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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 5, 2024 10:20pm-10:51pm MSK

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thanks to coordinated work within the framework of the union , we eliminated the imbalance and gained a positive food supply. this is the most important factor, people fed their own. and we supply other countries of the world. a high level of food self-sufficiency has been achieved, which, for example, in belarus is almost 100%. to hold a meeting in moscow in may, the eurasian economic union demonstrates positivity and growth in spite of sanctions. ip countries continue to pursue confident, sovereign economic policies. we are fully provided with natural resources, established supply chains, yes, enterprises are working, giving good productivity figures, interim results of the union’s activities were summed up, they are impressive, this is a twofold increase in trade turnover, our trade turnover increased by 60%. the outside world there is a significant
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increase in industrial production, in agricultural products, the last council of the agro-industrial complex of the union concluded that the ias has become absolutely self-sufficient and self-sufficient in terms of the main types of agricultural products, for most types we provide ourselves with 100%, 90% and significant potential for export, which is why in every sense the eurasian economic union demonstrates positive...
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for many countries in the regions of the global south and east, the agreement with iran confirms this , it will allow increasing exports to the ninety-million-dollar market of this country, zeroing out duties will benefit belarusian exporters, for example, sales.
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plus another 160 hectares. in these territories, within the framework of five-year programs, more than 500 projects, infrastructure, production, 168 have already been implemented. agricultural production volumes are increasing, while at the same time housing construction is slowly progressing from all sources of financing in pinsk, bobruisk, mozar and borisov districts. there are few proposals for the one district one project program. the mechanisms for concluding investment agreements have practically ceased to be used locally. to attract capital through legislative benefits and guarantees. based on the results of 10 months, there is not a single region that would have fulfilled all target indicators. most of the target indicators were met by the city of pinsk, litsky and soligorsk districts, the remaining eight regions achieved only half of the achieved indicators. the concern is that there is no significant shift in attracting investment in fixed assets. the task was completed by only three regions 80 plus. behind such an external contour. behind the growth of large enterprises, there are
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small enterprises, they are also important for the implementation of the assigned tasks in this territory, where, where is the level of earnings... work on the accelerated development of large territories has been carried out since the nineteenth year the most stable in terms of a large number of indicators are now orsha and lida, together with the surrounding areas. the national center for electronic services presented the mobile application eposluga. how it works? these are more than 350 services based on reliable and up-to-date information from about 60 government information systems. you can make a request. in a variety of areas, from medicine, education to insurance and customs, anyone with a smartphone can become a user. belarusians are increasingly using online services, if last year through a single portal carried out 76 million operations, then in the twenty-third there were about 120 million, which is
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quite logical, who in the 21st century wants to stand in long lines. they remain popular on the unified electronic services portal, which received a new name, eposluga. information that a citizen can obtain regarding himself, you can get some information about the rights to real estate that you own, you can get extracts, certificates about accrued benefits, accrued pensions, you can register foreign guests or relatives, you can transfer various types of customs documents to the customs authorities. in the twenty -third year, more than 230 new services appeared, a total of 517 electronic procedures are available for order on the portal, for example, you can check information about a car before purchasing, fill out a form for medical examination, register a foreigner at the place of stay, getting into the world of electronic services has become easier . first, you need to download the mobile application, second, install it, third, click log in and attach your id card to
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to your smartphone. i repeat, authorization is possible using an id card and nfc readers, so if you have both, it’s not difficult to log in and... gain access to your personal account, in addition to strict identification using an electronic digital signature in the mobile application , as well as in the desktop version of eposluga, you can log in using social networks such as facebook or google. the protection of data transmitted through the application is guaranteed with special attention to information security. application the service will also be useful for business, especially since electronic document management is being actively introduced in the country. the developers promise new services next year. everything so that as many household and business issues as possible can be resolved without leaving home. thank you, the review was prepared by alesya vysotskaya. more news from the economic sphere and not only on the website of our tv channel growth
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in production and new markets. the ministry of agriculture and food of belarus sums up the results of 2023 . how are things going with the export of products? where sales increased, how much volumes increased.
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position as a major exporter of dairy products, and in terms of butter we occupy the third position, in cheese the fourth position, in the twenty-third year we expanded the geography of our export sales of dairy products and added almost 10 new markets, but there is room to grow, we are targeting the dairy industry to add more ? we certainly have plans, we have a program for the development of agricultural business until the twenty-fifth year, which specifically states: plans to increase volumes production, and this will allow, accordingly , to increase the volume of export sales, well , 2022, let’s remember it, it was successful for belarusian farmers in terms of exports, but what did 2023 show, is it possible to already sum up the results of the year? in the twenty-third year
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, we increased the physical volumes of export supplies for almost all types of food products, however, one must understand, of course, that in the twenty-third year... the price and, accordingly , the value volumes of exports were influenced by the weakening of the russian ruble exchange rate in relation to dollars, of course, this was reflected in the value of exports, therefore...
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in the twenty-third year, about 26 enterprises received the right to export products, these are drinks, alcoholic, non-alcoholic, confectionery, frozen berries, that is, we plan to work on new commodity positions, well, the persian gulf countries are the united arab emirates, we have plans to increase supply volumes, in the twenty- third year we began shipping butter, whole dairy products, and ice cream to this market. of course, the volumes are small, so there are plans to increase volume supplies, well, in general
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, to expand export horizons. today , this is the task, at what expense? and of course , the task is to increase supply volumes, this is primarily due to an increase in finished dairy meat products, these are our main product lines, which occupy a significant share in export sales, well, 2024, we often talk about this, has been declared... the year quality, what kind of quality work, because they are manufactured , will you carry out in this direction? well ours belarusian goods, they are known as according to soviet standards, but there is certainly something to strive for, this is to improve production technologies, packaging and work to reduce costs, and this will first of all lead to increased competitiveness of our products, both in the domestic and foreign markets, and as a result it will increase. well-being of our residents. well, ksenia, thank you. ksenia meleshko,
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head of the main department of foreign economic activity of the ministry of agriculture and food of belarus, answered the program’s questions. next in the program "events of innovation in the labor code, the development of tourism and the habitat of the belarusian tsmok." we'll be back at the studio in a few minutes. we do not have the moral right to live only for ourselves, we must look beyond the horizon, we do not have and will not have another home. african countries, as well as the arab world, latin america and asia. why are they ready and willing to work with belarus? because the leaders of these countries have deep respect not only for belarus as a country, but also personal respect for alexander lukashenko. belarus. forced nato to hear itself as the instrument which is very clear to this
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north atlantic aggressor. reproaches about the deployment of russian tactical nuclear weapons in our country are absurd. we are simply learning diplomatic, so -called etiquette, from those who made the language of force a global trend. we have a new political line for the first campaign. only supporters of the state line should get into parliament. only those for whom the words belarus, unity, sovereignty, family and peace have a decisive meaning, step aside and do not interfere, force no one nothing does not force us to do it, for one simple reason, we are already the absolute majority , the project is propaganda, watch on the belarus24 tv channel, we will take a tour of the main enterprises of our country, there are a number of blocking positions, an automatic... control system stops the workshop if there are any deviations in the work of the workshop, we carry out
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100% control so that these products comply with technical regulations, correspond to the sample standard, we learn the history of the development of production, production in the tallivon hydride no longer exists in belarus, in 1974 the management decided, as they say, to build and launch it...
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this is the event program for belarus 24 and we continue. more than 411 thousand eu residents visited belarus last year without a visa.
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our columnist, svetlana chernova, knows which countries they came from most often. more than half are citizens of lithuania in second place. latvians, then poles. our neighbors will be able to continue to freely enjoy belarusian hospitality. the visa-free regime has been extended for this year. initiative of the ministry foreign affairs was supported by the president. the sustained interest of residents of neighboring countries in belarus, despite the obstacles and restrictions from the leadership of lithuania, latvia and poland, is evident. the introduction of visa-free travel demonstrates our country’s openness to restoring normal, equal interaction with neighboring states. changes have been made to the labor code in belarus. newly provided. in total , more than 80 articles of the document were corrected. certain norms affect every working citizen. this applies, for example, to salaries. now every employer is required to pay its employees at least twice a month. the changes affected vacation pay accruals. if an employee goes on vacation spontaneously, not according to schedule, the employer can pay vacation pay within 2 days after the start of the vacation. innovations
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are provided in terms of vacation division. those organizations that did not have. collective agreements could not provide for the division of leave into more than two parts, now this will become possible, such a norm can be prescribed in the local legal act of the organization, for example, in internal labor regulations, in vacation regulations. the employer must remember that one of the parts is at least 14 calendar days, but the number of parts can be any, of course, it should not be more than two parts, the norm must have a specific wording, two, three. or four parts of the change occurred in the procedure for granting social leave, in particular educational leave, if the employee receives first secondary, special and higher education, or vocational education, it does not matter whether it is the first or the second, the employer is obliged to provide the employee with leave, but without pay. the point has been made regarding the work schedule of parents with many children. now
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, by agreement with the employer, you can choose either a shorter working day by an hour every day, or a full day off once a week. besides. for this purpose, the code now provides for an additional day off for working belarusians to undergo medical examination; depending on age, the employee will be allocated from one to two days for undergoing a medical examination at an industrial clinic or at the place of residence, for example, belarusians under 40 years of age can use this right once every 3 years, older once a year, within 5 years before retirement and even twice a year. the employee will be released from work, during this period of time he will retain the average salary, from... declaration of love for belarus through painting, graphics, sculpture, ceramics, artistic
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painting, a total of one and a half hundred works, young people traveled to different cities, visited historical attraction.
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to show the culture, traditions, unique places of our country. the exhibition of student works, colors, prices, and expressions can be seen until january 13. the year 2024 will pass under the sign of the dragon, or tsmok, and in belarusian, where can you meet the mysterious folklore character? on the shore of lake lepel, 10 years ago, a bronze sculpture of tsmoka was installed there. the initiator of the creation was a local artist, local historian vladimir shushki. since childhood, he was imbued with legends about the monster, which in ancient times lived in lake lepel. the author of the smoke was lev aganov. before starting work, the sculptor studied many sources
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telling about this mythical character. he was responsible for the water element, among other things. it is believed that it helps the overall water cycle in nature. he is responsible for the water element and can either stop heavy rains or, for example, cause a drought. let's talk. local tsmokahs are well known throughout belarus, from the very first pages of their historical novel "christ" landed in grodno, vladimir korotkevich actually mentioned mythical characters, the classic of belarusian literature even described the appearance of tuxedos in the book. firstly, the smoke is distinguished by long mustaches, and secondly, it has a large body, somewhat reminiscent of a seal, and instead of wings it has large fins. according to local historians, the locals have a custom for young people to have a happy, successful family life. must take the most delicious dish from the festive table and throw water. let me note that a festival is held annually in the lepel district slavic mythology szlacht smoka. thank you,
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the review was prepared by svetlana chernova. new objects to increase the flow of tourists the past year turned out to be very productive for the belarusian tourism industry. what do we expect from the coming 2024? what new routes will we offer to tourists from which countries? why do guests come to us? let's ask. director of the department of tourism of the ministry of sports and tourism of belarus irina varanovich. irina, hello. hello. so, let’s first take stock of the past 2023, how it turned out for our tourism industry. industry. how successful? indeed , the year was interesting, the year was fruitful, and maximum attention, of course, was paid to domestic tourism. and i can say that there are certain results that we can talk about. we held many events , changed the format of the vacation 2023 exhibition , that is, more regions of the russian federation have already come to us, because
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today the regions are becoming interesting for our belarusians as outbound tourism, most often belarusians traveled either to st. petersburg or moscow, so today the potential of the russian the federation is also represented by other regions, because russia is rich in different types of tourism. and it is certainly worth noting that for the second time we held the “vandrui ochui natkhnyaysya” campaign in 2023, more objects are joining us, when the doors are opened not only by agricultural estates , excursions are free, once it was a fest of guides, but today they show their capabilities and gastronomic directions. yourself can, in general, find
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different types of each belarus this week for it’s not only an interesting way to spend time, but also to plan your vacation in the future. and for the third time we already held our scientific and practical conference on tourism. together with the national tourism agency , i want to say that this is a very good experience, because both theorists and practitioners meet on the site and there are a lot of discussions, which subsequently give, in general, directions in which to work, well, probably one one of the most interesting is , of course, a social advertising competition, which we held for the second time and works that win, they deserve, in general , to be able to be distributed throughout...
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when, again, not only people working in the tourism sector meet, we determine the winners, the best for the year, for example, the best hotel, the best agricultural estate, the best museum, well and of course, these are people who travel around the country, take photographs, or, in general , somehow express themselves creatively, and for this they generally receive prizes, and they become winners in this competition in a solemn atmosphere..
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so that our tourists feel comfortable, because those tourists who travel a lot abroad, they are already beginning to compare, indeed, we have a very rich belarus in opportunities, and eco-tourism and especially today those countries are very popular when there are four seasons, when you can see different seasons and seasons and active tourism, so this is our advantage, in the twenty-first year
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... indeed, the tourism potential is simply limitless, and we also work with the region separately, and with the cis countries, and indeed they have very interesting and the approach to tourism, and types of tourism are different, so today at sites, for example the sco, yes, the sco countries, there is talk about making some kind of joint routes, the issue of
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logistics is touched upon here, because not... all countries have , for example, direct flights, but if these are connecting flights, then problems certainly arise, again, time is wasted, that is, vacation is not always long, you want to get there faster, so uzbekistan, armenia, countries that are very different, for example, from belarus and surprise, that is very positive reviews, china, indeed, again we are already new today since january. arrivals are carried out to the south of china, so i think that the tourist flows are mutual, including the chinese in our direction, they will have a positive effect on the economy of our country. well, what destinations are popular among foreign tourists? as for belarus, what makes our country attractive to them? well, this is probably already stable in the first place - this is sanatorium-resort treatment, health improvement, and
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thank you, thank you! for program questions answered irina varanovich, director of the tourism department of the ministry of sports and tourism of belarus. results and analysis of the main events of this week in the atn information and analytical program: the main broadcast!


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