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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 4, 2024 5:00pm-5:06pm MSK

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on air news is now with you tatyana nikrasova. hello. today is personnel day at the palace of independence , more than a dozen people received new positions. thus, the vacancy of the chief economic officer has been filled. sergei levkovich became the assistant to the president for the vitebsk region; according to alexander lukashenko, he will have to bring the vitebsk region to the level of the advanced ones in the country. mikhail koskov, as ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of belarus, was sent to india. in his new position he will have to build a foundation our relations with india in the main areas among.
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the vacancy of the first deputy minister of transport and communications has been filled, and quota positions in the cis economic court and csto directorates have also been filled. the first results of the general mobilization in ukraine. about 9,000 criminal cases have been opened in the country for draft evasion, 2,600 draft dodgers will be brought to trial, they face punishment of up to 5 years in prison, the minister of internal affairs of the kiev regime reported. let us recall that at the end of december another wave of mobilization began in ukraine, people cannot leave the country. military registration and enlistment office employees. they literally catch people liable for military service
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on the streets; in kiev they even set up checkpoints for this purpose. from today, belarusians have access to favorable lending conditions for the purchase of domestic goods. a 4% per annum loan at this rate, which is important, fixed for the entire loan period, is provided by belarusbank. the loan is issued for 3 years, you can buy everything you need for your home and household, from furniture and kitchen appliances to motorcycles and mini-tractors. the bank emphasizes that in each specific case, the maximum loan amount will be determined ... depending on the applicant’s solvency, but it cannot exceed 300 basic units, today it is 1200 rubles. on behalf of the government, belarusbank has developed and launched today a new loan product for national goods for the purchase of a wide range of goods in demand by the population of our country and domestic producers. we hope that in the year declared as the year of quality, there will be stimulation.
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the loan is issued without a guarantor, submit you can apply remotely on the bank’s website or through a mobile application, or contact a bank branch. frost, snow, harsh winter conditions in minsk today, the capital's road services quickly clear the road, mainly special equipment works on the main streets and avenues. particular attention and safety of movement. pedestrians, utility services are intensively treating courtyard areas and using a sand-salt mixture. the task is to clear passages and stairs to avoid injury to citizens. organization housing and communal services continue cleaning courtyard areas from snow accumulation. today, 131 units of equipment are used for these purposes, and more than 130 points for issuing chance tools are open to residents. their addresses can be found on the official websites of the kubkh districts of the city of minsk, as well as in the housing and communal services telegram channel. officially, we ask
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motorists not to block the passages, the equipment is working. traffic police officers provide roadside assistance; those who are unable to start their car are advised to dial 102. inspectors will help. start the battery or they will take the car in tow, and this is the latest news for this minute, see you at 19:00, i don’t know any people who are happy about the fact that this war is going on. not only to dismember us, but also to force us to fight with each other, behind the lines everyone is rubbing their hands like this, they, so to speak, slavs, kind of forced us to kill each other, but we didn’t have enough inner wisdom for that to avoid this.


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