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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 5, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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but if these are connecting flights, then of course problems arise again, time is wasted, that is, the vacation is not always long, you want to get there faster, so uzbekistan, armenia, countries that are very different, for example, from belarus and surprise, that is, they are very positive reviews, and china, indeed, again, today we have a new flight since january, and it is carried out to the south of china, therefore...
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agro-eco-estates, of course, because here there is also a synthesis of eco-tourism and , in general, buy something, well and gastronomic, so when we start monitoring or somehow communicating with our tourists, we understand that bookings are going well ahead, and this, of course, cannot but rejoice, but on the other hand, we understand that a question may arise regarding domestic tourism, so here again our task for the twenty-fourth year is to ensure that... our citizens always have places and comfortable rest, and to hospitably welcome our guests from other countries. well, thank you. irina varanovich answered the program’s questions, director of the department of tourism of the ministry of sports and tourism of belarus. results and analysis of the main events of this week in the atn information and analytical program: main broadcast. all projects of our tv channel are available on the website, as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you, all the best.
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the medical profession is complex, it is not only communication capabilities.
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university. the main mission of our university is to train highly qualified, competitive specialists in the field of medicine and pharmacy. the rector has an irregular working day, for me it always starts at 7:20 in the morning, but it can end at 10:00 in the evening, depending on the planned events, a planning meeting with our heads of structural
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divisions, with projectors, speakers , heads of departments, where we we clearly define our plans for this week, and we also discuss the issues that were made last week. good afternoon, colleagues, today we are holding our next meeting, our administration, one of our most important issues is practice-oriented preparation of our students, just today we will consider the issue of practicing these practical skills in our republican simulation center. at least once a week is a visit to one of the departments at the clinical sites.
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from the profile, we have several admission systems, this is the target form of preparation at our university, according to which we are expanding it, if last year it was 60-80%, this year we are also maintaining according to this, let’s say, algorithm they enter pass one oral exam in medical practice,
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pediatrics, dentistry , medical-prophylactic work, they take an exam in biology, if for pharmacy, they take one exam, in chemistry, and for everyone else who enrolls in the budget form, classical, as well as paid, they take exams in schools , as well as within the framework of the centralized examination or tse, also in biology and chemistry, provides data, their certificates and tests for centralized testing and centralized examination to the selection committee, based on the scores they are already enrolled. on a competitive basis in our university, moreover, we have the opportunity of state support for admission, thanks to the support of the head of state of our country, we have about 3 or 4% of gifted youth entering every year, these are the winners of republican, international
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olympiads, international conferences, guys who are among the gifted youth, which has certain preferences and comes to us without...
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who study at our university, during theoretical training, they already combine their practical training skills in clinical departments , at clinical bases, already from the third year they undergo practical nursing practice, after the third year they can already work as either a nurse or a nurse in a health care institution of the republic of belarus, in the fourth or fifth year they undergo medical clinical practice, also in health care institutions. republic of belarus, basically training lasts 6 years in all of our main faculties, only in
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dentistry and pharmaceuticals - this is 5 years of training. after graduation, they go, are distributed by the ministry of health, practical health care, for one year they undergo an internship, the so-called on-the-job internship under the supervision of a mentor, usually from the department of photography, an experienced doctor, specialist, subsequently. they are already distributed to healthcare institutions of the republic of belarus, where they fully work out their terms of work, as a rule, these are all our city clinics, they are mainly distributed by general practitioners, as well as specialized healthcare institutions hospitals of the republican scientific and practical center, this depends on the profile of our graduate. i am a sixth year student at the faculty of pediatrics. desire to enroll in this particular faculty , i didn’t even consider others, because initially i really wanted to work with
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children, it seems to me that children are such a special category of patients who charge you with some kind of energy, positivity, they seem to prolong your youth , your youth, your childhood, so in general i achieved my goal and entered the pediatric faculty. in the future, this subordination allows me to choose a narrower specialization, i can become a cardiologist, a nephrologist, or an endocrinologist. i’ll choose what i like, but at the moment i think that i would like to start with a children’s infectious diseases hospital, i would like to become a pediatrician there, maybe in the future i will become a pediatric infectious disease specialist in order to work more closely with this category of diseases . at our university, 100% of our teaching students are distributed, we have a two-stage distribution, distribution is an opportunity to gain a foothold in the workplace, of course, all the target people. are determined depending on the region where they came, these are all our regional centers, inter-district centers,
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clinics, hospitals, well, our budget students, who are also distributed across all regions. the university has 11 faculties, of which seven faculties work in undergraduate education, four faculties train doctors, and specialists ... in the postgraduate stage of their training. in addition, the university has 122 departments, 34 theoretical or fundamental departments, where our students study, and 88 clinical departments, located at more than eighty clinical sites in our country. currently, the belarusian state medical university includes three institutes, this is an institute for advanced training and retraining of healthcare personnel. experimental research institute. clinical medicine and military medical institute.
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military medical institute in a belarusian state educational institution the medical university is a unified educational, methodological scientific center for the training of personnel officers of the medical service for the armed forces, other troops, military formations and military organizations. the institute is the only educational institution in our country that provides training. military medical personnel. the military medical institute has four departments: the department of organizing medical support for disaster medicine troops, the department of military epidemiology, military hygiene, department of military field.
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that is, along with training according to plans for training medical personnel, cadets at the military medical institute undergo additional study of military military medical disciplines. this is a fundamental difference. we prepare our graduates to work in absolutely any situation, from the battlefield to the organization of medical support for the functioning of military medical healthcare organizations. and we employ more than 800 graduates
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teachers, these are our doctors, candidates of medical sciences, associate professors, professors, they work at the university. three academicians, five corresponding members of the national academy of sciences, a people's doctor, as well as honored scientists and honored workers and honored doctors of the republic of belarus. we are, of course, proud of the legacy that has been formed over the course of 100 years thanks to our faculty. i have been teaching for many, many years, almost half a century. each student is an individual, sometimes in the first courses. it happens that they are so rough, like ordinary teenagers, but then they understand that we are generally guarding their interests, trying to give them knowledge, help them get settled in life, find a common language, find a common language with them, yes, of course, every teacher here is engaged in scientific research, i, of course , have been doing it all my life, i have my own school,
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i have doctoral students, graduate students, there are already defended ones, well, of course science... i can say that it is no less, but somewhere... then it takes up even more in anyone’s life teacher, well, of course, more free time, personal time, but without it it is impossible to grow, and the quality of the educational process without science, it certainly will not be good enough, in general , 7,500 of our students study at the university, more than 5,000 are our domestic belarusians and more 2. countries, this includes israel, india, sri lanka, our foreign specialists from more than 50 palestine, russian federation, turkmenistan, azerbaijan and other countries that are represented on our market, more the fact that we received international confirmation 2 years ago, passed accreditation and joined the world federation
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of medical education, which allows our foreign students to come to their countries without...
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foreign students, both in theoretical and some clinical departments, study in english. currently, we, in fact , provide all our students, both domestic and... students who study from abroad, with a 100% opportunity to live in our comfortable belarusian dormitories state medical university.
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our university is developing, it is improving, improving, of course, to improve the material and technical base. we are located in the department of normal anatomy; first- and second- year students study at our department. human anatomy, and one of the main tasks, the most important, is what we want to convey to students, this is not only to talk about a person’s mood, but also to ensure maximum clarity of what we talk about, what we demonstrate, so we have a rich museum collection, we have an anatomical table, this is the so-called virtual dissertation table, on which we can show all the structures of... remove the unnecessary, show more, make a reference to the microscopic structure of the organ, which our students study at the
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macroscopic level. for our modern students, who have already grown up with a phone and a tablet, it is very important to have the opportunity to work and see on such three-dimensional models on some new modern technology. any specialist, doctor, he should engage in science, and as students we also develop the ability to engage in science, we have student clubs in all departments of our university, both fundamental and clinical, already from the first year our teachers motivate our students to engage in science, at our university more than 90% of students engage in science scientific research is not only like performing some kind of scientific work, but...
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temporarily determining the diagnosis of various diseases, in addition , together with our students with the teachers developed and demonstrated last year a special device for feeding after complex periofacial operations, and much, much more, which we demonstrate annually as part of science days, as at our university, and was demonstrated at the republican exhibition. belarus is intellectual, the worst thing is that with
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this disease, especially in severe cases, which stops breathing, which can be fatal, lethal, we as dentists too they made a special anti-snoring mouth guard that allows you to eliminate these respiratory arrest syndromes, and often... our patient has already been using this mouth guard for more than 5 years. the mechanism of action of this mouthguard is that the production of an individual mouthguard on the upper and lower jaws, when the patient sleeps and the tongue shifts, the lower jaw, this breathing tube, the upper respiratory tract at night, especially when the patient sleeps on his back, it simply does not close. and pushing the lower jaw to this given a certain distance that is calculated. based on x-ray data from the state of the dental system, let’s say, this moment of artificial closure of the
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airways is eliminated. of course, the main point in the training of our specialists, be it a student or a doctor , is, of course, practice orientation. these are the main points of practicing all practical skills in clinics, all high-tech methods. treatment, and of course, using our modern simulation equipment, which we have in our arsenal. thanks to the support of the head of state, our republican center for professional certification and simulation training of medical and pharmaceutical workers. this center was built in less than 2 years. in this center , our students, subordinates, senior students, and all doctors from the republic of belarus are trained and trained, these are interns who
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just recently graduated from... from august 1st they started their work, these are students of advanced training courses, retraining, as well as trainees, this center consists of a simulation clinic, where eight modules are located in anatomy, reflexology, surgery, anesthesiology, resuscitation, obstetrics, gynecology, dentistry, pharmacy and other areas, where all our educational basic programs are implemented in terms of training ... technical skills, but also certification of those skills that our doctors, specialists and, of course, students must possess. all our phantoms have dental teeth, with dysnoid condition, and with other anatomical semi-sert formations, there are, you see, several mullages that evaluate the quality of anesthesia in a patient. you see, anesthesia was performed, the touch sensor
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determines whether it was performed correctly. and accordingly, already when we work directly with the patient, we already felt comfortable, we had worked out some basic skills, there was no anxiety, so that we knew what we were doing, this is an office for conducting anesthetic kilometological procedures, this is where ours is engaged...
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this is the only simulator in our country, which allows training at this level, in the same office we have a device that is used for training x-ray vascular surgeons, this is the second device in the country, well, specialists in x-ray endovascular surgery, they are unique and the opportunity to study in our republican clinic is run by the president. whether you are a doctor or a teacher or a researcher or a rector, you always take your work seriously. i think for myself that i effectively use all my knowledge, my i use my skills to perform my job duties. for this i have all the strength, i have the energy to provide
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