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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 4, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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let's appreciate our belarus , our truly people's president, because good can be seen from afar, destroying is good, it's easy, but it will take time to revive, so let's together take care of peace, belarusian stability, as the foundation for our development and security, happy 2024, dear , i was with you ksenia lebedeva, see you in the next program.
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how is life for foreign guests in belarus? i am lithuanian, i came here from vilnius, i currently live here, i am very happy with it. wonderful country, good people, by the way. very similar in mentality
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to the kazakh people, that is, open, friendly, kind, i am the artistic director of this circus, our circus is perhaps the only circus in the world that is located in the very center of the city, our women's club, and we are for the sun to shine , so that children laugh, so that they are happy, and if we can help, we must do so, watch the project look at...
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hello, you are watching the program say don’t be silent, in the studio victoria popova and tatyana shchorbina. and today we are visiting chairman of the ideological work committee for youth affairs of the gomel regional executive committee denis yezersky. what is your job, what are your responsibilities? in short, today, in principle, all spheres
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of our life, they are permeated with ideologies, no matter how one refers to this word, but everything comes from education.
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yes, it was a biased attitude, many thought, well, what are they doing there, what else are they doing, but i want to tell you that every year the attitude changes, probably the understanding of the population among the average person towards this the direction towards this profession is completely different, because without ideology it is impossible today to perceive either domestic policy or foreign policy, this is today... again , a certain foundation in many areas of activity, if we are talking about education or culture, that is, it cannot today , culture will develop if there is no ideological foundation, nevertheless , the word culture has dropped out of the name of these regional executive committees, but
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ideology and youth policy have remained, which is why i think that, unfortunately, it has not dropped out anywhere, they just brought it into separate divisions, and i want...
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i can feel your deep immersion, denis vladimirovich, but still answer the question, here we see a young man in front of us, how did he come to ideology, that it was necessary to graduate from some kind?
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in addition to supply sales , i didn’t get away from this, well , the director quickly realized that this guy could also be a social worker, so some, well, something like this can be loaded. yes, in principle, i am grateful to him for this, because when the time came and i was invited to work
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to the youth union, and i ’ve been working as a young specialist for 5 years, and he himself is a former secretary of the city committee, komsomol, he said try hard, you’re going to a very interesting job and let him go, that’s probably the message and...
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acceptable we are in search, and we choose today and necessary, again for our development, that today we are constantly pursuing directions for the development of our country, including in building ideological foundations, this is a fact, and this is normal, this is how it should be , so i would move away from the concept altogether minus.
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do not work with templates and do not read what we send you as a basis, on the contrary, introduce some of your own moments, elements, because what we send to us when setting tasks or when... defining a topic is sent to us, including the same developers, yes , the same academy of management, these are just methodological materials that need to be processed, passed through, with an emphasis on the local ones, let’s say, yes, with examples, people always like
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to listen more attentively when you immerse them here in your material, that is, into what is close to them. so i want to tell you that, again, everything depends on how you organize, if you can’t do it yourself, well, it happens in different ways, yes, that is , well, it’s hard for you to be embarrassed, yes, that is, well , you have to work, who - to invite, so not everyone just wants to do this or not everyone is ready, there may not be enough time, well, there are, as they say, objective and subjective reasons, so we ask that there be less subjectivity and more creativity in this work, well, since you already noted... that there are few people, we have two people in ideology, yes, they deal with these issues throughout the gomel region, but it is impossible to control every school or every institution where there is a desire to hold an event, well, directly in the committee - there are several directions, several departments, and the department for ideological work itself, it
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consists of four people, in the regions it’s three or two people, depending on... what kind of region it is, but you need to understand that those who are charged with the duties of an ideologist today there is in absolutely every institution, when we say, who is an ideologist? an ideologist is , first of all, the first person, the leader, and accordingly, this already pushes anyone who deals with ideological issues at an enterprise to the fact that there is a team, and this does not mean that only one person deals with ideology, he has...
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in the field you just need to carefully monitor this and apply it wisely in your work. well, the gomel region is a region that borders ukraine, and with the beginning of the northern military district, it was in the gomel region that there was there are a lot of fakes , information outliers, tsypso worked, is working now , yes, she continues, of course, you may have already developed some kind of algorithm to counter the emergence of such information, of course, we shouldn’t sit and wait until, excuse me, we'll be completely brainwashed there.
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to work, we saw how today our people, let’s say, were united , everyone understood what needed to be done, everyone understood that we had to be attentive, today we must somewhere, let’s say, get away from some personal moments, but to work for the country, to work to protect our common information space, we manage to do this.
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it doesn’t matter, it seems to me , how to work with information, respond to fakes, immediately, immediately, immediately, make a decision that yes, we are now responding, you know, not every fake needs to be distinguished, respond, of course, because sometimes it is a provocation, which pulls you out, here is your answer, well , there are different fakes, yes, which are real or, relatively speaking, generally far from reality, morgues crowded, just like in mozyr, yes, nastya benedesyuk made a whole refutation film. in such cases, yes , we need to show, we need to go out, we need to take comments from experts today, and we learn, we teach people, we teach press secretaries,
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today we have already taught our structural divisions, ministries, departments, this is happening at the level of the entire country. this is a chain that works very smoothly, that is, today there is no need to, let’s say, wait or somehow look for someone to comment. or what should i do, now there is no longer such a question, everyone knows what needs to be done, this is the most important thing when people know what to do, so there are fewer opportunities for this level of fakery to develop further, and as i understand it, this is an example of when there is no need to answer , this is a blogger, a famous spider, yes, he comes out of the same city village of oktyabrsky, let’s not call him extremists, in the fuss, in the vanity, but nevertheless he continues, i don’t know, our colleagues are still calling. ksenia, the last thing i heard from him, the question here is: that the man did not consider the authorities , as he believes, and he attacked them, once he made a video with a young girl, the video
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spread, there were a huge number of views, his crown naturally grew, but he doesn’t deserve the crown, you know what i want to say, which says that he was not treated kindly, i would not say that, a person was given the opportunity to realize himself in any direction, so here is the question... what if you are like that by nature, yes, then denis vladimirovich, golden words, i will tell you, true, no matter where you are, i’m very interested to see how much patience these same lithuanians have, to endure this kind of characters, that’s how life shows them and they don’t get along there, well , because if you’re always in protest with antagonism, that is... everything that is not happening, everything is bad, uh, turn around and show me what you personally did, yes, that is, when there is absolutely nothing behind your back, only ambitions, just excuse me, everything is bad, well
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, what can i talk to you about further, on your look, the percentage of people who are like this that’s how he thinks, that everything is bad, he remains constant, less than 3%, the golden figure, firstly, the belarusians themselves, they are mentally yes, hard workers. after all, people who always do everything with their own hands never complain, this is probably the value of our people, this must be understood, this must be respected, and the people who today, in such difficult post-war conditions, have been able to, well, firstly, fight survive, yes, and we are talking about the fact that today it was a task of extermination, yes.
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today he tests the strength of journalists, government officials, our media personalities, and everyone is staring at it, no, no one is watching, probably he
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himself... are enjoying it, well, those sponsors who, therefore, are paying for this topic, now we will pause for a while, i remind you that we have telegram channel, say don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we are connected, the work of an ideologist may seem easy only at first glance, in fact there are quite a lot of difficulties, who is next to you, whose help you can count on, who you can count on rely, i’ll probably start with the fact that family, because there will be no... there will be an understanding family , there will be no support nearby, it will be very difficult for the team, the team of your like-minded people, with whom you spend most of the time and with whom you set tasks, as they understand them, without a team, moreover this is not one person, this is a team of the entire region, a team of those specialists who work in departments, at enterprises, because they are more alert, they
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communicate with people and... it is very important that they are strong, strong, it is very important to hear them , to understand what is in their souls, well help them. the program “tell me not to be silent” is on air again, and today our guest is the chairman of the ideological work committee on affairs . now the international olympic committee is putting forward conditions for the participation of belarusian and russian athletes in the olympics in paris, and such assumptions are impossible to fulfill. irina winner, this is the head of the russian federation of rhythmic gymnastics, this is how
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she spoke, without a flag, without an anthem, without communication, without... the person who at one time headed the gomel sports tourism department regional executive committee, for an athlete, this is a very important moment when his anthem of his country sounds, the flag of his country is raised, we held international events based on our facilities in the gomel region for athletes, well, let’s say, healthy and for those with disabilities, and you know,
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for everyone, for them it is a holiday when it...
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the goal that they set for themselves, they go to many restrictions, so, of course, each of them in their dreams, in their thoughts, in their actions, deeds, wants to get to the olympic games , it will be difficult for athletes, because this position should, in my opinion, be collective, yes, that is, whatever nok accepts, everyone should agree with it, and it will probably be difficult for many to make this decision, for example, not to participate, if that is the decision .
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show, we must understand, today, if we look at the entire history of the olympic games, then, of course, the athletes of the soviet union. have always been in the prizes, therefore, well, the strongest meet the strongest and so, therefore, today we must make as much effort as possible to the creation of this kind of platforms, or even the reformatting of the entire system of international sports, and if today they could position themselves in this way, and we see that often the final word is not a lock. not for the international olympic committee, but for the federations, yes, which, well, we wanted it that way, and for us the word of the international olympic committee is illegal, yes, there are examples, there in rhythmic gymnastics, in athletics, we know, there is categorically not there at all,
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again follow the lead of the same baltic countries, there are urgent petitions running around europe, collecting signatures for the removal of our russian athletes, which means we must work today to create.
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immediately an information explosion that this happened, that is, this suggests that today our society does not accept it, and today for our consciousness, for our spiritual world, first of all, for you and me this is not normal, and this is an abnormality , it should not be hushed up, of course, we need to work on it, first of all, look at the roots, why it happened, and most often it happens because absence... attention, this is teenage maximalism, this is a protest, a huge amount of free time, unoccupied, here you need to understand who is working, who is around these boys today, and what do you think should be done with these boys, in
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the comments below this video, there were different options, someone suggested harsh punishment , someone said that occupational therapy would be enough for them, so that they would sweep there for several months, whitewash and paint this memorial, someone advocates... today it is very active direction is developing patriotic classes, i would simply place them in a different environment and put them on watch number one, remember in soviet times , now this is very active, in gomel, on the occasion of
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a big holiday, it becomes a watch near the eternal flame of schoolchildren, high school students, so i think what we need to tell the guys today about what kind of memorial this is. what is it dedicated to and what would have happened if these people, in whose honor this eternal flame burns today, had not accomplished this feat, and, probably, these boys would not have existed, with this... and you work with young people, you understand that the subscribers are mostly teenagers, they
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will think, well, he refuses, it’s possible, it turns out that it’s possible, yes, so what you can’t give to this, let’s say, get away with it if you want to be let in again , yes, so today, i think that russian legislation is basically the same as ours, but we, you know, again, that is , education, probably, or something, or our artists approach this differently, well, i have little idea. this kind of party, well, it’s fortunate, it’s fortunate, yes, but today there are opportunities in russian legislation to give a legal assessment to this, and i think that law enforcement officers, taking into account the resonance, taking into account how this is discussed in society today, they will do their job, teenagers very often watch some popular bloggers on these channels there is no politics, no ideology, nothing, but there are millions of views there. and young people really have an interest in precisely these people,
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these are the kind of bloggers you plan to somehow attract, so to speak, into your ranks, to use, maybe in some way for our own purposes, for ideologically correct purposes, we attract, well, how you involve them, well, again depends on the audience, yes, that is, today this is, let’s say, the element with which we are just starting to work, it is clear that for us there are a lot of interesting things there... a lot of new things, but today we are trying to contact them, we invite them to some of our projects, we again today aim at the growth and emergence of our bloggers, yes, that is, which we need find, give a tool in your hands, teach how to connect with someone who knows how to do it and lead in this way, that is, completely different mechanisms.
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but now you probably also watch how this organization develops, what can you say good or bad about the youth movement of the belarusian republican youth union. listen, well, again, opponents will say bad things, i won’t even, i want to say that the country should be strong. a youth organization that is a specific school. i also want to give you, well, let’s say, my example: nothing would be what i have today in life if i had not gone through the youth union school. this is a source of personnel, today it is an opportunity to develop and self-educate. during the time i spent in the youth union, i visited almost all corners of our country. i tried the largest , most prestigious ones, or, let’s say, our branded ones. enterprises, i have a huge number of acquaintances and met with
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many people, not only leaders of public opinion in the republic of belarus, but also in the russian federation. that's all, a good amount of knowledge, a good school when you're young a person goes through all this, he is stronger internally, he is growing, that is , today he is not limited only to the knowledge that the university gives and... the youth union today is a platform that allows everyone to develop according to their interests, if you today interesting creativity, please, a huge amount.
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to penetrate, to immerse deeply in the specifics of the work, the importance of the work that they do in the youth union, that is, today they immediately begin to pull them out of there, that is , in my opinion, if you were elected secretary the district committee, there is the city committee of the regional committee, you must serve your term there, from conference to
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conference, in order to be established as a leader, first of all, to go through the period and leave something behind, yes, that is , some... very much i got younger when i was still, well, they didn’t hire me at all since school, that is, i had to prove something, i ’m sorry, using my own example, maybe this is not modest, but i worked at a factory for 5 years and rose to the rank of head of commercial
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department before getting to work union young people, the team was already behind me at that moment, well, maybe time has become fast, and that’s what i’m talking about, that it’s...
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then we don’t need strangers and not our own, but non-profit organizations, we don’t need, sorry, all kinds of soros , today we have self-sufficient associations, children 's and youth organizations, which are quite ready to solve the problems that the country sets for the children's movement, the youth movement there, by the way , in russia they have already come to this, they have very cool state organizations, youth organizations, and there ...
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we are talking about this, and this is not something . i think that this is all understandable, and here we are already unattainable, because again, these are just volumes that are still small, and there is no need to be afraid, in this regard, there is no need to spare money, you can’t spare money on youth policy, because if we don’t educate our youth today, we don’t give them the opportunity to realize themselves, to realize themselves here , they will... look for it in another place, in another country, because we will lose, yes, we will lose them, today opportunities, boundaries are conventions, a person takes a train, he is already there , or a plane, like ours, he is from gomel, yes,
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creative abilities, technical abilities, sports, tourism, young people don’t care, yes, who invited them to participate, the main thing is that they are interested , this suits them, and now we’ll take a break for a while, after a short pause we’ll return to this studio again, for now subscribe to our telegram channel, say don’t be silent, look for all our episodes on the youtube channel belarus 1. on the air again say don’t be silent, we have visiting committee chairman for ideological work, as well as for
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youth affairs of the gomel regional executive committee, denis yezersky. denis vladimirovich, but recently the president held a meeting, almost in a whisper, his voice died down, as i was told at one of the radio stations, the head ordered not to broadcast the president’s synchronized voices, they say his voice does not sound very nice. at the same time, the president indicated right at the very beginning of the meeting that it doesn’t matter what happened to the voice, there are problems that need to be solved immediately, let’s remember, there is no voice, so we’ll carry it out in a whisper meeting, there’s nowhere to move it either, it’s new year, but we promised to return to... the president is a living person like us and
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for me personally, he shows that we are ours, and nothing is alien to him, that is, he can do exactly that to be sick, he may worry, he may rejoice with us, so the question here is, well... how does a person himself feel about this, if he is worried, and i am sure that the head of state is worried, but again , how is it maybe others will perceive it, he’s still a public person, so, but we we saw this with you, the issues that were discussed at this meeting, they are really important for our country and for our population, so there is no need to be ashamed of this today, besides, sooner or later.
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at the polling station , that is, people today know about the elections, people see them today, because again we are trying to saturate everyday life with information, that is, it’s wonderful that the center of the electoral commission has rebranded the rules, uniform throughout the country, this is bright today, this is visible today, great number of posters, calendars informational, the media talk about this a lot today.
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show the difference what a member of the chamber, representatives of the national assembly are doing today, today he does not change the light bulbs in your entrance, he has other functions, today he is working on laws, today he is working on improving this regulatory framework, but during non-working hours he can even light bulbs change,
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if anything, andrei bugrov was here, he cleans snow near... in principle, he goes to any office of any leader, and civil servant, and the head of the enterprise, to the citizens who will vote for him, if it does not help, he will convey the problems, this is also important so that local people know what aspirations the population has, and the figures that you announced to us, they inspire optimism, it’s great that the population is so involved in
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the agenda and is going to vote. those who will show up, yes, this was addressed to the leaders, who will show up within the framework of this political campaign, what a carte blanche, they won’t be afraid now, well, how they’ll shower you with their portraits, well, and you know, after all, the most important thing is that we got constructive parties, and for us, for ideologists, this is very important, because today , regardless of the political platform that they form, it is clear that
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everyone has their own, absolutely every platform is built on the development of the consolidation of society , the development of the state and, therefore, helping government bodies today in implementing the tasks that the country faces today, you do a great job of telling the population what the deputies are doing, and today, thanks to you, we heard once again about what ideologists are engaged and, in general, what ... we heard, we liked it, thank you, denis vladimirovich, for your work, continue in the same spirit, what else can i say, tatyana shcherbina, victoria popov, we say goodbye to you for today , goodbye, goodbye , denis yezersky is now saying, friends, happy new year, christmas, take care of yourself, your family and your country, denis vladimirovich, having already become a tradition,
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we will ask you to leave your autograph and some wish. how saints help their believers invisible force. the saint himself is not the source, he is the conductor of our prayers. he is an intercessor with god. why do people change their lifestyle and go to a monastery? something
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sounded in my heart that i had to leave this social life. just like the grand duchess at one time left a luxurious, rich social life and devoted herself to monastic work, how faith gives strength and...
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on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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