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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 4, 2024 8:05pm-9:01pm MSK

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our fairy tales, the tales of pinocchio, the city of masters , others, little red riding hood, these are our films in august 1944, these are very serious films, but modern young people are starting to make films, so belarus can show worthy films for the centenary, i would like to say, that young directors are doing very good work.
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history, we preserve our traditions, values, we will show what is very significant for our country, this is also about the best people of our belarus, we have such a direction, this is about our heroes, we will show the theme of how we were affected by the great war, reflect the genocide of the belarusian people. now we are conducting a number of directions on films together with the general prosecutor's office on a new fact, the memory tribunal, and the memory tribunal , there are also about three films, young people must remember and know how it was with us, how the nazis treated us, what they did in our earth, a film is a very strong ideological lever, for example, a documentary... the film is 26 minutes 30-40
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minutes, instantly the whole world can see what happened in belarus in 1944, what was done in khatyn, what was done in our other cities, villages and so on, this is an instant reaction, it is educational in nature, the box office in cinemas is very good, we practically reach a million rubles, this is a good figure for 2 months for distribution, the film very important, the film shows that...
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everything that modern belarus lives with today, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, nestan, uzbekistan,
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kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the azer space-1 satellite dish. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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irina, good evening, good, this year the belta news agency turned 105 years old, that is, during this time. your colleagues and predecessors saw lenin, went through the war, the restoration of the national economy, stagnation, perestroika and the collapse of the union, and are building an independent belarus under lukashenko. at the end of the year, it is customary to sum up the results, but to begin with, well, the conversation, we have set our sights on an entire era, here’s what else we don’t know about the telegraph agency, how these people experienced coups and wars, and what we can ... learn from them, let's start with mark chagall, so unexpectedly, yes, unexpectedly, it happened the fact is that if you look at it, even mark shagal had something to do with news agencies, you know why, but belto appeared on december 23, 1818, and
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a week earlier than the bssr, because beld is actually a child of tas, that is, a child a large news agency arose on zakharyevskaya street 41 in apartment no. that is, the legal address was apartment number six, so you say what they experienced, you know, when we started making the book for the 105th anniversary of belt, i read it with special trepidation, because to imagine how these people worked in those days, how they experienced it all, how they strived, how they fought, it’s just worth a lot , you get strength when you read about how it was, and if really... the agency came to begin with apartment, the head of the agency was fighting for one of the two typewriters, which the people's commissar was trying to get into, there is a paper that says, yes, if you take the typewriter, it will actually paralyze the work of the agency, yes, when they were fighting for
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the telegraph machine that was standing v an ordinary apartment, children were running around there , it cost a lot of money, they understood that there was no movement of the device, and you could no longer get data from moscow, when they knocked out rations, i read this document that, well, there was a famine, and the head of the agency writes that i want to go out at least there potatoes, flour, attention, 2 kg of meat for the entire agency per month, that’s what they went through when they carried photographs hundreds of kilometers during the great patriotic war on foot in order to transfer them to the center, and returning to marc chagall, yes, with whom i started, this is also a very interesting story, because in fact, the agency... arose in minsk, but it was a front-line city, the poles were advancing, and well, it lasted literally a couple of months, and he returned to normal work only after a couple of years, but vitebsk, for example, was an eastern city, and the vitrosta agency opened there, that is, the vitebsk
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branch of the russian telegraph agency, and the head of this agency was friends with marc chagall, and vitebsk actually became such a platform where everything merged like in a huge hive, all this... they understood that they had to tell, give news, and it has always been like this, it seems to me that in our profession in general, well , there cannot be other people, just us everyone should be restless, we should all fight, you can’t lie down to a position, lie down to a profession, but we started the conversation with you, i would like to say that
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journalists, in my opinion, journalists are really born too, it seems to me that this profession can be taught technology, it is extremely important, of course, but journalists are special people, the happiest thing, it seems to me, because every day something new happens in your life, so i sometimes talked with the guys, they said, i think i need to move on, because i’ve already gone through everything, i’m no longer interested, we write the same thing there, here’s may 1, may 9, here are the ankles, i looked at them and thought, you’re not in your profession, yes, as soon as a person starts talking like that, yes, i’ve lived it all, you can’t write the same thing, every time you meet completely different people, they have completely different stories, but the journalist... after all, he builds arches, and from some kind of human history to a holiday, to a country, if you see in this something played out for yourself, then you should look for some other profession, you not there, you can’t even argue , here’s irina, we remember that during revolutions it was customary to take mail, telephone, telegram
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, yes, you yourself have a personal anniversary this year, that is, 5 years ago, on the eve of the main information events you.. . i don’t know, well, it’s more like a coincidence, well, of course it’s a coincidence, i don’t think there’s anything in it some kind of symbolism, but in fact, if this is nothing personal to you, but i will say that by the way, i was never teased like that, my brother, my mother, and my father they always had a shark and a shark, so i somehow no, well, i have always been of the opinion that her last name should not... be given by chance, nothing happens by chance in life, the appointment is also clearly not accidental, okay, well, it was difficult for
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me, maraz sergeevich, it was very complex, i’m still 18 years old without one month of such coming of age on television, having gone all the way, and when i came to television for the first time, i remember that day, so i specifically realized that i had entered the profession, i had not worked yet, but i just felt that i was where i want to be, well ok, well, this is a really sincere question, here... this breakdown of the transition from television to a news agency, after all, the specifics of the work were different, there was a breakdown, but again, i admit honestly, i had more withdrawal from the fact that i am leaving my home, i grew up in mogilev, i studied in mogilev, i am 18 years old i worked in mogilev on television, my friends were there, everything that was very dear to me, the withdrawal was more personal, because in principle i was going to another city, i didn’t know here... people were very difficult for me creatively too, because here we are sitting now, and i remember
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the magilevo regional television studio there, programs for days, so i adore the cranes, cameras, light, of course, i really missed this at first, i really missed it, and i was looking for it creativity, agency in general in fact, it does not imply it on the one hand, because the main work of the agency is a feed, what is where, when, clearly for reading. and for the media, but now we have a lot of creative projects that i can also implement, and i have learned a lot in recent years, a lot, of course, and the internet for me at that time was something very distant, well, we we’ll talk about this later, but if you mentioned the word specificity, the specificity of the work, and belta should not filter the news, a niche portal can easily do without any...
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“in general, i always have a very hard time with news related to human tragedies, to be honest, you asked just now, i remember, and the interview that i recorded with our guys, rescuers who returned after the earthquake in turkey, i’ll honestly say that it was extremely difficult for me to listen to these stories, terrible human stories, human deaths, when they were looking for babies, they heard sounds, for some reason you are telling me now , probably. i’ll start with this, ukraine, yes, this is not the first year, unfortunately, it's always extremely difficult
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now israel, the gas sector, but even honestly, small news, maybe small, not on a global scale, when i read headlines about some tragic things that are happening here, for example, accidents, yes, or something is happening with children, i ’ll honestly tell you, it’s very difficult for me to open this news, i see the headline and some time passes until i tell myself, yes , i need to open it... because you’re at work, because you’re always going through this very much, journalists still miss everything through myself, for me this is always the hardest thing, i think for anyone, unfortunately, we are obliged to write about it, and there is a lot of such news, given all the turbulence that is happening in the world, on belto lately, here we filter nothing we can’t, because we are obliged to talk about the internal, external agenda, thank god, the internal is different, thank god, the internal is different, the external is scary mainly, the internal, so you asked what news is warming, again these are human stories, so
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we have a project, we are making belarusians in the frame, not only filming it on video, but recording it on tape, when you look at our belarusians, they are absolutely amazing, i am saturated with such energy, that’s when i look at it, we are the last we did material about one person who, in general, raises deer and he lives there. together next to the cows, here he stood, hugging this deer, you can’t imagine what was in his eyes, i imagine we have the same wonderful project, good people, yes, this just people. these are the coolest stories, human stories, you and i, in fact, as it turned out, very serious trends, these are literally the latest trends that are being formed, yes, the fourth is being formed, this is everything connected with human stories, everything connected with ordinary people, with good people, look, trends are being formed now, as it were, for
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television marketers from news, well , the president actually began to form them 30 years ago, yes irina. but if belta gives the information, it means you can certainly take it into work, sometimes we even come across this together with you, yes, well, there is such a thing, well , rarely, very rarely, thank god, but our time, you know, it has given a free hand to brazen and quick almost destroyed the credibility of the internet, we are talking about , that there are a lot of fakes and people are tired of it, but the trend is really obvious, it... has grown and it will grow, it will be more and more in demand, i have no doubt about it, against this background, with whom the agency competes and what can it oppose to the network crow ? well, let’s start with who he competes with, in fact, you and me also, to some extent, competitors , of course, so you are also competing with us, we are competitors,
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because each of us is fighting for the viewer, the reader, the listener, well, let's just be frank, let's quote from... they are watching us television, radio, newspapers understand that if belta talks about it , that means it’s important, that means we should talk about it too, and that means it’s true, and that means it’s true, and there’s a very important point here, you ’re talking boldly and quickly, yes, unfortunately, it's true, sometimes we can even lose time is arrogant and fast, but we cannot afford to give out unverified
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information, when something happens somewhere, our task is to get through to the services, we owe
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money, destruction, in the end, because the money is paid to them by those who wants this destruction, we have a different motivation, we are committed to creation, when you say what to oppose, and technology, that is , we must be very good at using all technologies for creating and promoting content, on the one hand, on the other hand,
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marat sergeevich, probably love, that’s it i’ll tell you seriously, i really do, you know now, for some reason i remembered. my parents’, my parents’ dacha, it’s like my parents’ house for me, and what my father taught me, he always looked and said, look at these pine trees, i remember the nightingales we listened to, or the smell of strawberries in june, oh, this , after all, this is love, love for your land, you know, and i, for example, absolutely don’t want anyone to trample these strawberries, so technology would be love, and even more likely the other way around, first love then technology, i just now realized ,
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a radio program can simply say that this is just a program, this is a program that collects news that would be played on the radio for 15 minutes, where they would tell you everything that is basic about this moment, everything, just the beautiful word podcast , it was very important for us to start doing analytics, yeah, it was very important in beloto a long time ago, you know, now we have started to gain momentum, it has long been a dream to create such a thing. we created the analytical department in august, so we realized that we had already come to this and that we could start with this engage in it, and we do it in different ways, you know, there are audio
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podcasts that we started talking about, there is a program on the topic, but it may come a little later, we thought about what we would probably release , one audio podcast a week, and then we realized that we wanted more, needed more, there were already at least three of them, and here everything is built differently, sometimes we analyze it. some event, and sometimes we understand that a person urgently needs to be given information for some reason about what happened, there are such, unfortunately, thank you, lord, i repeat, the events are not in belarus , which urgently need to be put all together, because as you rightly said, let’s google, poland fell, the black sea, something is war again, ukraine, people are starting to look, we are collecting this very quickly information into a single project, you specifically created an analytical department, yes... no, but i just wanted to tell you that it was easier for us to do this, because in belota for many years there was such a department, it’s called a certificate, but the main task
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of the certificate was to monitor information space and, above all, foreign , so they know the sources very well, they know very well where to look, what to watch, who to trust, that is, it was an experience, we just climbed the next step, everything seems to be on the surface, and it seems to be on the surface, etc. .. bbc, our colleagues have been working with sound for a long time, yes, this is true, even in the period of clip thinking, when it seems that a picture is needed, but a picture is not always needed, people who think, analyze, and still manage to do something else do, work, ride in a car, yes, necessary sometimes you just listen, because you have to spend another 20 minutes to understand what’s going on. it’s not always possible , but you turn it on, listen, sometimes do something, so this is also a very good thing, it works, and there are views,
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or rather listening, some have millions of adventures: foreigners in belarus, and what is this or it’s also unclear, no, i don’t take those, i don’t take mushrooms that i don’t know, well, we probably have enough for breakfast, enough for breakfast, you have yuko, and you sell yoka, in lina, a guy from ecuador, lives here for 8 years and travels around our towns and villages, delicious, and cold, hot, delicious. very much, but how do you know when it’s ready? she talks with pleasure about the most colorful places in the country, here, because it’s close to the city, that is, you can easily drive, she said 40, 40
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minutes, and well, in fact, here there is everything you need to live comfortably, somehow the village is not located at the equator pokes, i don’t know why, even the internet doesn’t like it there, here nature has its own place, it’s so cool, because i look at the palm trees, i haven’t seen such palm trees for a long time. irina, let’s summarize the year a little, yes, but we will do it based on popular belt materials, of course, for
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2023. i’m not surprised that the number one in viewability is always the material with alexander lukashenko, the headline, lukashenko responded to the bbc, but this will already be a fight to the fullest, yes, yes, the meeting of the president with belarusian foreign journalists, it received more than 7 million views, yes 7,700, already, why, she will gain more once? in your opinion, this particular material , as they say, flew in this year, and what do you think interested the viewer so much, that’s what the president took in this particular material, the president always takes with his sincerity, always, and as for this material, well, you know, i’ll be honest, firstly, it ’s also a technology, oddly enough, but it’s also a technology, because you need to give
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the material on time and it... was issued with captions, i’ll be honest, we started using titration several years ago, very we actively use it, and this is already night work, so now ask again specifically that no , that we have english, german, spanish has recently appeared, when we visited equatorial guinea, we realized that we should also use spanish, and we are tetrating, and this promotes materials with you very well - in parallel and thinking, but we titrate right away, we don’t wait. and here i want to note that belt has seven language versions, and these are people who have always been involved in translation, but now they are also doing typing, well, i’ll say this already, we just reorganized the work of the department again, no new employees, no new ones, didn’t ask for money, weren’t looking for employees, we were just restructuring, and we very clearly understand that if, for example, there is president’s week, yes, then it will be in english, right away, it will be posted in english right away, if
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it will be necessary to translate at night... we will translate at night, most often this is what happens, the director tells me that i have envy in my eyes, and it’s true, yes, but because well , a journalist simply shouldn’t have the word tomorrow, well, no it must not happen, i want, so that you can be heard, i want all journalists to hear you, everyone, there is no working day, yes from 9 to 6, there is no such thing, it cannot be like this, otherwise you are not in the profession and our translators, but they had time it seems like they had to close theirs from 9 to 60. versions, but we explained that yes, now we will work differently, so yes, now we work day and night, well, you know, and people have the same as you say, and they have excitement in their eyes, because when you understand and you see that what you are doing actually works, this launches new mechanisms, well, look , this is what the president says, you know, that’s how , he says all the time, let’s give back first, and then everything will happen, first show, right, but you are on the other hand, because the president’s materials are always in favor ...
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in general, i’m tired of lies and this beautiful flat seat in suits, when people talk about beautiful things, in fact they just make money, all politics is based on this now, and practically the world, well, yes, very speak beautifully, talk about democracy, in fact human blood to make money, that ’s it, he’s just different, he’s just different, and people
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feel it, understand it, and if...
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the materials are only presidential, they are not interested in our agenda, marad sergeevich is not interested at all, and i told my colleagues in interviews that i i’m very glad that they are not interested in it, because for them... what is important , i say again, is blood, flood, war, money, destruction, tsunami, whatever, they are not interested in us, we sow, plow, grow children, protecting ourselves, building a country, overcoming chernobyl problems, preparing for an exam, you understand why they need all this, well, yes, we don’t have cataclysms, so in any case, thank god they are not interested, yes, therefore, yes, therefore, yes, they just take it. state, but there is something to take there, he looks deeply and says those things that, as we have already analyzed more than once, so if we touch on these top 10 notes more deeply, and it would not be by chance that i would say that four of the top five are from the working class president's schedule, first place
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is a visit to russia, fifth place is a visit to equatorial guinea, this year, in principle, is very busy with trips and business contacts, can we say that we have opened if. not america, then at least china and asia, you know, i was really really pleased that there were a lot of notes on this topic this year, but again, when we talk about the president’s foresight, you say, they opened china, you know, the president saw china a long time ago, even when shuttle traders were bringing things here from china, when they said, china is something wrong, yes, it is consumer goods, a stereotype has developed, yes a stereotype has developed, he then saw huge potential in this country, because they are indeed , to some extent, different, but they think and see this world the same way as we do, so i recently returned from china, there was an international media summit, and its topic was humanomics, that is, economics with
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a human face, not making money first of all, preserving your civilization , your country, your culture and people, these are again completely different goals and... our president has the same goals: not making money, he always says that the state should be social, man must develop, the country must survive, there must be more belarusians , so we found china a long time ago, thank god that we have this all-weather friendship with china, because the same situation was with the united arab emirates, for example, yes, when we started communicating, to be friends with this country , the president saw prospects in it, it was not yet the same state as we are now...
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you know, you know, what i noticed is that a lot of inadequate people have already united, according to your statistics, there is interest in another side, to the fugitives, it faded catastrophically, the only thing that is of interest is the return commission, and the reviews of those , including those on your feed, who have already returned thanks to this commission and talk about their impressions, can this finally be called a return to origins and normal life? or new elections and new challenges and new loopholes for chaos? well, first of all, look, you yourself said a few minutes ago that we are in trends, in the world, because people wanted to read about the normal, yes, yes, so on the one
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hand, these are trends, so about the normal i want to read, and not about abnormal people, you know, that is, what to read, how can they remain in trends, if in essence they, yes , are not interesting to anyone, they have been... not here for a long time, everything that happens to them in life, they only complain, well, if we look at telegram channels, everything they give out there, then it’s impossible to cure a tooth , you know, then it’s impossible to cure a finger, then the education is not right, then the children won’t understand what gender, well, you yourself said belta pish is important, but for me it is not important, and for the country this is also not important, this is not news that may be interesting to us, these people no longer give then they did not give, well, although here...
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lukashenko about the centralized exam, criticism of the government, bribe of the head of the enterprise, yes, yes, i don’t see there news, you know, on a global scale, i mean your clients, yes, which would enjoy such enormous popularity about the american intelligence services, about the conspiracy of the freemasons, the anglo-saxons, and, well, yes, when there is some kind of suna.
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smile, this is great happiness, what we i’m interested in this news and the fact that we treat it this way, this is something that needs to be protected, very carefully, it only comes to light when it is lost, let me reproach myself a little with praise, but here are your materials, you are read more than in 50 countries, we will touch on it a little. these were the kinds of things that
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you and i probably also experienced, when in the soviet union many people thought that here we were not so-so, but there it was so beautiful, coca-cola, chewing gum, flashing shop windows, jeans for sure, yes, jeans, sneakers, it's all so cool, everything it’s so different, but when people leave, they understand that it’s really different, just not as expected, so when we talk about, for example, germany, in my opinion, that there... there is a sufficient number, including those people who left the soviet union at one time, i think that the russian-speaking audience there is very active, i know this for sure, when we talk about our closest neighbors, then again , russia and kazakhstan are obvious here, and ukraine, our president is the person he you need to listen, they understand that he has an influence on many processes, so everything is very obvious here, in my opinion, in fact, more is needed, so we started talking from...
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no, you can’t lure him, sergeevich, from me few people can be lured, i have no doubt with such a leader, okay, okay, but the most important event of the twenty-third year, for me personally, was that the year of peace and creation in our country, yes, it took place, yes, it actually took place, and not in words, this is
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the main event of the twenty-third year version irina akulovich, you know, like irina. as a leader, as a person, can i share this a little, yes, of course, this is your right, as a person, i’ll tell you that what you said, uh, there’s nothing else to say here, a year of peace and creation and the world that we have, you know, i sometimes hear urination, i live nearby, last year i remember the buzzing planes and my little daughter, who was sleeping next to me, these are my feelings. mother, who thought in this world not everything depends on us, but i know it is certain that our president will do everything, and we will do everything so that i hear this noise less, i remember these feelings, so when you talk about the year of peace and creation and the fact that peace has taken place, nothing can be more important than this, only the one who
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lost it can understand this, and according to the head of belt, yes, for me, of course, this is the 105th anniversary, this is very important... and another particularly important event for me is that a decree was signed that we we receive an award for spiritual revival together with the prosecutor’s office of bel, congratulations, okay, yes, in fact , i was a little ahead, and i will say that for me this is a very, very important event, because this is what we were doing, an interesting project, when you asked about news that is difficult to experience , now i’m returning to this topic, because they wrote about prisoners , they wrote about people who survived the war, they wrote from disks, they wrote themselves, this is what the journalist experiences, this horror, i myself, when i read all these memories, these girls small, who went through six concentration camps, about a bath with human fat, from which they make soap, this is what you say
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the value of the world, it is also very well described in such things, that’s why it was also... will be created by someone, but not by them, here is the worst thing and there is a trap for everyone for us, uh, you know, there is such a strange film , it’s an italian film, it’s a comedy film, it ’s called the law is not written here, yeah, a very light movie, in which the whole city is going to change the mayor, and the mayor is a bribe taker, everyone says,
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well, why we have such a mayor, we will change him now, they are actually choosing a very good one person, this very good person says: guys, we will now live by the rules, this is where it begins: the most interesting thing is, but they wanted the mayor to live by the rules, but no one wanted to live by the rules themselves, no one wanted to throw away garbage correctly, draw up documents for something, this is a really deep movie that wouldn’t hurt to watch, because it turns out that each of us wants the world to become better at the expense of someone, but not at the expense of himself, golden words, you see, in this regard, i can say that our task is journalists, like everyone else, in their places, did everything to ensure that there was a year of peace and creation, just to help the president solve his important task, they always say, start with yourself, first of all, you know, i’ll probably share an insider , which is definitely not an insider for you, over the past two years, even at home, even when
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there is a feast, the first toast is always for peace, the second toast is always for the president, this is real. okay, i have one more question that i wasn't planning on asking, but it's still important to me, it is important to hear, to understand, maybe the twentieth for you and me was obviously extremely difficult, extremely difficult, including being disappointed in individual people, it is always difficult, in traitors and in general to survive betrayal, but as you yourself feel today, you are ready by the year twenty-fifth to hard technologies? new in relation to belt , in relation to you, well, first of all , in relation to your employees, depending on what you mean, i am ready for this as a person, as a mother, as... a woman, as a leader, yes, because in twentieth year, no matter how it was difficult, i clearly understood that i would not
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leave this office, this was very important for me, i could make mistakes somewhere, i could behave differently, but i clearly knew that i would be here until the end, so that didn’t happen, yes, there were different people around me, the people around me are already different, the people on bel are also different, many say that if it hadn’t happened. there are a lot of new others, i don’t know yet how they will behave, but it seems to me that the backbone that has been created now already has
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more energy and is able to go further, so as for technology, you know , anything can be used to turn off the switch, yes, i understand perfectly well that there will be problems with the internet, this is natural, but now it happens in our country that at some point we turn off the external contour one at a time is simple. the press of the thing that made the bilta in order to print photographs, you see, we will do everything like our predecessors, who organized this
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agency 105 years ago, i am sure that we have enough strength and desire by any means that will it is possible to do our part so that the strawberry is ours, you see, we can handle it, it’s true, we can handle it, irina, the last, extremely philosophical question, you are literally writing... or recording the history of our country, in fact, this is what the slogan sounds like: new things are made by histors, so they started with telegraph messages, photographs, then texts, videos , podcasts, langrids, tiktoks, to get into history, yes, this formulation or concept has two polar connotations, which one will be for belarus? write a story in of course, you can get into history , you meant it, well, of course, you can get into trouble
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, you can mess up, but you can only write this history, only write, because belarus has been writing it for a long time, writes because it has its own position, because it has perseverance, because she has an understanding, a feeling of her land, so she writes: this story, getting into trouble, getting into trouble is not for us, you know, because the universe now has enough contenders who are getting into trouble, i think it’s already for us doesn’t look, especially since we are doing everything to ensure that didn’t happen, but with a head of state like ours, we can only write history, and we write the history not only of our country, we influence world history, so this is not for us, the ending is cool, we influence world history. great,
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the tv news agency presents it in the public domain, we have no secrets from our people. the teacher of suvorov has a new education, a lesson in english language.
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suvorov said that every honest person should have a good name, and i personally saw this good name in my glory fatherland, i forgot myself when things went for the benefit of the fatherland. and i lay on the bed and thought: my father also died in the fight against the nazis. i will definitely be as brave as my father was. hello , comrade cadets , i don’t know, in general, people who are happy about the fact that this war seems to be going on, no one
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is happy, we ourselves have given the opportunity to our enemies, as if yes, it’s not easy to dismember us, justice is not that , which is now trending, but in our state our people have a demand for justice, including for international arena. only you become the same beasts as your enemies, you will cease to be people, we will lose, even lost, even if you won, if we formally win, this is precisely our success, this is the fact that we still hold on to this , markov’s project is nothing personal, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. panorama is broadcast live in elena nasacheva’s studio.


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