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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 4, 2024 11:15pm-12:16am MSK

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population, if you are asking how the region will vote, at the end of september, based on the results of a sociological study that took place in our region, they are quarterly, we will know the information for the month of january, 79% of the population of the gomel region were going to go to the polling stations, that is people today know about the elections, people see them today, because again we are trying to saturate them with information. in everyday life, that is, the electoral commission center carried out a very remarkable rebranding, unified throughout the country, it’s bright today, it’s visible today, there are a large number of posters, information calendars, they talk a lot about it, today the media, news reports come out, that is, today we again want to convey significance. these elections, because they
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are actually very significant, especially for the regions, because we will elect deputies in the regions who will vote and adopt regional budgets, set local taxes and so on, that is, today we are explaining to people the importance this work, that today many people don’t know who a deputy is, and for them it’s the same as a deputy of the house of representatives of the national assembly who works on a professional basis. and a deputy of the local council, district, regional, for all of them deputies, yes, that is, and you are deputies there, but there are different functions, today our task is to explain the difference, to show what the deputy of the chamber, representatives of the national assembly, he is doing today today he doesn’t change the light bulbs in your entrance, he has other functions, today he is working on laws, today he is working on improving this regulatory framework, well, during non -working hours he can even change light bulbs, what if we have something? here andrei bugrov was, he
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is clearing snow near the deputies in general , they are multi-station workers, i want to tell you, well, this is good, because today we see a pool of active deputies with you, yes, who, in principle, even before the start of the election campaign , were always both media and non-media well, let's just say that their voters knew what they were doing, they could be easily contacted, it is necessary understand that today a deputy of the house of representatives...
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is formed, it is clear that everyone has their own, absolutely every platform is built on development, consolidation of society, development of the state and... that means helping government bodies today in implementing the tasks that the country faces today ? well , you do a great job of telling the population what deputies do, and today, thanks to you, we heard once again about what ideologists do, and in general , we liked what we heard, thank you, denis vladimovich for your work, continue in the same spirit, what else can i say, tatyana shcherbina, victoria popova farewell to you for today. goodbye, goodbye, denis yezersky is now saying, friends, happy holidays, happy new year, christmas, take care of yourself, your family and your country. denis vladimirovich, having already established a tradition, we will ask you
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to leave your autograph and some wish for our program, for our viewers. with pleasure. we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science. according to experts, per year on average, a modern person eats about 13-15 kg. this product, some claim that it is harmful, excludes it from the diet. today it can be said to be used by absolutely everyone, regardless of gender and age. and not only people, separate lines are presented for pets, including, more recently, for rodents.
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let's share interesting facts. the very first mention of sausage dates back to 500 bc; it was made in china, babylon and greece. already in the middle ages. among europeans we formed our own traditions of sausage production, in the north they cooked raw sausages, drying them with smoke, in the south they dried the sun, what else people treated their hair with thousands of years ago and how the world’s first shampoo appeared, we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. we need balance so that our hair is beautiful, shiny, our scalp feels comfortable, and we get a good lather. watch in the science project nearby on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. i come to work with joy and understand that i i will produce a product that will bring joy and pleasure to people, will bring peace and goodness to the family. i am sure that my work is. a guarantee of peace and creation. as a child, i dreamed of visiting a factory where candy is made. a childhood dream came true, and as an adult it became my profession. this year marks 20 years since i have been working at the communa factory. the factory has changed a lot over 20 years, new workshops have been added, many new lines have been added. now it is such a giant that provides the entire market its products does not stand still, it develops. the factory is thriving , for 20 years i tried my hand at many processes, then one of our new lines opened, the mogul line, so i got there, now i work there as an operator, foreman, this is one of
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our most powerful lines with a productivity of up to tons per hour, this can be said to be a workplace - this is the heart of the line, i am in the very heart, according to the type of my activity. limit sweets, but it’s hard, working in a factory and seeing so much delicious, beautiful candies, it’s very hard , it’s working on yourself, constantly, we have excursions at the factory every day, children from school come to us, when they see so many candies, when their eyes light up , when they want to try everything, just smiles , it... also brings me pleasure when you see so many candies produced every day, you understand that you put effort into this, this is your work, and that they will go to thousands of families and bring joy to people, this is a product, this is a hormone happiness, that is, you bring positivity to the family,
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well, the heart rejoices. new labor code. what is important to know, the amendment includes 80 articles, an additional day off and how to divide the vacation, everything in detail, new opportunities for the five countries in trade with iran, an agreement on free export-import was signed, business can save on paying customs duties , and state registration of real estate now online, we’ll tell you how to save time step-by-step leagues without an interview with the program. this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about the most noticeable events in the economy, with you. hello. we entered the new year with a new labor code.
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the document has been significantly updated. the amendments affected more than eighty articles. all of them are valid from january 1st. certain norms affect every working belarusian. this applies, for example, to salaries. now every employer is required to share payments to his employees at least twice a month, or vacation pay. a separate mechanism has been provided for such cases. when an employee goes on vacation spontaneously, not according to schedule. in general, for the holidays the legislator took a closer look. many articles have been corrected. the issue of the work schedule of parents with many children has been addressed. olga onishchenko has studied the innovations and will tell you how we will now relax and work. colleagues, i’ll point this out right away. the law has become more flexible, and its adjustments will provide more guarantees to employees. so,
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let's start with the pleasant stuff, with salaries. now it’s really twice a month, this is the minimum, that is, the employer undertakes to make payments repeatedly, even in cases where the enterprises are tied to supplies and settlements with customers. but the employer can regulate the deadlines, the interval of payments, the main thing is to comply with them, that is, pay his employee before the due date, always, please. but later, fraught with sanctions, the law says a fine will be directly applied. many innovations concern our vacation, but before it could only be divided into two parts: in those organizations where there was no contract. the norm has been corrected, now the decision to split up as many vacations as you like can be made, including on the basis local regulatory act of the employer, for example, prescribe it in the internal labor regulations or even in the vacation regulations. the employer must remember that one of the parts constitutes. at least 14 calendar days, but the number of parts can be any, of course, it should not be more
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than two parts, the norm must have a specific wording, two, three or four parts. let's go further, vacation pay, not everyone rests according to the schedule, so the employer must pay the average salary was always no later than 2 days before the start of the vacation. now, if an employee goes on vacation spontaneously or urgently, for example, for family reasons, it is easier for the employer to make a concession; vacation pay can be accrued no later than two days after the start of the vacation. another resonant issue has also been resolved: the employee wants to study at his own discretion. there is obviously more than one session ahead. the employer does not always cooperate. employers will be required to provide leave to those employees who receive the first specialized secondary and first higher education. education. and also to those employees who receive. vocational and technical education, regardless of what it is for the employee, can be second or
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third. starting from the new year, many workers will have another additional day off. a free day is given for health reasons. take tests, voice complaints, visit the doctor again, in short, undergo dissponsorship. if you are under forty, you can do this once every 3 years on your legal extra day off. if over 40 and at the same time 5 years before retirement, once a year, in for five. years until retirement age generally twice a year. the employee will be released from work, and during this period of time his average earnings will be retained. he will have to agree with his employer about the day on which the employee is going to devote himself to undergoing dispensary testing. parents with many children, as well as those raising a disabled child, could take advantage of the additional day off, even weekly. due to numerous requests, the legislator has supplemented the rules. now it's either... or the working day has been shortened by an hour, but every day, in a word, the law provides a choice,
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with only one caveat: the choice will not be made by the employee, that is, he can naturally take the initiative, but the decision will be made by the employer, since the norm stipulates that the employee will have such a right , if this does not interfere with the normal operation of the organization. changes have been made to the current post-pandemic distance learning. previously, the labor code obliged the employee to work according to the principle or. or, that is, either on site or remotely. now it becomes possible combined form, the employer is generally given the right to send an employee to work remotely temporarily, and for this the employer will have enough.
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this is an area of ​​interest, now a short advertisement, further in the program: new opportunities for the five countries in trade with iran and state registration of real estate online. we'll tell you how to save time. every week we review the main topics that have aroused the interest of our viewers and subscribers on social networks, we offer to learn the belarusian language while walking with our tv guides, and we also introduce you to amazing people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. broadcast 24/7, a project that everyone should see. watch us
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every friday on the belarus24 tv channel. we do not have the moral right to live only for ourselves, we must look beyond the horizon, we do not have and will not have another home. african countries, as well as the arab world, latin america and asia, why are they ready and willing to work with belarus? because the leaders of these countries have deep respect not only for belarus as a country, but also for personal respect for alexander lukashenko. belarus forced nato to hear itself as an instrument that is very clear to this north atlantic aggressor. reproaches about the deployment of russian tactical nuclear weapons in our country are absurd; we are simply learning diplomatic, so -called etiquette, from those who made the language of force a global trend. we have a new
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political line for the first campaign. only supporters should get into parliament. lines only those for whom the words “belarus, unity, sovereignty, family and peace” have determining value, step aside and don’t interfere, no one is forcing you to do anything, for one simple reason, we are already the absolute majority. propaganda project, watch on belarus24 tv channel. this is an area of ​​interest, and we continue, a free trade agreement has been signed between the eurasian economic union and iran. this document is based on a temporary agreement from 2019. it covered a minimal set of goods, but still influenced
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a significant increase in trade turnover. it is expected that the new agreement will raise trade between. grater and iran to a new level. the agreement provides for the creation of a free trade zone and the introduction of a duty-free trade regime, which covers almost all types of goods. the new trade regime will also significantly increase the competitiveness of goods and thereby increase exports to iran. well, in general, the document will help intensify cooperative investment cooperation. during this time, trade between state members of the eac and the islamic republic of iran has tripled and we we came to a mutual understanding that we are reaching the level where it is necessary to conclude a full-format agreement that will fully open, will mutually open the markets
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of the countries of the five eac members and the islamic republic. iran, today this happened and we need to be aware that the islamic republic of iran has opened up a market of 190 million people, we, with our five, have created opportunities to promote the businesses of our countries, entrepreneurs of our countries to a market that covers approximately 86-87 million man, this is very significant opportunities for further development and expansion of the economies of member states. officially comes into force from the moment of its ratification by the state members, i think that the parliaments of the member states will not delay this. i would like to emphasize that practical work can already begin today, forming an appropriate mechanism
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for the implementation of certain provisions, such as trade, the process will be carried out quite quickly, but also investment, and what is related to transit, what is related to transport corridors, with technical regulations and so on, that is, this is a very big job that... which needs to be done literally today, and by the way, we started it in the commission without waiting for the last date of ratification. administrative procedures in the field of state registration of real estate have become available online. now this can be done on a single portal of electronic services. this greatly simplifies the process of submitting documents, as well. you can submit an application
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both through a single portal of electronic services and through the eposluga mobile application. anton malyuta talked more about this with the deputy chairman of the state committee on property ekaterina lukyanova. ekaterina svyatoslavovna, good afternoon, what procedures in the field of state registration of real estate are now available online. we have translated 131 administrative procedures that relate to the registration of real estate, and obtaining information from the unified state register of real estate, rights to transactions with it, making decisions by local executive and administrative bodies, relating to the purpose of all real estate objects with the exception of land plots. according to the legislation of the republic of belarus, changes in the purpose of land plots occur according to a separate procedure established by the council of ministers and are not regulated by regulations of administrative procedures,
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so today all of our administrative procedures are already available in electronic form, so everyone is interested in performing any registration action, be it the creation of a real estate property, its changes, termination existence, emergence, transfer or termination of rights or restrictions on encumbrances of rights are possible. submit the appropriate electronic application for the implementation of such an administrative procedure using a single portal of electronic services. if there is any clear mechanism of action, what needs to be done to complete the procedure online. the first is a single portal of electronic services, you need to log in there using an electronic signature key, or using another algorithm that is provided for our administrative procedures on the portal , you need to log in there, and after that , following the algorithm, there will be... step-by-step instructions to fill out an application for state registration, for example, or to provide information from the real estate register, attach the necessary documents, and sign the application with an electronic
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digital signature press the cherished send button, on the registration agency site, sent to the state registration agency of the land cadastre at the location of the object real estate and further on the site of this agency the whole range of actions will be carried out regarding the subsequent acceptance of the document
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, the period for completing such administrative procedures is a month. ekaterina svyatoslavna thank you. and that’s all the information for today, look at your area of ​​interest. we are on air three times a week, every tuesday, wednesday and thursday. we wish you profitable projects, new ideas from reliable partners. and see you on the air.
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i am belarusian, i am on this cossack land, between the forest and the forest hell of the ancient century, i am belarusian, i am belarusian, that i am i know this name, and the good glory of belarus is not without reason, i... rus, and i am happy that matsimov gave me, that i can hear the songs of my native people from far away. i am a belarusian, and even though the world is too small, i will say, i will be born into a tribe of ungrateful people, and i will never get upset.
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i’m learning, the judge will be a woman, she will cry, and the entire restaurant will be your breadwinner for three children. listen, look, you are a lawyer, i trust you, i have to, what kind of toys should i buy? eh, lushen, manchukovaya, robot, that’s it, i ran to arrange everything, and you, don’t get lost, yeah, proba, we know each other, yes, ah, you violated, hmm,
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violated. yes, no one caught me, which means we don’t know each other, fortunately for our common goodness, i want to know who you are, my dad sent you to spy on me, but not really me, in short, you’re making me nervous, you’ll have some kind of feeling of recognition of anxiety in me, but i really don’t like worrying, it’s great, it’s great, but... what kind of a mess is this, lord, that this can’t be done, what a mess, i can’t hit my head, it’s already hit, larisochka, yeah, you say strangers, hello, kind day, hello, oh, hello,
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my god, you are lydia, right? my god, you know, i just couldn’t pass by your dresses , it’s such a rarity these days, you know, so beautifully, modestly, just without... this unnecessary pomposity, it’s a shame, just i have no reason to try on all this beauty, thank you, it’s very nice to hear, tell me, can i, i’ll just take a look, of course, of course, maybe you’ll pick something up for the future, gerda, yes, let’s go, thank you, god, in in general, we have such a great dress, i’m like wearing yours i found a wedding dress in the catalog. yes, it’s called the first snow, you have it in stock, in a single copy, i really like the mongrel, i think it’s my mother’s, here’s the jewelry, you want to try it on , i think it’s great, but not very much, let’s go,
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no, you know, i think i want something bigger, maybe this, maybe this, this, yes, a great option, you know, i really like this, and matilda would like it, who is matilda - this is my dog, yes, excuse me, please , yes? and it's not you miss fitness 2009 by any chance? yes, it’s true, every year this figure stresses me out more and more, but yes, it’s me, it’s just me out of habit, in our gym, on the contrary, there’s your autographed poster, your old gym, it seems to me that you’re not at all have changed. really, forgive me, please, yes, sorry, the thing is that we have a show soon, and maybe you would agree to participate as a model? i, you have a wonderful figure, and it seems to me that it would be wonderful,
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you know, i don’t mind, and you happen to have a loving husband for your wedding dress and kids are not offered, yes, phone, now i'm telling you, i have, yes, i have. awesome, of course, you can postpone it, i want to think, yes, okay, i have to be the best at our wedding, let's go, dimasik. happy new year, please wait, is this business card, a gift from our salon, will it bring you happiness, gerda,
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robot, are you buying? but i need to think, i don’t need to think, excuse me, no, no, no, no, no, this is my robot, i need a gift, and i need a restaurant, no, wait, you know how much i saved for this robot, well, that’s your problem, ivan sarevich was fined for never kissing the frog princess, uh-huh, vanya, laguchik, oh, laguchik, “a fighting friend of my student youth, how many years have we not seen each other, but well, you’ve changed , van, well, a dubious compliment, yes, i’m sorry , it’s okay, i’m just saying that i
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shouldn’t have married you then, okay, tell me what you are, how you are, where you are, i won’t believe it, you worked, laguka, this "is it fate"? mi, i have my ex-wife, she wants to chop off half the restaurant for herself. you can have me today one young lady to paint the apartment? no, well, it’s effective. no, you understand, i spoke with a lawyer, there are simply no other options to save the restaurant. well, an unexpected proposal. no, well, right away, you need to go to the tax office, you need to take these stamps and forms. well, then i can’t, i need to buy gifts today, for the last day. van, why are you so little? yes, well, i’ll pay for everything , that’s understandable, well, in general, my new year’s budget is bursting, good for you, but then i think that santa claus will appreciate saving his friend, for some reason
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i don’t see a large number of people willing here get married, and you think that the entire institution of marriage rests on you, right? we're closed for the holidays, go there! pass, disorder, certificate just in case. let's go, let's go, let's go, uh, what uh, uh, well
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, let's go, let's go, damn, listen, what should we do now, well, what should we do now, do you have a balcony there? half, half, half, push! well,
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now they will bring spring to my tramp, we carefully go down it, and you and i are free, you want to break your legs on the most important day of your life, what an important day my life, and you are a laundress, listen. “if i don’t have a wedding today, it will be the most terrible day of my life, here they are,
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he doesn’t take it, doesn’t answer, well, where are we going to pick up the dress, what kind of dress, the clothes are so feminine, how can i say, over my head she dresses, sometimes through her legs, i heard someone like that, well, she’s a little prettier than a lady , i understand, i understand, that’s it, i’m not going to the store today , that is, you’re going to a corporate party like that, yes, i ’m quitting, so i think,
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finally . what's going on? what? listen, spit already, where? take a bite from your nurse. so, first of all, he is a paramedic. what difference does it make, which one is a paramedic or not a paramedic? well, okay, but he didn’t call back, but he didn’t just quit because of this, why are you fooling? it’s just funny even listening to advice about your personal life from you. you don't have it. everything is fine with me, everything is very good with my personal life , it’s clear. and the fact that it is unsystematic in nature, you don’t know anything. because i have nowhere to look for my personal life, where will i look for it in commercialism with mummies, why not necessarily with mummies, listen, okay, that’s it, you yourself understand perfectly well that everyone dreams of a big and bright feeling, do you dream of a big bright feeling? wow, i thought your love is a shovel, my shovel is a way to somehow wait out my loneliness or something else understandable and in general i don’t have time to talk to you here now and in general and not...
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for my love, i called if only his friends would find out what was wrong with him, and where he was, stay here, for sure. 100 brave people gathered in our studio guys, each of them has.
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i will say that there is strength in justice. the main task is to honestly answer all original, and sometimes awkward questions. can you show me a valid technique that can help someone by hitting someone from above, and then i throw the person, and just like that. what advice can you give to today's youth based on your own experience? love the land where you were born. look in the project. 100 questions for an adult on the belarus tv channel there are 24 children. they are dedicated to their work, special children need us, our task is to prepare them for independent life. the health of children is the health of the nation. we all worry about our children, we make every effort to ensure that the food
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is of high quality, safe and that children like. ready to share knowledge, speech on... watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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what are you doing with this hairpin, and what is the lock from with the hairpin? we won't talk about my exes, okay? why are you so worried about your exes? now you have to think about your future, it will probably work out for you i really, i don’t know, bye, bye ,
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i’ll probably have to sit here with you until the morning, i can’t sit here with myself until the morning, you know, i have a restaurant, it won’t wait until the morning, so let’s go with you now let's think about it and help. let's think of something, will you? no, come on, come on, oh, hello, hello, what are you doing here, what happened? vera fell in love with doctor volkov, and here i am, flying like a cupid, handing over gifts, and you, who are not in love, vera, were once in love with such a woman, the bar is very high they raise me up, and that’s why i’m interested in older girls, with roommates, nothing
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works out, i can’t even talk, it’s only suitable for light novels, oh, but i don’t lose hope of meeting real great love, a high, bright feeling. well, as corny as it sounds, it’s true. hello, hello, how long have you been here? yes, this is vere, this is for you. thank you. please. until next time. bye. goodbye. i flew. we don't know each other. in fact, i'm looking for your friend misha. but listen, i can’t catch him myself, his phone doesn’t answer, and i don’t have a new address i don’t know him, so i can’t help you, for now i’m sorry, but if i find out anything. thank you, no need, well, at least i
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tried, well, what do you think it will hold up, what, what, what ra, well, nyak, we have a second one too, yeah. no, no, no, yes, no , remember, the irony of fate, after all, it was wrong , we forgot how to climb into the windows of women, but we learned to climb out of the windows to them, and... only you forgot the word to your beloved women , so come on, mom, oh, lord,
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oh, yeah, lord, mommy, mom, that's it, yeah, come on, yeah, no, don't be afraid, you coward, come on, come on, mom, come on, i'm holding you, man, i killed you, the king, so,
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hello, please tell me, do you have a moment of acid?
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archaeologists, okay, yes, stop it, why not, seriously, yes no, listen , well, everything is clear, you’re just trying to get at me from the side of archeology, well, that’s okay, the attempt counts, no, really, i’m interested, i’m not interested in psychological aspects of may culture, really, no, well, that doesn’t mean that i didn’t hit on you, please, where am i, where am i in the sweet salon, yes, wait, listen, if they say that the dress from the bride from lydia, after all, no one will say that the marriage is fictitious, really, you find out what size the bride is, uh, forty-four, like my laguska, please
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try it on, well, why laguchik and what for what can i help you with , what is your best- the best dress the best dress has just been postponed i beg you please the question of life death suddenly gerda won’t come we’ll try it on now yeah please i think it’s a gorgeous option go ahead. “this is our exclusive, but for now you can look through the catalog, yeah, take a seat, this is for you, thank you, a gentleman, a fossil with a bouquet and with the passion for the culture of may." i don’t understand where we have hidden cameras here, i’ll tell you from experience, the most important moments of life, they don’t
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get into the frame, yes, but what kind of experience do you have? me ... i want to say that this is not so much, only 25, congratulations, well, 26, 27, we already thought that i was 40, no, i’ll just finish with age, don’t give me your phone number. , lagutik, lagutik, how does this dress suit you, exactly what you need, as if it was made for you, but you know what, take this dress, and for that client, i
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i’ll say, i’ll say that it’s great that the dress was eaten by mice, i haven’t taken the subway for 100 years, i won’t for the same amount of time, you know, it’s better to stand in a traffic jam for 2 hours than for 20 minutes of disgrace, think about it, what’s the value? oh, just like in a horror movie, yes, listen, call, hello, hello, hello, you hear, damn , it’s not working, you haven’t seen, you don’t remember what
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floor you are, what are you? you're claustrophobic phobic claustrophobic you admit it no well you 're claustrophobic you're afraid no i'm just a little afraid of heights everything absolutely of course wait how are you afraid of heights you're in institute, you were the first to sign up for this group of climbers , so you signed up, wait, are you a lagutik because of me
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, “yes, that’s for sure, you know, a lagutka, but i really enjoy being here with you, i understand, it’s better put up with the familiar, the evil, yes, listen, maybe we will, we will celebrate this matter, and well, for understanding, well, well, yes, and you will be so single”? party, you haven’t seen a wedding yet, really, neither have i, but from experience, and you have plenty of experience, come, professional, mock me, come on, that’s it, come on, damn it, i’m like now i don’t really understand what’s going on, where is my dress, well, technically it wasn’t yours, but we put it aside for you, but unfortunately, you
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were 15 minutes late, gerda, “please try on this dress, i think it will suit you very well, naturally, look at my figure, everything looks divine on me , in any case, this is not how things are done, you see, you set me up, where is the dress, the mice , what did you eat, why are you sitting there, silent, tell these ladies , as needed"? do you want to be blamed for attacking internal affairs officers? i want to be like you. we travel around belarus and discover
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new sights. every city has sculptures with their own symbolic meaning and, as a rule, they are located in the center. meet, this is valentin and valentina, let’s get acquainted with the original belarusian traditions, i haven’t hit you yet, well, i’m immediately scared, you’re not scared, i’m scared, hitting, of course, hurts, no , tell me, what could a woman in such an outfit do, probably, to control the work of the servants, the most important thing is that we experience vivid emotions, well, guys, how did i fit into... the team are you taking it? yes, i’m really thinking about buying a jacuzzi, i’ll add milk and honey to it every evening and feel like cleopatra. project, the route has been built,
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watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel, i don’t have the strength. how is life for foreign guests in belarus? i am lithuanian, i came here from vilnius and currently live here , i am very happy with it. a wonderful country, good people, by the way, very similar in mentality to the people of kazakhstan, that is , open, friendly, kind, i am the artistic director of this circus, our circus. perhaps the only circus in the world that is located in the very center of the city, our women's club, and we are for the sun to shine, for the children to laugh, for them to be happy, and if we can help, we
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are obliged to do so. watch the “look at belarus” project on our tv channel. internal affairs officer, i may be just like my mother, but i’m clearly not a fool, but what do you want, health, a rich fiance, happiness, a goldfish, come on, i have money, but you can’t buy happiness with a fiance, health, no matter what anyone says, i want to be like you, well these questions don’t...
12:15 am
sounds like a challenge, i love challenges, do you think this is entertainment, or something, you wanted to play chess with human figures, everyone get out of here, get out of here, before i give you a dump truck and intensive care instead of a groom, i’m from i still won’t leave you behind. let's see.


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