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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 5, 2024 10:50pm-11:30pm MSK

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by, as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you, all the best.
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information and analytical project current microphone on air on the belarusian radio, tv channel belarus24, with you is the presenter andrei sych, as well as our guest, editor-in-chief of the minsk courier kirill kazakov, good afternoon, good afternoon everyone, happy new year, here we were talking on air about the fact that it seemed that one year was over, all the troubles remained there, but in reality it was just watching the information agenda. here
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the interest is already in different stories, good or evil, we'll see, of course, of course, we are happy to welcome everyone to our workplaces, everyone who survived after these feasts, salad, mayonnaise, jellied and chops, let's just say, the anniversary of formation slipped by on the first. ussr, while everyone at the tables was celebrating, say, the new year, it crept up so unnoticed, i would like to discuss for just a couple of minutes the role of the history of the bssr in the formation of belarusian statehood, in your opinion? well, i think that in fact, the belarusian soviet socialist the republic, as many historians say, is a center for gathering belarusian lands under a single territory, under a single leadership. with one will say there
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, as it were, the habitat of all belarusians, well, let's say, historians always have a lot of opinions when they talk about this or that event, so when... it was, let's say, a dream that was not realized, but from the point of view of statehood, it was not a territory, because the occupying german troops were also stationed in minsk in the vicinity, that is, this there was, most likely, such an ideology of a large circle of people, quite small,
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who simply came up with symbols, currency, passports, uniforms that were used there in two or three rooms of one small house in minsk, and the bssr is already... really, it’s like a country in which there were all those modern trends at that time, like socialism, really a world revolution, a lot of things that came from petrograd remained here in minsk, in fact, entrenched for a long time when we talk about that the bssr - this, well, maybe a state alien to belarus, as many of our oppositionists or enemies, they call them that, try to imagine. that time, then completely, well, this is not so, because the bssr essentially formed the scientific, pedagogical and industrial elite, which appeared in belarus both before the war and after the war; indeed, within the framework of the bssr
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, the modern territory of belarus that exists now was formed , it was the bssr that joined the un as a separate member, well , in fact, we are talking about the fact that even the flag of the bssr is now... the state flag of the republic of belarus in a modified form, which is why, in fact, we have a lot left from the belarusian soviet socialist republic, when they say that during the soviet union the past history was forgotten in the bssr , then this is also completely wrong, because again, in the works of both historians and writers we remember the same thing, francis skaryna, all this existed in belarus and then... that now the modern republic of belarus is, as it were, a continuation of that policy of the bssr, which existed during the soviet union, which actually began to exist on january 1 , 1919, well, this has a great advantage, firstly, because at the end of the 19th century the belarusian nation as a nation began
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to take shape precisely as a nation, a nation from nationality is distinguished by the presence of economic ties that existed between these people, and the most interesting thing is probably that - you remember, probably, the history of the settlement of belarusians, which professor karsky showed on the map, here indeed, this territory that now unites modern belarus, it actually corresponds exactly to what historians said: that in the 19th century, at the end of the 19th century, it was belarusians who settled in these territories, well, the funniest thing is that the capital, the first capital of the bssr was the city of smolinsk. at least this is how a declaration was adopted there on the creation of this state, and it was a truly independent state even before the creation of the soviet union, until 1922 of the bssr, dery was an independent state, then there is this prototype of the republic of belarus
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that exists now, so if we just understand history thoroughly, then we can say that january 1 is the day of modern belarusian statehood, modern, i’m not saying that... bad, there was probably more bad than good in this period, why are we not so immersed in the search for this negative, why don’t we continue the existence and development of our state in confrontation with our past, you know, i’m here for myself
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i have already repeatedly expressed and written about this with a certain symbol and spoke with the symbol of this tolerant attitude towards each other, towards each other first of all. i name the coat of arms of the late thirties, namely the bssr, on this coat of arms it was written to unite the proletarians of all countries in four languages, in belarusian, runic, polish and yiddish. these are four languages ​​that at that time were actually full-fledged, fully-living, and definitely in use in our country. when there are four languages, and we know about the pale of settlement, we talk about the fact that in the cities the russian jewish population predominated, the western part, which was catholic, largely prayed in polish, and the village spoke belarusian, that is, this is the history of that nation that absorbed the culture immediately. four states, and well, a lot of people now give an example, look like in switzerland, there are several state
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languages, there are completely different canons, there are completely different approaches to some religion, to some traditions, so here we are, well, i i don’t know if this is a good comparison or not, eastern european switzerland, located at the crossroads of several civilizations, western, eastern, catholic, orthodox, we have here the same tatar enclave.
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tolerance towards nations, this is true when the belgians live in holland, the dutch
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in germany, when their traditions can be preached absolutely normally by different people, including emigrants, we have this europeanness, we are a european nation from the point of view that we we live at a crossroads and have an absolutely normal attitude towards everything, thank god that no one of the groups of people that exist in belarus with their own, even if they have not captured any radical negative tendencies.
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the fact that at the moment, within the framework of our ukrainian nationalism, we are putting as much
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pressure and oppression as possible, so in belarus in this sense everything, to put it mildly, is very good, well, last year, which is passing, everyone has a different attitude towards it, but in my opinion, it was quite good for us due to the fact that our gdp showed a fairly positive trend, and military operations, we after all, they didn’t... slide, this is very important, because according to the latest data, in my opinion, 183 regional conflicts were published according to statistics towards the end of the year, so your opinion is interesting, taking into account the fact that
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they write their blogs, they talk about how it will be, very often these things coincide, that is, when you understand that the most absurd ideas suddenly come to fruition, then you begin to believe in it, but oh well, i believe that - the world is like strangely enough, this is where i have a very negative attitude towards many people who predict a third world war, will still try to extricate itself from this war , because in fact...
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we are accustomed, again, to scare about what is bad in america, bad in europe, from the point of view of how european politicians behave, american countries , the same canada, america, i don’t know, i think that really this looks mostly absurd, but i want to believe that ordinary people will still
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begin to take the situation into their own hands, let it happen through the media, let it be like in germany. will happen through the party an alternative for germany , let it happen the same way as it happens, for example, i don’t know, in the same china or in the same dprk, when the real power of the people, even if the whole world doesn’t like it, but somehow still dictates its position to those who are trying to impose order according to the rules that have existed since 1945 . it seems to me that at a certain moment the era of people in power will come, and it must come because... that line beyond which the idiotic antics of politicians are no longer funny only us, living abroad, but within ourselves, it must finally come, and people in their general mass, they don’t want war, so it seems to me that after all , global, uh, global ruin, global catastrophe is still... it won’t happen, because there are scientists, there are artists, there are
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people in creative professions, there are journalists who should talk and write about it. in the end, somehow change, well, i don’t know, this world for the better, this is my new year’s dream, it seems to me so, from the point of view global - some things, well, i don’t know what politicians will come up with, unfortunately, i don’t know, because - to predict the same blow to belgorod on the thirtieth, well, well , this is great stupidity, this is a great tragedy, but for some reason this was done, a thousand experts have already written in order to receive a retaliatory blow. russia in ukraine, in order to arouse the pity of the world community, in order to once again forget, say, forget, mobilization, that is, you can predict anything you want, but i want to believe that, after all , the power of the people is something normal, human to some extent, i can even say soviet, it must at some point triumph, i think it’s really
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good, let’s hope that so it will happen, as for the twenty-fourth year, then i still. i think that this confrontation will continue, and the only thing is that at the moment, as we see, this confrontation is not direct between global states, it is in a hybrid form, these 183 regional conflict, they are talking about this confrontation, because again we see that these local conflicts are fought by such highly sophisticated military structures, in particular, and private military companies, that you understand who is behind such... soldiers, well, you you know, this is history after 1945, when the cold war began, in fact now there is cold war 2.0, then historians too. considered that from 1945 to 1991 there were only two conflicts in which the soviet union was not involved and usa. these are the falklen conflict between argentina and great britain and the iran-iraq war, when
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there really were no interests of either america or the soviet union. all other wars, conflicts, suppression of rebellions, to some extent, either soviet or american interest, were linked. i think the same thing is happening now, only to an even greater extent precisely because.
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then maybe this really entails some kind of redivision of the world, we just need to watch it, it’s approximately the same thing when they say: is the third one underway now?
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whether there is a world war or not, so in 30 years historians will write what was the beginning of the third world war or whether it was, because , again, on september 1, 1939 , no one said that the second world war had begun, it was deduced a little later, so the same thing on january 1, 2024 may turn out to be very... he refused to include his country in this union, yes, just today before the broadcast i watched a video on telegram channels, now they are actively spreading how he moves along the streets of the cities of his country, two dozen
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security guards, and the funny thing is that before that he said that it was necessary to cut funding for such structures and so on, but it all looks like they are leading some kind of drug courier, i once talked with a latvian journalist, he told me how they filmed social... the video , again, i won’t say the mayor of which latvian city, so the goal and the goal was to show that this mayor had to come to work and leave on a bicycle, so the video about how he drove up and left with a bicycle was filmed once 10, he he drove up there literally from a nearby nook, drove up to the main entrance to the city hall, parked his bike and left, naturally the rest of the time he moved by car, i’m not a supporter of the mayor riding a bike, but at least a decision-maker. a person responsible
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for a large country, and we must respect, but the fact of the matter is that when, for example, latvian politicians say that we are the kind who are close to the people and can communicate with everyone absolutely calmly , and then they simply roller skate smoothly on a bicycle the rest of the time they travel in armored vehicles, just like miley, you just need to be honest, well, for god’s sake you are the president. you have the right to this, and most importantly, the nation has the right so that its head, the person who makes decisions for millions of people, is healthy, alive and feels safe, this is normal, but there is no need to lie, that’s all, that’s it there’s no need to lie, it’s a very good transition to the events in germany, scholz is again having new problems, they again remind him of corruption scandals, scandals with taxation, when
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he allowed certain companies... panic, because well, this is the first person in the country who actually makes the decision, how we decided, and if such a trail trails behind him, well, how can he be in power in europe, at the moment this has it become normal? well, again, this is a policy of double standards, if we are talking, for example, about scholz, then it is natural that now the opposition will spin this story as much as possible so that scholz resigns, on the other hand we see a similar the situation with biden, when
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the biden family... lobbied, for example, the interests of the president’s son, yes, and it all looks the other way, it turns a blind eye, on the other hand, we understand perfectly well that zelensky is stealing, well, everyone knows that and they are even talking at the highest level, the russian president spoke about this at a press conference more than once, our president spoke about this more than once, that is, history is, in principle, not new and corruption is it if it is our corruption.
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who you stole from or who helped you steal , so in germany they don’t consider corruption as such, it’s business, it’s just business, this is such an inhuman face of the libertarian economy, when you steal, well, due to this you can kill a large number of people, the british empire, when it colonized countries when millions of indians were killed in everyday life, only because
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it was profitable for england, but she... also did not consider it a crime. churchill is a national hero of great britain, okay. that's why scholz can steal so much as long as it is convenient for him as long as he is, say, there, convenient for those people who rule germany. for example, i don’t believe that scholz rules germany. therefore, while it is needed, perhaps we talked on the air of our program, yes, that is, on the corruption scandal, they dropped the hook a little, showed that we can detain you or we can target you. release all the dogs to the press, because you stole something somewhere somewhere, you agree with our opinion, you have become a little free, come on, let’s do it we’ll crush you, oops, they picked you back up and no one touches you, it’s a control element, so there’s no honesty there, again, the european elites live in their own way and are far from independent, as for example, this happens in russia or belarus, here the elites rule and accept decisions, the elites don’t even rule there and don’t
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make them either. the european union is not the founders or officials in the decision-making centers of the united states, but fear of god, well, the colony is returning, after all, the united states of america, whatever one may say, despite the fact that these were mainly
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colonialists, europeans, and this is a european civilization, but it was a colony of great britain, now it is returning, well, in principle, this always happens, so what to do, the roman empire once fell under the onslaught of barbarians, too most. exists everywhere, this is the lgbt class. let me remind you that we had an informational and analytical project on the air on the current microphone on the belarusian radio, also on the belarus24 tv channel, our guest, editor-in-chief of the minsk
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courier kiril kazakov and i, presenter andrey, were on air with us owl. see you. the television news agency is open access, we have no secrets from our people. yakov mikhailovich sverdlov. on lenin's instructions, on behalf of the russian federation, he handed it over to the first one . smalensk 30 snowfall of the year 18 ў with this budynka the sixth dawn-sunning
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ablas conference of the rkp was winged. adnagalosna is committed to creating a self-contained belarusian socialist republic. all the rocky organizations of belarus were present at the conference, and there i was convinced. first congress of the communist party belarus. the congress adopted a declaration on the establishment of federal ties with the rsfsr, approved the constitution, state emblem and flag of the belarusian ussr. during the days of the first all-belarus congress of soviets, the versailles conference was held not far from paris. officially, peace with germany is on the agenda. unofficially on the sidelines there was a conspiracy about war against the soviet republics. this time, imperialism is betting on the bourgeoisie of poland. more recently, pelsudsky fought against the entente on
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the side of germany. today the americans handed over he has 20,000 machine guns, 300 aircraft, more than 200 tanks. these photographs were taken in kazan: from here, by order of lenin, the most modern equipment that the soviet country had was sent to the western front. we had few planes, literally only a few, but they went to belarus.
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the young soviet republics fought for their freedom and independence under difficult conditions. 1st year 1919, the day of the birth of our republic, published. hell getaga time of settlement in belarus rely only on advice. just one chance to show your strength. who wrote the poem about the absent-minded man from basseynaya street? which family was the last owner of mir castle. demonstrate your intellectual potential. throughout the country, the main thing is, of course, your knowledge, well
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, how savvy are our participants? let’s find out right now what the hockey expression “to throw off the mitts” means? maxim, the players are preparing for a fight, mikhail, sanata, sanata, sanata, clarify, sanet, sanet, sanet, absolutely correct, here we gather the smartest and bravest, we visit the taxis and popquiz, we have the youngest yes... the geology of our planet is under attack, and this was discussed a lot at the climate
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summit in dubai. alexander lukashenko spoke to world leaders with an inconvenient truth. this speech is already part of world history. those who even performed here during the first births, who are concerned about their grandchildren, are the ones who are fighting these wars. and wars mean terrible pollution of the planets. the european commission and the united states continue to sponsor belarusian fugitives, extremists, and swindlers. however, the appetites of the latter are still growing. trust in them decreases one of the studies of the liquidated office press club belarus. according to all sociological research conducted , the belarusian population supports alexander lukashenko. three visits in a week, trampling sanctions into the sand in different parts of the planet, synchronizing watches with the emirates and equatorial guinea. the east asian wind of change is like a lump in the throat for the west, there is nothing that doesn’t work, it’s about belarus and china. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on belarus24 tv channel. we travel around belarus and
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discover new sights. every city has sculptures with their own symbolic meaning and, as a rule, they are located in the center. meet valentin and valentina. let's get acquainted with the original belarusian traditions. i haven't hit yet. well, i'm scared, scared, you're not scared, but i'm scared. beating, of course, hurts, no, tell me, what could a woman in such an outfit do, probably supervise the work of the servants, most importantly, we experience vivid emotions, well, guys, how did i fit into your team, take it, yes, i really thought about buying a jacuzzi, i will add milk and honey to it every evening and feel good... the route project has been built, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel
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with me. and


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