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tv   100  BELARUSTV  January 4, 2024 1:05pm-2:06pm MSK

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polar lights, but scientists assure that the new year's flare will not affect us in any way, because the explosion was not directed towards the earth or its orbit, which means that magnetic storms should not be expected. on these holidays, we give warmth not only to children, but to the older generation. the participants of the republican charity event wholeheartedly visited a resident of mogilev, a veteran of the great patriotic war, pavel efimovich kozlov. served as a swisist, took part in the liberation of poland and romania, and then restored country. on january 3, the veteran turned 100 years old. he was presented with a new passport, as well as congratulations from the pioneers and the belarusian republican youth union, as well as gifts. literally last year on may 9 , when we visited pavel yafimovich, we kind of agreed with him and his relatives that we would definitely come to the centenary, this is, let’s say, the pride of our region and not only the region and city of the mogilev country. with
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gratitude for the peaceful sky, the blue sky in which we live at the present time. the day before, a resident of the mogilev veterans' home also heartily accepted congratulations and gifts. fedor ivanovich krivonogov. the front-line soldier was awarded medals, including for the victory over germany, the order of the great patriotic war, second degree. there is a worldwide award, two orders of honor and a medal for the development of virgin lands. the veteran will turn 98 next month. the action is from the bottom of my heart. will last until january 15. my colleagues will have more information at 15:00. with this i say goodbye to you, all the best.
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get ready, music, dj, applause! hello everyone, in a minute the hero will take his place and answer everything, are you ready to meet our guest. karina, in what mood are you going to the conversation? how, with what, with the positive. in general, i love children very much; in fact, i dedicate a huge part of my content specifically to children. you promise to tell only the truth. honestly, honestly, you see, i didn’t cross my fingers. are you ready to come out to your children? yes. good luck then! so,
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welcome to our heroine: blogger, actress, singer, karina cross! karina, i want to warn you that you have the right to refuse to answer the question three times. and be attentive to questions in at the end of the program you will. to be the best , well, now you have one minute to briefly talk about yourself, time has passed , it would probably be correct to say that i am an artist, in my case this includes blogging, a musical career, i am a presenter on channels, which is very nice, well, just a positive person who probably carries in his worldview some note of, i don’t know, kindness and patience for each other, love.
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respect, you did it in less than a minute, and now questions for an adult, please note, we have 100 children in the studio, each your question, let's see how many of these questions you can answer, but first , karina, tell me, should children address you as you , or better yet, as you, of course, as you, i don’t have children yet, who asks the question first, a young man with a red microphone in hand, please, first question, karina, i have a question for you, is this your first visit to? and this is the second visit, because the first one was when i came here, i don’t know, we created cosmetics here, and i came to minsk because my cosmetics are produced here. karin, turn right, yellow sector. what dreams did you have as a child and which of them have now come true? i always wanted to do what i like, what i enjoy. i wanted my profession to, ah... bring me joy in
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life, in fact, this is happening now, and of course, i had a material dream, i dreamed of a golden helik, actually i got out. so, i finally bought it, well, i also dream about a golden helica, but karina, now i have to turn 180°, the black sector, karina, hello, my name is nastya, bloggers very often show a beautiful picture on the internet, but what is really hidden behind it, to be honest, i don’t share this story with a beautiful picture, with expensive cars with...
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hello, karina, what will you never show your subscribers? i can't answer this question, do you know why? because, but i do n’t, i never want to take responsibility for myself and say: “i will never do this.” and i will never deceive people on my social networks, this is 100%. this is why i can vouch. will i be able to show my personal life? more likely no than yes, because maybe i will want to share some good news that may happen someday. which will be quite personal, but at this stage of time i don’t want to show my personal, because i have creativity that i can demonstrate and which i consider much more valuable than some of my personal problems. what should you not hype about ? on people's feelings? i don’t really
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like the topic when someone is with someone, well, someone broke up with someone, had a fight, they start throwing some kind of dirt on each other , it seems to me that... well, this is such a story that you shouldn’t do it, those views are coverage, it seems to me that it’s not worth it , let it be a little longer, but with a pure heart and with pure messages, to your left is the yellow sector, the next question is from there, the question may not be the best, but i just want to ask it, that is, you have a very large audience, many subscribers, you didn’t gain anything, didn’t buy anything, no? why should i use promotion if i post videos and there are 54 million views, and people subscribe from there ? knows, but it doesn’t work
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, so unfortunately or fortunately, but i ’m not interested in it at all, and i’ve never used it, we move on to the red sector, i categorically welcome you, my name is ilya, thank you, here’s the question: why do all children now want to become bloggers? well, i need to ask you this, this is firstly, and secondly, well, it seems to me that there is nothing wrong with this, because i see in general that now a huge number of people are appearing on the blogging market who are not bloggers, who are just for their own sake they run some social pages, they shoot better than some bloggers who have relaxed. so it’s cool, it just goes to such a part of the culture, i think that this interest is normal, when something new appears, everyone wants to be involved in it, you probably didn’t notice, but in mine at the time it was very fashionable to become managers, i don’t know, i think that the next
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profession, which will be as relevant as blogging is now, is probably something related to neural networks, technology, so i’m... waiting for what something new, in your opinion, are bloggers the heroes of our time? difficult question, i would certainly like the heroes of our time to be those people who are clearly aware of what they are doing, what they are broadcasting and what they ultimately want. and i clearly know what i am i want and what, what is my worldview, what is my message to this world, and i want to do something useful for society and... i am a positive person, i want people to smile more often, because this is so lacking, this is so little hello karina, my name is nikita, i have the following question for you: do you think children should
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be prohibited from using gadgets? oh, i was raised by my grandparents, my grandfather is a doctor, my grandmother is a nurse, these are the two most... people in the world whom i have ever seen in my life, i love them madly, and i they never forbade anything, never, but they always told me, you can do this, but your life. it will turn out like this, and you can do it like this, your life will turn out like this, and this is your decision, and it’s up to you to make it, and of course i tried to make the wrong decisions, that is, instead of going to study lessons, i, of course i went for a walk, then i received lashes from the teachers, i realized that some other problems were brewing here in the form of retaking all sorts of exams and everything else, there’s probably no point in banning, it makes sense for parents to be more active... to be drawn into this process, drawn into what is broadcast for their children, when we create
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some kind of content, it becomes popular due to the people who like it, who repost it, dear parents, you yourself can make popular those people you want your children to look up to, so like, take part, create those heroes you want your children to look up to, that’s the answer. on right there is a black sector away from you. how long does a blogging career last? i think any career depends on how constantly a person is in motion. well, look, if an architect doesn’t build houses, he won’t be trusted with major projects, if an artist doesn’t paint pictures, no one will give him a gallery. so, that’s why it all depends on the person, how ready he is for... how ready he is to develop, well, like in any profession, it seems to me, that is, you have to
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constantly upgrade, are you afraid lose your fame? to be honest, well, as i don’t have security guards, like some bloggers, i probably don’t feel so strongly about my popularity, that is, i calmly go shopping, i never refuse photographs, i treat this as, well, part of my profession, there isn’t any... wow, so, i answer everything too correctly,
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and it’s a little annoying, probably, yes, already, so, who is my idol? well, i can say that, ah, i really, well, the king and the jester, these are mine now, especially since a very amazing series has come out, which i watch with pleasure i remember, oh, i was listening then. cassettes, yes , i’m an adult, i listened to them on cassettes, i really loved these for not, well, for me i think that these were some heroes of that time, because they came up with some unusual new ballad format that no one used , now, oddly enough, their music is in the top charts, well, some new round, here they are my idols, the black sector is to your left. hello karina, my name is pasha, i have a question: after what did people start recognizing you on the street? probably, and after
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how we recorded the first track, with one well-known friend, after we performed, it was, in my opinion, in the heat, and so you understand, i ’ve never seen anything like this in my life, about 2,500 people just ran behind us, they are not... a place where it is generally inappropriate, wrong at that moment when grief happened to me, and
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for the first time in my life then, probably, i refused to take a photo for the last time, and at that moment you probably think, i wouldn’t do that if i were that person there, i understand, this is a child, of course, i would like to, so that people are also aware of what at some moments, in some places, they should not do. approaching such things to violate this personal space, at such moments, yes, this is the other side of the coin, the microphone remains in the black sector. hello karina, please tell me how you did at school? i studied until the ninth grade, i was almost an excellent student, that’s it, but then i realized one thing, that you need to be friends with teachers, and you can be a little hooligan, i was a hooligan,
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quite frankly, despite the fact that i’m just where something in i finished boxing for 16 years, give or take. here was all the power, that’s why i was such a terror to my classmates, in principle , even in high school, and i was a little overwhelmed with my studies, but the teachers had such a level of trust in me that i would always draw a newspaper, go to some olympiads, i always i loved to perform, i always loved, well, to be bright, to express myself somehow, my classmates didn’t like me very much, i didn’t like...
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all their unflattering statements , i immediately realized that it was so pleasant, so have lost any meaning, but please tell me again, do you need a higher education to become a popular blogger? i have a higher education, i have a diploma with honors with pride, somewhere it came in handy, it’s just a joke, because i really didn’t show it anywhere. i even played in the theater after i graduated from the yaroslavl state theater institute, and i am incredibly grateful for all the experience that i received in the theater, because this is such a school of life that, probably, nowhere, except perhaps working in theater to cinema you won’t get it, and i believe that education is necessary, i constantly find something to learn
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, this is constant development, you can always remain a child, because the moment you learn... you are a child and you can enjoy some little things , you can be surprised by something new, it’s important, it’s cool.
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karina, you mentioned that you were raised by your grandparents, but where were your mom and dad at that moment? i love my mother very much, very much, we have a very complicated relationship with her. because she gave birth me at 24 years old, well, that is, i remember myself at 24 years old, i wouldn’t have taken it out, the fact that now we have a good relationship, this is a lot of work, well, mine and my mother’s, maybe, by the way, for some of you your relationship with your parents is now exactly the same, you miss them,
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you miss their attention, you miss the time spent with you, but there is such a moment that they work and they bring money, so that you are beautifully dressed, so that you have all the best, the newest, and so that at school or at the institute, you can not afford anything refuse, at this age i thought that she didn’t love me, and that’s normal, i need to get over it, and i’m grateful to her even because my mother was my biggest hater, she told me, you won’t succeed , i don’t even go there, everything was bought there, even when i had already started. you are doing nonsense , this is not a profession, this is probably the first time when - our relationship changed vector, i gave her a car for a wedding on... hers, my mother got married for the first time at 55 years old, i really wanted her to she cried, no because i’m over the top or something else, but because she’s very stingy with emotions to me,
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then i released a track, i can’t swear, and it took all the top charts, and you can’t imagine, i wanted it so bad that she starts the car, the first radio she comes across turns on and my track is playing there, at that moment i’m telling you, i get goosebumps every time, at that moment her tears flow, she says: a blogger, but i’m not sure that my parents will like it, what should i do? listen, well, my mom didn’t like it either, but here there is a very important moment, when you become
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popular, you will always encounter those people who think that you are doing something wrong, you don’t look like that, this is always perceived by parents, how to say, with such apprehension, parents don’t want to make you disappointed. they don’t want your tears, but you are becoming stronger , there will always be difficulties, there will always be some kind of confrontation, this is a question for you about how much you want to do this , do you want to shoot, yes, go and do it, that’s it, me and i’m trying so hard, that’s it, try with her communicate, say, mom, this is the kind of content you like, you know, you always need to be able to negotiate with parents, but here you need to kindly through love.
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that, probably, in such a way that it made me stronger, because in my family there was no man who would take responsibility, and i took this responsibility, of course, this is reflected in another part of my life, where i should be more feminine, more affectionate, perhaps more kind, but i, to be honest, i try, and i want to say thank you for the fact that recently my father appeared again in my life. and my inner child said, we don’t need him, we don’t need him, he abandoned us, and we don’t want to see him, let’s take him away, i
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thought about why i can’t give him a chance, why not try, maybe he didn’t act very well as a father, but suddenly he turns out to be good as a person, if suddenly in your life such a situation happens to knock on your door from the past, give it a chance, it might happen like it did for me... because when i first in his life he writes to me: “daughter, good morning, smile, may your day be good.” i think i’m thirty, and i’m a daughter, it’s so sweet , and it’s so cool, and these emotions are worth a lot, and i’m happy that i allowed him to take part in my life, even if it’s now, even if it’s not too early, well maybe it’s not like this, it’s not like that, it’s so late, but it’s better now, and that’s wonderful, the yellow sector. to your left, hello, karina, my name is vika, you told me that since childhood attention was drawn to you, you participated in various competitions, studied
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struggle, all attention is always focused on you, now time has passed, but little has changed, you are still the center of attention, many people look at you, admire you, here is my question: when was your self-esteem and self-confidence higher now or then, you know , when a child is 5 years old, and he... walks from the compartment, walks along the train, sings songs and collects chocolates from people, i think the level of some kind of complexes there was exactly zero, although i think boys have these too situations when you think, i don’t even want to ask a question right now, everything is on me they look, frankly, i myself am often afraid, i ’m embarrassed just like you, this is normal, we are all afraid, we are all worried, in fact, just like that, we turn around, the purple sector. tell me, do you consider yourself a good friend? i always try to do something without expecting anything in return. i have a subscriber, she is 68
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years old. so - and i played on my social networks, i played for a gift, a trip to hot countries, i was won by a girl who takes care of sick children, well, it was objective, well, the right decision, but i read the comments, which people wrote, she wrote a granny and what - like egypt - it’s expensive, i would at least go to yalta with my grandson, i sit and feel that tears are starting to come to me, i write to her, i say, let’s... i’ll just send , how much needs to be sent, she says, yes, 30,000 is enough, i’m like, well, in short , naturally, i just sent it, now we have correspondence with her almost every other day, well , that is, she constantly answers me, it’s always i who sent her the phone number, because she said my phone is broken, i can’t watch your videos, and naturally, nothing will come to me from the fact that this one subscriber will be so in love with me, yes, but i know for myself that it’s cool that only one person in the world
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watches my videos, i already have... other than that, from the phone that i gave, i always like those who tag me, well, i just try as much as possible not to miss anyone, i try, if you see, open any post on a social network, i try to answer, sometimes there’s just a lot to answer , but i try to notice everyone, especially those who constantly comments, but it seems so right to me, when was the last time you cried and what was the reason? i’ll say, i had a situation where i actually cried a lot, i probably plunged into some kind of apathy for 2 months, and i released a feature with a very famous artist, but the fashion at that moment was a little different music, cool, we shot a video, it went really well, valya carnival starred in it, tsapnik starred in it , that is, such a cool actor, that is, everything was
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cool, it got a lot of views, but... so didn’t come in, and i felt so disappointed, i remember, i cried for 2 days without stopping, i closed myself off, i didn’t film, didn’t post anything, i was so hurt inside, although it seems like yes, well, how much music is being released, how much, but you never know what is behind this track of each artist, how many experiences, how much pain, perhaps , how much was put into it, i haven’t released tracks for a very long time, a very long time, it was a gap of almost 2 years, we are moving to the yellow sector , right from you? do you believe in love for the rest of your life, or are you of the opinion that she lives for 3 years? my grandfather and grandmother lived together for 55 years, i, of course, believe in this, they brought this love through the years, and i saw how they treat each other, these are already family people, this is no longer simple, not just love, what -at that time it was already difficult for them to go outside,
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can you imagine with one... person almost 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, just the two of them in an apartment, they were constantly together, they generally found something to do, they played checkers, that’s what it has to do with each other’s retirement , well, that is, the guys were funny, i believe in this, i believe that this is how it should be, we should probably find that person who will understand you without words after a long, long time , at what time? years old, you first fell in love, by the way, i was lucky in this regard, i didn’t have a first love, that’s how i was when i was a teenager, yes, when you, and my god, i can’t live without him, and i fell in love at such a fairly old age , probably when i was 21, i really fell in love, i felt that this is it, this is something strange, i have never experienced this, why
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do i need this person so much, why? these were very interesting emotions. do you think it’s true that first love is always unhappy? hmm, but it happened to me that i had such an unhappy love, well, how unhappy, it was amazing. we just sincerely loved each other for real, both of us, and we understood that due to certain circumstances, he could not, he immediately told me: “i don’t want my woman to marry anyone.” entertained." i’m not ready for this, a little different mentality, different foundations, but you want, we will have an amazing family, we will have many children, you will be an amazing housewife, so i understood that i probably want something different, but i loved him very much, and we parted lovingly in tears, both of us, this was 7.5 years ago, and we still communicate, and we are still very friendly towards each other, well, that is, we are so
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warm to we treat each other that this is human honesty, when you understand that you want a person to be happy, and you understand that this person will not be happy next to you, and you let him go, experiencing very strong pain. creates such warm relationships as true friendship between a man and a woman, black sector, to your right, please, a question, hello, finally, i wanted you to ask me a question, my name is kirill, you mentioned that you were involved in boxing , why did you decide to leave the sport? i can certainly say that i thought it was not feminine, not feminine. martial arts where women are involved,
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they work a little differently, boys fight for victory, and girls fight for victory over a helmet that comes off, in women’s boxing, as in any opponent, if you know what i mean, and there, as it were, all the methods are good. i didn’t even have time to raise my hand to stop the fight, and the girl flew up and came from above, when she hit me hard, i have a small scar here, if you look closely, this is a cut from a glove, in fact, after that i realized that, uh, probably , and i don’t really want to put my health in danger, that i’m probably not ready, and - i like to amuse more than to beat. next question, please, yellow sector, i have another question for you, karina, in general , maybe this question will be very difficult for you, but i recently watched a video where
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you talked about how you experienced clinical death at the age of 16 , and how did this incident affect your attitude and perception of life in general, i love life very much, very much, sorry, this is just an unexpected question - in this context, i haven’t appreciated life for a very long time, it seems to you that the sea is knee-deep , and you lead carelessly, you endanger... not only yourself, but often some, well , friends, people, parents, life, it’s beautiful, very cool, and you can enjoy everything, it’s very valuable, because when you have a moment, when you can lose her, at that moment you
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understand how stupid you were when you didn’t appreciate it, forgive me, please, karina, can i hug you, can i, i really need this now. guys, please forgive me, honestly, i didn’t expect it, you ’re great, of course, krin, you’re the best, yes, thank you, just a little crybaby, once again. i’m sorry, these are uncontrollable emotions, it’s just hard at such moments, i really apologize, i couldn’t somehow control it, it’s just that such sincere
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questions find such sincere answers. applause please. did you have secrets from your mother? i always hid the money that i constantly earned from my mother, because i had a history, and we had paloroid at home, and it was a wonder, a novelty, that is, you know, the child is 6-7 years old, and i take it rat, dog, sea pig, i put them in doll caps, i take this whole party, i go into the forest to the playgrounds, and i came up and said, i need a photo. 50 rub. a saleswoman from a store saw me, she said: did you see where yours is climbing through the forest? through what forest? i now understand that my mother meant well, but then she beat me with a stick from the very forest, and i
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was still so happy, i went, i got something like 200 or 250 rubles. it was money then, guys, she beats me, but i didn’t understand why you beat me, woman. so i didn’t hesitate to earn anything at all, i was called a speculator because i sold some toys, but i realized that if they don’t give me money, i have to get it from somewhere, because i have a mother. in principle , they didn’t give me more money than i needed, and i always needed a lot, because chocolates, sweets, you know, that’s all, so i hid my earnings from my mother, let’s say, young man, behind you, karina, hello karina, my name is radeon, and i would like to ask you an unusual and personal question, i heard that you lived in a temple, why did you decide to move away from the world around you? returning to the question of first love,
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let’s just say that this story actually didn’t end with us just breaking up, thoughts about this person still didn’t let me go, in fact, i thought that i couldn’t radically change my life, i just i wanted to go to thailand to work there, well, as a photographer, and i sold my car, left without a return ticket, i rented a house from... i lived with a local family, but they don’t know english at all, but in broken english, he tried to tell me explain that he says, you seem to have an empty soul in your eyes, or something like that, he says, let me take you to an interesting place, actually he didn’t take me to a tourist place, it was a temple under a crown, let’s say this is a settlement , where you give your passport, you give money, you give all your... and well , they give you special clothes and you just
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work, meditate, but for the first 10 days you must be silent in order to undergo the purification ceremony, it is advisable not to even think when you are silent, you get the opportunity to hear your inner voice, in fact, i lived there for several months, well, that is, you don’t need to use speech in order to be in a state of happiness, karina, why did you decide to return to the noisy world to me? one of the monks came in and said that you have a different path, you’re from here, but he said that you have something that can benefit people, so i actually came here and somehow miraculously ended up on the comedy battle, after i started actively filming this, and somehow everything seemed as if it was some kind of spiritual house, in where people come to calm down, stop and reassess their values.
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belarus, represented by our president alexander lukashenko, has always advocated peace negotiations between russia and ukraine. boris johnson arrived in kiev and said that we will not sign anything with them at all, and let’s just fight, although this may be something else, sanctions, blackmail, incitement, ethnic hatred, dirty tricks used by western political strategists against economic political allies, russia and belarus. us pressure is constantly increasing on countries. the european union makes them poor and dependent. the key competitor
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of the united states of america or anglo-saxon corporations has always been european companies. how to destroy any economy by making incoming resources extremely expensive. but with russia and belarus, everything is completely complicated for the west. stubborn, independent, rebellious. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on the tv channel. hello karina, why are so many bloggers become singers? oh, i don’t know why many bloggers. become singers , although no, i know, this is a form of development, to some extent,
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well, conveying something else through form, that is , what music is, this is your worldview in music, yes, conveying your thoughts through music, and what if you have an audience, it’s stupid not to use it from the point of view, if you have some kind of message to people, i don’t see anything in this that a blogger can’t be, well, like p karina, most artists are very jealous of singers bloggers, but how have you been accepted by show business? and he accepted me, i kind of... i don’t yet understand what ’s happening to me, honestly, i hope that this attitude towards bloggers in the world of show business will stop, and there were a lot of sidelong glances, and now there are a lot, but this is normal, in any case, when
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a new artist appears, it doesn’t matter whether he was a blogger before or not, i look at each of the big major artists with respect, these people... have come a long, long way, now the form of recognition is changing, changing, and i understand their indignation, because that's it it’s okay, you just need to relax, finally, and smile, the red sector is next for us, hello karina, i’m nastya, and i propose to differ a little from the reasoning.
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here’s a question for you: can you call yourself rich? oh, and i could probably call myself rich if i didn’t spend so much money on content, because as much as i invest back, well, in my development in my creativity, but just so you understand, it costs to create one video about 150 thousand one and equipment and this just a video, but because i love... it will work fine, but at the same time, yes, well, i don’t mind spending money on it, saying that i’m there, that i have some super benefits there, probably not yet, but i’m certainly
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moving towards this, because we don’t forget that i can have children, and in general it’s desirable, and they need to leave something, so my mother is like... oh, my dear friends, i see you again in my dreams, and you read morals to me from old faded sheets. i'm not afraid to hear the truth, just because i don't hear it, there are no condemnations i’m afraid, only because i myself don’t judge, and i often wonder who is an honest
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person and who is bad, but something doesn’t come out on a clear line, a spiritual line, not a dry one, that’s a rhetorical question, what about you? tell me, gentlemen of morality, norms and rights, why do we need to stir this up, isn’t it possible to just live, and there are those who seem to live happily, work from year to year, but sleep and eat, and their thoughts don’t bother them, but life is higher , but morality observes all the laws on the canvas, like mechanical machines we arrive on the conveyor belt, work, learn, grow old, and if everything leads to the same point, are you a son or a daughter or will you become a genius without children? why should we listen to the morals of the same limited people? we each have our own path, let's live in it and decide everything ourselves. karina,
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are you happy with your appearance? hello, i knew that you would ask some other question like this. do you also have a question for you? well, come on , look me in the eyes, i’m happy, you’re happy, 100%, yes, yes, and the haters don’t bother me, and they don’t bother me at all, no, i’m sure, yes, well then you a brilliant person, because you are the only one, i’ll tell you what hurts everyone, i will always be dissatisfied with my appearance, probably because i am no longer for the external, but for the internal. how do you feel about plastic surgery? that’s how she is, yes , listen, it’s normal, i don’t have plastic surgery, probably only one, but it’s not even plastic surgery, probably. i cut kamkibishi out of my cheeks, because i had cheeks like these, and i couldn’t do anything with them, i lost weight to the point of impossibility, i
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lost weight to 47, 47 kg, that is, i was already like this, but my cheeks didn’t go away, it was just a feature of the body, and if i’m not happy with my cheeks, why can’t i remove them, well, more, as many people write, that i changed my nose, made my ears there, no , officially with...
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come on, come on, everyone who wants it, is everyone ready? in any case, we are alone. this means that you and i have been running in circles for a long time,
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this signal means that the time for questions to the hero has expired. karina, now you have to choose the best question of this program. can i mark two, two questions, why? no, but you’re great, it seems to me that you will become a journalist to a greater extent, because you are not afraid to talk about what you know, what you can hook a person, but try to be softer, because i can stand it, someone will be more vulnerable , this is actually the first question that i liked, okay , thank you, it’s very important... to be able to empathize with people, you know how to do it, your question was also very difficult, very difficult, in general
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to ask such a thing, even from a loved one it’s difficult, and then , how warmly you wrapped me up with this, so i want to note your question your attitude to this issue, according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest , i will ask the girl to go to the site, we have two girls, it’s not fair, karina, you know , do this as a gift: subscribe to this girl, no problem, or maybe a phone number where you want me to follow you, and of course, she, she, of course, so, here you go, look for yourself, now. hurray, i'm subscribed, actually, and i would like
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to give you my cosmetics, let you have a piece of me, thank you very much, yes, i ’ll hug you too, don’t stand there like an orphan, it seems to me that everyone got what they wanted. karina, now you have the opportunity to ask the children three questions, yeah, gotcha, so , please name the three most popular people and the top ones for you, this is vlad chizhov from the solved on pepper program, even then my favorite. singer greenapplesin, and you, now, oh, i met you, i immediately understood that this is my idol, thank you very much, it’s very
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nice, and... let’s ask this question: you me saw on social networks, did you assume that i was like i am now? and i’ll say this, i’ve seen you more than once on social networks, basically, i didn’t know that i was subscribed to your tiktok, i’m driving here on the road, i look, but in reality you ’re subscribed, well, i got the impression that this is very life is joyful, even before that it was such that a sincere person who can openly show his emotions, who is ready to accept some problems and find solutions to them. and open up to other people, at first i thought that all bloggers they, that is, make a picture, that they, well , we are beautiful, we are cool and so on, please excuse such words, not everything is good, but then when i started looking at other bloggers, novice bloggers, then i started looking back at popular bloggers there , i also watched you all the time, i don’t know, i grew up listening to you, honestly, i’m just with
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you, it’s a thrill, it’s a thrill, tell me, please, who is the coolest musician for you? bili alesh. interesting choice, very interesting. well, karin, three questions have been asked, it's time to say goodbye to our audience. so, blogger karina cross is a guest today on the 100 questions for an adult program. i'm waiting for you, karina, at the entrance to the site. thank you. here, i ask you to stay.
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what question? today was the most difficult for you, well, about clinical death, because the topic is very dangerous, and it seems to me that it is necessary to talk about such things to remind the younger generation how, how beautiful life is, how important it is. how do you think you handled our children's audience today? so i never fought with anyone, i just enjoyed communicating with young guys, today you... managed to answer 38 questions, tell me, if we call you again, will you agree to come, yes, definitely, i’m addressing our audience, do you think that our the hero today was as frank as possible with you, whoever thinks, raise your hands higher, why do you think so, it was immediately clear how
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worried karina was when she answered these questions, how much her eyes were burning. even the fact that she burst into tears is immediately obvious that she was 100% honest with us, i liked the fact that she really wanted to help us, gave advice, sincerely shared the situations of her life, well, i personally believed in everything she said, and i really liked the way she answered, well it was very sincere, honestly, karina, we have such a rule that the hero always has the last word, sum up the conversation that took place. thank you very much, i was very pleased. karina cross was a guest today on the 100 questions for adults program. see you in a week.
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