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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 5, 2024 1:05pm-1:51pm MSK

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issue alexander, thank you, and we believe that the medal box of the belarusian team will be replenished, the third stage of the commonwealth cup will last until january 7. they tried to take a rare car from 1947 out of belarus without documents; the cost of the car was more than half a million rubles. according to grodno customs officers, transport is a cultural value, cars produced before january fifty-one belong to this category, and such a polished car. fully equipped, and even on the move could be observed at the checkpoint stone lock a russian citizen was driving a zis 110 car to lithuania. customs officers paid attention to the release date. by law, such cars must be declared with a special document. an administrative process has been initiated against the driver. by the way, the ministry of culture confirmed that transport belongs to the category of cultural property.
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they combined two part-time jobs as drug collectors and telephone swindler couriers in their free time from study. judges of the pervomaisky district of minsk today announced the verdict against the guys from the capital. one was barely 18, the other a year younger. according to the case materials , last year the teenagers got a job in a drug market as so-called sports workers. the main function is to punish guilty pawnbrokers. the defendants lured one of them into a trap, took a photo "
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in the amount of at least 73,000 belarusian rubles. taking into account the evidence provided by the state prosecutor, the court of the pervomaisky district of the city of minsk found the accused guilty of kidnapping and fraud committed by an organized group, as well as committing robbery , sentenced him to a combination of crimes in the form of imprisonment for a term of 11 and 12 years, respectively. the accused can still appeal the court decision. and this is 10 days for them. the frosts are getting stronger. according to weather forecasters, the weekend in belarus will be marked by persistent negative temperatures. on saturday, snow is expected only in the gomel and bresse regions. at night from three below zero in the south and to -18 in the north, during the day from 6 to 13 below zero. due to the increased humidity and windy weather , it will feel much colder. in sunday is expected to be partly cloudy and mostly rainless. the wind will blow
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from the northeast and north, which will add discomfort to the sensations; such synoptic conditions will contribute to a significant cooling of the air at night and slight warming up on a short winter day, so the minimum air temperature at night will be mainly -16-23, in some places frosts will intensify to 24-27°, in the southwestern regions 11:15 below zero is expected, january frosts have captured not only belarusian streets, but also social networks: internet, users from different cities are sharing colorful winter landscapes, the frost will get stronger in the coming days and when shooting atmospheric snow videos, dress warmly and take care of your health, also be careful.
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all this is in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel . new year is a time of miracles. on this holiday , everyone can become a wizard, for this you need very little, to do good. after all
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, the warmth of the hands of people who do good deeds is transferred to those who receive them. do good and be happy in the new year.
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in 2024, the world will face changes, perhaps the most serious results of the past year and the main trends of the coming one, but the king is naked, kirkorov has gone. for kevleeva’s birthday, now both are cancelled, we are having a party today, a wave, like from a catwalk, fashion and propaganda of permissiveness, the dim future of polish tv. donald tusk’s broom is cleaning biased television footage. lessons from artificial trends. hollywood is suffering record losses, but continues to make films for the masses about minorities. neuro company. link will begin conducting experiments with brain chips on people. this is the trends program. we begin. microphone. for the world as a whole, the year 2023 has passed. on the one
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hand, this is another third year in a row, a year of great upheaval. and more and more , the tension is only increasing, there is no respite from... the moment when we showed that in the face of generally speaking, for us, this is perhaps the very same difficulties we do not give in to adversity, no matter how large the predator may seem trying to devour us, the economy did not collapse , although she was buried there in the west several times already, and... ours are exactly like the spoken words and thoughts of we do not change about what is happening, but our opponents, it seems, are starting to look for suitable shoes for the subsequent geopolitical maneuver. their idea that they are a garden of eden, with some kind of jungle around them, albeit not so quickly,
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but inevitably collapses in their own heads. let's sum up the year. closes. and german factories, these are workers seeing off the last pipe that came off the assembly line, the enterprise could not withstand anti-russian sanctions, there is no available gas, there is no break-even production, there are already four large metallurgical plants closed, since february 22, the european union has spent 304 billion euros on gas imports, having overpaid 185 billion euros after the introduction of sanctions against russia. according to surveys, 37% of eu residents experience. difficulties paying bills, and 73% of europeans expect life to worsen in 2024 . in the twenty-third, the trend towards the unconditional strength and correctness of the west began to crack, however, the final sobering up is still far away. the trend towards the return of prodigal
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oligarchs to russia is very interesting. the loudest was the arrival billionaire friedman. the most ridiculous thing is the latest statement from fugitive to london chichvarkin, who has long been experiencing problems with business development in... it would be absolutely logical now to sell everything, go to moscow and build a tourist village there. for domestic tourism, which rushes from all directions. the geopolitical photo of the year can be considered a piercing look into the emptiness of the zelensky nato summit in vilnius; the widely advertised counter-offensive became an equally loud counter-offensive. ukraine is suffering huge losses, it is running out of people, weapons and ammunition, and the economy is literally dying, there is nothing to pay for basic social benefits. there is a bread distribution going on in chernigov...
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and a year ago, the most stylish one, on the contrary, began to be canceled after her statements in support of
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her native palestine. the house of deor, whose face she was, scandalously fired hadit, replacing her with the israeli fashion model mai tager. the war between israel and palestine itself confirmed the trend towards impunity of the western world and its partners, despite the death of children and journalists in the conflict zone, demonstrating the cannibalistic hypocrisy of a unipolar world. the pope allowed priests to bless. sex couples, as well as baptisms for representatives of sexual minorities, being godparents and witnessing a wedding in a church, although 2 years ago the vatican even issued a document that the roman catholic church considers such a practice unacceptable. 2023 has become the year of the victorious march of artificial intelligence, or rather neural networks, doing the work of creating texts, video graphics, faster and often better the average person. in the future... these technologies will clearly help the western media create an artificial picture of the world for a mass audience. well,
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we’ll talk with political scientist dmitry yastafiev about what to expect from 24, about its main issues, challenges, threats. dmitry, what topics, issues of geopolitics can now be identified as the main ones for the twenty- fourth year, well, for example, in the arc of russia, west, east, maybe china? no, i would have come from a completely different direction. the main question in 2024 is whether geo-economic regionalization or not? question: 2024, the weakening united states, the united states, which, well, it’s already obvious, this can be said, is in a state of internal political decline.
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and these relationships seem to be, you know, like a drop falling from a leaf of grass, so it hangs and neither here nor there, in fact, predicting where chinese-american relations will go is very difficult, almost impossible, it depends on too many factors , both internal and external, more tightly, it begins to depend on accidents, from incidents that... were ignored 10 years ago, now they can play a large, extremely
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destabilizing role in foreign policy, but it is absolutely obvious that the core, the center of future such military-political processes will be precisely the situation in east asia, the situation in the relations between the united states of america and china, and what are the main issues for the west in the confrontation with russia, and vice versa for russia in the confrontation with the west? that's what concerns relations between russia and the west, that's all it's clear. i’m not ready for a substantive dialogue with russia on security issues in the format that was formulated by moscow in december 2021 until it matures to this, but this is impossible, and then let me remind you that it will be extremely difficult for it to mature, because 2024 and early 2025 year, this is most likely
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a period of... election processes in a number of european countries and the united states, and here, of course, no one will be ready for any dialogue. do you think the west has some unpleasant things in store for belarus? surprises this year? i won’t make you happy, i can tell you directly that neither russia nor belarus, i’m afraid, have more of these, you know. i don’t foresee any peaceful news, there were hopes that relations with the union state and , above all, with belarus on the part of poland would be stabilized, but i look at what this tusk coalition is doing, and i think that we are entering a period of very serious
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internal political turbulence in poland, within the framework of which very many things are possible... will not be open against belarus, will not be decided, but tension in the border zone and with ukraine and poland, unfortunately, i’m afraid it will increase. thank you, it was political scientist dmitry evstaviev, with a forecast for the twenty- fourth year.
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we travel around belarus and discover new sights. every city has sculptures with their own symbolic meaning, and as a rule they are located in the center. meet me. this is valentin and valentina. let's get acquainted with the original belarusian traditions. that's all i am. hit, well, i'm scared, scared, you're not scared, but i'm scared, hit, of course, it doesn’t hurt, no, tell me, what could a woman in such an outfit do, probably supervise the work of the servants, most importantly, we experience vivid emotions, well, guys, how did i fit into your team, take it, yes, i
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really thought about buying a jacuzzi, i’ll add it to myself every evening. the project route has been built, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel how the life of foreign guests in belarus proceeds, i am lithuanian, i came here from vilnius. i currently live here, i’m very happy with it, it’s a wonderful country, good people, by the way, are very similar in mentality to the kazakh people, that is, open, friendly, kind, i am the artistic director of this circus, our circus is perhaps the only circus in the world that is located in
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the very center of the city, our women's club, we are for so that the sun shines, so that the children... laugh, so that they are happy, and if we can help, we must do so. watch the project glance at belarus on our tv channel. and this video shows crystal clear who is who. world politics, who is the usa in reality, if we discard their annoying pr about the city on the hill, the beacons of democracy. voting in the un security council. against the backdrop of deathly silence, only the us representative raised his hand in opposition. great britain
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abstained, everyone else was in favor of a ceasefire. usa v. this is at the very moment when 100 children were dying every day in gas. on the one hand, horror. on the other hand, if the united states remains completely alone on some issues, not everything. for the system of international relations. us first lady jill biden shared a christmas video from the white house. a troupe of dancers tap dance through the slippery corridors of america's political heartland in a very playful interpretation of the nutcracker. reviewers noted the allusion to the aesthetics of such a provocative film as stanley kubrick's a clockwork orange. the same. support for blm, radical leftist ideas, including the abolition of prisons and reduction in funding for law enforcement
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agencies, which has already led to an increase in crime in the united states unseen in 30 years. the very production of the black nutcracker in the white house is an example of the struggle, in quotes, with racism, in in quotation marks, that is, it reformats world classics to suit black culture. or here ’s an even clearer example: in boston on... the usa is littered with nutcrackers with gays and black santa clauses in wheelchairs. microphone. it is no coincidence that hollywood's second name is the dream factory. once upon a time she relayed the dream of an average man. american and made good money on it, but the modern american dream, as interpreted by disney authors, apparently does not reach the masses, that is, the majority,
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which may sympathize with all sorts of minorities, but like the professor preobrazhensky won’t even give a quarter for this. the year for such a legendary, seemingly indestructible company as disney became a terrible failure in commercial terms, although it seems to be very accurate. introduces the latest western values ​​into its products, from racial and gender diversity to mewing dogs, these are the trends: the company’s total losses in the future will probably amount to more than a billion dollars, this is what happens when you film not about the plot, but about the strong and independent in in quotation marks, of course. in general, of course, it’s surprising: a corporation that has put together billions on traditional family values, actively promoting what destroys them. this movie, it turns out that if you make films with a feminist transgender agenda in the genre for a family audience, then they will not be watched, what a discovery, this is
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a long-standing question that does not have an exact final answer, so how does this life determine art, or a creative idea makes reality transform, it’s most likely like with an egg. and so it is true that about 10 years ago an ideology was born, which in russian is still has not acquired a final name; it is either wakism, or wakiism, or maybe wakism altogether. the meaning of vakiism is simple, the world is full of injustice, it is the foundation and pillar of everything that exists. let us open a person’s eyes to this, and he, the awakened one, will turn the wrong world upside down and in general. don’t think here, but you need to act, and only then justifications will be found for the correct vakiist action, hit, burn,
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destroy, you have the right to this, since your negro ancestors were oppressed for 300 years, and the disney corporation immediately publishes cartoon proclamation, yes, this world was created by slaves, give it to us so that... we will turn it into ashes. this country was built on slavery, which means it was built by slaves. we fought for the freedom of this country, while remaining slaves, we deserved reparations for the suffering of our ancestors. and the process of collecting reparations started immediately. american businesses are being charged what they owe.
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films where they won’t tell you a fairy tale, but will invite you on an excursion into the world of progressive ideas, this is how the little black mermaid appeared, and they planned to release a reimagined snow white for the new year, but the seven dwarves turned out to be so revolutionaryly colorful and heterosexual that they considered it best to wait a little while with the premiere, polls promised failure at the box office, the public seemed seriously tired of buying a product in which strange people...
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the governor of florida ordered to deprive benefits company and build a prison next to the amusement park, in response, the corporation announced that it was leaving the state altogether, disney is not the only one with problems with vakiism, for example, a beer advertisement, because of which its sales collapsed quarter. today i celebrate the 365th day since i became a woman and badlight gave me a great gift, he did. i probably regretted it very much, like victoria secret, the company tried to sell its lingerie, choosing fat women and, moreover, ex- men as models, the result was minus 5% of trade turnover. the shernarmas have gotten used to their gender roles and don’t dream of being like those who have been women for 365 days, but don’t delude yourself. the notorious vakiism is not
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the moisture of corporate management. this is clearly the decision of people higher up, those who don’t care about profits, because they are engaged in social engineering, they will write off disney's losses, they will forget , they will find new directors who will advertise gender transition and come out not head-on, with soul taste, in extreme cases they will sacrifice disney, because the main thing is to reforge human souls, even if they lose trillions, but a new person will... you need to know, the main thing is the right of a man to become a woman on the contrary, everything else - freedom, satiety, the opportunity to change bosses - this is a bluff that is not worth a damn. in the uk, a blogger was detained for accused of deliberately disseminating the truth. the editor of the real truth podcast heard this accusation from bristol police.
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the real truth warren toronton. the case is interesting and symptomatic. some official documents even have a new term - mal information. this is the so-called definition of an inconvenient truth. it even leaked into the report of council of europe experts, and has been enshrined in the unesco guide for journalists since 1923. the liberal translation of the new term into russian is a leak. however , this is still more truthful information. harmful for a person, or an organization, or for a country, well, if it turns out that , for example, the nordic flows blew up the usa or great britain, the person who told about it falls under this same mail information, because for great britain this is a harmful truth, something like this. donald tusk, who recently became prime minister of poland, practically the first thing he did upon taking
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office was to start clean. personnel policy of state television and radio, high- ranking bigwigs responsible for pouring slop, it during the past elections, they threw him out onto the street, however, he... opponents the pis party, responsible for the aggressive information policy of recent years, continues to control television at the expense of loyal journalists, they are covering their tracks. reports have emerged of the destruction of polish radio's tvp archives, containing critical material released before tusk came to power. there is a bitter dispute over media control in the country. the british bbc claims that under the previous government. poland dropped from eighteenth to fifty-seventh place in the world press freedom index. but we are more interested in one division of polish television, which was recognized as extremist in belarus and
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has been providing informational support to coup attempts in our country for many years. it turns out that the poles became victims of representatives of this propaganda resource. and those who, with polish money, from...
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belarus, she was very angry because of this, she published my accreditation with my photo, with my data on her facebook, on your social network profile. and there she awarded me various epithets. she hinted that i was a dishonest journalist and so on. no meaningful discussion, but the phrase that made me file for it “you know, it so happened that in poland very often journalists or people who make public statements that differ from
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the mainstream on various issues, on the issue of belarus, on the issue of russia , on the issue of the war in ukraine, or on any other issue, even on the issue of the pandemic, if someone was against vaccination, then they said about him that... he is a russian agent. agnieszka romaszewska simply surpassed everyone. she did it in such a boorish manner, it crossed all boundaries and my friends said that we need to sue because this is too much. agnieszka romaszewska is a person with very strong influence in the polish state. her mother is an adviser to the president, her father, who is no longer alive, was also a very influential man. her husband is now the polish ambassador to ukraine, so we are talking about a very influential family.
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it’s interesting that the lawyer did this; besides, he wanted to help me because he saw the kind of hate against me. such a human gesture of selfless kindness. moreover, lawyer chug is a man who is well aware of how harmful the belsad campaign is. the chuga lawyer knows that belsad is responsible for setting us up against our neighbors, against belarus against russia, this is contrary to the interests of the polish state. if i am not mistaken. there was also an agreement that romoshevskaya should provide you opportunity to comment on her apology, but first she tried to deceive, right? her lawyer said that if she apologized to me, then we would no longer
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deal with this case, then the case would be closed, she conceded, ana simply understood that she had no arguments to prove her thesis to me, but on the contrary, i had arguments, aces up your sleeve to prove its absoluteness. her friends, who went over
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me even more, so that she showed at what primitive level her friends are, but in she finally unlocked it. the media in poland did not cover this event in any particular way, because it is known that they are all in the same boat, but it was reported here and there on several niche friendly portals. mrs. romoshevskaya never discussed in essence what i published, which is a pity, because i brought quite a lot.
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i’m interested in what’s going on in the neighboring country, and it didn’t even occur to agnieszka romoszewska that i often pay for these trips myself. when i went to belarus in 2021, it was done with personal money, for the money i earned on television. it doesn’t occur to people like agnieszka ramaszewska that someone can do something for the sake of an idea, because they do everything just for the sake of money. and how do ordinary poles feel about the fact that... their state sponsors a tv channel that
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broadcasts in a very destructive way to the territory of belarus, well, moreover, that there is nowhere to put the money. very often it seems that poles do not like that such television exists, because this television really exists only for the purpose of in order to slander our neighbors, the poles don’t like it, because this is where money actually goes, there was a situation when several years ago we had a minister of foreign affairs in poland. vital waschakowski, and there was a moment when he did not really want to continue funding belsad, because the ministry of foreign affairs also contributes to this funding. but it all ended with mr. vashchakovsky no longer being a minister, and ms. ramashevskaya remaining, but in any case, as far as i know, people really don’t like the fact that there is such a tv channel that has no significance, and i think that it also does not have a special audience, this television is the main one... because that’s what
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propaganda media are for, to take part in the attempt to overthrow the government in belarus. i am afraid that there may be such actions, which, by the way, are evidenced by some articles on the belsad website, which say that they clearly support a movement of this kind. poles, i'm talking about sensible poles, there is no shortage of them, they are just not allowed in.
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well, we probably have enough, enough for breakfast tomorrow, you have yu here, and you sell yoka, a guy from ecuador has been living here for 8 years. travels through our towns and villages , it’s delicious, and it’s cold, hot, delicious, very tasty, but who knows when she’s ready to happily talk about the most colorful places in the country, here because it’s close to the city, that is, you can travel safely, she said 40
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minutes, and in fact, there is everything you need to live comfortably, somehow the village doesn’t pop into ecuador, i don’t know why, there’s not even the internet... “we are the only ones in the world, you and i, who stand up to our full height, to say, no, it is the role of the teacher that comes to the fore, it is the teacher who must study, sort out the material and convey the main thing to the children, people who, risking everything, can
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stand up to their full height against the huge conglomerate of the west - these are people who can not be respected. only those who have never experienced anything serious and terrible in their lives. fascist foundations, they are very deeply incorporated into the spirit itself western civilization. that system, which is collapsing, she included us in the mechanism of the robbery, but in the end i am convinced that we will win. project "say don't be silent" don't miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. 2024 could be a turning point in the history of mankind, the media report that elon musk's startup has received permission to test a chip with a brain-computer interface on people,
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there are already thousands of volunteers, the neurolink company is developing brain implants that can deliver... .. put on augmented reality glasses and you’re at the resort, asked the neural network to write a book, now it’s ready, that’s it they will do it for you, for free. but we know that free cheese only comes in a mousetrap. each of us already has. today there is such a chip , a mobile phone with access to the network, but imagine if it is installed in you, finds a route to get from point a to point b, writes an essay, you know that young people today have a hard time perceiving and remembering, not to mention analysis, texts of more than five pages or long videos, clips,
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reels, stories with a duration of up to a minute, another thing, welcome to a new reality that can be designed, for example, a news feed. it would be interesting to conduct an experiment, turn off the internet, blackout, how will people without the skill of searching for information off the internet begin to act? question for oruval and his novel 1984. microphone. monkey see, monkey do. a quote from popular culture that describes the formula for almost any trend. imitation. is inherent in human nature, just like the desire to be or at least seem successful. but if earlier the needs of society formed trends, now trends are aimed at destroying traditional society. the modern beauty industry is literally cutthroat. this happens on the podium;
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satan’s ball from bulgakov’s novel the master and margarita will seem like a model of taste and chastity. this used to be the phrase “but the naked king was a bad shame.” today it is a way to loudly declare oneself. what style icons are portrayed by modern fashion, that all kinds of opinion leaders like ivleeva or kirkoroov remain almost in their underwear, not seeing anything special in it. fashion show session followed by.


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