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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 5, 2024 6:15pm-6:31pm MSK

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chamber saturday hell beldyarsh philharmonic on the kalyadnaya sustrechy angazhyry kanalnitskaya warehouse school artrant month sustrechy melamanau hall screens instrumental range hell fartepiyana and flutes. nyadzel is at the front desk for musicals, ballets and cinderella to the music of prakofiv, and humming daily. enjoy new plot twists from the cossack story of charlie pirot. this would be the arjest of this week. sachyce for the news and the rubry of praminatsky.
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this year the management decided, as they say, to build and launch this workshop, our 70-80% of products are exported, and of course, let’s talk about achievements and work results. the difference between our equipment is that they have very large capabilities, this is knitting in a regular way, these are wide design possibilities. we are the only enterprise on the ues market that carries out the deepest.
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processing of raw materials, we produce resins from the produced autolivandride, resins produce the final pigmented varnishes , paints, about belarusian organizations about the people who work there in the quality mark project, watch on the belarus24 tv channel, club of editors, what distinguishes a national leader from a politician, what the leader thinks about the next generations, and not... the end of his term , and the united states and the west are always hooked on their technologies, then sanctions are imposed, we deprived of technology, thus forced to act the way they want. the transition to a green economy is also a technological needle. we in parliament are constantly considering legislative projects related specifically to the green economy. we proceed only from our own national interests, we will never ruin enterprises for the sake of europe. global elites exploit the resources of the earth, sucking these resources.
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hello, this is your project. everything is clear with marina karaman, let's talk about complex things in simple language: today about who will no longer be able to receive a pension at the post office, is it possible to put an equal sign between the words pensioner, old man, and how can an elderly person believe in life in the clouds? go! in the coming year, the conditions for receiving pension payments for children will change in belarus. in december, alexander lukashenko signed changes to the laws... services and pensions. the most active discussions on the internet were caused by the fact that from july 1, 2024, some pensioners will be able to receive their pensions only through banks, and not through the mail. yes, exactly some. let's take it one step at
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a time: the social security fund accumulates pension funds for belarusians. each working citizen contributes one amount to his pension there. from their salaries, employers send 28% of the amount of the salary fund, but not from the salaries of employees. in addition, from the employer for each employee receives 6% of his salary for social insurance, that is, for sick leave and benefits, we have not forgotten about them, they just do not relate to pensions, pensions are 1% from the employee, plus 28% from the employer. district officials determine what pension is due to whom. they submit applications to the social security fund, which transfers the money and distributes it to the country’s pensioners, but neither the fund nor the local authorities can transfer the money to people on their own, they do not have the infrastructure for such actions, they need someone reliable who can be entrusted with the funds pensioners who have an automated
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accounting system, the ability to deliver money, premises for receiving citizens, cash register windows, because the ministry of labor, and the social protection fund is part of the structure of the ministry of labor, transfers money to people through the opera. in our country these are commercial banks and belposhta, in the coming year pensions will still be possible to receive through them, it’s just that previously any recipient could choose a bank or post office, but now the right to choose will be left only to the following groups of the population, note: older pensioners over 70 years old, living in rural areas, people with disabilities of the first second group of any age and citizens who refused to receive passports for religious reasons, among them there may also be pensioners, that is, elderly belarusians who celebrated their seventieth birthday, as before, will be able to choose from the post office to pick up money from the bank or order home delivery. the same goes for villagers and disabled people; nothing changes for them. now about those who will be able to withdraw their pension
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only through a bank. these are the residents of minsk, regional and district centers, without disability of the first and second groups, under the age of 70 years. once again, only through. bank: pensions will be received by those who have not yet turned 70, and at the same time the person lives in the city and does not have a severe disability. all three criteria must match. the fact is that transferring pension payments to a bank is not a burden, but a relief for relatively healthy people under the age of 70. they are secretly called young pensioners. let me remind you that our women retire at 58, and men at 63. these are active belarusians, who travel around the country and the world, use modern technologies, and pay for goods and services online. many of them are still working, and for them the arrival of the amount on the card is clearer and easier than going to the post office, queuing for cash to be signed or waiting at home for the postman. the pension
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is delivered to the home of absolutely all recipients who, when registering the payment, indicated in the documents that they prefer delivery. you don’t need to be a very old patient to do this, this service in belarus works for everyone who has crossed the retirement threshold for delivery pensions are needed, in the past year our country spent 114 million rubles. after an even larger proportion of pensioners begin to receive payments through banks, delivery costs will become lower, this is a cost savings, and therefore a financial volume that can be spent more profitably. in belarus there are about 2 million... 400 thousand pensioners, 70% of them, which is more than 1.600 thousand people, have long been receiving pension payments through banks, because it is more convenient for them. about 430 thousand pensioners continue to work, pension is only one of payments that arrive
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on their card every month, that is, changes that have been introduced for a long time have been in practice for most of the target group of pension legislation , talk about people 58, charlotte york from sex and the city, the same to sari jessica parker and iron man robert downey jr. 60 - shocked star sergei zverev, 63 antonio banderos, 65 brawler madonna and recognized beauty sharon stone. neither boys nor girls, of course, but to classify modern people of this age as unteachable and incompetent blasphemy, and it is even more wrong to spend money on delivering pensions to people who immediately put it in. pensions on the card to make it more convenient to pay for food delivery or utilities. let's do this: we live in
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a state, that is, in a system of economic relationships, among other things. it would be disingenuous to say that changes in the conditions for payment of pensions are needed only by the pensioners themselves. we all need them to reduce the cost of delivering money, reduce the load on retail chains and mail, and save time for citizens who have not reached retirement age. knowing the function of the post office - receiving and delivering items, and i know from myself how difficult it is in the city to send and receive a parcel or registered mail on pension payment days, sometimes, in order to send a letter, you have to sit in line for 2-3 hours, and letters, which cannot but be taken away , which cannot but be answered, in our time people write mainly from government bodies, the tax office, the ministry of internal affairs, organizations from which we expect answers to complaints or options for resolving health issues, and it turns out that it is impossible not to take away. and so that you have to wait in line for several hours to pick it up. this is something that concerns purely physical
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convenience, not pensioners. now about the comfort of people of retirement age. the world is moving to digital. a huge amount of information is stored in virtual clouds. the physical infrastructure is adapting to the new format of life, whether we like it or not. few people will be surprised by ordering groceries and ready-made meals on the websites of hypermarkets and cafes. delivery points for online stores in cities on every corner. in may in the country. the first state virtual pharmacy operated, utility payments have long been possible to make online, most belarusians pay their insurance taxes there, a whole generation of people have already retired and are accustomed to buying clothes on marketplaces, ordering food delivery, paying for everything through erib and even buying theater tickets online. there will be more and more such pensioners every year, and for a full life they need a quick transfer to a card, and not a personal feat through a trip to the post office. now something worth paying attention to: any city dweller a person of retirement age will be able
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to receive a pension by mail or with home delivery as soon as he celebrates his seventieth birthday, moves to live in the village, or, god forbid, becomes disabled. the function of receiving payments through the mail is not irrevocable; it ceases to operate only for the above categories of citizens; as soon as a person ceases to fall into them, he can return to the mail, but will the coronavirus pandemic make it necessary? showed that everyone should have the opportunity not to go to crowded places. in our country there are very few citizens who they consider it impossible for themselves to obtain a personal passport number, as their religious beliefs dictate. agree, the situation is extraordinary; immediately appreciate the loyalty of the belarusian state to any manifestations of personal freedom, if these manifestations do not harm others. citizens who refuse to receive a passport receive one. pension, they are given the opportunity to issue a certificate that verifies their identity, and payments are made on the basis of this certificate. in my
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opinion, this is true tolerance, not a flashy green light for demonstration destructive actions and relationships, but silent assistance in preserving the right to one’s own self. we really have a lot of people of respectable age who want to be natys-technicians, but do not know how to approach it. nazis to help them. 2030. there are projects all over the country where volunteers teach grandparents how to use smartphones, tablets and computers. this is mainly done by territorial social service centers, but there are other examples. for example, an online course with the hashtag teach your loved ones for the elderly is occasionally carried out by one of the mobile operators. applications for participation are accepted from any corner of the country. already over 80 courses , they discover the convenience of online public transport schedules, the opportunity
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to google a mushroom found in the forest for toxicity, clarify a recipe, look on social networks what their great-grandson ate for lunch or publish their culinary masterpieces, for those who will calm down in retirement, you as before , you will receive payments in full, on time, in a form that will allow you to live without unnecessary nerves and body movements. those who are still far from retirement should be more tolerant of older people. for many of them, what they cannot touch with their hands does not exist, so it is difficult for them to switch to virtual money, but with the help of young people, they have everything. it will work, and for young people, to teach their elderly loved ones to make the most of modern technologies, the granny who was brought home flour and given a tablet with her grandson in a video chat is a happy granny, she will trust life in virtual clouds and will not rush to real. i'm marina karaman and what will the coming year change for pensioners? we figured it out, everything is clear, see you!


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