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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 4, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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hello, in the new year, with new leadership personnel in the economy on the external contour in the local vertical of power, the head of state made a number of appointments and approved the concept of state personnel policy. in order to improve your own life and support domestic producers in the year of quality. from today, belarusians have access to favorable loans for the purchase of goods. iraubi is waiting for the third stage of the commonwealth biathlon cup. is everything ready? we'll tell you about the main sporting event in january. my colleagues will complete the picture of the day. top positions in the first days of the new year. alexander lukashenko appointed a new minister of economy, his assistant in the vitebsk region, the general director of belos and more. all the details are in the panorama. pay attention to people of golden age with all your heart. the action continues to spread across the country. we'll tell you the route for today. they don't follow protocol, but no one believes that a fairy tale can come true. the warmest welcome to the palace
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of independence for our children. special proceedings against the developer of the grushevsky passad residential complex. investigative committee transfers materials to the prosecutor's office, who profited from belarusians. we'll show you where the money went and the inevitability of punishment in the panorama section. from zero to -20 , a contrasting winter has come to belarus; snow and ice are being removed by utility workers and traffic police inspectors. help drivers start their cars on the roads. all the frosty details are in the panorama. a lot of work on the external circuit within the country with new leadership personnel. this thursday was marked by the president’s personnel decisions. we joined the team that should work for economic results young and energetic managers. in their spheres they are like fish in water. professional economists, farmers, techno. someone will
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need it. so, in belarus, the new minister received in previous positions still has how to prove himself in a new area, but the skills of economics are yuri chebatar. from the department under his leadership, the head of state demands more initiative in terms of planning an economic strategy. we need a clear and truthful picture. management decisions depend on this, so the system should not fail at any stage. received serious personnel reinforcement.
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in the presidential elections a year later, they didn’t reproach us for fiddling around, spinning around, telling lies, and in general our government is good for nothing, well, as they are now starting to promote it, so this year will be special, at the heart of everything, as i i often say that economics lies, what can we say in the government? if we talk about economics, the ministry of economics occupies a special place. place, frankly
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speaking, you plan, you control and largely direct the economic development of the country. i have come to the conclusion that you can organize the work of the ministry of economy, at least you have everything for this, but your work should be based exclusively, exclusively on the truth, no embellishment, sooner or later i will notice this, i have enough leverage for this, so in no case don't lie, everything is as it is.
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at the all-belarus people's assembly, you will often have to speak, justify certain areas of activity of the authorities as a whole and the country for the future. what is known about the new minister of economy. menchanin, to him only 44 years old, as expected, with an economic education, a graduate of the bge academy under the president. the track record includes many years of work at the head of the department of industry, transport communications , ministry of economy, and then immediately. as a deputy minister, for the last 4 years i was the first deputy, now such a logical step is the very top of this career ladder, it won’t be easy, it will be hard, especially this year, not because the current president wants to continue to be president, not
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because someone wants something, we just have to prove to people once again that we are honest, i have sincerely worked these years, but if it works out... to convince people that there will be no better person than us, if it works out, i say openly at the beginning of the year, and your ministry should play a significant role here. indeed, economic work, especially recently, has become more associated with the president and the government. its results, of course, are visible to people in terms of wages, prices, and inflation. at the beginning of the twenty-third , they laid out a corridor of 7%, but at the end of the year they came out with 5.5. our enterprises and brands started working and we managed to sell them. your products have mastered new markets, and yes, all this under the pressure of sanctions and restrictions that have not gone away, so the president demands not to relax even for a minute. the key task for us is to expand the investment cycle, now we are already seeing the second half of the year, indeed
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every month the growth rate of investments is more than 120%, and most importantly, the purchase of equipment and investment in equipment reaches 140-150%. that is an enterprise. our real sector is really being renewed, and this is new production, new jobs, and, accordingly, exports and development of the country. foreign policy is an impressive addition to economic indicators, the russian direction is supervised by the prime minister, china is supervised by the first deputy prime minister, and india is headed by the foreign ministry. sergei aleynik faces serious work in conjunction with the new ambassador; for this purpose, mikhail kosko leaves the post of head of the belesbomprom concern and is sent as head of the diplomatic mission to india. task number one is to work on a roadmap for cooperation. i agreed to the appointment, but of course i will have claims against you, why? you know the state of your ministry today , in fact, and i really wouldn’t like
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my suspicions that they just want to quietly shift you to some other position for this to be confirmed in the future, i really hope so. .. that your work is in india, and you speak a foreign language, english, this work will bring significant results. india is a huge country, i cannot be satisfied with the state of affairs that we have in belarusian-indian relations. i'll be honest, in relation to we have degraded india. we need to determine the main areas where we can do something and...
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that they have good medicine, we really need them, certain technologies, they know how to do something else, not only process diamonds, this is also important for us, we we give this a high priority, there are goods that we can sell there, based on our technologies we can even create some enterprises there, a well-known line of activity, we need to decide, therefore india.
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for two decades of cooperation trade turnover between belarus and india has increased 10-fold, to just over half a billion dollars. this is, of course, decent, but we can do more. for the convenience of the business of increasing tourist traffic, an important decision has recently been made. minsk and newdeli are connected by a direct flight. we must supply there what is of interest to the indian side, and accordingly, purchase from them what is of interest to us. both from the point of view of investments in the republic of belarus and supplies of some kind. medical substances for our existing enterprise, and
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the traditional direction is kolin's fertilizer, mechanical engineering, bilas is represented there, the assembly production of the minsk tractor plant and a number of others will be organized there, well, which we will develop further. we are strengthening not only external areas; many internal issues need to be resolved locally. sergei levkovich, the former first deputy governor of the minsk region , will now have to move to vitebsk. there he is assistant to the president, 40 years old, two higher educations in agriculture, labor he began his activities as the chief technical engineer on a farm in the gomel region, then was appointed to the lyubinsk regional executive committee, logoisk, headed by uzdensky, supervised the agro-industrial complex and processing, so that the accumulated experience will be transferred to the northern region. the area is difficult, to say the least, you are farmers, you know agriculture well, based on your biography. what we need in the vitebsk region, analyze the path
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that we have outlined in the development of agriculture, you know that we created structures, companies and so on there, led by the so-called integrator, i’m not talking about the results of the work and so on, there’s enough of everything, but why did i agree to this option, it ’s basically a win-win, it doesn’t spoil anything if it’s not the president’s ears and eyes in this area , i expect objective assessments from you
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, there shouldn’t be a fight there, there should be an objective assessment of the situation, you know my decisions, they are always from life, if you can’t feed the cattle on the collective farm or state farm, in the old way, then we give it to those who can also feed, for they will perish, cattle, they will perish, this is from life, you can’t, give it to someone else, so everything must...
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your work will be. the effective work of integration structures is part of our enormous work to ensure food security. alexander lukashenko personally supervised this project. the essence is to ensure the entire cycle from field to counter and, most importantly, to improve weak farming. yes, the vitebsk region has not yet solved this problem; among the priorities are one district, one investment project, and, of course, personnel policy.
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today the head of state paid special attention and outlined issues of agriculture development of the agro-industrial complex of the vitebsk region. due to the fact that systemic, let’s say, measures have been taken there in order for the agro-industrial complex to grow and develop in the vitebsk region, there is a need to analyze the situation in these agro-industrial associations of ours, which exist today in the vitebsk region, to look all the pros and cons of the work of these associations, and, if necessary, make the necessary adjustments so that these associations take place in life, besides this, of course, the main my task is to work with personnel, one more personnel... the solution for the vitebsk region sergei egorov from the regional executive committee, where he headed the committee on agriculture and food, will become chairman of the vitebsk district executive committee. someone may say a demotion, but there is also such a thing as an appointment to where exactly this specialist is needed. and as it turned out, in his case, higher positions are not a super goal. explain to me, here in the vitebsk region in our
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agriculture, no offense to sergei, there are more than enough problems, and we are transferring him for some reason. moving certain experience, my work is closer to me in the spirit of tolochinsky , i gained it over 4 years of work in the committee on agriculture, before that i worked as chairman of the regional executive committee and probably this is a more lively job, you want to say, after all, probably the vitebsk region whether it is such a major factor in rural areas or not, it is in second place after the orsha region, after the orsha region in terms of area. in terms of production indicators as well, but this does not mean that it should be second, i set myself the task of bringing the region to the level our advanced districts of other regions, grodno preska, this is correct, because orsha tolochinsky, vitebsk, well , these kids are nearby, they must drag the entire region, not the north in the vitebsk region
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should set itself the task of withdrawing this region, but for it’s all there,
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complex and most importantly responsible, i don’t agree with this, you searched for a long time or not for long , you found it, and i’m sure you can handle it, very interesting, sergey olegovich, the work, it seems to me, is very interesting, well, everything is in place, new enterprise, beauty station, and i you i beg you, don’t sit there somewhere in an office upstairs, start with...
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i also agreed on the appointment of the first deputy minister of transport and communications, including quota positions in the cis economic court and csto departments. as a result of this personnel day, the position of head
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of bellesbumprom remained vacant, so we are waiting for a new appointment. strategic sectors for the country are waiting to be strengthened, and the new year of quality simply obliges us to keep the mark. ilona krasutskaya, veronika buta, alexander oleshko, tv news agency. and today, the first decree of the new year to the president. approved the updated concept of state personnel policy. continuity to previously adopted documents is maintained, the practice of working with personnel, global trends, and modern threat risks are taken into account. the state personnel policy of our country is based on the principles of legality, headed by ensuring the implementation of human rights and freedoms, maintaining a balance of interests of the individual, society and the state, social justice, responsibility and patriotism. the document reveals the functions everyone from the president.
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they receive attention from the state from targeted assistance, social services to sanatorium-resort treatment and housing. one example is a charity event initiated by the head of state with all my heart. on these holidays, people of golden age are visited by guests with gifts and congratulations. with love and care for those who passed on, they preserved for us the most valuable, peaceful sky above our heads. report by daria rachko. and how can one not say that nikolai kononovich is young at heart, a song of his own compositions, in his early 80s in good
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physical shape, director, stage director, choreographer, created four dance ensembles, they, by the way, received the title of folk, the secret is simply love for the profession, where the soul is there, all my life i was happily visible, because something. done, something is being done and something else wants to be done, each of them has a difficult, but such a rich life, they managed to do so much, here in the istok boarding house they organized care, medical care for the guests, there is cultural and even occupational therapy, today they were still receiving guests, activists of the women's union and senators came to congratulate them on the new year holidays, let them have a new year in their souls, let people smile. and the main thing is that we understand everything, we need them, we need to respect, help, and how they rejoice at gifts, in their hearts children still dream of
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simple things, for example, going to the sea, the minister of internal affairs promised to help fulfill their cherished desire, today ivan kubrakov visited a home for the disabled in ostroshidsky town so that the main characters of the holiday could feel cared for please note, the youth have prepared musical numbers for them. i’m very, very delighted with these, these young people, these, these good men, today i saw, it ’s sincere, how people’s eyes lit up, they are here, we talked to many, here is a woman who raised 10 children, and most importantly, she speaks with such enthusiasm about her children, about her grandchildren, how she loves them, i want to wish that...
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kozlov served as a signalman, took part in the liberation of poland and romania, and after restored the country, the day before he celebrated his centenary. this, let’s say, is the pride of our region and not only the region and city of the mogilev country. together with you to our old people who are alone today, there are also those that children have forgotten about, sometimes children are not poor, but these are...
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old people, we will not all be young, we will all be old people, and even you, therefore, old people don’t forget, well, gifts for the new year are a must in belarus, in addition to vitamin sweet surprises, a recalculation will be made by decree of the head of state labor pensions will increase by an average of 10% from february 1. everything that we can rightfully be proud of today is the result of their many years of, sometimes difficult, work. an action from the bottom of my heart is another thing. and a new year's gift from the head of state for our children, hundreds of children from large families, children from orphanages, as well as those who have distinguished themselves in studies, sports, and social activities, receive an invitation to the cozy interiors of the palace of independence, today a second festive show was held for them performances of new year's adventures, and this is the case,
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when the concept of... our children erases territorial boundaries and exists outside of politics. the guest list includes children from neighboring russia, children from lithuania are invited. about the magic of darya tarasov's palace. the warmest welcome in the palace of independence, meeting place, hall of ceremonies. the most long-awaited guests arrived today for the second act of the new year's trip to the belarusian hermitage. they don't follow protocol, but as no one believes, a fairy tale can become. i noticed in the luxurious interiors of the house of belarusian sovereignty, these guys have an opportunity to write your own chapter of a happy childhood. childhood, in which there is a place for a warm home, a king and friendship, and the strength of unity is tangible despite the geographical latitude. i live in smarinsh, i am very glad that i came to this holiday, such a good performance, we have
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one like this. interesting excursion, i really liked it when they told us about belarus on the bus, i came from delhi, we drove for 6 or 5 hours, it’s very beautiful here, i advise you to come here, everything is beautifully decorated, everything is friendly, as if at home, a fabulous welcome at palace of independence enveloped in warmth. not only regionally, an invitation to the hospitable blue-eyed is not a hindrance and a distance of 1.00 km, the spiritual strength of the younger generation, sincere friendship in these snowy scenery is felt at the mental level, the russian delegation is following the fabulous plot of new year's adventures, for smart people from bryansk, smolensk, moscow, st. petersburg is a palace debut, but for those accompanying it it is already an annual tradition, and this is
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history in the slavic paradigm. we knew that there would be such a holiday, because such an invitation comes not for the first year, they began to prepare children, well , literally, well, even in the summer, and the children studied the history of belarus, studied culture, studied all sorts of, so to speak, original things , those that are unique only to the belarusian people, what we saw here happened all our expectations, the children are happy , the children are running around, i can’t catch anyone, i can’t gather anyone, i’m most pleased to receive this invitation to... a wonderful holiday, well, this happens, it seems to me, once in a lifetime, but it’s an honor for me, we managed take a photo with all the animals, animators, made several new year's cards, with so many fairy-tale characters per square meter, the little guests are not lost, however, just as they are not confused by language barriers, visiting the palace, children from the republic of lithuania, children, representatives of the belarusian cultural center of the ranitsa, all stormed together interactive labyrinths,
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making souvenirs with their own hands, christmas candles, i liked everything, thank you very much, for them it’s worth a lot, because this is such a socialization of children, especially in noticing families, i think that for them, this tradition is just a miracle for them, truly a new year's miracle, in a single impulse, in arms with santa claus, the guys saved the snow maiden from the transmur dragon, and yes, the happy ending of the story with a nod to the slavic ethnic group is not the final chord of a big holiday, dancing, let's have my good ones,
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let's go for our knockers. and gifts from the first one. northern elk, a totem of the slavic calendar with a sweet hiding place and a cheat sheet on geography. now each of us has. despite the january frosts, it will warm every child tomorrow. daria tarasova, ilya puchko, tv news agency. it is quite hot these minutes in the largest pavilion. film on the factor bai set. there is a general run-through in live mode, which viewers of the first button will be able to see tomorrow. the finalists staged a real festival of disobedience and did not wait for the mentors to hand out songs, but chose
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the compositions for their competitors themselves. they also teamed up in unexpected duets. will the project nightingales sing? we'll see soon. i was very lucky with my partner, well, so to speak, with my mentor in this issue, in this live broadcast, he joked, i would say, well, because the idea of ​​the song is very interesting, the song is not supernatural for me, i listen to that kind of music. i’m interested, but i haven’t sung much, so i hope that everything will work out for me, the song, yes, is not simple, the song is interesting, very familiar to everyone, i’ll try to do something beautiful,
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this is the first broadcast in which we will perform more than one composition, when this, but two, and i have a duet with a very special participant, he came up to me before the last broadcast and says: alyon, i really want to sing a duet with you, it’s come true. and with whom i will sing, you will be the first to see on belarus 1. only five out of six will continue to participate in the show. who stays in the project depends on the viewers. as always, after all the numbers the presenters will announce the start of collecting votes. support your favorite in 15 minutes of voting. we will find out the name of the winner of the third season of the factor byy show on january 26 in the super final. the new year for ukraine began with not very good news. washington will not be able to find funds for kyiv from alternative sources if congress does not agree to a request for new aid. this was admitted by the coordinator for strategic communications at
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the white house national security council. at the same time , john kirby noted that the package of american military assistance that washington announced on december 27 was the last of those that the states could provide to the kiev regime without a legislative decision. will mean a strong loss of votes among representatives of the hispanic population who have a negative attitude towards trump's policies to limit migration. in any in this case, the united states will have little money, even if the situation develops favorably.
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israel urgently needs support; it lacks resources, weapons, money, which is why they are forced to withdraw some of the reservists from the gas sector, so it is almost 100% possible. called for the transfer of long -range missiles to ukraine for strikes against russia and demanded tougher sanctions against moscow. he called this answer in a language understandable to putin, accordingly.
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missile systems in canada or mexico?
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whenever he would allow russia to place candidate kennedy is confident that americans simply need to put themselves in the shoes of the russians. today is a day of mourning in iran for those killed in the terrorist attack in kirman. let me remind you that the day before, during the funeral processions in memory of general qassem soleimani , two explosions occurred. the lives of 84 people were cut short, about 3 hundred were injured. the supreme leader of the country called on the commanders against the backdrop of the terrorist attack. avoid direct military confrontation with the united states, the entire civilized world condemned and bowed its heads before the tragedy of the iranian people, and only the united states rushed to protect themselves and their israeli charges, but the islamic state terrorist group took responsibility for the attack. in japan, the death toll from a series of earthquakes increased to 84. more than 250 people suffered injuries of varying severity, but the number.
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from zero to -20, a contrasting winter has come to belarus, snow and ice are being removed by employees of public utilities, and gi inspectors are helping drivers start their cars on the roads. all the frosty details are in the panorama. a place where patriots are raised. polotsk cadet school became the winner of the presidential prize of the republic of belarus for spiritual revival. graduates of this educational institution.
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we will talk about educating patriots, valor and honor with mentors and cadets in a panorama. arina sabalenka and victoria azarenka reached the fourth round of the wta tournament in brisbane, we dream of the belarusian semi-final. the washington capitals, with alexei protos in their lineup , lost to the nhl, an italian tradition that helps to cheer up after the new year holidays. sports day program pre-curtain release. the investigative committee has completed special proceedings against the developer of the grushevsky passad residential complex and transfer the materials to the prosecutor's office. let me remind you that the founder of the company , ilya volokh, is on the international wanted list. his actions caused enormous property damage to the shareholders of the housing cooperative. the investigation identified 430 victims, five business entities. the property of the accused and their family members has been seized. where did the money end up and what? an hour with long-term construction, anastasia benedesyuk will continue the topic.
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the grushevsky passad residential complex is being built in the area of ​​​​derzhinsky avenue, shchorsa street, this fresh footage. you can notice that while construction work is going on in one part of the house, people are already living in another. people are not bothered by noises, tower cranes, and they can be understood. keys, many of them waited 7 years in 2016. the housing complex scam began, and it was then that image videos began to appear in the public space: we are building dream apartments, there are playgrounds, convenient transport, a school, a kindergarten, everything is within walking distance, everything is close. for those who are not in the know, this speaker, ilya volokh, is the main defendant in the criminal case, he is also the founder and ex-director developer companies, llc construction company zhil stroykomplekt, llc zhil stroykomplekt, o'. but the construction of the
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construction project cost approximately 53 million rubles. for housing and interest-bearing bonds, the hares attracted funds from citizens and several business entities in the amount of 58,690,000 rubles. just imagine: you save, borrow, take out a loan with one goal: to live in your own, but your own... this is considered not only by you, but also by the director of the developer’s company, in order to understand what the money was spent on and whose, look, in 2016 i i sold my family estate, one might say , the house of my great-grandfathers, it was my only home, all our money that my husband and i earned over 35 years of marriage, on june 1, 2016 , an amount of 100% was paid to pay for housing bonds, start-up delivery of the house was planned for the fourth card
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of 2017, in the first window there are some of those deceived, a total of 430 people, in the second - mansions, volokha, even... if the facade is not noticeable everywhere, here is his personal sports club with men's and women's halls, a ring, pears , showers, absolutely imperial manners, a recreation center, carved furniture, fireplaces in the bathhouse, leather sofas, swimming pools, sun loungers, this is a forest haven, construction and equipment from the funds of grushevsky possad, more than 3 million rubles. they are now managing the database and actively offering it. their services, affiliated with volokh, to the forest harbor, were seized, the shchetas were arrested, the court will put an end to it. volokh used the money of the shareholders to build this house in his small homeland in kobrin, with the help of strangers, almost half a million rubles. he lived in a respectable, well-equipped house, visited expensive establishments,
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that is, he lived large. he purchased two range rovers for... money from the victims for himself for 360,000 rubles, for his wife for more than 2,000 rubles. for other purposes. in total, more than 24 million rubles were spent. not for the intended purpose. volokh’s actions are qualified under two articles of the criminal code: deliberate bankruptcy, as well as abuse of power or official authority. in his activities, he single-handedly made all key decisions.
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it was in the summer, i think, 2019, i remember he called me into his office and said that for certain personal reasons, he had to leave for poland for 2 months, but in fact it turned out that he had already left and had not returned since then, regularly receiving a salary of 12 from belarus.


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