repertoire, in my opinion, pakul yashche malavata, maybe not in that kolkastsi, which would be desirable, there that any we are the people of ganary... ours, of modern culture, we are dedicated to our paths, we are dedicated to our campaigners , we are dedicated to our playwrights, and this is the need, as it was, for the repertoires of our theaters, and the repertoires of, let’s say, creative people. lecturing, and on our stage, and on our stage, you
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know, it’s a phenomenon. menavita ўbachyts, menavita know, menavіta say your words, well, i’m glad that in all of our culture we have a ganary, but all the beasts on the geta ўvagu , i’m glad, we need more ilnue, well we are journalists with you, there is such a tortured, and this is the best channel for us to tell about our culture, about our literature, about our decadence, where we have something
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new, something... culturally friendly belarus 3rd channel culture radio i need a lot of pain for our not so weak land , well, i need it here, i need it not just for the sake of it, but for the sake of it, so i need it for the patented magicians of channel belarus 3, as i love it, as i fly with it i'm in hell with our stupid guys tv channels, not only... in our country, there are a lot of great programs, and our channel has culture, radio channel, culture has developed where it is developing, there is something to work on, and i know that it is not so important, but sci , it’s been a long time since this year has been happening to us, and it’s happening, and it’s happening, and what kind of galina has life? is navum
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galpyarovich starting on the first of the month? how do you communicate with people, with close people, with relatives, with unknown people, of course? i mean about you and yourself and yours abavyazka, yes svaikh tvorav ureshtse, well naum yakalevich, well, as you yourself said and guessed this film, we guessed that this
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grayed the boy’s words, looked at yago, didn’t look at yago, you know, i’ll put it that way , asabliva pakul what well i don't tear. so to speak, i look, of course, i look, but in a yak vysprymaetse vosyu getututazh, yaki vakol vakol yago, well, i’m happy, maybe, it ’s a piece of the roof of the razdzimaetstsa, the most galounae, if bachyts at this point is not ramantyzatsy, but bachyts i have a problem with this , and of course, pra geta treba gavaryts, pra geta treba gavaryts, ale me i remember that, for example, that same movie brygada, yeah. well, there are some groups that would like to say to be similar to these navat, these most galling ones, if it weren’t for the best, they would be greedy for these guys
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, so of course, well, i’ll look at it and then i’ll say more about it thank you for your merkavanne and now let’s go your creativity will be appreciated by you from many books of poetic prose and... found in a great creative form, this we recognize, as we wrote to you last year and what our father received your creative skarbonka? well, it was my anniversary year, and there i was dancing with this sense, anniversaries don’t allow people to give up, well, i got two letters of honor, so to speak, bad luck, the books have been published, the book has been published. the book of the city, and of the master's literature, of the new gray, gray , what is called the new library of belarusian poetry, the book of the wind has been published, i promise you that this book has covered this
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gray, of what pasla came out another book by yaugeniya yanishchyts, a book by bagdanovich was published, vyanok, a book by anatoly grechannikav was published, so good. everything was written to me at the 12th numara of the hour of maladost, the apovest of may was published, which is called the chervony bridge. this is the apovest of the great youth of may, the great of my dynasty, the great of may, here i boast to the great one, what is this for me, let’s say, such a great one is so soulful, let’s say, a reminiscence. and i ’m trying my best to write stories there, to write what i feel, what happened when i was young, what things are like in my youth, on specific accounts of my life. treba zhyts
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paza uzrostam, zen come love, geta your radki, and what do you need to do to make a living for adults, well, i’m sorry, i’m sorry. cossack, well, first of all, i’ll say right away, pratsa, you understand, of course, if some may be the same age as we are from vudachkai sit on the lake , it means that at any hour of the day, you can sit down, adpachyvat, already ten times so disgusting, i every day have to go to the right tsu, here and this is of course stimulating, this is how you can live in adulthood. and even though i work with young people, and even if i beg you, i don’t really appreciate my growth, well, by all means, of course, i want to think that i’m the youngest, here i am
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napeina, this work, as zabalotsky says , the soul is obliged to work, day and night , day and night, all the same, this napeina leki hell. there is a charmed woman at your top, and you somehow said that the woman is this unsolved mystery, so have you ever unraveled this secret? i can’t figure it out, i hope, not a lot of people... you will figure it out, as you know, i’ve been looking at the tv program for an hour, there was such a program in belarus, lira, where adamovich, ales adamovich spoke, and i was tested, so, here, well, how can a lady write a raman like a war? and the world, well, it’s not like that, i say, it means, well, it’s put together, in many words, but the reality wasn’t with you, the reality with you,
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it just says that it’s mysteries, that’s the image of natasha rastovay, hereta the image of a man is his own ideal of a woman, and perhaps a woman would write an image of natasha rastova here and now, there are these mysteries, napeina, there are the most galling things that life has, at the pryrodze, where we... adzin adnago budzem unravel and know everything adzin praadnago, then maybe there will be no problem, so you understand, how many khannya, unopened, uncovered, divided, not divided, how many problems, how many joys, how much happiness, and this is the mystery of womanhood. in your opinion , yakavich, what does life have for you ? well, the good times are very important. we have been busy
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for many months, you know, i have been meeting with the kingdom of mary and the lord, mary has good, good brothers, i have been plowing, i had brothers, two brothers, there were three of us in polack, just as i am right here. yes, here is your apovest chervony bridge, with such a nostalgic pain, i am very happy at that hour, i am very happy at that time this year, and in minsk, i am close to the good, handsome writers and chalaveks ales pismyankov. i fly that the good things are the same, that are good for the skin, that are rich for the soul, the things that make me more pure, more bright, the things that are good, the good things, the good things, the good things, the good things. greedy and greedy pobach syabram navat y syazhki. journalist, there is
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a story about competition, well, i want to say that there is competition, and there is such a syabrovskaya competition, where you know what i am saying the first book, some gavarians have been spoiling me, that means, well, now you can pay for creative work. now you can say hell of journalism and so on, but i still don’t like journalism on this sunny day, and the hours of journalism for me on the other side will be pasted, and on the other side it will give me magic, give me magic davedvatstsa shmat pra zhiztstse, pra people, there shto... navat may heroes surasmotsy, yakiya here,
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well, this is pure journalistic dzeynastsya, and then yany give neikiya nakirunki for this, if you write something , there is something like this, this kind of thing happens, well, let’s say , such reminiscences, dze, well, well , what did someone say, yeah, that’s something like this, this is new for me, and maybe i'm right geta written, well, of course. for me, geta is like two wings, geta is what the prince has, meaning, unpaired, that is, i can be going at some level in parallel, but for some purpose i know, so to speak, that’s why i don’t want it for the sake of journalism and literature, one another yes, for example, journalists know a lot about life. and the literature is more detailed and contains words.
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naum yakablevich, 20th year, since the years of adlustravania and the history of current belarusian culture, which requires paper transfers, attention to children, scripts and films, we often ask our guys at the studio, and the merkavans smell different dachshunds . on the contrary, yuriy vaskresenskiy wrote a book and said that there is a dark truth. and now we are not here in gasti former senior lady of belarus. for the master gleb odchyk, as a doctor, because these are not in any way possible , in order to adapt them in creativity, in literature, in culture, maulya, any creativity... is filled with the first charge on the property early and in the grooves, you are on are you tortured by this? well, i, you know, that any creative work is carried out on a printed page, i am good for this, because of course, as pushkin said,
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i awaken good feelings, the literature of the past is the reign of the world and the light laga, literature pavinna budzitsy to the high age... pain , pain of love, pain, pain of vernasts, pain, well , of patryayatyzm, love and joy, and this kind of thing, yan of a wide adlustrouvuystsa ў publicists, this vigorous publicity, and i want to say that of course lev talstoy wrote a raman "war and peace, shepherd, so to speak, these little bastards, where asensavat's geta is a big hell." this is the same vasil bykaў your works of the best writings of many of the sickest akopny berry zens and not only that , but also the so-called literature of the lieutenant’s literature, which was grygor baklana and yuriy
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bondera, one might say so, here are the writers and masters and the geta... further on, in the future, we will be aware and in our own way, so to speak, we will write about the geta, otherwise , the literature and the mastery of the people will be high bright patches, i’m good for this. in your time, you have been the head of the international parliament of belarus, and at the moment your monarchy has contaminated the cultural, economic and social affairs of our region and... the people's republic of china. and gladly belarus adrazu padhapila this pollen. the ether has developed a variety of crazy programs, chinese language has become hellish for my pleasure. we exchanged chinese sides, experiences, specialists and cantents. in your opinion, is the geta the same cultural
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smoke? well, crazy, i’ll say, this bright old girl is in my biography, where , of course, raptam pachynatsya... in the chinese language in belarus on chervonyya on radio belarus, and here’s this idea, which i’ve been overjoyed with, and i’m thirsty for let's do it, do it famous people who will be speaking in the chinese language, and i will search for the news, it means, the spreadsheet, the adzin spreadsheet from the bdu, which is right... as i translate, i read rightly, as i translate the creations of our paetau into the chinese language, i ask, and the woman, vanyunhun, what kind of sailor tonya called herself, here yana
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was a graduate student, yana yana was known to many known, and these first ones were dyktars. chinese language, then there was a need for knowledge of people, editors, who know chinese language, and belarusian language, and russian language, to know that, that is, that we always want, so for me this superstructure was folded, but i’m glad sleep, what are we these are all the same wings, and i really appreciate that, we uvogule velmi dapamaglo toe that yes the getaga velmi is cool. the embassy of the people's republic of china and the republic of belarus and the passol tsui ts'min were put up, which we simply understood, of course, the apotheosis of the
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getag became abby the competition, on the most popular day, the adzin belt, and dzin walked, kali wrote, ours, the chinese, and the geta we gave out the book then, we held a happy party, we cooked. what was the original promise of the republic of belarus to china, anatol tozik, and he was glad that there, well, napaevna, few could have praised the hour that we have vyashchanne in the chinese language, from the chinese side they were pumping water pipes, we were pumping water pipes, and of course, the chinese were building the roof of the building, and the nobles were delighted. i've hidden this post, since our broadcasts are still widely heard in china , and this, of course, the internet, of this of course , the internet, well, you know, you know, and tatstsyan, and svyatlana, what kind of internet we have sorry, the geta was on i'm glad you didn't get used to it, that's what we are
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rightly there is a selfie contest , what kind of selfie can be on the radar, what kind of ese competition can be on the board, but we knew that we can only do the internet, such a number of kilometers of us are added to the hell of china, of course fm is not what i call... pavarot on exodus, this is the right way, i think that all our stasunkas from
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the people's republic of china are just like this svedchat, and this great goodness, that we may be as overzealous as china. well, if you please, before we go on break, i’ll tell our tv presenters nevyalichk secret, on the very right the great... a deep drop from the belarusian-chinese adnosins and the administration of your dacha volga in beijing work with the journalist, it's been 10 years since we've been working in the russian-belarusian service cctv comes to china, and goes to your creative path, i would say so. and we will immediately collect the weak feathers. i’m guessing, our telegram channel, please don’t be silent, please subscribe, give us information and ask your questions, we are in touch. on the air
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there is a program, say not silently and sennya, our guest is a poet, writer, writer, publicist, journalist, honored member of the culture of the republic of belarus navum galpyarovich, well , in addition to your honorable credentials, you are also a member of the presidency. writers and belarusian union of journalists, the senior citizen of the republic of belarus and armenia, as you already know, were recognized with the francis skaryna medal, and you are a citizen of polack and nava polish our tv presenters and belarusians are great lovers of vandalism in our land. adkazhytse, kali weasel, what kind of meat is in these two garads of abavyazkova treba pabachyts svae vochy. you know, i ’m asking you, how bad it is. magchymastsya travels with me to polack, i ’ll tell you the truth, i’ll enjoy such an excursion, and
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i was plowing around, well, no, napeina, the forests of this place were for me, what’s the first thing, because i’m a big fan of life, this is the vezhi of safiysk ha sabora, the maternity hospital is known, it means directly from the safiyskaya council, and of course, if i fell for it or not to show my father, i mean, then of course i am the first to know that the father of the safiyskaya council, oh well i'm not dead from hell savior-ifrasineevskaya monastery. i cane , gat signs of messes ’ў polatsk, ale kaneshna, at polatskoye, dzyakui god, not ours, so talked, here is a zruinavan , caught in myasyki, zheravaya, geta, peresna, at the first chal, geta ... , the library of simeon polatsk, as a scientist here in memory, there was a fraternal school , there was a bagayaulensky monastery, there was a museum
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of belarusian books, adzins in belarus, dareches, such a museum, here it is known from these memories, there were several quarters, there were people , vos, ale dzyakuy by god, these ancient memorabilia have been found, and all polish historical and cultural reserves, on... may 12 museums, 12 museums in such a small town, and geta, of course, and the regional museum, geta and the museum of white weaving aruskaga, significance, these other museums , which are connected with our historical land, and of course, the safiysk cathedral, and of course, here is barysa’s stone, which is what we found out about the safiyskaya cathedral, dze paver gavoryts, that kali dakranuzza... then it is revealed greedily and this last memorable step on the territory
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of belarus and the university was. cadetskaga buildings, this added memory, this sennya occupied by students, this historical and philalagic faculty of the polish university of poland, this taxa of the noble months and ўvogule publications in polish x vulkakh, pa nabyarezhnai, pa getai. well , you know, i’m a polish kid, as we seem to be little kids, i, of course, are very familiar with this, for me this is just like that... hearing from the hell of the people who visited polack, because this gota worked on them for a long time. in the kingdom, i think, well, what the heck, what’s my polish, he’s so right-wing, little gardens, that’s what he is ourselves, and this is the first capital of the belarusian dzyarzhava, a city with a great history, this is ours, this is what
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belarus was on, prince vyachaslav charadzey. as it is in history, so to speak, as, well , the dziarzhaina dzeyach are issued, and ifrasinnya polatskaya, you know, when i was at the kiev-pyaterskaya laura, there the guide told me that the people of the canonized saints exist adna zhanchyna, i say ephrasinnya polatskaya, adkul you know, i say, i am the radzymy, here i am the adtul, the sign, and of course, here is this name simeon polatsky, who... kvep, i mean, you know, the royal family , who came from polack, well, i won’t tell the same to father francis skaryny, how the orthodox polacks are in all of europe, even their little book, what kind of book they gave out, he wrote to the doctors francis of skaryna from the village of polack, and this is the hell, only these three
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names say that this is a famous city, this is a famous city. this is our history, and i hope that i am proud of polatsk, you are in good standing with the young people, this is the case with our colleagues, as a writer in meetings with readers, and as a researcher with students. dachshama razmaulyaetse, what a yana our youth is, our youth is rosy, ale haroshaya ў whole youth, as it seems... a very young one, a very young one, where they are gaining many skills, like navat, here you are, the youngest for me, may be at the lower level of valodaets , there, well, you understand, my son has learned how to figure out the tricks, what to read, this
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is a hell of a lot of things, that i can do a lot, and dzinae napeina, why im don't grab it was previously treated for important, sufficient erudition, of course, we can say that if we google it and we will know everything, well, if you google it, who bathed and who is kolas, then i think that well, of course. i'm not sure, and of course , that's what i'm proud of, i'm grateful to you, i'm grateful to you, i'm grateful to you for my father , i'm grateful for my father, i'm grateful for my family, i'm grateful for my friends zkikh, geta treb, i think , in the young people’s time, well, let’s say, well, these are the words get out, otherwise it won’t be possible if we don’t
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get out. who will then come out, here and there, of course, eight, and so the yans are bright, clean, jumping, and i love to work with them and a lot, and i learn a lot there as a dachshund, that’s how our youngsters are like that. mr. yakalevich, vyaliki dzyakuy, who passed us at the studio, did not save all our trying tasks, there we will cooperate with you, each and every time, we look forward to your creative success, and to yours.
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the nests are rich above the chamber, not oak above the cold water, but behind the flocks seasoned with savory hazelnuts and frass. who are you , who are you, who are you, who are you, who are you, who are you, who are you, who are you, who are you, who are you, who are you, who are you, who are you, who are you? and stagodzi came , only all the churches, the white pajar, only... the block of free-willed people only introduces the blue pozir of the hare and the frasine. navum
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yakaulevich, well, you know, because our punishment gallery is filled with autographs, we ask you to leave us with some misfortunes. well, that's it. i don’t know any people at all who are happy that this war seems to be going on; no one is happy at all. no one is happy to force each other to fight, there we ourselves gave the opportunity to our enemies, as if yes, not only to dismember us, but also in lines, behind everyone they rub their hands like this, they are us, so to speak, slavs, as it were yes, they forced each other to kill, but we
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did not have enough inner wisdom to avoid this, in war you already understand that there is nothing more important than a person, you, despite to the fact that there are no resources, maximum justice is built - this is not what is trending now, but in our state, ours...
9:00 pm
this is a panorama, a live broadcast about the main ones.


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